TUOS. J. PENCK, - . City Editor. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1895. WEATHER FORECAST. l forecast ftr North Carolina oajy Friday Rata, followed by I iair western portion, w am I ii. . I la the Interior. Local r'orecaM fbrRalelarh and vicinity Friday Rain, clearing f rlday night or tiatnrday morning. Thanday, October 81st. Iiocal data for 24 hoar ending- at a. m. Maximum temperature, oa; Htnmam temperature, fto i ilaln fil.0.weV. r Index to New Advertisement. Boarders Wanted Ura. Blake. . : Wanted Shares of Caraleigh Phos- pnaie ana reruuzer Dtoca. - Quail tonebank's Restaurant, v - Reeolntlona Adopted by the Board - of Ii rectors of the National Bank r ofRalelh. ' , , .;.; RnsojLVSD. That In the death of Wil. Ham Gk Upehnrch tlia National Baak of Raleigh has lost oa of It earliest . and atanaeaeet friends, who for many years h gives faithful and effiolent - service as a member sad Tiee-Presdeat of this Board, aad to whoa wise aad eagaeloe sounsel this Bank Is indebt ed ior maoh of ita present strength and prosperity. Bbboltid, That In his death the Di rectors ef this Bank have lost a genial friead and trusted associate, whose name and memory will ever be held in high estimation. BasotTis, That a copy of. these reso lutions be seat to the family of the de- eeased and published intheelty press. Chance of Schedule on the Southern The chancre of schedule on the Southern Railway goes Into effect November third. It was rumored here today that the morning train running between Greensboro and Goldaboro would be discontinued and the old schedule put into effect This rumor oould not be verified at the offices of the Southern. It was more reliably stated that the morning train arriving here at 11:10 woald get here about the same time and remain here twenty min utes. The new schedule affects trains west of here more especially, The an Up- Seaboard Establishes town Ticket Office. Mr. H. S. Leard, the elever aad hustling agent of the Seaboard In this eity, has made arrangements for the loeatioa of a ticket office in his head quarter up town. Mr. Leard has been making aa effort ever sine hi arrival her to establish an up-town ticket office for the accomodation of the patroa of the road. Von bat eonpon tieketa will be sold that Is to say local ticket from point like Wei don, Henderson aad Hamlet will aot be sold. Th arrangement will prove popular a it will enable th public to purchase tickets at any period daring th day. Tickets will be on sale be, ginning tomorrow. . The New Southern OfTlo in Charge of Mr. Munson; The new freight and passenger office of the Southern Railway to be established here will be opened to morrow, November 1st, with Mr. John B. Munson in charge. . Mr. Hanson has secured the'office In the rear of the Citizens' Bank on Martin street and Is having it nioely fitted up for occupancy. He will be glad to reoeive the friends of the Southern at the office when it is opened. . Dissolution of Copartnership. :k ..The Arm of Bar bee & Thompson is this day dissolved by mutual eonseLt Mr. Alt A.. Thompson retiring, , The business will be continued by Mr. B. B. Barbse. (Signed) . S. B. BARBKE, ,: ALP A. THOMPSON. Raleigh, H.C, Oct. so, 1890. Under the adviee of my physician I nave ouciudea to rear temporarily from business and beg to cordially commetd Mr. E. B. Barbee, who con tinue the business of Barbee A Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. Barbee is severed with sincere regret. Not only as partners, but friends, our relations nave oeen, without exception, wor-oic-hlv cordiaL With every facility for