ti;e rr.Ess-visiTOR. : PUBLISHED BY The Yisitor-Press Company - -. DallyExcept Sunday, .- A Consolidation of the Visitor, Es tablished 1878, and the Prees, ISatab- lsbedl804. -,. Office in the Pullea Building, comer FayetteviUe and Davie Streets. . . GJKGKK O. ANDREWS, ; , ' i Editor and Manager, . JASPER N. MoiUBY, ' , Soliciting Agent. ' SUBSCRIPTION PRIOR. One year, . . . 8.oo One month, ";. 24 - - Xnfni 4U $mmd Clou Matt Matter. The Leading Afternoon Paper In the State. The Frees-Visitor publishes all the news every day and has doable the cir eolation of any dally ever published in Raleigh. and he say that he has never seen t q ootton in such a condition at this see-!A D son of the year as it now is. - v '' -This conforms to reports from all other directions and the Indications Beein to be that with the short crop and the oonsatnption ootton will jet go to ten cents. It may yet turn oat that the farmers will get just muoh for the short crop at ten cents as they would have received for larger crop at lower figures. Reports oome from Jf anohester that the spinners are running on only half time because they think ootton is too high. They "will yet find higher and when it settles to the normal figure which will be fixed by the law of supply and demand they will have to take it and pay for it at the higher figures. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best lajva In the world for ants. braises, sores, nleers, salt rhenm, fe vex sores, tetter, enappea naods, ebll- blalns, eorns and all skin roptlODS, and positively TELEPHONE, 168 enres piles, or no Day reqalred. It is coarantetd to eive peneet satisfaction or naoo v refund ed Price 85 eents per pox. For sale v John Y MaeKae MONDAY. NOTHMBEB 4. 1895. It is announced that the manage ment of the exposition at Atlanta has set aside November 13th as Commer cial Travelers' day, and it is expect ed that on that day a great gathering of commercial travelers from all parts of the country will take place. Great preparations are being made for the event, and it is said that the exposition officials will spare no ef fort to make the occasion memor able. The Governors of the various States have been requested to ap point ten or more delegates from among the manufacturers, whole salers and representative traveling men to represent their States. The State presidents of the various traveling organizations have also been requested to appoint ten mem bers to represent such organizations on the occasion. A general and cordial invitation has also been ex tended to every traveling man in the United States to attend at the same time. Johnson's Emulsion of Cod Lire- Oil is invaluable in all pulmonary af fections and consumption. It "nrich, es the blood, restores lost tissoesr bnilds up the appetite makes sound flesh. Pint buttles 1.00. For sals by John Y. MaeRae, druggist. DUKE Cigarettes IE wwi r iriMAMEmui Toumsawvi ouwHr""u.aA. gfry MADS MOM High Grada Tcba:so ABSOLUTELY PURE STATE ELECTIONS TOMORROW. The States which will hold elec tions tomorrow for State officers are given be an exchange as follows : Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massa chusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Tork, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Utah, which is not yet a full-fledged State. Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massa chusetts, Mississippi, New York, New Jersey and Ohio will elect full State tickets. Virginia will elect one-half the members of the State Senate and a full corps of representa tives for the House of Delegates. This election is of importance, be cause it will involve the choosing of a United States Senator to succeed Daniel, who will probably be re elected. The other elections are of minor con cern. Illinois will have to choose a Congressman for the Eighteenth Dis trict, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Lane, Republican. Kan sas will elect a chief justioe for its Supreme Court, and Nebraska a Supreme Court judge and two regents for the State University. Pennsylvania will choose a State treasurer and seven judges for its Superior Court This being an off year, none of the State elections are exoiting special attention exoeptin Maryland, where to judge by all re ports and the Baltimore newspapers, the fight will be red hot Sheets "' Writing Papei price perhaps than Yon do not Vary more in anv other article sold. have to pay for the style in our papers. That is without charge. We have also the "correct ink." onlv the best sold. As for Pens, there is none to com pare wnn "jUHUfl ISAAC'S GLUCE NUM PENS." WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Pens In Raleigh. Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES is not equalled in the tity. Alfred Williams & Co. STnOIIACII. BVERYTmNO NEW. Cold-Weather ;.;:.v:'' Comforts; .v COTION COMFOETS, Double-faced, - mil Bite 75c, worth $.100, Cotton Comforts, extra quality, 11.00, WV11U VX.OU. - Satlne Covered Cotton - Comforts, full size, $1.25, worth 81.60. . Extra ouality double faoed Satlne uoverea uomlorts, l.V worth 12.00 LOTS OF HEAT : IN OUR COAL. ,. a r r i IFI. fa Beautiful LmeBder- - 'down Quilts. - Southern Wool Blankets White and colored 10--4. ll.nn to ai.&n Hevada,Wool' Blanket?. -' Whit with wilnrvd hnntara 1A-1 8J5 per pair. "WHITE ALL WOOL BLANKFTR 10-4, Si 60 to $3.00 per pair. Three-Special Values In Ixtra Quality Pare Wool Blan kets, 10-4, 11-4, 13-t, $4. $5, $0 per pair. Crib Blankets Carriage and Boggy Kobes. . Counterpane Novelties Ready-made and Hemmed, $1 to $2. Extra Quality Heavy i stitched, $3, actual value, I iullt. 3.60. Hem- , The same saa't be aai2 of all eoal, which varies greatly in quality. What ia offered the poblio ought to be clear from rubbish s we 'take eare of tbU matter. s It ought to be of quality which, while it barns well, makes a strong' and lasting Are. Ton know there are aorta of eoal whieh mii a brilliant Are, bat Us brilliansy and comfort are too short tired, and eorl too, mooh tn the way of ,.. renew iL Knowing ,-. the trade, well .:, we . hirr bought for domes tlo aonnmption, vr believe lth good jadgment.and offer to there the advaatage rf the deal. V - - ' JONES & POWELL, ' i RALEIGH. N. a ' SUIT3 ; - Are in order with the advent of au tumn activity. No clothing suits busi ness at all unless it fits neatly and per fectly. No garment fits properly unless it's made to order. That's the first axiom of drees, and it doesn't need ovtng. , it's as plain as the mul ilication table that our made-to- order suits are unequalled in town. ; YOU RECOGNIZE THAT f ' Everv time" you see one of onr suits which are exactly what they should be every particular. The ioclo of foots is unanswerable. , , - . f THE LARGEST Furniture Dealers In the South. (-Try Walters' Paramount System of Qarment Cutting. . i v , ' octttf .1 Sheet and Pillow Cases Torn bv hand, readv-made. hemmel and hem-stitched. heaoer than vou can buy the cloth and make them A. B. STRONACH, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. Everything, Except High Prices. C. WEIKEL, TAILOR. THOMAS & MAXWELL BAVX JUST