: - ; i i' i t ! V "T i ill. y J. IK... . t i ..or .iii' at rature, ;; Jtliuii- in "er Advertisements. . tf Dissolution Barbee & a, , , . Anderson & Co. Choice -t. t. i ice meats Thomas Doneldson. PKHSOSAU i!r. R. L Prempert 1 is the ait. Rev. Engle, of Henderson arrived here this afternoon. ' We are glad to tee Mr. W. B Her ri mon in the eity today looking well and handsome. Miss Green, of Franklin, ho has been visiting here daring the fair, re turned home today. Miss Nellie Murray left yesterday for Oklahoma. After visiting In the territory for three months, she will visit relatives in Teias. Mies Kate Preacott, of Weldon, who was erowned "Queen of Love, and Beauty," at the tournament ball dor ing fair week, returned to her home yesterday morning Mrs. H. M. Ivey and children who have been visiting friends in the eity, left for their home la Portsmouth, 7a., today, afiss Bettie Bath accom panied them for a month's visit to Portsmouth. 1 , t The Ureeasboro Reeord saya : Mr, B. B. MeKeniie, of the popular cloth ing firm of Moore & MeEensie, is soon to join the grand army of Benedlot and is the happiest looking man we have seen in some time. We m net ay he was very fortuaate to win the 1 affeetiona of one of Greensboro's fairest daughters, Miss Katherine Scales, a niece of the late Governor A, M. Seales. The nuptials will take place early in November Mr, Mo Kenzia is originally from Salisbury where he is very ' well known and has maCtpssBda. : Be has heea here ainee January and Is making progress aa a businessman. la Court Today, The proceedings of the Civil Court dragged along today with the laay hum of argumentative discussion of law points. The jury nodded in its box, and the room was nearly elear of spec tators. The whole day was taken np with one of the Shaffer Bedsoe eases, of which there are several. Some have already been decided; others have yet to come to trial. J. Logs Hani rep. resented Mr. Bledsoe; Thos B, Pur. nell, Mr. Shaffer. The suit involvea several pieces of land to the immediate sooth of Raleigh, recently sold under a sheriff's deed. Football Notes Janeway Coaching. If North Carolina don't beat Virginia at football Thanksgiving, it will not be for any lack of opportunity the University team has had for develop ing into a star aggregation. Trensh'- ard, Princeton's famous end and sap tain, has been coaching for weeks. Now eomes Janeway.the big guard who played with Princeton. Be arrived at Chapel Bill several days ago and is devoting his time to the development of the centre, guards and taokles, desolation of Copartnership. - The Arm of Barbee & Thompson 1b this day dissolved by mutual consei.t, Mr. Alt A. Thompson retiring. The business will be continued by Mr. E. B. Barbee. (Signed) E. B. BARBEE, ALF A. THOMPSON. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 80, 1895. ' Under the advice of my physician I have coucluded to retire temporarily from business and beg to cordially emnmeid Mr, E. H. Barbee, who con t iuf8 the business of Barbee & 'i ridinf on, to the patrons of the old f in. J,!y connection with Mr. Barbee is s: Ar,.j Witb sincere regret, not only ' fvvt, but friends. Our relations le. a, without exception, trior s' .! !ial. ith every facility fie business, an entire i I t e wants of tiie trade, ' nn to give value re- .e vr- n to -re ' '- 1 hxC. S :,'!..! V, - A. X li t t f r .1 Kill! V:!' ; ' i, .3 Nor i i . V l . . L. kai 0 my street. Lost. A va'i'ii'e bunch of about eleven kt-.s i m.j v,ns? to JFira Department, l.eward tor retain to J. VV. Manguua To Tax-Payers of KalelD. Townehip. Ir--4.ctfuHvcaU your attention to fie i l tut tie iiiohtus given by law i irt .nouruonof tiixea iiave nt-nrly e - i t arid that I siiaU be forced to cui . ot by u stress unlet Uie taxes ore iiJ promptly. I am forced to settle on the tiays prericribed by law and