lm.:3 i" i . y a I -itur. . 4 & ..i.I.y l.oj. i .1 t;,..t tome ) : r C":.'y of the ( : .-notuit made a i ili. va to Mrs. P. D. n ami Judge VVhitaker, 3 ii:it vry complimentary. . -alba Mr. Creecy to miff ting on her letter, y ! i f. w-J nci this U we btilOW, spicy epistle on famous woman repnbiiBb some and we i egret . e cannot publish the entire !-, but it it too einphatlo for pub i.m, and la considered oonfl , Li e regards na aa a "terrible r ..phty boy," second only to a oer tain ex-Judge of the Superior Court of North Carolina. Of him, she says, that in a late editorial we "thrashed him over her shoulders, and should have done so on his unprincipled back," and not over the shoulders of an "old ugly woman who could not help her age or ugliness," tihe says that the Judge aforesaid "showed his intelligence and plaok by calling a lady a liar, and his patriotism has been proven by his being kloked out of the Demooratio party, and trying to hoo-doo the P. P. by his eunaing and trloky ways, to get them to vote for him for some cffloe, perhaps Governor." She then ae.ys : "It is real laughable to even imagine such a thing; he is getting them under havy obligation, being their silent and seoret adviser, and should ex t peot some big compensation for his faithful services. To-look on and know the wheel in ; the wheel is a pio nio, without the lunch, and en joyable beyond expression, but the the poor criminal had juntas well put up a tombstone near his home, .: for he Is dead! deadti deadll! and he knows the situation of things and la no doubt living en the last bops. The very demons from Hades ooull not hold bim a light, could you have Been him when I told him he had defrauded me, rip out 'Yon are a liar 1 Tou are a liar J' " She , then turns to as in 1 wrath and says "go to your 'mother, young man' and ask her forgiveness for calling one of her own sex ugly and old. By - the time yu get to be a man . you 'will only bo ht to associate with the 'New ' Woman' I have heard talk about." ' " Editor Creecy evidently gets In a repentive mocd. Listen! We take back all the ugly words we said about Mrs. P. D. B, Arrington, and crave pardon. From a pamphlet ' which we have read about Ler, sbe is "more sinned against thtnsiu-- jiKfg" In her past history, and our levity is turned to sympathy for her whose cnp of sorrow has been full to ovei fi iw; Aunt Patsy i Arrington Bays she ' 1 was one of the pretty girls of Nash oounty In her hey dey of life. In a separate paragraph of his pa per Editor Creecy Bays : An epistle from Mrs. Patsy Ar rington (nee Green) of Spier Whita- '. ker fame, was in our mail of Toes- 1 day. It is in reply to a late editorial in which we ungallantly called her "old and ugly. fine says if we live to be old we'll be sorry for using such ungallant words. . -'. . The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. G.Cailloaette, drnggist,Beavers ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New .' IMsoovery I owe my life. Was taken 3 . . . .... . ..... l witn la grippe ana iriea au me pnyai elans for miles about, bat to no avail and was given op and told I oould not live. Having Or. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and be gan its nse and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth it weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial bottle at John T. Mae Bae's drug store. . It is claimed that sham battle shoot ers disturbed the peace. .' am rf - ' Last June Dick Cr wford brought his twelve-montha-old child, suffering from Infantile diarrhoea, to me. It h d been weaned at four months old and had always been sickly. I gave it the usual treatment In such cases but without beneilt. The child kept grow ing thinner until It weighed but little more than when born, or perhaps ten pounds. I then started- the father to (riving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera sml Dlarr' a -Remedy. Hefore one li L'e of th a ent size bad been used a marked Irr privement was seen and tHcuiainueduse cured the child. Its w..;mnen and puny constitution dis r -.i and it fnther and myself be l.. e t-.ectuiit's lue was saved by this i . v. J. T. Marlow, Vf. D., Tama . sl.l. lor sale by J. Hal Bobbitt I i- .A. The rrtially alive Sherman is abns- t' e d-i Garfield, - . j . , viieumatiam, neuralgia, pains in the or sil.