:-v;:itoi 1 ! -. J. PENCE, . Oily Editor. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBEB . 1895. Iodex to New Advertisements. Wanted Wedderburn & Co. 1 ' ' Thomas A Maxwell's Great Bargain. t WEATHER FORECAST. ?: ' I ' Forecast for North Carolina I RUM (Thursday Fair, followed by I i I local showers la the Interior. I i. ' a l ocal forecast for Raleigh and vicinity Thursaay . . Threatening weather, with a little rata Thursday evening. . , -J . :' Wednesday, November 6th, Local data for 134 hoars ending at S a. m. today Maximum tempera' ture, 62; Minimum temperature! B-a, Rain-fall. 0.00k , - y Tv PERSONAL. - , Mr, Henry Holding, or the Falls, i In the city. .-. V .' '' Mr. J. T. Hedrlek. of Lexington, N. C, is in eity. , Mj. J. M. Crenshaw, of Waks For est, was here today. Mr. Clauds Dookery came in from . Rockingham today. - Mr. S. P. Childs arrived ia the tit this morning from Chicago. , Mr. A. B. Stafford, who hit bean the eity for some time return to his old horns in Goldsboro today. Chisf Engineer O'Brien, of the Southern, was in the eity yesterday ia his private ear. Mr. J. J, Farris, Chief Clerk, was also along. Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Jerman have is sued sard to an "At Horns" to be given' complimentary to Miss Mong- g ornery, who is visiting them. Mr. and Mrs. jfdgar w. Smith, nee Emma-Arriagton, arrived in the eity from Rocky Mount yesterday after noon. Mr. Smith led Miss Arrington to ths altar in Kooky Mount yesterday The bridal couple left for Atlanta this morning. Mr. O. O. Ball Files a Deed of Trust Mr. 0. 0. Ball, who has been en gaged in the grocery business on East Hargett street,flled a deed of trust this morning to Mr. B. B. Barbee. The top was taken br Mr. Ball in com qaenee of bad collections and eame as a surprise to many of his many friends and patrons who regretted to hear that eirenmstanees had necessitated this ac tion. Mr. Ball has a good patronage and a large circle of friends,-won- by his courteous and fair dealings with ths pnblio and all thesa hops that he will soon again And his affair in shape to reopen his bosinesi which has gained great favor and popularity with the pablis hers. The Chamberlain-Powell Suit. The case of fanner Powell against Mr. Chamberlain, president of the Caraleigh Phosphate Works, was de cided in favor of Mr. Chamberlain. Powell claimed that Chamberlain promised him 1100 and expenses in curred in a suit to withdraw an ao tion brought against the Phosphate Works for failure to tag guano sacks. Otho Wilson testified that the prop osition was made. Mr. Chamberlain said he did hot promise to pay any expenses. Mr. Chamberlain was sus tained. Mr. Chamberlain has al ready paid $31. It was adjudged th at he should pay Powell 159. No More Quail for Him. Major Martin, it will be remembered, last season ate thirty birds in as many days on a wager by Mr. A. Dagni Last night a reporter asked Maj. Mar tin If he weald have a bird. "No, sir," he replied. "I don't want to even smell one." ; Maj, Martin has always been extremely fond of birds. PROFESSIONAL. MKN8' MEETING Tne Special Meetings Held at the Tabernacle Church. At the Tabernacle Baptist Church last evening was held the first of a I It. CnnM.ul W.. Dr. A. 11, Simms for 11 classes of people, meetings In which they may rise and express their ' views. The 1 plan ia a unique one; last night the meeting was for professional men- lawyers, doctor) editors tuI teach ers. There was Tory large atteu- . dance, the spacious church being filled. - . , " Dr. Simms presided and conduct ed the meeting. There was singing and prayer. . - s , - Editor J W. Bailey, of the Bibli cal Reoorder, was the first to speak. He was followed by Editor Hal. Ayer, of the Cantfasian. ' - ' ' ?