A FALL TIME BONO. Fall time b the country! Ain't it "out of sight?" . , Hick'ry ant a-droppia' ... And fire's blasin' brlghtl . - Thiers in the ashes Applet on tbe shelf j . Pans aroon' the cider "Till you hardly know yourself ! . Fall time in the country! -4 ,l . Fall o' sweeteet joyai . f All the flddlet playtn' - - -. Swing oor smeethearU, boys! , Spring haa lota o pleasure Summer's tweet to te, -:. Bnt fall tima in the country - Ia tba beit o' timea to me! ... 'Atlanta Constitution '-' STATE NEWS ' ITEMS OF ALL KINDS FROM ALL PARTS. " North Carolina Happenings Briefly Collated from Cherokee to . - - Currituck. - Mr. Robt. I. ,Haaner, a atndent at Oak BIdgs. died at that institution Monday of "typhoid fever. He was only 18 years of age and was highly aUemed by hla fellow atndenta. The Greenaboro Timea, an afternoon -paper which waa atartad In the "City of Flowera'.' a few weeks ago, haa not appeared ainee laat Saturday a week The edltor-la-ehlef It quite aiek with fever. The Winaloa Bentlnel learna that if Mr. Underwood recover the paper will be printed in the morning inatead of afternoon. ' ..' ? Three Craven' eoanty postmasters : were before a United States oomml. eioner in Newborn laat Saturday for claiming a greater number of stamps' than they bad cancelled and were held ia bond of $300 each. They were Dr. fc W. Bandera, K. F. Pringle and John K. Wileox. Their pay ia basd Upon the bomber of atampa they can cel. The eases wer worked up, says the Newbern Journal, by J.-, H, Gregory." . The News says that Loula Miller drank ten bottles of aoda pop at a toda fountain at Burlington one day laat week at one sitting, while a gen tleman did the paying. '1 When seven bottlea were dwn lliller wanted to atop, bot the gentleman told him he (the gent) would Jose a dollar unices he drank the other threes and though monatrou foil, Miller took down three more rather than see the friend loee a' dollar and pay for the diioka, too. f- - " ' ' ', . ' Ha. be a Corpus Cage, . .. The application of George Hui, bo teliat at Lineolnton Llthle Inn, on a writ of habeas corpus before Judge Timberlake waa denied unless he gave $1,900 bond. Gen. Bobt. F.Boke bad bin arrested on a eharga of fraud for removal of furniture from tbe hotel without paying rent and ' leaving the SUte. Gen, Hoke elalma ,000 due blni on hotel rent, etc, ' , Marvelous Results. ' From a letter written by Bev. J; Oanderman, of Dimondale, Ifich. we are permitted to make this eitraoti "1 have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Diaeovery, as the re suite were always marvelous in the ease of my wife. ' While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Bives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding ; la r grippe. ; Terrible paroxysms of . coughing . wonld last hoars with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Disooveryj it waa quick in ita work and "highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at John T. MaeBae's drag store.: Begular siie 50c and tl.00. " . - A man was was arreated In - Chioago last week for making aluminum flre eeat pieces He was prabably trying to settle the silver question. Chamberlan's is the best of all. Vin- cent 4. LiVuK. oi uanuury. iuwa, una used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy whenever in ned of a medicine for coughs and eoiu. for the Mt five years and says : "It always helps me out If anyone asks me what kind of cough medicine I use, I reply, Cham berlain's, that la the best of all. So and . 