-, I neck, sore throat, i, & iieria, cam-. ..uJ eoiiu i- r-iirved by Johnson's M -i i Large bottles, S5 and 60 r sie by John Y. MoEae, ,'g is t 1 1 . ' t 1 (f B'l. . . 1 , 1 'Hip l itillXXl .. t'l.t I i. Lasix (boMiug a tor balloon over a lighted lump) llnw do yoo make these balloons ascend? .- Ethel Ob, they are only made to play with. Tba neit moment the balloon ei ploded and the "band played on," -. A itaar, soft, rosy complexion ii the desire of erery lad. Why not give JohniMio'a Oriental Soap a trial. There ia notutng to compare with it ae skin beantiQer. Two cases in a pack age, 85 seats. For Bale by John Y, MseBae, druggist. ' The mint will be closed without any free-silver speeches. ; i ' " ' John G. Manner, editor of the Sun bearo. tjeliirinan. Mo., who maued ej Orover Cleveland for the. Presidency in novenioer, issa, wnue was mayor or Buffalo, N. Y., is enthusiastic in his praise or liiiamDenain's uoiic, Cholera ana uiarrnaia uemeoy. ue says: "l have used it for the past Ave Tears and consider it the best preparation of the kind in the market It is as staple as sugar and coffee in this section. It is an article ot merit and should be used in every household. For sale by , Ha toobbitt Druggist, , sept Frank B. .White, Minneapolis, Minn., writes: ."Have used two boxes of your rile Cure and mast say it has done wonders for me. I would not know I ever had the piles only when is'-oop low. The itohintr Is alt irons Sample free. For sale by John T, HscBae. .--' The band is all right whose motto isi "Good governnrsntandgood offices.: Johnson's Kidney ana Liver Retra lator invigorates the liver, regulates (be bowels, cares dyspepsia, biloaa Bess, indigestion, soar stomach and makes your bead as clear as a bell 36 and 60 cents. For sals by John T. AlaoKae ' . y- ,. A horse kicked H. H Rhafer. of the Freemver House. Middleburir. on the knee, which laid him up In bed and caused the knee joint - to become stiff, Afriei d recommended him to use Chamberlain's Pin Kulm vhlfh he did, and in two days was able to be erounav Mr. Boater nas resmended it to many others and says it Is excellent tor anv una or a nruise or unrein. This same remedy 1b also famous for is cures or rueumatism. rox we by The promise to bring out a candidate against Lis will was a false alarm Itching, burning, scaly and crusty skin scalps of ; infants, cleansed and healed and quiet sleep restored by Johnson's Oriental Soap,; medicinal and toilet, two large cakes 36 ets For sala by John Y. HaoRae.- " Old People. . Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy ia Electric Bit ters. This medicine does sot stimu late and contains no whiskey or other intoxicant," bat acts as a tonio and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength Snd giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature in the performance of the functions. Eleetrio Bitters is an excellent appetiser and aids digestion; Old people1 find it jost eiaotly what they need. Price fifty cents per bot tle at John Y. MacRae's drug store,- miam ware was do. WRSteDarCwtorta. -; aaaihwsaOilM.sncnetttirOstorla, ' Waaasnet U v ''OU DO NOT REAJLIZE That you are in Raleigh unless you are o sioppiDgadwie--- VAtBOO HOUSE The only Hotel in the -city convenient . m Business. ,, All rooms on the third floor S2.00 cer da; first and second floors $3.00 and 2.50 per day, - SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES FREE BfJS AT ALL TRAINS., Thousands of dollars recently expended . I - :; :- provementa. . f ' ' k T. BROWN. Prop'r. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of a mortgage deed (riven by Hardy . HKKwell and AdeiMt.ie Bagwell lila wile, to Catharine Hovlan, dated Jauunry n. ie-9 aod regisrertHi m cue ontce ox uie Aegnter ox neeiu ti.r Wake enuntv In Hook lot. Dane tiO. I will. en the lath day of November. IftS. at 18 oclk. at tne uourt noime aoor in ttaieiga. waKe eounty, sell, at pulMie auction, to the btilieat bldiler for oaati, the following described real est-t to-wlt: A certain tract ot land situate In Wake county St kiarv'a Township al)olo- Ing the lands ot Samuel watts, Allen Hturaivant. J. U. Dtipree, Bedie Smith and others, aud more Mly deserllied as follows: Bcglnulng at pointer on the ernlOiUfld aud Raleigh boad John Parker's (now ftainoel Watte) corner near Watts thence with bis line South two degrees went 6.M chains to a stake, thence south 1 de grees wetit !. chains to the Wilmington Road, thence with said road to a pine. Allen Sturut vant's comer Uience with nis line south m de grees west .4t chains to a stake Sturdlvant's corner, thence with his Hue north I degrees east seven ehains to a rock, Sturdlvant's corner; thence wiib his line south 8 degrees west 4i, ,,u chalna to a stake In Jack Duiiree's line, tlK-ni-e u.irili two degree's eait 30.S0 chains to a Millwood sliinip, L. J. Weather's corner, th. i-e with his tine south M degrees east '. chains to a rock. Weathers' corner, thenee north 8 degrees east B t chains to the Bmlth ti. id P ad tli.-tice with said road to a black iuk n Mttiriiivant's comer, thence with his line norih fli i'i-i'ea eant 7.1 chains to a black e no .-it - ,s .-a c..r-"" uce stiuth 81 de .,i l m ,m t K In the old Mad. ii e h -I r",., n I des-rees east 1 1 n in is.a h",iihh.'id Koad iiienee with rivi'i to tie begjiihUig, eoutainiug n,vf!, or lt-. - -. r- u u, j i r 1B. i iv i aV, 1 . r ii ir oi tiauiarlne Boylaa. n.i l-i lull THC OREATCST M'fCOVERV Or- i. -t c e. in 1 tn I liffiv, Im in - i ; ipsick to - - in vet - i in oi.a ' i. i r a .i, V . b ('I . fur sale by John V. ilcl,.ie, ilsajt Bv virt'ienf authority conferred by a cn.tin li'f-d of Tr'ixt from it A, Inn' and JjOift1 Hodge, his wife, di i 1 '-inl'r 6Ui, liiiKj, and recorded in t.ie OiNce of the Keglster of Deeds for Wane county, N. J , in Book 113, at psge 218, 1 will on, THURSDAY. November 14th, 1895, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder tor cash, Bix (6) tracts ot land situate in Saint Matthews township, Wake county, N. C, and described as follows: - - - -: First TnacT containing 221 8 4 acres, more or leas, being Lot. No 8 of the Gaston Wilder lands, and described as follows: Adjoining tae lands of said Hodge on the south, of the late David H in ton on tue east, of the said Hodge on the north and Meuse river on the wett; and bounded as follows: begin ning at a stake and pointers on the east nan 01 jNeuse river, aooui in linns be low the mouth of a gut the southwest corner of Tract No. 1. bought at the same time and place oy Joseph An drews, runs thence east 295 poles to a state in tne iate uavia mnton's line; thence with his line south 84 degrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west 258 Doles to a small birch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse river: thence up the various courses of tne river aoout iw poies to tne begin, ning, being same tract conveyed by juuu n, Williams uui wuo ion. a. Hodge by deed recorded in said office. in Book 0 at page MS, refereno to wmcnismaae. Skcond Tract, contaLiing 199 acres. more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the uetsy Hinton farm (formerly Gaston Wilder' s land) and bounded aa follows: Beeinninir at a small birch and nnlnfc. ers on the bank of Neuse river abont six poles below Spring Gut; thence witn the aividine line east 863 coles to a stake in David Hinton's line; thence with the same abont 82 poles to a stake on jkungororeea: tnenoeaown tne creei about 824 poles to where it empties into Neuse river: thence ud the said river about 195 poles to the beginning; being same tract conveyed by w. R Poole to a. A. uodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 68, at page 188, reference w wnicn is maae. Thibd Tract, containing 118 acres. more or less, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the south side of the Tarborough road--W; R. Pool's