' . -A - ' " it : u;d By . 11 j Yi it ;r-I!resd Company Daily, i tcept Sunday, - A Consolidation of the Visitor, Es tablished 1878, itud the Press, Estab lished 1894. .. UlLce in the Pulleu Building, corner Fayette ville and Davie Streets. , OKEbK O. ANimUWS, ' , Editor and Manager. JASPER N, McBABlf, - ,y , : "i ';. Soliciting Ajrent. . ' SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, On year, . . , . , . ; , . M.00 One month. . . . . . .' . M Snfnd u Swm4 Clam MmH Matter. The Leading ; Afternoon v ; paper in the State." ' The Press-Visitor publishes, alt the news every dm? and Das double the cir culation of any daily ever published in spinner I Would oommeuce at this price and gradually accumulate my stock of cotton for the season. "The consumption of American cotton throughout the world is enor mous, and at today's prioes I do not think a single spinner will stop, whereas at the figures of last week li to U cent above today's markets large numbers of spinners in Eu rope wonld have become idle.' This break will exhilarate the movement of ootton to Europe, and if the. orop becomes distributed and once in the hands of the consumers, then specu lation will take hold of it and pat It to a figure which has perhaps not been reached yet 1 " . , .: .;r .-" ' "It is one thing to undertake to oorner ootton in Ootober, when the volume of receipts is enormous, and another to take up a boll campaign in the spring of the year, when the orop has been taken np and is out of the way, -stocks then being very small." s ' - L 1. U. c v J - i EVERYTHING Hea who bet mast pot op more than margins, .- , ' i , TELEPHOSTB,' - .188 - SATURDAY. OCTOBER M, 1805. : DB. G. BLAOKHAJbl., . Who IS the foremost advocate of good roads ' in North Carolina, says that in the : county of Oteega, N. Y alone, there are 200 unproved road machines. In some other New York counties there is a larger number. What percent of this number has Wake county T It may be answered thai Wake is not without machines, bat we can not have too many, and there is nothing more important to the ma terial welfare of any section than to have the latest road improving machinery. k Bucklens Arnica Salve. The boat salve in the world tor enta. bruises, sores, nloers, salt rhenm, fe ver sores, tetter, ebapped bands, eh II blaina. corns and all skin emotions. and positively cores piles, or no pay required. it is gaarantesn to give perfect satisfaction or uiomr refund ed Price 95 cents per pox. : For sals Kv John T vaef Sate of Land Under Mortgage. By virtue of power conferred not me by a certalu mortgage, executed by L.ucy tuDKum, wmcn saia mortgage is duly recorded in Registry of Wake county in book Ho. 128 at page 844, will offer for sale to tbe highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the city of Baleigh, N. 0 , on Wednesday, October 23, im, at IS m , the land d scribed in said mortgage, adjoin! jg the lanasoi jdom. urensnaw, J.ts Hrasa field. Mrs. D.!E Ellens and others lvino ui canon s lireea lownsnip, said coun ty and state and more accurately de scribed in said mortgage, which for de scription etc . is made a part hereof. Said tract of land contains 120 acres more or less. a, t . Montague, Sept. S3. '86. Atty. Mortagee, Continued to Ootober 80th. Ths Baltimore Snn, the Washing ton News and several other papers are oommenting upon the editorial in the Pksss "Visitor of a few days ago calling attention to the signs of pros perity in and about Raleigh, particu lar reference being made to ths splen did tobacco crop, the marketing of ootton and the circulation of money thereby resulting. " The Bun goes on to say that the Pbjbs-Visztob takes a hopeful view of the situation. In deed there is every reason why we . should do so. A very observing gen tleman .who comes to Raleigh re marked to us that he saw more busi ness going on here than in any other Iforth Carolina town. It is a fact that we have every evidence of pros perity before us, and if there are any towns oomplaining of hard times Ral eigh is not among them. Tbe cur rency is circulating hereabouts, the business men are feeling the good effeots,and with the prospect that ten cent ootton we have a good winter before us. DUKE Cigarettes sVfc if nmn h'ii .