'Si - -I j. "ir - . 1 - . . ' . t r - - ti:: r.2s-visiT0i THOU. JT. PENCE, City Editor. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1895. .. WEATHEB FORECAST. , 1 i FonoMt for North Carolina winy Sunday .-Fair,- preceded by I tH)l unoweni in eat portion. y In J Warmer Sunday evening. I liooal ttoreoaet for Raleigh and vloialty fctnndayFatr, lightly warmer, ... , Saturday! November 2nd, ' booatdata for 24 hoar ending at a. ra. tmtay Maximnm tempera tare, Otit Minimum temperature, aiti !.: Index to New Advertisements. W. 0. Stronech-ijtaple and Fancy Groceries. .;. Thomas & Maxwell Bargains ' Tucker A Co.'s SDeoials. ttorfulk Oyster Co. Best Oyster. 7 ... PERSON Alt, Mr. Benjamin Baker left this mora- lag for Baltimqre. Mr, J. 0, Drewry is la AtlanU at- tending the Exposition. We are glad to note that Mr. E. H. lie continue to improve. Mr. B, 0. Glover leave this evening for Durham on a business trip. Miss Agnes M. Near, of Roaelle, N. J Is in the elty, the gaest of Mr. W. W. Whitehead. Mr. T. L. Kerse, of Eichmond, Vs., representative of the well-known firm of Armonr & Co.. is in the elty. Mr. Fsb Briggs, Jr , who has been offering with an injured knee, is get ting along well. He will be oat soon. Mr. John Ramsey, of Salisbury, who ha been visiting In that plaoe. ha returned to the A. A M. College. Mr. George Terrell, of the Agrioal- torsi Department, s at ths bedside of his father, Mr. 8. W. Terrell, of Roles- ville. Mr. Terrell is quite ill. We were glad to see Mr. Alf. A. Thompson down town today looking himself again. We trust that he will soos feel perfectly well and strong. Bev. J. L. Foster returns from the Eastern Virginia Christian Conference this afternoon, and will conduct the regular serv'eea at the Christian Chureh tomorrow. Dr. D. B. Everett leaves this after noon for Atlanta to attend the South ern Dental Convention, which bles in that city aeit week. While away Doctor will "do" the Exposition thoroughly. Home Made Blankets at $3.50 Per Pair. A specially good white wool, home made Blanket at only 1150 per pair. .newer at we price you never saw. W, fl. & R. tk Tucker St Co. If you want good stews and fries you can get Just as large stews for 15 oents as we have been (riving at 85 cents, and the same size fries at 20 uenta that we have been giving for xs cents. Upchurcu & Carter, i Installment customer will have the advantage of the great cash sale at Thomas A Max well' next week. - '. ' " To liovern of Oysters.". ' We are serving stews now at 16 cents and fries at SO cents, and on the halt shell at 3ft cents. The Norfolk Oyster Company. The great S&M day and continue for one without-Droflfc. sales Thomas & Maxwell's will I begi week at n Mvin-only. Boarders Wanted. ., At the old BrlgRS Mansion on West Morgan street between -McDowell and Dawson streets. Neat, comfortable rooms. 1 Table supplied with ths best the market affords. Apply to Mrs, Blake.. .. ootsotf Nothing; xmt on the books at Thomas A Maxwell's next week. Evervthlns I will be sold for cash. , For choice meats cm to Thomas Don. i aiuaona. etau mo. X marcet tiouae. Telephone 180. oct 30 8w. Dissolution of Copartnership, ' The Brm of Bar bee 4 Thompson is this day dissolved by mutual oonsei-t, Mr. Alf A. Thompson retiring. The business will bs continued by. Mr. X. B. Barbae. i (Signed) E. B. BARBEE, ' ALT A. THOMPSON. , - Raleigh, N. C, Oot. 80, 1896. Under the sdvioe of my physician I have ouoluded to retire temporarily I rum business and beg to cordially commend Mr. E. B. Barbee, who con tinues the business of Barbee A Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. Barbee is severed with sincere regret. Not only as partners, but friends, our relations have been, without exception, thor ooghly cordial.