-J iv ' , 1' THE PuSSS-VISITCl THOS. J. PKNCK, Citj Editor. FEIDAf, NOVEMBER 1. 1888. it Index to New Advertisement. . A Biff 8i(m Wynne, Ellington A Co . Real Estate Agents. " Hoarders Wanted Mrs. Blake. ' Norfolk Ovster Co.-Ovsters in An Style. - Oysters and Quail on Toast Ought. Special Bargains Thoni as & Max- welt ' -t :;fi-f-:.:k S,: --y; ''' 1 1 :- r '.'!"-'-' J WEATHER FORECAST. 1 ' " I " Forecast for North Carolina '' I FAIR I Saturday Fair. Uooler Satur I rMU1 I day morning is eastern por , I , . , Itlon. . . i. Local Forecast for Raleigh a,nd vioiaity Saturday Fair, slightly Friday, November 1st. Ijooal data for 84 h.onra ending at S a. BLMASlmnm temperature, 51; Minimus, temperature, 44 : Rain fau.o.t. - . PERSONAL. Hi. H. L. London is In the city. Mr. A. A. Hieks, of Oxford, is In the eity. I Mr. W. L. MeOehee, of Franklinton, is her. Mr. C. B. Edwards ford on a visit. has gone to 0x Mr. Will Mabry has returned from a trip to Bichmond. Maj. John W. Graham is in the eity attending Supreme Court. Judge George H. Brown, of Wash Ington, N. 0., Is at the Torboro Mr. T. M. Pittman, of Henderson, arrived in the eity this morning. Miss Ethel Waitt has returned to the eity from a visit to Boston and New York. Mr. T. B. Heartt has returned from Atlanta with a fresh lot of stories about the Exposition. Capt. Kendriek has been siek in bed for two days. He is improved sad hopes to be out soon. Mr. Archibald Johnson, of Thomas ville, editor of Charity and Children, was here yesterday. Jim Young has returned from Char lotte, where he attended the Grand Lodge of Good Samaritans. Superintendent Allen, of the county home, is here today. He says that the ground is in good eondition for plant ing, as there has cot been too mueb rain. Mr. Clifford Carroll received a tele gram from his father, Marshal Carroll, who has been quite ill at Newbern, stating that his eondition had im proved. Mr. D. B Parrish and wife were suddenly called away yesterday to Concord to the bedside of Mr. Parrish' s father, who has been stricken with paralysis. Mrs. McGilvray, of Staunton, is is stopping at the Tarboro. Mrs Mo Gilvray and her husband hsve made numerous friends in Baleigh daring their pleasant visits. It will be a source of regret to Judge Strong's many friends sad acquaint anees to learn that one of his eyes have been removed. The Judge has been ill for quite n while and it be came necessary for bis physicians to operate. He is getting along as well as could be expected. Mr. Sv W. Bamsey, representing the well known firm of Bamsey & Effin ger, the popular wood and willow house of Baltimore, is in the eity calling on his trade. Mr. Bamsey is just as muoh a North Carolinian as he is a Balti morean, and has a long line of friends here and all over the state, who are always glad to see him. . Boarders Wanted. Two nicely furnished rooms with table board can be bad at No, 217 West Morgan street. A number of table boarders can also be accommodated. novl-3t The cheapest thing in Baleigh now is quail on toast at 86 oents at Dughi's. The Norfolk Oyster Company, which has heretofore been serving stews and fries at 85 cents, has reduced the price to 80 oents for fries and 15 cents for stewi. nol-3t ' Stew, fry and raw, the best job ever saw, only 35 cents each, at Dughi's. - , ,,Wanted."'",;:-..; i y, as honest, active gentleman or lady . to travel for reliable established house. ' Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and ex pensea. Situation permanent. Befer : enoes. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. . Tbe Dominion Company, 816 Omaha Building, Chicago, nol-lm "" r - Dngbl is tbe first in Baleigh to have quail on toast this year. To fjovere of Oyster. " We are serving stews now at 16 cents and fries at 20 cents, and on the halt shell at 26 cents. The Norfolk Oyster Company. - ' - Special Notice. , On Monday morning, November 4th, we will beem to sea gooas witnout eu nroPt nd continue one week. Our rea son for this is tliat we have five thous s 'I d niars worth of gooils in the depot ti't e have to make room for or pay 81", . . is b n e inmple of how prlcns will be, i,, i (, k ci-i .re tables reduced from $1 ft . . -i. i). . . r goous in wnu prornrhon, 111,1 It liiOluaS it li.iXWeI. Dissolution of Copartnership, -The arm of Bar bee & -Thompson is this day dissolved by mutual consent Mr. Alt A, Thompson retiring'. The business will be continued by Mr. E. B. Barbee. . : (Signed) .' . E.B. BARBEE,-- -- AXF A, THOMPSON. Raleigh, N. C. Opt 80, 18&5. ' Under the advioe of my physician I have eiucluded to retire temporarily from, business and beg to cordially commend Mr. E. U. Barbee, who con tinues the business of Barbee & Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. Barbee is severed with sincere regret. Not only us partners, but friends, our relations nave oeen. witnout exception, inor- ooshly wrdiaL With every facility for conducting the business, an entire knowledge or tbe wants of toe traae. and a fixed Intention to give value re ceived, there is every reason to assure loose uteres-ea mat dealings wiin air. liar Dee will oe entirely satisfactory. Alt A. Thompson, I desire to thank onr patrons for part favors and solicit a continuance of tne same with " the assuranoe that I will do my best to please them. - E.B.BABBXX. Watch these columns for the marre-1 lous bargains offered at Thomas A I Maxwell s. Some time ago we advertised mat- ting at 5o per yard and sold it at that I price, some parties came too late. Next week oak oentre tables will be re duoed from 91.60 to 75 cents for one week. Thomas & Maxwell. Quail will be served 'at Stonebank's Restaurant on Fayette ville street to morrow mgnt Prices on all goods slaughtered Thomas & Maxwell's next week. at Boarders Wanted. ' At the old Briggs Mansion on West Morgan street between McDowell and Dawson streets. Neat, comfortable rooms. Table supplied with the best tne marxei anoras. Apply to Mrs make, octsotf Special bargains at Thomas Ar Max well's next week For choioe meats eo to Thomas Don- aiason s. euui no. x, Market house. I Telephone 180. oet SO aw. Quail on toast at Dngbi's, only 25 cents each. For Sale. Half interest in a paving manufao- bui-iug uuBiueiHs in uir tuty ui xuiieiKU. auureas nox 304. aotl We are now receiving oysters from our own planting around, and can sell the best and largest oysters at from 85 to so cents per quart The Norfolk Oyster Company. For Rent. House with nine rooms, good locilitv. water ana Data room, all in good sbaoe. Apply to W. h. Davis, 523 North Salis bury street. 26 lw Lost. A valuable bunch of about eleven keys belonging to Fire Department. I newaru ior return to J. rr. Mangum Twenty Cents a Pound. Crpftm Almnnria Vanilla Taffv Tna nut Brittle. Made daily at Barbee & rope a. Johnson & Smith's Dhotogranhs are an we tais. .Diamond size si 6a cabi nets $2.60 one half dozen. Examine tneir work. We are now making in their perfec tton the original Peanut Brittle and Butter cups, we invite comparison with other makes. BOY6TEB Iiost Bank Stock. RALKIOH. N. C .Iulv2!l 1H0K The undersigned hereby gives notice mat sue nas tost, or ner late nusoant, W. N. H. Smith, has lost, two eertlfl cates of shares of the capital stock of I roe uiuzena uanx of Norfolk. Va.. numbered 40 and 83 respectively, the farmer for three shares and the latter for twenty-two shares of said stock; and wishes them returned to her If rosjio. Mbs. Mart O. Smith, Executrix of W. N. H. Smith. octlSSm Deceased, Baleigh, N. C Madam Besson desires to call tbe at tention of the public to her new stock of fall and winter Millinery for ladies, misses ana cnuaren. imanur caps, sacques, notions, etc octltf Bretsch has bunt np such a trade mat lie is busy snipping to points out. side the city. His crackers, cakes and lunch milk biscuits are the finest to be had. . 