ft fc' t f. C! 1 rat h na I .1 8c,t to .'f f f tbeciti 1 ' ' . i Lira to come i 'h '. t. "vt itnca. Fitz .piia i ! tut he would be u h : t: a to keep his en t,e-.i tUyor Walters re - ' 1 v.i.h this word of good r: "Oxe as goon aa von mm. V.'Kl ('. all in our power to make yi-u cuu.foi tibia " Coit't trained hard all day at Eprieg IV:e. It is understood that au i nmwif a circus tent, capable of ts ! ci- :t- 1 in six hours, haa been B"cute i in Cincinnati and will be BLippua cere by Bpeoial train as soon ai the word goes out that the fight is Her Sacrifices. I laosband-"! have made til sorts of saorfiices for yoa. Now what did yon give np for me?" -' Wife-What did I ever rive dd for oar wi J never! Why, I av. ueua aoteo of the nicest yonng In town." . up ma v Dr. Daniel at the Synod. Dr. Eugene Daniel, who was high ly honored by the Presbyterian Oil.. iSST pXon.ry.? Synod in session at Fayetteville re oently, clewed the session with an ex pression of thanks for the courtesy v and kindness manifested towards himself and another throughout the - meting, for the spirit of love and harmony that had prevailed, and for the earnest attention to its work that had characterized the Synod. . The Synod closed with eintrfng, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," and : Dr. Daniel led in prayer and pro nounced the Apostolic benediotlon and the seryioea of the Synod were ' olosed. It May Do as Much for You. hflStf? if1""' ?,Irrij)R. !. ri that ne om a severe lr lna i,,m. . SSL t,,lttwVud ,ounli relief at will nf,. lm?,t Iu"tont Iu' On. trial UPi0,".,ti"?a5ert pri only 60 for Urge bottlea at John Y MaoHaa'.rfn..,,,.. For ommoa hdh there la ao sob titnte -(Hi ) What Im the -natters itb college education, Johnson's Emulsion of Cod Liter lections and consumption. It nrfh- a the blood, reatorei lost tissues,' bolide np the appetite makes sound flesh. Pint bottlea M m nvi. i by John Y. MasRae, druggist. e&Men who are barroom lighters need ot go to Hot Springs to find sorap- plng place. , VI r ' r i? nr"- - in-'' FOR SALE. Lane's Cotton Estimate. - Mr. Hector D. Lane, president of the Sontbean Cotton Growers' Associa tion has taken a look over the cotton aitaatlonj to ascertain whether there - was any reason for the recent fall in prices. He saya hi believes the de pression. in the prioe la only tea. : porary, and that January cotton will , go to 10 cents. H estimate the total erop no to be 6,500,000 balea. He . does not . believe more than 800,000 . bales of It will come front ' Texas. He ays this haa been the finest seaaon lor gatnsring cotton ne . Has er i known. For insomnia, sleeplessness, aerv onsness, hysteria and all forms of nerrona eihansilon and debility, there la bat one remedy, Johnson's 8arae parilla and Celery works directly upon the nerre centers and never i-iui w sore. i,arg Dottles 80 cents. F .raale by John T, MacRae. . ; - aisjjiaii '-I , ; . It has been suggested that uniform torn lootDall team should be black and bine. ; . ,'..-.-." Morwasacft. wsaaieawOMarM. , wasaCUkLawenedtarOaetorla. ; teateaenwjianeeliwoaatodth Maeaw4.CSjirMi , i " All Free. These who have nsed Dr Kind's New Dis- ).