-.iwilUii. T: 3 VI ;i oFrcss Company Iiai!y, Except Sunday, A CouMolidation of tile Visitor, Es tablished 1S78. and the Press, Estab lished 1894. Otlioe in the .Pulieu .Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. UtttH O, ANDREWS, ., v Editor and Manager, - JASPER N. MoRARY, ' . - Soliciting Agent. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One year, tt.00 One month, . , . . . .28 IXnfni at Atrnl Clan MaO Matter. The J Leading Afternoon Paper in the State. The Press-Visitor publishes ail the newt even day and has doable the cir culation of any daily ever published in Raleigh, , ' . - ' TELEPHONE, 168 TUESDAY, OOTOBBB , 1898, Thi Tisit of President Cleveland fooussed the attention of the world , upon Atlanta and .her (treat Exposi tion. The President like all other , visitors, was surprised at the magni tade of the fair. He spent some time looking at (he exhibits and seemed to enjoy the trip with great ' eest f Parades and great crowds are not new to him, bat this wonderful ; display of the resource? of the South v he oharaoterized as a marvel of real ; reconstruction. He was natuarally interested In the government exht ' bit and spent some time there. It is claimed by the government board of the Jury of awards that this exhibit is superior to any the government has made elsewhere. PROGRESS IN THE SOUTH. There are some very instructive . and interesting facts in the following from the Boston Herald, whioh we are glad to note, does not like its neighbor, the Globe, confine its obser rations and its circulation to . the New England States alone. The Herald says:- -,. - The South is a yery large expres sion and progress in the South indl nates a movement distributed over many States not at all alike, either ' In natural advantages or lately ao quired enterprise. Some parts of the Houbh are still very backward, while others have made advanees of late years which it would be difficult to find excelled in any other section of the country. People have become . familiar with the rapidly increasing production of the great agricultural staple of the South. Between 1880 and 1383 the crop kept within 6,000, 000 of bales, by 1886 it was 6,600,000, and by 1889 close on 7,000,000. The maximum was thought to have been reaohed when the crop of 1890 ex oeeded 7,300,000 bales, but that was " thrown into the shade when the ex inordinary crop of last year showed a total of nearly 9,600,000 bales. The present year's crop will be very far short of this in quantity, though, thanks to the advanced price, its : value may be as great In the natu rat order of things, the crop ot 1894 will not stand long without a rival. . When Texas grows more cotton than all the Southern States did before the war, and she is still at the begin ning of her agricultural development. the cotton-producing possibilities of ' the South are very far from being , exhausted.' ...,'Yt ":? V Side by side with the growth of what used to be the only source of Southern wealth there have been t growing up a more diversified agri culture and the beginnings of a wide range of manufactures. Mt is charao- teriatio of the new spirit of the South that the cottonseed oil industry is " the growth of the period since the war. Aproduot which was reckoned useless in 1860 figured in 1890 as hav ing a value, after treatment in the : mills, of f 2a.834.O0O, and is today the . basis of an investment in buildings and machinery of $30,000,000. : .... t , , in 1880 the whole South produced only 143,000,000 bushels of grain; tost , year the yield was 600,000,000. ; The ' number of tons of ooal mined in 1880 was but little over 6,000,000, while in 1894 it was 30,000,00a The out put of pig iron in the South in 1880 was 397.300 tons, and in 1894, 1,500,000 tons. The value of the product of sawed and planed lumber, which in 1380 was $46,938,000, had risen in 1894 to $114,746,674. The true value of southern property, according