4t Agents Wanted Everywhere. $6 a day. Marion Ear- land's Mew liook. "Home of the Rlhla.' Over 8,000 new photos; nearly 600 extra ge pages. J ust tne oook lor tbe fall and holiday canvass. So experience needed. For particulars addrm Ria. loricai run. u n Philadelphia, Pa. UctlOtf DID TOO KNOW DID YOXJ K50W That while yoa are waitin thsl sream of bargaiae that are beiag of- lerea nsrs wiu Be sold. - Every Day ' ,-' Eary Day , Ton pet off eomlag here yoa loose se I moeh money. . This stock is solac to I U DVUV BBS ' : , . - ' ' ' Every Hoar ' Every Hour V. t 'T Some of tbe choicest goods are going out the door. Some one is reaping the harvest why . aot yon Every uhu euuats ana CTCB ' f ' Every Mioate '. ; r Every Minute ' Is Valuable to yon. Wh.a yoa do maks np your mind to boy some of I e fnsaomeaai Bargains that arc I offered here the very article yoa wish may dc sola, ' xiiea yoa will lad out ... Every Seoond Every Second . as a preeloas one to yoa. There is so many great bargaioc here to offer yoa that we can't tell yoa of all of them. Corns earlr and call for what yoa wsbi. The price wil surprise! yoa.; We again tell yon that yon nave no time to lose, KES. EMMA X. BWI5DKLL, iecntris. ,,' - Golf Oape Lost, -. A tan, golf cape, with a golf hood, lined with Scottish plaid silk, on a street ear yesterday afternoon. Suit able reward for return to this office, tf Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dressmaking at their home, OuT- North Wilmington street. Perfect tit and satisfaction guaranteed. octlolm Mr. Fred A. Watson is prepared for his fall and holiday trade with a more complete line of novelties, souvenirs. picture i raiiies ma various aruspo ana beautiful thimrs than ever before. He bas the most complete stork in his line in uie euwe.- , ocueu ' Wanted. ' ' A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established hjuse Salary 780 payable SIS " weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady References.- Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. H, E. BE3H, President. Chicago. - . tt Come - AND , ! Examine . llie handsomest Steel Range - made. " It la "THE JEWEL." .( See our new Bissell Grates .We bar . . 3 Bicycles On easy terms T Baby CTarriagres At out price. Yhos. H. Briggs & Sons, RaXKMB, N O. sept n-lv. THE WONDERFUL ROCHE'S : EMBROCATION -FOB- WHOOPING COUGH. An external remedy, safe and all rightl Home testimonials endorse its efficacy, Jas, McKimmon & Co 1SS Fayettevllle St., Baleigh. w. a HELLER'S- U SHOE In addition to tbe ronular Banare Toe, we have added added, a "New Opera" last like above cat: These goods have , , Extension Holes and we assure yon they are ' - , The "Very Newest. ' ! ".134 fayettevllle Street er s A Fresh Lot Just ReccivcJ ct V. II. lll.'.'j Ci CO '3 OllUCr (JTORE. 8 Hiiyl Candy TURN OVER .; A New Leaf.. AND SAVE AT LEAST 25 PER CENT 1 he Cash fcyxteni and our Trice Lint Suits All. 'm UPCHUECHS-CARTl . - Better known as the cheapest Grocery House in Town, are selling: Pure Hog Lard, 8 1-fto lb; bet Booouers, ioc; ureaciast Mrips, i!io ioj oen ortnen itutter, Hi ana km id; Country Butter, n l-8o and 20a; all pork Link Sausage, 10c lb;' Oieam Cheese, 18 1S; fresh Eggs, 16c down; Mullets. 1 l-8c lb; Codilsh, 8 l-8c lb; Roe Herrings, 80s doten: six bars Hoe Cake Soap, 85c; twelve boxes matches, 5c: Macaroni, 10c package; best Bice, 6 l-3e lb; large Hominy, 4c lb: Orits, 3c lb: Corn Flakes, 4c lb; Arbuckle's Coflee, 83c lb; green Coffee, 10a lb; best Tea, SO aud 40c lb; three three-pound eaus Tomatoes. 