( 9- u iw' WASHINGTON NEWS. Cuba and Her Wars The New Spanish Minister. Special to tie Prose-Vliltor. Washington, I. C, Oct. 29th. Poor Cuba's wars Continue to at tract attention and rouse sympathy in America Naturally the centre of attraction is the National Capital. Aside from the local interest felt, there ia considerable g nwip in offi cial., circles regarding this much agitated subject. . A gentleman, higbL in official olr- olea, and who ia in a position to thorouely understand the Cuban sitaation said today to the Psase Visitob representative: "Partioular attention should be paid to the war of extermination and the harsh rule ofironforoe whioh Cuba will bare to suffer at the hands of Spain as soon as the re-ioforoementa are al at band. The loss, Amerioaq com m.eroe will naturally suffer during the turmoil, alone, solicits American sympathy." : .-r'. V- f -i "In the spending fate of Cuba, there is a higher principle involved than the question of material inter esU" said another prominent politl oiantbis morning. "The great in terests of humanity and that of lib erty, whioh have always ruled the proud feelings of American people, are at stake. Essentially the Amerl oan people are a law abiding and law respecting people and this re speot should extend to International relationship. But Cuba's - heroio struggle and the brutal determina tion expressed by Spain may raise the question as to where our direct international obligations He." The new Spanish Minister, Senor DuruT pi Lome, it is said, is an ex mwrilncrlv nlrvnr and shrewd dinlo- matiat, and the authorities generally look upon him as the brightest man ". Spain has sent to Washington in many geoeratipn V The ; 8enor showed bis excellent judgement by counseling the Spanish government t to accede to Secretary Olney'a wish t -' in . the matter of the Mora olaim, . reoently settled. , -Saturday there arrived in Wash ington are exile from this unhappy and disturbed - isle, who registered . as Under Kbmk. To a reporter be said s 'Nothing is free in Cuba ex! oept whiskey and tobaooo. There is no tax on either cigars, cigarettes, gin, rum, or liquor. No license is re quired to open a saloon, there are no assessments to pay except the ordinary store tax." Yet, strange to say, there is au enormous tax on al mosn every other commodity need by the people. Gould there be a more striking evidence of the failure of Spanish rale in Cnbat .; "Every other oivllized government in the world derives Its greatest revenue from whiskey and tobaooo. Only 8pain, which has learned noth ing nlpoe Columbus discovered America, insists upon Waving these free, while all the necessities of life are heavily taxed. Now, do you not agree with me that Spain should obange her taotioe? , -i-Aii&'-'Wi Bax - ' ' Did You Ever - - ..' Try Elentrio Bitters a remedy for your troubles If not. get a hottls no - sad get relief. . This medicine bis been found to be peculiarly adapted - to the relief and core of all female enmplaloU, exerting a wond-rf ol di rect Inflnenea in giving strength and , , tone to the organ, i If jroa hare lots M of appetite, -eonsUpatlon, . headache. .' fainting spells, or are nervous, sleep 1 . less, excitable, melaneholy or troabled with dlxxy spells. Electrle BIMers Is tbe medicine yoa need. Health and vv strength are guaranteed by Its as. Fifty eents sod and $1.00 at Jobs Y. .' McBse's drag store. A clear, soft, rosy complexion is the dssire of every lady. Why not give Johnson's Oriental Soap a trial. There Is nothing to compare with it as a skin beantifier. Two cakes In a pack age, flfreenta. For sale by John Y. HaeBae, druggist. Tbe society man who does not travel on his shape mart fall baok on his ' pedigree. Frank ' B. White, Minneapolis, Minn., wrIUst "Have used two boxes of yonr Pile Care and most say It has done wonders for me. I would not know I ever had the piles only when I stoop low. The itohlng is all gone." Ssmple free. For sale by John X MaeBae. . Low, enough, quarter shoes .are cheap . Johnson' Kidney ana rdver Bega lator invigorates the liver, regulates the bowels,eares dyspepsia, blloa t,M. indigestion, soar stomach and makes your head as clear as a bell 85 and 60 sent., For sale by John T HaeBae -,'!;:vVi , .A-r' V-:i,;v-r "Charity begins at home," and too often stays thsre. :..''