1. 1 ' 1 ' V 1 J 1 a'4 ' .1. ,V,( ' - f I t: Li ilEO i$ . TI.3 Yi ir-Press Company lally, Except Sunday, A Consolidation oft tie Visitor, Ke tabliebed 1878, and (he Press, Estab iahed ISM. - . , . Office in the Palieu Building corner "a. FayetteviUe and Davie Streets. , . GitKKH. O, ANDREWS, 7 i ,; j ' . Editor d Manager; . McRARY, , Boltottlna; Agent. JASPER N. S, . subscription price. , . One year, . . ; 4 .. x. M.00 1 One month. ' V' . 1 . .. ,25 . ' rl w fcxxmd CIom Matt Matter. mm IN , The Baptist Tabernacle Annex. The Tabernaola Sunday School will giv out the contract at an early date for tbe erection of a room for the primary department, whioh will be an annex to the main school.' The primary class, which is in charge" of Mr, and Mrs. JJff., Weathers has an enrollment of 910 members and the average atten dance ia 130. The present accomoda tions, are Inadequate , to ; the needs of the school. The new rooms will be 43 x SO in sis and will cost $1,500. Th room will be f nraishsd with indi vidual chairs. The little jngs netted 10Q towards the building. . ,', , ' -" ' '' ""',. (' i. Swedes Celebrating.. .t, ( I Bj Telegraph to the Free. Visitor, -i - - Kaosas City, Mo.,. Nov 0 The Swedish eitistas are celebrating the National day ' of Sweden today. Prominent men of that nationality delivered addresses this afternoon: ' " A. D. STRODilOL". EVERYTHIlfO NEW. The . Leading Afternoon Paper In the Stated. - r The rresB-Visitor publishes all the news every day and has doable the cir culation of any dally ever published in Raleigh. r ' " - 188 Cold Weather : Comforts. . -'' COTTON COMFOaiS, Double Faced, , Full size 75c, ,wrth $.100. - Cotton Comforts, extra quality, 11.00, wuiuj euv. .. ? Satine Covered Cotton ' Comforts. fuU ie, $1.85, worth 11.60, , , Extra quality double faced Satine vuverea uomioruL ii.ou. worth S2.00 Beautiful : Linb'. Eiderdown-. Quilts. ; make ons V - Tow ; 2fl i,tou err Hfkg i tore TELEPHONE, ' .WEDNBSDAT, NOVEMBES , 1888, ,i Bucklon's Arnica Salve, -.: i The best salve la the world for enta, braises, sores, nloers, salt rbeam, fe ver sores, tetter, eoappea bands, euil blalns, corns and all skin eraptlona. S'.rarTh'WaK Southern Wool Blankets perieci satisfaction or monav refund ed ' Price WS cent per pox..- For sale ' v John T MmRm MR. CLEVEIiAND'S FORTHCOM , I?G MESSAGE. President Cleveland la now busily f engaged in the preparation of his next ' annual message, which will . will be submitted to Congress on December 2nd. Mr. Cleveland dur ing the past three weeks has been at work day and night upon this docu. ment and his task is now rapidly approaching eompletion. The chief matter of internal in terest will be the President's reoom mendationa on the state of tbe oouutry's flnanoes,and the Washing ton News predicts that Mr. Cleve land's well known policy of sound -money will cat a prominent, figure in the message and the Senate and House will be asked to enact such leg islation as will tend to pat the country on a more substantial financial basis. He will probably strongly accentu ate the great, and pressing need of the retirement of all outstanding greenbacks and treasury notes by the issuance of $600,000,000 of gold interest bearing gold bonds, .and the further tact that the National banks be allowed to Increase their circulation. Mr. Cleveland has strong hopes of securing such re medial legislation during the next Congress, and despite the fact that the Republicans will predominate in the House and will have equal weight with the Democrats in tbe Senate, he is encouraged to believe that the much needed legislation will be forthcoming. This proposi tion