corner rur. s south IS degree west 45 pole to a stake and pointers in the neaaor a smalt nraccn; thence with said branch 89 poles to a pine on the east side of the branch: thence south 84 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake ana Dowters: tnenre east im l-s noi.s to a stake; thence north 5 1-4 d gn es east 214 poles to the Tarborough road; thence with said road 98 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed bv Jennie H in ton to R.A. Hod ire. bv oeea recuraea in sa u otnee in oooa ion, at paee 551, reference to which is made. rouBTH TBACT. Contain nil 79 8-4 acres, mre or leas, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the uoage roao, ana in J. n. pooie's line, being the northeast corner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence east witn rooie s line m 1-3 notes to a state and pointers on a branch ; thence nearly south down the various courses of the branch 88 poles to a largtv pine on the east side of the same David Hinton's co-ner thence with bia line south 24 degrees west 89 1-8 poles to a stake and pointers, the corner of the dividing line between this lot, or parcel, and that purchased by G. H, Williams, at same sale; thence est 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road : thence north ward along said road 118 1-3 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed by Sarah . Wilder, commissioner, to K. A. Hodge, bv deed recorded in said office, in Book 58. at Datre 148. reference to which Is made. Fifth Tract, containing twenty-flve acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Buffln Williams. B. P WUliamson, William Smith and Joseph J, Andrews, and on the east side of Neuse river, be ins a oart of the Betsv Hinton -tract bought by said Andrews at the G. GL Wilder estate sale, being the southwest corner 01 saia tract according to a cnop ped line commencing at the said river, below spring gut, at a willow; thence up said river to above ' the falls at a twin red-oak; thence east to a stob and Dine: thence to a stob in the branch: thence south to R. Williams' land, a lisrhtwood knot: thence west to the be ginning, and being the same tract con veyed by Joseph J7 Andrews and others to R, A. Hodge, by deed, recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 807, ref erence to which is made. Sixth Tract, containing eight acres and twenty-flve perch, more or less, ad joining the lands of W. R, Poole, Jesse Watkins, deceased,' and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in centre ef Hodge road in Poole's line: thence with said road south 8 1-3 degrees east 86 poles to a stake in centre 01 tne aame; tnence west au 1-4 poies 10 a stake; thence north -8 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; thence with the aame east;48 8-4 poles to the beginning; and being same Conveyed by James A. Williams and wife to said R. Ai Hodge. by deed recorded in said office, in Book 82 at page 90, reference to which is made. Flack of Salk County Court House door, in Raleigh. N. a . Tims or Bai.k-12 o'clock m. . , KBKEST HAY WOOD. Tbcstkx. October 12. 1896. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. rTnder and bv virtue or cower con tained in a mortgage executed to me by Robert A. Potter and his wife Sldonia Potter, on the 7th day of October, A. P. 18W0, which said mortgage is recorded in the ollice of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, in hook 114, on page mo, I will sell bv reauest at the Court House in Wake county, at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the tract of land particularly aesonDea in saia mort gage, wnicn is oounaea ana oescnoea as follows: Lying and being in Wake oounty, North Carolina, in Saint Mary's townshin,and beginning at a white-oak, John Ellis' (deceased) corner, and runs thenoe eomn u4 poies to a reu-oac in Wm, Band's old line: thence east with said Band's line to the mill-path stake and pointers; thence north with said mill-path to stake and pointers; thence east to a pine, corner of Jo tin Mitcnen er's line; thence north to a red oak; thence