50c botts for rale by J. Hal .Bobbitt Druggi j. . , , Alloei should like to see any man dare to klas me. - - ' . Charlie No doubt of ltj but I'm afraid you'll never have the pleaeure. The way to reaeb catarrh la through the blood. Johnson's Sarsaparilla and Celery treats thij disease successfully. Try it and yon will not be disappoin ted. Price, large bottlea, 60 eente. For sale by John T. MaeBae, drug-Kgi.t. Daley Bnarker married Miss Peaoh blow when ha had known her only two weeka.' . . ' Marie It waa mean of her to take advantage of a stranger that way. 8. F. Ylng-tr, Dewart. Pa., wrlteei Mr. Baring of thia place haa seed your remedy for the Piles and recom mends it very highly. He gave ma your address. ,1 would like to know on what terms and price you aell to - dealera. Let me hear from you and oblige. Sold by Jofin Y. MaeBae. The coming woman night and day, We hear of high and low, Till there's but one thing we can say, Ws wish she'd come and go. What's in a Name. ' - His father called him William, hla sis Ws eallt-d him Willi ' His mother called him Willie, and the . fellows called him Billf But that waa yeirs and years ago, be for he wrote his lavs. . And ha is knorn to every one ss Shake- spea re nowadays. CureforHeadache. ' . As a remedy, for all forms of bead aebe Electric Bitters haa proved to be the very beet, H effeota a permanent cure and 'be most dreaded habitual aiek headaches vield to its Influence, We artre ail who are afflicted to pro enre a bottle, and a-fve this remedy a fair trial. In eaee of habitual eonsti- fiation Electric Bitters eures by giv. ng the needed tone to the bowels, and few eases long resist the use of tbis medicine. Try It at once. Large oottirs oniy owe at jonn t uaeKae's orogetore. . . All diseases of the skin cured and the beat complexion restored by John. son's Oriental Soap, perfumed and highly1 medicated. - Two sakes in each package SS cents. . For, sale by John X. MaeBae , ' - Where Hie Armour was Weak. 'What's the matter with Bobbie' "Concussion of the biain. His mother patted him on the head this morning.'' A horse kicked H. 8. 8hafer. of the Freemver House.-Middleburar. N. Y. on the knee, which laid him up in. bed and caused the knee joint to become stiff. A friend recommended him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which be did. and In two days waa able to be around. - Mr. Sbafer has reeomended it to many others and says it is excellent loranvKinaoi a bruise or a Drain. This same remedy is also famous for ts cures of rheumatism. For Bale bv J. Hal Bobbitt - , .- '.- -'in i' ii ' 1 i .'V, i . -. For Insomnia, sleeplessness, nerv ousness, hysteria " and all forms of nervous exhauation and debility, there is but one remedy, Johnson's Sarsa parilla and Celery works directly upon the nerve . centers and never falls to cure." Large bottles BO cents. V r sale by John Y. MaeBae. Chicago haa a newaboy 05 years old. Last June Dick Crawford brought his twelve-months-old child, suffering from infantile diarrhoea,- to me It hd been weaned at four moithsoid and bad always been sickly.- I gave It the utual treatment In such cases but without benent. The child kept grow. Ing thinner until it weighed but little more than when ' born or nerbana sen p.mnUs. I then started the father to giving Chamberlain's Colic, Oolera and Dlarr . Remedy Bef re one bottle of thr ent size had been naed a marked Improvement was seen and ts continued use cured the child. Its weakness ami puny constitution dis appeared and Its father and mvsnlf be lieve the child's life was saved by this remedy, J."T. Marlow, VI. D .Tama roa, 111. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt uruggisE. , Johnson's Emalsiou . f Cod Live. Oil is invaluable In all pulmonary af fections and consumption. It enrich. es "the blood, restores lost tiseuesr builds up the appetite makes sound flesh. Pint buttles fl.OO. For sale by John Y.MacBae, druggist. ' A man msy smile sad smile sod still not see snakes. "V-- - . ,: : John G. Mauser, editor of the Sun. beam, geligman, Mo., who maned Grover Cleveland for the Presidency in November, 1862, while was mayor of Buffalo. 