heuce mahe tins apceal. I insist that one and all come forward and beuie promptly the r taxes, thereby savuiR niysoil trouble nd you annoyance. at. W PAUK. Sheriff. octasat Golf Cap liost. : A tan, golf cape, with s golf hood, liaed with Scottish plaid silk, on a s reet ear yesterday afternoon, butt able reward for return to this olfice. tf Johnson & Smith's photographs are all the talk. Diamond size $1 60, caul nets $2 so one half dozen. Examine tueir work. 1 ' We are now making in their perfee tion the original Peanut Brittle and Butter Cups. We invite comparison with other makes. BOYeiTEB. LoetBank: Stock. Ealwgh, N. C, July 23, 1896. The undersitrned hereby rives notice that she has lost, or her late husband, W.N. H. Smith, has lost, twoeertia elites of shares of the capital stock of The Citizens' Bank of Norfolk, Va., numbered 40 and 8a respectively, the former for three shares and the latter for twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her if found. Mes. Mary O. Smith, . Executrix of N. H. Smith, octlOSm Deceased, Balelgh, N. 0. Madam Beason desires to call the at tention of the public to her new stock of fall and winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children. . Infants' caps, sacques, notions, etc. octltf v - Notbing New With TJs. ' For the past five years we have never charged more than So and 86c per quart for oysters, i We know the business and guarantee to sell more good oysters (or the same money and more to the quart than any dealer in Baleigh. Spe cial prices to schools and ohaxitable in stitutions, which we defy others to equal Our stock la received daily and told from the only distinct oyster refrigera tor in North Carolina. Qto. N. Ivxs & Co , .''":;:.'! City Market" octissw 'Bretsch has built np such a trade that he is busyshipping to points) out aide the city. Bis crackers, cakes and lunch milk biscuits are the finest to be had. ;..:.'';'::':v;:;:;:;i; ' .. -. Ageote Waatea Everywhere. $5 a day. Marion Bar land's New Book. "Home of the Bible.' Over 3,000 new photos; nearly 600 extra large pages. Just the book for the fall and holiday canvass. No experience seeded. For particulars address His torical run. v , rniiaaeipnia, Jra. OctlOtf NO CSB NO USB For ns to tell yon tow cheap--, goods are here. , , have only to gee . them to know We eonld not " t . In this small space tell von of all the t Grand Bargains ','r' tnst are here for yon. f , s we do - tell yon - , . that If v i 4 - yon do . not call ' .. - - very soon ' ' you will , mies all the ehoise Bargains. Now is the time. . . i . MBS. KM MA X. SWINDELL, Executrix. Come AND Examine The handsomest Steel iBange made. It is "THE JEWEL." See our new Disccll Grates We hat - 3 Bicycles On easy terms T 17 .l)y Carrin e -i At a cut price. , c, t nt and n...... ocLid 1m Ji'r. Fii'i A. Watson is prenareJ fr his fall and holiday traiie vrnu a wore coinplciH line of n weitits, s.mveuus, pictiire frames rnd various art sec a"d teaiiutul ttiitiis than ever betor. t.ei has tnem.-si complete stock in h.s bite In the btate OcllStf Wanted. A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, estauiisiiea n mse Salary t7S0 payable $15 weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady KeterfMicea. Enclose sWf ddressd stinped envelope. H K HEsS i'resideur, Chicago. tf FANCY' GROCERS, a03 JPayettevillo St. Just recelwd a hipment of Soda t racters, jsiis: IjUdcu, vjvsicr vr ers and ( akes AL.L FRhNli. Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Oak Flakes, llnmiii, VktM luriTA AHll Small HlM. iny. Preserves by the pound or in bot tles at very low prices. -Fresh Ea, Chickens and Turkeys iwason nana. OUR MEATS ARE THE BEST Swift's Orioles Ham and Breakfast DanA a mans in ntiwilT W HMtllllR l ilM best brands of Coffee only. Momaja, M oc ft a ana j a va, aiuuckih auu ring's . L. C are our brands. n. J. Eeinz's Sweet and Sour Pickels, - Aiwv in stock. Our Flours are strictly the best - ACME DABT. " VALLEY SOPEBLATtVB, " NORTH STATE and ' DESOTA are the names. Money refunded it any of the above brands do not suit. , Fresli Sausage 1 (All pork) arriving dailv. Lowest prices and prompt delivery is onr motto. -t.:.r Loose Buckwheat Se per pound, , drive us a trial. U. H. AltDEESON & CO. THE WONDERFUL R0CHE:S , , 'EMBROCATION' WHOOPING COUGH. An external remedy, safe and all right! Home testimonials endorse Its eihcacy. - Jas. McKimmon & Co PHARMACISTS, i . ,183 Fayetteville St., , Balelgh, N. O. HELLER'S U SHOE In addition to the popular So'iare Toe, we have added added a "New Ooera" last like- above cut. These gooasnave Extension Holes and we assure yon they are The "Very IVevvewt. HELLER Br ; 134 Fayetteville Street. Huyler's - ' V ' t til , 1 A.l) S.WIi .VI LEAST 25 PER CENT 1 lit ("ash Sjxeiu and our Trice Lis! Suits All. i n Uff5)?ttTJlT Hlr5TLJI Better known as the cheapest Grocery House in Town, are selling: Pure Hoar Lard '8 l-8e lb: bett sugar-cured Hams, 12 12c; Englishurd Shoulders, loc; iiakfat Strips, 123 In; Counti'v Htitte.-, 17 l-2! and 20c; all pork 19 fi-h I-, Irtn Hiwn- MnllHtn. 7 2oj dozen; six Urs Hoe Cake Soar-, tio; twelve boxes matclies. 5o; Macaroni, loo packat-e; i.est Kc. 9 l-2o lb; large Hominy, 4c lb: Grits ao ib: Corn Hakes, 4c lb; Arouckle's Coftee, S8c lb; green Coilee. m lb;tet 'lea, aO and 40c lb; three thi-e pound cans Tomatoes, itfc; three cuns f'orn, 25c; turee pound cans talne Praciies lic; New Orleans Molasses, 400 (ral; best dark ) ii t"d 40c; Granulated Mitrar. 6 1-40 lb; New Orleans Sugar, 6 1-4C lb; but Viufgar, 03 gal; best water ground Meal, 153 peck: B iker's hooolnte, 4'K) lb; Cocoa, 4uc lb; one rxmd box Uakiug Powder and St ver Spoon, 10c: freli Northern Cabbat'H, 1-so lb; six boxes Soap, Octagon. 25 -; Htckers self-raising Buckwtieat: lrun Potatoes large, 25c peck; two large bars toap, 4c; two boxes bluing, 6c; Prunes, 8 1-80 P ; Batains, 10 and 16c pound; Mix- d il ut ISO lb, CRACKERS AND CAKES ARRIVING DAILY- ' All goods strict'y first class. We sell the leading brands of Flour ACME our leader, ; Sold at close figures. Give us a call. . upciiuncii & cARTcr?, ...-. ' ' 120 Fayetteville Street. Phone 1K5. Also proprietors Norfolk Oyster Company. Oysters arrive mornin? and evening. 0016 lw DROP IN At BobMtt'sy'v , Where Yoa will Always Fmd , ROYSTER'S FRESH BON; BONS - AND CHOCOLATES. - The equal of any candy on the market; artistically pat up sealed packages, ranging from one-half to five pounds. PRICE SOo 0. C3AL C THE PIIAnniOIGT. BAD. TOOTH ; BRUSHES - Are very dangeroos articles ...f because the bristles get ln- - .'- - to the throat and eanse all kind of tronbles which are ; " serious s well as disagree able. Come to na sad we will sell yoa a brash and guarantee ,. satisfaction. HICKS k ROGERS, ' Prescription DrugKlsta. , rOU DO NOT REALIZE That yoa are In Raleigh nnless yon are stopping at the YAHBOnO HOUSE The only Hotel in the city convenient to Business. . All rooms on the third floor 12.00 per dav; first and second floors 92.00 and $1.60 per day. , SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES FBEB BUS AT ALL TRAINS. Thousands of dollars recently expended : provements. U T. BROWN, Prop'r. Mii?t have care or t' surely 7, liow t t -V . .-.1 tn.-.r "'sr t;-t Va Apc-hj. Ixmg before t: v vr, f pv Wlil Sltow t sr. rai.d reflect no c Y r. 'I 1 re of and r byu..i. r -oil's r 'i 1 'bUn ' i tit ti e I 1 ; ir t V i I'VIt - 1 r 1 0 i y 1 " . .LLIAri . ... ( - i (Pi,: , r.'ie: .v. g('T Ifrc-1 let Northern Butter, 20 and o tt; Link Sanson, loo lb; Cteam t he-se, t-ia lb: CoditMi. 