T ", V. " Tf If! 1TP " it.- i kiMVW'l IvJI I Usls THUS. J, PENCE, City Editor. MONDAY, NOVEMBER . 1895. Index to New Advertisement. Notice to Tax-payers Page, Sheriff. resnui cmue aroee rope. K B. SeawelL ir. Surveyor. s Kelt Weather Strip Julius Lewi Uo. . - Great BargainsThomas & Maxwell. WEATHER FORECAST. 1 " " "i Forecast for North Carolina I - I wnnu I Monday Not Received. I "" Local Forecast for Raletsn I i 'and vicinity Monday Fair, .. 'warmer, i - 1 - Monday, November 4th Local data for 24 hoar ending at S a, m. today Maximum tempera- tare, m; Minimum temperatnre, ali ' FERSONAJU. Mr, W. P. MoGehee ia la the city, ' Mr. and Mm. Walter Grimes bar returned to the eity, . ."V... .1- ? , Ws are glad to see Mr. Bea Moore ' ia till eltjr looking wall. . Mr. W. 8. ' Utle returned from Hills boro yesterday. Mr. Will Ashe, of the Geological Survey, is in the eity today. Mr. aad Mrs. Dare King left on this morning's vestibule for Atlanta. General 0. C. Huggina left for Ons- lew eoanty this morning on a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Higgs left today on a visit to the Atlanta exposi tion. . . - Hiss Sadie Kiner, of Brooklyn, N, T., is in the eity visiting the Misses Horton, on Wilmington street. Mr. Charles Howard, has returned from a week's visit to the Atlanta Ex. position. He says it is a big show. Belva Lockwood, passed through here yesterday morning on the Sea board Air Line train, bound from At lanta to Washington. Marshal Carroll left for Wilmington, N. C. this morning to attend the Fede ral term of eonrt. Mr. Clifford Car roll aoeompanied him in order to lieve him of official duties. Mr. George Terrell returned yester day from Bolesville, where he had been ia attendance on his father, Mr. S. W. Terrell, who is seriously ill. He returned it Bolesville this morning. , A Slander Case. from Little Biver to-day came many eountry witnesses in a slander ease. Theerowd struck town early in the morning and hung around the steps of ths law building and the mag istrate's court, talking excitedly in lit tie, interested knots. Ia ths main entrance of the public building stood "the woman in the ease," young and with a eertaln wild beauty. It seems that Adel Eddings married a woman named Hagwood. It is said that the match was distasteful to the husband's family, and that his broth ers have been making Blanderous statements against her eharaoter. She it is who brings the suit against Ed dings' two brothers. The case will hardly oome to trial, as strenuous efforts are being made to compromise. New Foreman of Wrecking Depart ment. Mr. J. S. Riddle has been appoint ed foreman of the wrecking train on the 8. A. L. by Mr. W. T. Plad, su perintendent of motive power. Mr. Riddle will have supervision of wrecks occurring on the road be tween Portsmouth and Monroe, in cluding the divisions. He succeeds Mr. Larson, who has resigned to re turn to his former home, St Paul. Minn. Mr. Kiddle is an expert me chanic and an all-round hustler. This much is evidenced from the fact that he has been chosen to superin tend so important a work. Raleigh Ahead ot Liverpool. There is not much donbt about the fact that Raleigh cotton buyers pay better prices for their ootton than is paid elsewhere in this state. A glance at figures will show this to betroe. This morning a local buyer re ceived an order for a supply of cot- . ton from Liverpool. The figure ' named as the price amounted to 8.09. The same grade of ootton was selling here at 8.39. Raleigh was purchas ing ootton Sfi points above Liver. Poo1- Gov. Oanr and Family Leave for I 1, '. , Atlanta. 