'N Y.. ts enthusiastic in bis praise of 'bamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remeciy. He says: "I have used it for the past five years and consider It the best preparation of the kind in the market. It is as staple as sugar and coffee in thia section. It is an article of merit and should be used in every household. For -sale by J. ua boodh. uruggiat . : aepi Sale of Valuable Beat Estate. Tt irirtiM nt & nwirf mere AtfiA erven bv Hardv R. Hwe11 and Adelaide Baiwell hla wile, to OaUiarine Bovlan. dated January ii, IM and registered in tlie offioe oi the Kegisttr of Deeds tor Wake county In Book lot. page Sis, I will, on the lath day of November. Ill 6. at IS o'clock, at the Court Bouse door In Balelgh. Wake coonty, sell, at public auction, to the highest Diuuer ior casu. uie iuiiuwiuh uubchwu nw estate to-wlt: A certain tract of land situate In Wake county Bt. Mary's Township adjoin ing the lands ol Samuel Watu. Allen Bturdivant J. U, Dupree, Hodie Smith and others, and more folly described as lollows: Beginning at Jointers on the (SmlttiOtld and HalelKh Koad uhn Parker's (now Samuel Watts) corner near Watts thence with his line Booth two degrees west S.K chains to a stake, thence south tt de grees west sT.eO chains to the Wilmington Road, thence with said road to a pine, Alien 8 turn I vant's corner, thence with his line south as de vrfiM wmu a.4t chains to a stake. Bturdlvant's corner, thence with his line north S degrees east seven chains to a rooa, Bturairaui's comer: tiiAniw with his tine south SB deffrees west 40.S0 ohalns to a stake in Jack Dupree's line. thence sunn two degrees east ss.su enaios to a llghtwood stump, L. J. Weather's corner, tlienee with bis line south ST degrees east tn.et chains to a rook. Weathers' corner, thence north S degrees east 'S.se chains to Ine Bmiw eld Road, thence with said road to a black lack, wm. Muraivani'S corner, uience wun nu Ine north a deirrefts east f.Ti chains to a black lack. Bed is Smith's ooroer. thence south (1 de grees east 1 chain to a rock In the old road, uience as the said road south 1 degrees east 18.16 chains to the Smithleld Road, thence with tha aaid mad to the beslnnuut. containing svi l- acres more or less. . ...... This utn oay ox uctoDer. line. W.H BOYLAN, . . boeutor oi fislhsrlne Bevlan. SALE OF LAND. -Tn nnraance of a iudament rendered on the asm day of September, A. O. 1896, in a special proceeding entitled W. R Blake, administrator of Mrs. E E. Glenn, deceased, against Fattie Dupree etal., before the Clerk of Wake Su perior Court, I will sell at the court bouse door, in the city of Raleigh, on the 4th day of November A. I. 1896, at 11 o'clock m , at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described lot or parcel of land bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in the city of Haleigh, on the the north side of Martin street, and boo niicd on the east by lot of Hen derson heevta. deceased, on the south by the land of i.idrldge Johnson, ae ceaned, and on the north by the lot formerly owned by V. esley Whitaker; fronting on said Martin street 85 feet, and running back S10 feet, containing one-sixth of an acre more or less. - W.B. Blabs, , octl SOd Commissioner, ?! ZCN the cntaTcsr DISCOVERY Or THE ACE. ! V r Cvrm In 1 tn 4 dara. Ira ( I m I I on f mediate ia effect; quick to k pocket, ail complete in mi rare. Ian be oarneo cknrfs. tvwt by niu, prepaid, plain oa. resetpt at pnoe. at pec bus. For sale by Joha T. ateEae, drag. FARLIIXS FOR SALE. By virtue of authority eonf erred by a certain Deed of Trust from U A. Hodge and Loretta Hodge, his wife, dated December 5th, 18U0, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county. N. C-, in Book J13, at page 818, 1 will on THUESDAY. November 14th, 1896, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, six (61 tracts of land situate in Saint Matthews township. Wake county, N. C, and described as fodows: Fibst Tbact containing 321 84 acres, more or less, being Lot, No of the Gaston Wilder lands, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of said Bodge on the south, of the late David Hlnton on the east, of the said Hodsre on the north and Neuse river on the west; and bounded aa follows: begin ning at a stake and pointers on the east bank of Neuse river, about 11 links be low the mouth of a gut the southwest corner of Tract No. 1, bought at the same time ana piace Dy josepn An drews, runs thence east 895 poles to a stake In the late David Hlnton'a line; tnence witn ois une souin m degrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west 258 Doles to a small birch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse river: thence np the various courses of the river about 128 poles to the begin ning, bains' same tract conveyed bv joan n. wuiiams ana wue to j. a. Hodge bv aeea recorded in said otlice. in Book 60 at page 645, reference to wuicu is maue. Second Tract. contaLiina 199 acres. more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the uetsy mncon iarm (formerly uaston Wilder's land) and bounded aa follows: Beginning at a small birch and point ers on the bank of Neuse river about six poles below Spring Gut; thence witn tne aiviaing une east ao poies to a stake In David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 88 poles to a stake on Mingo creek: thence down.the creek about 824 poles to where it empties into Neuse river: thence up the said river about luo poles to tne Deginnlng; being same tract conveyed by w. R. Poole to B. A. Hodge bv deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 188, reference to which is made. - ThirdiTbact. containing 118 acres. more or less, and bounded as follows: Heainntnir at a stake on the south aide of the Tarborongh road W. R. Pool's corner rur s south 1-3 degree west 45 pole; to a stake and pointers in the head of a small branch; thence with said branch 89 Doles to a nice on the east side of the branch; thence south 24 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and pointers; tlien-e east 108 1-2 pols to a stake; thence north 6 1-4 degrees east 214 Doles to the Tarborough road; thence with said road 98 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed bv Jennie Hinton to R. A. Hodee. bv deed recorded in sa'd office in Book 105, at pave 551, reference to which is made. Foubth Tbact, containing 79 8-4 aces, more or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast corner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, rune thence east with Poole's line 128 1-8 poles to a stake and pointers on a branch ; thence nearly south down the various courses of the branch 88 poles to a large pine on the east side of the same David Hinton's corner thence with bis line south 84 degrees west 89 1 8 poles to a stake and Kointers, the corner of the dividing line etween this lot, or parcel, and that puronasea ny u. n. winiaa-s, at same sale: thence est 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road ; thence north- ward along said road nts i-a poies to toe beginning, being same tract conveyed by Sarah E. wilder, commissioner, to B. A. Hodge, by deed recorded ia said office, in Book M, at page 146, reference to which Is made. - Firm Tract, containing twenty-live acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Ruflln Williams, B. P Williamson, William Smith and Joseph J. Andrews, and on the east side of Neuse river, be ing a part of the Betsy Hinton' tract bought by said Andrews at the Q. H. W'lder estate sale, being the southwest corner of said tract according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river, below spring gut, at a willow: thence up said river to above the falls at a twin red-oak; thence east to a stob and pine; thenoe to a stob in the branch; thence south to B. Williams' land, a lightwood knot; thence west to the be ginning, and being the same tract con veyed by Joseph J. Andrews and others to R, A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 807, ref erence to which la made. . Kix.tr Tract, containing eight acres and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad joining the lands of W. R. Poole, Jesse Watkins, deceased, and' others, and hnnndnd aa follows: Beginning at a stake in centre of Hodge road in Poole's line; thence with said road south 8 1-8 degrees east 36 poles to a stake in centre of the same; thence west 60 1-4 poles to a stake; thence north 86 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; thenoe with the same east;48 8-4 poles to the beginning; and being same conveyed by James A. Williams ana wire to saia it. a. uoage, h deed recorded in said Office, in Book 88 at page 90, reference to which is made, - Place of Sals County Court House door, in Raleigh, N. a - - Tdu or Sali-12 o'clock m - ERNEST HAYWOoD, Tbtjstu. October 12. 