"i i ,.iCViSITCn. ' PVBUSHEDJBY " . " The Yisitor-Press Company Daily, Except Sunday. A Consolidation of t lie Visitor, E tabliahed 1878, and the Press, Estab ished 1894. Office In the Mullen Building; corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. ; Edluar and Manage JA8PEK N. McBiBY, -h Soliciting Agent. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One year, . . . , " . ' 98.00 One month. . . v .26 Xnttred Stami CUM Matt Matter. The Leading Afternoon Paper in the State. The Presa-Visitor publishes all the news every day and has double toe cir culation of any daily ever published in Raleigh. TELEPHONE, 168 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1896. --.if:.'i.'-. - - ' Thi registration in New York and Brooklyn is some 28,000 lighter this year than It was last, and St is said ' that Tammany feels bine over it. Th Chicago hotel keepers are trying to i aise 1100,000 to bid for the Republican national convention. San Franoisoo says that it will give $230,000. Baltimore has registered 114,254 votes this fall, 13,000 moe than last year. The heavy registration is said to be caused by the Baltimore Sun's fight on Senator Gorman. A omi. of Grand Rapids, Mich., has patented a new tire for bicycles. It is the pnenmatio tire, with a groove around it, in whioh is a leather tire. It is said to be much more durable than the ordinary rubber tire. Me. J. W. Ramsey, a prominent citizen and Democrat of Baltimore, who is here, says that the fight waxes very warm in the Monumental Cily and throughout Maryland as Tues day's election approaches. The Her ald is the only friend of the Demo cratic nominees, among the newspa pers, the Sun, the News and of course the American all fighting the ticket. The color line is being drawn and the contest will be a determined one to the end. The Democrats are mak ing a good old-fashioned fight Mr. Ramsey is of the opinion that it will be close, but predicts that the Demo- orate will win. Thb following statistics of educa tion for several Southern States are given by the New Orleans Picayune : The average expenditure per pupil enrolled, as estimated by amounts paid for teachers' salaries is: For Alabama, $181; Arkansas, $2i2, Florida, $4 65; Georgia, $261; Louisiana, $4 69; Mississippi, $2 99; North Carolina, $1 71; South Caro lina, $1 91; Tennessee, $2 90; Texas, $5 81; Virginia. 65 cents. Expend! tare per child averaged by entire oost of system is thus estimated : Arkansas, $2 65; Florida, $5 70; Georgia. $2 78; Louisiana, $6 91; Mississippi, $3 54; North Carolina, $218; South Carolina, $2 34; Ten nessee, 13 64; Texas, $6, and Vir ginia, 76 cents. Average length of school sessions in months: Arkansas, 2 12; Florida, 314; Louisiana, white 5.69, colored 4.66; Mississippi, 313; North Carolina, 3 1-4; South Caro lina, 4.3; Tennessee, 2.83; Texas, 5, and Virginia 6. Louisiana ranking second among the States affording data. ; Turn Philadelphia Times com- mania that the New York campaign is one of peculiar interest. . In addi tion to all the political names hereto fore familiar to the public, they have the goo goos, , the bad bads along wmu mice ueuiuuiBuu uutusio, uio Lk 11 -J LI L! 1 A A.. regular republican tioket, the prohi bition, socialist, people's good gov ernment,; independent citizens', or ganization and independent county organization tioket Under the law of New York eaoh particular ticket printed on that blanket ballot must have a design at its head, and the New York ballot will present a re Kular riotorUl sheet. At the head cf t! e rr, uLIIoan ticket is an eagle; eft' 3 c' -isvr'a ticket a star; of V . . r' '. ;.ii;c t!;ct a rocs- a ship in full sail; of the prohibition ticket a water fountain; of the socia list ticket a hammer and arm; of the peopld's ticket a clover leaf, of the good government tioket an anchor; of the independent organization the rising sun, and of the independent oounty organization a cannon. Who is likely to be elected in this general confusion of tickets in either oity or State is admittedly a matter of doubt. It seems likely, however, that the republicans may carry the State, while the oity boatest is fairly in doubt, with chanoes apparently in favor of Tammany , " Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for eats. braises, sores, nleer, salt rbenm, fe ver sores, tetter, en armed bands, ebll. I