- With every ItacUity for conducting the business, an entire knowledge or the wants of the trade, and a fixed Intention to give value re ceived, there is every reason to assure those Uteres' ed that dealings with Mx. Barbee will be entirely satisfactory. i- - - alf A. Thompson. I desire to thank onr natrons for pat favors and solicit a continuance of the same with the assurance that I wiu do my best to please them. , -( KB.BARBUC. Huyler's Candy The lart-est stock of furniture in RaL i elirh at Thomas A Maxwell's from which to select, and you can get jour onoioe next wees wiinom pronv Quail on oents each. toast at pughi's, only as If vou want to nay a broflt on furni ture next week don t go to Thomas & maxweu s. . : " . For Sale. , Half interest in a Davinir manufao- turiug business in the city of Raleigh. Aauress xtox aoa. ':- : Rockers of all kinds, suitable for presents or solid comfort; will be sold wiinout pront at i nomas s, jsaxweu s next weesu You can set more for tout monev at Thomas & Maxwell's next week than at any other place in the worlc . OolfCape boat. A tan, golf eapa, with a golf hood, lined .with Scottish plaid silk, on a street ear jeetsnlay afternoon. Bait able reward for return to this offloe. tf Mrs; Bolvn and Warren are nrannrad to do first class dressmaking at their home, SOT North Wilmington street Perfect lit and satisfaction guaranteed, Mr. Fred A. Watmai in niwnaml fnr his fall and holiday trade with a more complete line of novelties, souvenirs, picture rrames rnd various artUtks and beautiful things than ever before. He has the most complete stork in his line in the State. ootlStf For Bent.' House with nine rooms, rood loclitv. water ana oatn room, an in gooa snaps. Apply to W. L. Davis, 683 North Salis bury street. MlW; Headauarters for furniture Thomas I a Maxweu s 'iney lead, otners ioi low. All goods sold without profit next wees. Wanted. A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established house. Salary 1780. payable $16 weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady t References. - Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. H. . BESS, President. Chicago. tf Come A Fresh Lot Just Received at W. II. KING & CO S TU UG , STORE. mm 0i Lounges, yes lonngts for everybody I at Thomas & Maxwell's and they Willi oe sold wiinout pront next weec Twenty Oente a Ponnd. nut BritUe. Made daily at Barbee & ropes. AND Examine IT'S A BIG SIGN, : But it lepresents something bigger sUiL Real estate in Raleigh is a large fact and will richly repay the eareful attention ef all investors. If yon pur chase property In this town, yon put money where yon can't lose it, and where It's as certain as sunrise tomor row to pay yon a nandsooe return. Land owners are always the solid men in the community. In a wide-awake town like Raleigh, a handsome ad vance of real estate valnes is assured. If you buy property now yon secure your share of this advance. Come to us for choice properties On Easy Terms. . Several large, convenient honses for rent. Apply to . d; H I Co. Insurance and Real Estate Agfe. . : . Non tm . RAlft COATS 61 14 QA07 HARTin r A' I. 0' . The Mackintosh Overooat has grown more popular every year. Of oonrae oars are the best, onr variety the largest, the prioes lowest - We start onr lino with a good, reliable naatity at ti, sold elsewhere tor 18, 'cause we are usually lower than other folks We bay . direct and In large