to the census returns of 1880, was $7, 641,000,000; last year, it was estimat ed at 67 per cent more. There today some $300,000 in-, V" ' i intJinufaotcx' enterprises i:i t' e Eoalh, with anestimiited an r .1 Tf.!i:ecf product cf $1,000,0' (. . X Ci ie former, about 51Q8,0w,-1 000 is invested in cotton mills, or five times as much as in 1880, and some $93,000,000 is invested Id lum ber mills. A recent writer on the South remarked that with the pos session of all the raw materials entering into manufactures, with cheap labor and cost of living, the industrial future of the - South should be of the brightest But the fact that these resources remained so' long undeveloped and are now ooming so fully intoevidence, argues a change in the spirit of the people more significant than the lnexhaust i ble bounty of nature. Mo one at all familiar with the old South can fail to be struok with the resolution with which the men" whom the war left penniless setthemselves to repair their wasted fortunes. .: Bucklen 's Arnica Salve. The boat salve In the world tor eats, bruise, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, ebll blalni, eorns and all skin eruptions, and positively earee piles, or no pav required. It is guaranteed to give nerfeet s&tlaraetlon or monsv relona ed. Price SB sent per pox. For sale 'V John T VaR The way to reaeh catarrh is through the blood. Johnson's 8a r par Ilia and Celery treats this disease successfully Try it and too will not be dlsappoln ted. Price, large bottles, 60 sent. For sale by John Y. MaoRae, drag. gist. DUKE Cigarettes Cigarettes nrw.DuHeSam MADS FROM High Grsjb Tobacco ABSOLUTELY PURE Sheets -'Writing Paper Vary more in price perhaps Yon do than any otner article soio. not have to pay for the style in our papers. xnai IB witnoui cnarge. We have also the "correct ink," only we oest soil - As for Fens, there is none to com pare with "LEON ISAACS OLUCE- HUM FENS." WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Pens In Raleigh. Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES is not equalled in the city. Alfred Williams & Co. SALE OF LAND. Bv authority of a mortgage from Christopher Woodard and wife, record ed in Book 74, page 184, Register of .ueea I omce lor wase conntv. i win on Monday. November 4. 1888. at 12 o'clock m.. at the Court House door of Wake county sell to the highest bidder for caan a tract oi iana situated in ewirt Creek township. Wake county, contain ing so acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of P. P. Peace and others, the said tract being composed of two tracts as follows: .-:. '' First tract contains 25 acres, and ad joins tne lands orw.n.j. uoodwin, r. P. Peace and others, and is particularly described in a deed to said Woodard from P. Yates and wife recorded in Book 85, page 850, said Register's office. 8enond tract contains 85 acres and adjoins the lands of W. H. J. Goodwin and others and is described in a deed from P. P. Peace to said Woodard re corded in Book 68, page 447, said Beg ister's office. -----; A satisfactory purchaser will be al lowed easy terms as to payments if a part of the purchase price is paid in cash. - W. N. JONES, 08 tds . , , Attorney. - Notice by Executrix. Having Qualified as the Executrix nf thelant Will and Testament of D T. Swindell, deceased, late of Wake county, .North laroiina, l neeov notify all pernors having elslmssgamst the tatate of said Swindell to preset the same to me on or before October 231, 1MM. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery This is also to notify all persons indebted to said Es tate to make prompt payment to me. This Octhr 18th, 1895. EMMAE. 8ISnEL,U -Executrix of the last Will snd Testa ment of 1). T. Swindell, Decased. "Frxfst HATwnnn. Attorney. OCU8 HiW ' J try !55W.bleS0BCaTKSTt f A. D. EVERYTHING. NEW. POPULAR: GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES , -t ,, . flakes a Popular House. ' - ' i " ' , f - ' ' . Ws don't buy until we are certain that the style, . inatei ial ud pries are right, -rv- ::. 