( it I . PUBLISHED BY t , The Visitor-Press Company Daily, Except Sunday, A Consolidation of the Visitor, E taMlsbed 1878,aad the Press, Estab Uhed 1H04. . Office in the Pulieu Building, corner - Payettevllle and Davi Streets. UKEK& O. ANURliiWa, '- : Editor aad Manager. JASPER N. Mclt.lKV, Soliciting Agent. , SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. .. ' One year, .... . , , ' S8.00 One month. . . '- , . .85 InUnd Std Clou Matt Mottor. The . Leading Afternoon , " Paper, in the State, The Press-Visitor publishes all the news every day and has doable the cir culation of any daily ever published in Raleigh, hr.r: ; TELEPHONE, - 108 TUESDAY, N07BMBBR 5. 1895. Smatob Gorman after having oarefally gone over returns made by trusty Democrats in every election preolnt in Maryland says there isn't the slightest doubt of the etata re maining in the Democratio oolumn The republican trick of trying to persuade Democrats to vote for the republican candidate for Governor and the rest of the Democratio state ticket is too transparent to catch many votes. ' In a conversation with Dr. A.. J Buffalo, who recently spent some time at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, studying the latest ' methods and paraphernalia in sur gery, particularly with regard to laperotomy andapendioitis, he spoke of the great- importance of having better facilities in Raleigh for this kind of surgery. For instance, there is now no place for the successful performance of such operations, and the need for it is constantly felt. It is always the case now that people needing such treatment go to Balti more or some other city. Ralegh could and ought to be provided for in this respect Our physicians are as capable as any if they have the facilities. So vxb as money goes, the much talked of Vanderbilt Marlborough marriage is not in it with the Rockefeller-MoCormick wedding, which is also to be celebrated in November says the New Orleans (Picayune. Miss Rockefeller, it is olaimed, will have 136,000,000, while Mr. MoCor- mick, who is the son of the inventor of the harvesting machine bearing that name, is also enormously wealthy. There will not be so much display at the Rockefeller wedding as at the Vanderbilt either, bat the bride has already received a superb necklace of pearls and $1,000,000 as pin money from her father; another, necklace of flawless emeralds from the prospective groom, a gorgeous silver dinner set from his mother, besides numerous ornaments of oostly jewels from other members of the family- warfare against it. None were more bitter against the Democratio nomi nees than the Sun, faoetiously dub bed "The Sunpaper" by the Wash ington Post : . The Sunpaper opened its vials of vltriolio wrath upon the so called 'oorruptionists, till finally the smart ones of vhe Gor man Hurst following hit upon a plan to spike the Suupaper'e guns. They made a oontraot for a number of columns of advertising space, and proceeded to fill it day after day with red hot Democratic oampaign literature, flagellating the friends of the , Sunpaper and oalling upon the people to, support the Democrats, whom the Sunpaper was anathema tizing In its editorial columns. , It was a bitter dose for the Sunpaper, but it had to take its medicine. In A. B. STIiOIJAGH. EVERYTHING NEW, Cold Weather -' !:: Comforts. , , J COTTON COMFOBTSk Double Faced Fun stoe We, worth $.100, Cotton Comforts, extra quality, $1.00, worth $1.80. Satine Covered Cotton - Comforts, Extra quality double faced Satlnt Covered Comforts, $1.60, worth $3.00 the meantime the i journalistio world BScLUtiflll LIllQ EldS?" una luuaeu uu m amusmens ati ' r n - 1 L7m . To w , Store on in amusment at the discomfort of the esteemed con temporary of Baltimore, whose mot. to has been "When you see it in the Sun it is so." Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for enta. braises, aorea, oleer. salt rhanm. fe ver sores, tetter, enapped band, chil blains, corn and all skin eruptlors, and positively cures nilee. or no Day required. It Is guaranteed to give perreet satisfaction or doobt refund id Price 95 cents per pox. For i V John y tfaeBa . Southern Wool Blankets White and colored 1(14. ai.Mttn si so per pair. Nevada Wool Blanket?. White with colored hordern ini 12.25 per pair. WRITE A.LL WOOL BLANKETS. 