mains, eoras and all skta eruptions, ! and positively cares piles, or no pav required. It is gnarantesd to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed . Price 25eent per pox. For sale y Jobs V MseHee Frank E. White, Minneapolis, Minn., writes: "Have used two boxes of your File Cure and must say it hss done wonders for me. I would not know I ever had the piles only when I stoop low. The itebing is all gone." Sample free. For sale by John I Haeilae. . DUKE Cigarettes PlIKEfDURHAM A MAOK FROM High Grcda Tobacco ABSOLUTELY PURE Sheets f Writing Paper Varv more in price perhaps than any other article sold. You do not nave to pay tor tne style in our papers. That is without charge. We have also the "correct ink." onlv the best sold. ., As for .rens. there is none to com. pare witn "JjUun ihaacs ulvvh- RUSH fJSJNS." WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Pens in Balelgh. Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES is not equalled in the city. Alfred Williams & Co. SALE OF LAND. Bv authorltv of a morteaore from OhrlstODher Wbodard and wife, record ed in Book 74, page 184, ' Register of Deed s omce iot waxe connty, 1 will on Monday, November, 1895, at 18 o'clock m.. at the Court House door of Wake county sell to the highest bidder for casn a tract oi iana situated in Swift Creek township, Wake county, contain ing 50 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of P. P. Peace and others, the saia tract oeing composed oi two tracts as follows: - First tract contains 35 acres, and ad. joins me lanas or w, u. 4. uooawm, if, P. Peace and others, and is particularly described in a deed to said Wooitard from P. Yates and wife recorded in Book 35, page 850, said uegisters office. Second tract contains 25 acres and adjoins the lands of W. EL J. Goodwin and others and is described In a deed from f. r. reace to said woodarri r. corded in Book 58, page 447, said Reg ister's office. A satisfactory purchaser will be al lowed easy terms as to payments if a part of the purchase price is paid in cash. . VT.7X. JONEa - OS t d s . i Attorney. Notice by Executrix. BaviDff oualified as the Executrix of the last Will and Testament of D. T. Kwinaeil, deceased, late or Wake County. North Carolina. I heebv notify all persocs having claims spainst the Estate of said Swindell to present the same to me on or before October 2:1(1, lf!t, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This is also to notify all persons iudebted to said Es tate to msKe prompt payment to me. xnis ucniT ism, it. 1 MAESMSDEU. ExeoutriT of t I nt Will and 'lsta- meiit Of 0. 1. SAUuIdil, llcrndw d. J ,!M.r Ijatwood. Atwruty. HigarM ES I jjja puhham.w.c. u.s.. Yir A. Be STIiOUAGII. EVERYTHING NEW.- Cold Weather. Comforts. - C6TTON COMFOBTS, Double Faoed, Full size 76c, worth $.100. Cotton Comforts, extra quality, $1.00, WUIIU 1.DU. Satine Covered Cotton . Comforts, fall size, $1.85, worth $1.60. - Extra quality double faoed Satine Covered Comforts, $1.60, worth $2.00 t Beautiful line Eider- " down Quilts.' Southern Wool Blankets White and colored 10-4, $1.00 to $1.60 per pair. Hevada Wool Blankets, White With colored borders. $2.25 per pair. . WRITE XLWOOL BLANKETS, 10-4, 2 60 to $3.00 per pair. Three Special Values In Fxtra Quality Pure Wool Blan kets, 10-4, ll-t, 13-4, $4 $5, $6 per pair Crib Blankets Carriage and Buggy Kobe & Counterpane Novelties Beadv-made ana uemniea, si to w. Extra Qualitv Heavv Quilt. Hem stitched, $3, actual value, $3 50. Sheet and Pillow Cases Torn bv hand, readv-made. hemmed and hem-stitched. ( hearar than vou can buy the cloth and make them A. B. STRONACH, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. Everything, Except High Prices. C. WEIKEL, TAILOR. Is now ready to maai up Suits for Fall and Winter. He has a fine selec tion of Suitings y and Trouserings. Call at 134 Fayetteville street, up stairs. sep A 8m ' Cavtttt. and Trmde-Mtrka obtained sad U Pat-! , . . . . . , en txmar oonaucteo iot moderatc FCKS. i OuiiOmecisoppetvU,S. rmnTomei: indvecuMcura patent in km tun raa iamc wnnM (mm WaililnvUa. i' . own inutKf uiawwi w )wuw4 wins naa. W ftr. ViaA. U fkateitubla L AOL irM mil 4 sent free. . iUUlreM, C.A.SNOW&CO. fiW imf A met. WltMtRMTOw. D. O. i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havlnsr Qualified as administrator of tne ettate oi jonn uaker, aeoeasea, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersiirned on or before th aist day of August, uwo, or tnis notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will piease maxe lmmeaiaie payment. T H UllX'AU AAm ArgoAPnow, Atty's. 