1 Ilia Exoellenoey Governor Elias Can and family leave this afternoon via. the Southern Railway for At-1 lanta to visit the Exposition. The Governor and party will occupy private Car No. 103, formerly used by Col. A. B, Andrews. Gov. Can's visit is informal, but no doubt he I will be shown many courtesies. .... m This afternooa Thomas Aadersoa, son of Congressman Alexander, of Charlotte, had the misfortune to have two of his fingers ent off la some of I the machinery at the A. and M. Col. I l B B. 8EAWELL. jr., Engineer and ,surveyor leveling a specially, worn t uuue wiui ncuuinujr iuiu uinpM;u m I East Uargett street. 44t Our Butter Cuds. Panut Brittle. Cream Almonds and Taffy are the beet, I 80o a pound. ' 4w ' - Barbee & F ope. i -Ky, i. if'i V !' , ".J.. 'Vl. j To the Public. ' Your taxes I want and your taxes I must have. Please call atfonce. - -. i- v: M. w. f Aon, cjnenn. -. There is a bin- rush for the a eat bar gains at Thomas & Maxwell's - " Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Barbes & Thompson to this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Alt A, Thompson retiring. The business will be oontirued by Mr. E. B. Barbee. , (Signed) E. B..BABBEE, ALP A. THOMPSON. Baleigh, K. C, Oct, 80, 1896. ; Under the advise of tnv nhvaielan I have ouoluded to retire temporarily irom Business ana beg to corcuauy commend Mr. E. B. Barbee, who con tinues the business of Barbee & Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. Barbee ia severed with sincere regret. Not only as partners, but friends, our relation have been, without exception, thor oughly cordial. With every facility for conducting the business, an entire knowledge of the wants of the trade, and a fixed intention to give value re ceived, there is every reason to assure those uteres' ed that dealings with Mr. Barbee will be entirely satisfactory. AJJf A. XHOHP80N. I desire to thank our natrons for past favors and solicit a continuance of tbe same with the assurance that i will do my bets to please them. Hi. it. .BABBKB. There were about (500 of the great witnout-proHt bargains sold at Thomas & Maxwell's this morning. If you want to save money, can at once. Quail on toast at Dugbl's, only 85. cents each. The biff rush for the neat bargains at Thomas & Maxwell's may cause. them to have to close their great without- proot rates Deiore tne last or tne weec Don't get left. For Sale. Half Interest in a Bavin manufao- iiunug uuaiuoBo in uie city iu xuueigu. A.aaresa jbox so. A great many people have been con vinced today that Thomas & Maxwell are selling goods without profit Now is your time to save money. Call im mediately. For Rent. House with nine rooms, good locality, water ana natn room, all in rood shane. Apply to W. L. Davis, 523 North Salis bury street 96 lw xnomas s Maxwell nave an exve- rienoed salesman in charge of their elegant store between Whiting Bros. and Woollcott'a. Go direct to the store and Icall for him and secure some of their great bargains before It is too late. Twenty Cents a Pound. Cream Almonds. Vanilla Taffv. Pea nut Brittle. Made daily at Barbee A .rope a. Johnson & Smith's nhntmrranha mre all tbe talk. Diamond size 160, cabi nets ti. 60 one half dozen. Examine their work. The cheapest thing in Baleivh now is quail on toast at 26 cents at Dughi's. Boarders Wanted. Two nicely furnished noma with table board can be bad at No. 217 West Morgan street. A number of t.bie boarders can also be accommodated. novl 8t Wanted. An honest active gentleman or ladv to travel for reliable established house. Salary 1780. payable $16 weekly and ex ouuauon permanent. fiertT- ences. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Tbe Dominion Company, 316 Omaha Building, Chicago, nol-lm we s; enow mating in tneir nei tion tbe original Peanut Brittle and Butter Cuds. We invite comnariunn with other makes. BOY8TEB. Lost Rank Stock. . RAUCIOH. N. C July 23. 1896. The undersigned herebv elves notice mat sne nas tost, or ner late nusband. W. K. H. Smith, has lost two eertifl. cates of shares of the eapitai stock of rue citizen tfank or Norfolk. Va. numbered 40 and 82 respectively, the farmer for three shares and the latter lor twenty-two shares of said stock. and wishes them returned to her If round. Mrs. mart o. Smith. Executrix of w. 'N. H. Smith. octl9 8m Deceased, Baleigh. N. a Madam Beeson desires to eaU tbe at tention of the oublie to her new strwk i oi lau ana winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children. Infanta (sm ! sacques, notions, etc . octlti Bretsch has buut un such a tarada tnatne is Dusys tupping to points out side the CitV. His erarkmra. mhi niul lunch milk biscuit! are the finest to be 49.60 for a suit of clothes that was $5.00. Blanket that were ' 16.00 a pair ::. aow at 94.00, - . All-wool Blanketo that were ' - H00 '. '.v '.: aow are .: . . , . going at 13.85. . ' t Ladies All-wool ' - " Bibbed Testa i ' ' worth 75 ' ' aow 60s ; a pair. --. ; , - Carpets below ' -sost. , : . i,- . ".. Qom - , v'. . qulekt Btoek- . V ; " - " . i ;.' low! ' ' f . ; .. i . v ' v. MBS. SUHA X. BWI5DSLL, "' Kxesntrix. '''"., .Boarders Wanted. At the old Brigffs Mansion on West Morgan street between McDowell and Dawson streets. Meat comfortable rooms. Table supplied with the best the market affords... Apply to - Mrs. Blake. v , - octaotf For choice meats go to Thomas Don aldson's. Stall No. Market house. Telephone 180. oot SO 2w. - Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dressmaking at their home, 60T North Wilmington street. Perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. ootio jm .Wanted. - A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel ror reliable, established nsuse. Salary $780, payable tlfi weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady : Beferences. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. H. . HESS, President Chicago. U Come AND Examine The handsomest Steel Range made. It is TTT17 -T1T!XVT7!T - 8ee our new Bissell 'CPates Wehav 3 Bicycles On easy terms T Baby Carriaares At a cut price. Vhos. H. Brings & Sons, Raleigh, N C. sept 27-1 v. THE WONDERFUL ROCHE'S EMBROCATION -FOB- WHOOPING COUGH An external remedy, safe and all right! Home testimonials endorse its erncacy. Jas. FilcKimmon & Co I'lIRMACISTS, 18S Fayettevtlle St.,: Raleigh. N. C. HELLER'S U SHOE In addition to tbe popular Bou Toe, we have added added - a "New Opera" last like above cut These goods have - - - Extension Holes '" and we assure yon they are ;- The "Very Newest. ,134 FmvettevUle Street ers A Fresh Lot Just Received at W. (I. Klf.'G & COS Huyl Candy :.. .1 DIIUG OTORE. JJerwahger's "' If yon have yonr Overeost'mad "to order," yoa are one in a tboosasd, . Ther are a hundred reasons why it ia unnecessary. -: : - - - There Isn't the viens for tn Overeoat that might prompt yoa to "fly to a Uilor" for a salt , - - " The Overeoat is a single torment a single fitting Jla a .salt there are three satisfactions to give eo', pants and rest . - Now faehloa vans to the iiinger lengths. Yoa don't know whether yop'r going to like a long cost, medium When voa ordr von are ia the dark. ; Yun v a hlvh Drier. tSO to 7S ' 1 at least, and it is too moeh t- hassrd The dlnerene la last Of re. la onr daeed faehibB in Its variety. All lengths hang on oar raeka. Ton see what yea are baying, site yourself op ia it As for the get-ap, oars are not to W don't ear how partienlar