11. L! IIID.BY 11.3 Vi :t:r-rrc.:i Company iai,'y, Except Sunday. A Consolidation, of the Visitor, Es tablished 1K78, ana the Frees, Estab lished 1804. 1 - Office la the Pullea Building, comet Fayetteville and Davie Streets. tiltiifc.lt O. AMKKWB, Editor ana Manager. JASPER N. MoRARY. - - Soliciting Agent. euBsoMPmoN price. : fkna vaar. - . . i a ; One month. . . .25 The Leading Afternoon Paper In the State. . The Press-Visitor -pubUahea; all the ' news every day and has double the clr, ' oulation of any dally ever published In Baleigh. . TELEPHONE, 188 MONDAY, OOTOBBB 88, 180B. A OTWSpapsb has at least 6,000 readers to 1,000 subscribers. Amer chant who puts out 1,000 hand bills gets possibly 800 or 400 people to read them. The hand bills cost as much as a gocd advertisement in bis heme paper. All the women and boys read the advertisements. The merohant who uses newspaper with 1,000 sub. Bori ers has 4,600 more readers. There is no estimating the amount of business that advertising brings to a merohant, but that every dollar thus invested brings a good return there is no doubt The Pbbss Vmi. tor is read every day by more than ten thousand people. Ma. Hai W. Aybb, editor of the Caucasian, is quoted as saying that in a few days it will be knowq whether the Populists favor fusion both on the State and also the elec toral ticket. Mr. Ayer says their plan of action is to write to every county ohairman, who in turn writes to every township ohairman. The township chairmen are supposed to consult the people of their vicinity. In this way the Populists say they will find out how their people stana This is one of the things that was agreed upon at the executive com mittoe'e meeting. Mr. Thos. Settle, Congressman from the Fifth Dis trict, who has baen here for a day or two says on the other hand that fu sion will undoubtedly be continued, and says that it is the only depend ence and salvation of the Populists in North Carolina. We shall see what we shall see. A Nsw York paper says that a new and original mode of making money has been hit upon by an en terprising capitalist of the metro polis. Weddings have been numer ous, and as the habit of making handsome presents, as well as wedding-breakfast giving, is dying out, the bold adventurer has started lavish present loans. His method is this: He lends a $1000 note to the father or other important relative of the bride, which note is exhibited among the gifts of the fair one to intimidate or cheer others into fol lowing the good example. A deteo- tive is kept on the premises to keep a wary eye on the valuable tro nh. which, when its work of w - enoouragement is done, is returned to Its original owner, plus ft hand some commission for the use thereof. This, after all, is very little worse than hiring dancing young men for evening parties, which, itis whis- pered. does take place when moth ers are distressed ? and bantlings numerous. Thi ' Baltimore Manufacturers' Record remarks that the necessity ' for bringing the spinning and weav ". ing mills to the cotton fields is being literally exemplified at Columbia, 8. C, where the Granby cotton faotory Is being built in a cotton field. The Record, describing the fact states that early in September, when work " on the building was commenced, the ootton plants in full bearing had to be cleared away from the site, and cow, as the building progresses, the takers continue gathering the oot t 1 68 it opens. "It would," says V i r. ecord, "be dLSooit to'i resent a : rr't s f arsameut ia favor of t" a C .'.'aforccitoa xsaaula ring than this fact It tells the story of the folly of , transporting cotton to mills 1000 miles away, and Indicates how hard it will be for such mills to compete with those that are in the cotton field. With favorable labor and climatic conditions added, the South is setting the pace for the world in cotton manufacturing. The . mill, when completed, is to operate 30,000 spindles, ... Bucklen's Arnica Salver . The beet salve In the world for euts. braises, aorta, oloers, salt rbeam, fe ver (ores, tetter, chapped hands, ebil blalns, corn and all skin eruption, and positively enres piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monv refund ed Prie SR cents per pox. , For sal hT John V wP Sale of Land Under Mortgage. Rv virtue