conducting the business, an entire knowledge of the wants of the trade, and a fixed intention to give value re ceived, mere is every reason to assure tnose lnieree'ea Wat dealings wiin au. joaroee win oe entirely aatisiaetory. Alt A. Thompson. I desire to thank our patrons fori part favors and solicit a continuance I of the same with the aararanoe that I will do my best to please them. '::.,-.;'' Golf Cape Lost. .: A tan, golf cape, with a golf hood, lined with Scottish plaid snk. on a street ear yesterday afternoon, suit able reward for return to this oiiioe. tf - Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dressmaking at their home, 607 North Wilmington street ferf ect lit and satisfaction guaranteed. octlSlm Mr. Fred A. Watson is prepared for ma ran ana noiiday trade with a more complete line of novelties, souvenirs, picture frames rod various artistto and beautiful thimra than ever before. He has the moat complete stork in his line in uie outte. - , , - oouaU; . U ',' ' Wanted, , A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established house Salary $780 payable lit weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady References. Enclose seif-addressed stamped envelope. H. is. president, Chicago. , tf TURN OVER : - A Nev AND . SAVE AT LEAST 25 PER CENT . S The Cash By-tern and our Price List Suite All UPCHURCH & CARTER , Better known as the cheapest Grooery House in Town, are selling: ' i w U 2:jyT :'. MARTIN 07 ' Great t'rowdi sre visiting our department these Use day admiring th bsautiful fabrics sod eiqaisite garments and parehasiog supplies for fall and winter, All effort of the ptst, grrat as thsy wer. hav Lwea far sur passed by as this sctson. : Abundant evidence of this is shown on rery aide, and ia all oar departments our policy is th bet qualities at th lowest prices, Wanted.-; , 8eventV-five (75 shares of Caralelirh Phosphate and Fertiliser stock. Ad dress, stating number of shares and price asked, JUock Box ML octSlU Quail will be served at Htonebank Restaurant on Fayetteville street to-1 morrow mgnt Boarder "Wanted. At the bid Brim Mansion en West Morgan street between McDowell and Dawson streets. Meat, comfortable rooms. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Apply to Mrs. tfiaxe. , oct30tf For choice meats aro to Thomas Don. aldson's. Stall No. x, Market house. Telephone 180. ootSOlw. ' For Sale. Half interest in turintr business Address Box 854. in a paying manufao in the city Of Kh. For Beat. House with nine rooms, ajood loclltv. water and bath room, all in good shape. Apply to W. L. Davis, 623 North Safis- oury street. as lw ; Come AND Examine The handsomest Steel Bangs -'made.'- It la , v THE JEWEL." , See onr new . Bissell Grates ' "' i;i nnwnwnwajV . . ( - .' . " . We hav 3 Bicycles On easy terms V Baby Carxiajfes At a eat price. Mros. ti. Brijs & Sons, Ralbb,NC. eeptntv, . THE WONDERFUL ROCHE'S T?lDDAf A TTHM! ' -FOB- WHOOPING COUGH. Fur Ho? Lard. 8 1-Sa Ih! rwct sninir.nTireil Rama 1 l a. VnoliKTimntil ouuuhiers, joe: ureaarasi Htrins. Vin u: nec Nnrt imm Hnttr 9ti and km in: uuunuy ouuer, u i-u ana uc; all pom Lint BausBo-e, 10c lb; Ueam Ubeese, li -; fresh Eegs, lc down; Mullets. 7 l-o lb: Codu ik 8 l-o lb: Bos Herrines. I sOo docen; six bars Hoe Cake Soao. z5e: twelve box matches. 5c: Macaroni, luo package; beet B!y, l-8o lb; larpre Hominy, c lb: Uriis, So lb: Corn Flakes, ec lb; Arhuckle's Goflee, SSo lb; preen ColIe. 19o lb; lea, a aud 40c lb; three three DOund mm Tamitmu t)ir iPeaobes 15c; ilewOrleansMolasses, 40e gal; best dark Molasses, 26 ard 40e; Granulated sugar. 