KP1TAPH TO I.IITI-K JAMES C. liUUSOXU. Farewell sweet boy, thy precious form Beneath this oik lay to reetj ... 'Ti hard to giv the op, Bat God knows best -"At flower that elose at opening day Thu quickly haatthoa passed away. Bntw wilt still remember thee, Though thy d-ar form w cannot ae Oar heart are sad, w scare eaa tee, BecaoM sweet ok, w weep for the. We loved job much, God loved 70a more Asa took yoa to that faapppy abort. While standing 'roond thy little grave With reelgnatloa let aay. Thy will be done) "Onr Father fat" Var Vatber took hi child away. Ut owa, it wa hii right to slain ; Aad vr blessed be his samel .. ',. A B. F0BM8T. SENATE RBOBOANIZATION. Senator Merlon Batte Gives His V ' Views on This Matter. . ; Senator Marion Batler in an In terview with Col. Fred Old said, regarding the organization of the Senate, that he favored the' oomtng together of the silver men of all parties and organising the Senate on silver tines. He said tna, a ma jority of the Senators were elected as silver men and claim to be snob and eaa therefore take charge of every Senate Committee and that the adherents to V gold standard can only control (be Senate by the aid of men who profess to favor , silver. Senator Batler. says It is of the mtmost iraportanoe for silver men to organize th Senate and thus octroi committees, for unless this is done no silver bill will be report ed. The Senator is impelled to take this view of organization as ha con siders that Senator Sherman bas made declaration in favor of orgenl tation of the Senate by advocates of a single gold standard. - - ' . Civil But 1 toe KiailaaMim. ' The ivll servie . commission at Washington has ordered that ae ex amiaatlbsrbe held In this lty ba 8at- - nrday, Dree'mber 7, 1885, eommenolag at Bia o'eloek a. m. for the grade of tlerk aad carrier fa the city postoffio. , , Only altiMB of the United, Btatas eaa b examined. The ag llmitatloa ar a followsi For sarrUr,: wot nadw 1 aor over 40, for all other positions .not nadw 18 yar. So applioation will be aeeepted for this cxamisatloa 1 anles died .with, th ndrignd in V, complete fornv on the proper ; Weak Defer th hour of eloslng easiness on Bovmbr 18, 1885. -The lvll serf tc - commission Ukes this opportunity of sUtisg that the xaminations ar opn to all reputable ltlen who may ,d ilr to enter th postal servlee without L regard to their politioal efflllstlons. AUsneh cltiiens whether DemocrsU , or Bepobltoans, or either, ar invited to apply. They shall b ismlned, graded and eertlBad with entire lm. . partiality and wholly -without regard - to thir political flews or to any eon-, , slderatlon save their effloleaey aashowa ' . by th grades they obtain la the x ', amlnatioa. For applleatioa blanks, fall 'Instructions snd information , relative to the duties aad aalariea of the different positions apply at th postofflc to E. B, Ems, T . Beefy Board Examiner. ' -T A Household Treasure. .' . D. W. Fuller, of Canajohar It, N. T. , says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found that the very best results -follow its utj that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman, druggist, Catsklll,N. T., says that Dr. King's New Dlsoov. ery is undoubtedly - th best 'cough remedy j that fc has used it la his fsmily for eight years, aad it has never failed to do aU that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy o long triad - and tested.' Trial bo'tl free st John T. MeKae'a drug store.- Hogelar sUe 60s and tt.Ofc - -v.. A London syndicate bas paid . I?,' " 600,000 for a quarter la tbe Anaconda cod per mines. . Johnson's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Is invaluable in all pulmonary af i cottons sud consumption. It enrich' , es the blood, restore - lost tisanes. -:, ' VUllue DP Hi muyvmvw wun iuuuij ' flesh. Pint bottles $1.00. For. sale by John Y. MaeBae, druggist." . Wiaepeg, Xasitoba, claims to be more sorts of a town than any other plao la th world. .1.. SH . . . - - . . All diseases of the skla eured aad ' th best omplexioa restored by John son's Oriental oap, perfumed and , . highly medicated. Two cakes in each paekage, 95 cents. For sale by John I. Macrae ? -. 