.. ir I .1. UaJe during jut wrap de- I s i- i t V -. t, h- - i i U.c some of ths i. v ; a iny Uomla, KZli- u s Lii-utiU luid biuirson s i . r c rf latereit iu Paying Busi- 1HE4THE11 FORECAST . iff - . '(pi"- "v- 0 Forncast for North Caro lina b umlay Fair. I.cx-al Forecast for Raleigh and vicinity buntlay Fair, wanner. Saturday, October 2th. Ijooal data for 24 tannra ending at 8 a. m. Maximum temperature, 7 Miaimnm temperature, 42; Rat fall, trace. : - PERSONAL. ' Mr. H. T. Jons 1b la the city, , . Collector 8immoD left today for ,. Xewbera. Bev. Mr. Palliam, of Smithfleld, was in tli eity today. Mr. S. T. Honeycutt, of Claytoa. U i the city visiting friends. " Mr. Pearson, representing the fa vorite Traylor cigars, it la the elty. - Messrs. J. Crawford Biggs and George Holderneee went to Oxford today. . - . Miss Mary Irene Allen, of Littleton, la la ths slty stopping vita sir. Geo. H. Laxaiter, c Mrs. Morehead, he daughter. Miss Elisabeth, aad Miss Lallan Bath Carr ' all retaraed to Durham today. - I Bishop W. i. Sains, of Georgia, will preach at ths St. Paul A, M. B. Chorea tomorrow morning at 11 o'eloek. Mr. Bmmstt Levy, the popular rep ' reseutatlve of ths famous Bran names sigars of Baltimore, is la ths slty. Sir Walter Henry has gone to Ken tucky lo throw that stats ia ths Popu . list eolanan. His strength will be thor oughly tested, . Mr. Fnller Bald and hU sister. Miss Minnie who hare been risking here, . returned home this morning.. to Greensboro, i . ' , Mr. W, 0. Dowd, editor of the Char lotte News, who has bssa here as a wit ness inthe Kitchen-Penitentiary ease has returned horns. cinr ut brief. - Durham was well represented at ths fair. f , ' ,'. , ," . A Brassy Time is playing to th big gest sort of houses this fall, la Wil mingtoa ths otbar day ths play eleared $800. v Major Sam Telfair was not at his desk this morning, he hating been pulled away from his offioe to testify to matters of reeord ia the penitentiary ' The grading on Hargstt street progressing rapdily. It seems a pity '' that the old elms which line its side walks should be destroyed, bat this it ' being done, r 1 " f The town of Henderson is having trouble with Its electric light plant. City attorney Bngle. who was here at . - the fair, la to apply to the eourt oa r;: hit return for the appointment of a receiver for the company.; There was a runaway oa . West "'Hargstt street this morning. A ... horse hitched to a wagon,' started at ' Salisbury and went, tailing, nearly as farssthe Union degot. The driver . just pulled him off the eurb and finally stopped his horse, with bo damage done. : t , ' Mr. Q. -W. Bryant, ebairmsn, re- - quests' that every person la Balelgh ' interested la the aerie of graad son- serts to be given during the winter .. eome to the Academy of Hnsie at 8 p. m. Monday, October J8th. 7 Matters of ,v interest to all will be eoasidered and ? leal arrangements made, i . Mr, Mflea Goodwin, manager of the r Boyall and Borden furniture house, .. hat ths greatest advertisement ever aeea here. It Is ths picturs of ths mug of a great big negro with his mouth wide open, saying: "Go to BoyaU and Bordens for the best bargains is far tare." Mr. Goodwin always haa the ' thing to hit the nail oa the bead. For Sale. J Half interest in a paying manufac turing business in the city of Baleigo. Address Box 854. . . 