will be strongly opposed", how ever, by not only tbe silver men but such eminent leadersas Sherman and Mills, and members of tbe House of equal prominence, and it will not be without a hot fight that Mr. Cleve land's wishes in the matter of financial legislation will be acceded to. Itching, horning, scaly and eresty skin scalps of infants cleansed and healed and quiet sleep restored by Johnson's Oriental Soap, medicinal and toilet, two large cakes SO ota. For sale br John T. MacBae. . . DUKE Cigarettes White and colored lu-i. ai.nn ta et na per pair. . Nevada' Wool Blankets. . . White with colored borders, 10-4, ta.25 per pair. . - WHITE VLL WOOL BLAN1TETS. 10-4, 60 to 13.00 per pair. from We have a new Falrbaok 's Wagon reals in good order. j ' We have constantly at work two to six men unloading and scream ing Coal, and from Ave to fifteen teams luvfltag,- . , Coal, Wood, Feed, Shingles. ) We try to deliver promptly, but prefer to have orders as far in advanofe as DOS' lble, as we wish to guard the intern t of each purchaser and make of each a friend who will "call again" or write to JONES ft POWELL, , BAIiBIGH. N. O. . ' ' 1 BUGIITE2S SX7IT3 J-.:f Are in order with the advent of au tumn activity. No clothing suits busi ness at all unless it fits neatly and per fectl v. - No garment fits Dronerl v nnless it's made to order. That's the first axiom of dress, and it doesn't need rovlnir. It's as Main aa the mul- .iplication table that our made to- order suits are unequalled, in town, 700 BECOQNIZE THAT Everv time von see one of our sui ts which are exactly w in everv Darticular. u unanswerable. 1 t LAC " Presb, new stock acd plenty of it. No advance in priced. Always something to interest a close shoe buyer; This week we name six lines. Come and examine for yourself. . , ' - - . x what they ahonld be we logic oi acts GABaftM.h PfflfW.DuneSonsaCo.'rKBrs &gT DUWHAM. W.C. U.S.O. gfr f Three Special Values luFxtra Quality Pure Wool Blan. kets, iu-4. n-4, u-4, 4 as, as per pair. Crib Biaakcta Carriage and Buggy Koues. , . . t. founteroane Novel Mm Readv.miula and Hemmed, l to . Extra Quality Heaw Oullt TTem. stitched, $3, actual value, as. 6a THE LARGEST Furniture ! Dealers : Try Walters' Paramount System of Garment Cutting. f , , - ' octatf In the South I Sheet and Pillow Cases. Torn by hand, ready-made, hnmmnii I and hem-stitched. ( heaper than you can bay the cloth and make them. made rnoM High Grado Tcba:c ABSOLUTELY PURE G Sheets-Writing Paper C- WE,1KEL, A. B. STRONACH, '! ' 1 v. . '"'V, ;.', Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. Everything, Except High Prices. " Vary more in price perhaps than any outer article sold, xou do not nave to pay ror tne style in our papers. That is without charger - We have also the "correct ink," only the best sold. - f As for Pens, there is none to com pare with "LEON I8AAC8 QLUCE NUM PENS." TAILOR. THOMAS & MAXWELL HAVX JUST KBCKIVXD- A Car- Load ; of TOONSISTINft OF-" 37 of te finest Oak ;:Suits . That have ever been shown in the city. Established 1886. , . , : H. J; BROWN COFFIN 1 HOUSE , ; RALEIGH, N. O., " " Keeps the largest,'-: finest and .best se , , looted stock of Coffins and Caskets in Cloth Wood and Metal. T Bdrtat Bobes, ' Wrappers Slippers for Ladies, Vents and Children; also ; : Burglar Proof Grave-Vaults JOHN JT. BROWN, Prop'r, Fnaeral . Director " and j Embaimer Sep80-lm Children's School Schools. Heavy rra)n coat can toe. sizes 8 to a, two grades, price 11.00 and tl 25. Children's Dress Shoes. . . KiaL Ooodveai. welt rmtant Wthnr tip, pointed toes, price $3.oa -, Ladies' Choes.4 1 - - Plain kid. onera last, narrow to patent leather tip. and common sense, a splendid shoe for tbe price, $aoo, Ladies' Shoes. . " Bright kid, razor toe, oatent leather tip, very stylish, price t2 60. , . Ladies' Shoes.. ' Cloth top, ' Goodyear welt, narrow toe, patent leather tip, price $160, , ' Ladies' Shoes.' . Bright kid. Goodyear welt, razor toes, patent leather tip, very dressy, " price fe.00. - - . W. II. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. LRo; Schooll . SappDileo v CLA-LXi OJT TE3B RALEIGH STATMJSRY CO., ,809 FayetteviUe Streets,' Oppoalte Postofflce. , . -'We bavs a larm and mmnl.u tin. nn.n..i.i. n . ' . " ;. l . ry- vaWVu m iuu ua, j. ciiiuaiinii i it - rui'i . i f aa b niarw biki lmi ' Of every description at prices that can't be beaten. J t . : 1. - They have had three darks marklns down the price of goods on hand in : order to sell them out to make room for the Immense stock whioh Is being received daily. - We to Znowii as Headquarters f :. rJfiLBM ecmplete sorimente RALEIGH QTATIONCRY CO ' ' W. 6. SKPABK, Manager. ' i ' 809 FayettevUle Street ." . A good story comes from the Ori ent of how a wealthy Chinaman keeps adding to his wealth. Li Hung Chang is director general of a new railway and went, the other day, on a trip in a special car luxuriously appointed. On returning to Tien Tain, he ordered all the handsome furniture of the car removed to bis residence, and now the directors have refurnished his oar with ohairs and tables that are irremovable. Inci dents such as these show bow the thrifty Li has amassed 8500,000.000. It is intimated that the thrifty gen tleman would take a red-hot stove from the kitchen of a friend enter taining him, if allowed to do so. , . Is now ready to make np Suits for fall and Winter. He has a fine selec tion of Suitings and Trouserings. ; Call at 1S4 FayetteviUe street, up stairs.' " sep 8 8m IVotice of Execution Bale. North Carolou, ; Wax Ootjhty. t ( By virtue of an execution directed to me from tbe Superior Court of said county on a judgment in favor of A. L. Strauss, plaintiff, and against Ed M. Bledsoe, defendant 1 will, at 13 o'clock noon of Monday, December 8. 1896, at the court house door of said WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Pens in Raleigh. Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES is not equalled in the city. Alfred Williams & Co. SALE OF LAND. oountyin Haleigb, sell Don to the highest Now it is reported that a shrewd Yankee up in New York State has seouied a patent . upon an envelope : that cannot be opened without deteo ', tion. One of its advantages is that ' ' no mucilage is used, and it is there fore cheaper to" manufacture. This ; is done by means of two arrow-headed points that pass through slits in - the flaps, and then open out in such '" a way that they cannot be withdrawn a without tearing tbe paper. It is also . said that not being '"sealed" in the technical sense, each envelope con- tainlDg letters might pass through the mails &t the one cent rate. He has already received an offer for his patent and if he has hit upon a de vice to do the government out of fifty per cent of its postal revenues he has made bis calling an election sure for this world at least. Bv authority of a morfmsn fmni Christopher Woodard and wife, record- ea in book i page is. Keguter of Deed's oftoe for Wake eonnty, I will on Monday, November 4, 1895, at 13 o'clock m., at the Court House door of Wake eonntV sell to the hhrhest bidder tnr cash a tract of land situated in Swift Creek towoshib. Wake countv. contain. ing 50 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of P. P. Peace and others, the said tract