SKCKTVXD-. A Car Load of : -CONSISTING OF- 37 of the Finest Oak Suits' That have ever been shown In the city. Established .1886. . fl. J. BROWN r COFFIN .house: baleioh. n. a. f ' ' 1 ; '.:;. '' ..'V . -' , - ' i l Keeps the largest, finest and best se (. letted stock of - Coffins and Caskets in Cloth - Wood and Metal i Burial Bobes, Wrappers, Slippers for Ladiee, Qcnta and Childreni also - Burglar Proof QraTe' Vaults JOBIT V. BROWN, Prop'r, " Faneral Director sad Bmbalmer SepSO-lm r A. Freeb, new stock sod plenty of it. No advanos In prioes. Always something to Interest a olose shoe buyer. This week we name six lines. Come and examine for yourself. - ).- ,. Children's 'School Schools.! Ladies' Shoes. Heavy mln roat oan toe. sizna 8 to s, two grades, price $1.00 and $1 S3. ; Children's Dress Shoes. . K1A ftamlvA&r wrol Mbmf. losfhu tip. pointed toes, price tiOO. ' - 1 Ladies' Shoes. " Plain, kid. ' ooera laaL narrow ta patent leather tip, and common sense, a splendid shoe for the price, $3.00. . i Bright kid, razor toe, oatent leather tip, very stylish, prioe $2 60. Ladies' Shoes. . Cloth top, Goodyear welt, narrow toe, patent leather tip, prioe $160. . Ladies' Shoes. - Bright kid. Goodyear welt, ' razor toes, patent leather tip. very dressy, price $3.00. " TIT TT O T C T1TT N T7" F1 "Ta . A f Wop School BcappDucs OXjX, oiT TH3D I RALEIGH SiraOilRYCOl 809 JayettevlUe street, Opposite Postofflce. lyf"S lwand complete line of Penmanshin PraoUriTahW- nr.. Of srery description at prioes that can't be beaten. - i - Is now ready to make up 8uits for Fall and Winter. He has a fine selec tion of Suitings and Trouserings. Call at 184 Fnyettevine street; up stairs. aep 8 Sa SALE OP LAND. By authority ot Christopher Woodard and wife, racnrri. a mortgage from ed in Book 74. paes 184. Beirister of TJNt'AVORABIiB REPORTS FROM OOTTON. Deed's office for Wake county. 1 win on muuuay, jsuyemDer t, ibwb, at IS o'clock m., at the Court House door of Wake county sell to the highest bidder for casn a tract or iana situated in Swift Creek township. Wake county, eoutain- iuk ou arrea, more or less, aaioinlnc toe lands of P. P. Peace and othera, the said tract being composed of two tracts i tract contains 25 acres, and ad- juiiiB uie wnas raw.a.j, uoodwin, P. P. Peso and others, and is particularly described in a deed to said Woodard rrom r. xates and wife recorded in The reports from all seotions of the country bear oat the reports of the shortage ot the ootton crop and the ' recurrence of these reports seems to bring the crop per oentage lower and 8 P 360, said Begister's office. , . ' . - 8eoond tract contains 26 acres and lower. Many fanners throughout adjoins the lands of W. H. J. Goodwin fchlaaentinndinlRni thatrJhamn 1. pothers and is described in a deed " ' . , 7 . f i irora r. reace to said Woodard re- not oyer half, and in a conversation utersoffle ' today with Capt. W. B. Kendrick, I' A satisfactory purchaser will be al- ' whn fian loat rarnraait from vrl ' . u,Im to - - nan 1)1 UJB DDTftllAJHI nri W.lj, " af.a In Mtaatsainnt V.. .f.l4 I CSSh. . :. 