6 1-ie lb; Sew Orleans Sugar, ft l-4c lb; best Vinegar, 80s gal; ucd w-i Kr juiMi aieai, 100 pecs: xiaiers noooisce, )o id; cocoa, uo 10; one wuira wi saaiug ruwuer ana Nrver hpoon, loc; iresn Nortnern uaooaee, rotjtees, large, SSe peck; twolarge bars Koap, 4c; two boxes Bluing, 6c; Prunes, uaioiua, iv auu ioopuuuu; aiixM jsiuhl loo 10. ; , v !,,.; CRACKERS m CAKES ARRIVING DAILY- ; il goods strict'? first class. WS sell the leadlna- brands of Flour ACMB ion rouiu ai ciuse ugurea. . uive us a call. , v - Hillinery Department (SECOND FLOOB.) . Stylish Millinery. Onr stylish Hat gala nsw admirers srery dsy, Such another rih and rar. eolleotioa of Trimmed Millinery 1 not to be found in town ' Oar prises Sre th lowest. Too should bay yoar Hats of us. W bar th moat complete atock of Sailors la th eity. , UPCIIUROli & CARTE f?. .. - iao Pavetteville Street Phone IBS. , Also DrODrietora Norfolk Ovstar (Virormnv. Ovatera arriva mnrnlm and wvwauur. . . - i OCUlW Ribbed Underwear (FIBST FL00B ) 1,000 Ladb-a' Bibbed ' Vesto, wool. 50s, worth 76. - 1,000 Ladles' Bibbed Test, cotton. 90. cheap at 80s. - 1,000 Gent's Wool UadershirU. Ooo. worth 81.00. . - All site for Boys and Biases. .: An external remedy, safe and all I right! Home testimonials endorse Its I A valuable bunch of about eleven Keys Mionging to fire Department Be ward for return to J. W. Mangnm. I effloacy. Twenty Cent a Found. Cream Almonds. Vanilla Taffv. Fee. nut Brittle. Made duly at Barbee A IslUlllllllllUll M . VU W " ! I DROP IN v' J " . j,' 1 ' i . 4 - At Bobbitt's, - ' " . ' . ' ' Where Yon wUCAJwaye F.ad T ROYSTER'S FRESH B(DN BONS ' " 7,-v:" !' .- .-r'l' i-i-.----.r-- .. . -V -.: fi'- . j,. - i r,'.. .,iB - T AND CHOCOLATES. ' ' . - , , r . f . , , The equal of waj candy a the market; artistically put up ; sealed packages, ranging from ene-half te five ponnds. ' ' . PRICE OOo per Poond. " J. HAL BOBBiTT,. THE PHARMACIST. I Flannels . (FIRST FLOOB.) , Canton Flannel, vary heavy. 8 1-9 and lOo yard. " - 1 All wool Shaker Flaanel, SO yard. All woM Bed Flsunel, 15 yard. Blankets and Bed Crjmforts v (SECOND FLOOB.) "v '- 0'mforU from 7B each np. - a Blankets from tl a pair op. '""-.. : '; Crockery Dep't (SKCOND FLOOB.) A lot of dfoorsted Milk PiUhers. lOo, worth 90s, This department is fall of stapl and faney good and all ar sold at a small prollt. - Chco Dep't Her yon can select from a (10,000 stock. All nsw good, bought before th great advance ia bather and sold at old prices. 1.000 pair . Ladles' Dongola Button Shoes, fl 60 a pair sold elsewhere st fa 00 a pair. Call aad see them. Cloak Department" (SECOND FL00B.) - CAPES 800 stylish Cape .from S3.60 to $10.00. - JACKETS 850 Beaver, Chariot aad Bonal Jaekat, aw sty I, mandolin slesv, from fa.SO to 11150. Each on Is a great bargain and yon should aot bay a Wrap until yon harcseen our. Rubbers (FIBST FLOOB.) - , " All site Ladies,' Misers aad Men'a very ahaap, . s A large assortmeat of Towsls aad Towejlinr, 4 - . - - Our Merchant Tailoring Dep't V:-; We eta save yoo SS pek1 seat if yoa i will let a make yoa eult Fit guaranteed. , ' - - ; A larg lot of Wrapper from ash np. 08 for CA8B. that w are th peopUto buy of All onr goods are marked ia plain Igores and sold DYE Mr. Blount's Rhapsody. The following is taken from the Wilson Mirror. Th ebsnaing young lady to whom it wis written is now visiting at Mr. W. C. Stronseb's: , "Th train at th depot on Tuesday presented a radiant scene of rarest loveliness, for a number of besutifu maiden were en route to the Stat Fair at Baleigh. Among them 1 Wilson's prettiest and most bewitching maiden, His