26U For Kent. House with ninerooms, good locality, wni'T s'xl ) " h r'wm, all in good shape. Am- i i.l lavis, &i3 North Sulis- 'i i K!'rjr Stock. honl clii.'areu ere never forpotten . rii'cty of those heavy black J I e, a"! t'.zrfi, atl' , l,a. and 1 lni.ro. 1 xo: i t erasures were .a, (l 1 .VuUi'y e v ,1 h& ready hi miow oar home trautj a frrat many Df p arments, gottt-n tu to hil the gaps made by the extensive busiae'ss of fair weuk. We Live never before had for our people such a variety of stylish Coats and Capes, nor hare prioeever been more favorable. We can well ad rise everyone to bay early while the choicest garments are to be fouDd. . W. II. & B. 8. Tuokm Co. - v Chilarens' Underwear. We have a" specially good Una of ehildrens' nnderrrst as follows: .: riisen 10 18 SO st 15c. each. " 22 Si " 20o. " . '" 26 28 " 25o. " - ' " 80 33 84 " 85s ; ' The beat vests for tbs pries to be had. A higber grade, wool mixed prioe for this line 85e to (XX-., according to the sixes. W. II. & B. S. Tuosia Co. ., Special Value Ladies' Vests. : ; A special value in ladies' whits and natural ribbed vests at 87a. sash. -. v , W. H. 4 B. S. TucKsa A Co Matteluty SteaavSliraink Sanltsvry ' Underwear.- r - At before anaounsed, we have plaeed on sals somplete lines of this famoaa Germaa Sanitary Underwear. . Ws do not here attempt to sav macb In detail as to the merits of this ua derwsar, bat ask for aa examinstloB, wbieh will ooavines anyone that finer or better goods have not been shown at the price. - i W. a. & B. S. Ttckks & Co. tiadiea' Vest at aSo. and 6O0. ' At S5e. a very fair quality of eoro, eottoa ribbed vest. ' " At SOo. a splendid vest, weight and finish better thaa ever before, ia both sera and white. W. H. A B. 8. TucMB A Co, sua ift. . Soma of the splendid Huok Towels at file. '.. This is a fait finished, pare linen towel ana is unusual value at 31e. W. H A B. S. Tccxu A Co. Golf Cape Iioat. A tan. golf caue. with a eolf hood. lined with Scottish plaid silk, on a street ear yesterday afternoon. Suit able reward for return to this office, tf Johnson & Smith's photographs are all the talk. Diamond size $1.50, cabi nets 82.50 one half dozen. .Examine their work. - . ajoet, t ' , Keys belonging to the Fin Depart ment between the market and the street ear power house, lbere were about eleven keys. Return to J. W. Maogom and get liberal reward. 84tf We are now making in their nerfee tion the original Peanut Brittle and tfuiter uups, we invite comparison with other makes. - BOxtiXKB. For Rent. Two very pleasant cottages with oltv water, bath, etc. . One on corner of North Person and Polk streets. The other second door from Polk street. auuiv aw out nurui xrersun ai. ,j ; Visitors to the Fair. Visitors to the eitv dnrfng fair week are invited to call at Denton's, on Fay- eixevuie sxreei, opposite tne postomoe, where they will be served on the Auro pean plan with the nicest meals to be naa in tne cuv. tne nnvst oysters in an ttyles. steaks and everything included in a firat-dass meal. Also the fineet oeer. wines and nauora Kervice prompt and first-lass, octaitf Ovsters arri tins' mnrninir and avn. uigai, upcnurcnauarxers, -j-- ' - nop sMonouX Oyster Co. TIephonei55. . .- - oct22 8t For best fries and stews go to the -Norfolk Oyster Co. . Lost Bank Stock. " : Ralkuh, N. U July S3. 