(;: oat, nave now the opportunity to try it free. , Call on the sdvertlsed drulst and set a tri ' al bottle, free. Bend your name and address : : to H K Bncklen A Co. Chicago, and set a - sample bottle of Dr Kine'a N Ijfn ill ; free, as well s a copy of Onide to Health and Household Instructor, free A U of which is tnaranuwa to do tou good and casta you nothing at John V afacBs'a drag stoiw. i Cincinnati ts getting ceady to east the biggest church bell in the world " Chamberlan's ia the best of all. Via : - cent J. Bark, of Dan bury. Iowa, baa i uwu tjuaniiieriain a coun Kempfly i; whenever in need of a medicine for oouKba and eolds, for the past five - years and saya i "It always helps me I ' A.. I ...... I LAl J f . vui, xi niiivuiie nau luo wuatiiuuui 1 Ami 1. M.n.Inl..A t r I ,1 w.iii uicuiuuv x una. 1, ivpir, vimut urriiMiu Of uini, io uie 1Mb ui ail. zo anu - 60e bottlea for tale by J. Hal Bobbitt ; ifruggisia. ADMINISTKATOR'8 A'UTICK. . Havimt qualified aa administrator of ti a estate of John H Kk rinM lata of Wake county, tnia U to notify all persona having claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 81at day of August, 1896, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to aairi ntjit viu please make immediate payment. . J. O. Maboox, Administrator. . Arso & Snow, Attorneys ' . Aug 80 ltw BW , Sale of Land Under Mortgage, i By virtue ft power noDferred upon me by a certain mortgage, executed by Lucy Mangum, which said mortgag ia duly recorded in Registry of Wake county in book So 1H8 at page 344. I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court bouse door in the city of KaleiRh, K. O , on Wednesday. October 23, ltwf, at 12 m , the land de. A horse kicked H. S. Shafer. of the Freemyer House, Middleburg, N. Y. and caused the knee Joint to twomo fn,1il,.V I1'611' ad, otlle" stiff. A friend recommended him to 15 Creek township, said coun, soribed in said mortgage, adioinl jr the anus ui j no m. tjrensnaw, J. Mrass- , use Chamberlain's Fain Balm, which ,. he did, and in two days was able to be . amuuu. ait. suaier nas recomenaea it to many others and saya it is excellent for any kind of a bruise or sprain. ts cures of rheumatism. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt ty and state and more accurately de- mnwo in saiu mortgage, wnicn for de scription etc , is made a Dart hereof Said tract of land contains 120 acres more or less. - u. r. Montague. . Sent S3. '85. Atty. Mortagee. Continued to Ootobrr JOth. , Sale of Valuable Real Estate. 1 They say that the story of Campos' Insanity la a campaign lie. like all the I reat of the newa from Cuba. v last June Dick Crawford bronght : nis tweive-monins-oia cmia, sunering from infantile diarrhoea, to me. : It h d been weaned at four mot ths old and had always been sickly. gave it the usual treatment in such cases but Iiid thinnar until it wAihwl Imn.tH. e"!ntB. !'. mlthfllu .and KalelKh Hoad , i joun rarar' mow Mamiiei watts) eorner near wiau whpu uuiii. vt inuinua mu i waus iiirtnrc wn.u ins line Doutn two df erHfu 'By Ttrtne of a tnortpifte deed n. DHKWtlll BDQ AC Catharine Bovl&n. rKliered in the ofllce ot the UeglDter ot Deeds for Wake county In Hook MM 6tQ, I will on the luth day of November. 181S, at it o'clock, at the Court Bouse door In Kalelgh. Wake county, sou, at public auction, to the nlahest bidder tor caen, the following deseribeif real estate to-wlt: A certain tract of land situate 111 Wake county. St. Mary's Township aitiola Ine the lands of Samuel Watts illn Hinr,llnt J. O. Dupree, hedie Smith and others, and noro Ailly descrllied aa follows; Beginning at By ylitueof authority conferred by a V?1 "'" "i oi xrusc iroin tt A. ttoaife i ana ixretta Hode. his wife, 0ata JJeceml)r 5l,h. 1Sl(L arirl rwnnlui in the oUice of the Begisier of Deeds for Wake county, N. U, In Book , 113, at Fe" xaii a wiu uu , THUESDAY. November Wth, 1896, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, six (6) tracta of land situate in tuunt Matthews township. Wake county, N. O, and described as follows:''"-- .I-.