1 A bone kicked H. 8. Sharer, of the Freemver Bouse, Middleburg, K. Y. ' on the knee, which laid him up in bed and caused the kuee joiut to beoome suit. A friend recommended him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which ha did. and in two dftva was able to be around. Mr. Sbafer bas recomendd it to many others and says It Is excellent lrany Etna 01 a oruiso or eunuu. ts curt- of rheumatism. For sale by J. littl Bobbltt , . . . - : r : : j BecreUries Carlisle aad Attorney General Harmon wll go home to vote. ' PV- wav 1a mulaIi eetarrhlathronfrb. th blood. Johnson's Sarssparilla and Celery treats tuts disease soce8iuiiy Tr ft and voa will not be dUappoin ted. Price, large bottles, 60 cents. Cure forHadache As a remedy foe all forms of head aobe E lee trie Eittera bas prerved to be the very best. It effente a permanent cure and tbe most dreaded habitual sick beadaebes yield to It Influenee. We urjje all wbo are afflicted to pro enre a bottle, and frive this remedy a fair trial. la ease of habitual eonstt nation Eleetrle Bitters cores by giv. and few eases Ion; resist th ess of this medicine. Try It at once. Lerfre bottle only BO at John I hUeBaVs drogs'ore. :,.'. The horseless earrlags race will take place between Chicago aad Waukegau oa November 8. fl. V. Tiager, Dewan, Pa., write: Mr. Harlno; of this pise has used your remedy for the Piles and recom mends It very highly. He gave me yonr address. I would like to know on what term and price yon sell to dealers.. Let me hear from you and oblige. Bold by Joha T. JtacBa. Queen Victoria' silverware at Wlad or cssUe la valued at 818.500,000. Chamberlan's is the best of aU. Vin cent J. Bark, of Danbury, Iowa, has used Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy whenever in need of a medicine for coughs and olds, for the past Ave years and says r "It always helps me out If anyone asks me what kind of cough medicine I use, I reply. Cham berlain's, that is the best of all. 85 and 50c bottles for rale by J. Hal JtoobiU Druggists.' . , - For insomnia, sleeplessness, averv. oneness, hysteria aad all form of aervoui exhaustion aad debility, there Is but one remedy, Johnson's Bares, parilla and Celery - works directly apoa the Bcrv center and sever fails to jure. Large bottles SO eeat. P sal by Joha T, MacBa. Divorce some easier la Indiana than la any other state, for resident. - : Last Jane Dick Cr wford twoaght bis twelve-months-old child, saflering from infantile diarrhoea, to me. ' It h d been weaned at four monthsold and had always heeii sickly., f gave It tbe usual treatment In such eases but without benefit The child kept grow- big thinner until It weighed but little more than when born,- or perhaps ten pounds. I then started the father to giving Chamberlain's Colic, CI olera and Dlarr . , Bemedy, Before one bottle of thr a tnt aise bad been used a marked improvement wa seen and ts continued use cured the child Its weakness and nunv : constitution dls appeared and Its father and myself be lieve the child's life was saved by this rem ear. j. x. Marlow, mU.-t Tama, roa, IU. For sale by J. Hal Bobbltt Druggist The new battleship ludisna Is more than half a knot faater thaj her stip ulated 15 knots an boor. John O. Uanser. editor of the Rnn. beam,uSeligman, Mo who maned G rover Clevelan'i for the Presidency in November, 1882, while was mayor of Buffalo, JOY., Is enthusiasUc in bis praise of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemeoy. He says: "I have used It for the past five years and consider it the best preparation of the kind In the market It is as staple as sugar and coffee in this section. It Is an article of merit and should be used In everv household. ' For aaJe be J. Ha bobbltt Druggist ' ; sept Waeasany wesak, mmuri waeaahewasaOatieetoCsatorla. ' Sale of Valuable Heal Estate. Bv virtue nf a mnrtvaee deed elvnn bv Hardv B. Bagwell and Adelaide BagweU hla wile, to Catharine Bovlan, dated January i& and registered In tne office of tbe Beglster ot Deeds for Wake county in Book 101, page i0, 1 will, n tne mn oar jvotvuidot. ibvo. m tivoiuw. . . i . n I. J 1 11 . 