WORTH WHILE. By Ella Wheeler Wiloox. It is easy enough to be pleasant .' - While life flows along like long, Bat the worth while is the one who will smile '. ; When everything goes dead wrong) - For the test of heart ia trouble. And it always eomes with the years, And a smile that ia worth the praises of earthy,-: ,'' v ' . Ia the smile that shines t hroagh tetrs. 1 It is easy enough to ba prudent S ')'"' When nothing tempts yon to stray; When within or without no role of sin Is burning your soal away. Bnt it is only a negative virtue - Until it 1b tried by fire. . And the life that Is worth the honor of earth - r Is the one that resists desire. v , By the eynle, the sad, the fallen, v Who had nu strength tYr the. strife, , The world's highway is cambered to , ' . dayi W;:--.: --V & m l .v. i. u. 1 it ' i i ; mey inane sip iu iww -ut iiiv. j Bat therlrtae tbit eooqaert 1 passion, And the sorrow that hides ia aimile. It is these hat are worth Aha .homage - ' . of earth, " For we Bad them bat oaeeia awhile, 'I 8. A. JU. IMPROVEMENTS. $451,000 la. Bonds of che Raleigh and August Air Line Railroad. " Plans are being ' prepared "for the ' building of a new freight depot at 1 Atlanta, 6a , by the Seaboard A(r " Lino says the Baltimore San of ' re cent date: . " ; Under an ' agreement with, .the Western and Atlantio railroad, hav ing 25 years - to ran, this depot will be jointly need by the twr-system, . In oonsiderer&tion of this use the I Western and Atlantio Rives the -Seaboard Air Line free Berrloe over its traoks into Atlanta. ' . The new depot will: be built in the heart of the city on property pur chased some time ago. The site is about 900 feet long and "from 150 to J 900 feet ' wide, and is? within boat two blocks ot the Kimball House., f , To make this and other improve - ments the Seaboard Alr'Liue has J placed on the market. $468,00Q of first . mortgage 6 per eent bonds of the Augusta Air Line Railroad Com , -pany. These bonds bare been taken - by the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company and the Baltimore Trust and Guarantee Company, aod 1 are : beln offered to ; investors at 105 and ' aoorued interest. A oiroaiar Issued by these oompa aies shows that the Raleigh and Au- gasta roilroitd, which extends from , Raleigh to Gibson. N. C, 107 miles, forming an important link In "the through system to Atlanta, has a to c tat bonded indebtedness of $1,000,000, or about 19,300 per mile' This roort . gage was created in 1884. At that time 1500,000 of the bonds were soJ4 , York Investors. The bonds now of i fared have been held in the treasury of the Seaboard v Atf Line system Thls system has ' no floating debt Its net earnings for Jnly and August v'ahow an Increase of ,$48,725 50.; For the same period the- Rleigh: and Augusta shows an increase in net earnings of $13,610. "' $ Besides the work ? to be done at , Atlanta the proceeds from the rate of these bonds- will . provide for the ' rebuilding of- the freight sheds recently burned at Portsmouth, Va , ' and other improvements along the line of the system. - , ; . niH PaahIa. , ' ' Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy, in. Bleetrio Bit ters. This medloine does notstimu ',: late and eontains no whiskey brother ' intoxicant, bat sets aa a tonld and alterative. - H sets mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby - aiding nature in the performance of ,he functions. Eleetrio Bitters U an leellent appetiser and aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need. Price fifty eents per Mr tie at John T. MaoRae's drug store. ' , ,. . ,-. u i n w - ?-" ;." , Burglars got osly 113 after Wank ing three . wareboose safes Mercers. 