it. City Editor. . A Y, 0CT0BE3 : lii t x to ;ew AtiveniHemeDiM. r.-t-(Jo!f Caj-.e. 1 iioioi'irtulis Johnson & Smith. Lpetiuioii & Carter Groceries. PERSONAL. Col. John S. Cuningbam, of Person, Is la the city. Mrs. N. A. Mebane, of Greensboro, is In the oity, the guest of Mr. M. T, Norri. .v.; Mr. Thomas 8. Latham, of Wash inaton, la visiting bis old friend, Mr, 8. D. Wait, at the Park botel ' . Mr. Cameron F. MseBte. of Fay etteville, a son of ei-Juitlce James : C. HacBae, It visiting in the oity. Mr. Nelson II. King, tba popular representative of Johnson, Omohemdro ft Co., of Baltimore, is In the city Depaty Collector W. 0. Troy, of Fayetteville, who was resent) par tlally paralysed is so far recovered at to be able to be in the eity on a visit to Ilia daughter. Mrs. 0. C. McDonald, Mr. John B. Troy, hie brother, and treasurer nf Cnmberladd. is also here. " ' :" The Penitentiary Case. . ' .; The suit, commonly sailed the "Peal- ' toatiary ease," was sailed In the Su- parlor Court today. , , i Pockery ' was represented by ex o Judge Spier Whltaker aad MacBae ft ' Dayi the present board was represent- ' ed by Shepherd ft Busbee. . Nothing of - Importance had been ' done up to the hoar of going to press. No evidence had been Introduced, the morning having simmered away with ' the diseussioa of minor points by the counsels Mr. Win. Smith's Accident. - Mr, William Smith, adjaster of the Seaboard Air-Line was hart la Weldon a few days ago, while standing with . his right hand against the side of the : open doorway en the caboose, the . train baeksd against the ear toeonple up. The Jar eaused the heavy door of the ear to shut suddenly, catching two of Mr. Smith's lingers. The end of oae finger was mashed off and the other was painfully sut and bruised. Dr. Oreea rendered surgical and medi cal aid. Mr. Smith la aow in this oity. ., The Runaway Girl Tonight. "The Little Hnssar" was presented to the largest audience of the season last evening. . It was nearly as large as the oae whioh saw Al Fields last 1 spring, when there was not an empty - scat in. the house. The audience was well pleased with the performance. The specialtlee were very good c usual, Tonight the company presents "The Runaway Girl," a laughable farce comedy. The play is highly spoken of by the press and is deserv ing of a large audience. ' THSIiAST GERMAN, The Dance at The Capital Clnb Liast Evening. From- ten .'till one last evening forty-seven happy oouples marched and danoed away three shortest hours in the Capital Club ball-room. It was the third danoe and the last germ an of Fair week. This even ing the great social feature of the fair, the dub's series of dances, will be closed by a grand Marshals' balL The german was the prettiest of the series. There were more beauti , fnj women and leader Miller, danc ing with Miss Lizzie Taylor, threw all his -art into his leading. The figures of the german were new and novel, and the ball room, filled by the figure of charmingly gowned : women presented a spirited sight, the picture toned by the men, dress- coated with ' sombre, sameness. : Again there will many distinguish hed spectators, among whom was Col. Can, the Fair's best President. This evening at the ball a presen tation will . be made to Chief Mar- .h.ll paff, th. rl anrl lnw rosettes will find for themselves fairer resting places; "home sweet sweet home", will sob out as sadly as ever, fair week will be over. " . . MA Breesy Time," at the Academy. I Ths point of interest in "A Breeay Time," which will be sees at the Aoa- I demy of mosle oa Tuesday October SOth is brought about by the fact that the j crsditor. of a young eolleg. rtad.