TKOS. J. PENCE, . City Editor. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1895. ledex to New Advertisement. . Johnson & Smith Photos ; Thomas & Maxwell's Great Bargains. WEATHtVA FORECAST. 1 i Forecast tor North Carolina lnnwWednediiy Shower iu east . i portion, rairia weaw ' I I Liooal Forecast for Raleigh and - vicinity Wednesday ' Vumaf. put wttaontraia. - Taeadajr, November Btft ' : Ijooal data for 84 fcmn ending at S a. m. today Maximum tempera- ; tare, oat Minimum temperature, ; itain-rau, o.w. ; - Tabernacle-ftervloea. Don't forget to attend the special prayer servloe (or professional per sons at the T&bernaole tonight at 7:30 o'clock. All lawyers, doctors, teachers and editors in the city are invited to attend- Of coarse the ladies are Invited and expected to be present. It is a general prayer meeting for these special classes. - Tomorrow, night the subject will be the "Laboring plassea" both male and female, printers, qlerks, R. R men, carpenters, painters, etc., oome and enjoy the service and learn of the hardens and needs of others. PERgONAU Congressman Stroud I Is the city. Dr. H. B. Battle has gone to Chapel Hill. , Mr. Jake Fleming it in legal business. M r Mr. B. C. Beck with is In Loaisburg on legal baslnesa. ' Mr, j W. K. Ashley ha retarned ' from a trip to Baltimore. . Mia Faaney Harden of Fayetterill. m Tielting Mr. A. 0. Meoy. Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa H. Chavaase and ehild are at the Tarborough. Col. F. A. Old left for Atlanta this morning. He will be absent from the elty several days. We are glad to see Mr. B. F. Wyatt oat again after being eonflned some time with sickness. M i Pearl Carter of Forestalls, who has been visiting in the eastern part of the State is in the aity for a few days. Mrs. Fred Phillips, of Tarboro, who has been visiting her' daughter, Mrs Herbert W. Jaekaon. retarned to her home yesterday. Have, you bad Johnson & 8mltb to make you a half dozen of their card photos? It only costs yon $1. 60. They guarantee to satisfy you. Tbe rush for the biir bargains at Thomas & Maxwell's is so great they I may be all sold before Saturday. You had better call at onoe if you wish to eoure any of them - ( - v? ; R. B. 8EAWELL, jr. Engineer and Surveyor Leveling a specialty. Work Oxford on done with accuracy and dispatch. 686 si uargen street, -. . More roller top desks received at Wanted. - ' Ao honest, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable established bouse. Salary 1780. payable 16 weekly and ex penses. Situation permanent, refer ences. Euclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Tbe Dominion Company, 816 Omaha Building. Chicago, nol-lm For oboioe meat go to Thomas Don aldson's. Stall No. , Market house. Telephone 180. j , octSOaw, Mrs Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dressmaking at their home. 507 North Wilmington street. Perfect lit and satisfaction guaranteed. OVtlOiSD- . DROP IN i - At Bol -Wher Yon will Always Fmd LI C i. I .U . iku or t O ,f - '.Wanted..' I . A reliable, active gentleman or lady i to travel for reliable, established hause. ! Salary $780 payable $16 weekly and I money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady References. Enclose seir-aoaressed stamped envelops. U. js. inoss. president, Chicago. tf Come AND CITY IN BRIEF. The eotton exchange was dull today. New York took holiday on aocount of the election. IfReidsville weather kept pace with Baleigh isphrys today, Patchen and Gentry had a fine day to go. A colored sailor, dretaed in the naatieal uniform, atraek town today. An unsteady jag made his presenoe on the streets prominent. The County Commissioners met to