1 bnrg. ' ' . Chamberlan's is t he best of all. Vin cent J. Bark, of Danbury. Iowa, has , used Chamberlain's Cough : Remedy . --whenever in need of a medicine for coughs and colds, for the past five -years and says : "It always helps me - - 1. 1. - .hot b.nj4 rt court medicine I use. I reply, Cham berfain's, that is the best of alL 86 and too bottles for t ale by J. Hal Bobbitt Druggista. ; , ,; r The threat of Judffe Chapla to Jail all riolatorsof the Sunday tiqnor law has effectually shut Detroit saloons. , Itching, barn'ng, sealy and ernsty skin scalps of infants sleansed and healed and qnlpt sleep reetored by 4 Johnson's Or 1 Sosp, medicinal and toilet, large eakes 85 eta. For sale bv Join T. MaeEae. ' A horse k icked H. 8. Pbafer. of t' s rrwffl'w House, MKidieburg, -.n. i. on the 1, which laid him up ill ' ai cu. i fie knee joiot t e siiJ. Afiii-iid recommended ;) use Chamberlain's Pain ball i he did. and iu two days was aLi. around. Mr. Shaferhas recome. t to many others and says it is excwi.. f r any kind of a bruise or sprai i. 1 hn game remedy is also famous fi-i ts our. -s of riietunatism. For sale bj , J. Hal Bobbitt - . ... . After freqoent qnarrels, James W. B11, a Chicago printer, shot his wife. probably fatally, and killed himself, Fhenmatism, nenralgia, pains in the back or aide, stiff neck, sore throat, toDniiitis, diphtheria, camps and solie sstanlly reiiered by Johnson's Mag. netic Oil. Large .littles, S"S end 61 cents, fur aaie by John I. tiuluie. The Ideal Panacea. . James L. Francis, Alderman, Chica go! says: . I regard Dr. King's New Diseotery an an Ideal Panacea for ConRhs, Colds and long complaints, bating used it in ,my family for the last Ire years, to the exolosioa of physicians prescriptions or other pre parations." - . , -: ., ; Ber. John Bnrgus,. Eeoknk, lows, writes: I bate been a minister qf the Methodist Episcopal church f -r 50 years or more, and have never foond anything so benefioial or that gave me inch) speedy relief aa Dr. King's New Discofery." Try this Idea : Coagb remedy now,. Tial bottles free at John X. MoHae's drog store. ;" "'By throwing herself from a train at Fayettefllle, Ark., Mrs. SarahStaf ford, of Pomona, Cat., was killed, v i ,v." . ,L Frank B. . White, Minneapolis, Minn., rlte;t ''Have used two boxes of yonr Pile Cnre and mast say it has done wonders . for" me.. I would not know I ever had the piles only when' 1 stoop low. The itching is, all gone.'' Sample free. .For, sale . by John J uaettae. . ,Vv;'-7!'uiv';vr ' The Sooth Carolina constitutional convention voted against womaa suf frage-, 131 to 88 'M;:t"H:'Sw . A clear, soft, rosy enmplexloa is the desire of every lady. Why not 'give Johnson's Oriental Soap a trial. There is nothing' to compare v with it aa a skin beautiner. Two eakes In a pack' age, B5 eents. For sale by John Y. Hacttaa, druggist. .V;'-''Vii' " . " i e'i m ' iri'n 'i V.riVi An inch of snow fell in end about Buffalo, 5, T. : Johnson's Kidney and liiver Begu lator invigorates the- liver, regulates the; bowels, c ares dyspepsia, bilool aess, indigestion, sour stomach and makes your head as clear as a bell 35 and 50eenta. , For.sale by John Y. MaoBae;;,j;;!';r:i::'j,s..,j:9,'. There is to be a new Standard Oil pumping statlos Hear Lebanon. i Last June Dick Crawford .brought his twelve-months-old child, suffering from infantile diarrhoea, to me It h d been weaned at four months' oid and had always been sickly. I gave it the usual treatment in such cases but without benefit. The child kent stow. ing thinner until It. weifthed butlittle more tban when - born, r perhaps ten p mnds. I then started the