189ft. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and bv virtue or cower 'con tained In a mortgage executed to me by Kobert A. rotter ana nis -wire euaonia Potter, on the 7th day of October, A . J?. 1890, which said mortgage Is recorded In the offioe of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, In Book 114, on page 105, I wi II sell by request at the Court House In Wake countv. at Dublio auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the tract of land particularly aesonueu m saiu mort gage, which is bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in Wake county, North Carolina, in Saint Mary's townshi p,and beginning at a white-oak, John Ellis' (deceased) corner, and runs thence south 833 poles to a red-oak in Wm. Band's old line: thence east with said Rand's line to the mill-path stake and pointers; thence north with said mill-path to stake and pointers; -thence east to a pine, corner of John Mitchen er's line; thence north to a red-oak: thence east 80 poles to a stake and pointers; thenoe north 74 poles to a stake in the Une formerly owned by P. H. Uower: thence with said line west 80 poles to a black-jack; thenoe south to a pine in P. H. Oower's Old corner; thence west to the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or leas, and adjoining the Unds of Geo. Mitchener, M W. Britt Wm. Bryant, being the tract of land conveyed by J. P. Uully, commissioner in special proceedings! entitled J. P. Golly, administrator of J. O. Dopree, dMwased. vs. H. Dunree and others, in Wake Superior Court, to Robert A. Pot ter. Time of sale, 13 o'clock, nx, on the VALUABLE 18Ui oi Movemoer, lavo. W. T. HOWLE, " MOBTSAaEl October IS, 1895. " IVhat is Gastoria ia Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta '' aui4 Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. - It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Sootbiuff Syrapx, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. ; Its guarantee Is thirty years use bj Millions of Mothers, Castorla, destroys Worms auid allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sonr Cord, - cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castorla relieves teething troubles, cares constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach : and bowels, riving healthy and natural sleep. Caa toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. ; "Oeatorla is an excellent medietas for chll dreo. Mothers hare repeatedly told me of Us food effect upon their ohlldnsu." Da. a. O. Osqoob, IxywuU, Mass. . " Oaatorla k tba best remedy ferehlldran of which 1 am acquainted. I hope tbe day is not far distant whan mothen will consider the real tntenet of their children, and am Oastoria bi stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying- their loved ones, by forctaf opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down then- throats, thereby sending them so premature grsres. " Da. J. F Kncanuw, Conway, Ark. leva Cent, Compear, TT Mamy S treat, Werar Tork City. W. H. HOLLO THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Life Insurance Comp'y Sells plain life insoranee, as pro tection to the family, . creditors or one's old age,' and asks a careful ex amination of its elear and equitable contract, with their nneqaaled guar antees in figures on the policy, giving; true life insurant) at ita Lowest possible Cost With Perfect Security. Thia com pany has bean doing business in this State over twenty eight yeara, and ita policy holders are Its BEST FRIENDS. The Connecticut Mutual has no speculative feature, extension forfei tures or intricate plans, contrived for the company's . advantage, nor the Incontestable clause, admit ting rascals at the expense of its hon est members, bat if any happen to get in. It given them their-money baok, all stated In the contract. The , 3 Per "Cent Reserve has become aa important factor in life insoranee. All will h gladly ex plained by 5. D. WAIT, T General Agent Haleigh. ECONOMY Mav be neoessarv In many ways .when dollars are scarce and -wants many, but