-.,.n-' Fiebt Tract containing 221 8-4 acres, more or less, being Lot. Ho 8 of the Gaston Wilder lands, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of said Hodge on the south, of the late David Htnton on the east of the said Hodm onmenortn ana Mouse river on the west; ana oounaea as follows: begin, ning at a stake and pointers on the east bank of Neuse river, about 12 links be low the mouth of a gut the aouthwent corner or iraci o. 1, nought at the same time and place by Joseph An drews, runs thence east 295 poles to a Butae in tue uii ijaTia mnton's tinej tucuuaj winu uu iiuo Buuin it acgrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west 253 Doles to a small hirch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse river: thence up the various courses of me nver aoouc ia, poles to the begin ning, being same tract conveyed by MUUU J. fl UUBIUB W1U WUH tO A. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, to Book 60 at page M5, reference to Second Tract, containing 199 acres. more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the iietsy nmton rarm (formerly Gaston Wilder'a land) and hniinriwi am fni 1Mirai Beginning at a small birch and point vu vun uua ui ixeuse river aoout six poles below Spring Gut; thence with tbe dividing line east 853 poles to a stake in David Hinton's line, thence wttu urn eauie auoui ax poies io a stake vu miuKv creea ; uienceaown the creek about 824 Doles to whnra It. AmnMu infn Neuse river; thence up the said river uuuu iw poiee to tne oeginning; being same tract con veyed by w. K. Poole to K. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 182, reference w wuicn ia maae. . - s - Third Tract, containing lis acres, more or less, and bounded aa follows: Beginning at a stake on the south side of the Tarborough road W. B. Pool's corner rues south 1-8 degree west 45 pole to a stake and pointers in the neaa or a email oranch; thence With aaid branch 89 poles to a pice on the east side of the branch; thenoe south S4 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake out puiuiara; tueu'-e ease )) l-s poloS to a stake; tnence north 6 1-4 degrees east 214 poies to the Tarborough roads thence with said road 98 poles to the Jeginnlng, being same tract conveyed deed recorded in sa'd office in Book 105, " r roiorouuo w wn:on is maae. Fourth Tract, containing 79 8-4 wi va, more or less, ana oounaea as fol. lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, neing toe nortneast corner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence east w.'tn rooie s una ira l-s poles to a stake and pointers on a branch; thence nearly sooth down tbe various courses of the branch 88 poles to a large pine on the east side of the same Dvid Hinton's corner thence with his line south 24 degrees west 89 13 poles to a stake and pointers, the corner of the dividing line between this lot; or parcel, and that purchased by O. R. Williams, at same bib, uieucn west m poies to a staae in thftpantrAnf ffmtmimiul. Ihaniu ..11 ward along said road 118 1-8 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed bybarah E. Wilder, commissioner, to R. A. Hodgef by deed recorded in aaid office, In Book 58, at page 146, reference w wnicn ia maae, Fifth Tract, containing twenty-five acres, more or less, adjoining tbe lands vi ttumn wnuams, a. r Williamson, William mith and Joseph