father to giving Chamberlain's Colic, Ui.olera and -Diarr Bmedy. Hef.e one bottle of the 5 nt size had been used a marked improvement was seen and ts continued use cured the child. - Its weakness and ounv . constitution dis appeared and its father and myself be lieve the child's life was saved by this remedy. J. T. Marlow. tA. D., Tama roa, 111. For sals by J. Hal Bobbitt Druggist. John O. Mauser, editor of tbe Sun. beam,. Seligman, Uo.,' who maned Grover Clevelani for the Presidency In November, 1882, while was mayor of Buffalo, N. Y., is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says: "I have used it for tbe past five years and consider it the best preparation of the kind ln.the market 1 Is as staple as sugar and coffee. In this, section. It is an artiole ot merit and should be used in every household. For sale by J. Ha bobbitt. Druggist - - sept ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havintf Qualified as administrator of tie estate of John H. Baker, deceased, late ox watte county, tois is to notiry all persons having claims against the said estate to nresent them to the un dersigned on or before the 8lst day of August," lHvo, or mis notice wui oe plead in bar of -their recovery, and all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. . . .. J. a Mabcom, Administrator, v Aseo & Snow, Attorneyx. ' - AUgSUKWSW Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Bt rlrtne of a mortnee deed tlven bv Hardr B. Bagwell and Adeiuae Bagwell his wile, to Catliarlne Boylaa, dated January ti. 1st and registered Is the office ot the Begleter ot Deeds lor Wake county In Book let. pageew, I will, on the Uth day o November, lavs, at H o'clock, at the Court House door In Raleigh, Wake eonnty, aeli, at public auction, to tbe btabest Diaaer m cmu, we rouowtag aesenoeu nw estate to-wtt: A oertatn tract of land aituate In Wake county St Mary'a Township, adjoin tsg the lands olB&mnel Watts. Allen Sturdlvant i. 6. Dupree, Bedle Smith and others, and more fully described as follows; Beginning at pointers on the Smltbleld and Raleigh Boad John Parker's (now Samuel Watte) corner Dear Watts thence with bis line Booth two degrees west 6.86 chains to a stake, thence aonth U de grees west 97 40 e rutins to tbe Wilmington Boad, thenoe with said-road to a pine. Allen Bturdt vant'a comer. Uience with nls line south it de grees west S.4T chains to a stake, Btnrdlvant's corner, thence with his line north degrees east even chains to a rook, Bturdirant's corner: thence with bis line south 8 degrees west 40.30 chains to a stake In Jack Dupree's Line, thence north two degrees east 80.80 chains to a llgbtwood stump. L. J. Weather'a corner, Uienoe with his line south ST degrees east 11.M ebains to a rook. Weathers' corner, thence north degrees east 6.M chains to tbe Smith leld Road, tbence with said road to a black :k, Wm. rsturdlvaat's corner, uience with nis a nnrrh s deirreea east T.7 ehama to a black Jack. Bedle Smith's corner, thence aonth at de- 6reev east i uniuu u m nv ux wio wu nwu. lence aa tbe said road south " degrees eaet i a.. ehalna to the BralthBeld Boad. tbenee wit the Said road tO the hylnnlng, nntlnln sol l-i acres more or leas. : J This imn day or uototier. use. - , , , ., W. M BOYLAN, ' aUecutor ot Catharine Boylaa. , . . SALE OF LAND. iV Irrfjursance of a judgment rendered on the aath day of September, A. O. nin a special proceeding entitled W. lake.' administrator of Mrs. E E. Glenn, deceased, against Pattie Dupree etaL, before the Clerk ot Wake 8i perior Court, I will sell at the court bouse door, in tne cicy 01 uaieign, on the 4h day of November A. D. 1895, lit li o'clock m , at public auction, 1 . ,r rush, to the hisnest Didder, the fol- lua ip? described lot or parcel of land I "imm-d and aescrmea as rouows: 1 v ? and being In theeity of ltaleigh, oii t e tne noriii side of iiartin street, and 1 Miniiedon the east by lot of Ben- li. :f m 1 eeve. deceased, on the south Itl Ian I of 1 Idruiae Johnson, de ( ... 