it Is not desirable to practice It in the purchase of food, which ia life. Below, a certain . standard food Imper fectly nourishes; up to that standard it costs a .reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable prioe for our Groceries. , RAPID SALES Olve our customers the benefit of close manrina, We never keep any. thing that is not tbe best of Its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it, ; . CHOICE GROCERIES Always in stock and promptly de livered wnen oraereu. - PESCUD. Castoria. Castorla a so well adapted to children thai I recommend tt as superior toany praaeription knows to me." B. A. Aaosum, K. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, M. T. Our pbysMaiia la tbe children's depart ment bare spoken highly of their experi ence tn their outside practice with Castorla, and although we only bare among our medical supplies what Is known as regular produces, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Oastoria has wort us to look with favor upon it," Ubitbb Hoanrai. aso DisnKsanr, Boston, Haas. Axum 0. Bam, ires., -i ?f g rip--' f I, I I WW 1 at he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY Is tbe best equipped anddoes tbe most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send in your work. I'hone No 19. WAY k SONS. Hiss Maggie Reese. Newflillinery We are now showing all the latest and most desirable shapes and styles in Fall and Winter Millinery. Our stock is well selected, both as to STYLE and PRICE. There is a great variety in Caps and Sailors for Hisses and Children. All eolors and sixes from 86o to $8 00. We will be pleased to have the ladies eall and look at our atook. Every one will receive prompt and polite attention. iliss,yiaggiel3eese 909 FayettevMe Street. .BULBS For Winter and Spring BLOOMING. . Chlneee and 'Easter Lilies. Hvactnths Preesias, Kareiasos, etc. Palm, Ferns ana otaer pianu ior room aecoranng. Out Flowers Boquets ; Flora,! Desig-ns. . Evergreen, Magnolias and Shade Trees. - H. STEINMETZ, Florist North Halifax ctreet, near Peace In SAY, Talking about furai" turc and furDiticiFe stores, why Rojall & Borden, North Carolina's largest dealera and only manufacturers, nave stores i from Maine to Mexioo "all on paper." Bnt here in North Carolina they haveia real FURNITURE FACTORY, larger size, employing 162 running day and night to fill orders. Also have CHAIR AND MATTRESS FACTORY At the same plaoe, where we can make any kind of Ms ttress you want. Oar profits are too small to open any more branch houses at pres ent. But we have one each in Gnldsboro, Raleigh and Durham full of the best and cheapest line of FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES ever shown at either plaoe. We cannot plaoe our bargains on you through the Press-Visitor that we stock and compare our prices with any We leave the bal ance with you We gladly show any one through our store, whether they buy or not. Open at night. MALL AND It A.LELGHJDURHAM, GOLDSDORO REDUCED RATES. to ion siaies aqu International Eiposttm ATLANTA, OA., September 18 December 31, 1895. Pur tbe a bore ooeesion the Southern Railway Jo will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, OA., and return on the follow -nt basis i FKOM- BODS Alexandrla,Ve... Ashevtlle, N. C Burlington, N. O... Rurkevllle. Vs I2e.s6lis.a6l H-OK 18. 6.76 18. 70118.701 9.661 26117.061.. 11.9H .. . 18.60 Oulnener. vs 186. 3W18. 561 ('hatiism. Vs... bn.ssiis.aq Charlottesville, Va... HS.8&!l7.06 Chapel Hill, N. U Oonoord, N.O Uhanntte, H.u Danville, Va Durham, N. C Front Hoval. Va Ureonsboro. N. O Ooidsooro N.O rlendersonvlllo. Si. U. Hlekorv, N.O High Point, N.O Hoi Springs, N. O .... Henderson, N. C...... Lynouburg, Va. Lcxinfrton, N. O .... Mori.'anton,N. O Million, N. O NtswUin.N.O Orange. Vs Jzford. N. C Klclimond. Va Kcidsvillo, N. C Itaiclub, N. 0 South Boston, Va .... StmBburg, Va. Salisbury, N.O Stulcevlilc, N. O Tayloravllle, N. O .... Trjon, N.C Washington, D. O .... West Point, Vs. Wnnvnton, Va Wflkoshnm. N. O Wlnaton-Halem, K. 0. 