08-t 4 S mat &e naa been in twenty-two ooan- ' tij nf that Rlata and had rnni nva several thousand acres of ootton and that it may-be pat down as an on- doubted fact that the crop In Missis slppi is not over 60 per cent. The Captain spent the earlier years of his I life in the ootton t. ia of Mississippi and is thoroughly familiar with the plant in all iUetases of development, " ??7 terms as to payments if a of the purchase prioe is raid in JONES, v 'Attorney. Administrator's Notice. Baring qualified as administrator of the estate of Misa Mniiin a. mil Am. oeaeed, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons havingclaime against the said estate to praent them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of October, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. a',' . . J- C. MAECOM. Adm'r estate of Miss Mollis A. HiU. B. T. GBAY, Attorney. UCV a u IVotice of ExfcfCtitlon Sale. NOBTH CaBOLIHA, ' WAK COUMTT. By virtue of an execution directed to me from the Superior Court of nid county on a judgment in lavor of A etrauss, plain tin, and against d Bledsoe, defendant 1 wilL at IS clock noon of Monday. December x. 1896. at the court house door of aaid oounty in Kaleigc, sell at public auc tion to toe higtieet bidder for cash, to aauaiy sua execution, ail toe Time title and interest which the said Ed Bledsoe had when said iudirment was aocieiea or nassmoa amniied in and to that certain lot or paroel of land just south of the corporate limits of the city of Baleigh aforesaid and with in uaieign townanip, Dounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: On the norm oy the north line or the partition deed of Mary o. Hunter to llartha G and Mofes A. Bledsoe, reoorded in the Begikters office of Wake oounty afore said in book is on page 683; on the east by the west line of tte deed of Sim mons J. linker to Moses A. Bledsoe, recorded in said Begister's offios in book Won page 437; on the south by the north line of the two deeds of Moses A. and Martha U. Bledaoato ueome T. Uooke, resorted said Begister's office in book so on nam sm and 77S respectively, and on the west by the Kayetteville road, containing auout eiKct none or iana. more or less. - . sa y. i-a.uit, snenn. They have ban three clerks marklnc down the pries of goods on hand In I order to sell them out to make room for the Immense stock which is being I recta Tnaaauv: . n I I Must have eare or they'll surely I decay.- Long before they decay, how. I ever, they will show the neslect thev I suffer and reflect no credit anon their I - I ...... - I ssessrs. xnomss & MaxweUareen-!lHWSeBSOr' v abled to sell mods as chear.lv aa th.. 01 preserve your teeth do and increase the number ot their - . - salesmen and the volume of their bust. SimpSOn'sT Dental Fluid, ness becanae the ata t.h lormaf ni I wealthiest furniture dealen in th I wh0,, wn,.te, theteeth.harden ths j Sonthrf An Ides of the extent of ttelr I delightful odor to the breath. One DuainesB may do conned by the follow- trial win convince yon of its sups. rioruy over a i otner uqoia aenumoes. nvpana owy oy , we Are 'Mown , as , Headquarters"; . wiiwiui. ui hub nuLHHi.rv jn. im ..... . i . . irnf.w dnAm - -ii i, - m , uimmim aaannmAtit. a imS'iSenSI'i?. resented. ia-jBiai to rr. ,CM' nwwu " "P R A Lt? IC H OTATIOrJ E R Y OO.V V7. G. 8EPAEK,"Manager. -J ' ; m -;BXFayetteyUie8treel- HAN. THE FALL- CM e . i ; mWmsA 'aW'savaswls1lvJ teatefmaOaas,aeMlorOaaori 1 I nig list of large Southern cities in which they have branch houses; THOilAS & MAXWELL . -" " rtaarle8ton,8.a - - " Columbia, - " ' isaTAnnan, Ga. -f " "-Augusts, M-i " " Atlanta, , - ; Macon, C: " " Columbus, , -s " " America, ' " - Charlotte, N. C. . " -; " " Raleigh. , v; " " Bichmond; Va. And other stores that we have not space to mention, but will do so later. Yours for honest goods and low prioes. THOMAS & MAXWELL WIUJAJl SIMPSON Pharmacy. (Pollen Building.) ' - 1 - . CSB SIKPS0HS LIVER PILLS end I Mortgage Sale. - With STSrvthlnff daamMit hv tli rnM,l u . . .. . . . . ii .. , - w M.u.awn