85c; three cans Corn, 25c; three pound cans table rescues ioc; ew urieans Mniasses, 400 gai; oest aarx.Moiassfla, xa ana sue Granulated sugar. 6 l-4o lb: New Orleans Sugar. 5 l-4c lb: best Vinegar. 800 gal: best water ground Meal, 16s peck; Baker's Chocolate, 40c lb; Cocoa, 40c lb; one rjund box Baking Powder and Si' vor spoon, loo: fresh Northern Cabbage, l-8c lb; six boxes Soap. Octagon, 85?: H cker'a self-raising Buckwheat; Irish Potatoes, large, 25c peck; two large bars b i-ec ip; uauuna, 10 ana ioc pouna; uixea Auts, ioc id. . , t -; v. "CRACKERS AND CAKES ARRIVING DAILY goods strictly first class. We our leader. Sold at close figures. J Give UPCHURCH & CARTER, ' , . '. " ;,; .:s" . Also proprietors Norfolk Oyster evening. DROP IN Ait Bobbitt's ' ; --Where You will Always Find - , ROYSTER'S FRESH BON-BONS AND CHOCOLATES. Tbe eqnal of any candy oa tbe market; artistically put np sealed packages, ranging from one -s ; ' . " - "r , , PRICE 60o per Pound- J. HAL BOBBITT, THE PHARMACIST. DYE -Your Ofd Clothes with- DIAMOND DYE, all desirable colors, for von to select fiom and book of directions how to use tt ' ' ; HICKS k ROGERS, v! PrescrlDtloa DragRlsts. -;- ''OU DO NOT REALIZE hat you are in Baleigh unless you are . - stopping at the ' , YAfB0$0 HOUSE s he only Hotel in the city convenient , , to Business. , , AH rooms on the third floor 12.00 per day; first and second floors $3.00 and 2.50 per day. . , -. - s . SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES FEES BUS AT ALL TRAINS. I Thousands of dollars recently expended - , provementa. r ' . " It. T. BROWN, Prop'r. IT'S A BIG SIGN, But It lepresents somethintf bia-irer still. Ileal f stale in Kaieign is a larire fact and will richly reray the bareful attent ou ef all Investors. If you pur chase property in this tnwn, you put money where you can't lose it, and where it's as certain as sunrise tomor row to pay you a handsome return. Land owners are always tbe solid men in the com run mm v. In a wide-awake town like 1. .-h, a handsome ad vance of real e' n values is assured. If vonbuv rr-- "rtv now tou secure your slime of t is advance. Come to us ior choice proyeruee On 1Za.y Terms. Several lr convenient houses for rent Apiuy to lljo, W:p k - Co., In.-. ..j i: .1 1: rtate'Ast :;ovi lm sugar - cared flams, 18 l-8c; English-cured Soap, 4c; two boxes bluing, 6o; Prunes, sell the leading brands of Flour ACMB us a call. . ; t ' tan Favettevill e Street. ' Phone 158. Company, Oysters arrive morning and r, ocuiw - half to Ave pounds. ' C. i FANCY GROCERS,. S03 Fayettevllle St, Just received a shipment of Soda crackers, Milk Lnncb. Oyster Crack, era and akes ALL FEtSH. Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Oak F'akes, Hominy Flakes, larew aud small Horn. Iny. Preserves by the pound or In bot- ues at very low prices. :' v, Fresh Errs, Chickens and Turkeys aiwaj s on nana. . . OUR MEATS ARE THE BEST Swift's Oriole Ham and Breakfast Macon always in stock. We handle tbe DesD Dranas oi once only. Jiomaja, inocua auu aa, ArDucsie s ana sev ering' LLUsn our brands. H. J. , Heinx's Sweet and Sour Pickels Aiwa jt in stock, ly the bestf Our Flours are ttrtcti ACHE DART, J VALLEY' 80PEELATIVE, KOBTH STATE and - DESOTA are the names. Monev refunded if any of the above brands do not sum -, j. , Fresh Sausagfe 1 fAU pork) arrtviD ir daily. . Lowest prices and prompt deliverr hi Loose Buckwheat So per pound. Uive us a trial. U. H. ANDERSON & CO. RIGGAN'S RIGGAN'S ;; ; RIGGAN'S IS TII13 ' , PLACE TO BUY Dolls, Games, Juvenile Books, Toys, Wagons, Novelties. Doll Furniture, v Doll abs, Doll OarriRires, " . Wagons, Carts, Velocepedes, -Baskets, (fancy and use ful) Brie-a-Bmo, Iron . , Toyi of all kinds, Eubber Dolls, Patties and Rubber - .. ':Toys. 1 Largest Stock ever in North Carolina. Largest Stock ever la North Carolina, BEST VALUES FOR LEAST MONEY BEST