1 .. I U m.k. M uie LMiun noun uwr ui wmoiru. ttwv county, leu, at public anetlon. to the highest Bidder for cash, the following described real estate to-vtl: a. certain tract or. una ntaaw In Wake county. St Mary's Township, adjoin ing the lands ofBarouel Watts, Allen BturdWant J. o. Dupree, Bedle Smith and others, and more fullv described as follows: Beginning at Jointers oa the Smitbneld and Raleigh Boad aha rarker's (now Samuel Watts) comer near wans thence witn ni line noma iwo aegrees west M chains to a stake, thence soath ft de grees west chains to tne wuminnon noao, Bienee with said road to a pine, Allen Bturdl vant's corner, thence with his line south St de grees west a chains to a stake. Bturdivant's corner, thenoe with his Hue north I degrees east sevea chains to a rook. BturdiTant's corner: thence with his line south degrees west 40.S0 chains to a stake in Jack Dupree's line, thence north two degrees east cnaus ro a llghtwood stump, L. J. Weather's corner, tlienoe with his Une south ST degrees east " chains to a rook. Weather corner, thence north S degrees east 'B et chains to the Bmltn fleld Boad. thence with said road to a black lack, Wa BturdiTant's corner, thenoe with bis line north I degrees east T.Tt chains to a black Jack, Bedle Smith's corner, thenoe sooth ST de- rees cant a cuam w m i ui mm wu iw. henee u the said mad south ti deirrees east ifLin ehfdiia to the Smithfleld Road, thence with the said road to the beginning, eontalnlng tl 1-t acres more or less. This uth day oi ootooer. inc. . , , . W. St. BOYLAN, - ' - . Kxecntot of Catharine Boylan. C: SALE OF LAND. In nnrsance of a Judgment rendered on the asth day of September, A. D. 1895, in a special proceeding enuuea w . R Blake, administrator of Mrs. E. Glenn, deceased, against Pat tie Dupree et ai, before the Clerk of Wake Su perior court, x wui sen at tne court house door, in the cltv of Baleisb. on the 4W day or jNovemoer a. it. lswa, AS V UWK Ul Bill UUUUV SWUUU, for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing descnoea lot or paroeioiiana bounded and described -as follows; l.vlnv and belns in thecitv of Kaleleh. on the tbe north side ot Martin street and boundedon tbe east by 16t of Hen derson Beeves. dcpaed, on the south by tbe land or. tidriage jonnson, oe- ceasea, ana on uie norm dv tne lot formerly owned by Wesley Whitaker; frontinit on said Martin street 85 feet and running back 210 feet, containing one-sum oi an acre more or less. - W.B. Blakb, Octl 80d - Commissioner. THK GREATEST SCO VERY OK THE AGE r 4 ( m cvrm in 1 to 4 dtvra, lm j i t.uib in fteat; quick to Vieuit to fHtoot; on nra. (jAnbtMrrirai 1 L r ). i pockH etil eom .I in on sjrnsiu ytave-cMft). ptmt by maul, prepaid, pUiat t"''aaft oa noaiD w pno. 4 ysjsj iiua For saU t Johi T. KoBm. drajr VALUABLE FARZIS- LiKDS FORvSALE. By viitneof authority conferred by a certain ueea oi Trust irom K A. Hodge and Loretta Hodge, hla wife, dated December 6th, 189a and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county. N. C, In Book 114 at page no. I will on .i;'V THURSDAY. Kovember Uth, 1896, sell at publio auction, to the highest bidder for cash, six (8) tracts of land situate in Saint Matthews township, Wake county. N. C and described as follows: First Tract containing 321 M acres, more or less, beins? Lot. No 8 of the Oaston Wilder lands, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of said noose on me souin. oi tne late vavia Htnton on the east of tbe said Hodare on the north and Neuse river on the west; and bounded as follows: begin ning at a stake and pointers on tbe east bans oi .Neuse river, aoout u links be low the mouth of a cut the southwett corner nf Tract No. L bought at the same time and place by Joseph An drews, runs thence east 896 poles to a stake In the late David Hinton's line; thence with bis line south 84 degrees, west 140 Dole to a stake and nointers: thenee west 858 poles to a small birch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse viwawi 4-KiATiA nn thai viH"inai nnnrnns s (ITWi WUV-t W UjV WUV VavatVMSJ wua V4 the river about 188 poles to the begin