10-4. $3 GO to $3.00 per pair. We have a new Fairbanks Wagon t'cale in good order. . ' ? 1 u" , We have constantly at work from two to six men unloading and sorean Ing Coal, and from Ave to fifteen teams hauling L. , -f-- . t Coal, Wood, Feed, Shingles. We try to deliver promptly, but prtfer to have orders a far in advance as peg stole, as we wish to guard the iuterwt of etch purchaser and make of each a friend who will 'tall again'- or write to . JONES & POWELL, - TtAIiEIQH. N. O. tjp1'"- BUflHTESS SUITS Are in order with the advent of an. tumn aotivity. No clothing suits bust. neus at an unless it nu neatly and per fectly. No rarment fit nronerly nnlfuu it's made to order. That's the first axiom of dress, and it doesn't need proving. It s as plain as the muU upncauon table that our made-to-order suits are unequalled In town. TOU RECOGNIZE THAT Ever time von am nnanf onranlta wnicb are exactly i in every nartaeular, la unanswerable.. ( DUKE Cigarettes Three Special Values In Extra Quality Pure Wool Blan. kets, 10-4, 11-4. 12-4, $4 $6, $6 per pair. DukeMrham Cigarettes 3TX 1 7t ' n.uuinsofraaco.T Crib Blankets Carriage and Bnggy Kobes. Counterpane Noveltiea Readv.madn and Hemmed, $1 to $2. Extra Quality Heavv Onilt. Hm. stitched, $3, actual value, $3.60. THE LARGEST Furniture Dealers In the Sonth. what they should be roe logic or lacta Try Walters' Paramount 8ystem of Garment Cutting. . : . . , . f octstf Sheet and Pillow Cases Torn bv hand, ready.madn. hnmm,l and hem-stitohed. heaDer than on can buy the cloth and make them R fi' gg PURHAM. M.C U,.. J . MAOC FROM High Gre Tcbscoo ABSOLUTELY PURE A. B. STRONACH. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. Everything, Exoept High Prices. Sheets "'Writing Paper Vary more in price perhaps than oiner article sold, vnu An nave to pay not any other article sold. IV lor tne Style In our mmra That is without charge. - C. WEIKEL, TAILOR. THOMAS & MAXWELL HAVX JUST BXCEIVXD- A Car Load I -CONSISTING OF- 37 of the Finest Oak Suits That have ever been shown In the city. - Established 1838. fl. J, BROWN COFFIN HOUSE RALEIGH. N. O., I Kvp the lrgHt, finest and best se - leoted stoek of .. Coffins and Caskets in Cloth Wood and Metal. ' Barial Bob, Wrappers, Slippers for Ladies, Gents and Children) also Burglar Proof Grave Vaults JOHN N. BROWN, Prop'r. Foneral Dlreetor and Embalm rr 8epS0-ln Departmemit- Freeh, new stock and plenty of it. No advance in prices. Always something to interest a oloss shoe boyer. , This week we name sii lines. Come and examine for yourself. ' , Children's Schopl Schools. Heavy grain mat. nan. tnn fAit H tn 2, two grades, price $1.00 and $1 23. Children's Dress Shoes. Eld. GOOdyaar. WAlf naUnt laatha tip. pointed toes, price $2.00. - Ladies' Shoes. ' ' Plain kid. onnra laiif nnmrnw Ik patent leather tip, and common sense, a splendid shoe for the price, $2 00. Ladies' Shoes. Bright kid, razor toe, patent leather tip, verr stylish, price $3 60. . Ladies' Shoes. - Cloth top, Goodyear welt, narrow toe, patent leather tip, price $.fi0. v,.. Ladies' Shoes. . Bright kid. Goodyear welt, razor toes, patent leather tip, very dressy, price $3.00. W. H. & E;S. TUCKER & CO. IPor School ;. Supppeo RALEIGII STATMJERY CO., -( ' 808 Tayettevllle Street, Opposite Postofflca. v . ' . , PendUndVpads SfihSSS? tnmM ceTableU and Pads Inks, Composition lkVBlacTboart lESiS?r? Tableti,eete!'P0,lttf Cimyon SCHOOL BAGS. ,Of every description at price that can't be beaten. They have hsa three clerks marking down the price of goods on hand in order to sell them ont to make room I for the immense stock which is being receivea aauy,. 4. CROSS We Are Known as Headquarter ; : teous attention, iidwe guaranto nnrii.iS016 prompt and oourf resented. r-'8plal p'rhS TtoDealerV and 83hools. 