1805. The undersigned herebv arlves notiiw mac sne nas lost, or her late husbano, W. N. H. Smith, has lost, two eertifl. cates of shares of the capital stock of ine uitizens' uank of Morfolk, Va., numbered 40 and 83 respectively, the farmer for three shares and the latter for twentv-two shares of aaid Atrak. and wishes them returned to her if round. una. mart O. 8 kith. ' Executrix of W. N. H Smith octlOSm , Deceased. Baleign. N. C. Oysters on the halfshelL Norfolk Oyster Co. U R Invited To bring vour friends to Johnson & emitD's I'Qotograpn uallerv to bave their pictures made. Their work is unsurpassed Try them. oct 19 We do not sell cheap grade ovsters. but can sell best miahtv at small pronts. Norfolk Oyster Co. Madam Benson desires to call the at tention of the public to her new stock or lau ana winter Millinery for ladies. uiiDses anu ciiuuren. xniania caps, sacques, notions, etc ' . octlti Nothing New With Us. For the Past five Vnars we have never charged more than 25 and 85c per quart for ovsters. We know the hnsi and guarantee to sell more good oysters lor i ue sawn money ana more to tne quart than any dealer in Eaieifrh. Spe cial prices to schools and charitable in stitutions, which we defy others to equal. Our stock is received daily and sold from the only distinct oyster refrigera tor in Aorta Curolm Geo. N. Ivts & Co , .. City Market. 1 OCt 15 2W Preach bas bunt np such a trade t'itt' is bu,.vfV cii 'to points out s ei i t-'y. 1. s tirf- CinM) at,(j l i-.. h hi? i'Ui.s i e l..e Cueat to be i . I. 4t fills ' S r' until J-,'rs. ! ' !l ; til iM 1 ( famine, 6 I iMi 5r xeii- i iii aim - i iwj r ,,i Iced. (oclla ui Mr. Fred A. Wu' inii Is ji-enrPd for his fall ami tiu: v 1 1 i i! ii a niore comjilete line ot nnvi u g sniiveuirs. picture fraiiifs rrxl vanous ari'.sno and oeauutui tinns tiixii ever iwiore. lie has the mst couip oie sU'k iu bis lina in the ritate. octlHlf . -Wanted. . . . A reliable, aetive nentlrman or lady to travel for reliable, esatiliBtifd hiuse (Salary 780 payable 115 aetkly and money ad vanctd for r-penses. Wiua uod steaoy Heier-fices. Enclose Blf-nddresfiPd stamped envelope. H. E. HESS, PTPSidru, blCKgn. tf Come AND Examine - v S The handsomest Steel Bang, 'J made. It is t TIIE JEWEL." See our new Bisscll GPQtes 'f -: We hat r. '- 3 Bicycles; i On easy terms - - iV, Baby jCa.rria.17es Ataeutprice. J"f t. 1"pfl Mios. H. Brlggs & Sons, , v RaXBieH, N C vaptSTlv- " Portsmouth "Uvtnder-Smelling Silts," in glass-stoppered, nlckel ' opped bottles; bandy for travel- 1 Ing, as cents, . Try- 1 .The " Viouttes Rosses" Soap - An elegant and highly-perfumed , " Toilet Soap, 10 cents a cake. Yours truly, ' . ias. McKimmon & Co PIIARiMACISTS, " . ''183 Fayectevui b., L J. ' -.T Balelgh, N. C HELLER BROS. HAVB BBCEITKD . ESPBCIALLT FOB S V FoIrVVeekr 'Dances ' A XABGB LINB OF " THS TEST LATEST IN Gcntlemon'o , Patent Leather Oxford Tics. Heller's Shoe Store, 1M Fayetteville Street, v Huyler's Candy A Pr; :i '..-A Jlt: 11 Wl y this store is j ' t;.,i WK BUT AS , 'urut this statement EKC. atrer ( LIMITED MEANS can purchase the turers prices of todsy. ; . -: v , f '. C. . A. Sherwood & Co. PATAPSCO Flourdng ESTABLISHED 1774. . V THE fPremler H rATERTw Flour V Manufactaredafrom the Cream For Sale by ft mm gm la sash premiums, payable in gold for the beat Bread and ODiUU Bolls made of the above bread of Flonrand pnton exhibition at tns coming tit ate Fair. The public, to eompete. First premium on Bread, oa xtolls, fia.UU; second, $10.00. C. A:6ambri!l f.'fg ' -.PEOPBIETOES.. 