nf rxiwer conferred noon me by a eertaiu mortgage, executed by T.nnv Manmim whinh said mortff&ire is duly recorded In Registry of Wake county in book No. 128 at psge 844, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the eity of Baleigh, H. C , on Wednesday, Octooer xa, love, hud, we um oe soribed In said mortgage, adjoin! gthe lands or jno M. urensnaw, J. orass- .u Vfra 11 R T.llann and nt.hm lvine in Barton's Creek township, said eoun ty and state and more accurately de scribed in said mortgage, which for de scription etc , is made a part hereof. Said tract of land contains 120 acres more or less. B. F. Montague, Sept. 83. ao. Atcy. Mortagee. Continued to October 80th. , - DUKE Cigarettes Cigarettes mads: from High Grcda Tcbs:so ABSOLUTELY PURK SheetsfVriting Paper Vary more in price perhaps than any other article sold. You do not nave to pay an uic siyie m our jmperB. That is wiuoui cnarge. We have also the "correct ink," only the best sold. As for Fens, there ia none to com pare with "LEON ISAAC'S GLUCB NUM PENS." WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Pens in Baleigh, Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES is not equalled in the city. Alfred Williams & Co. SALE OF LAND. Bv authority of a mortgage from Christopher Woodard and wife, record ed in Book 74, page 184, Register of Deed s omce ior waxe eonnty. i win on Monday. November 4. 1896. at 12 o'clock m., at the Court House door of Wake county sell to we nignesi niaaer ior cash a tract of land situated in Swift Creek township, Wake county, contain ing ou acres, more or was, aujuinmg cue lands of P. P. Peace and others, the said tract being composed of two tracts as follows: First tract contains 25 acres, and ad joins the lands of W. fl. 3. Goodwin, P. P. Peace and others, and la particularly described in a deed to said Woodard from P. Yates and wife recorded in Book 86, page 360, said Begister's office. Second tract contains 86 acres and adjoins the lands of W. B. 3. Goodwin and others and is described In a deed from P. P. Peace to said Woodard re corded in Book 68, page 447, said Beg later! office. A satisfactory purchaser will be al lowed easy terms as to payments If a part of the purchase price is paid in OS tds, ', . Attorney. Notice, by Executrix. ,. ' Saving titialifled as the Executrix of the last Will ana Testament or u i. Swindell, deceased, late of Wake Conntv. North Carolina. I heieby notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said Swindell to present the same to me on or before October 23d, 1st!, or this notice win be plead in bar of their recovery. This is also to notify all persons indebted to said Es tate to matte prompt payment to me. 1'his October 18th, 1805. i,MMAE. SVINDELU Executrix of the last Will and lesta- ment of D. T. Swindell, Deceased. Ernfst HarwooD, Attorney. octl8itwow t u SfrmUK RtC Ml T08ACCO OtWIf 1 x -Zgf DURHAM. W-S. !! - f EVERYTHING NEW, POPULAR '' GOODS " AT POPULAR PRICES MI&Lces a 'Iopiila,i House ' 5, We don't buy until we are certain that the style, matei ial and price are right We search until we And correct merchandise, then "buy." Customers should do likewise. Make the rounds if you please; buy where style, mate rial and price are right We are certain you'll buy heie. Five Popular Departments in our Popular Store: . Dress Goods, Silks, Coats, Capes, Jackets, , House Furaishing Goods, Shoes. The only entire new stock in the city from which to make your selection. -' BesrOoods for the r.lonev. For State Fair Visitors This week specialties in Dress Goods. Silks and Wraps "reserved' , and 'opened up" expressly for visitors to the State Fair. - - vi.hi . Consider this a personal invitation lor yuu w wi au to ium,. that this opening brings out Make our store your meeting place, four resting plsoa, your shopping place. Waiting and Toilet Booms for Indies. ... A. B. Stronach, Dry Goods, Jfotions, ' 8hoes-Kery thing Kxeept High Prices . C, WEIKEL, TAILOR. Is now ready to make up Suits for Fall and Winter. He has a fine selec tion of Suitings and Trouserings. Call at 1S4 Fayetteville street up stairs. " sap 6 Sm Onambaiiala Aye and Skin CH&tmam Tj unequalled for Edema, Tetter, Salt Rheom, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Haads, Itching Piles, Boms, Frost Bites, Chrome Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids, ""or sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO EOBsTownxBa. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con ation try Dr. Cads Condition Powders, they tone np the system, aid digestion, core mm of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidnev disorders and destroy worms, giving Kw Ufa to an old or over-worked horee. 25 ots rt package Foi ml by dru(Kiata Gayton Bed Ash, Ejrg Thatcher, Bed Ash. Splint Robinson, Red Ash. Splint JellccBedAah, Splint Anthracite, Bed Ashg Anthracite, White Asf?' Anthracite, White Ash, Stove. Anthracite, White Ash Pocahontas Smokeless Lump. Pocahontas Smokeless Steam. Russell creek Semi- Antnrale 0 A L I c 0 CRUSHED COKE for FAMILY USE. SMOKELESS ODBRLES8 SMUTLESS. El El . a rtl . nnka shinned au ui v r i. 'in direct from the mines. All from the best mines to America or eacu personally inspectea anu ewurau uj JONES & POVELL, BAIiEIOH. ft. C ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havin nnallSed as administrator of the estate of John Baker, deceased, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the aid estate to nresent them to the un dersigned on or before the 81st day of Angust 1896, or this notice will be pieaa in oar oi weir recovery, aua au nersons indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment a. aasLMusa, auiu x. : Argo ft Pnow, Atty'a August 80. 1895. , , PJ1DNE so so 1 &easc::ed ' P QAKmNF x AiiY UtiGTH V ; . THE LARGEST Furniture Dealers In the South. THOMAS &' MAXWELL HAVX JTJ8T BKCKXylS- A Car Load of - Fimtiin -OOirSISTDtS OF- 37 of the Finest Oak Suits That have ever been shown In Uie city. They have hia three clerks martini down the price of goods on hand in order to sell, them out to make room tor the linmense stock which Is being leoeiveddaily. . - ' , Messrs. Thomas & Maxwell are en abled to. sen goods as cheaply as they do and increase the number of their salesmen and the volume of their busi ness because they are the largest and wealthiest furniture dealers in the South. An idea of the extent of their business may be formed by the follow ing list of large Southern cities in which they nave branch houses: THOMAS & MAXWELL Charleston, 8. C. " Columbia, " " Savannah, Oa. Augusta,' " " Atlanta, " , - Macon, . M M " Columbus,-" " " Amerion. ' u " " Charlotte, W. O. Baleigh, " Richmond, Va And other stores that we have not space to mention, but will do so later, Tours for honest goods and low prices, THOMAS & MAXWELL Aradeni"': The best 13.00 UenV Shoes oa tbe market Made from tannery calfskin, donfrola tops, ail leather trimmed, solid leather soles with Lews' Cork filled Soles. -- TJneqosled for beauty, fine workman ship, and wearing qualities. Tour cook of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten tags. , Every pair eon tains a paid-up Aoct dent Insurance Policy for tlUO, good for SO days. Wear Lewis Accident Shoes, and go Insured trse, SOLD BT , re re men WA27. n)r ( ; Jk il v ) J 3UGI1TE23 SUITS t Are in order with the advent of an tumn activity. No clothing suits busi ness at au unless it uts neauy ana per fectlw. No varment fits Dronerl v unleei it's made to order. That's the first axiom of dress, and it doesn't need proving. It's as plain as the maU tiplloauon table that our made to order suits are unequalled in town. YOU RECOGNIZE THAT T. vnrw time von see one of our suits which are exactly what they should be in every Mrticular. Tbe logic of facts Is unanswerable, , , - G. WAIiTElS. Try 'Walters' Paramount System of Garment Cutting. . r , octatt ACADEMY of MUSIC One ISTigrht, TUESDAY, Oetober Fltz and Webster A BREEZY, TIME," TUJSED TJP TO DATE. Everything New, Novel and Original. C "the Trilby Burlesque." O ."The Tennis Quintette." Crrhe Bowery Pets." C "The Bicycle Swells." O "Our Latest, The Turkish , . , BELL GAVOTTE, , N. B Look out for mir big open air free show by Advance Brigade' Do, a, Saturaay evening at 8 o'clock. Prices iB, 6A lie and tiOO. . BeaU on sale at W. H. King &Co's. . RIGGAN'S - RIGGAN'S , BIGGAN'S; IS THE 1 - TO BUY Dolls, Games, Juvenile Books, Toys, Wagohs, Novelties, Doll Furniture, VU1I ISU i:ry Ufamnl Cabs, Doll Cwriaffe, Kono, uarts. veiocepeaea, v r . Baskets, (fancy and use- f ul) Brio-tvBraa Iron m. WJ V SVLUUpk, Rubber Dolls, RatUes and. Rubber Largest Btcek ever ia North Carolina. Largest Btoek ever la North Carolina. BEST VALUES FOR LEA8T MONET BEST VALUES FOR LEAST MONEY RIGGAN, y ' J The Toy Man. " Riggan's Toy Store, . 