day in regular session. No business of importance was transacted, however, the work of the board being simply routine, with a spies of school matters. A Revenue seixare was made at Ooldston, near Sanford yesterday. A 90-gallon still, one thousand gallons of beer and a lot of still paraphanalia ware also taken. The parties who manipulated the still were no where to be seen. The property was de stroyed. The receipts of eotton are still very very small. It is remarkable, when one thinks of it, the ability the farmers of Wake show to hold their eotton for higher prices. Seeing this, the fact become more and more evident that, though hard times is a harsh master, he is nevertheless a good teaoher. Mr. Finlaysoa, of Uoldsboro, was here tday to interview Father Worth. The trouble is about the taxes imposed by his Righteousness on the Baltimore United Oil Company, which Mr. Fin layson represents. The company will doubtless have to pay for the Treasurer has the drop, in the shape of a fusion law, on Mr. Finlayaon. The regular monthly business meet ing of the Christian Church will be held Wednesday night after prayer meeting. Every member is requested to be present. The annual reports of the offieera will be made and dele gates eleeted to attend the annual conference which meets the laet of this month. Thomas & Maxwell's today. Our Butter Cuds. Peanut Brittle. Cream Almonds and Taffy are the nest. avoapouna, , 4-1 w Barbee S Fope. Remember the ereat without profit sales of furniture at Thomas & Max well's will continue only one week. Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Barbee & Thompson is this day dissolved by mutual consei.t. Mr. Alt A. Thompson retiring. The business will bi contiruedby Mr. f. B. Barbee. (Signed) E. B. BARBEE, ALF A. THOMPSON. Baleigh, N. C, Oct. 80. 1895. Under the advice of mv Dhvsician I have concluded to retire temporarily from business and beg to cordially cotnmecd Mr. E. U. Barbee. who con tinues the business of Barbee & Thompson, to tbe patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. Barbae is severed with sincere regret. jNot only as partners, but friends, our relations have been, without exceDtlon. thor- onehlv cordial. With everv facility for conducting the business, an entire Knowledge or tne wants oi the trade, and a fixed intention to give value re ceived, there is every reason to assure tnose lLieres'ea mat aeanngs witn Mr. caroee win oe entirely satisfactory. ALF A. XHOXFSOM. I desire to thank our natrons for past favors and solicit a continuance of tbe same with the assurance that 1 will ao my best to please them. . Jfi. a. iJARBEB. Examine . UOY&TERtS FRESH BON BONS J AND CHOCOLATES J The equal of any candy on the market; artistically put np sealed packages, ranging from one-half to live ponnd ' - - " X' - PBlCE rJOc per Pound. " J ' J.'HAL'BBD3f;. Great urowda are visiting our departments these line -days admiring the beautiful fabrlca and eiqulniie garments and purchasing anppliea for fal and winter. All efforts of tbe past, great aa they were, have been far sur passed by os this season. Abundant evidence of this ia shown on every side, and in all oar departments oar policy is the best qualities at the lowest prices. Millinery Department - '(SECOND FLOOR.) Styliih Millinery. Onr stylish Hats gala new admirers every day. Such another rich and rare collection of Trimmed Millinery is not to be found in town' Oar prises are the loweat. Toa should boy yoar Hata of os. We have the most complete stoek of Bailors la the eity. V THE PHAR M AC IGT. The handsomest Steel I Range madei It is "THE JKWEL." See our new Bissell Grates We hav 3 Bicycles On easy terms Y Baby Carriaires At a cut price. Vhos. H. Brlggs & Sons, OUR V. , SPECIALTIES Ribbed Underwear EIRSf FLOOR ) 1,000 LadUa' Bibbed TesUwuoL 60s. worth 75. ' ' 1,000 Ladies' Ribbed Vesta, eotton. aOe, cheap at 80s. j, . 