1 -.., . We search u a til we Bnd correct merchaodlse, then ''buy." Customers sb uld do likewise. Make the rounds if you please; buy where style, mate rial and prioe are right We are oertain you'll buy heie.-v Five Popular Departments in our Popular Store: Dress Goods, Silks, Coats, Capes, Jackets, . House Furnishing Goods, Shoes. . The only entire new stock In the city from which to make your selection. ' ' ' , Best Goods for the Money. For State Fair Visitors. ' - - ... ... . . ' -.'- ' j, - . : This week specialties In Dress Goods, Silks and Wraps "reserved" and Opened up" expressly for visitors to the State Fair. - v , Consider this a personal invitation for you to call and see the choice thing that this opening brings out. Make our store your meeting place, your restnn plaoe, your shopping place. Waiting and Toilet Booms for Ladies. v , A. B. Stroiiach, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes Everything Except High Prlees. - C. WEIKEL, TAILOR. Is now ready to make up Suits for Fall and Winter. He has a fine selec tion of Suiting? and Trouserings. Call at 184 stairs. FayetteviUe street, up asp 6 8m Chamberlain's Bye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Euzema, Tetter, Salt Rbeum, Scald Head, Sore Nippleo, Cbisnpod Hand Itching Pilos, Burns, Frost Bitra, Chrooic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye lids, ''or nale by drugguts at 26 cento per box. TO HOBWOOWITIEBB. Foi' putting a horn in a fine healthy coa lition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powder rhey tone up the system, aid digestion, core mas of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidnev disorders and destroy worms, giving lew htt to an old or over-worked hone. 2o wt rt veefcave. Fo 1 by drDcgisto. COAL O U Gayton Bed Ash, Egg Thatcher, Bed Ash, Splint. Robinson, Bed Ash. Splint Jeltco, Bed Ash, Splint Anthracite, Bed Asn Anthracite, White Ash? Egg. Anthracite, White Ash, Stove. Anthracite, White Ash, Nut Pocahontas Smokeless Lump. Pocahontas Smokeless Steam. Russell Creek Pemi- Antbrale. 0 A L G 0 CRUSHED COKE for FAMILY TT8E SMOKELESS ODBELEBS 8MCTLESS. E E Any kind of Coal or Coke shlppei direct from the mines. All from thi haat. minu In A marina nf each kind. Personally inspected ana setectea uy JONES & POWELL, RALEIGH. K. a - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of oiic main w wvuu jan, wv.m n, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the on dersigned os or before the 81st day of August 1806, or this notice will be plead in oar or tneir recovery, ana au persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment , ArgoftPnow. Atty's. August 30. 1886. . ; . i phone ' so rott tSEASOHED OAKmNE ANY LWGTH 31 THE LARGEST Furniture Dealers In the Sonth. THOMAS & MAXWELL HAVE JTJST RBCVTVKD- A Car Load ot -CON8I8TINO OF- 37 of. the Finest Oak Suits That have ever been shown in the city. They have haa three clerks markinv down, the prioe of goods on hand in order to sell them out to make room for the immense stock which is being received daily. . Messrs. Thomas & Maxwell are en abled to sell goods as cheaply as they do and increase the number of their salesmen and the volume of their bust nf u because they are the largest and wealthiest furniture dealers In the South. An idea of the exteot of their business may be formed by the follow ing list of large Southern cities in which they have branch houses; THOMAS & MAXWELL Charleston, 8. C. - Columbia, " " Savannah, Ga. Augusta, " " Atlanta, " " Macon, ' ' Columbus. " " " Americu. " " tharlotte,N. C " " Baleigb, . " " " Blchmond, Va, And other stores that we have not space to mention, but will do so later. Tours fo booest goods and low prices. THOMAS-,& MAXWELL. Accidenu- .7ACfl0tii 'The best 13.00 Men's Shoes os the market Made from tannery calfskin, dongola tops, all leather trimmed, solid leather soles with Lewis' Cork Filled Soles. . . , TJnequaled for beauty, fine workman ship, and wearing qualities. Tour choice of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten-' mga . Every pair contains a paid-up Acci dent Insurance Fohcy for 100, good for 90 days. . . Wear Lewis' Aecident Shoes, and go insured trea. SOLDBT Wtiitincr Bros BEST FRCM WASTf. 