- For the lawyers, spoke Lawyer Ward, of Duplin, and lawyer Lind say, of Goldsboro. . - - There were few doctors present; Dr. Buffalo spoke briefly. The meeting was full of interest and tonight, when- the working mens meeting ia held, the church will doubtless be crowded to the doors. - , Mr. Alf A. Thompson and Mr. George W. Thompson, jr., hare gons toTi" boroto yisit their father and et t" s ems time enjoy a hunting ei- Important Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Com merce. ." ..... A meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was held in the offioe of the secretary. A number of propo sitions were presented for the estab lishment of valuable Industries, and after fall discussion they were re ferredto the committee on manufact ures with instruction to examine and be ready to make a report at the next meeting of the Chamber on Tuesday evening. , ' Have you bad Johnson & Smith to make you a half -dozen of thatr card photos? It only costs you $1.59. They guarantee to satisfy you. ' Elegant $18.00 corduroy lounges at Thomas & Maxwell's are now going at 1:8.50, . . v ' . ft B. SEA WELL, ir.' Engineer and Surveyor Leveling a special y. Work done with accuracy and nispatch. 664 East Hargett street. 4-4 1. Those who do not believe Thomas & Maxwell are selling goods without profit this week are especially invited to call and get prices on what they wisn to ouy. Our Butter Cuds. Peanut Brittle. Cream Almonds and Taffy are the best. area pouno. , - 4-iw Barbee & Pope. Ladies' fancy writing desks for 14.00 Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Barbee & Thompson is this day dissolved by mutual consei.t, Mr. Alt A. Thompson retiring. The business will be continued by Mr, & a. aar Dee. (Signed) E. B. BARBEE, ALF A. THOMPSON. Baleigh, N. C, Oct. 80, 1806. Under the advice of my physician I nave ouciuuea to retire temporarily from business and ben to- cordially commend Mr. E. B. Barbee, who con tinues the buslnesi of Barbee & I Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. Barbee I is severed with sincere regret. Not only as partners, but friends, our relations have been, without exception, thor oughly cordiaL With every facility for conducting the business, an entire Knowledge or toe wants oi tne trade. and a fixed intention to give value re ceived, there is every reason to assure inose l&ieres'ea mat dealings witn mi. uar oee win oe entirely satisfactory. Alf A. Thompson. I desire to thank our patrons for past favors and solicit a continuance or the same with the assurance that 1 1 will do my best to please them. E. B. B ABBES. Athing'never before heard of ! Ele gant suits with Erench plate mirrors. 8ox40 inches, at Thomas & Maxwell's lor 35.oo. We are now making in their perfec tion tne original reanut Brittle ana b utter uups. we invite comparison with other makes. BOxoTEB. Thirty-five more of the most attrac tive suits on the market received at Thomas & Maxwell's today. Agents Wanted Everywhere. $6 a day. Marlon Har land's New Book. "HomeofThe Bible.' Over 8,000 new photos; nearly 500 extra large pages. Just the book for the fall and holiday canvass. No experience needed. For particulars address His torical r-uD. j ., rniiaaeipuia, ra. Wanted Aa Idea. Who can think of some simple thins w pauenir jrrotect your iaeas; tney may Dring you weaitn. write Jonn Wedderburn & Co , l'atent Attorneys. Washington. D. C for their tl.8001 prize oner. Move Lost Bank Stock. Balkigh. N. C July 23. 1805. The undersigned herebv eivea notice I that She has lost, or her late husband, rv . a. a. omidu. uas iobl. two oerun cates of shares of the capital stock of The Citizens' Bank of Norfolk. Va.. numbered 40 and 88 respectively, the farmer for three shares- and the latter for twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her if found. M&8. Mary O. Smith, Executrix of W; IN. H. Smith. 0ctl98m Deceased, Baleigh, N. C Madi l Besson desire? to call the at-1 tention o: the public to her new stock of fall and winter Millinei ter Millinery for ladies. misses and children, sacques, notions, etc lnrantr ocU Bretsch has bunt no such a trade I that he is busv shipping to points out side the city. His crackers, cakes and lunch milk biscuits are the finest to be had. , SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN What? A JEWELET SALE. We will plaee on special sale tomor row at 0 a. m. every plee of Jewelry that sold for 10, WO, 95, 80 and 86e apieos for Only 10s Only 10s This speeial sale will eontala: - Broah Piss ' ., Broeh Pins Neck Pins , Nesk Pins Scarf Piss SearfPias Laes Pins Lass Pins - Hair Pins Hairpins Breast Pins Breast Pins I Coif Battoas Caff Battohs ' Shirt Battoas . . Shirt Buttons Collar Buttons Collar Buttons : ana many other articles whisk we I haven't spaee to mention. Bring all the Children Bring all the Children And bny to yonr heart's content, for yoa have never seea soon a sale, NOT BVJJB AT. AUCTION. We Have We Have A very large-stock of Jewelry and it mast be SOLD at one. Come early and get the pick. " 1IK3. EM HA E. SWINDELL, Exesatrix. 