ui fasmoa ror tne eom- it !B., "d 0,4r?a fte moderau pries system whieh has built ipnt ast eoaetitaeney, and keens inercaslm it in .ir.i.. -i . SNUnn. '-i' o mni eir YOUR MONEY'S "f;ULL VALUE Inas of oar eomp-titors sad to Imnm.. .n.." i." 7. . above prinslple or rather oaf improvement npoa it.' . " " " " CLOTHING 1. ;':';-l As Stylish, haadaoma and HAW Slat It la VtAaaatkl , it . a : 1 . k ' 'GENTS'.FURNISHINGS AND.SH0ES. Ko pains kare been snarad to ma. .t 1, i , : 111 the faahionahl. a. -V':-."'"'r " I a aaa ah. ... T ".T 71 uiramiui.. rrom I ui u wora oy ina laaainnahi. tuny.!. j William Plummer and Sue pTummer, I yonr eriticlim, t . v- , , Mass w uvsi iMiurju ui imuaV in mat iiHvn -. ' - . ts .- . - -:., 896, Begister of Deeds office for Wake L ' " i w S - ' oounty, i win. on Monday, November 1695, at IS o'clock m.. at the Court By authority of a morteatre EWIS' Accident!1? nil v7Tf The nest IS.00 Henw Shoes osi tte market' --: - -.. ; .C 1 Made from tannery oalfakta. doturala tope, ail leather trimmed, solid leather soles with UmV Cork Filled fiolea. - Uneqnakd for beauty, fine workman, ship, and woaring qualities. . lour choice 1 all the popular toes, lasts and faaten fega. SverV Tjair ernitatlna a tiaitm A m! dentJnaoranee Policy for 100, good for 'wear Lewie Aeddent Shoes, sad go insured free, SOLD BY VLTliitixxcr X3ros, 25 th. House door of Wakaeonntv. anil tr, highest bidder for cash,-a tract of land situated in Cary townshia Wake oounty, containing one acre, more or less, described as follows: Begin n Ins air m iuuv ui oiuu Dimmour una uiouoo suuui vh noiea eo a axa- thenoa eaat IS 1-4 nnl.. in . t-lr North 9 8-4 Doles to a ataka In Jnna? Una. West 14 1-4 poles to the begin. mux, uouig uie tot or lanaaeeaea vy u. D. Olive and wife, a B, Olive, to WU nam MsyBeld on the 86th day of ueoemDer. ihsh. nrerenflaianua Kap. oy w aaiu aeeo wnicn ia made to w I liam Plummer from Bay wood Bogers 'Oct sL tds -i Sale of Land Under llortgage. I Gross & liihehan. .210 Favettevillo Ctrbet, PATAPSCO '- : .r.. , T i .--- ; S " - 4 Mills. tSTABLISHED 1774; .' , 1- By virtue of power oonf erred udoh I iV a certain mortirare. nTMntarl h I Lucy Manpum, which said mornira is I PHONE SO 0i r .r 4 rr'-rn aw (wine ' SJIY UKGTH Kj DESX : AMTHnhClTL A m n . . Hbitwunous. ' 7?iT fRCA wast. duly recorded in Beigtry of Wakel county in oooc no. 1M at page 844, 1 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder I for cash at the court house door in the I city or tiaieiRn, . o , on Wednesday. I 0;tober 23, lwtf, at IS m , the land del I orinea in earn mongace, saiolni g ths I iHiiua vi j do m. i reuHiiaw. j. h ki-iiiul new, Mrs. u -J Aliens and others, lying .u a.wu - Vim vvwnDUlJI, BMIU UOUU- ty and state and more ancnratolv scribed in said mort(fe, which for de- wninion etc . IS made a inrt Imrwnf f Mm . . r r ' - - oam vrac ox wna conTHins 120 acres more or less. - a. r. !ontauk. 8eit S3 '95. . Attv. lifnrtiurna. ' Continued to October 80th, Collector's Offtcb, Noti( is fioroby triw-a of the ?nrI or one tB'rei of f- -i i. -'-y stc"""h. THE Premier Flour la-- f ST -J . r::-s,.b...7,l V J TCarrW .. .LLUS.C' - - -Lh, -Ajnerlca ) en on A iiv 1 in ra iij.l Ar r I ! f i I ' .1 1 ! . f i t 3, 1 1 of rt i ' t t & uj audits tl 1, N. CL, l ry x. t. iuie C. y i r any t In ' a i 1 v i I .e i i'i t.. rty l 9 as f o- P. 1L EI1'" "X T, Manufactured from the Cream of flarylasd and Virginia Wheat, For Saio by City Grocers. C. AGamMI r.Tg ' Coi,"-fcl2re, 3?XlOJ?XIIDTOX:3. JONUSON & JOHNSON, . 109 FaretUTUls Btrnt, Baleigh, K. C, ; 1