east 80 poles to a stake and pointers; thence north 74 poies to a stake in the line formerly owned by P. H. (rower; thence with said line went 20 poles to a black-jack; thence south to a pine in P. H. Grower's old corner; thenee west to the beginning, contaiuing 80 acres, more or less, and adjominir tie lands of Geo. Mitchener, M W. iinit. W in. Bryant, being the tract of land conveyed by J. P. Gully, commission-ex In sieoial proceedings, entitled J. P. Gully, administrator of J. G. Dupree, deeeaaed, vs. H. Dupree and others, in Wake Superior Court, to Bobert A. Pot ter. - Time of sale, 12 o'clock, m on the 18th of November, 1895. W. T. HOWXE, MOBTOAGHJt. October 12, 1831 r r Infants PHOT. ICRS, Do You Know , that Paregoric, . L W aj - Batemaa'a Drops, Godfrey's Oosdial, anny so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed-ot opium or morphine t Po Tom Ktiq-w that opium and aiorphloe are stupefying aarootln pnim. ,. i , i , - , , - - Po Ten Know that to moat gonntliea draggista are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them polaona - . ' , Po Tens Know that yon should not permit any medicine to be gtrea your child .' jmleas ydtt of your phydolaa know of what a at oompoaed t " f Po Ton Know that Caitorta la a nnrehr vegetable pnmrtkm. that a Bat ot it lnaredlenta is published with tn&y bottle t . . Po Ten Know that Oaatorla la the prescrtptJoa ot th famous Dr. Samuel Fitehar. T.tt has been muse for nearly thirty years, and thai more Cantoris Is now sold bas ot an other remedies tVv:hUdrraoombliiedf i ' - - ' . Po Tea Know that the Patent OtBoe Department of the United Btates, and of - othat: entuttrlaa, hai bailed eziM ; " OaantorU" and as formula, and that to imitate them la a state prison offense f ' -, i c. ' Po Ton Know that one of the Teasrma for tiiUh thla CTnimnt nmmctlon wmm because Castoiia had been pronn to be ailwolBtoly haxmlMs? Po Ton Know that 85 vene doaaa of Oaatorla are fiirnUhel for 3S ')aata,woaeeantadoaat J " " Po Ton Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may - be kept wall, and that yon may hare unbroken rest f - . ;" : ; WoTlj these thhiara are worth aiiowlnf. They are Tho fac-aimllo : signatnro of ttilldren Cry for J Ik j W. H.: HOLLO TH15 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Life Insurance Comp'y Sells plain life insaranae, as pro tection to the family, creditors or one's old age, and asks a eareful ex amination of its elear and squitabla contra ots, with their nneqnaled guar antees in figures on the policy, giving trne life inanranoe at its Lowest possible Cost s With Perfeet Setrority, This com- pany nas been doing business in tnis State over twenty-eight years, and its policy holders are its BEST FBIENDS. The Connection J&atnal Has bo speculative feature, ' extension forfei tures or intricate plans, eontrited for "the company's ' adraotage, nor the incontestable clause, admit ting rascals at ths expense of - its hon est members, but if any happaa to get in, it gives them their money back, all stated is the aontraot. The - 3 Per Cent Reserve has become" an important factor in life insaraace.' All VlU b gladly ax. plained by,"'- .' ,. . - 5. D. WAITY; General Agent Raleigh. ECONOMY : Mav be Beeessarr In many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase ot food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imper fectly nourishes; up to that standard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable ' ice for our Groceries. . f ; RAPID SaLES Give our customers the benefit of close margins, We never keep any thing that is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it ', CHOICE GROCERIES : Always tn stock and promptly de livered when ordereu.- . 'I SI lA and Children. Pitcher's Castorla. ? 