1, end on the north by the lot t i nict ? owned ny Wesley wbitaker; iroiit i r on B ud Martin street 85 feet, and munim? back 2i0 fet, containing one siJtuioi an acre more or less. . W.K. I'.LAKK, octl SOd Commissioner, 1 THC naCATCST Il sWVtST Ot I THC AGE. r " Cures Jb t fn 4 dam, Iai! metiiaie in eliot. : ouiok to f 1 Dnre. Can b earned in not i , m- A Docket, ail oomoleM in on stor I . i4t pent by mail, pmpaid. plain piu, aa neaipa ot pnoa. SI par boa. : For sale 'by Joha T. KeBje, drng gist. ' YALUAELE FAOS FOR SALB. By virtue of authority conferred by a certain Deed of Trust from ti A. Hodge and Loretta Hodge, bis wife, dated December 5th, 10, and recorded in the otiioe ot the Register of Deeds for Wake, county, N. C, , in Book 113, at page 818, 1 will on - pfij:.?lijfczfcx. THUttSDAY, November 14th, 1896, sell at public auction, to the highest' bidder for cash, six (6) tracts of land situate in Saint Matthews township, Wake county, N.s C, and described as follows: ' - i f Fibst Tract containing 221 8-4 acres, more or lees, being Lot. No S of the Uaston Wilder lands, and described as follows; Adjoining the lands of said Bodge on the south, of tbe late David Hlnton on the east of the said Hod ore on the north and Neuse river on the west; and bounded as follows: begin ning at a stake and pointers on the east bans: 01 JNeuse river, about 12 links be low the mouth of a guL the southwest corner of Tract No. 1. bought at the same time and place by Joseph An drews, runs thence east 295 poles to a stake In the late David JBinton's line; tnence wtui uis une aouta 24 uegrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west s5S Doles to a small birch tree and Dointers on the bank of Neuse river: thence np the various courses of tne river snout m poies to tne : begin ning, being same tract conveyed by John B. Williams and wife to B. A, Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 60 at page 546, reference to wnicn is maae. , - ; , , Second Tract, oontalaina 190 aarea. more or less, beinjr Lot No. 4 of the Betsy kiinion iann (iormeny uaston Wilder' s land) and bounded as follows: Beginning at a small birch and point ers on tne oana 01 Aeuse river aoout six poles below-Spring Out;- thence with the dividing line east 253 poles to a stake in David Hinton's line; thence with tne same aoout tut poies to a stake on Mingo creek ; thence down the creek about 824 poles to where it empties into Neuse river: thence up the said river aoout lvo poies to tne oegirming; neing same tract conveyed by w. B. Boole to B. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 182, reference to which is made, m 1 k t. t Third Tract, containing! 1 18 acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the south side of the Tarborougb road W. B. Pool s corner runs south 1-2 degree west 45 pole to a stake and pointers in the head of a small branch; tbence with said branch 89 poles to a pine on the east side of the branch: thence south 24 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and pointers: thence east 108 1-2 poles to a stake; thence north 6 1-4 degrees east 214 poles to the Tarborougb road; tbence with said road 98 poles- to the negmning, oeingsame tract conveyed bv Jennie Hinton to B. A. Hodcre. bv deed recorded in sad office in Book 105, at pane 551, reference to which is