J. Andrews, and on tbe east aide of Neuse river, be ing a part of the Betsy Hinton tract bought by said Andrews at the G. H. WUder estate sale, being the southwest wruer oi said tract according to a cnop ped line commencing at the aaid river, below spring gut, at a willow; thence np said river to above the falls at a twin red-oak; thence east to a stob and Sine; thenoe to a stob in the branch; lence south to R, Williams' land, a iigniwoofl knot; tnence west to the be. ginntnff. and beinff the same t.runt rvm. veyed by Joseph J. Andrews and others ki a. a. stooge, ny deed UJhat a 4 Castorla la Dr. Bam a el Pitcher's prescription for Infanta ' and Children. It contains neither Opium, llorphlne nor :- other Narcotic substance. It la harmless snbstitate : for Pareerorie, Drops, Sootliluff SyrupN, And Castor. OIL It is Pleasant. Ita cmarantee Is thirty years' nse by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and aUaya , feverUhaess. Castorla prevent vomiting Sonr Cord, : cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic Castorla relieves teething tronblcs, cares constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regolatea tle stomach nd bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.. Caa ' ; torU is the ChUdrejn'a Panacetv-the Mother's Friend. Castorla. "Osatorla la aa tngaUent modWns Car cUl. : dren, Uathtn bav repoUedly told m of Ua foodeaeettqmUpireUldnn.'' . , i i j Da. O. O. Oaseoe, - C t f - 1jvwml : " Outoria ia the bast ranwdy for children ot wUtAIamaoavatalad. I hop tha day la not . rrtHntwlMinmnthsiewlUoonafclarthral i. iBtsseat at (hair ebildm, and use Csatorla h- ataad ot therarlousquaok aostrumawhtah are i destrolut thatr lorad oase, by forolngtpliua, . morphia, aootblas syrup and oOmt hurtful aseata down their throats, thereby asacUng tharn to premature (rarea." Da. I F. Kaaaum, , - Oowy, Ark. Castorla, : Castorla Is aowell adapted to ehfldran Cbat lraonmmwnl SaasaertortoaaypiesBrlpaoa knawBto u." - H, A, Aaona, X. D., til So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. T. "Oov phrstotaus la the ohndnas iepart. Bum! hava epolna hiirhly of thalr experl. anoe to tbabr outside praotlee with Oaatoria, and althooch ve only bars anong pur ' andloal suppBos arbai I kaowa aa regular ' produota, yotweare tree to eoafeae that the ' awrtta at Castorla baa won us to took vttk ' favor upon It." Urnrmo Bosnrai. aire Disnanuar, - Boston, Haa. Ulbi O. Bum, Prm., ' . The Oetar Ooaaptuty, TI Murray Stare, Hw Tork Cttty. ' f 'I III t H - if r" :':'.:(7--'SAY;''t.'J.--. TpIKinp; aboait far:: . tupe and liuvhMui .-j. stores, why -'J iJ all & Borden, Worth Carolina'! largest dealers and only manafaoturers, ha ve stores from Maine to Mexioo-'all on paper." j Bat here in North Carolina they have:a real FURNITURE FACTORY larger size, employing W men' tuuuiuK uiiv aiiiiii ii vnc run rtriAva : a an tianm. " ; CHAIR AND MATTRESS FACTORY At the same place, where we oan make any kind of Mattress yon want Our profits are too small to open any more branch houses at pres ent. But we have one each In Gnldsboro, Raleigh and Durham full of (As best and cheapest line of pounds; I tben started the father to I mmt Sft "" to a stake, tiwnce south u de- giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera VSSf KemMV. liefire one I rant's corner. Umnon with Ala linn mith iu a. and Dlarr bottle of Iht a tut aisce had been used . amarkd improvement was ssen and . ts continued use cured the child. Its weakness and puny constitubon dis arpoared and its father and myself be lieve the child's life was saved by this remp fy. .1. T. Marlow, M. I).. Tama, ma, ill. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt Druist - Mr. Kooseveit saya Senator Oormaa Is a liar, and Senator Gorman says that Mr. Boserelt is impertinent, John G. Mantter, editor of the Sun b'tiiii, K'liiruiHii, Mo., who maoed inrovt-r CU'vi'idnd for the 11110007 in nvp uiur, l-S. while was mayor of 1 11 s!o, JV. Y., is enthusiastic in his I f li!tiiiifrlin's Colic. Cholera b ii .(!" 'i l.i'tnedy. He says: "1 1hh 1' I it ior tne iitnt five years and c r 11 t ie I" 1 1 --itnvt.ion of the l.. I ia t fli "'-(., i t is as staple as 8. .r- i r . eiu t! sa swii.in. It is au i- . 1,) i t 11 it aiiii should be uspd. 11 e--rv iiou-.-noiil. ior sale by J, La Lo. 'out jUiii, .,nt. Supt Kobody seems to be renpoesible for the dude. His own mother, who sup portsbiin, wsr's him to be dluer"1!. rwnrd awl In Eltr&ZtXn ?fflJ?. 6, at page 807. ref- in. dated Jamiary n, mi T and 0 w.tC. " " . uiAin Anaui, wuwuuiufj niui aUTQS and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad joining tbe landa of W. R. Poole, Jesse Watkins, deceased, and others, and oounaea as follows: .beginning at a stake in centre ef Hodge road in Poole's line; thence with said road south 8 1-S degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centre of the same; thence west 60 1-4 poles to a stake; thence north 26 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; thenoe with the same easq8 8-4 poles to tbe beginning; mm ining atune uuuveyeu oy . nines Jx Williams and wife to said R. A. Hodcre. bv deed recordei In said offloe, in Book 83 at page 80, reference to which is made. . Plack oy 8a u Country Court House aoor,.in ttaieign, ih. u. . Tiki of S alb -13 o'clock ta. , EBSrKST HAYWOoD, - v Trustk. October 13. 1898. . S. F. Ti.-.'r, I tviart, Ta., wr"-a: Y.i. i.r,t!rof t: is j 'are bus i -i your rxinedy for the and re-. - nifiilsit rery L't,hly. Ke f-aie L,e your a 3 TrcBD. I wool J like to know on v l.;it tnrn,s and price yon seil to d.'lMr. Lt me bear from yon and oL.je. Sold t.y John T. ASacKae. The mso ho always wants to eorateh arms west K.47 chains to a slake Sturdlvanl's oorner, thence with Ins Hue north S df(rees east seven clmins to a rock, Sturdlraut'a eoriwr; thence with lilH linn south iv. riviw. wiak 4d.au chains to a stake In Jaok Uupree'a line, thence north two UKiees eat 80.80 chains to a ll' litwiHHl stump, L J. Weather's eorner, tiwnce with his line south H7 dtigrees east .es eliKlns to a rock, Weathers' eorner, thence norm S degrees east 5.1 chains to the Snilth fleld Hoad thence with snul rvuul to j, l,luulr luck, 'Win. Htiinlivant'a corner, thence with his line north S detrrees eiuitl.i, ehjatiiH t., & hmk iiw.ri, beuie Smith's corner, thenoe south 81 de antes ease i ciiam to a rock In the old mad. thence as the said road south ti dttunws eaxt 16. .0 clmins to the Bnillhtlcid Kond tlienoe with the said road to the Ituulmiiinr. MwitjLlninff SOI l-i acres more or less. Tula luth day cf Octoner, im. i . Xxeentor ot Catharine Boylaa. ' 7 SALE OF LAND. ; " In pursanoe of a judKment rendered on the ioth day of Mjiimber, A. O. 1895. in a spf tial prooetHline entitled W. R Blake, tvioiinuitrHtor of Mrs. E. Glenn, deceased, against Pattie Dupree etaL, before the Clerk of Wake Su perior Court, I will aell at the court house door, in the citi -Haleigh, on the 4'h day of Novemoor A; D, 1895, at li o'clof k m , at public auction. tor rush, to t e b'tfhwst bidder, tliefol liii.of tii scn.f J lot or parcel of land I oiin.i it ai. l described as follows: h' t c"d l-' !? in thecry of lmlrn'h, (. i 1 rtt.etini ,1 S'lle of . tri-n s'ri-rt, k 1 1 o i on tne e.