4. : -Wanted. An honest, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable established house. Salary fW, payable $16 weekly and ex pauses. Situation permanent. Refer ences. Enclose sell-addresssd stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, 319 Omaha Building, Chicago, nol-lra For choice meats go to Thomas Don aldson's. Stall No. S, Market house. Telephone 180. octaogw. Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dressmaking at their bom 607 North. Wilmington street. Perfect tit and satisfaction guaranteed. octuim I Wasted. A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established house. Salary 1780, payable (it weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady r References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. H. i JS. imsti. maldentt Chicago. Gome AND Examine The handsomest Steel Range made. It is ' "THE JEWEL." See dor new Bissell Grates Weha es On easy terms T Uaby Ca.rria.s-es At a cut prios. Mios. Ii. Briggs & Sons, PUlcioh, N C. sept 17-1 v. THE WONDERFUL ROCHE'S EMBROCATION -FOB- WHOOPING COUGH. An external remedy, safe and all right! Home testimonials endorse its efficacy. Jas. McKimmon & Co 18S Fayetteville St.,: ' Baleigh. N. 0. AgPln! e call vonr attention to our Compter 1 neof : M laws' and bildren's boes. Misses' Calf Spring Heel, bf at shoe made for school, t $S.St Kisses' Patent Tip Needle Toe, epnng ueei, very srvnsn, xxo Misses stent Tin. Sprint, ; 1.60 The popular Kid Tin Honor Heel in ( nnoea lor Misses ano Children at the following prices: MISS, 11 IOX. S1.7I Child's, $1J and $160 Infant's Soft Sole Button IShoes and Moccashr; 50c Sol IS Fayetteville Street - La Garciosa F"ive Cent Cig-ar. In 1 1 u:ing! the above named Cigar before the public, we feel J stifled far stating that it is the ctne of Perfection. It will seldom he equalled and -never excelled. Try one. - W. II. ki;:q CO., u Sole Agents for Baleigh. Huylers Candy fresh every week. ItL-H 1 - :r At Where You ROYMER'S - - : AND CHOCOLATES, ; t- ; ; . The equal of any candy en the market; artistically pat Hp sealed packages, ranging from one-half to five pounds. PRICE OOc 1 1 J. C3AL BOBBITT, I THE PH RMACIOT. IT'S A BIG SIGN, But it lepresenta something blmrer still. Real estate in Baleigh is a large fact and will richly repay the careful attention af all investors. If vou pur chase property in this town, yon put money wnere you can't lose it, and where it's as certain as sunrise tomor row to pay you a handsoxe return. Land owners are always the solid men in the community. In a wideawake town like Baleigh, a handsome id. vanoe of real estate values is assured. If you buy property now you secure your share of this ad vanoe. Come to us for choice properties . - On Easy Terms." Several lance, convenient houses for rent.. Apply to Wjnne, Ellington 4' Co,, Insurance and Real Estate Agts. i Novl-lm . C I; ANDERSON & CO. FANCY GROCERS," 203 fayetteville St. Just received a shipment of Soda Crackers. Milk Lunch, Oyster Crack ers and t akes ALL FRESH. Buckwheat OatmeaL Oak XVakes. Hominy Flakes, large and small Hom iny. Preserves by the pound or In bot tles at very low prices. ' Fresh Einrs. Chickens and Turkeys alwa s on band. OUR MEATS ARE THE BEST Swiff s Orioles Ham and Breakfast Bacon alwavs in stock. We handle the best brands of Coffee onlv. Momaia. Mocha and Java, Arbuckle's and Lev- eringa . L. U. are our brands, H. J. Heinx's Sweet and Sour Pickels . ' ' iravs m stock; Our Flonrs are strictly the besW . ACME, v DANv ALLEY SUPEBLATIVB, NOETH STATE and DESOTA are the names. Monev refunded if any pf the above brands do not suit. Fresh Baasage ( All pork) arriving dailv. 1 Lowest prices and oromot delivery la our motto. Loose Buckwheat Be per pound." Give us a trial. U. H. ANDERSON & CO. DYE -Tour Old Clothes with- DIAMOND DYE. all desirable colors, for you to select rrom ana cook oi directions now to I use it. . j, -. HICKS k ROGERS, Prescription Druggists. V ! Notice by Executrix. Having qualified as the Executrix of thelact Will and Testament of 1). T. Swindell, dwaH"l. iHte of Wake County, North Carolina, I hereby notify all persons having claimssirainst the Estate of said bwinoell to present the same to me on or before October aid, or this notice wi) be plead in bar of their recovery This is also tp notify all persons indebted to aid Es tate to make prompt pevment to me. . This Octtr IS; n, r . iMMAK. r liS LElli Executrix of t - e i t Wiil and Testa ment of D. T. (-AiiKl.