'August 80. 1886 . mum aiar WMalok. m bw WhWhweCbllil.hnnfcirCUrBri, WkaiakekM ObtUm t i PHONE so 1 w OAK WINE .ANY LtKSTii ' mm LOTS OF HEAT IN OUR COAL. The same esn't be said -of ell eoal, which vsries greatly in quality.; Wbst is offered the publie ought to be clear from rubbish : we take nare of this matter. It ought to be of quality which, while it burns well, makes a strong and lasting fire. Ton know there sre sorts of eoal which make a brilliant fire, bat its brilliancy sod comfort are too: short lived, and eort too - mush in : the way of renew tt. Knowing the trade well we have bongftt for domestic consumption, e belle? with food lodgment, and w offer to share the advantage el the deal. JONES V POWELL, BAIiKIOB, N. C. THE LARGEST Furniture Dealers In the South. THOMAS & MAXWELL HAVE JUST RECEIVED- A Car Load 'i Fiito -CONSISTING OF- 37 of the Finest Oak Suits ' That have ever been shown in the city, They have hsa three clerks mar kin down the price of goods on hand in -order to sell them out to make room for the immense stock which Is being received daily. Messrs. Thomas" & Maxwell are en abled to sell goods as cheaply as they do and Increase the cumber of their salesmen and the volume of their bus! ness because they are the largest and wealthiest 'furniture dealers in the South. An idea of the extent of their business may be formed by the follow ing list of large Southern cities in which they have branch housea : THOMAS & MAXWELL ' Charleston, & O. " Columbia, " -:, savannah, Qa. " Augusta, - " Atlant," Macon, Columbm " " " Amerioun " . . harlotte, Iff. C. Raleigh, " " 1 " R'chmond. 'Va. And other stores that we have not space to mention, but will do so later, Tours for houest goods and low prices, THOMAS & MAXWELL. $3005 - The bast 400 Men's Shoes on the market. Made from tannery calfskin, dongola tope, all kmOwr trimmed, solid leather oles with Lewtf Cork Filled Sole. TJnequaled for beamy, fine workmao ahlp, and woarlny qualities. Your choice of all the popular toes, last and fatten- dent Insuraooe Policy for 1100, good for 90 days. . Wear Lewis' Accident ftooaa, and (o Insured fraa. 80LD6T 'M71iitinrT Titos BEL3T ANTHRACITE' YBIWMM0US.' TRtt fRC:i VASTf. BUSINESS SUITS Are in order with the advent of au tumn activity. No clothing suits busi ness at all unless it fits neatly and per fectly No garment fits properly uuless it's made to order. That's the first axiom of dress, -and it doesn't need Drovinn. it s as Diana as tne mul tiplication table - that our made to- order suits are unequalled in town. , t.: YOU RECOGNIZE THAT " Every time vou see one of our suits which are exactly what they should be In every particular. The logic of facts is unanswerable, jr G. JSi. WAliTEtS. Try Walters' Paramount System of uanueui uutuug. - . oct3tf Established 1836. - EL. J. BROWN COFFIN ; HOUSE RALEIGH. "S. a.. Keeps the largest, finest and best se - leoted stoek of . Cof&ns and Caskets in Cloth. Wood and Metal. Burial Bobes, Wrappers, Bllppera for Ladies, Gents and Children) also Burglar Proof Grave-Taults JOHN X. BROWN, Prop'r, Funeral Director and Embalm er 8ep80-lm , Must have care or they'll surely decay. Long before they decay, how ever, they will show the neglect they suffer and reflect no credit upon their possessor. Take care of and preserve your teeth by using 1 Simpson's Dental Fluid, - which will whiten the teeth, harder tbe aums and at the same time imuart a delightful odor to the breath. One trial will convince you of its supe riority over a 1 other liquid dentifrices. rreparea oniy oy WILLlAfl SIMPSON Simpson's Pharmacy, (PuUen Building.) USB SIMPSON'S LIVER PILLS and ' KCZEMA OINTMENT. Mortgage Sale, Bv authority of a mortrttee from William Plummer and due Hummer, his wife, recorded in Book 128 at pane 395, Register of Deeds office for Wake eounty. I will, on Monday, November 25th, 18W5, at 12 o'c'ock m., at the Court House door of Wake county, sell to the highest, bidder for cash, a tract of land situated in Cary township, Wake county, containing one acre, more or less, described as foHows: Beginning