quantities. SPECIAL VALUE ' . . . , ''' in Bojs Short Panta-SSo, 60a, 76o and $1 At either tnioe you get a better Quality than you buy else-1 where. - - Caps for the Little Folks. - 1 The only oomplete line in this city S5o to SI all the latest shapes; also In stiff and soft hats. No wonder the boys like to bay here. , They get better suited. Great itrowds are visiting oar departments these fins days admiring the besntifal fabrles sod exqaiBite garment and parebtsiog snppliee for fall sad winter.. All efforts of the ptst, great as they were, have been far sar psssed by as this season. Abundant svidenes of this is shows on every side, snd In all ear departments our policy is the best qualities at the lowest prices. Millinery. Department (SECOND FLOOR.) Stylish Millinery: Onr stylish Hsts gain new admirer every day. Bach another rich and rare eolleelion of Trimmed Millinery is not to be found in town Oar prises are the lowest. Yon should boy yonr Hats of as. We have tbe-mosteompletestook of Sailors In the elty. Pibbed Underwear : - . (FIRST FLOOR), . & D. Oerwanger. K"orth75 ' l- - : ' 1.000 Udies' Ribbed Teste, cotton. 90b, ehesp at SOs. ..1 1,000 Gent's Wool Undershirt. Se, I worth tl 00. ., i All site for Boys snd Misses. v'Z. Flannels - - - , - ' (FIRST FLOOR.) - Cantos Flannel,' very heavy . 8 1-S and 10 yard. AU wool Shaker FUnael. 60s yard. aji wooi jteo cisaaei, xo yard. - Chairs an endless variety of entire I are to be sold without pront at I Thomas A M sxwell's next week. Johnson & Smith's vhotoeraDhs are I au toe taiK. uiamona sue Si.ou. cabi nets one half dozen. Rxamine I their work. The handsomest Steel Range made. It is TIE JEWEL." All profit week. Special Notioe. goods posltivsly sold withoot I at Thomas A Maxwell's next I A Good Carpet for a Little Price. This notice is for those who have not seen our Inexpensive carpets this son. This collection we begin at 25c and along up to and including the 46c quali ties. They are better goods at the prioes than heretofore and anyone who is a judge of carpets will bear us out in what we say. Bring size of your room wnen you come. W. H. A R. S. Tucker & Co. The world astonished) Themas A Maxwell's great without-pruilt-sales of I (ormtar next wek. Don't be left; call early. Shoe Weather. The but few days have been good for shoes rood we mean because the de mand for shoes was increased. Gen erally the rub is about Children's School Shoes. This we have overcome with our children s shoes of heavy grain leather, sue 8 to x at 11.00 and MJttper pair. A line of very stylish shoes for ladies ra me popular snapes at sx.ua, ss-ao and tSOO per nair. It pays to go urougn our suoe sioca. W. H.4K8. Tucker & Co. 'Wedding Presents. Always on hand some creditable piece of pottery, bric-a-brac or chini rich cut glass We are constantly add ing new shapes and cuttings, always appropriate for wedding presents. We oner a wide ranse of choice articles for any one wishing to choose a bridal guv W. H. 4 R. 4 Tucker Co. We are now making in their nerfen. tiun the original Peanut Brittle and tilltter UUIM. we invite Munnanmn wiu otner maces. UOistkr. Dughi is the first In Raleiirh to have quau on wast uiis year. Lost Bank 8toca. Aaucioh. N. C. Jnlv as. iRflfi. The undersinied berebv nivM nntir mat sne nas lost, or ner late husbainl. i W. N. H. Smith, has lost. twoenrtiH: cates of shares of the capita; stock of me uitizenr Bank of Norfolk. Vs.. numbered 0 and 8i respectively, the iwrmer iw uiree soaren ana ine latter for twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her if I round. Sf BS. MART O. SSOTH. KTMnitriT at W. 