being composed of two tracts as follows: First fcrfurt nontaina 9K utoh inil aA joins the lands of W-H. 3. Goodwin, P. i. jmove ana outers, ana is particularly described in a deed to said Woodard from P. Tates and wife recorded in Book 36. page 360, said Begister'a office. - oeoona tract contains 25 acres and adjoins the lands of W. HL J. Ooodwin and others and is described in a deed from P. P. Peace to said Woodard re corded in Book 58, page 447, said Beg. 4otoi mxfutva, " A satisfactory purchaser will be al lowed easy terms as to oavmrnitii If a part of the purchase price is paid in cash. - - ,W.S, J0NE4 e-tds f , Attorney. . Administrator's Notice. Having qnaliBed as administrator of the estate of Miss Mollie A. HilL do ecased, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons having claims ajrai' st the said estate to present them to the unuersijrnea on or efore the 10th day of October, 1806, or this notice will be pieaa in oar M their recovery. J. C. MAI.COM. Adm'r estate of 'Miss Mollis A. Bill. B. T. GEAY, Attorney. Oct, -lt W W at Dublio auo- bidder for cash, to sausry saia execunon. au uie rurnt. title and interest which the said Ed M. Bledsoe had when said judgment was aocaetea or uaa smoe acaurea in and to that certain lot or parcel of land just south of the corporate limits of tne city oi mueign atoresaid and with in Baleigh township, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: On the north by tbe north line of the partition deed of Mary 8. Hunter to Martha O and Mofes A. Bledsoe, recorded in the Begibters office of Wake county afore- nra in dook is onxpage ota; on tne east by the west line of tie deed of Sim mons J. Raker to Moses A. Bledsoe. recortwi in said Register's office in book 19 on paaj 437; on the south by the north line of the two deeds of Moses A. and Martha u. Bledsoe to George T. Cooke, recorded in said Register's office in book 20 on page 664 and 773 respectively, and on the west by the Kayetteville road, containing aoout eigct acres oi lano, more or less. m w. fAur, bQenti. November 1, 1896 , - -, wracsi an eras a OhOd. sne ertsd (or OMCorla, Messrs, Thomas A Maxwell are en abled to sell goods as cheaply as they do and increase the number of their salesmen and tbe volume of their busi ness because they are the largest and wealthiest furniture dealers in the South. An idea of the extent of their business may be formed by tbe follow- ing list of large Southern cities in which they have branch houses; s THOMAS & MAXWELL- , " , Charleston, a a - - Columbia, " " Savannah. Ga. - f u Augusta, " " Atlanta, -. - m Maoon,' " " ", Columbus," " Amerlou, - " , . (harlotte,N. C " . - " Raleigh, . . ' " Richmond, Va. And other stores that we have not space to mention, but will do so later, Yours for honest goods and low prices, THOMAS & MAXWELL Must have care or they'll surely decay. Long before they decay; bow- ! ever, they will show the neglect they suffer and reflect no credit upon their possessor. " Take care of and preserve yonr teeth vj using . ' 1, -i f . - ' rutty f.f .FALL -MiMffil ' : -;4- One supe- With evervthlncr denl h l'S.n.i. Ji..... lvu.i. ..' I . .. . - ' ' -.