.')' in i i ii i 1 i'.j"v'" 1111 (j-' luting, burning, scaly and crusty skin scalps of infants cleansed and healed and quiet sleep restored by Johnson's Oriental Soap, medicinal and toilet, two large eakss 95 etc . For sal br John Y. HaeBae. . r hnmberlan's is the best of alL Via cent J. Bark, of Oanbury. Iowa, has Chamberlain's Coueb Itemed V whenever in need of a medicine for coiiffha and colds, for the past Ave yenrs snd savs : "It always belps me niiL If anyone ascs me wimimuui C("-h niedioine I nse, I reply, Cha iw.. .in', that is the beat of all. 26 fxi iK'tties for rale by J. lial Uobbitt Iru;; j!A She Grieves. On chilly day the maiden grieves Thoagh drnMed In garments newi She can't displsy her silk waist's - sleeves t And heavy jackets too Two Lives Saved, tin. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City 111., waa told b ber dooton she had coo inmptioo and that theee was no hope lor her, but two bottle of Dr. Kin'a New Diiooverr completely cum) her arid abe save It saved her life Mr. Thos. Eirnin. 138 Flor'd St.. Ban Francisco, suffered frorr a dreadful cold, approach we oonniroDtlon. tried with out result every thin else : the bought on nam o ur King's Hew Uiaoovery and In two weeks waa cured. H la naturalhr thank ful. It is such results, of whioh these ars ample, that prv the wonderful etnoacr of this medicine in cough and oolda. free trial botile at John Y. MaoBaa'a dnigaior Rwmlar lis fOc and SI. . Never lioTed but One, He I have never Joved bnt once in all my life She What He Fact, I assure yon. It has some how always happened that I never was quite free from on girl before tbe next one. esme along, - : Rheumatism, neuralgia, pains in the back or side-, stiff neck, sore throat, tonsilitls, diphtheria, campa and colic nstantly relieved by Johnson's Mag netic 01). Large bottles, 96 and SO cents. For sale by John T. HcBae, druggists. 1 Gloves ai unhandy when they do not go ob easy, --' y '"Ahorse kicked H. 8. 8hafer. of .the Freemyer House, Middleburg, N. Y. on the knee, which laid him up in bed and caiised the knee Joiotto become stiff, a. friend recommended him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did, aud in two days waa able to be around. Mr. Bhafer baa reoomended It to many others and says it is exoelleut for any kind of a bruise or sprain. This same remedy is also famous tor ts cures of rheumatism. "For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt - - - The polar bear has not yet climbed the north pole. v -; Last June Dick cr wford brought his twelve-month -old child, suffering from infantile diarrhoea, to me. It h d been weaned at four months oid and had always been sickly, t gave it tne usual treatment in sucn cases but without benefit. The child kent crow. ing thinner until It weighed but little more man when: born or Derbana teu pounds. I then started the father to giving Chamberlain's Colic, Crolera and XMarr st .Bemedy. Kef re one bottle of the -nt size bad been used a marked . improvement was seen and ts continued use cured the child : Its weakness and Dunv constitution dis appeared and its father and myself be lieve the child's life was saved by this remedy. J. T. Marlow. VI. D.. Tama roa, III. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt Oruggiat " Haa is an animslj sometimes he is a brnte. ' . '' " Jobn O !auaer. editor of the Sun beam, Seliginan, MoM who maned O rover Cleveland for the Presidency In November, 1883, while was mayor of Buffalo, N. Y., la enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Heraeoy. He says: "I have used it for tbe past five years and consider it tbe best preparation of the kind in tbe'market. It Is aa staple as sugar and coffee in this section. It is an article of merit and should be used in every household. For sale by J. Ha Jiobbitt. Druggist , sept ahewasaClMsMccledlorOasuria, wa ana scan atlas, stas stag Osaola Sale of Valuable Real Estate. thr virtue at a mortmn deed riven bv Hardv B. Batwell and Adelaide Bagwell his wile, to Catharine Bovlan. dated January in and htegliitered In the office of the Register of Deeds xor wane county iujduuk ju, uukcikv, i wiu, on the lutta day of November. 