'V R Smith octlvim Deceased, Baleurh. N. C. Madam Besson desires to call the at. tentionof the nublic to her new stark or lau ano winter smunery for ladies, misses and children. Infants' caps, saoquea, notions, etc octltr See onr new Bissell GpQtcs We b' 3 Bicycles Oil easy terms V 13aby Carriages At a out price. Vhos. H. Briggs & Sons, DYE -Your Old Clothes with- DIAMOND DYE We have ONE HTTNDRKD D071CN all desirable colors, foe yon to select from and book, of directions now to use iu 'HICKS; ROGERS, Prescription Druggists. RauoaB, V C sept i7 lv. Bretsch has bunt no aueb a trxie tnatne is dust shlDnlas to nolnta out. side the citv. His crank era. eaktm uul lunco diii oucuits are toe finest to be Boarder Wanted. Two nicely furnished rwms with table board can be bad at No. SIT West Morgan street. A number of table boarders can also bs aooommodated. novl 3t , Ajrenta Wanted Everywhere, as a day. Marion Har-I wnd s aeweook, "Home of the Bible.' Uver x.000 new ohotoa: nearl sm ntn I targe pages. . just the book for the fall and holiday canvass. So experience seeded. For particulars address His- u ncai run. u H rmiadeipoia, t. vies ma THE WONDERFUL ROCHE'S" EMBROCATION -FOR- ' WHOOPING COUGH. An external iraiedv. safe and all right! Home testimonials endorse Its efficacy. ' -; . Jas. Mckimmon & Co 1SS Fayeetevllle 8CJ. Raleigh, N. C. RICCAN'S TOY STORE' ISTI1E ' PLACE t TO BUY au, kisd or- - - TOYS "s CANDY CHEAPEST. " - . - - Best Goods for Least Money. Riggans Toy Stcre, 13FyKteTlIle6t. Prof. Fields Worn Powders sold on a guarantee. Try them, at druggists. On half doaen elegaat parlor ait to be sold w.taoat profit at Thorn Maxwell' next week. The eheapeet thing In Raleitb now is Thoaa MssweU will tatoabh the psblie by eeilink fnrnitar with- oat prolt next week ealy. The Norfolk Oyster Company, which has heretofore been serving stews and fries at 86 cents, has reduced the price i to SO cent for fries and 15 cents for aol- Stow, fry and raw. the best jou ever saw. omy g easts eaoa, at uugui s. . An honest, active gentleman or tadv to travel for reliable established house, j tialary $Wu, pavbiel weekly and ex. ' peases, Situauoo permanent, Refer ' eaeeav Enclose rlt-aduressed stamped . envelope. Ibe Uoniimon Company, 8io Omaha Buiidinc Chirsgo. nol-lm This i tb way ' pries will be - slaoehUred at Thorns A Msiwelfs ux week 15 00 Hall Rseks. f 11 SO; $3 C3 Ball vks. IS 75; $27 00 8ide Fsrds, t!3 00, U-W Ceatr Table. iJ eeata, JTioe on all other good red seed pre portioaaUIy. DID TOO KNOW DID. TOO KJtOW That whu yea ar waiting thai lereea of bargat that are being of- rerea nere wui n sold. B?ry Dsy Bvery Dsy Toa pet off eoaiisg her, yea too o nek noney. This stock i goiagtbl DSHUiil) aad 1 Bvery Hoar ' " 't 'Zi -;:-' Rry Hoar Boss of the eheieest goods are going I s tee owor.. noma one ai re did th harvees why aot tomt Bver llaal . a J , I uu wuw ibu mw9m-- v , Every Hinato ' Bvery Miaato wum w .wmm. wnen voaaol make np yoar atind to bay sosseof th PkaoneaaI Bargains that are offered here th very arti yo wish I may U sold. The yo will tad oat epls- W. C. STROMCH Has the freshest and best Staple and Fancy Groc eries. Watch this Space. Blankets and Bed Comforts :" (SBCORD FLOOR.) " "Cr-mfort from 75 ah qp. ' Blankets from (1 a pair ap." ' ' Crockery Dep.ft " (8BCOND FLOOR.) . , A lot of decorated Milk Pitehera. 10s, worth 90. Thia department is fall of stapl sad faasy goods aad all sre sold at a small profit. Choe Dep't Her yon eta seleet from a $10,000 stock. All new goods, bought before the great advance in leather snd sold at old prioe. 