1 BUSIITESS SUIT3 Are in order with the advent of au tumn activity. N o clothing suits bust- ness at an unless it nts ueauy ana per feciiy. No garment nts properly unless it's made to order. That's the first axiom of dress, and it doesn't need proving.'. It's as plain as the mul tiplication table that - our made to order suits are unequalled In to wa. , YOU RECOGNIZE THAT I Every time you see one of our suits which are exactly In every particular. what they should be The logic or nets is unanswerable. G. tf. WAIiTEfS, V: ' Try Walters' Paramount System of , Garment Cutting. ' - octstf EstatoUsbea 1838. fl. J. BROWN COFFIN HOUSE RALEIGH, sr. a. ' ' Keeps the largest, - finest and best se leoted stock of . Coffins and Caskets in Cloth Wood and Metal. Burial Robes, Wrappers, Slippers for Ladies, Gents and Children! also Burglar Proof Grave-Taults JOHN V. BROWN, Prop'r, . Fnneral Director and Bmbalmsr SepSO-lm Notice to Defendants. In the U. 8. Circuit Court for the Eastern District of North Carom ia. Buffalo City Mills, Limited, vs. W. w. Arobibald and May u Archibald. It is orderea that said W. w. Ar chibald and Mav G. Arobibald be re quired to appear and plead, answer or demur at the office of the Clerk of the United States Ctrouit Court for the Eastern District of North Caro lina, in the city of Raleigh, on or be fore November 11 tb, 1896, snd that a copy of this order together with a copy of the bill of oamplaint and sub poaoa herein shall be served upon the defendants in the Southern Dis trict of New York, the Eastern Dis trict of .Virginia, or in such other District as the defendant may be foond. It is farther ordered that service be made by publication once a week for six weeks in the Pbkss- Vibitor, a newspaper published in the city of Kaieigo. NT J. RIDDlCK, Sent, a 1896.: - . Cuotx. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Bv virtue of an order made ha special proceedings entitled J. C. Harcom, ad ministrator e. t. a of Wiley Moss, de ceased, va. Marha A. Pearsun and another, I wllL on Monday, November 4, 189B, at 12 o'clock M, at the Court house door of Wake county, sell to the highest bidder the following described lands ia bwlft Creek Township,' Wake county, to-wit: First Tract Bounded on the north by Mrs. Fool, on thewest by T. H- Shelley, on the south by Willie Moss, and on the east by Simeon Goodwin, contains as acres more or less, and is described in a deed from Sylvester Smith to Wiley Moss, re corded in Book HL p. 2W, Register's office for Wake county. . - Second Tract Adjoins the one above described and is known as the W. F. Col lins' land, contains twenty-three acres. Terms of sale, one-half cash, balance In alv mtnthfl frnm tflla a v A . . . . oStds - J. C MaRCOII, Adm'r. , . and Commissioner Mortgage Sale, By authority of a mortgage from wiuiam Flummer ana Hue nummer. bis wifa recorded in Hook 128 at pagi 895. Begister of Deeds office for Waki county, I will, on Monday, November 26th, 1896, at 12 o'c'ock m., attheOoutt House door of Wake county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a tract of land situated . 10 uary lownsmp, wase county, containing one acre, more or less, described as follows: Beginning at a state m sion mmmons une. thence south 9 8-4 poles to a stake, thence east 18 1-4 poles to a stake; Aorui s-4 poles to a state m joner une. west is i- poies to tne Degin nuig, being the lot of land deeded by II. 1. olive end wife. & B. Olive, to Wil ham Mayfield on the' 26th day of December. 