8 l-3o ll: Hoe Heriuti's, per Pound, ("""""X ("""r s J ii RIGGAN'S RIGQAN'S RIGGAN'S IS THE ' . - PLACE . TO BUY Dolls,. Games, Juvenile Books. Toys, Wagons, Novelues, Doll Furniture, Ltoll abs, Doll Carriages, . : Wagons, Cart, Velocepodee, . Baskets, (fancy and use i ful) Brto-a-Iirac, Iron Toys of all kinds, Rubber Dolls. Rattles and Rubber . Toys. Largest Stock ever in North Carolina. Largest Stock ever la North Carolina. BEST VALCE8 FOR LEAST MONET BEST VALUE3 FOR LEAST MONEY IlIGOA.IV, The Toy Alan. R::..Yg Tcy Stcro, : 138 Fayetteville St " sepia Of O ' The dt rnand f.r our ts Ulsters and Overciati is prow'.: 3 latger every day we've roi., ' t i;i-ial, cause pr'ws were r.: t, oi.'y v ten prices im!u e m t ) t .le qoaiitiiy hen e buy V. .-. 1 a'.d J"U pun by it every tin a t ' $7 5 1, f.'.-. p a'l ovpr town, in e h lii -o t' ;t ts a clo' .hin'aj -i i i i and you could n.t dui'!fnr?e t' e ( v e sr '1 lit 1 5. (,- t . . .. ' n l- ! 1 ! an 3 v r. ?- i t 1 i i 1 . 1 i 1 11 d 1 .1 . 1 1. u r ; : 1 i t 1 i: 1 II.: r I Millinery Dapartmcnt (SKCOSD FLOOR ) Stylinh Millinery. Our Htylitih Hts giiin new admirers every diy. Puch another rii-h snd rar ;ollrtiiio of Trimmed Mtllioery m out to be found in town Our prions sro the 1. .-(. Yoa should boy yoor liats of an. Vv have the most complete stock of bailors la the eity. PibbcJ Ur::crv;c::r (FIE3T FLOOR) 1,000 Lsdirs' Ribbed Vests, wool, 60e. worth 75c. 1,000 Ladies' Ribbed Vents, cotton, 20c, cheap at 8 )0. 1,000 Gent's Wool Undershirts, 65 c, worth H 00. All siw for Boys sod Misses. Flannels (fIRST FLOOR.) Canton Flannel, very heavy, 8 1-8 and 10a yard. All wool Shaker Flannel, 60c ytrd. Ail wool Red Flannel, 15c ytrd. Blankets and Ecd Ccnf:rt3 (SECOND FLOOR.) Comforts from 75c each up. Blankets from $1 a pair np. . Crockery Dcp't (SECOND FLOOR.) : : - A lot of deoorated Milk Pitchers, 10c, worth SOo. This department is fnll of staple and fanoy goods and aH are sold at a small profit. RE ' lYiM V I MPEF. aht KVVUV for CASH. " W00LLC0TT & mi PATAPECO Morning ESTABLISHED 1774. ' ...... . - m ; 0 0 SB IL1 I a r:. " c: ... . . t - ' - Premier Flour . Mfl.niifnrfiirMf"frnm vlia Praam if ' For f jale by City Orocere. fsmm p. ff1 sash premiums, psyable in gold for the best Bread and y) I aJ.UlJ Rollsmade of the above brand of Flour and puton eihibition at the oomiug hiate Fair. The public, excepting profesaioual bakers, invited to compete First premium on Bread, JJ5 00; second, $15.00. Flint premium on Rolls, f 15 00; second, flO.OO, C. A. C-Lri.. r.:Fg JONIISON & ' 1C9 Fayetteville Why this store Is just rielit tor your economical purchasing that is BHCAlcl. WE BUY AND L.Lli full CASH. Onr inerese ot bnsines stren.ftheDS this statement sod the goods themselves CL1XCII IT. r r I ..I f K-nr- l'.Te you can e-K -t from a ?I1,C30 stock. Ail new good ), bought t- fore the reat advauce la i-allier and euld at old . rices. l,CJ) pairs Ladies' Donir.ila J'ntt'in t hiiHd. 41 a pnirj Bold elsewhere Ht ; J LJ a 1 air. Call and see them. C--V T v f (frSCOND FLOOR.) CAPKS 3iX) stylit,h Capes from 3 50 to 10.00 JAChhl'a 2"D Beavar, Cheviot sud Bonnie Jackets, new style, mandolin sleeves, from to (13.50. Each one is a great bargain aud yoa should not buy a Wrap nntil you have sea ours. e. a m m w J (FIEST FLOOR.) All sites Ladies,' Misses and Men's very cheap. A large assortment of Towels and Towelling. TrJicrinj Dcp't We can save yoa 23 pec cent if yon will let ns make yoa a suit. Fit guaranteed. A large lit of Wrappers from 88c each np. - re th Peopl to bny of All onr BIS UIS1B1 UKUIH KilU SUiU oi . ; " America H9ui,rl!ini1 anfl.l.rlin:a Uliant Co., C:J;:::.:r I.eUl JOIIISOIJ, Street, Rjileijjb, N. C, Agents. rcr t ' 3 1 I lrrprosrhstle s'yles ! " I .adies' Short i .-. f r Costs ia I 'siV, irr and oovcrtf t e ( V. : 1. : ,. I ' . nvt-r (.in;;., J-..I 1 r..' !...! ; : i 1 .), ; 1 1 u. : . vt r.-ttcte t...th j J la.- a V , :,.vu v. nd I: ': 1 ! . ; . '- I ) kind, 5 j l ; 1 ',.