119.00 13.961 'Hales from Intermediate points In proportion.) EXPLANATION. OnlumnA: Tickets will be sold September I and 18, and dally from September 15 to Decem ber 16, 1896, iuoluslve, with final limit January 1,1896. Column B: Tickets will be sold dallv frotn September It to December 16, 1896. Inclusive, with final limit twenty (80) dava from da us of ale. Column O: Tickets will be sold dallr from September 15 to Deoember 80, 1896, Inolusive, with final limit fifteen (15) dan from data of sale. No Uoket to bear lonater limit than Janu arv7,1894. OolumnDi Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 84, 1896, Inclusive, with final limit ten (10) dare from date of sale. Column B: Tickets will be sold daily from September 16 to Deoember 80, 1806, Inolusive, with dual halt seven (7) days from data of aala. SOUTHERN RAILWAY la the ontv Una entering tba ab position Orounds, haying a double-track, atandardV Ii age railway from the center of tba elty of tlanta to tbe Kxposttion Orounds. for Uokets and: full Informastoa apply ss four nearest agent, or address S.M.O0LP. ' V.A.TTJsUU ftaSmllanaaMr, SealPaauXV, lftaiAvWaaWaMJDtil . WSS3EH Eisllj, Quickly, tananuttj Baton! rastoreLsstMasfceod. Cures waataeasss. Narvone Debility and all the evils front early or later ex. sasss. ths results of overwork, worry, sins nnss, ste. Fall strength, tone and derelopment givea to every ergan or porUon of ths body. Improve sienttmnieaiatelyseentromtbsfirstlMa. Ihoae. sndsof lettsrsof praiseoa fileuosronioe. Can beosrriedin vert pocket. Bent by mail to aa ' iddrese oa reosipt of price. One month's treat martin each box. PnoeSl J0,hn,5,00, with WriUeet wsarantee to refund money If not oared ise4 to as tne the usanine, unuwniarea, John V. McBau, Druggist, Kaleigh. it n wkirai ( onnio. i iu'-" J .!"!i8.iot"!. MI.4Ulft.IM IU.S0 14.801 10.40 . 66 18.16 . 9.86 6.89 80.06114. 7H 10.80 ao.4o!i6.on 10.46 M.2&ilS.26 14.001 17.6612.86 9.20.... Bl. 76,15.96 11.60.... 11.70 (.00 6. 16. 80l 11. T.H ie.6 18.46 . 40 H.OOl lO.&OJ .76 80.40il5.00 10.451 IS 5018.60 11.60 16.061 II .S3 S.0S 16.8 11.86 J.8t 14.861 10.9(4 T.Ui 16.80! 11.861 T. 84.6618.001 18.10... 80.4018 OOl 10.46 .. .. 83.8617 06! 18.40... 18.8618.801 8.70 .... 80.40 1001 10.46.... 81.6615.tH 10.80, 88.8518.86 14.00 16.80 11.86 .& 16.80 11.86..... 7.86 16.861 18.00 (.16 10.76' 7.86 4.90 8il.851S.86l 14.001 83.06 17.86! 13.9th 86.8619.86! 14.09! 88.11618.861 11.80 I 9.801 fTWE papar, but simply desire to inform are here and ask you to inspect our house. BORDEN, INOVEMBER HORSE SALE I ai,S1,i1?ld.BD? elIlh annoal ealeof IBOllJNO hifiLW HABMtS and fcADDLlfi HOhtES at Baleicb. MjViMiEK flth etd Hh, hm Fhe tttviutltvtr offntd il bt sold lor cash fot tbe test bid. Good horses ate Rtltirg scarce, cotton rellinR at 8 l-8c tel acco celling high ilh the greatest cii cf coin ard iedder ever made in the boulh, gocd, sound, well-bred poitee tun command good prices. Par tits having such to dispose of and aantmir ihf m in this aoIa win .iA.nA communicate with me by or before IH I OBIB 8th, that I may place in my w-u,ii.Kur, yiim-lJ win ue KhOJ aDOUt October 30th.; B. P. WILLIAMSON, . RALEIGH, N. V. f-Tf 27. 1806. WHAT'5 YOUR FAVORITE Snuff Why, Parson's.CeIebrated BECAUSE - It Is the purest and best, manufac tured out of select Virginia Leaf To baooo. The Manufacturer selects the choicest grades of Tobacco and we guarantee If you give It a trial your good Judgment will approve eGERTON ft And In future you will use no other brand. Put up in any aire pack, age to suit the trade. 5614 By All Dealers. J.M. PAESONS.Uan'fact'r . New Brunswick. N.J. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ' Having qualtfled as administrator of tbe estate of 11. F. Cheatliam, deceased, late of Wake county, this is to notify a'l person s holding claims against the said estate to present them to tbe un dersigned on or before the 86th day of September, 1890, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said aetata will please make Immediate payment. VV;: J. C. MAR.COM, . .' v Administrator of H. F. Cbeatiiam, iJeceaeed, ' ItKU A Mjtnarh, - - AUorneys. sepSo cw ' . -, : sutute, tnone iib. nctllla Aug".