-t ty let of lien ( . n i ."-vrs-r5 1, (in t!e south I v t ) 1 of 1 111. h Jol,iiin, Oe f I, ul on tne mirtti iiv tne lot yt,n. 1 .v WPKicy Wli .nkerj i ou J) iif.ti Siiwt is.) Iwt, i i rn ins iiiu ii-t't, contaiuiug ( s u i 1 1 an 8',re pi-i! or Ifsj. W. It. Ularb, 0; .1 ." 1 Coiuuiisaioner. f r t i;tion ticket has a private .!oe on his own sccoont. Iteh f h c':.iesses of the iskin enred and t eomplexion restore i by John- t : al fr?.)!n, j . ifuturi and n nted. Two c k-sineaoh , i cents. Kr Sale ty J n THE GREAT I : DISCOVER 1 THE AGE. "fos in 1 rn dr. ie in aiim; qi ctne, (,itn Ije I m m noi'knt, ail i , i : . ,,(. hf n-'ul. tK. . j,us receive ot pr.Le. For sals ly John T. ick t. "ni in rest "!i,To in one HcKae, drag SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Cnder and bv virtue or cower con. tained in a mortgage executed to me by Robert A. Potter and his wife Sldonia f otter, on tne 7tn day ot October, a . I 18D0, which said mortgage is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, in Book 114, on page 105, I will sell by request at the Court House inWake county, at public auction, for casn, to tne nignest omaer, tne tract or land particularly described in said mort rh", which is bounded and described aa iollows: Lvintr and being in Wake co u nt y, North Carolina, in Saint Mary's towni-iip.and beginning at a white-oak, John Lais- (deceased) corner, and runs mnce soutn x a poies to a rea-oak in W m. Rand's old line: thence east with said Rand's line to the mill-path stake and winters: thence north with said mill-path to stake and pointers; thenoe eat to a pine, corner or John Mitcben. er's line;, thence north to a red oak: tlienoe eaxt 20 poles to a stake ana pointers; tiwnce north 74 polns to a s'ake in the line formerly owned by P. 11. Gower: thence with sid line west 20 poles to a black-jack; thence sout h to a pine in P. H. Uowr's oid corner; tlieiice Hnt to the bemnnin, containing 80 acres, more or less, and adjoining the lundsof tieo. Mitehener, M W. LrilL Vv m. lirvant, bving the tract of laud eonvevM by J. P. Guliy, commtiqloner in pi'tcial pronfiingg, entitled J. P. tiui.y, administrator of J. G. Dupree, r)"',i.,.t,i, ys. 1L Dupree and otlinrs, in VV axe superior Court, to Kobert A. Pot ter. Time of sale, 18 o'clock, m., on the ISla of ovember, 18U5. W. T. HOWIE, Mortgages. October 12, 13S5. :'-.-v' c e Ideal Stelam LAUNDRY Is the best equipped and does the most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK i : In the city. Sand In your work. Phone No 18. FUMITUBE AND NOVELTIES ever shown at either plaoa. We cannot place our bargains on paper, but simply desire to inform you through the Press-Visitor that we are here and ask you to Inspect our" stpok and compare onr prices with any bouse. We leave the m -mm anee with von. . . : y : show any our store. whether they buy or iiot. Open at night. MALL Ami BOEDEI 4-LEIGH, DURHAM, GOLDSBOHO TV through bat- We one REDUCED RATES. to ion siates sqd International Eiposittoc ATLANTA, OA., September 18 Oeoenber 31, IS9S. for the aboTa nonunion th fluntKan. uh. . ."JU,-?11 low-rate round-trip tiokete ti ATLANTA, OA., and return on tbe follow IPS basts i FBOM- w.;h.holloway k SONS. THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Life Insurance Comp'y Maggie' Beese. Alaxandrla. Vfi. . . Ashevllle, N. 0... rJiiriingxon, N. u. niiraoriiie, va. t.iiinntMir. vt.. Chatham, ta.. Charlottesville, Vs.. Lnapei mil. . u. . i Coitoord, N.C i.nanotte, n. u e, Va 12.86 18.70! ii'.m .n fe. 80 18.55 Ia0.85ll5.80l IS3.8riilT.0rH p.u.i j.a.. 18.151. 