made. Fourth Tract, containing 79 8-4 acres, mjre or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast corner of the lot purchased bv Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence east with Poole's line 122 1-2 poles to a stake and pointers on a branch ; thence nearly south down the various courses ot the branch 83 poles to a large pine on the east side of the sameDavid Hinton's corner thence with his line south 24 degrees west 89 1-3 poles to a stake and pointers, the corner of the dividing line between this lot, or parcel, and that purchased by G. H. Williams, at same sale; tbence west 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road; thence north ward along said road 118 1-8 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed by Sarah wilder, commissioner, to B. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office. In Book 50, at page 146, referenoe to which is made. . i V FirrH Tract, containing twenty-five acres, more or less, adjoining the lands Of Buffln "Williams, B. P Williamson, William emitn and Josepu J. Andrews, and on the east side of Neuse river, be in? a Dart of the Betsv Hinton tract bought by said Andrews at the O. H. Wilder estate sale, being tbe southwest 1 comer of said tract according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river, below spring gut, at a willow: thenoe up saiu river 10 anove tne . xaiia at a twin red-oak; thence east to a stob and pine; thence to a stob in the branch; thence south to B. Williams' land, a Ughtwood knot; thence west to tbe be-1 ginning, and being the same tract con-. veyed by Joseph JV Andrews and others to B. A, Hodge, by deed recorded ib said office, in Book 56, at page 807, ref erence to which is made. - . j Sixth Tract, containing eight acres snd twenty-five perch, more or lees, ad- inlng tne lanas 01 w. n. rooie, jesse atkins. deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in centre ef Hodge road In Poole's line; thenoe with said road south 8 1-2 degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centre ot the same; thenoe west 50 1-4 poles to a stake; tnence norm aj s-4 pojes 10 a stake in Poole's line; thenoe with the same east;48 3-4 poles to the beginning; and being same conveyed by James A. Williams and wife to said R. A. Bodge, b deed recorded in said offioej. in Book 82 at page 90, reference to which is, Placi or SALx-Countv Court House door, in Baleigh, N.O. ; ; ; ; . . " Ton of Saxb-u o'clock m , . , J ..EBJSBST HAY WOOD. , October 12. 1895. ":i-S:i ) -:o SAtE OF.VALUABLEUND, Under and br virtue or cower con. taincd In a mortgage executed to me by Robert A. Potter and his wife Sidonia Potter, on the 7th day of October, A. D, 1890. which said mortgage is recorded in tne office of the Register of Deeds for. Wake county, in book 114, on page luc, I will sell by request at tbe Court House in Wake countv. at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the tract of land particularly aescnoea in saia moic. gage, which ia bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in Wake county, North Carolina, in Saint Mary's townshin,and beginning at a white-oak, John Ellis' (deceased) corner, and runs thence south 232 poles to a red-oak in Wm. Band's old line: thenoe east with said Band's line to the mill-path stake and pointers; tbence north with said mill-path to stake and pointers; thence east to a pine, corner of John Mitchen ers line; thence north to a red oak; thence east 20 poles to a stake and pointers; thence north 74 poles to a stake in the line formerly owned bv P. H. Oower: thenoe with said line west 20 poles to a biaca-jacK; tnence soutn to a cine in P. H. dower's old corner: thenoe west to the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or less, sua sujuihujh uia lands of Geo. Mitohener, M W. Britt, Wm. Rrviint. beinff the tract of land conveyed by J. P. Bully, commissioner in special proceedings, enuuea i. r. Onllv. administrator of J. G. Dupree, deceased, vs. H.