1KB. at l o'clock, at tbe Court House door tn Balelgh. Wake county, sell, at public auction, to tbe hlabest bidder lor eaab, the following deeoilbed real estate to-wit: A. certain tract of land situate In Wake county St. Mary's Township, adjoin liigthe lands of Samuel WatU, Allen eturdlvaut J. O. Dupree, Bedie Smith and others, and more fully described sa follows i Beginning at Jointers on tbe SmlthnVId and Balelgh Boad obn Parker's (now Samuel Watta) corner near Watts, thence with bis line South two degrees west S.SS onalus to a stake, thence south 7 de- tTeea went ar.tO chains to the Wilmington Boad, thence with aald road to a vant'a corner thence with a with aald road 10 a Dine. Auea Buurat- vant'a comer thence with bla line south as de- grees west 9.47 chains to a stake. Sturdivant's oomer, thence with his line north 8 degrees east seven chains to a rock, Sturdivant's corner: thence with his line south a degrees west o.aocbalnstoa stake in Jack Dupree's Una, thence north two degrees east S0.90 chains to a ligutwood stump, L J. Weathers corner, theno with his line south ST degrees east nM chains to a rock. Weathers'- corner, thence north S degrees east. Bus chains to tbe Bmlth Beld Boad. thence with said road to a black lack, Wm. Sturdivant's corner, theoce with his line north 8 degrees east 1.1 chains to a black jack. Bedle Smith's corner, theuos south 81 de grees easi i ouaw w iwt ui uia uiu nmu. Qience aa the aaid road south S degrees east is.iCchalnatotheEuitihfieldBnad uiencewlth the aald road so tbe beginulng, oontainiug aO i l-i acres more or less. . This Utn day of October, use. . W. at BOVLAN, V Kiecutor at nstharln Boylaa. , SALE OF LAND. r In pursance of a judgment rendered on tbe Ssth day of September, A. D. 1896, in a special proceeding entitled W. B Blake, administrator of Mrs. E E. Glenn, deceased, against Fattie Dupree etaL, beiore the Clerk of Wake Su perior Court, I will sell at tbe court bouse door, in the city of Balelgh, on the 4th day of November A. D, 1896, at ia o'clock m . at publio auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described lot or parcel of land bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in thecity of Balelgh, on the tbe north side of Martin street, and bounded on tbe east by lot of Hen derson Beeves, deceased, on the south by tbe land of Eldridge Johnson, de ceased, and on the north by the lot formerly owned by Wesley Wnttaker; fronting on said Martin street 86 feet, and running back 810 feet, containing one sixth of an acre more or less, . , W.B. Blakb, octl SOd - . Commissioner. ' FEGEON THE GRtATEST DISCOVERY Or the oe. MILK Onres in 1 to 4 dars. Tm mediate in effeott quick tu oura. Can be oarned in viat nocket. all aomnletA In nna mwil tkuokjuA. Hent hv mml. nrenitirl. nlMin oaoaaga, oa receipt ui prios. ei par oua. For sal by John T. HcBae, drugj gtet. YALDAELE.FARm UKOS FOR SALE. ' By vittneot authority conferred by a certain Deed of Trust from it A. Hodge and Loretta Hodge, his wife, dated December 6th, 18U0, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, N. C., in Book 113, at page SUV I will on , - : ,v , , T HXJ BSD AY, November 14th, 1896, sell at publio auction, to the highest bidder tor cash, six (6) tracts of land situate in Buint Matthews township, Wake county, N. O., and described as fo'lows: - First Tbact containing 321 S-4 acres, more or less, being Lot. No S of the Uaston Wilder lands, and described aa follows: Adjoining tae lands of said Bodge on the south, of the late David Hlnton on the east, of the aaid Hodge on the north and Neuse river on the.' wet; and bounded as follows: begin ning at a stake and pointers on the east bank of Neuse river, about IS links be low the mouth of a gut, the south wet t corner of Tract No. 1, bought at the same time and place by Joseph An drews, runs thence east 296 poles to a stake in the late David Hinton's line; thence with bis line south 84 degrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west S&S poles to a small birch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse river: thence up the various courses of the river about 128 poles to the begin ning, boing same tract conveyed by John B. Williams and wife to B. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 60 at page 646, reference to which is made. - Sbcokd Tbact, containing 199 acres, more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the Betsy Hlnton farm (formerly Gaston Wilder's land) and bounded as follows: Beginning at a small birch and point ers on the bank of Neuse river about six poles below Spring Out; thence with the dividing line east 268 poles to a stake in David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 82 poles to a stake on Mingo creek : thence down the creek about 824 poles to where it empties Into Neuse river: thence up the said river about 196 poles to the beginning; being same tract conveyed by W. &. Poole to B. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 182, reference to which is made. , Third Tbact, containing Its acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: Beffinnins: at a stake on the south side of the Tarbo rough road W. R, Pool's corner runs south 1-2 degree west 46 pole to a stake and pointers in the head of a small branch; thence with said branch 89 poles to a pine on the east side of the branch; thence south 24 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and pointers; thence east 108 1-2 polos to a stake: tnence north 6 1-4 drarres east 214 notes to the Tarborougb road; thence with aaid road 98 poles to the neginnmg, oeing same tract conveyed bv Jeunie Hlnton to B. A Hodge, bv deed recorded in sa'd office in Book 105, at pane 661, reference to which is made. Fourth Tract, containing 79 8-4 acrea, mure or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the Hod it e road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast corner of tbe lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence east with Poole's line 122 1-2 poles to a stake and pointers on a branch; thence nearly south down tbe various courses of the branch 88 poles to a large pine on the east side of tbe same David Hinton's comer thence with his line south 24 degrees west 89 1-8 poles to a stake and pointers, tne corner 01 me dividing line between this lot or parcel, and that purchased by O. R. Williams, at same sale; thence est 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road ; thence north ward along aaid road 118 1-8 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed by Barah , ; Wilder, commissioner, to R. A. Hod ere. bv deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 146, reference to which is made. - Fdth Tbact. containing twenty-five acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Boffin Williams, B. P Williamson, William Smith and Joseph J. Andrews, and on tbe east side of Neuse river, be ing a part of the Betsy Hlnton tract bought by said Andrews at the G. H. Wilder estate sale, beine the southwest comer of said tract according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river, below spring gut, at a willow; thence up said river to aoove me iaiis at a twin red-oak; thence east to a stob and pine; thence to a stob in the branch; thence south to B Williams' land, a lightwood knot; thence west to the be ginning, and being the same tract con veyed by Joseph J7 Andrews and others tn R. A. Hod mi bv deed recorded in said office, is Book 66, at page 807, ref erence to which is made. - Sixth Tbact, containing eight acres and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad joining tbe lands of W. B, Pools, Jesse Watkine, deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stat 1 1n centre of Hodge road in Poole's line; thence with said road south 8 1-2 degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centre of tbe same; tnence weat ou 1-4 poies w a stake; thence north 26 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole'u line; thenc? with the same east:48 8-4 poles to the beginning; and being same oonveyed by James A. Williams and wife to said R. A. Hodge, h rlMwi renordei In Said office, in Book 82 at page 90, reference to which is made,' .'4- PrACK of Sale County Court House door, in Balelgh. N. 0. Tdib or Saijc-12 o'clock m. . 