13S Fayetteville St . seplS ,. . JBstabllaned 1836. . ' fl. J. BROWN ; COFFIN HOUst - BALEIGH. N. C. Keeps the largest, Baest and nest s leeted stoek of Cofflns and Caskets in Cloth , .f Wood and Metal. ". Burial Robes, Wrappers, Slippers for ' Ladles, OenU and Children) also ; , Burglar Proof CJravtfVaults JOUN, X. BE0WN, Prop'r, Funeral Director " and ' Embalm sr. Sep80-lm , ' , . Notice to Defendants. In the TJ. 8. Circuit Court for the Eastern Uistnotoi XNortnuaroinia, W.Archibald and May ti Archibald. It is ordered that said VV. W. Ar- .i,ih.M.nil kiiiti Arr.hihald Kfl r. UUIWUU J " " " mitiuj lAann.1, ,T)H ntftSfl. ftftflWftr or dmur at the t ftiee of tbe Clerk of the United elates Uircu't lwi ior win jjfoow, ua.ww. - fore November llch, I . 5, and tct a oopy Of tills or-qr V ifr wuu a n.nf fha liill nf faT , .:it S" 1 SUb. Vfj J vuv w.i. . . r - ----- poena herein si a'.l Le f T i rn tae defenddnTu ia i c . u i a triotof w Voik, t! ml) trictof Yi:. -'-a, rr 1 1 f .a n. r District 3 t: d-i.-.-t p;vte fouort. It is f -r..er f ..-ei t it service be nie t v rn-! '-"'-',r' rr--.6 - 4 ,r o n , c in t! I'll VifaiTOR, a r- .--r,.ier puCehei ia the c.ty of U , ,1. ,.Ir, Eeot. 2 Clsjuc DtSIHACLE 'QSS Bright Plaids.' ' Bright ptaids for school dresses; look like the higher priced imported ones. Fair grades begin as low as 20c and up to 450. , " , , , All Wools, . Plain colors in all wooL nearly a yard wide, at 20 . , 7ool Suitings. Dark grounds with brleht checks. rough Scotch plaids and serviceable mixtures, irom soo to sue. -; , ,- Blue Stuffs. , " Blue stuff, so sood this season' for separate skirts. A great vaiiety, the au wumuuea oegw as mi was zoo. si W. fl. & E. S. TUCKER & GO I?OBr School! Supplies O-AXiIi OIT THE, S RALEIGH STATIOiJERY CO., ' .800 Fayetteville Street, Opposite Postolflce. - We have a large and oomplete line of Penmanship Practice Tablets and Pads Pencil and Ink Pads and Tablets, Blatea. Straps, pens, Pencils, Sponges, Crayon Inks, Composition Books, Blackboard Erasers. Tablets, etc. School bags, - Of every description at prices that can't be beaten. l- We Are. Kno m attenOon and we guarantee our goods to bs strictly flra&ass rad asrep resented. fT Special prioes to Dealers and Schools. ' RALEIGH GTATIOrJERY CO., ' ! W. G. 8EPAEK, Manager."' ' ' Fayetteville Street ; READY. FOI TOE , Witk everything d sorted by the world's dictators of Fashion for the eon. ing season, and governed.by the moderate price system whleh has bailt np oar vast aonstltneney, and keeps iBereaalna; It ia gratifying volnme season after stasoa. ' YOUR MONEYS FULL VALUE Is eonsldered fair and upright dealing er ery where but we are aster satisfied nnless we can go this aeeepted msreantlle truism one butter) to pat-do the best raises of oar eompHitors and to Improve'' opon onr own. Toar Inspection of prises will, we think make evident the saceesi with which we hare applied the abore principle or rather oar improvement upon it v V. CLOTHING A : As stylish, handsome sad new as it is poasible to make them at price lor than most houses ask for last season's carrled-over stock. ' . GENTS FURNISHINGS AND SHOES. ' No pains hare been spared to make each department in its line complete all the fashionable centres having bees earef ally examined with the reanlt tha we can show yon up-to-date atnf as worn by the fashionable people of today We invite yonr criticism. - Cross & tineharir - 210 Favettovillo Ctroet. YES. TPS A FACT 4 U i I have cpened q cn tho FAYETTEVILLE and'. MARTIH Streets (NEXT TO POSTOFFICK.) UILL CLAD TO ZZ2 YOU AT ALL IE23. John Y. Gccds ' Popular . Prio La Belle Crepons. i Duess styles in cotton crepons, warm, rich coloring, prioe 12 l-c . Qros De Londxes. : A weighty cotton rep, printed like Henriettas, a serviceable ootton, prioe Ul-Jto. , , j . Teazle Downs. A warm printed ootton fabric small ' printings In dots, pin ; stripes, etc. Prioe loo. - . , - Orepoline. ' 1 . These, too, ia dark dress style, but soft and looks like wool. Prioe lOe. 1 as Headquarters FALL U branch Drug Gtoro corner of MacRr.s,