yoa are, mongnt oi our eoittotioa. . :'-, Do yoa know that artists, soeh about the salary of foar ordinary knight of the shearer ' ., - Beeau yea don't find the cost our ehesper than the loeal tailor wrong reason, don't think the saving ming. or the making, bat figure a little. Where a tailor bays a' yard of sloth one eoat we make tea thousand, the counts, and the bigness of oar selling coat, 7.60 to (30, aad yoa get the best & Do : pmrwrnyg cr DROP IN At Bobbitt's Where Yon will Always Pmd ROWER'S FRESH BON BONS AND CHOCOLATES. The equal of any candy on tne market; artistically put np sealed packages, ranging from one-half to five pounds. PRICE COc per Pound. J. HAL BOBBITT, THE PHARMACIST. IT'S A: BIG SIGN, But it lepresents sometbin! bfemr stiiL Real csUte in Baleigh is a large fact and will richlv reoav the careful attent on ef all investors. If you pur chase property In this town, yoa put muey wnere yoa can't lose it, ana where it's as certain as sunrise tomor row to pay yoa a handsome return. (And owners are always the solid men in the community. In a wide-awake town like Baleigh, a handsome ad vance of real estate values is assured. If vou buv property now vou secure your share of this advance. Gome to us lor cnoioe properties ; On Easy Terras. 8everal large, convenient houses for rent. Apply to Insurance and Real Estate Ats. Novl lm DYE -Tour Old Clothes with- DIAMOND DYE. tr. i. - rxrv xtttv rTv r vi7W all desirable colors, for yoa to select from and book, of directions bow to ase it . r? --,.. . - . t: s -i HICKS & ROGERS, . PresctjDtion DrosRista Notice by. Executrix., Ravins' ouailfled as the Executrix of the last Will and Testament of S. T. Swindell, deceased, late ot Wake County, 'North "arohn, I hereby notify all persons having claim against the htate of said Swindell to present the same to me on or before October 83d. 1899. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This is also to notify all persons indebted to said Es tate to make prom it pavment to me. Xnls Uctoner lttui, wo. EMMA E. 8INOELLi. Kzecutriz of tbe l-t Will and Xesta- ment of u. T. Swindell, ijeceaaed. Ernkst HaTwooDk Attorney. . octl8 ltw Agent Wanted Everywhere. & a day.- Marion Hsr land' New 3ook, "He me of the Bible.' Over 000 new phoos: nearly sno extra large paces. Just the book for the fall aod holiday canvas No experience eeled. For pafu- ar artareim ill. Wynne, IJJington & Co,, Reasonin nr long one, or a tolerably short one best oa ehanea satisfstioa. line of fine Overeoat we have repro before yon go to a eent'a expense. - be compared with any bat the flsest yoar notions are not beyond-tb for. ,' i a design oar fin Overeoat, are paid hanging to the eoat, beeaoaa yoa en bay aa make them for 'yoa-- don't give It the is skimped from the eloth, or the trim .- " - we bay tea ease, where he makes bigness of , oar haying brings its dis pir it discounts. Look at oar Over made. , LEADEIIS IIV STYLE our : specialties The Whitest, Sweetest, and Strongest FLOUR. The finest Butter and the Best COFFEE that money will bny at W.CStonach&SoDs STOP THE CRACKS Around yoar windows and doors by using , BOSaL.13YS FELT WEATHER STRIP. Gives perfect satisfaction. No rub ber to gum or to harden. Is always soft and pliable. Kept in stock In two sires. Narrow strips for the small cracks, wide strips for tne large cracks. "All Right" Cook Stoves. Remington Typewriters. JULIUS LEWIS HARDYARE COMPANY. Wcollcotr (k 14 e act r.iAnTin ' ' Great crowds are visiting our department these Ho days admtrlag the bssntifol fabrics aad exquisite garment and porehaslig snpplles for fall and winter. All efforts of the past, grat as they were, hav heea