-r:ii4 r i Cigarettes 2 DURHAM. H-C. U.S.A. Jr MAOC FHOM . High Grcda Tcbacco ABSOLUTELY PURE POPULAR- GOODS, AT POPULAR -PRICES , "( Makes a Popular House. - ; "We dont buy unta we are certain tnat tbe style, matei lal and pries are We search natil we Ond correct merchaadlse, then "bay." Cnstomers shtmld do likewise. Make the rounds if you please; buy where style, mate rial an yr toe tira right. We are certain you'll buy here. A-.'tw Five Popular Departments in our Popular Store : ' 1 ' Dress Goods, Silks, Coats,! Capes, Jackets," House Furnishing Goods, Shoes. iV- The only entire new stock in the city from which to make your selection. . - . - Best Goods for the Monev. For State Fair .Visitors. . - - This week specialties in Dress Goods, Silks and j Wraps "reserved" and "opened up expressly for visitors to the State Fair. ' - Consider this a personal invitation for you to call and see the choice itii?9 that this opening brings out, Make our store your meeting place, your I sLug plsoe, your ahoppiDg place. Waiting and Toi.tt Booms for Ladies. A. B. Stroriacli, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes Everything Exoept High Prieei. C. WEIKEL, TAILOR." Is now ready to make up Suits for Fall and Winter. He has a fine selec tion of ''. ; .;i ... Suitings and Trouserings. Call at 134 Fayetteville street, up stairs. sepStm THE LARGEST niGGArj'o RIGGAN'S ; iUGGAN'S IS THE PLACE - TO BUY Dolls, Games, Juvenile Books. Toys, Wasrous, Novelties, Doll Furniture, ' Doll ( abs, Doll Carriages, v. Wagons. Carts, Velooepedef, Hi : : , Baskets, (fancy and use- ' v . ful) bno-a-Crac, Iron Toys of all kinds, Rubber Dolls, Rattles and -Bubber Largest Btoek aver in North Carolina. Largest Stoak erer ia North Carolina. BEST VALUES FOB LEAST MONET BEST TALDES FOB LEAST MONEY ?"rs-t.-.-rwi ' mm- '.v- : ' -S.UV9 .. JL SJV- i.TJLSI '. , Riggan's Toy, Store, 138 Fayetteville St. v sepia- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Furniture . V Dealers iH In the South. ghsmherlslw's By and Ikla OtatmsnS Ii anequslled for . Eutema, Tetter, Bslt Rheam, ld Head. Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Burns. Frost fiitca, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Era Lids. i?or sale by druggists at 26 cents per box. TO BOBSBOWITBBS. Fov putting a hone in k fine healthy con tition try Dr. Cada .Condition Fowden. They tone bp the system, aid diawtfon. cure urn of appetite, nliere constipation, correct tidney disorders and deatror worms. siTiiis w life to an old or owworked horse. 2 atf m packs. Fo. als br drnfasts. COAL "CKI of aper INMAN ON COTTON. Mr. John H. Inman of New York, who is probably the largest individn al cotton operator in the world, and who is credited with having made more than a quarter of a million dollars out of the recent sensational break in ootton, made this oomment on the decline and the subsequent recovery in the price of the staple "The congestion of cotton, which has taken place for the last several weeks, and which culminated last Wednesday,' was the result of wild speculation of Americans to carry - thepricetolOoents. "Prioes were carried so high last week that it was perfectly apparent to any sensible man who is accus tomed to deal in ootton that if he wanted to operate at all there was , nothing to do bat shut bis eyes snd selL - "-Regardless ot what the crop is likely to be,' ootton was carried entirely too high, at least for the time being. Reactions came