1 ERNEST HAYWOoD. 1 - - ' .'- TBTJSfXK. OotoberlS.1896. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. TTnder and bv virtue or cower con tained in a mortgage executed to me by Pobert A. Potter and nis wire oiaonia otter, on the 7th day of October, A. P. 1890, which said mortgage ia recorded In the office of tbe Register of Deeds for Wake county, In Book 114, on page 106, I will sell by request at tbe Court House In Wake county, at publio auction, for cash, to the highest Didder, the tract of land particularly aescnoea in saiu uioro gage, which ia bounded and described aaTnllowsr I.vintr and being in Wake county, North Carolina; in Saint Mary's townsniaana oeginning at a vuiwou, John Ellia (deceased) comer, and runs thence south 232 poles to a red-oak in Wm. Band's old line: thence east with said Band's line to the mill-path stake and pointers: thence north with aaid mill-path to stake and pointers; thence east to a pine, comer of John Mitchen. ers line; thenoe north to a red-oak; thence east 20 poles to a stake and pointers; thence north 74 poles to a stake in the line formerly owned by P. H. Gower: thence with aaid line west 20 poles to a black-jack ;-thence south to a pine in P. H. Oower's old comer; thence west to the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or less, and adjoining the lands of Geo. Mltchener, M W. Britt. Wm. Bryant, being the tract of land conveyed by J. P. Gully, commissioner in special proceedings, entitled J. P. Gully, administrator of J. G. Dupree, deceased, vs. H. Dupree and others, in Wake Superior Court, to Robert A. Pot- Time of sale, IS o'clock, m, on the 18th of. November, 1896. . W. T. HOWLB. i Mobtoasm. October 12, 1896. : IVhat is ' I. - , . ..... . . . Oastoria la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ad Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ' other Narcotic substance. It U a harmless substitute ' for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrups and Castor Oil. ' It Is Pleasant. ; Its enarantee la thirty years use by Millions of Mothers Castoria destroys Worms and aUays feveriahaess. Castorla prevents vomiting; Boor Curd, cores ' Diarrhoea ; and "Wind- Colic. Castorla relieves teething; troubles, cures .constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is the Children's Panaoeathe Mother's Friend. Castorla. "Oaaorl Is aa OTOdtaat millotoa far cbfl Sna. MoahenhannpaaaadlyaoMiaeotlta good affact urjoa thcar ohlldrtK." . - it , , a- O- Oaeooa, - ' Lma.Kaaa. " Caatcrta to the beu rernady for ehlldraa of . - vhick 1 am aeojuabiSML 1 hope th Ur la C4 far diatant when mothara wttl oooaidar the real . Intsnat of thetr chlldrao, and uaa Cutoria lo ataad of Owrarlouqaaak biiH lima which era (UaLiiiliif thetr lorad ooea, by forcing opium, aaorphlns, snothhn arrup and other hurtful asaaea dowa thetr throaia, thereby v tbaaa to pnmator grarca." Da.J.r. Coaway, Ark. The Oentawr Ooampaay, TI Hsnay Street, JTew Terk OHy. V I t iSm W. H. 5 HOLLO THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Life Insurance Comp'y Sells plain life insurance, ss pro- tsekinn tn thm familv- nraditors or one's old age, and asks a careful ex amination of its clear and cqaitaDle eontrsots, with their onequaled guar antees in figures on the polioy, giving true lire insurance airrs Lowest possible Cost With Perfect Security. This com- iunf haa hari rlninff hnainAss in this State over twenty-eight years, and its polioy Holders are us oaoi tains vo. Th. rinnneefcient ' M ntnal has BO speculative feature, extension forfei tures or intricate plans, ; contrived for : the company's advantage, nor the Incontestable ' clause, admit ting rasoal at the expense of its hon est members, but if any happen to get in, it gives them their money back, all stated in tbe contract. The 3 Per Cent Reserve has