Iwl I L.i. THOA J. PENCE, City Editor. MONDAY. OCTOBER 88. 1895 Index to New Ad vertteementa. New Opera last Heller Bros. - To the Public Mrs. Emma Swindell A Mew standard Berwanger Bros To Tax-payers W. M. Page, Sheriff. J? or sale uows ana uousv WKATHEB FORECAST.. I1' """1' Forecast fop North Cro- Ina Tuesday Falr.preoeded by looal showers today. Mitch cooler, with probable frost Tuesday morning. V Local Foreoaar for ' Ralelch aad Ticiaity Taesday Fair, colder. . faii? '; : I oo Tm , ' .... Monday, October U8Ui. Ijocal data for 114 hoars ending; at n a. m. Miiximam temperature, iv. atinimajBs temperature, itain : fall, trace. 1 ; rERSOITAli. . . . , air. Ben Moffit returned to Frank' liatoa tni morning. Mr. B. L. Thompson is at home from ColnmMa for a tew day. . Mr. Augustus Bradley has returned from a flying trip to Henderson. Ber. 0. Durham is quite ill. Mos- enlar rheumatism is his trouble. .. . - . Mr A. H, Johnson and family hare moved to Goldsboro. They will make that place their residence. Capt. W. B. Keadrick has returned to the oity after an absenoe of several months in Mississippi. Misses Margaret! and Bliiabeth Hinsdale returned Saturday from visit to the Atlanta Exposition. Hon. Thomas Settle, Congressman from the Fifth District, is here looking handsome and debonaire as usual. Mr. John McKee, who has been vis. lting his father here during fair week, returned to school at Fayettevills to- day. Rev. J. h. Foster left this morning to attend the Eastern Virginia Chris tian Conference, which meets at Berk ley, Va. Miss Sarah Kenan, who has been visiting Mrs. T. S. Kenan during fair week, returned to her home at Wil mingtoa today. Mr. John W. Jenkins, whose clever faber brightens the local columns of the News and Observer has gone up to Durham for a few days. Miss Msry Montgomery, daughter of Judge W. J. Montgomery, of Con cord, is in the city the guest of her cousin, Mrs. B. S. Jertnan. Miss Wallace Priddy, of Keysville, . Va., who ha been visiting at Mrs. F 0. Moring's on Blonnt street, returned to her home this morning. Mia Clyde Ellington and her guests Miss Lelia McGirt and Miss Batson, a member of the faculty, returned to Greensboro Female College today. Mr. Howard Haywood, who has been taking in the Fair, has returned to Butherford county, where he is con nected with the Henrietta Cotton Mills. Hiss Hattis Watlington, of Greens boro Female College, who has been visiting Mrs. James Bobbins on New bern Avenue, returned to Greensboro today. Miss Laura Worth, a niece of Treas urer Worth, and his daughter. Miss Annie, who have been in the city Fair week, returned to Guilford College this morning. Dr. Arthur Pendleton, of Warren ton, N. C, who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania last Jnne, is in the city. Dr. Pendleton now holds a lucrative position in a Boston hospital. This Lady Caught a Fakir. ; ! Saturday's paper told of how farmer Gilchrist ran op against fakirs to hit sorrow j this morning a reporter learned of another attempt at robbery which was made at the depot the same day. A lady bought two tioketa to Abbe ville. As she stepped away from the window, aha felt a tug at her dress. She had just put the purse and tickets in her poeCet and turned quickly. At bt raids stood two men thai hands were dangling idly by their aide and the eyea ware suspiciously innocent in their "far-away" expression. , Glanc ing downward the lady saw a bit of green paper protruding from "beneath the foot of one of th men. . Please move yonr foot I believe I dropped my ticket," she said. The man complied sheepishly, aid she stopped and picked up both tickets. W hen she looked up, the dreamy eyed men had gone. Her purse wee sndls tnrtred. Had it been a maa's, instead of a woman' pocket, tha fakir might have ueeeeded.!'J,' To the Public,' To th Public. The business of D. T. SWINDELL. deoeasvd, will be closed out at once, Everything Everything In the store will' go at prices you never dreamed of before. Dress Goods