more : quickly and sharper than any of us expected, bat : with ' this : enormous -liquidation the atmosphere . will ' gradually cleat and the movement of prioes will now be regulated by the volume of receipts ; and the probable ontoome of the crop. r "If the orop is only 6,600,000 bales, as many honest and well informed men appear to believe, cotton, in my opinion, will work back to the neigh borhood of 10 cents before the season . is over. On the contrary, if we have 7,000,000 bale?, as some other stanl ard authorities estimate, the crop we are now selling is at a fair valua tion. ; 'yV. ":'-'V; "I thought for some weeks that the market estimate of tbe orop which we cqu nm&e is tne mean oi tnese eg Vary more in Dries nerhana than any ether article sold. Yon do not nave to pay xor tne style in our papers. That is without charge, Wfl h.n ftfwithA Wmf Ink tl bun vcob ouiu. - As for fens, there ia none tn mm. pare with "L. BON ISAACS GLUUE- jwujji nana. u 0 A L G 0 I33r Oayton Bed Ash, Egg Thatcher, Bed Ash, Splint. Bobinson, Bed Ash, Splint jenco, nea abo, Splint, sh. Anthracite, Bed Ai Anthracite, White Ash. , Egg. Anthracite, White Ash, - stove. Anthracite, White Ash Pocahontas Smokeless -. Lump. . Pocahoctai Smokeless - - ' Steam. Russell Creek fiemi- . Anthrale CBD8HEDCOKB for FAMILY USE. SMOKELESS ODEBLESS BMUTLESS. THOMAS & MAXWELL HAVX JUST BBCBTVKD- A Car -coiroiBTDro or- ... -y '' ) 37 of the Finest 0 a k Suits : " . That have ever been shown In tbe city. Having qualified as administrator of tbe estate of H. F. Cheatham, deceased. (late of Wake county, this is to notify a 1 persons holding claims against the said estate to present them to the un . .1 .. i ...4 1 r . 1 1. i.ti. . uniaijtucu uu ui uviuio im Aim uaj UA September, 1816, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons Indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment ' J. C. MARCO M, " ' " Administrator of . F. ' Cheatham, DeoeaaedV- FVtJJI & kLATNARD, , Attorneys. sep25 6w They hve hid three' clerks marklnt : down the price of goods on hand In order to sell tbm out to make room for the immense stock which is being received dally. ". ; - Dri-ht Plaii3. Bright plaids for school dresses; look Use tue lusher priced imported ones. Fair grades begin as low as awaci up to 4&C - v . All Wools. : Plain colors in all wooL nearly a yard Wide; , : ' Wool Suitings. Dark erounda with -hricht." hsoVa rough Scotch plaids and serviceable mixtures, from 25c to 60c Blue tuffis. Blue Stuff. SO BYHwi this uimn fn. separate skirts. A great vaitety, the all wool ones begin as low as 25a .5 La Tells Crepons. ' Diess styles in cotton crepons, warm, rich coloring, price 12 l-2c Crc3 Da Lcndres. A ww'ttlity cotton rep, printed like Henriettas, a serviceable cotton, price Teazle Do'stes. A warm printed cotton fnhrin. imn Tinting in -dots, pin stripes, etc ' rice 100. .. - ,. Crepoline. " These, too, is dark dress style, but toft and looks like wool. Price lOo. W. II. &R.S. TUCKER &C0 OLL OlST TBCH3 . - BALEMI STMODBDI CO., ; 4 V 309 Fayetteville Street, Oppoalte Postofflca, : SALE OF LAND. 1 , In pnrsance of a Judgment rendered on the 28th day of September, A. O. 1896, in a Bpecial proceeding entitled W. R Blake, administrator of Mrs, EE. Glenn, deceased, against Pattie Dunree et aL, before tbe Clerk of Wake Su perior court 1 will sell at tbe court louse door, in the city of Baleleb. on the 4th day of November a. D. 1896, at i o ciocK m-. at dudiic auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, tbe fol lowing described lot or parcel of land bounded and described as follows: Lvlnc and beine in thecitv of Kalniarh. on the the north side of Martin street and bounded on tbe east bv lot of Hen derson Beeves, deceased, on the aonth 1 by tbe land of Eldridee Johnson, de- oeaseo, ana on ine nortn py tne lot formerly owned by U esley Whitakerj fronting on said Martin street 86 feat I and running back 810 feet containing 1 one autinoi an acre more or leBS. . . W. R Bun - oetiaod s. Commissioner. Pen7nV DJka, Composition Books, Blackboard EraseraTabletie ff?1. .