-t . have puranea him out oi town, and I that the girl he loves has done like- wis. It Is easily to be seen that comic I unmnlimtiona can o-row ont nf thU 1 state 01 things.. It remains to be seen of Sonne, whether they have been taken advantage of. Leaving the plot altogether out of the question, how ever, the piece is said to bring opoa the stage a great many people who have made hits ia tbeir time sad who have been brought together for thd first tims in "A Breesv Time." The pria- e's ill among them are E. B. Fits, the wu'l knownheavyweighteomedian, and C. " -ra X7vltrT, a sonbrette who is j To Sue The Bondsmen. ! Lawyer Moses N. Amis was setn by a reporter this morning Mr. , Amis it will be remembered, has just won a case against Register of deeds Rogers, getting a jndirmint (or 200. He says that the judgment being unsatisfied, suit will ' be brought in Superior Court in a day or. so against the bondsmen, or'some of them. Register of deeds. Two of the bondsmen are W. D. Uj- ohurob. and C. W, Hoover of this oity. Advertiser Will Take Note. We most inform onr advertisers that we will be foreed to adopt a rnle end idler to it that all advertisements must be sent to this office by 10 o'clock a. m. if they are to appear the same day, and by all means they mast be in Ibis office by twelve o'clock. No ad vertisement, can be set up nnless they arv sent in in the forenoon. , " We are foreed to make this rale be cause' of oar largely ' increased siren lation and the aeeessity to go to press la time to reach onr snbaeribsrs at the hour an afternoon paper should reach the-a. The time required to print the Urge somber of papers whioh we are aow Issuing makes it neeexsary for as 8 P promptly, and the heavy ,olam ot advertisements whleh we are earrying makes It necessary that copy for advertisements sboold be brought in in the forenoon in order that they may be tastily gotten up and inverted In their proper places. They will in- sore better results to the advertisers as well ss greatly facilitating ua. Mr. Bea Csasby, of AshevUle, is vis iting friends in the oity, ' Golf Cape Lost. A tan. srolf cane, with a coif hood. unea witn scotusn piaia silk, on a I street oar yesterday afternoon. Suit-1 able reward for return to this office, tf I Johnson & Smith's uhototrraiilw are au me lata, uiamona size si eu. caw- nets $2 60 one half dozen. Examine their, work. boat. Keys belonging to the Fire Depart ment between the market and the! street car power house There were I about eleven keys. Return to J. W.I Maogum ana get iiDerai reward, mi I We are now makine In their tierfeo Hon the original Peanut Brittle and I Butter Uuds. We Invite eomDanson witn other makes. BOXSTiUi. For Rent. Two very pleasant cottaires with dtv water, bath, etc. One on corner of North Person and Polk streets. The outer seojud door from Polk street. appiy at Due. norm rerson t. Visitors to the Fair. Visitors to the city during fair week sf inui f A4 tn m11 eaf TWnAnoi nn I wsv auwaww w usaaa east wuiuu o, vu raj vlmvujv sww opposite me potomoe. where they will be served on the Euro- as man mnth th& niAa eA aaa yuu vjtaou tuve uav30V auM V UV I raXirwmt uemmmon & uo ttyles, steaks and everything included in a first-class meal. Also ths finest Deer, wines and honors Service ia prompt and first-class. . octtltf OvsterB arriving' morning- and Avnn. wgaii upenuren jc tjaixer s, tTop s .Norton ovster Co. Ttlephonel&5 oct2S 3t For best fries and stews to to the Norfolk Oyster Co. Ijoat Bank Stock. BALKIOB, K. C July SS, 1895. The undershrned herebv rives notice I tnat sne nas lost, or her late husband, w . a. a. Hnutn. nas lost, two eertirj. cates of shares of the capital stock of I tne Citizens' Kank of Norfolk. Vs.. numbered 40 and 88 respectively, the I farmer for three shares and the latter I lor twentv-two shares of said stock. and wishes them returned to her if I lOUna. MBS, MART O. BlDTH, Executrix of W. lN. H. Smith. actio im Deceased. Baleiab. K. a Oysters on the half shell. Norfolk Ovster Co. s U R Iavited To brlDir vour friends to Johnson A smitn's rnotonrann uauerr to nave tbeir pictures made. Their work is unsurpassed. Try them. . octlSl We do not sell cheap arade ovstera. but can sell best quality at small prouts- . Norfolk oyster Co. Wanted. A reliable, active sentleman or ladv I Salary $780. payable $15 weekly- and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady References. Enclose i tu uwvtu i or numuio. osiaoiisnea nouse rseir-aauressea stanmed envelnixi. H. "esioent, cnicago. tf Madam Besson desires to call the at. I tentionof tne public to her new stock I of rau and winter MUllnery for ladies, aliases ana oauaren. - xmiuiir csds. sacques, notions, etc. ' octlti Nothing Mew With Us. For the past live veers we have never I charged more than 25 and 85c per quart I and guarantee to sell more good oysters I for tne same money and more to the I vgli? atituuons, which we defy others to I ,tvk . . from the only distinct oyster refrlgera-1 Jsuruivruiuia. Oqo. N. Ives A Co, City Market. Oct 15 2W Bretsch has built no such a trade I that he is busy shipping: to points out-1 side the eity. His crackers, cakes and I lunch milk biscuits are the finest to be I naa. . : . - : t Agent. Wanted Everywhere. $5 a day. Marion Har- lnd s JNfWOok. "Home of the Bib e.' Over 2, 000 new photos; nearly extra lre pfps. Just the bfxK for the fall and linuijjy canvass, ho epeiwce ifw!t. l or particulars i i,-s liia- :J Twenty Cents a Pound. Cream Almonds, Vanilla Tsffy, rea nut Brittle. Made daily at Bar bee A Pope's. ; . . Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dressmaking at their home, 507 North Wilmington street. X'erfect tit and satisfaction guaranteed. . octttlm . : . Mr. Fred A. Watson is prepared for bis fall and holldav trade with a more complete line of novelties souvenirs. picture frames rod various artistic and beautiful thins than ever hefom. H baa the must complete stork in bia line in the State . octlott '' J. O. Ball, , - Wholesale and retail grocer. I eary a fine and select stock of heavy and fancy groceries. I buy in the cheapest markets and give my customer the benefit of 'low prices ( a I ai'd be con vinced for i oure;f - o. 1 Ustgert street oct!7 lw Come . AND Examine The handsomest Steel ,Bange made. Itta" "THE JEWEL." . 8eeour new r Bissell Grates ' We hat . ' m . " 3 Bicycles On easy terms Y Baby Ca.rria&res At a cut price. v ' Vbos. H. Brings & S Rajjuoh, N C eptSI-l. Portsmouth Uvander-Smelling Salts," in glass-stoppered, nickel- capped bottles; handy for travel- Ing, 25 CCQtS. Try Thc-vTTB RK An elennt and hurhlv-Derfumed An elegant and hlghly-perfurrtfd Toilet Soap, to cents a cake. Yours truly, - ' mm mmm ja. m piiljrm:a.cisxs. 