4 JONHSON & JOHNSON,- 1 100 Fayetteville Street,' Baleigh, N. C., Agents. BUCI2TESS . SUITS Are in order with the advent of au tumn activity. No clothing Buits busi ness at all unless it fits neatly and per fectly. No rarment tits Dinner iv unless it's made to order. That's the first axiom of dress, and it doesn't need proving. 1 It's as plain as the mul tiplication table that our made to order suits are unequalled in town. Y0UEEC0GNIZB THAT Ever? time you see one of onr suits. which are exactly what the? should be in every earticular. The logic of facts is unaoswerauie. Try Walters' raniraount System of Oarment tuning. - . OCtSitf ' ACADEMY cf MUSIC One IViffht, , TUESDAY, October 29. Fit: r: ! VcLctcr "A d::krzy time," ' TU. ) 1 r TO DATE. Every tl.i' ' C "The ' C 'T ' C T, ' c "t:.p C 'Our , yovt'l and Tri 'na1. r . i ;. r? . ( r 1 . .. a tin-..!--. iv,, 1,1..;. . . j rIrr-proacl,hble etyles ! Ladit-s' t'hort K-rftr Cualsin blaek, urry ao-1 eovertu the f l C0kld. il fi0cah. Ladi. e' Karer ( lutb, hoi FronU and eitr (rood bit ic- Coate the S7 50 kiiM,?! 6()cash. LadieH' i ack B .ucie Cloth Jacket, Fronts lare !andHo and Bif fie Haik Ihe ;i2 fiO kind, i9 COeaNb. CtlOCC. .,,;s K-vnrdleea of the MARKET COM1ITION8 have col the pries on Shoes t an extent ni-ver before thought of This sale means that buyers ' of BE3T8HOE3 at less than tbs manufac Mills! of. America of Maryland and Virginia Wheat City Grocers. excepting professional bakers, invited $30 00 seeond, $15.00. First premium -i " , Co., Dalfccre, f..l, BAD TOOTH . - .' BRUSHES' '" v Are very dangerous articles becauss the bristles get In- , to the throat and eauas all kind of troubles whlob are ' serious as well as disagree- i able. Coma to as and ws will sell - yoa a brush and guarantee -- . . satisfaction. H 1 1 K V PfinFPQ niUIiU . Ct nJJ LJsOt I .Piwr.t.lft.riinlH.---.; , I .,wv...uu,ftu, i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. st a . Havinar Qualified as administrator tie estate of John H. liaker. deceasnrl late of Wake county, tliia li to notify all persons having claims aeainstthe said estate to present them to the un-1 derailed on or bclore the 81st dsy of I h i 1T, n,jtlfe wlli plead in bar of their recovery, and all please make immediate payment. I'l'IWUU SWF SOLU SaMly7 W 1A1 J. O. Maki'om, Administrator, Aboo & Know, Attorneys. t Ang80Itwow Muft lisvo c're or tlipy'll si'roly oeray. jm V) :e inpy arrr, l ow. ever, tin i' v. I i- ojv tie t v an ii era' i r . . i no rreu:t tip'ti l r pocMss. .r. '1 axe of Bii l preserve your t by uii):s' p: -p .i.v i wliich v "'! v. it' r-: 1 gums a' i '. t t-.i.l v , , . Tm it f i r " . . 1 i Vij -.. y'fr Crest ( ' ' io nut baut if til f,.i . , sodwintHr. A il ir : r i . i .- psaeed by uh this rtti.:u. and in all cur ("eparluieuia ut i Hillir.ery Department r:-" :j r: (S11C0XD FLOOR ) lre you can seltot from a sfvifk. All new good, bought l . . htrliHh Millinery. Onr strlisb lists the (treat advance in l athi r an 1 h i gain ne admirers every day. Sa. h at old pri.