1888. reference is made here by to said deed which is made to Wil liam Plummer from Haywood Bogers. JOHN 1 UOODWIN, Mortgagee., Oct. M, tds ' ; Administrator's Notice.' Having Qualified as administrator of the estate of Miss Mollis A. HilL de-o-ased, late of Wake county, this la to notify all persons having claims against tne said esiace to present tnem to tne undersigned on or oefore the 10th day of October, 1890, or this notice will be plead -in bar of their recovery. Adm'r estate of iMiss Mollis A. Bill. B. T. GBAY, Attorney. ' r Oct 9-lt w- w Collector's Omci, itAXKIOH, N. C - - Octolier 8, ln5. Notice is hereby given of the seizure of one barrel of corn whiskey at Mnith field, N. C from Yelvuigloa and Dick ens on August 3, ltwi rive Doxes ot manuracturea tooacco in railroad deuot at. West Jtnd, N. C, august lo. -y5, smppea oy r. a, vtme & to , Yalkiu Ooiit ue, M. C. Any ierson ciaiuunx any interest in said articles above described will file with lue clHim in tiurty a ays as pro vided in section iUoO, it S , or property will be fortuned. IT. M. SIMMONS. oct4-80d Collector. DFSIHADLE Di Bright Plaids.-- ' Bright plaids for school dresses; look like Uie higher priced imported one. Fair grades begin as low as JOo and up to 46o. -. . All Wools. Plain colors In all woo, nearly a yard wide, at 24o . Wool Suitings. Dark grounds with bright checks, rough Scotch plaids and serviceable mixtures, from aso to 60c - - Blue Stuffs. v : Blue stuff, so good this sen son for separate skirts. A great variety, the all wool ones begin as low as 25c. . W. II. & H. S. IFor ;9cEiooD SujppllSes RALEIGH STATIODERY CO, 809 Fayetteville Street,' Opposite Postoffloa , We have a large and nnmnlnfjillna nf Pencil and Ink Pads and Tablet at Inks, OomposiUon Books, Blactboard ' SCHOOL BAGS, Of every description at prices that can't be beaten. We Are' Known w.!ior,eTeiytlDfIm the Stationary Une, and carry a S ?l"5,ouw pnoes. in calling you will receive prompt and cour u.D.a we nt,rgs strictly firsJclaan'SP ' . aW w.rvWan raaww WW AmtUCI UU OOUUUIS '.'..-.-' RALEIGH STATIONERY COT, , VV. G. SEPApK, Manager. ' - ' " ' ; ao Fayetteville street CROSS' UN With ersrythlng decreed by the world's dictators of Fashion for the com ing season, and governed by the moderate pries system which has built op our -tast tonitltoeney, and keeps increasing it la gratifying volume season after SMSPB. ' " , YOUR MONEY S FULL VALUE Is eonsidered fair and upright dealing everywhere hnt we ar never satisfied unless we esn go this aeeepted mercantile troism one better; to oat-do the best values of oar eomp-titors and to improve upon oar own. Toar inspection of prioes will, we think make evident the snoeesa. with whieh we have applied the above prlneiple or rather oar improvement npna it, , As stylish, handsome and new as it is possible to make them at priee lor than most hoos ask for last season's earrled-over stock. GENTS'. FURNISHINGS AND SHOES. . No pains have been spared to make eaeh deoartmant ia tu Una ' all the fashionable centres having besn we can enow you np-io-aate stus as worn by the fashionable people of today ' We Invite your eriticiem. . . ' - - Cross & Linehian. 2 lO Fayetteville Street YE5, IT'S A FACT I have opened a branch Drug Store . on the corner of w FAYETTEYJLLE and.: MARTIN Streets""-. (NEXT TO P08T0FK1CK.) WILL BE GLAD TO EES John Y. Goods La Belle Crepons. . Diess styles in cotton crepons, warm, rich coloring, price 12 1-20. - Gros De Londres. . A weighty cotton rep, printed- like Henriettas, a servtoesble cotton, prioe la 1-2& " f ' . Teazle Downs. - ' A warm printed cotton fabric, small printings in dots, pin , stripes, etc. Price loo. '. , Crepoline. These, too. la dark dress style, but soft and looks like wooL Price 10c TUCKER & CO. Patim.n.hin tA ti,i..- -r j V.. J. raseS: Tablets, eto, . r"'uu : as Headquarters ormplete assortment o carefully examined with the result tba YOU AT ALL T1UE3. MacSa A "1 -V : : . r 4 o