-Dupree and others, in Wake Superior Court, to Robert A. Pot Time of sale, 11 o'clock, m, on the IStb ot November, ltwc , - ! W. T. HOWLS, - - MoRTOAen. October 12, 1396. l What io i . w--wv... .-. , ..w.lfcW. .J.nTn i . w. I k CMtorla la Irr Samiiel Pitcher's prescriptlbti Tor Infitnts wad Children. It contains neither Opium,' Morphine nor other Narcotle substance. 'It 1 a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It Is PleaeanU Its trnantntee b thirty years' use by MUlions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverishness. " Caatorla prevents . v oral ting! Soar Card, eares JDiavrrhoea and Wind Colie. 'Castorla relievee teething; troubles, ' cures ,; constipation ( and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, retrulatW thessoniach ajid,-bowels, giving , healthy and, natural sleep. Cas torla is the Children's Panacea 4 he Mother's Friend. Hi Castorla. . Vt ' Ai "OasktU ts an euaUest madlolna teebB " tftea. afothenhave sapeatadly SsMawafHs CwSeOaotapoe their ohlWram." " '-: Ci tri ,;'y - aJ J 0). O. Osaeo " IxnraU, Mam .,.vi - Osatorla is the awt Kmad tor aUldraa of . which 1 am acquainted, J hope the aay a not : far distant whan mothers vrtllooaaWarUia real Intereat of thair ohlldraa. and nas Caatorla h ' stead of tha rarloua quack BOfttrumairhioaara deatroytof their lord ones, ayforoiac opium, JssorphkM, soothing syrup and ettwr k artful is an dorm thaw throats, thereby sandlaf ahem to premature grmrea." - - Da. J, T. Ximtmrnum, Ooaway, Ark. S T Oeataam. Oemyaar, TT Mamr MreaH, ITew Trk Oitj. tat'iij W, H.-. HOLLO THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Life Insurance Comp'y Sells plain life insurance, as pro tection to the family, creditors .or oae's ols age, and asks a' careful ex- animation or its eiear ana eqaitaoie eontraets, with their uneqoaled guar antees in flgores on the policy, giving true life insurance at its if Lowest possible Cost With Perfect Security,'' This com pany has been doing business in this State ever twenty-eight years, and its policy holders are its BKST F&iJU. 1)8. The Conneetient Mutual has ho speonlatire, tatar,-Feitensloa . forfei tures or intricate; plana contrived for the company's J : advantage, nor the incontestable ' clause,' admit ting raseals at the expense of its hon est members, bnt if any happen to get in, it gives them their money back, all stated in the contrast. The . 3 Per Cent Reserve ; has become aa .important factor ia life Ineoraaee. All wilt V gladly ex plained by S. D. WAIT, ;f l General Agent Raleigh. ECONOMY Mar be necessary in many ways when dollars are scarce and wants mini, hnt it ia not desirable to nractioe it in the purchase ot food, which Is life. ueiow a certain sianaara nwi iuivi fectly nourishes; np to that standard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable prloe for our Groceries. RAPID SALES! - ftlvat our etiRtomars the benefit of close menriDs. We never keep any thing that is not the best of its kind. ana we amy want a isur invu. wu mm We invest in it - - . CHOICE GROCERIES :- Always In'stock and promptly de Uvered when ordereo. 2 Castorla, . : ! O ",10,10 iaU tlllaas4)iSdreB that 1 I mnmnmiKl Mariitm,1...l, knowatoma." 