become an important factor ia life Insurance. All will hi gladly ex plained by S. D. WAIT, General Agent. Kaleigh. ECONOMY afar be necessarr in many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which is life. CIao - aadIm BtflnHarrt frtfwl ImnSr. fectly nourishes; up to that standard it eoats a reasonaoie pnoe. ni want more than a reasonable price lor our Orooeries. RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit ot close manrins. We never keep any thing that is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we Invest in it. - , CHOICE GROCERIES Always in stock and promptly de livered when ordereo. Castorla, " Oastorla h so wall adapted to ehfldna (has I nocaaniand a aasupartorloaiiT praseripMoa knows to aa." R. A. Anona, K. 111 Bo. Oxford st, Brooajya, T. "Oar pejoiaBS la the ahndna's depart. aunt har. apokeo. highly of their axpari. anc tat tbelr ootald praotlos with Oaatoria, and althoagh w only ban among our medical suppUea what I known as regular prodoota, yet we are (re to eoafaaa that the aaartla of Castorla haa woa n to look wtth fa ror npoa it" Umrae BoarrrAi, aas Diamraur, Boeton, Mass. AiLsa a Bum, Prw., he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY Is tbo best equipped and does tbe most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send in your work. Phone No 19. WAY k SONS. Hiss Maggie Feese. Newflillinery We are now showing all the latest and most desirable shapes and styles in Fall snd Winter Millinery. Oar Stook is well selected, both as to STYLE and PRICE. There Is a great variety in Caps and Sailors for Hisses and Children. All colors and sixes from SSc to $S 00. We will' be pleased to have the ladles esll and look at onr stock. Bvery one will receive prompt and polite attention. lyLisslttaggieleese 209 Psyettevill Street. BULBS Fox Winter and Spring BLOOMING. rhlnnm and Easter IJlies. Hyacinths Freesias. Narcissus, etc, Palms, Ferns and other plants cor room aecoratrng. Oat Flowers Boqrxets Floral Designs. Evergreen,' Magnolia Trees. , , and Shade : ETEINZIETZ, ? Florist North Halifax ctreet, near Peace In stitute, i'hone 118. , t -octl7 1st ' SAY, , - . - v - '..', " '. ':'.' jS -- ' -,. r-',--" ' " J. . ' Talking about facnS tupe and fariaituiT'e Ntores9 why Royall & Borden. North Carolina's largest dealers and only manufacturers, have stores from Maine to Mexico "all on paper." Bnt here in North Carolina tbe havela real FURNITURE FACTORY, larger size, employinK 163 men, running day and night to fill orders. Also have CHAIR AND MATTRESS FACTORY At the same place, wbere we can make any kind of Mattress yoa want. Onr profits are too small to open any more branch houses at pres ent. Bnt we have one each in Ooldsboro, Raleigh and Durham fall of the beat and cheapest line of FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES ever shown at either place. We cannot place onr bargains on paper, bnt simply desire to inform you through the Press-Visitor that we are here and ask yoa to inspect our stook and compare onr prices with any boose. We leave the bal anee with you Fe gladly slum any one through our store, whelher they biiy or not Open at night ROYALL BORDEN, It A.LEIGH, DURHAM. OOLDSBORO : .. 'CED RATES. id s sisb ana inieiiiatlooai Exposition 'TLANTA, OA.. - eplimbsr 18 December 31, 1895. r . 1 1 1 be a oot oocaaton the Southern Rallwaj u wtli dell low-rate round-trip tloket to ill IM A, iA.. and return on tho follow- eg t'alai FKOM- A leaatidrla, Va AshovlllB, N. C Burlington, N. C. llurkeTllle, Va Culpepar, va ChHtiiam, Va Charlottesville. Va... Chapel II III, N.C Cononra, N.C Chariot tN.C Danville, Va Durham. N.C Front Moral, Va Ur&eushoro, N. O tloldsooro. N. 0 flenderaouvillo, N. C. Hlckorv, N. C High Point, N.C Hoi Springs, N. C .... Hendpraon, N 0 (.ynchhurgVa. U ilnirton, If. C .... MorL'nnton,N. C MHriwj. N. O Nowl,,n, N.C Jruittfe, Va Jxford, N.C Ulchmond. Va rUldHvlllp, N.C Halt-tub, N. C HouthBoaton, Va .... trHsburtf. Va Jallebui r, N. C jluttsvlfle, N. C Taylorarllle, N.O.... Tryon. N. C Waahington, D. 0.... W, at Point, Va. Warrenton, Va Wllkeatmro. N. 0 Wtnaton-Salem, N. O. iRatea from intermadiate pointaln proportion.) EXPLANATION. Column A : Tickets will be sold September ( and 18, and dallj from September 16 to Decem ber 16, ISM, Inclualv, with final limit January T 1806. 