at a stake in Sion Simmons' line, thence south 0 8-4 coles to a stake. thence east 18 J 4 poles to a stake: line. West 16 v 1-4 voles to the benin ning, being the lot of land deeded by 11. D. Olive and wife. 8. B. Olive, to Wil liam -Mayfleld on the 20th day of December, 1888, reference is made here by to said deed which is made to Wik liara Hummer from Haywood Rogers. r'uia u, uuouwin, , Ia Mortgagee. ,. Oct., 21, tds Sale of Land Under Mortgage. By virtue of power conferred nnon me by a certain mortgage, executed by Lucy Maneum. which said tuorUraire is duly recorded in Registry of Wake county in book Mo. 128 at page 844, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in tbe city of haieieh. li.V. on Wednesday. October 23, Mf, at 13 m , the laud de scribed in said mortgace, adjoin! g the muds oi jno ai. i imusntrw, j. b urass field, Mrs. D.!E Ellens and others lying in Barton's Creek townshln said coun ty and state and more accurately de acritied in said mortgage, which for de scription etc , is made a part hereof. Said tract of land contains 120 acres more or less B. K. Montague, Sept. S3 '95. Atty. Mortagee. Continued to October soth. ; Collkctob's Orri ' Raleigh. N. October 8, 1KU5. Notice is hereby iriven of the seizure of one barrel of enru whiskey at i-mith-field, N. C, from Velvmgtonand Dick ens on August 3, 1m5 Five boxes of manufactured tobacco in railroad d"tot at Vv8t t.nd, N. 0., Autrust 10, 1W5, slmnwd ty X. fl. Dale & Co, Yadkin l'in h. C. Any rfiion ( f any interest In rh-'I artii'in sinve i-i.id wiil file lb ine c.i.n i'i t: r v Cava as pro wl m s i . hi oi J, 11, S , or property wii! be fyi iciu-d. r. u. tiyoxsi DESIRABLE Dress Bright Plaids. t 7 Bright plaids for school dresses; look like tbe higher priced imported ones. Fair grades, begin. aJow as 20c and up to 45c r All Wools. Plain colors in all wool, nearly a yard wide,at24o - Wool Suitings. Dark grounds with bright checks, rough Scotch plaids and serviceable mixtures, from 25a to 60c., . . , Blue Stuffs. , ' - t Din A utnlf mn civwut fhta Dmann separate skirts. A great vaMety, the all wool ones begin as low m 25c , W, II. & R. S. IF6i . School : SuppIlSes RALEM STATMJERY CO, 809 Fayetteville Street Opposite Postofflce. . - We have a large and complete line of Pencil and Ink Pads and Tab eta Hintm Inks, ComposiUon Books, Black-board SCHOOL' BAGS.;, Of every description at prices that can't be beaten. We Are Known RALEIGH GTATIONERY CO., W. G, SEPARK, Manager. T , 809 FayettevUle Street. CROSS With everything deemed by the world's dictators of Fashion for the eora ing season, and governed by the moderate price nyatem wblsh has built up oar vast constituency, and keeps Increasing It iq gratifying volume season after SMson. - - - i YOUR MONEY S FULL VALUE . Is considered fair and npright dealing everywhere but we are never satisfied unless we can go this accepted mercantile truism one betters to ont-do thsbest values of our eomp -titers and to improve, opon oar own. Tour Inspection of . prices will, w think make evident the sacetss with which we have appllad the above prinoiple or rather oar improvement upon It, t As stylish, handsome and new as it is nnaalhl. in n.w. ..- .t . than most houses ask for last season's GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND SHOES. - No pains have been soared to make each dniurtni in ,i. nn. t.... all the fashionable centres bavlna been we eaa show yoo np-to-date stuff sa worn We invite yonr criticism, .- ' - . - CrOSS & I 21 0 YES, IT'S A FACT I have opened a branch Drug Otore on the corner of FAYETTEVILLE :' and" HARTIH Streets (NEXT TO POaTOFFICk.) WILL 3 GLAD TO EES John Goods La Belle Crepons, Diess styles in cotton crepons, warm .. rich coloring, price 18 1-2& ; Gros De Londres'. s A weighty cotton rep, printed like TTn( ...... . . t.l J . i Teazle Downs. . , , , A warm printed cotton fabric, smal printings in dots, pin stripes, etc. Price 10c ' Crepoline. These, too, In dark dress style, but : soft, and looks like wool, price 10s. TUCKER & CO. Penmanship Practice Tablets and Pads Rtmn. Pn. i..mi.' flrawsTTibleti eto7 ' ' " . as Headquarters - earrled - over atOek. earef ollv amini ,ith it.. .u.v. ty the fashionable people of today . , ' j'inehWn Fayetteville Street. YOU AT ALL Tllizi t ;cf t' a . j f .(."' 'jtl.!..t octl8 Uuv i oct4 sod ' Collector.