1.000 Oent's Wool Undershirts, 85a, worth 1 00. - All sites for Boys and Misses. - Rauioh, N C. septniv. A new line of eleeant couches receiv ed at i nomas Maxwell s this morn ing and will be sold without profit Now is vour time to eet one. Don't fail to see them. Quail on cents each. toast at Dugbi's, only S5'i made hannv tne great witnouc-pront sale More people le neat withoi ture at Thomas & J tedav bv lesof furni-l axwell s. . For Rent. House with nine rooms, rood locilitv. water and bath room, all in good shape. AddIv to W. L. Davis. 523 North Kalis- bury street. X lw THE WONDERFUL ROCHE'S EMBROCATION -FOR- WHOOPING CQUGH. An external remedv. safe and all rightl Home testimonials endorse its efficacy. Jas. McKimmon & Co PHARMACISTS, 1SS Fayetteville Bt., Baleigh, N. C. IT'S A BIG SIGN, But it leoresenta somethins' hfimr still. ReaKestate in Raleigh is a large fact and will richly repay the careful attention ef all Investors. - If yon pur chase property in this town, yon put money where yon -can't lose it, and where It's as certain as sunrise tomor row to pay you a handsome return. Land owners are alwava the solid men in the community. - In a wide-awake town like Raleigh, a handsome ad vance of real estate values is assured. If yon buy property now yon secure your share fit this advance.. Coma to usforchoioe properties On Easy Terms: Several lane, convenient house for rent. Apply to Wjie, liijrfoi k Co., Insurance and Real Estate Agfa. ' Novl-lm The Whitest, Sweetest, and Strongest FLOUR .' . , . i. r ;' '' c- - - The . linest Batter and ' the Best ' COFFEE v that money, will buy at W.CStronach&SoDS Flannels - ; v V (fIRST FLOOR.) - -Cantos Flasnel. - very heavy, 8 1-3 and 10a yard. All wool Shaker Flannel, 60s yard. All won Red Flannel, 15a yard. ' Blankets and Bed Comforts r ! , (SBCOND FLOOR.) , - Comforts from 75s taeh ap. ' -' Blankets from fl a pair up. -v.-". Crockery Dep't (SECOND FLOOR.) A lot of decorated Milk Pitchers. lOe, worth 90e.. This department Is fall of staple and faney goods and all are sold at a small profit, ; , Clioo Dcp't - Here you ean aeleet from a (10,000 Stock. All new goods, bought before the great adranoe 4o leather and sold at old prices. . 1,000 pairs Ladiea' Dongola Button Shoes, $1 SO a pair ) sold elsewhere at (3 00 a pair. Cal 1 and see them. Cloak Department , ' f (SECOND FLOOR.) ' CA PBS 800 stylish Capes from 19.60 to (10.00. , JACKETS 8SP Beaver, Cheviot and Boaele Jackets, new style, mandolin slosvea, from 13.60 to (1150. Each one is a great bargain and yon should not buy a Wrap until you have seaa ours. ' , Rubbers (FIRST FLOOR.) All sites Ladles,' If iaaes sad Men's very cheap, i , - - A large assortment of Towels and Towellinr. - - - . - Our Merchant Tailoring: Dep't ;-";. - We cap save yon SO per cent if yon will let as make you a suit. Fit guaranteed. - A. large If t of cash up, , - wrappers irom vat-: IBE CONVINCED for CASH. . - .... that we are the people to buy of - All our goods are marked is plaia flguree and sold ,W00LLC0TT & S0N. i FANCY GROCERS, , 203 Fayetteville St. Boardera Wanted . Two nicely furnished r joms with table board can be bad at No. 217 West I Morgan street. A number of table boarders can also be accommodated. novl-St We are now making in their cerf ac tion the original Peanut Brittle and Butter Cuds. We invite comnarison with other makes. KUYsTER. Agents Wanted Everv where. S5 a dav. Marion Har. land's Mew. Moot, "Home of the Bible.' Over 8,000 new photos; nearly 500 extra just tne nook for tbe fall canvass No exnerienee needed. For particulars address His torical ruD. u ., rnuaaeipnia, fa. OctlOtf mm Just received a shlDtnent of floda I Tranferara Ullb m.