'Column Bi Tickets will be told daily from September IS to Deoeuiber 16, 1805, Inoluftive, with anal limit twenty (80) daya from dai of ale. Column C: Tloketa will be aold dally rrom September 16 to Deoember 80, 1886, inoluxlve, wltk final limit ft f teen (16) days from date of ale. No ticket to bear longer limit than Janu ary?, ISM. . Column Di Tloketa will be aold on Tueadnyt and Thursdays of each weak from September 17 until Deoember 84, 1886, inclusive, with Snal 01 day Column B: Tloketa will be aold dally tram September U to Deoember 80, 188t, InolualTe, wit k Snal limit Sevan 7) days tram data of safe. SOUTHERN RAILWAY la tk on!? Una an term the xposition Ornunda. bavin a double-traok. atandard. rias railway front ta oenter of tbe city of Uanta to to Bxpoeltion O round. For ttekeS and full tnformaUoa apply rowenataseot,oraddnaa 8, K. CULT, " . W.A.TDBK. aU Aw ; EisUj, Quickly, Pir.aBt.tIj Btstontf. leatoreUatMaalrae. Cnreewaaknaaaai.Nervons DeuiUO and all the erila (rom early or later a. Iiaaaua, the reanlta of overwork, worry, ami una. We. Full atmurta, tone and development cnaa bo wnrj orvnQ or portion ot tt bodr. improve, mantirnraaaiatelyaeen from thearat Ixn. Iboos, andaoOetaeraof preiaeo Slemovroffio. Oaa beaavriedia veat pooket. Bent by mail to aa ' ddraaaoareoeiptof prlee. One menthtreat mentineaohbox. Primtlbma,S&rjOiwitk Written ftnarantee to refud money If not eared, lead to aa toe the Oannina . Ciraniara Itoft - Jobn Y. McBae. Druggist, Kaleigb. I IMa clnw I .MnlM.h 'nrtenvrntenoe. etircttoanl T": TT I -hm end Iwlrrtleua fil. Aog . A I B 0 D ss.avis.5 14.00 1S.8M ...... t.7 18.70 18.70 .s S8.S617.06 11.66 .. . 2S.:W)8.6f 18.60 80.8515.80 10.65 88.25117.05 18.40 SO.40'16.0) 10.85 14.8W 10.40..... 4.56 13.161. S.S5 5.S5 80.06 14.70 10. 80.4015.00 10.45.... . 26 19.26 14.00 17.S618.S6 ..... 81.75 16.86 11.00.... 11.70 8.80 S.K 16.80 11.S5 7- 1S.06 18.46 1.40 14.001 10.60 S.76 SO. 40. 15.09 10.46 83 616.69 11.60 16.06) 11.80 8.06 15.80 11.85 7.S6 14.86 10.90 7. Ill 15.80 11.86 7.81 84.66 18.00 18.101.... 20.40 16 00 10.45 . 83.2517 05 18.40 18.86 18.80 8.70 80.401800! 10.46... 21.66 16.8ft 10.80, 2S.2618.2& 14.00- 16.80,. ..7J11.2S 7.86 15.80:., ...111. 15 7.85 16.85 18.00 (.16 10.751..... 7.86 4.N 8H.2619.261 14.00 28. 6 17.86 UI.eO1 26.2518.251 14.00,.... 28.8518.85 11.80. ... Is.oou.iei 80 B A 1 NOVEMBER HORSE SALE! will bold my sixth s decs tale of TEOniNG lh)El, BABMfb and tAUDLl BOtt-ES at Italeigh, Cii)iEK etb id 5tb, nbtn tbe mt lot i tvtr effttfd will be sold lor catb for tbe ttst bid. Gccd boms are Rttting tcarce, cotton telliBg at 8 l-8c, iclecco telliDs bitb nith tbe greatest cn v it corn ard tedder tver made in lie feotitb, good, sound, weiibied hcnenviDlccrrjrDarjdgood prices. Par tita baviog sucb to dispose of and aastiDg tbtm in this tale, will please cdtjiLuiiicste with me by or before (J 1 1 OBEB 8th, tbat 1 may place in my cttalogue, vtbicb will be ready about Cctcbtr 20tb.; B. P. WILLIAMSON, W. KALE1GH, N. J. Fept 27. 1895. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE Snuff Why, Parson's'Celebrated BECAUSE It is tbe purest and best, manufac tured out of select Virginia Leevf To bacco. The Manufacturer selects the choicest grades of Tobacco and we guarantee If yon give it a trial yonr good judgment will approve HGERTON And in future you will use no other brand. Put up in any sin pack age to suit the trade. 3o4 By AH Dealers. J. M. PABS0NS, Uan'fact'r New Brunswick, N. 3. ADMINISTRATOR'S K0TJCK. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of B. F. Cheatham, deceased, late of Wake county, this is to notify ail persons holding claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 26th day of September, l89o,orthis notice will be plead ia bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. J. C MARCO M, . Administrator of h. F. Cheatham, Deceased. FKtXJt aV MiTSAKD, ' Attorneys. aep26 w