ning. Doing same tract conveyea cy John B. Williams and vrifs to R. A. Hodge by deed recorded In said office. In Book 00 at page 645, reference to which is made. . Sioond Tract, containing 190 acres, more or less, being- Lot No. 4 of the Betsy Hlnton f arm formerly Gaston Wilder's land) and bounded as follows: Bearlnnina at a small birch and noint ers on the bank of Neuse river about six poles below Spring Out; thence with the dividing line east 858 poles to a stake in David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 88 poles to a stake on Mingo creek: thenee down the creek about 834 poles to where it empties Into Neuse river: thence np the -said river about 196 nolea to ths beannnins-: beine? asms tract conveyed by W. R. Poole to R. A Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 50, at page 188, reference to which Is made. Third Tract, oontalclntr 118 acres. more or less, and. bounded as follows: Betrtnnine? at a stake on the south aide of the Tarborough road W. R. Pool's corner rues' south 1-8 degree west 45 pole to a stake and pointers in the head of a small branch; thence with said branch 89 poles to a pice on the east side of the branch; thence south 34 M degrees west 88 poles to stake and nointers; thence east 108 1-8 poles to a stake; thenoe north 61-4dfgres east 814 coles to ths Tarborougn road; tttence with said road 98 poles to tbe beginning, being same tract conveyed by Jennie Hlnton to R. a. Hodge, by deed recorded in sa'd office In Book 105, at pan 551, reference to which Is made, Kourth Tract, containing 79 8-4 aces, more or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of ths Hodge road, and in 3. H. Poole's line, being the northeast oorner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thenoe east with Poole's line 188 l-i poles to a stake and pointers on a branch ; thence nearly south down the various courses of the branch 88 poles to a large pine on the east side of the same David Hinton's corner thenoe with bis line south 84i aegrees west uw l-s poics to a siaa ana pointers, the corner of the dividing line between this lot, or parcel, and that purchased by G. H. Williams, at same sale; thence west 104 poles to a stake in ins centre or nocgeroaa; tnence norm ward along said road 118 1-8 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed by Sarah E. wilder, commissioner, to R. A. Hodge, by deed recorded In said office, in Book 68, at page 146, reference to which Is made. , . ? . Fifth tract, containing tweniy-nve acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Ruffln Williams, B. P Williamson, William Smith and Joseph J. Andrews, and on the east side of Neuse river, be ing a part of the Betsy Hlnton tract bought by said Andrews at the Q. H. Wider estate sale, beins the southwest corner of said tract according to a chop- dl line commencing at the said river, ow spring gut, at a willow: thence up said river to above the falls at a twin red-oak; thenoe east to a stoo ana pine: thenoe tosstob In ths branch; thence south to R. Williams land, a llghtwood knot; thenoe west to the be ginning, and being tbe same tract eon veyed by Joseph J7 Andrews and others toR. A. Hodge, by deed recorded In said office, In Rook 60, at page 807, ref erence to which is made. v . Sixth Tract, containing eight acres and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad joining the lands of W. B Poole, Jesse Wstklns, deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in centre ef Hodge road hi Poole's line; thenoe with said road south 8 1-1 degrees east 80 poles to a stake In centre of Tie same; thenoe west 60 1-4 poles to a stake; tnence norm xo a- puice w take in Poole's line; thence with the same east448 8-4 poles to the beginning; snd being same conveyed by James A. Williams ana wire to sua a. a- nwira h deed recorded in said office in Book 88 at page 90, reference to which is msde, -r; Pun of Sam County Court House door, In Raleigh. N. a Tan ot Baxk-u o'oiock m. ERNEST HAYWOOD. TjtTJBTXB. October 13, 1895. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. rh.Ju aJ Va Ca4vriSk A nnwlsw' iAa ; VilUOi vVliU UJ TU IUO vi svnva. mt- Robert A, Potter And his wife Sidonia I'otter, on me iia nay oi wtuuor, 1800l which said mortoapre is reoorded a- -(.. a)aji a f Kafe HatriatAfM llMefll fcM Wake county, In Book 114, on page 106, I will sell by request at the Court House a war.. - - - a2 .4, ..Kit.. ..,n-tAa, cash, to the highest bidder, the tract of 1 A u.4n.ila1wrieBjmKaWl Ivl SJallai lilrtrt. ffaire, which is bounded and described MIUUUWS; XjyiUK IUU Wiiaaj ui v mm.jj county. North Carolina, In 6aint Mary's a. Vl- aa vKlfaa. AaV WWUBMiPslbUU imiuuiuaj mm ssj ifuiwrvsw, John Ellis' (deceased) oorner, and runs innica tvuiu via uuioa w m iwh u Wm. l&ana's oia line: wencn eaai wiua said Band's line to the mill-path stake mill-path to stake and pointers; thenoe -A 1. AAMiav sf fnVin UlrithAiv. VHISv W s WtalvJ, Wiuvi wi wvuu vs.iMuoas er's line; thenoe north to a red-oak: tnence eaSb su poina w a eusae euu pointers; thenoe north 74 poles to a .. I. - tM frt.A llnA fnrm,vl nwnAll Vtw K H. Gower: thence with said line west 80 DOieS W B Diaca-juca j wimiOT wuui vu m f. j i T3 TJ Oaw.i'i aU Mrnw- thanM UUIOUI A. . VJ " v.. m vu. , west to the beeinnins, oontalnmg 80 acrwe, mure vt iJJiB r'v Unds ot Geo. Mitchener, M W. Britt, VT Ul. UlTBUI, Wiua wia wtaawvw va, awo eonTeyed by J. P. Oully, com misai oner in Special pnwveuaiiKa, vuuutu x rt ..!)-. .,nlefratA r T sTl lniarawaa area IT TsnriMsl atTlil AthsTftl in Wake Superior Court, to Robert A. Pot- Time of sale, 11 o'clock, m, on th IVhat io Oastorla la Dr. Samael Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neitber Oiiiuru, Morphine nor other Hareotie substance. It is a Iiurmless sabstltato for Paregoric Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its gnarautoe is thirty years use by - Mllliona of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Caatorla provejits vomiting Boar Cord, eares Diarrhoea and Wind Colic . Castoria relieves teething troubles, cares constipation and flatmleacy. Castoria aasimlUates the food, regolates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Ca toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Oastorla taaaenetteatSMSlehw tar shfl Ssaa. Mothers have repeatedly told bb et Us Sjee4 eSet spoa their oUMrea. Da. O. C Oaaen, ., - . LavvlUej. " Castoria Is the beat remedy for ohildna of Whk I Si acquainted. I hope She day is aot far dtatans whsBBwSaeni eflleoasMerthereal tatenet of their ehUdrea, and see Castoria lav stead at Sae vartoosojuaak aoatnaaa which art ; ausa iijIisj thah- lered ones, by foroiagoprum, twrptaiBe, soothhi syrup and ether auitrol i aewa thetr ihroaM, ahersby amdtaf iteaniaeHaitrsTOv" . -. Da. J. F. TntraraMe, Ooaway, ark. . She Chaaiaa Osjawy, Tt If W. a HOLLO THE CONNKCTICCT MUTUAL Life Insurance Compy Sells plain life Insurance, as pro- one's old age, aad asks a earefnl ex- amlnatlon of IU elear aad equitable eontraeu, wua ueir nneqaaiea gaar anteea'ln flgares oa th polley, giving tree life insnrsnes at Its Lowest possible Cost Will. PnrfMt! flaearite. This eom- paay has been doing bnslness in this t Stat over twenty-eight years, aaa v polley noiarsarits booi bbjl juiuo. Th Connecticut Mutual has ae speeulativ feature, extension forfei tures or Intricate pleas, -eoBtrlved for the eompany's advantage, aor the Incontestable elaase, admit ting raseeia at the expense or its noa est members, but if any hsppea to get In, it give them their money bask, all stated la the contract. The 3 Per Cent Reserve has besom an Important factor In llf lasnraaee. All will t gladly x plalasd by D. WAIT, I ' General Ageni. HaUigh. ECONOMY May be neoessary tat many ways when doUars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imper fectly nourishes; np to that standard it costs a reasonable prioe. VYs never wsnt more than a reasonable prioe for our Urooeriea. . , - . RAPID SALES ' Qlv our easterners ths beneSt ot close margios, We never keep any thing that is not ths best of it kind, and we only want a fair profit oa what we invest in it. . , , CHOICrGROCERtfS . ' Always to stock and prompUy de livered when ordered. Castoria, "Cat oris Is soweU adapted teehflSraa the 1 reomrmend B