-h t.A VW- era ana aces all ( tttsa. - buckwheat Oatmeal. Oak tfakea. uominy f laxes, jarore and small Hom iny. Preserves by the pound or in bot tles at very low prices. Fresh Em Chickens and Turkeva i , . aiwat b ou liana. u -ll I w Mail ,'iui a attention to our IfllTRMEiTS IRK TTTK RfT ,.ml,, -i i v v M.m in mn mm xuii vuui v . . v. , UQ U4 Misses and ( bilrcn's Shoes. Agin larse pasea. and holiday Lost-Bank Stock:. Misses Calf Spring Heel, rvst shoe made for schooL - n amiBses- ratenc lip meeaie Ii.Ci Spring HeeL ery stvlUb, . - g.26 Misses Patent Pin. Sprlna. 1.50 in DODUlsr Kta Tin Nnnn TTaaI Shoes for Misses and Children at the ionowirg prices: m i"s", u to -n.7 Child' $1.26 and $1 SO , Infant's Soft Sole Button Shoes and Moccains, Swift's Orioles Ham and Braak fast Bacon always in stock. We handle the Deal brands or Coffee onlv. tl nmaia. saucua ana ara, Aroucaie s ana uev ering's E. I 0. are our brands and stock. Onr Floors are Dr. Venable Saya a Tar Heel Victory. Dr. Francis Venable, of the Uni versity, well known as tbe "Walter Camp of the South," was here today, No man has a more deep-rooted love for Lrtllege athletics in the purer sense; and none ia more qualified to speak concerning the relative merits of college team than ha. "Do you think that a Tar Heel will have any chance to cheer at Rich mood on Thanksgiving day?" I asked. , . . ;'-':-y':-' "Well," replied the Doctor, "as matters stand now, I think oar team superior to Virginlft;: but in football a great deal oan happen in a month. However, I think Carolina should win." " - Capital Siodge I. O. O. F. , Cbp" a Lodge No. 4& L O. O. V. meets tonight at 8 o'clock. Full at tendanoe is desired. LT.Joms,N.G.- '.-.'r v r :-;:!-' y . . ' Bfanteo Lodge, 1. 0. O. F. ? L'anteo Lodge No. 8 L O. O. F. meets tonight at 8 o'clock. Fall at tendance is desired. " Wl-- RALKIGH. N. C Julv 23. 1806. The undersigned herebv ?ives notice tnat sne has lost, or toer late husband, W. N. H. Smith, har lost, two aertifl. cates of shares of tbe capital stock of l'ue citizens' Bank of Norfolk. Va-. numbered 40 and 88 respectively, the fanner for three shares and the latter for twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her if I round. Mrs. Mary O. Smith. Executrix of W; N. U. Smith. octlS 8m Deceased. Baleigh. N. C. Madam Beason desires to call the at. tention of the public to her new stock of fall and winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children. Infants' caps, sacques, notions, etc :: - octltr 50 HELLI . 184 Fayetteville Street, i H. J. fHdni's Sweet Sour Pickels Always ttrictiy the best ACMFl ' A DANVALLBY SUPERLATIVE, NOBT STATE and . DRSOTA are th'a mhim.' Mnnev refunded if any of the above brands do not suit. h. . i . - . - Fresh Sausage f f All Dorklarri vina-dailv:" Lowest prices and prompt deliverv is our motto. Loose Bnckwheat M per pound. ' aive us a tnaU. , . .. v j- , 10. H. ANDERSON & CO. STOP THE CRACKS Around your windows and doors i oj using . . . BOSLEYS FELT. WEATHER STRIP. VE5, IT'S A FACT I have opened a btahch Drug Gtore - " on the corner of (livM nerfwit satlafantinn: Wn niK. berte com or to harden. Ia alwava soft and pliable. Kept in stock In two sires. .Narrow strips for the small cracks, wide strips for the large cracks. Bemington Typewriters I FAYETTEVILLE' ; and: -HART IH ; Streets (NEXT TO POSTOKFICK.X WILL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU AT ALL TI1IE3. 