Dress Goods We have a large stock of Dress Goods. MANY BOUUHT THIS SEA SON too many different kinds to try ai d prise them. Do yoa want a dress? That's all we want to know We will do the rest. COMB and SEE for YOURSELF. Blankets. Blankets. All wool 10-4 California bltnkets Thoy were the $4.60 kind, now only .34 a pair (see window). We advise you to sail early, as the stock will not last long at this price. Underwear. Underwear. Now is the time to buy ladies' gent's Underwear. We have a line on nana now"caugnt thW sea son," If you put off buying you v miss all the choice valuta THIS A CHANCE you should not MISS. MBS. EM HA B. SWINDELL, Executrix. an foil To Tax-Payers of Raleigh Township. I reariectfullv call your attention to the face that the months given by law ior me collection or taxes nave nearly expired and that I shall be forced to collect by distress unless the taxes are paid promptly. I am forced to settle on the days .prescribed by law and hence make this apnea!. I insist that one and all come forward and settle promptly their taxes, thereby saying toy sen iron Die ana yoa annoyance. at. w PAUJ, snenn. 0Ct28 2t For Sale. Several fine cows, a nair of handsome colts, also two young steers, Inquire ot Mr. Hatch, MUlbrook, N C, or at 604 North Person Btreet; Raleigh, 38 3t For Sale. Half Interest in a paying manufao buriug uuomeoo in uir uity ui naieigi Address Box 364. . 28tf For Rent. v House with nine rooms, srflod loc ilitv. water and bath room, all in good shape. aortn bans- Apply to W. L. Davis, I oury street. 26 Iw Golf Cape Lost. A tan. golf cape, with a eolf hood. uneu wiw ecouiso piaia snx, on street ear yesterday afternoon. Suit able reward for return to this office, tf Johnson & Smith's photographs are ail tne taiK. uiamona size Si 60. esoi- nets 12 50 one half dozen. Examine their work. Flta and Webster are Coming. Fits and Webster who will be s at the Academy tomorrow evening in their successful musical farce comedy, "A Breezy Time," are not at aH be hind the times in securing new and novel features for their performance each year. This season, in addition to th beautiful Turkish Bell Gavotte, the Law Tennis Quartette . and the Bieycle Swells, they have introduced a burlesque on that famous play, "Trilby," which is having aneh a no- eessful ru at th Garden; Theatre, . New Toik City., It is a Very laugha ble burlesque and ha made a great Impression wherever the company hav appeared to far this seasons. Special attention has bee give to th makeup 'and dres ot the charac ters that'er introduced, which are Trilby, Svengall, Little Blllis, Taffy, : and th Laird. ' ' . ' V crraiif BRIEF. , fiabsribera to the telephone will pleas add Thomas Donaldson, No 180. Th cruiser Baleigh of th White Squtdroa it t Norfolk. Th cruiser will remain there for a short time , to undergo om repairs. . ? v-jJX Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Depew and Mr. Cornelius Venderbilt and son, who have been touring in the west, are now in Western North Carolina visiting Mr George Vanderbilt's magnificent man s! natEiltmors. ; 5 ' ... We are now making in their Derfee tlon the original Peanut Brittle and Butter uups, we invite comparison with other makes. BOYSTER. Ijost Bank Stock. BALKISH. N. C July 23. 1896. The undersigned hereby gives notice mat sne nas lost, or ner late nusoand, W. N. H. Smith, has lost.-two certifi cates of shares of the capita, stock of The Citizens' .Bank of Norfolk. Va.. numbered 40 and 82 respectively, the termer for three shares and the latter for twenty-two share of said stock, and wishes them returned to her if found. MBS. MARY U. SMITH, - Executrix of W. N. H Smith. oct!9 Sm Deceased, Baleigh, N. 0. URIavtted To bring your friends to Johnson & Smith's Photograph Gallery to have tbeir pictures made. Their -work is unsurpassed Try tnem. . octis Madam Besson desires to call the at tention of the Dublic to her new stock of fall and winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children. Infanta' caps, sacques, notions, etc . - octltf - Twenty Cents a Pound. Cream Almonds, Vanilla Taffy, Pea nut Brittle. Made daily at Barbee A Pope's. . . . ... : Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dressmaking at their home, 607 North Wilmington street Perfect tit and satisfaction guaranteed. oetl&lu) ' .. .. r Mr. Fred A. Watson is prepared for his fall and holiday trade with a more complete line of novelties, souveni $7.5o TO $15.oo We've Raised a .New Standard. ' Applaud persistency' it has ripened an ambition, verified a prophecy derooui-traUxl a theory. We iiMve brought yoa bargains, rich in the sentia- Bargains tbat we have aimed at al complete line of novelties, souvenirs,! tuwa years or our commercial existence, acooi, caioumtea pma ior uuernig picture frames rod various artlstie and ' of maguilieeot values at h price Uiat brands them bargains and Invite an in- beautiful things than ever before. He pectton. . Prices that outstrip all possibilities of competition. qualities, rare in the smalmest of the price. tnese years or our commercial existence. bus the most complete stork in his line Ml tuv OUttO. ,:. w ' . OCUtSU nly e ' COMING THIS SEASON. r Wanted. , , A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established h tuse. Salary TO0 payable $16 weekly and money advanoed for expenses. Situ, uon steady Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. H. js. ut5S, nesidenv unicago, u Come : Nothing New With Vs. ' For the cast five years we have never ccargeo more tnan and s&c per quart for oysters.- We know the business and guarantee to sell more good oysters for the same money and more to the quart than any dealer in Baleigh, Spe cial prices to schools and charitable 1b tUtuUons, which we defy others to equal. ' V'V- Our stock is received daily and sold from the only distinct oyster refrigera tor In North Carolina. ..-... .:.--';. (ijsa n. IVltS CO, ---. CHtj Market, Bretsch has built up such a trade that he is busy shirmini to Dointa out- Side the city. His crackers, cakes and lunch milk biscuits are the. finest to be had. - ,r ...i'.: 4t '0 ' N Age Wanted Everywhere. $5 a day. Marion Har land's New Book. "Home of the Bible.' Over 51,000 new photos; nenrly 5tt0 extra lares psis. Just the bxk for the fall and liouuwy canvass. Ivo eperifio ree!i' i. Ior partieumrs 1 in iiis- M'lci.i Tub. O , lhilttuclpuia, ia. Out 10 tf ' " AND Examine 7ondera for the Honey lien's Suits and Overcoats ,$7:50 to $15.09. . ;. We want everybody to see our fine f suits and overcoat at 7 60 to $18.00 iney were made for evetyoody. Theseaies'tes to fit ever body. A pattern to please everybody. . A fabric to satisf every body. They are 85 per cent more valuable as they are meted out by o ner bands. These are all rtylea of suits and overcoats, sack and cutaway, frock suits, light, medium and heavy overcoats, eut in all length, medium, lonir and lnnamit aome with deen, wide eollara. others with velvet collars specially adapted for dreas wear. If you see them you will sy they are the handsomest line in town for the money. You will soon have to change your light weight underwear for heavies ones. We have the BE3T COLLECTION OF tflNE UNDERWEAR ever shown In this city 60c to $S with full value at each price. are sole agent here for Jaros Hygienio Underwear. . They are highly recommended by tne medical board to pee vent colds, and especially recommended ior toe weak asc ior catalogue. .- The handsomest Steel I Range - made. It is 5 Bee oar new . Bissell Grates 4 We hav 3 Bicycles On easy terms ' T Baby' Oarriasres At a out grlce. hos. H. Brigg & Sons, LEADERS I1V STYLE TURN OVER ' A New Leaf v i a- i AND SAVE AT LEAST 25, PER CENT The Cash System and our Price Lis! Suits All. -; : UPCHURCH&.CRTB Raxxiaa, N C ept l-lv. Try- Portsmouth Lavander-Smelling i Salts," in glass-stoppered, nickel-1 capped bottles; handy for travel-1 ing, 25 cents. Try The Vioums Rosses Soap. An elegant and highly-perfumed Toilet Soap, 40 cents a cak. Yours truly, . Jas. McKimmon & Co I'JIA. RMACISTS, 188 Fayetierun, bu, -Baleigh, N. G Better known as the cheapest Grocery House in Town, are selling: Pure Hoe Lard. 8 1-Ke lb: bett suorar-eured flams. 