1 : H. A. Aaona, M. i 111 So. OzforS 8s., Brooaira, N. T. "Oar phralcsaM in the ehlldrea's derjart aaans nave spoken highly of their ezpsrl noe a Ibaiw otnaWs raotloa vlah Castorla, and although we only ban among our madioal supplies what a known as regular products, vet wears tree to eonfeae that the merits of Oaatorla baa won us to look with Barer upon H." 1- ,i- Varna RearrrAL Aa Sisnsaan, Boston. Haas. Ausai a Burnt, Pm., . .a . . . sr J A d , s, d i A mt L J I . a. . he, Ideal Steam LAUNDRY Is tbe best equipped and does the most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK 1 in tbe city. 8end in your work. Phone No 19. WAYL. 4 SONS. MisL'-Maggie Jeese. New.rtilliner!y ing all the latest ana jMSirable ahspes and atyles in: JaiT and Winter Millinery. Onr stock is well selected, both as to nef jMSirable aha STYLE and PRICE. There il .a great variety i Cap and Sailors for Hisses and Children, ill colors aad sites from 35c to S 00. We will be pleased to have the ladies call and look at ons etosk. Bvery oae will receive prompt and polite attention. Hissyaggier3eese , . 809 Payetterllle Street. VBULBS For Winter and . Bpring ' BLOOMING - i PhlnraM and Kaster TJllea. Hyacinths Freestaa. Narctastis, sic l'alms, ferns and otner plants lor room aecoraung. Out Flowers Doquets Floral Designs Evenrreen. Uagnollas . and Shade Trees.-,. i n. BTIinTIIETZ, Rorist North Halifax ctreet, near Peace la- I j aucute. . a oane iia. - v ooUtlm 'V: ySAY.j?'.'-: ITalliinfj: about Tftapbil : ture and ,fai?niildpe storey v why Rpyall & : Borden; North Carolina's largest dealers and only rjaanafactnrers, haye stores from Maine to Mexico "all on paper." Bat here in North Carolina they havela real FURNITURE FACTORY, larger size, employing 102 v . running day and night to fill orders. CHAIR AND MATTRESS FACTORY At trie same place, where we can make any kind of Mattress you want Oar profits are too small to open any more branoh houses at pres. eat. But we have one each in Goldsboro, Raleigh and Durham fall of the best and cheapest line of FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES ever shown at either place. We cannot place our bargains on paper, bat simply desire to inform you through the Press-Visitor that we are here and ask you to inspect our stock and compare onr prices with any house. We leave the bal ance with you. "We gladly show any one through our store, whether they buy; or not Open at night. MALL and BORDEN, A.LEIGHJDUBHAM, GOriDBBOBO REDUCED RATES. to ion states and international Eiposltlnn ATLANTA, OA., September l8-Deoember 31, 1895. for the above ooosslon tbe Southern Railway Co. will sell low-rate round-trip tlokets to ATLANTA, OA., and return on tbe follow Ins basis i rnoM- B 10 ID 1 Alexandria.Va.. Ashevllle, N.O.. Burllnfrton, N. a S4.0tf S.40I 'i'M 6.76 m.vt Rurkawllla. Va BH.Ztilr7.OS ll.ON 18.501 rhilrmrmr. Va no.ouiB.on .S).8sl6.80l (.'halliam. Ta 10.SN IU.4M Cbarlotteerllle, Va...Bffl.2Sil7.0rJ Ohanrl H 111. N. O lsa.4OilS.00l Oononrd, N.C 14.M 10. Cbarlott&N.C 18.1N- t. 1.66 6.86 Danville, Va Durham, N.C.... Froot Koyal.Ve... Ureonsboro, N. O. . OoldsDoro. N. C... HaDdereonvUlu, M. Hlckorv, N. O. High Point, N.O.. H Sprlnss, N.O . Hoiidoraou, Bt. 0... LrnohburKxVa..... U-ilntrton, 1. O .. MortanUD, N. C-. bo.osiu.ra 10.801 ta).4O16.0 flS.fc.lS.85l 10.45 14. (W 1T.K1S.W 9 ta. sol 6 T.S6 8.40 (.76 1S.W 14.001 to. 40 is. oq 10.461, 11.591 16.0N lb. m 14. 8& 16.W 8.06 7.S6 7.10 Manon, n. u. Neirwn. N.C Jranire, Va Oxford, N. C Hlchmoud, Vt..... K. ldsillo. M. C... Kalelab, N. C South Boston, Va itmsbunr, Va..... Salisbury, N.O... Statearllle, N. 0.. Taylorsvlllo, N. 0 Tryoo. N. C Washlnirton, D. 0 W.-at Point, Va... Warren ton, Va... te4.ieu.ooi 18.101. 10.46! U.40 to.4016 Ou 68.2617 0S 18.65 13. BO 9.70 tea.aoiifoa Bl.M16.f0 W. 19.251 10.46 10.80! 