'jtiLiusLEwis -. John Y. MacRae. 3. DYE Bretsch has bum np such a trade l tnat he is busyshipping to points out side the city. His crackers, cakes and lunch milk biscuits are the finest to be I naa. t H.60fora suit of elothas . . ; that was ' 18.00. ' Blanketo . that were 10.00 a pair t . now at , ' - 14.00, All-wool Blankets that were - v$400 .- 'r aow era . " . going at Ladles' All-wool . -' ' ' Bibbed Vests ' , x worth 75s j. . -. - aow 60s , - ' " v a pair. : ?. - ' . - CarpeU t t t - way s f ' y . below r:k V--rt;''- eoak - ' ? ' - ; Cone .' ' . ' , quiekl i t Stoek ' . lowt ' MRS. KM MA X. SWINDELL, - Xzeeutrix. La Garciosa JPI ve . Gent Cigar. -Tour Old Clothes with- DIAMOND DYE-r all desirable colors, for yon to select from and book of directions how to It. HICKS' & ROGERS, Preacriutlon Druggists. In placiog tbe above named ' Cigar before - the public, we feelj stifled in stating that It Is the Acme of Perfection, It will seldom be equalled and - never excelled. Try one. w. h. kii:g & CO., Sole Agents for Baleigh. Huylers Candy fresh every week. - Notice by Executrix. Ravin aualiflpd as tbe Executrix of . i . tit.'ii i t- ,. . . ... T". rr me lasv n ui aitu ittammom i j. jl. Swindell. deoeaflt lnle of Wake County, North I aronna, I hceby nntifv all Dersor.s havinv clalmsaesinst tbe Estate of said fcwunieil to present the same to me on or before Oct olr 2S1, lt-i8 or tins notice wiM be plead in bar of their recover? This is alio to notify all persons i " : ini to said I a tate in make prom ft t vtnent to me. This October 1 , l . 1MMA 1- S MXOELU Executrix of tiiel tV t l and Teat. ment of I. T. f 1 1, 1-er-eased. Ernfst JlAo D, Atwruey. . octlSltwow HARDWARE 1 COMPANY. NoT4-ly V OneLook : f . At our stock win settle all doubts as to where is tbe best place for yon to buy your OutfftUngs, or your boy's, especially this season. " - . " - Style, Variety and littleness of I price will be motors to steer' yon here. Seen those Cardigan Jackets at IS J Best Quality WoollHose, 86c. Other Bpecialiies: 4 - -, Extra Quality Ulsters, IA Special Line Overcoats, as. EXTRAORDINARY Line- of Boys' Clothes, both little and big boys, at very attractive prices. ALL WOOL . Increased Sales 41 Per Cent Over October, 1894. Onr 7inning Prices Are Cash to All, -The Baaksr, Broker. Bondholder, -Capitalist, Meahanie, -Farmer ahd : . x Laborer, all enjoy the rich benefits of our Cash Methods. r t i. Business boilt on business prlneiplea the solid foundatloa . atones are: Honest reputation, good baying, eloee- Selling, extraordinary valnes. no troobie to show goodr, moaer baok at the word. Popular Cccdc at Popular Prices. ' bora Is a bargain store all throoub. We offer tbe best values. The trad reoogoUe It. Gooda and prices advertise us. CIsaks Our Trade Builders Our every offerinir of fashionable Capes and swell-stvle Coats, mee's with such a generous respon' as to keep ns busy duplicating orders. Tlm-l p' m -it received tbia season. 1 he perfection of fit, the loveliness of style and muu -latum in prices combine to pouularize this denartmenL Our Drices coiniiiBiice aa low aS 2 60. ... .... for an pQ3t. 25c. Flannel Waists, 75c. Boys' Caps) dozen d.Herent styles) Fur Crusliers, ISo, , Silk Bows, line, at 15c. Carryini? the best lines of Shoes of all kimis known to the trade, for all ages and e--x-s e are enfti le-l to fit ail feet wi.i e -y t'-cing shoes. . . - . v e swiKe our repuuujn upon tne Vames e okor. jjone like them. ' Cpecial Values b AIl-T7c:l Drees Uocds V " -'": And speciiJ nuiubers in Black Eenriottas, Berets and Crepons, extra good value o a a. w . . - C. A avii rvcod T: Co.

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