18 1-Sc: English-cured BnouMers, loc; Ureaift Stripe, 12a lb; best Northern nutter, so ana sae id; Country Butter, 17 l-2o and 90r; all pork Link Sausage, 10c lb; Oieam Cheese, IS 1-4: fresh Eras, lflo dosen: Mullets. 1 i-a lb: Codfish. 8 1-So lb: Roe Herrings. SOe dosen; six bars Hoe Cake Soan, $6c; twelve boxes matches. Bo; Macaroni. 100 package; best Rice, l-so lb; large Hominy, 4c lb: Grits, 80 lb: Corn Flakes, 4c lb; Arbuckle's Coftee, Se lb; green Coffee, 100 lb; best Tea, ao eud 40c lb; three three-pound cans Tomatoes, 85e; three cans Corn, 25c; three-pound cans table Peaches, 16c; Mew Orleans Molasses, 400 gal; best dark Molasses, 86 and 40o ftranulated Snnr. S l-n lb: New Orleans Huirar. fi 1-40 lb: best Vineear. 800 tral best water ground Meal, 153 peck: Baker's hooolsta, 40o lb; Cocoa, 0o lb; one riund box iiaking Powder ana taiver bpoon, 100: rresn wortnern (jaDonge, I-80 lb: six boxes Soan, Octagon. 85e: Hfcker'ar self-raising Buckwheat; Irish Potatoes, large, 25c peck; two large bars Soap, 40; two boxes Uluing, 60; Prunes, o i-sc to; uaisins, 10 ana im pound; suxeaxnuta, looio. ..-. ,: CRACKERS AND CAKES ARRIVING DA1LY.: All goods strictly first class. We sell the leading brands ot Flour AOMB our leader. Sold at close figures. Qmnaeul. ;-w ? ivs. UPCHURCH &; CARTER, ' ' 1 120 Favettovllle Street. Phone 1U. Also proprietors Norfolk Oyster .Company. Oysters arrive morning end I evening. t , - , , oct'Jo iw DROP IN At BobbittV ; is" , " j t -Where You will Always V nd ' ; - t . OYSTERS FRESH BON B(TNS : AND CHOCOLATES. ; The equal of aay caauy.on the market; artistically put jip sealed packages, ranging; rem eue-half to fve pounds. ' HELLEE'S U SHOE In addition to the popular Sonar I Toe, we have added added a ' New I Opera" last like above eut These I goods have z,' , -1 , , , Extension Moles and we assure you they are , " The "Veiy, Newest. - PRICE BOc per Pound. J. HAL BBBDTT, THE PHARr.lACIQT, HI 134 Fajetteville Street Hurler's - i Candy A Fresh Let Ju?t Received at Must have oare or they'll surely decay. Long before they decay; how ever, they will show the neglect they suffer and reflect no credit ururi; their possessor. jf, Take care of and preserve your teeth 1 oy using Simpson's Dental Thud, which will rt-:n the teeth, harden the gums and at tha same time impart a delightful odor to the breath. One trial will convince you of its sup, rionty over a 1 01 her liquid dentifrice. rrepared only cy WILLI ATI SL'.IPSON LV. II. Ll..vi o CO r!nf" "ri l.l ta.wf 1 (ruUen Building.) DRUG OTORE. PSB SIMPrON'3 LIVEa PILLS sod BAD TOOTH ; : ;i BRUSHES . ; Are very daagerons ariioles ' . '' beeaase th bristle get ia- :"V to th throat and cause all - klod of trooble which are serious as well as disagree- - - . able. Com to a and ws will sell" r ; yoa a brash and gaaraotcs satisfaction. hicks Rogers, ; PrescrlDtlon DruRRlsta. r()U DO NOT REALIZE That yon are in Raleigh unless you are , stopping attne , Vflncono HOUSE The only Hotnl in the city convenient IO i timings. 1 floor 1100 per lioois .u0 and AD rooms on the t' : dav; first snd second i.50 per duy. SPECIAL 'JIZaLY RATLS FIi; : EU3 AT ALL TKAiy3. Thou." of i " s rerciitly expended I-iu;miita, la. X. tr.OWN, rrop. 8 AFTKl tAO O IV Lj La Laa Vi jayjsNiNCr,.- 1 r r r s United Bj Show.of the World. AMERICA'S GREATEST, OB ANDEST TENTED EXHIBITIONS! THE PREMIER EVENT OP ALL COMBINED CIRCUS .a SEASONS; THE LARGEST, OLDEST AND MOST COMPLETE ARENIO AND ZOOLOGICAL ' 'U : . ,i EXHIBITION OF THE UNIVERSE. . 3 BIG CIRCUS:S..,3 StPfRATE RIHGS ALL KEW, SUPKRLATIVE SEXSATIOSS. . r . 