'if '"'With 'fthiiiilillllh he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY 1 the best equipped and does the ' most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK ' in the citv. Send in vnnr work ' x'nonemo iv. WAY & SOUS. Hiss Maggie Feese. New flillinery i We are now showing sll the latest and most desirable shapes and styles la Fall and Winter Millinery. Oar stock is wall selected, both as to STYLE and PRICE. ' There is a great variety in Caps and Sailors for Hisses and Children, AU colors and siies from SSc te $3.00, We will be pleased to have the ladies call and look at onr stock. Bvery one - will receive prompt aed polite attention. 900 Fsyettefllle Street. BULBS; .Winter and : Spring Foi, BLOOMING. Chinese and Easter Lilies, Hyacinths Freesiaa, Narclfsus, etc I'alms, Ferns and other plants for room decorating. Cut Flowers Boquets -asn- Floral IJesigrns. ;s Evergreen, Trees. Magnolias - and Shade H. CTLIITLIETZ, Hcrist Korti Halifax ttreet. near Peace In- sutute. 1 hone US. - -ocU7 im 1 tie timy Oig , COMING THIS SEASON. ; , imumun luiijuai uui. j. : AFTERNOON ANT3 EVEIVUVGf. t StLLS BROTI3ERS, RnnrmniN UnM RiG3 : . JUUUllUUUki UUiVVU Q AMEEICA'S GREATEST, GBANDEST TAINTED EXHIBITIONS ' THE PREMIER EVENT OF ALL COMBINED CIRCUS SEASONS; THE LARGEST, OLDEST AND MOST COMPLETE ARENIO AND ZOOLOGICAL EXHIBITION OF THE UNIVERSE. 3 BIG CIRCUSES. 3 SEPf RATE RIHGS ALL NEW, SUPERLATIVE SENSATIONS. 5 CONTINENT MENAGERIE! SO MAMMOTH CAGES 80 HIPPODROME RACES! RALEIGH, TUESDAY, OCT 29. Afternoon uul Evenly Don't .Miss Seeing the Largest Show on Earth. Peyond all ci mparlHOD the largest, oldest, richest snd most complete Arenic and Zootoxins! entrrpiee In the universe. Noted for its mateblass msgDitdd, mnnniflcpnce and merit. Army of artists, 1,000 people, 600 horses snd p'niKB, 800 all fratnre acts, 1,000 wonderful sights, 13 monster water-' proof trntB. 4 special railway trains, f3. 500,000 actually invested to perpetu ate ita frrsndear. Its tnarveloas Menageie, embracing every captive beast known to exist ; its multitude of features, each one a sbow.aloae. One ticket admits to all the combined shows. Under the largest teats ever constructed The greatest xoological eolleetion in the world, presenting for the first time in thin country the only pair of Giant White Nile Blood-Sweating Hippopota mi, Educated Alaska Seals and Sea Lions, Performing Kangaroos, Trained Elephant, Lordly Lions, Tigers, Leopards, stately nooks of Ostrlchav (the first ever publicly exhibited, and marveloasly trained, wild and domestieated ani mals of all descriptions. Truly the only great and legitimate exhibition of its kind on earth, THE GKAND, GORGEOUS STREET PARADE, absolutely eclipsing any pageant ever seen in the prtblio streets, takes place at 10 a. m., on Tuesday, October 29th. It is over a mile in length. No postponement on aoconnt of weather. Two complete performances afternoon at 9, evening at 8. Doors open one hour earlier. SeaMng capacity, 13,000. Branch ticket sale at Mac Rae's Branch Pharmacy, corner Fayettevllle and Martin streets. Admission to all Combined Shows, 50 Cents. Children Under Nine Years 25 Cents. 29 RALEIGH, TUESDAY, OCT, 29 SPECIALXOW EXCURSION RATES WILL BE ISSUED ON ALL LINES OF TRAVEL. SAY, Talliiiis; about ture and furniture stores, why Royall & Borden, North Carolina's largest dealers and only manufacturers, have stores from Maine to Mexico "all on paper." baveia real FURNITURE FACTORY, larger size, employing 163 men, running day and night to fill orders. Also have CHAIR AND MATTRESS FACTORY At the same plaoe, where we can want Oar profits are too small to open any more branch houses at pres ent But we have one each in Goldsboro, Raleigh and Durham fall of the beet and cheapest line of FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES ever shown at either plaoe. We cannot plaoe our bargains on you through the Press-Visitor that stock and oompare our prioea with any We leave the bal ance with you- We -T,nilTV GeSsflaTSr Frw .furrf gJifclUs MJT CTJS-alV th r?o a so v : whether tliey . bay or not. pen R0Y1LL W BORDEN, Jt AJ-EIGII, DURHAM OOLpiSBORO -Slmw nf Ik Wtirlif 1 VUVM vt VUU II VliUS - . But here in North Carolina they make any kind of Mattress yon paper, bat simply desire to inform we are here and ask yon to inspect our house. WW swaajW VJtai our store.) al huglitf.