20.05 14.701 rau.4uii5.oin 38. 25119.261 Sells plain life insnranee, as pro tection to toe family, creditors or one's old age, and asks amination of ita elear eontraete with their nneqnaled gnar- f antees in ngores on the policy, giving' true life insurance at Ita , creditors or 1 zrSSs: .New nillinery Oar Lowest possible Cost . ' ; ? -f . We are now showinir all the lateat With Perfect Seoarlty. Thle eom- : and most desirable shines and atvlea liaujr uaa ueen aoinir oasiness in to is in nail ana winter Millinery. State over twenty-fight years, and its stook Is Well seleeted. both as to policy holders are its BEST FRIENDS. I . , jl no uonneotient JBataal Has no : speoalatlve feature, extension forfel- to res or i n tricate plans, contrived for the company's .' ' advantage. nor tbe Incontestable olanse, admit ting rascals at the expense of its hon est members, bat if any happen to get in, it glvea them their money back, all stated ia the contract. Tha v 3 Per'Cent Reserve has become an Important factor to life insoranee. All will ha ffladlr ex- plained by - ; . " , D. WAIT, : s - General Agent. Haleigh. STYLE and PRICE. , There is a great variety ia Caps and Sailors for Hisses and Children. All eolors and iliea from 9fta to $8 00, i Danville. DurhHm. N. C Fnmt llonl.V... Greensboro. N. O. OodsDoro. N. 0.... Hendcreonvllle, n Ulokorv, N. C. Blah Point. N. CI.. Hot Springs, N.C. Henderson, N. 0... I ..v. i--. r ,.j t,iuui. am.... L xlriifton, N. U .. Hortf gutou, N. C... Mnrion, N O Newlon. N.0 Jmntfe, Va J i ford, N. C.. Rlohmoml. Va. KHdavllle,N.C... Kalcliih. N. O South Boston, Va . itmsbunr. Va...... SalKbury. N.O.... jfatceviile, N.C... Tavlorsvllle. N. 0 . Tryon, N. 0 10. W.... Washington, D. 0 .... Stt.SSlt.Ml Wi st Point, Va,....!. S8.5;17.85l Warrenton, Va....... 13.28 H.26I Wllkesboro, N. C... fe. 96 16.86! Wlnston-Saiem, N. OJlg.0018.tnl A I B I 0 I D I I 14.00 . t.M B.5. . JJ.W1 .. 18.60 10.66..... 12.40 10.86 10. 40 t.M -S0 g.86 10.80 10.46 ii im 17.fl01D.V5 9.201.... .. 31.76 16.K 11.60.... 0. 11. 7C 8.60 6.26 15.80) 11.28 7.26 .. 1.9 12.46 8.40 .. 14.001 10.60 . .. 80.40il5.00, 10.45.... .. 22. 60 18.60 11.60 . 18 06 11.80 8.06 .. 16.801 11.26 T.SS 14.85 10.W T.lti .. 15.80 11.86 7.26 .. 84.5518.00 18.10. . . . 20.40 16 IM 10.46. ..23.2517 05 12.40 .. 18.8618.80 8.70 .. 80.40 isroo 10.46.. .. 81.6616.80 10.80!.... .. li.OOj U.80j...... 11.26 T. .. 16.80.,!.. 11.26 7.86 IS.S&...,. 1S.HI..... S.IK .1 7.81 4.BD 14.00! ..... 11.38. ... 8.801 NOVEMBER HORSE SALEJ 1 Will hrtf1 tnv atvik . ' eh lor the beaX bid. Good bo l f tttitg.carce, cotton telling at g i-go! tolatcoBelUnghish with the greateTt itie boutb, good, sound, weitbrerl !!S V command good pricJa! Pa l.t'M?& tch to" dispose of ani wanting tbf m in this aii -in ii" ItA. iVj3-bB 8tni tbat 1 ma; place in mv B. P. WILLIAMSON, RAI.EIOH, N. C. Fppt. 27. 1888. WHAT'5 E(M0MY ' Mav De neceasarv in man wava when dollars are scarce and wants many, nut it is notaeairable to practice it in me purcnase ot rood, wtucn la life. Below a certain standard fund imnar. fectly nounsbes: up to that standard it costs a reasonaoie price, we never want more than a reaaonaMe prioe for vui unjcvriea. . ' ...t .s-l RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit nt close irtarcrioa. We 'never twn anv- thing that ia not the best of its kind, and we only want a air proilt on what we invest in it.