aasnperior to any pieeuilpUoa kaowato aaa," K. A. aeoaaa, VL O., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y. "Oa phjal reins la the ehildrant depart bmb havre apokaa hlshhy of thetr exparl anos hi Shear outside praotloe with Oastorla, aad although we ooiy ham amon our nedleal SuppUas what hi known as regular products, yet wears free to eoafesa that tbe aearMa ef Oastorla has woe as to' look with CaTorwpoait" Uarm Boarsrai. aaa Ihsramuar, Boston, Masa amy aVtrt,ITerw Tark Otty llllllllj y, ii'"- .1,111 s)J)H WMHHtllh ...HI' SS he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY Is tbe best equipped snd does the most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send in your work. Phone No 19. WAY k SONS. Hiss Maggie Feese. NJ-avtr 1 1 1 1 f fl Af17 A 1 W TT A lllllllVljr W are now showing all the lateat and most desirable ebape and styles in Fall aad Wlater Millinery. Oar Stock is Well selected, both as to STYLE and PRICE. There 1 a great variety 1b Caps and Sailors for Misses sad Children. All color sad sisss from SB to $8.00. We will be pleased to hav the ladies esll and look at our stock. Bvry on will receive prompt aad polite attention. T.IissJVTaggieHeese 909 FaysttevlUe Street. BULBS For Winter vnd Bpring BLOOMING. HMneee and Eaater Lilies. Hvacintha Freesiaa, Narciesns, etc Palms, Ferns ana oiner plants lor room aeuorauug. Out Flowers Boquets Floral Ie8ififias , " Ever(rreen, . Magnolias and Shade Tree. , .... , - , n. CTEHCIETZ, Florist Korth Halifax Street, near Psscs In- Ml 'I TBE aS.JUII.OlE 1 Why this store ts Jnst right for your eeoaomleal purbaslng-that Is, BBCAUSB WB BUT AND SKLIi BOH CASH. Osr iaereae ef business (treagtheDS this statement and th goods themselves CLINCH IT. ' 6. . LI KITED. MBANS san parehase ths BEST 8HOKS at less than th manoTae tcrer's prices of today. C. A. Sherwood & Co. PATAPSCO Flouring Mills. ESTABLISHED 1774. . Premier fgsO5 J remier 1H pATEKTW mCAaAMBIllU.lBTG.C Flour &jrt-&7 S Manufactured from the Cream of Maryland and Virginia Wheat. For Sale by City Grocers. j? 1 0 'D asn Prem,am8' psyable in gold for the best Bread aad S OeUU Bolls msde of the above brand of Floor and put on exhibition at the eoming State Fair. The pablie, excepting professional bakers, invited to compete. First premium on Bread, $35 00; second, 1B.OO. First premium on Bolls, $15.00; seeond, $10.00. C. A. Gambrill T.lfg Co., Baltimore, Md., PEOPBZB3TORS. JONHSON & JOHNSON, 109 Faretteville Street. Raleigh, N. C, Agents. SAY, Talking about furni ture and furniture stores why Royall & Borden, North Carolina's largest dealers and only manufacturers, have stores from Maine to Mexico "all on paper." Bat here in North Carolina they havela real FURNITURE FACTORY, larger sise, employine; 162 rsen, running day and night to fill orders. Also have CHAIR AND MATTRESS FACTORY At the same plaoe, where we can make any kind of Mattress you want Oar profits are too small to open any more branch nooses at pres ent. But we have one each in Goldaboro, Raleigh and Durham full ot the best and oh ea pest line of . FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES ever shown at either plaoe.v We cannot plaoe our bargains on paper, but simply desire to inform you through the Prees-Visitor that we are here and ask you to inspect our stock and compare our prices with any house. We leave the bal ance with you We gDailly; show any one through, our store, whether they buy or not. vttpen at nigbtf ROYALL Ain BORDEN, ;: JR AJEIGrll, IT4HMI AM, GOLDUUORO OLOAirC Trtanendons Values I arrepeeaehable style I Ladles' Short Reefer Coats la laek, gseys aad eoverts tbe &M kind. 9 Measa. Ladiea' Beaver Cloth, Box Treats aad eitra pond sarvlee Coats th S7 50 kind. M BOeash. Ladles' Blaok Boaele CloU Jaekets, Bos Fronts, large Mandolin Sleeve and Klpple Back the liaSOkiBd.tSCOeaeh. SHOES. f Segardless of tbe MA ROT CONDITIONS we have eat the prices on Shoe to an axteat sever before thoagbt of. This ale means that borers of ol America J V IBID 01 novemoer, low. , W. T. HOWtK, -MoBTSAaai. October U, 1805- PESGUD For sale by John T. Haotiae, drug sututA i'none us. gist.