-:; : cchool; dagc, Cl Of every description at prices that can't be beaten ' ' ' . We Are Known : as HeadquaW': : " " SiS!Jf.f nplete assortment o RALCICli QTATIOrJERY OO.; O ' 1 . W-JS-SARK, Manager. ; , v r. - r ' ' - 809 FayettevUle Street' in Any kind of Coal or Coke snipped direct from the mines. AU from the best mines in America of each kind. Personally inspected and selected by JONES & POWELL, RAXEIQH. M. C. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Pens In Balelgh. Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES is not equalled in the city. Alfred Williams & Co. SALE OF LAND. Bt Aatboritr of a mortfraffe from ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. i. e., 6,750,000 bales. Ilolding 3 view, I believs that after this ' a v p ia over we will have gradu :l r ' sin g markets and land near X, i a consumer of cotloa or and wifa. rwvrfi edin Book Tl, page 184, Bcgjster of iteea u omne ior nase conntv. 1 win nn Monday, November 4, 1886, at 18 o'clock m at tbe Court House door of Wake county sen to tne highest bidder for cash a tract of land sitnated in Swift Creek township. Wake county, contain ing &u acres, more or less, adjoining tbe lands Of P. P. Peace and others, the I said tract being composed of two tracts j as roiiows: First tract contains 25 acres, and ad. joins the lards of W. H. J Goodwin. P. P. Peace and others, and is particularl t described in a deed to said WooriarS from P. Yates aud wife recorded in Hook 85, page 850. said Register's olfice. Second tract contains S5 actam and adjoins the lands of W. R. J. Goolwin a d others and Is described in a deed from f. v. l'eaee to said Woodard re corded in Book 68, page 447, said Beg- A satisfactory purchaser will be al. lowed easy teno as to payments if a I'tiiii ui luio unjuftf prim? in in Eavinr Qualified as adminlatratnr nf uie estate 01 JObn Hater, deceased. late of Wake conntv. Una ia tnnnt.if au persons naving ciaim against the said estate to present them tn tli nn. dersigned on or before the 81sday of August 1896; or this notice will be plead in bar of their reenverr. and all persons indebted tn tbe said estate will please make immedia'e payment v. m . uu, Adm'r, Argo A Snow, Atty's. . , August 80, 1886 Mesns. Thomas A Maxwell are en abled to sell goods as cheaply as they do and Increase the number of their salesmen and the volume of their bus!, ness because they are the largest and wealthiest furniture dealers in the South. An idea Of tbe extent of their busiLSf s may be formed by the fallow ing list of large Southern cities which they bave branch house j: . - THOMAS 4 MAX WELL- " " " - f Charleaton, 8. 0. " . Columbia, " . - Savannah, Ga. -. Augusta, , . - ; - AUanta, Macon,' ' Columbus,' - " -' Amerlon. ' lharlotte.lL a - " "'. Balelgb,, , - v Blchmond, Vs. And other stores that we have sot space to mention, but will do so later- Yours for boo est goods and low prioes, THOMAS " & MAXWELL. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Bv virtue of an order madn lit simwIsI; lirnceeuiiigs enuuea - J. v. Marco m, aa- luimairaiur o. . a 01 Wiley uoss, ae- I will, on Monday, November 4, 1896, at 13 o'clock M., at the Court house door of naae county, sen to tbe highest bidder the following described lands in Swift ireex lownsnip, wake county, to-wit: First Tract. Bounded on the north by Mrs. Pool, on the west by T. H. Shelley, ua hut) boulu uy vvuue jao east bv Simeon Goodwin, er more or less, and is described In a deed . with everything deersed by the world's dletttors of Fashion for the. eom og season, and governed bv tbe moderate orlae srstsm whih h.. hniit iSSli)M l.re..iB(fU In gratifying volu. s,..o after LEvvis; .ranee -' The bast &00 Men's Shoes on ths market .