far sor passed by os this eaoD. Abundant evidooes of this is shown on every -aid, ad In ali onr departments onr polioy U th best qualities at the lowest prices. Millinery Department ... --'(SECOND FLOOB.) . Stylish Millinery. Onr stylish Bats gala new admirers every day. Snob another rioh and rare collection of Trimmed Millinery is not to be found la town. Our prices are the lowest. Ton should buy your Hats of os. W hav th moat eomplet stock of Sailor la th city. -. Pibbed Underwear ' (FIBST FLOOB " ' 1,000 Ladi.8' Bibbed Vests wool" 80s. worth 7fie.. , ,- '..!:. . ... .- f 1,000 Ladle' Bibbed Vests, entton. sue, ebetp at 80s. 1,000 Gent' Wool Undershirts, 8Sa, worth 11.00. - , ; , , All site for Boy'and Mis. Flannels . ' (fIRST FLOOR.) , ' . Canton Flannel, very heavy, 8 1-S and 10 yard. , ' , All wool Shakar Flannel, 50 yard. ' All wool Bad Flannel, 15 yard. Blankets and Bed Comforts (SECOND FLOOB.) Comforts from 75 saoh up. Bltnkst from $1 a pair up. . Crockery Dep't (SECOND FLOOB.) A lot of decorated Milk PlUhers, 10,-worth 90s. ' This department is full of stapl and faaey good and all ar sold at a small profit. . BE CONVINCED for CASH. YES, IT'S A FACT I have opened a . on the FAYETTEVILLE ' WEX.T TO WILL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU AT ALL TOIE3. JoHn T. Increased 8ales41 Per Cent Over October, 1894." T ' I Our Winning Prices Are Cash to All, , The Banker, ' Broker, Bondholder, Capitalist, Meehanla, Farmer aad - . Labonr. all aniov the rich benefit of onr Cash Method.- Bosines ballt on bnslnrs principles, th solid foandstion - (tone arsr Honest reputation, good . baying, tronbie to show gordr, money back at Popular Coeds at Popular Prices. - Our I a bargain store all through. We offer the- best, values. The, trade recognise It. Good and price Cloaks Our Trade Guilders. Our every otferlng of fashionable Capes and . swell-style Coats, meets with such a generous response as to keep us husy duplicating orders. Third stock received this aeaaou. Tbe perfection of fit, tbe loveliness of style and modera tion In prioea combine to popularize tbis department. Our prices commence as low as $2.50 Carrying: the best lines of Shoes of and sxes, we are enabled to fit all feet vy e siaks our reputation upon tne values w oner. . Aone lite them. Special Values ia All-T7ccl Dress Uoods And special numbers In Black Henriettas, Son. ot. Shoe Dep't - Her yoa ta select from a 10,000 stock. AH new good, bought before the great advance In leather and sold at old price. ' 1,000 pair Ladles' Dongola Buttoa Shoe, $1 50 a pain sold elsewhere at li 00 a pair. . Call and se them. Cloak Department " : (SECOND FL00B.) : CAPES 800 stylish Cape from ia.6o to $10.00. f.. JACKETS 980 Beaver, Cheviot and" Boool Jacket, new tyl. mandolin leeve. from I9.S0 to $18.50. Each on I a great bargain and yoa should act bay a Wrap until yoa have seen oars. - . '- - Rubbers y v ' ' (FIBST FLOOB.) , ' All ise Ladle Mis and Men' vary cheap. - A large assortment of Towels and Towelling. Our Merchant " T.ll.... raJiti. a uur mi: uku -, ,. . 7 .. t o - - W eaa sav yoa 15 pw cent If yon will let a mek yoa a suit. . Fit guaranteed. - ' 1 A Urge It t of each up. Wrappers from 08a that w are the people to boy of AH onr goods are marked in plaia figure and sold . W00LLC0TT & SON. blanch - Drug Store corner of ' and MARTIN-Streets FOSTOFiCK.) acRae. clos telling, extraordinary values, ao th word. . adrertl a. - - all kinds known to the trada. for an with easy tuning shoes. Serges and Crepons, extra good value. C. A. I:2rvcod Ci Co. toneiU Pub. O 1 lu.autilpbAa, I s. OctlOtf Nov 4 ly

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