- . ; CHOICE GROCERIES Alwava in stock and nmmnr.l Ha. livered when ordereu. - We will )' be ; pleased to have the ladies . call and look at our stock. Every one will receive prompt and polite attention, ' t , (Rates from Intermediate points In proportion.) EXPLANATION. Column A ! Tlalmrji will Iw. niA DmimhW s and 12, and daily from September 16 to Decern beaMa, law, ioolualve, wlui flnal limit January 1 Column Hi, TlnlrAtai will lw mnlA ihttM-. Benrember 18 to December 16, 1806, inoluslve, With Snal limit tWnntv 1U01 dan fman sale. , . - Column Oi Tlekets will be sold dailv from September IS to Deoember 80, 1886, inoluslve, with final limit fllteen (16) dan from date of sale. No tloaet to bear lonoer limit than Janu. arr7,iwa. Oplumn D i Tickets will be sold on Tueedan and Thursdays of eaoh week from September 17 until Deoember 24, laftS, Inclusive, with Anal limit ten . 10) days from date of sale? ftoluran R: Tlnliwl will K. miA a.na. . September 18 to Deoember 80, uaa, Inclusive, wim Biial limit seven (7)days&omdataof sale. f.HssVTaggicecsc southern railway YOUR FAVORITE 5nuff Why, Parson'sCeIebrated BECAUSE '.. '.''I. . I;, , :. It Is the purest and beat mannf. inred out of select Vlrtrinia Taf p bacoo. The Hanufactnrnr choicest grades of Tobacco and we guarantee If yoa give it a trial your good judgment will approve ' is tlie.onlT Use enrertnr the Emomtlnn havirif a doublfrtreok, staodard- Orounda, 909 Fsyetterille Street, BULBS Iiwe railway from the center of tbe city of Uante to the Bxnoeltioa Grounds. - ror ueaeie and full Informatloa apply ta . M. CTJU, W.A.rrjBlL. rratBeManaget. . Om1 Peas. Act. awnsnaan, wawactam.Aft For BLOOMING. Chinese and Easter T.lliest Hvantntha Freesiaa, Naroiesus. etc. llms. Ferns ana otner piania ror room decorating. Out Flowers Boquets i Flora.! Xesigns. Eversrreen. ' Uatrnollas and Shade Trees, , , - ; '. ,-. E. CTEINIIETZ, Florist Korth Halifax etreet, near Peace In. Eas!!f, Qalcklr, PernaBenflf Restored. litrtUiCIlt llCnllivCt tmaranteete nwtoreUstMsnhoed. Cares waaknnsssa. Nsrvona Deuiiity and all the evils from early or later n, easses, the rmulta of overwork, worn. miikTvaaak. etc. Fali strength, tone and development eivaa av ana J vix.u w uwrwuu W LHW lit HIT. nent immediately seen from tlie first box. Toons, ends of letters of praise on sleinooronioa. Caa beoamed in VfMt nonlrAt.. Hat,,. Kv anail M , address oa noeipt of price. One months treat aientineaohbox. Prtoo1.00,6bm,M.OO.wili ivrmenttaaranEee to refund money If not oared, had to as fat the Genuine, Circulars Free, John Y. McEae, Droggist, Raleigh," ? nVsfcAwXJaW.fr Jsrf -.Aiiwasliii .m t 'Ira,. tiv ( iipMiilfw nr. l Veil 'tVtU 1 f And In future you will use no other brand. Put up in any size pack age to suit the trade. 5oU By an Dealers. J. II P.ABS0NS. Uaa'foct'r New Brunswick. N.J. ADMINISTKATOE'S N0TIC" Ha vine niinlififw, aa tttv.ini-...e.M - n es? ot B. F. Cheatham, deceased, late of Wake county, this is to notifv all Persons holilintr rlmmi inain., i i said estate to prenent them to the un deisiened on or before the ith day of September, 18x8, or this notice will be plead in bar of their rmvivnr .n.n persona indebted to t e f . i en me will please.make immed.aLe i - vu.eut. J. c. ma;: com, - AdnniMTmuj( ot ts. F. ' ' ' 4 iiMU ..UHt 1 1 rKKLK & MAW a , ' unite, rnont iw.---- oct!7 lm s w w w j a Ang 0, Ai-.-it't.-J. g --? r

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