5 CONTINENT MENAGERIEI . ' 60 MAMMOTH CAGES 80 HIPPODROME RACES! RALEIGH, .TUESDAY, OCT, 29. Afternok Enalsg; l Don't Miss Seeing the Largest Show on Earth. ' i . --iiz-zZ T"'i" ' " '? I v r: 7 Uaak , - LU Beyond all emnpariso th1 largest; oldest, Hottest and moit eomplote - Arcnie and oolou;iol anttrpls in th universe. Noted for its tnatablna -' msgnitadr, nsKnlfisene sod merit. : Army of trtista, 1,000 people, BOO horse -and ponies. 80011 featore acts, 1,000 undrfal sights, 19 monster water--: proof tents, 4 speelal railway train, $3,500,000 actually invested to perpeto at it grsndear. . Its mrvlon Mcaageri, ambraeing every ' ctptivs beast kaowa to exist t it maltltad of festares, qh on'a a show lon On t'ekat sdmjts to all the combined (how, ;' Under tbe largest tent ever constructed The 'greatest oologieaheolteUon In th world, presenting for th fiist tima , -: in thiseonntry tha only pslr of Qiant White Nile Blood-Sweating Hlppopota- ml, BdQj)td Alaska Seals and Sea Lions, -Performing Kangaroos, Trained Elephant, Lordly Lions, Tigers, Leopards, stately flocks of Ostrich (tbe flrst,- vr pnoiisiy sxoioitea, ana msrveionsiy trsinea, wna ana aomesticateq ani-t mill of all descriptions. Trnly th only. great and legitimate cihlbition of ',- It kind on earth. , . - , .- , .r TUB GRAND, G0BGE0P8 STEEET PARADE, absolutely sllpstng any pageant evr assn ia th public streets, take place at 10 a. m.. on Tuesday, ' October 89th. It is over mile In length.-. No postponement oa aeconnt of weather. Two eomplet prformtnaes-ftrocon at 8, evening at 8. Doors -ope on hoar earlier. , Seating capacity, 19.000. Branch tkket sal at Mao Ha' Branch Phsrmacy. eornef TaretUfille end Uartia Streets. Admission to all Combined Shows, 60 Cents. Children 'i " Under Nine Years '25 Cents." 29 RALEIGH, TUESDAY, OCT 29 SPECIAL LOW tXCURSION RATES WILL BE ISSUED ON ALL LINES OP TRAVEL. ' Woollcott & 14 EAST r.lARTIW Son. OT. Great Vrowd ar visiting oar departmcats these -fin dav admlrisr lbs b'aotif al fabrlos and exqalslte garment and parehssing npplis for fall . and winter. . All effort of th past, great as they wre, bsvs been far snr passed by ns this season. 'Abundant evidence of this is shown on svery side, nd in all our departments our polloy is th best a.ualltiet the loweet price. " Hiliirery Department (SECOND FLOOR) Stylish Millinery. - Our stylish Hat gala saw admirers'erery day. Saeh another, rich , and rare collection of Trimmed Millinery is not to be found ia tow a Our pries ar the lowest. Yoa shonld buy roar Hats of ns. : We hav tbe moit complete stock of Sailor in th city. - Pibbcd Underwear (KIBST FLOOR ) 1,000 LsrtUs Bibbed Tests. wooL BOe, worth 76e. 1,000 Ladies' Ribbed Vests, sotton. auo, cheap at 80s. - - -' .. 1,000 Gem's Wool Undershirts, 06a, worth tl 00. All sic for Boy and Misses, - v. Flannels ; - (FIRST FLOOR.) 1 ' Ca nton Flannel, .very heavy, S 1-8 and 10a yard. ." All wool Shaker Flannel, SOe yard. All wool Bad Flannel, 16o yard. : lankets and Ead Comforts . " (SECON FLOOR.) 'h ; Comforts from 75 each up. Blankets from (1 a pair np. Crcckcrv Dcp't , (SECOND FLOOR.) ' A lot of dfooratfd Milk Pitchers. 10c, worth 23o. This ..department is fall of staple snd fancy goods and all are sold at a small profit. . Ihoe Dep't Here you'eaa select from $10,000 rtoek. All nw goods, bought before the great advance In lrther and sold at "old price. 1,000 pair Ladles' Dongola Button Shoes, tl SO a palrj old elsewhsr fa 00 a pair. Call and see them. - : Cloak ' Department . , (SECOND FLOOR.) CAPES 800 etyli.h Cape, from $3 60 to J10.00 JACKETSflSO Beavsr.'cb.vlotand Bonele Jackets, new stvls. mssdniin eloves, from flSO to Jls.50. Each one is a great bargain and yoa should not buy a Wrap untU you hav seen our. . - .:...........;:. ... Rubbers (FIBST FLOOR.) All sixes Ladies.' very cheap. - Misses andM eo' A large assortment of Ta..i. . -j Towelling Our f.lcrchnr.t Tailoring DcVt We can save you 3 dbi' cent If .nn will lnt ns make you s suit. Fit guaranteed. -'. . A large 1. 1 of Wrpper from BSo" each up. I - M? TONVlNrFD Popl.to buy or? All our sJl V 11MVL,L goods re marked le nlals fl, i . VI v ev asuva U1 for CASH. voollcoit & so::!