VALUES FOB LEAST MONEY RIGOAN, TIio Toy .Man. Tcy CI: 1 2 r.. s ria Woollcott 14 EAOT iYlARTin Great crowds are tIbIiIdi onr departments these fine days admiring the bcantifal fabrics and eiqalnite garments and parchtsicg supplies for fall and winter. All cfforti of the psn'f (rrfsf H tbey were, bate been far sur passed by ns this season. Abnndaat eldeoec of this is shown on every side, nd in all onr departments our policy is the best qualities at the lowest prices. Millinery Department ' (SECOND FLOOR.)' Stylish Millinery. Oor stylish Hats gain new admirers every day, ' Such another rich and rars collection of Trimmed Millinery is not to be found In town Oor prices are tbe -lowest. Yon should bny yonr Hats of ns. We have the most oomplete stock of Bailors in the eity. . ' - P ibbed Underwear r . (FIRST FLOOR ) , , ' 1,000 Lidlrs" RibDsd Vestsj wool, 90e, worth 75o. 1,000 Ladles' Bibbed Vests, cotton, 90s, eheip at 80e. , 1,000 dent's Wool Undershirts, Mc, worth 11.00. - , All sits for Boys and Hisses. . Flannels - " , (FIR3T FL0OR.) - . '"' Canton Flannel, very heavy, 8 1-3 and 10s yard. " - AU wool Shaker Flannel, SOe yard. " All wool Red Flannel, 16c yard. Blankets and Bed Comforts r (SECOND FLOOR.) , Comforts from 75s saoa np. ' Blanket from fl a pair op. -' Crockery Dep't - (SECOND FLOOR.) , A lot of decorated Milk Pitchers, lOe, worth 90c. This department is fall of staple and fancy good and ail are sold at a small profit. BE CONVINCED that food for CA8H PATAPSCO v Elourinff Mills. 'ESTABLISHED 1774. : THE . JEremier Flour Manufacturedyroni the Cream v For Sale by ft k Pal llafHnu.M I M WW JST I :' 7 C nfs J? M P,nnw. Pyabl la gold for the best Bread and w J.UU Rolls made of the above brand of Finn at th coming tttate Fair, The publlu, to eompste First prsmiom on Bread, oa Rolls, $15 00) seeond, $10.00, C. A. Gambrifi Uf g ; I JONHSON & .109 Fayettevllle Why this store Is last risht for BECAUSE . WB BDI AUD SELL strengthens this statement and the goods r 3 c tarer s prices of today. THERE'! J8:-JUST- HE--.REASON C. A. Shsnvocd T: Co. c. G7 .61 T Shoe Dep't : Here yon eaa select from a $10,000 stoek, All new goods, bought before the great advance la leather and sold st old price. 1,000 "pairs Ladle' Dongola Button Shoes, - $1 60 a pairi sold elsewhere at 3 00 a pair. Call and see them. Cloak Department ' .. r,: - (SECOND FLOOR.) - , ' CAPES 800 stylish ' Cape- from $3.60 to f 10.00. JACKETS 860 Beaver, Cheviot and Bonds Jackets, new style.-mandolin sleeves, from $3.60 to $1150. Each one is a great bargain and yoa shoald not bay a Wrap until yoa have seen oars. - - - Rubbers (FIRST FLOOR.) ; .All sIm Ladies, Misses and Men's 1 very sheap. - - . "A large assortment of .Towels Towelling. and Our Merchant Tailoring Dep't We eaa savs you 36 per tent if yoa will let ns make yoa a. suit. Fit guaranteed. A iarge lt of Wrappers from each np. , t . 98c we are the, people to liny of r- All our are marked la plaia flgare and sold W00LLC0TT & SON. Ot America of Maryland and Virginia Wheat. ; ? City Grocers. " " excepting professional bakers. Invited' $36 00 seeond, $16.00. First premiom : - -. , Co.?; Baltimore,; f.H. JOHNSON, ' Utreet. Raleigh,, N. C, Agent. " vonr economic! nnvt..nVtk.i i. FOR 3ASH. Onr k-.i-" ; themselves CLINCH IT. . CLOAffG. Tremendous ValnesJ ? Irreprosehsbl Styles t " Ldi fhort Reefer Coats la blsck, -greys and eoterts tbe fSCOkicd. $3 60csh. Ladies' B-ver Cloth, Box Fronts and eitr good service Cots tbe $7 60kind.$60eh. Ladis. . Black Bonele Cloth Jscketn, Bm Fronts, large Mandolin Sleeves and Riprle Back the . ,13 60k.Dd, 19 00eb. GNOCC. ' Regardless of tbe MARKET CONDITIONS w have cot the prices cn Shoes to an eitont never belor thought of This sale means that borers of ' 4 .1

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