188 Fayactevuw a., Balelgb.N.a HELLER BROS. HAYS RBCBIVBD " BSPBCIALLT FOB' Fair Week Dances A LABOB UNB OV THB TEST LATEST IN Gentlemen's Vt Patent Leather Oxford Ties. Heller's 5hoe Store, 1S4 Fayetteville Street. A Fresh Lot Just Received at iv. ii. i!i;:3 d co31 Why this store Is jut right for yoor economical purchasing that is, BECAUSE WE BUY AND 8ELL FOR CASH. Oar increase of business strengthens this statement and he goods themselves CLINCH ITr. - .... N L1MITBD MBAN3 ran purchase th turer's prices of today. . " C. A: Sherwood & Co. PATAPSCO Flouring ESTABLISHED 1774. THE Premier Flour Mannfacturedfrom the Cream of pFor Sale "by l H PATENT W CAUAllumLLMf fi.C I ft "TAT ftfl ' pr8mT,m8' Pywe ln Ipr B Br,,a &l if .nmin. Htmt Bm1 'Tha'nnhlia to compete. First premism rn Breed, on Soils, J16.00; second, flO.00. c. A. Gambrill Ufa I '. a PEOPBIETOES: - , JQNHSON & ' t - - 108Fyettevllle BUSINESS SUITS- Are ln order with the advent of au tumn activity. ' No clothing suits busi ness at all unless it fits neatly and per fectly. No atannentfits properly unless if s made to order. That's the first axiom of dress, and It doesn't need proving. It's as plain as the mul tiollcaUoB table that - our made to order suits are unequalled in town. YOU RECOGNIZE THAT Every time you see one of our suits, which are eiactli j wnat toey snoniu oe lar. The logio ef facU in every narticu is unanswerable. te fl.fMllTEtJS. 1 . ... r . Try Walters' Paramount 8ystem of .uarment cutting. - - - -, . ! .- . octstf ACADEMY of -MUSIC One IV i slit, TUESDAY, October 38. , Fitz and Webster us. A BREEZY TIME," TUNED UP TO DATE. . ' Everything New, Novel and Original C "The Trilby Burlesque." , O 'The Tennis Quintette." ' C "The Bowery Tets." C "The Bicycle Swel's " C "Our Latest, The Turkish BELL GAVOTTE N. B Lonk out far onr hie open air free show bv Aavanro i i'.- ,ie So. Sutiuaayev".'' if at 8 o'ci-k T-DIE .: BEASOi - CLOAK C. ' Tremendous Values I !!Irrprosohiible styles! r ' Lsdis' 8bort Reefer Coats In blaeV, greys ind coverts the $5 00 kind. $9 SOessh. Ladies' ' Hsver t l tb. Box Fronts and ijt.r ifnM wrvio I'oats the X . $7 60k ind.t50esh, Ladiea' V P-'un" v.uwu eavavi"f B'.x Fronts, Urg 5raodoliti" DI...L X . l aTtl..a a. i"X KrunU large Mandolin I 3 wtv aad Ripple Kaek the Ipple Baek-tne J $13 60 kind, OOcanh. . SHOES. r RgardleMof the MABKBT CONDITIONS e bare en' the prWe ea Bboee to sa extent ever, bef or'taooght of This sale meaas ,1a mam fkKlKn that' buyers of f UK3T 8H0B3 at less th.s the meaufas- Mills. of America Maryland and Virginia Wheat City Grocers. - ,.v nln nnfulnlil Invltjul $Sfi 00; second, 1S 00. First premium Co., Baltimore, ) UA.f . ' T . ' JOHNSON, Street, Raleigh, N. C, Agents. BAD TOOTH, ; BRUSHES " ., . Are very dangerons articles , -f . beeansethe bristles get In- - to the throat and cause all kind of troubles which are serlons U well as disagree. , sble. - " t Come to as snd we ell) sell yon a brnah and guarantee " . - , c aatiafactloa. HICKS. .&.E0GEES, v FrescnDUon Dnutgista ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havinv oualiflad as ariminlatratnr of u e estate or jonn u. Haaer. uecMseii. late of Wake county, this is to. notify all persons bavins; claims against the saio estate to present tnem to tne un dersigned on or before the 81st day of August, 1894, or this notice will be plead ln bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to said estata will pieaie maKe immediate payment. v' . J. O. Maboox, Administrator. Asoo A Snow. Attorneys. AUgSOltWOW , Specialities. BERWANGER'S SPECIAUTIES, Not the usual sort, but extraordinary I v alu t-3 for the lituett money. See for yourselves and you will agree with Mackintosh Coats at 14: Chinchilla I Ulsters, wooMined, at W; Kersey Overcoats, wool-lined, at $8. You could not match 'em at 35 percent. more in any other store. J Try one of our linen-bosom reinforced front and back, perfect fitting . un- laundrled shirts we sell at 50c. Quality and cheapness is vhat you get with the latisfaction of a5c sbirt. s AU our departments are onmplete now, and sive money in anything you buy for yourself or boy, U.a over i ' L T l3" hezf : AND SAVE AT. LEAST 25 PER CENT . The Cash System and our Price Lint Suits-All. UPCHUff CH & CARTER Better known as the cheapest Grocery Uouse in Town, are selling: , ' PurHogr.ard,8 1-Sc lb; beft sugar-cured Hams, IS 18c; English-cured SHoulJerj, 10c; Bivakfat Strips, 12ilb; be-t Northern Butter, 80 and 85o lb; OOUMtrV HUMS . 