-. . -. Made from tannery calfskin, dongola topa, all leather trimmed, solid leather soles with Lewis' Cork Filled Soles. . Dneqnaled for beantv, fine workman. -.hip, and wearing qualities. Toorchoioa of all it popular toea, huts aod Umea mga. - Every pair eontalns a rald-np Aad aent Insurance Pohcy for tiuO, good for 80 days. Wear trwis Accident Insuranct . Shoes, and go 'jsaired froa- - . SOLD BI ETliitixirT Ljroa PRDNE SO SOU v4 BEST ANTHRACITE iBITwWIbus. r,?n FROM : 'ASTEm Second Tract Adlnins the nn ahnvs described and Is known as the W. F- Col- uns' land, contains twenty -Oiree acres Terms of sale, one-half cash, balance in sis niuuuu iruin sale uay. oStdS - . J. C MaROOM. Adm'r. .'. and Commissioner Vffl YOUR MONEY S FULL VALUE Notice to Defendants. In the U. 8. Circuit Court for the - Eastern Distriot of North Carolnia. Buffalo City Mills, Limited, vs. W. W.Arobibald and May d Archibald. It is ordered that said W. W. Ar. ohibald andJdav Q. Archibald be re. anired to appear and plead, answer or oemur at tne omce 01 tne uiei k of tne united (states Circuit Court for is eouaiciered fair and uprlsrfat dealloar avervwhsn hntm. ..... .... t unless we can go this aeeepted-mercantiU truism ooa bettert to out-dqthe bea " valaaa of oar competitors sod to improva prioes will, we think make evident the success with which we have applied this abo principle or rather our Improvement upon U. - " ' CLOTHING - As stylish, haadsome aod saw as it Is possible to make them at prle lo r - than most bona sk for last season's earrisd-orer stock." , GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND SHOES. V line Cross & Linehan. I ,f ; 210 Favcttevillo Otreet. YE5, IT'S A FACT wr. ; .a. . . . s no pains nave neea spared 10 make eaeb Aenartnant In ila lin. the Eastern District of North Cam-1 all the fashionable centres halns- bn esref nllv ayamnl with tk m..ii t.. I ; I . 1 t . , , . . . . I , . " " -U nun, iu uio uuy 01 ivaieiKo, on or DO-1 can snow 70a op-waaie stniz as worn by the fashionable people of tod it fnm Novum her 11th. IflQK and that o I W. ..if r , ri vi nwij copy of this order together with a f - r . ' oopy ot tne bill of oamplaint and sub poena nerem snail oe served upon tne oeienaants in tee southern Uis trict of New York- the Eastern Din. trict of . Virginia, or in such other Distriot as tbe defendant mav be fonnd. It is further ordered that service be made by publication once a week for six weeks in the Pbkss- Visitor. a Dewsnauer published in uw oity 01 itaieign. . . Sent SJk 189a. Clxbk. Established 1886. .v , " v fl. J. BROWN.. COFFIN HOUSE RALEIGH, M. C Keeps the largest, finest and beat se lectsd stock of Coffins and Caskets in Cloth Wood and Ketal. Barlal Bobea, Wrappers, Slippers for fcadiea, Uents snd Children! also Burglar Proof CravfrVanlts FAYTTEYILLE " and- MARTIH 'tiTB iv it norkii'! n i "w I havo opened a branch Drug Gtore on tho comer of ' - Foaeral Director Sep30 lm and Embaluer 0AH WINE ANY Llt(r,TH - 'V Notice by Executrix. Having qualified as the Executrix of ine lasi win ai o icnieut or i i. !winaeu, aeceaseJ. l;ue ot wake Comity, North tarohna, I he ei.y notify all persons bnvii)!? f '.mush miiHt the Kstate of said b i.'k t 1 ut iii-.nt thesameto Die on or 1 le dctolier tii, im or this nn:;i 9 v 1 1.9 plead in bar of their recovery 'I is aiso to notify h i persons iM(, (.ml to said i. tatetiniakipri!i'-t fvinent to me. TIusOi'- 't 1 i .. Executrix of t p I., t N nl arm Testa- (NEXT TO P08TOFFICE.) WILL 2 GLAD TO SEE YOU AT ALL TP3. J ohn Y, MacEc cash. W, K. JO V i S, 03 t d s . Aiii.i y. I ' '""'' "' '- ti ' )mT ment of I. T. -ui-'.-.l, l'ina(d. Y i'n -r H ayw ( 00, Atto.ney. oct!8 It

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