El Green, and all who aaw her were charmed with th ex quisite tinting of her lovely face, th graceful carriage of her faultless and symmetrical Agar and the transport ing witchery of those love creating mile in whieh a hundred Cnpid float" Tree la Bloom Again. Mr. J, R. Barclay was in the Holly Springs section of the county reoently On bia return to the city he brought back a number of branches of cherry trees in fall blossom. Mr. Barclay says a great many cherry and other trees are blossoming aa in the soring., , . A gentleman who is on the bull aide of the cotton market, remarked when, he was told of this, "Tee, it wrlll 1nt ha mw Inch for nctfrni tn h. gin blooming. I would not be at all Surprised if a new crop was on.' - Y. K. C A. Reception. Oa aeeuant of th very threatening. : Inclement weather th reeeptioa plan aed tot thif evening is postponed un til Tuesday evening, November 5th. Th nam program will be considered aa arranged for that evening. Th hi' vitatioa extended for tonight will hold good oh th evening above stated, -i Marshall Carroll IJL. . -rr- m f 111 , xiis mauy ixieuua wiu regret ro learn that Marshall O, J. Carroll is Quite ill at Newbern, whither he went to bold the Federal Court Mr. Carroll was taen with a oongestive cV.i'.l h Vt before last and bis condi tion t t t. i t t;n:-e was almost alarm i -. L 'i ' t Ir. C:."ori Car r r - :e f ht his ",il . . e tru t tlst . jx. .v.-y. Johnson & Smith's Dhotoerarihs are I an me wis. xiiamona size f l Ml, caoi nets S3. 50 one half dozen. Examine I toeirworK. PHA RMACIST, 1SS Fayetteville St., ' Raleigh, N. O. . --r" we are now making in their nerfec tion tb original Peanut Brittle and butter cups, we invite comparison with other makes. BOYSTBB lioat Bank Stock. Ralkigh, X. U., July 23. 1806. The nnderaianed hereby gives notice I that she has lost, or her late busban't, W.N. H. Smith, has lost twoeertln cates of shares of the capital atock of 1 me ciuzenr nana or Norfolk, va.. numbered 40 and 83 respectively, the I farmer for three shares aad the latter for twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her ill fOnnd. MBS. HABT O. SlOTII. Executrix of W. K. H. Hmith. octlSim , Deceased, Baleigh, U. C. Madam Besson desires to call the' at tention of the public to her new stock) of fail and winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children. Infants caps, sacqueSj notions, etc octltr I -Your Old Clothes with-, DIAMOND -DYE.. We hava ONE HUNDRED DOZiLN. all desirable colors, for you to select from and book of directions how to use it HICKS 4. ROGERS, FrescrlDUon DrugRlsts. LI YOU DO NOT REALIZE That yon are in Baleigh unless you are stopping at wo , . YAI?B0R0 HOUSE The only Hotel in the city convenient ., w puHiueea. . All rooms on the third floor t9.no n -ditoku uw uuiii, up sucn m craoei TjrT t l Tj'C (T OTIri Tl;nn ana seoona noors sxuo ana rtdettedtcSaee: ana ULLLXH 3 W OHU J-1 , Sf miAb YiLL&hl KATJbtS lunch milk biscuits are the finest to be nan. . . : t Agent Wanted Everywhere. , IS a day. Marion Har- lana s AewjsooK, "Home of the bible.' Over SL000 new Dhotos: nearlv fioo extra large pages. Just the book for the fall and holiday eanvass. Bo experience needed. For Darticulars address Hie. toncai run, u rniiaaupuia, ra. OctlOtf In addition to the DODular 8a oe. we have added added a "New J Opera" last like above cut These goods nave Ehctension Moles and we assure you they are - The Very Newest. FBBB BITS AT ALL TRAINS. Thousands of dollars reoently expended i ' provemenva. . . . " U I, BROWN, Prop-r. For as to tell yoa how cheap . good ar NO USB .. 