114.001. IS.8U. USW T.K T.S6 8.16 4.90 1. 85! 10.751 IS6.SSH Ml 14.00!. S8.S6 17.851 u.soL... H-OOj..... 11.80,. .. I1B.251U.26I Wllkesuoro, H. u Wlnston-Saiem, H. O 23. 86 18.851 1S.O0 18.86J 9.W (Bales from Intermediate points In proportion.) i BXPLAKATION. Column A i Tlokets will be sold September 5 and U, and dally (ram Beptembor 16 to Decem ber 16, 1806, InelusiTe, wlta naal limit January 1,1806. Column B: Tlokets win be sold Sail from September IS to Deoember 16, 1805, inoluslTe, with Snal limit twenty ON) Oays from dale of sale. Column Ci Tlokets will be sold dally trots September IS to Deoember 80, 1805, inclusive, with Snal limit Srteen (15) days from date of sale. Nn UoM to bear kncarumltUiaa Janu ary T.WUS. Column Di Tlokets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September IT until Deoember 94, 1896, inolualTa, with Sua) limit ten 10) days from data of sale. Column Ki Tiokets will be sold daily from September 16 to Deoember 80, 1805, InelualTa, with Snal limit seraa (7) days from date of eats. SOUTHERN RAILWAY ts tbe eal? line entertiw the Oroaode. barlna a double tiaok. ffuace railway frost the center of the city of aiuaom o we atxpoaiuoa vraunoa. For Uokets and full Information Imply Is feair aeanat atreat, er addxaas aaAst. Etsllj, Qalcklr, Ptncut!j BKtari4. nc::mc keryie tMRursLaatMaalteoS. (arm in Nrrooa Debtbty aod all the arils from early or latar ax. ssmss. the nianlts of orarworfc. worry, stoknaas, etc roll atrenirth, tone and deralopaMnt ciraa Id every onrnn or portion of the body, lmprora. aidsaf iMtun of BniMSs BlsiaowaniM, Can RwnmiMTi. ai be named in vent pooket. Sent by mail to aa 1 sdoHSSonneeiptof priee. One months traat -sient in eaoh box. Pnoa H JO, S bnasa, 85.00. with ft n wen oaran tea to refund maoey if not oared, is 1 teas tor theOsanins, Cuenlaasnm John Y. McBae, Druggist, Baleigh. in 4" kntira v v "V AQgCe Also have . . tir .1 ' s i-.. NOVEMBER HORSE SALE ! I will bold bt sixth annual sale of IBOITING BtiED, HARNESS and PADDLE HOUSES at ' Baleigh, NOVE14EEB 6th and ?tn, when the best lot 1 ever offered will be sold for caeh for tbe best bid. Good horses are Retting scarce, cotton selling at 8 l-2c, totacco selling high with the greatest crcp of com and fodder ever made in tbe Soutb, good, sound, well-bred boicea w ill command good prices. Far ties baving such to dispose of and wantlDg tbrm in tbis sale, will please communicate with me by or before CtlOBEE 8th, tbat 1 may place in my catalogue, which will be ready about October 20th.! i B. P. WILLIAMSON, I RALEIGH, M. V. r?ept. 27. 1696. WHAT'5 YOUR FAVORITE 5niiff Why, Parson'sCelebrated EGBTCMtOTCJ SKIFF. BECAUSE It is tbe purest and best, manufac tured ont ot select Virginia Leaf To. bacca The Manufacturer selects the choicest grades of Tobaooo and we guarantee if yon give it a trial yonr good judgment will approve 44 EGERTOH And in future yon will use no other brand. Put up. in any size pack age to suit the trade. , ywiM avw f&u r wcaieia jlL PARSONS, Uan'fact'r New Brunswick, N. J. : ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK.V Having qnaHBed as administrator ot tbe estate of B. F. C heatham, deceand, late of Wake county, tbis is to notify ail persons holding claims apainHt the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 2'Sth d 'T of September, lgs, or this notice Wnl be plead in bar of their recorsry, and n l persons indebted to the sid ,! will please make immediate p vmeut, J. C. JIAIXO'I, ' . . ' Adrcinisti Hir rf H. F. '' Cl'MtUiaiU, 1 .. . ,i rnu al Hatnarij, Attorneys. ' " scj'-3-Cy

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