-es. 1,000 pairs L -d' anolher vi h sod rare colleeiion of Donsjola Butt-in Shoes, 63 a rair; Trimmed Millinery ia not to be found sold eleewhere at f3 00 a pair. Call in town Our prices are the lowest, and see them. Ifoo eboald buy yyor Hats cf us. We ; bsve the most complete stock of f nilora - in tbs city. . ' cioak Dapartneat Pibbcd -'. Undcrwcsr (secosd floob ) (P1HST FLOOB ) 1,000 Lsdies' Bibbed Vests, wool, CAPE3 300 stylish Capes from 60p. worth 75. ta 60 to $10.00 1,000 Ladies' Bibbed VesU, eotton, JACKhl'S 250 Beaver, Cheviot snd 90c, cheap at 80c. Boocle Jackets, new style, mandolin 1,000 Oent's Wool Undershirts, 65e, slosvss, from $3.60 to $12.50. Kach worth $1.00. one Is a great bargain and yon should All sise for Boys snd Misses. not bay a Wrap until yon have seen i ', ' ours. Flannels (HR3T FLOOB.) saUbsJCrO Canton Flannel, very heavy, 81-fl (FIRST FL00B.1 and 10s ysrd. . ' All wool Shaker Flannel, 60s yard, AH sixes Ladles,' Misses and Hen's All wool Bed Flannel, ISe yard. . sry eheap. . Blankets and Esd CcsfortS A large assortment of Towsls and ; (SECOND FLOOB.) , Towsllinjr. Comforts from 75n esoh op. ' n m , . Blankets from $1 a pair np. ' UUf LCTCiiant Crockery Dcp't Tallannj Dcp't i (SECOND FLOOB.) W eB X00 25 Pe' " yoa ' will let as make yon a suit. Fit A lot of deorat4 Milk Pitchers, guaranteed. 10c, worth 90c. This department is ' full of staple and fancy goods and ail A large 1 t of Wrappers from 88a are sold at a small proOt. , each up. . rOMVIMPFF. I UU jJi. 1U1 VjLjU goods for CASH.. TURN OVER :A:Nev AND. SAVE- AT LEAST 25 PER CENT The Cash System and UPCHURCH Better known Its the cheapest Grocery House in Town, are selliric: Pure HotT TATA, ft Ih lWf anrfar.xnrarl rTama to i a. Eniiu Hj (JL-, i . - . ... , - '.nta-w... . u ji rallies, u l-U, l-.ija;ii.-Mi-f.;uir-u bhoulderj , Mc; ireakfat Mnps, 12a lb; bett Northern Iiutir, 80 and 2.0 lb: ountry Uuttr, 17 1-20 and i ; all potk Link hHuw'", iic lb; O'eain (.hwi li 1-x; fresh l.-?s, Kc do'rn; V'uljel.i, 7 l-ic lb; Codu u, 8 l-8o lb; Roe IT.'i iin rhWaT; ST"? 8 f ominy, 4c lb; Oi 80 lb; Corn t 40 J55 Arbuckte'a Coffee, 8;io lb; frreen Gmiee, m lb; bt !, and tcli.;t M-e Rt v... iwnwm. , iiiieeuaus uorn, S(ff; tm rescues joc: new or eans A o hsn. &m HHMf. Granulated Mitrar. 5 1-40 lb; ham t 1 I pound box Ji.iki'ia; 1 owuer and .n r .'ml j,.; tie h i rn fawn v ' .IU:1'0. 'b;B,t','XH8'"',,",''ta"""'1" i n"rs , f raising J 11. kwleat; li ,i nT I l'ratuf ruisi lia rno n am. Ir . s- I.. 1. . .. t. .... a .1 " . . - . . I M I .. KA IK Pulums Wlniwl U i . 1 , . fc . . r- - 1 1 ' 1 I V -W a.Ws)(UalJEJ, iu nuu A LAO LTUUliU, AhAiArU JJi ULU, 11 llj. CRACKERS AND CAKES ARRIVING DAILY- A11 P00 strlct,y flrst C,M w our leader. Sold at close figures, tiive iisu uiuinu'iurs norioiK iivstor i evening. DROP IN Vs.-i v :i IM)V. . . i i J . i :i) C.lCCOLAilJ. ; f- -i n'ff ti f - ff ' .H-iJa these fine dsys' adiuir).... &hi pnrchnMiDg aijrlieH f -r i .t as (jt-y Were, liave liten fr e v evidence of this is shown on every si.. ' 'y U t;,i t. t qualitifi at the lowest rirt "e people to buy of. All our are marked in Diaia flsnres and anM W00LLC0TT & SON. Leci '. our Price List Suite All. ; & CARTER- tnr rxMiiid cans t-nie Dil 1 - t ll.iir I u V ....... d-.i- i... i .-. ins .s.i.fur 5 i40 b-1 - t mf fir :) ' 1 J- the lending brands of Flour-ACME us a cail. 1 i t S 1! '1"5. i aiiive D' i' " Rr.d !.'!. .j 1 V oniimov. Ah i-

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