50 USE mjayettevine Street ' er s Huyl W eonld aot -. Uthls small spas 7 .- tell yon ' ef all th ' '' Grand Bargain - thatar here for yoa. ' ' hav only i to e ' them to kaow .- that Candy -7 Unfit have care or they'll turelv decay. Lo before they decay, bow ever, they 1 show the neglect they iutlur Bu i rt..vt no credit upon their pow ,.,r. lake cars of and preserve vour teeth oy usii.jr :n's Destal Fldd, MRS, Wdo ,! V tell yoa - - v that if - . , - - - ton do aot U very soon yoa will -. V mis all " th choice I Barsins, Now ia the time. EHKAE. SWINE ML, eculi-iz. A Fresh Lot Ju?t Receive J ct di:uc (jtoi:: f which v, !'I mhMen thetref.h, harden the gum p I tit the same time impart a O ! i r to tlie breath. One tr .i v . ; 1 c i-pvince you of its stipe rioi,' v oi r a 1 otlier liquid dentifrice, ii.-: - J y by willi An :::pson F: -? --fv l.-.l lir.Uj, .4 O (I'uH ia Building.) ::a LIVI3 TILLS -A c:sTr:;r. lad : FANCY GROCERS, 803 Fajretteville St. Just received a shipment of Soda iTaca-ers, muz ijuncn, uyster Urack- a auu axes ALU r Harjtt. - - . - Buckwheat. ()atml. n. I",1m Hominy Flakes, larire and small Hom iny. Preservrs by th pound or in bot tles at very low price. .' -: ; - ) , Fresh Eggs, Chickens and Turkejs aiwu' a uu nana. , OUR MEATS ARE THE BEST Swift's Oriiilea TTam anil RraafcfMt Bacon always in stock. We handle the best brands of offes only. Momaja, Mocha and Jara, - Arhuckle's and Lev. enng-s &. u, are our brands. R J.CHeiM's Sweet and I - ''. 8onr Pickels Always - in tock. Oar Flours are iiriciij uie Dew ' ACMB DART, v VALLEY SUPEBLAT1YB, KORTH STATE and ' DESOTA are the name. refunded if any of the above brands not suiu . , . y Fresh Stausrag-e (All pork) arriving dailv. V Lowest prices and nromot deliverv ia vur uivibv. ' Loose Buckwheat be per pound. Wive us a trial, v v U. H. ANDERSON & m CONVINCED W00LLCOTT &,S0N. PATAPSCO Mills. .ESTABLISHED 1774. -. Flouring THE Premier Flour fl lMTVTWVl ' ai- I J ol America MMufrctiirMm the Cream of MwUland and Virginia Wkeat ' For Sale by City Grocers. ft7C fin L" f,rt P,,mim Pybla la gold for the best ,Bread aad J U.UU Bon mad of th abov bread of Flour aad pat on ihlb)tioa at the coming State Fair. The caoile. eieentln w.i. tj .m.t. m.. i , ' r-- Tiwu on Rolls, flS 00 seoond, $10.00, - First premlom Money C. A. GamM Hfg Co., Daltbcre, vJONHSON: & JOHNSON, rss 10 Fsyattevlil Street. Raleigh,' K. 0., Ag.aU. RICGAN'S RIOGrAN'S lUGGAN'S IS THE TO BUY Dolls. Osmes, Juvenile Books,. Toys, . Uoll i aba. Ioll CarriBwa, .. . Wagons. Carts, Velcce)ues, . Bankets, (fancy and use- -; , ful) bn&-irHn, Iron Ton of all kinds Rubber Dolls. Rattles aud - Rubber Toys. Largest Etcek erer In North Ctroltna. Largest 8toek eter la North Carolina. BEST VALCL3 FOR LEAST MONET BE3T VALUES FOR LEAST MONET IHGOAN, . ran. IE 'JEAIW - Why this store I Inst rlht for un,.i.i..i - .. . . I BBCAD8B WB BUT AND 8BLL FOB CAfTsf. . Om Z"" strngthas this statement and the goods themseWe CLINCH IT. , C J i iie Toy OLOAirc. Trencndocs ;Vak-3 I - r l3rrprosehsbIe styles ! Lsdles fihort Reefer Cosls ia blsck, grevs sod oerts tb 5C0klcd.(3 BOcs.h. Lsdie' Bssver Cloth, Box Fronts sod itr good ser?iee Cotnth 17 60 kind, ti 60esh. L.d s' Black Bonole Cloth Jacketn, Boz Fronts, large- Mandolin Sleeves aad Elpple Back the m 60 kind, i i CO cash. Rffrsrdless of the MATS'" CONDITIONS w h.Ts tvt t prices rn Shoes to 10 . ar belors tbonght of. 1, sale means that boTa.j , icy LIMITED L'EA: J t i -lurer'a prices cf t 7. 1:2 riyeitevUIeft 1 "ili Cy I a , LZ3T 830E3 at less than th

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