1,000 . psira Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes, 1160 a pirj old eleewhere at $3 00 a pair. Call aad see them. Cloak Department ' ' ' , (SECOND FLOOR.) " , t - - CAPKS 800 styUsh Gapes' from $8.50 to $10.00. - , v JACKETS SS0 Beaver, Cheviot and Boual Jackets, sew style,' maadolla sleeves, from $3.60 to $1150. ' Eaeh one is a greet bargain and yoo should aot boy a Wrap aatll yon hsv seen ears. . . Rubbers J (FIRST FLOOR.) . All slses Ladles,' Miss aad Men's vryhp. ' , A Urge aasortmeat of Towels aad Towelliar. ' ,-""." Our Merchant Tailoring Dep't W eaa save yo 95 per seat if yoa . will, let as - make yon a salt. Fit guaranteed.. , A isrgs 1 t bf Wrappers from 98e ap. t i . f . '. t ..." BE CONVINCED for CASH. , . , , . . that w are th people to bay of- : All onr' goods are marked la plain Agar and sold ' -v i W00LLC0TT & SON. C. I. ANDH k CO.; .FANCY GRQCERS, S03 Javettevllle St. Just rereiveH a ahlnment f Rnlal crackers. Milk Lunch. Ovster Crack. I ore aua 1 axes AL.U tKMU. --j- n Back wheat. Oatmeal. Oak Fakes, Hominy Flakes, large and small Hom iny. Preaerve b the nonnd or in hot. ties at very low pnoea. . I Fresh Krgs, Chickens and Turkeys I wwajauauana. OUR MEATS ARE THE REST Swift's Orioles Hun and RreaktW I Bacon aiwava In bwlr. We hanrflA th. 1 beet brands of Coffee only. Momaja, I Mocha and Java. Arbuckfe'a and I .nr. I enng-s . 1 u, are our brands. , TL J. Heinx's . Sweet and Sour Pickets 7 stock. :: Onr Floors are PATAPSCO Mills. Elburiris' ESTABLISHED 1774. TI1K Premier of .America Always in strictly the 1 . ACME. DAN VALLEY SUPERLATIVE. i suniaoiais ana - . DKSOTA are the nammv '- afmunr rauiHieu ii aar ox ine aoova oraoaa ao DOS SUlk , , Fresh SatxaBtfire (AB pork) arriving daily. - '' Loweet prices and nromnt deliverv la I louee Buckwheat 6c per poeuid. ,Uiveusa tnaL 0. H. ANDESS0N & CO. I Majinfactared from the Cream of Maryland aad Virsinia Wkeat. For Sale y City Grocers. r ' - ' C. A. Gambrill r.lfg Co., Baltbore Ul 1 " JONHSON & JOHNSON, 1 FaretUviUe Street. Raleigh, N. C, Agents. REASOM . v DROP IN Why Ihi store is last rts-ht for voor MOBomtHsl 'nnNl1liMtsli1iai lat BKCAU8K WB BUT ANO SELL FOR CASH. One Iner.a.. It K..!... strengthens thU staUmeat aad th good themselves CLINCH IT. r " ' Svery Beeosd j ' " Bvary Seeoad '- was a preeio ea to yoa. ; Thar is many great bargain her te offer yoa that we eaa' I tell yoa of all of them. Come early aad call for what yoa want. The prie w U sar prise yoa. w sgaia tell yoa that yoa kar ao time to loee. X.Z3. IX MA X. EWISLKLL, ' ' SieMtria. HELLEET $4 SHOI In adr t on to the nonntar. Runara Toe, we have added added a ' New Opera" t at Uke above euL Then goods navr v ; , t t jE4ieutuou rjoiea and w araure you they are The Very IVeweist. ELLTER-Orc: ISt Fayettevs EUeet, 'At Bobbitt's -TITiefw Tea will Always riad , ROYivTER'S FRESH BON BONS ; -: AND CHOCOLATES. The equal ef any candy ea the market; artLsiically pat ap staled packa-rs, ranrinr from eae-aaif I fee aoaads. rs OLOA.ro. Treiaendons Values I 6 ' Improaehsbl style i Ladl.s fbort Reefer Costa la black, greya aad eottrts Ue Isrokisd.$a60esh. La die' Besver Cloth, Box FronU aad tra good servie Coats th r7 60kfnd,f4 60. Ladiea KUek Boael CToth Jacket, Rrt Fronts, large Kaadolia Sleeve ad Rtrpl Bsekth JUMaied. J9C0ei,h. n rHICE OOc pr Ponnd. UXITED KEAN3 a rur tarer's pnea of todjy. rtfe,wr - " ' OliUu Oe ' '' ' . P-pttdlsof tb MAESET C0.MlTI03 w hare eat the price ra Ehoe to sa extDt aever before thought of. Tbis ale mess that Buyer of. i- LLT EZI0R3 st lew tSaa th maaafac C. A. :;3:vcod C: Co. i