'T nrstc,aM "d rep RALEICH STATIONERY QO.t W, G. 8EPARK, Hanager. . -- ' W$FayettevUle Street We have also the "correct ink." only luat As for Pens, there is none to oom- urewitn "iEUJM 18AAU 8 GLUCE- A Washtnoton special, speaking of presidential possibilities, quotes ex- Congressman Bynnm, of Indiana, as one of the few men who regards Mr, Harrison's chances for the Re publican nomination as being ahead of either those of Reed, McKinley or Allison. He say$ Mr. Harrison is stronger with his party in Indiana than ever before and that the Indi ana Republicans are going to get bim nominated, if such a thing is possi ble. Speaking of the Democratic nomination Mr. Bynum said: On the Democratio side there is much talk in favor of Col. Morrison, and he baa many friends in all parts of the country. My opinion is that eventually Democratio sentiment will center on Secretary Carlisle. He Is well liked in the Korth and East, and in the South bis nomination would create tremendous enthusi- Is now ready to make up Suits for Fall and Winter. He has a fine selec tion of Suitings and Trouserings. Call at 124 Fayette ville street; up stairs. , sep 6 8m WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Pens In Baleigh. Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES is not equalled in the city. Alfred Williams & Co. SALE OF LAND. : Thvki is a humorous side to the Maryland campaign, which, during the paat few weeks has accumulated in pugnaoity till the fiual buttle to day. Tte Cerald was the only one of the DaHitDore newspapers to befriend tl: ; Corman-IIurst ticket, all the c" apers being strenuous in their il authority of a mnrtmrn fmm Christopher Woodard and wifa. nmnL ed in Book 74. nam iiu. RMrioter f mw i omce ior waxe eonnty, 1 will on Monday, November 4, 1885, at 12 o'clock m.. at the Court House door of Wk county sell to the highest bidder for cash a tract of land situated in Swift Creek to WD shin. Wakpnniintv nnntAln. mg ou arre& more or less, anjoining the lands of P. P. Peaoa and nl.her th nuu uKt ueuig oomposea or two tracts First tract contain as unw nii mA jolub uis lanaa or w. u. j. uoodwln. r. P. Peace and others, and is particularly described in a deed to said Wnndi3 irora r. xaces and wife recorded in .book so, page sao, saia uegiscer's otSce. Second tract contains 26 acres and aujuuis iue tanas or w. a. J. uoodwin and others and is described in a deed from P. P. Peam tt aaid WnnAn1 corded In Book 88, page 447, said Beg- A satisfactory purchaser will be al- iowea easv wrm as to payments if a Part Of the Purchase nrirw in nnld In casu. w. X. JONES, -tds Attorney. . Administrator's Notice. Havinir niialirtwi aa atniTiiotmtn n mo rjsmim or MiHS MOUia A. Hill. da. cased, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons fcavlngclaims against the said estate to present them to the undersiened on or twfnr t.h imh ii of October, 1888, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. J. C. MARCO M. adm'r estate of iMias Uoliie A. Bill B. T. GBAY, Attorney. Oct 9-ltW 6W i IVotice of Exfsoution ale. ' : NOETH CaROLUIA, WK CniTKTT. Bv virtue of an execution directed-, o me from the. Superior Court of said oounty on a judgment in favor of A. Li. Strauss, plaintiff, and against Ed M. Bledsoe, defendant 1 wilL at 12 o'clock noon of Monday, December 2. 18fcj. at the court house door of said oounty tn Raleigh, sell at public auo tion to the highest bidder -for cash, to satisiv saia execuuon. an tne mrnt title and interest which the said Ed M. Bledsoe had when said iudinnent was aocKetea or oas aince aenuirea in and to that certain lot or parcel of land just south of the corporate limits of the citv of Baleieh aforesaid and with. In Baleigh township, bounded andde- scnDea as ioiiows, to-wit: Vn the north bv the north line of the partition ceei or JUarv 8. Hunter to Martha a. and Mofes A. Bledsoe, recorded in the ikter's office of Wake county afore in book 18 on Dure 582: on-the east oy tne west line of u e deed of Sim mons J. &acer to Moses A. Bledsoe. recorded in said register's office In dook is on page 487; on the south by the north line of toe two deeds of Moses A. and Martha ii. Bledsoe to Ueorse T. Cooke, recorded m said Register's office in book 20 on page 064 the i M W. .November l, 1895. P AUK, Sheriff. wm a CUU. mm mid tor CMok WfH HiilTaUlM Messrs. Thomas & Maxwell are en abled to sell goods as cheaply as they do and increase the number of their salesmen and the volume of their busi ness because they are the largest and wealthiest furniture dealers in the South. An idea of the extent of their business may be formed by the follow ing list of large Southern .cities in which they nave branch houses: ; . THOMAS MAXWELL , ; " " Charleston, S. 0. " - " Columbia, " " " " Savannah, " " Augusta, " AUanta, ' " , ' " Macon, : " " Columbus, ' " " America, ' " , I harlOtte, S. Btchmond, Va. And other stores that we .have not space to mention, but will do so later. Ga. Must have care or they'll anraly i decay. Long before they decay, how-1 ever, icey wiu snow the neglect they suffer and reflect no credit upon their I Take care of and preserve your teeth uy uauig . t Simpson's Dental Fluid, which will whiten the teeth, harder the gums and at the same' time impart a I aeugntrui odor to the breath. One tnai wiu oonvinca von or tta anna. riority over ail other liquid dentifrices. rropareu omy oy - tWILLlXn SIMPSON Simpson's Pharmacy, - ( ' ;(PoUen Bnlldhig.1 . v uSB SIMPSON'S UVEB PILLS ssd v ECZEMA OINTMENT. .READY F0B41H1IE FALL-OARfltPAKESDI With evervth !S M owf bT modern prise ;,i,m whlsh has built op o ss soastltnenay. and kn ii....in.. i, i .:,, . , , ' " -r" -o Hr.uiing- voiome season after I ssaoa. Mortgage Sale. Yours for honest goods and low prices, THOMAS & MAXWELL. 0 J?" Ueo's fiboes on tts ' market. Made from tannery ealfikm. dongola topa, all leather trimmed, aoUd leaUMr ales with Lewbt Cork Filled fioles. ' Unsqualed for beanty, fine workman. Up. and woaring qualities. Tour choice ; Of all tba tmnnUr tnM. Ut mnA fags. . , dent Inmranee Policy for WO, good for 0 days. Wear Lswfc Aeddent Insaxaao Shoes, and go -toured frse. i SOLD BT ' PHDNE SO BEST FRlt FRCM WAST if. I -s 0MWINE i ANY LltlGTH By authority of a mortgage from yuiism. nummer ana sue flummer, uia wucl rncuruea in cook rzs at nun 895, Register of Deeds office for Wake county, I will on Monday,. November 26th. 1895, at 12 o'clock m., attbeOouit amiw aoor oi wace oounty, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a tract of land situated in Cary township, Wake county, containing one acre, more or less, described as follows: Beginning mm m wmmv xu oiuu oimmonsr line. thence south 9 8-4 poles to a stake, wiraw mail in i poirs to a Blase: North 9 8-4 poles to a ttake in Jones' Una. West IS 1-4 poles to the begin- iiing. uniiig ui iot or lanaaeeaea by 11. D. Olive and wife, 8. B. Olive, to Wil nam Mayueid on the 26th day of uwtmoer, usss, rrerenceisnude here- or to saia aeea wnicn is made to wil liam Plummer from Haywood Bogers - Sale ef Land Under Mortgage. By virtue of power conferred upon I me by a oeitaiu mortgage, executed by I Lucv Mancum. which aaid murtjjoiT. i. I duly recorded In Registry ef Wake I county iq onoc no J28 at page 844 II wiU offer for sale to the highest bidoer I for cash at the com t house door in the I city or ttaieign. JN. U . on Wednesday October 23, 1HUF, at 12 m , the land da-1 tsnura in Bam mor.gaee, aajolnl g the iiuiu vi ,uu ai. V'TOusuaw, j. o xirass I field, Mrs. D 'E Ellens and others lying I in barton's Creek towusbip. said coun-1 ty and state and more accurately de-1 Bunueu iu aaiu mortgage, WDlcq for de scriution etc , is made a part hereof I Said trsct of land contains 120 acres I more or less u, tr. montaou, , 8ept 28 '06. Atty. Mortagee. Continued to October 80th. ComtcTOK's Orrickj ; BAXKIOH, N. C, Octuter it Notice is hereby riven of the seiznm Ioi one Darrei or corn wuisney at Mntth field, N. C, from Yel viiigtoo and Itick ens on August S, 18t5 i ive oozes or mannracturea tonacoo in rauroaa depot ; August 10. l'tfi. A Co, Ya'lkia tk Any person claiming any interest In said artu-l.'S aixwe de scribed will Y0URVMONEY S FULL VALUE Z Is eoBsidsred fair and unless w, ess go this a.eeSt.3 m...7. Y. l . 'VV "" yalass of our eomp-.titors d to ta """" " on yriBipi or Miner our Improvement opos It. - " , , As stylish, hsodsoma sad GENTS' FDRNISHINGS , AND'SHOES,- - Kit lmfn Iimwa Kaa mi.M i . m 9 " " i.nth.f.;h,;;apirT.y Cross & Lineliah; 3 21 0 Favetfevillo Oteet. PATAPSCO Mills. Flouring ESTABLISHED 1774. THE Premier Flour Ac" ."i.A: Cj" ; I' "ft of . America Manufactured from the Cream of Mary land and Virginia Wheat For Sale by City Grocers. pWi& C. A. Gambn!! Ufa Co., Baltimore, .Villnce, N. C. . . v. 3?IlOi?riI3IiTOR3. r.:i me ciim in thirty days asi-ro-l tt, 8 , or proierty I with yidd in secuon S400L will be forfeited. OCt4 S0d Cui.ec wr. Lie I JONUSON & JOHNSON, 109 FarrtUyilla HtrMt. Baleigh, N. C, AgeoU. Jr F