17 l-9-anri 9,1 all norlr l ink iv. IK. it k.. , la 1-1; fresh Eggs. 16cdrn: Vfullets. i 80s d wen: six burs Hoe Cake 8iar, 53; ewww bi utta ii'in u&o o ioj; OOX1 maCneS. oZl Pwkaijp; best Ricv 6 lb; lae Hominy, 4c lb: Grits. So b; i wawr; uesi, tv-c. o i-ji.) io; large Hominy. e lo: Urlta. So 'b; Corn Hakes, 40 1;: "" - ""ir ' sn ' !? arnucl'e . -on, ?3 !0; green Uoff three pound ca . s Tomatoes. Sttfjihrae cms Corn, 85c; three pound cans Utile reaches. J6o; NewOrievia Mxlaws. 40o gal; best dark Molass-s, 85 ard 40c; Granulated sugar S l-4a lb; New Orleans 3ig, 6 l-4o lb; best Vinegar, 303 gal; bpst water gr mnd Mel, 15 peck: Baker's ( hocolate. 40c lb; Cocoa, 40c lb; one rruiiu ohi'jk rowoer ana oiiver rjoon, joe: rresn Jnorifjern Uabbage, l-M lb: SIX box- S'lan. (Vtaimn 9.Vv H.clrr' ulf.raialna T..lrn,sof. r,.l. fTo'at", large. 85c ceck: two larire bars 81-Scln,-Baisins,10andl6oDoundjMixedNuts.l6clb. .. r CRACKERS AND CAKES ARRIVING DAILY." All goods strlot'y first olass.. We sell the leadinar brands of Finnr AriMK our leader. Sold at close figures. Dive us a call. - , UPciiURCii cl carter; W 4 120 Fayettevllle Street. Phone 1B6. - AlSO Proprietors Norfolk Ovster flomnanv. Ovstam &rrm mnrnlm anil levening. ... . Wo61Icott . -. -. . 14 EAST MARTIN BLACK DRESS GOODS AND SILKS, RICH Juv KLTiiiS liN WUmUD URESS FAB RICS, CAPE ACKETS. ' WRAPPER AND SHAWLS - lack Dress Goods Silk Warp Henriettas, $1.80. ';' - ' Black Serges, 60s. Storm Serges, all prioes. " ' new Capes and - Jackets ' Made of Beaver,- Ostrsehan. Boucle Chsviots, etc., trimmed ia the latest Prsash styles. . v . Underwear SIsa's Camel's Hair, all-wool Sib bed Shirts, $1-85. Bed Flannel Shirts, $1.00. Ladies' Wool Vests aad Pants. 80s aad $1.00, , i ' - . Our Ctore is the busiest place In the city. Come and see HOSIERY, ' GLOVES, 78 seats will buy a good White Counterpane mads la also have better ones. , We carry a nice assortment of Bags OUK SHOE STOCK Aad as It was purchased before the" sitioa to SAVE YOU SOMB MONEY oa One Price to All ; DROP IN - r t At Bofobitt's .-Where You will JiOYSTEirS FRESH BON BONS AND CHOCOLATES. The equal of any candy on the market; artistically put uf sealed, packages, ranging from ene-half PRICE OOc n c A fl ' tax - 7 1-2c lb: ' odfish. 8 l-fla i'h; to Hnrrinff? twelve ooxe matehes. 6o: Macaroni, loo ui ij jo; o?t tea, am an 19j lb; b?tt Tea, a ad 40o lb; tliree Pod. 4o: two boxes Hlnln. Rn; Prunes. i , octaniw Son. IT.. Blankets "All wool Red Blaakats 84-8: 'vr'; , Grey Wool Blankets, $3.00 to $8.60 White Wool Blankets, $S 00 to $5.00 ' The $800 aoality U worth $7.00 at other stores.;-.'- 1 Ch!na Department Dinner and Tea Sets, odd Dishes ia Jspanese. English and American ' goods. ; Brle-a-brae from all over the wide World, Oar Merchant Tailoring Dcp't Is a success. Come and get you a suit that will flt you. for Yourself. " ,; 'I HECKWEAB, Ftc : 1 , 5 the Sontk. " W ' and wi 'wUl say this about Shoeei IS VERY present g reprise. We are aow ia pt your Shoes if yon buy them at 'c Cash to All. V W00LLC0TT & SON. Always Find to five pounds." per Pound. r. t at i. 'J cf tLe eonrentional order. Ur'f i '). J I'huaaiiipUia, la. Oct i rmuo GTOKE. friws fs. 5 1. , o ana i w. seats on sals at W. ii. L.U g oc Co's.

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