-, r uainff - - . " . . . .. awmun .i ihoioi tor tne com- using, v v Ing season, and governed by the moderate pries system whioh has bniHoBoar BimpSOn'S Dental .Fluid, - i!L? v0"1"7' Md kMI" gratifying volams season, after which will whiten the teeth, harden the tmin aaraii-. m.. a - . . - " . la considered fair and nnrirht dealing k-.' . , nnlesa we eaa go thi. aeeeoted mercantll. ami. Zl IZlZZ. T'lVY. t"n0 . prices will, we think make evident the fee-, wltk.whlchwe have applied the above principle or rather od Improvement npoa iC ., r vv""a , than most nooses ask for last season's carried-orer stock. v . . . - V : GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND SHOES. : No pains have been soared to make aaeh Atnrt.i i ,. ti. " .. , . : all the fashionable centres having been earefnllv a.amin. -uk ' ! a mortgage from , " h--w as wora by tne fashionable people of todav , gums and at the same time impart a aeugncrui oaor to in trial will convince va rlority over ail other liauid dentifrices. rrepnreu ouiy oy , s - WILLlAn SIMP50N Simpson's Pharmacy, i, . . ". .(PuUen Building.) OSB BIHPSON'S LITER PILLS and T ' BCZKMA OINTMENT. Mortgage Sale; By authority' ef. t7- it The best 13.00 Men's Shoes on the market. .j Made from tannery calfskin,, donirola tops, all leather trimmed, solid leather -soles with Lewis' Cork rdled Soles. JJneqnalfid for beauty, fine workman-' hip, and wearing qualities. Tonr choioe of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten ings. r Every pair contains a paid-up Aed dent Insurance Policy for $100, good for" 90 days. - - - I Wm Lewis' Accident Shoes, and go insured free, SOLD BY " Whitixnqr Broo William Plummer and Sue Plummer, nis wire, roooroea in book ik at 395, uegister of Deeds office for county. I will on Monday. November 25th. 1895, at 12 o'o'ock m., attheComt aouse ooor or wane county, sen to tne highest bidder for cash, a tract of land situated in Cary township. Wake county. Containing one acre, more or less, described as follows: Beginning at e ivaii m hiou rummons' una thenoe south 9 3-4 Doles to a stake. thence east 16 1-4 poles to a stake; Knrt.h 0 &-A nolM tn a .faVa In .lnnaa line. - West IS 1-4 nolea to thn Win. ning, being the lot of land deeded by II. D. Olive and wife. 8. B. Olive, to Wil liam May field on the 26th day . of December. 188a. reference is made hem. bi to said deed which is mad a to wit. uamnummerrrom uaywood Kogers ... ian im uwuvui, ' "i Mnrfafaon Oct si, tds -; .' ; T Sale ef Land Under Mortgage, B Cross & Lihehan.--' , . 210 Favcttovillo Cfoct. PATAPSCO a: mils, y ESTABLISHED 1774. Till - - j? lounn PJiDNE SO SO v. - I : BEST BiTwWibus. r.ltZ TR:i VVASTf. tZLsc::L3 QAKWINE jAJty LTtr.TH uy virtue or power conferred upon me bv a ceitaiu mortffAire. ATentl hv I Lucv Mangum. whicli suid mattcrir in I uuiy recorueu in Kegistry or Wake I county in book No. VM at psge 344. 1 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the emu t house door in t.iia I I city or KaieiRti, n. u , on Wednesday. October 23, tiif, at 12 m , the land de-1 scribed in said mor:ga?e, adjoin! g the I iituustu jiiii in. , rc.istiaw, j . b firaig I field. Mrs. D'E Kilens and others Ivlna I in Barton's Creek township, said coun-1 ty and stale and more accurately dn.1 gcrited in said mortnue, which for de. I I scripiion etc , is maue a part hereof. oaiu tract oi tana comams 120 acres I more or less u. r. Montaouk. blt. 23 95. Atty. lUortajjee. Continued to October Soth. COLLKCTOK'S OPFrCK, Kalk.igk, N C Uc'" .er 3. 1 Notice is hereby given i t t)ie r.nre I of one barrel of c u lii-i-. y t .- . field, N. .'.. f '"a )i ".tjauJint ei'i on Aui'Msrt 3, 1 5 I ive i of ii v ,i f i. i-ol ti'iacfo in rn )nw j (!. i..,t t vsk t .1 K. C. - the V Flour ft oi America Manufactured from the Cream of Maryland and Virginia Wheat. For Sale' by .City Grocers. r i ..4 I A" ' i-l I I, & t . , Any I 1 rt -1 m ft m e V8 ( II t 1 l y r .V C. I e. I. t in 1 ! 6 'U1I' 1. i I 1 3?kojpi:ix:toiiq. i... JONHSON &. JOHNSON,- " rayettevUle t'lreet. Ealeikh, N. C, Agents. t 4 ST i

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