-il, licensed. 1 itsf -T Haywood, Attorney. OCti81i.AU DROP IN -: . " : . .. t - ' ..v tBobk5itt,s: will Always Find , FRESH BONBONS per Ioundi OUR . , SPECIALTIES The Whitest, Sweetest, and Strongest FLOUR. The Finest Butter and the Best COFFEE that money will buy at W.CStronach&Sons STOP THE CRACKS Around your windows and doors ny using BOSLEY'S FELT WEATHER STRIP. Gives perfect satisfaction. No rub ber to gum or to harden. Is always I sou ana puaoie, Aepi in stocs: in two sires. Narrow strips for the small eracKs. wide strips for tne large cracks. "All Bight" Cook Stoves. I Remington Typewriters. JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE COMPANY. Not-ly THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Life Insurance Comp'y I Sells plain- Ufa insaranee, as pro- teetioa to tns family, creditor or one's oil ags, and asks a careful ex- amlnatlouof ltsslear and equitable centrists, with their nneqnaled goar- antes in flgares oa ths policy, giving trn lus insaranee at its . Lowest possible Cost ' wun rerieet oeeanty.: This ; som-l psny has been doing business U this State over twenty-eight year, and iU policy holders are iU BEST FBIBNCS. xne voansetisat Hataai baa no speculative feature, extension forfel- tares or intricate plans, eontrived for . th eompany's advantage, nor th Incontestable clause, admit-1 ting rascals at the expense of its hon est members, bat if any happen to get in, it gives' them their money back, ail la lea u to contract. The ,3 Per Cent Reserve has become an important factor In life Insaranee. All will h gladly ex plained by :, 5. D. WAIT, General Agent. Haleish. 1 14 c; Great crowds are visiting oor departments these Ins days admiring the beautifal fabrics sad exquisite garments and purchasing supplies for fal and winter. 'All effort of the pst, great as they were, have been far sur. passed by as this season. Abondant evidence of this is shown on every side, md in all ear departments oar policy is the best-qatlitief at the lowest prioes. Millinery Department 0h6 dp''- -''..' - " (SECOND FLOOR.) " : H,re oa wleet from a $10,000 ' stosk. : All nsw goods, boaght before Stylish Millinery. Oar stylish Hats ths great adtanee in leather and sold gain new admirers every, day. Bach at old prices.: 1,000 pairs Ladies' aaother rich and rare eolleetioa of Dongola Button Shoes. $1 60 a palrj Trimmed Hillioery is not to be found sold slsswhere at $9 00 a pair. Call in town.. Oar priees are the lowest, and see thsm. - ' - - Yoa shoald boy your Bats of us. We ; '' have the most eomplete stock of Sailors mmmmmmmmmmmtmm;m ia the eity. '-- " . . ., . , . . Cloak" Department V : Pfbbed Underwear : ,avnnKnmn; (FIRST FLOOR ) 8EC0KD FL00B r ; - 1?000 Ladi-s. Bibbed Tests, wool, CAPES 800 stylish Capes from 60s. worth 76o. ; $3 60 to $10.00. .. 1,000 Ladies' Ribbed Vests, sotton, JACKETS 360 Butrsr, Cheviot and 90s, eheap at 80s. Boaolt Jackets, new styls. mandolin' ' X.O00 (font's Wool Undershirts, 65i, slesves, front $9.60 to $19.60. Eash worth $1.00. one is a great bargain and yoa should ' All site for Boys and Uhwes. ' not buy a Wrap -lintU yoa Jiavs seen . i. i ours. Flannels ; ;; ' (first floor.) . " . Rubbers , " Canton Flanael, very' heavyj 8 1-S imitRT mnnn and 10s yard. . (triKST FLOOR.) All wool Shaker" Flannel, 60s yard. All sites Ladles' Kisses and Hen's All wool Bed Flannel, 15e yard.; - very ehsap. Blankets and Bed Comforts a urge assortment of Towsis a. t ' (SECOND FLOOR.) Towelling. . CnmforU from 75 each op. - r..- a-' a. ' BlanksU from $1 a pair op. - UUf I.ierCllant , ? Crockery Dep't : Tailoring Dep't - (SECOND FLOOR.) ,, JrJ&M?.'Z A lot of decorated Milk Pltehers, tnrantaed. , - . . . . 10s; worth 90s. This department is - -ir- fall of staple and faney goods and all . A large 1 t of Wrappers from 98s are sold at a small profit. . - - eeoh up. - ' ... . . r.. .v.. . --... --.i i -i, i j f 1 F BE -CONVINCED for CASH. Ape not - J j- , t i s SJ) j, But their prices ire muoh lower than THOSE 80-CALLED C03T SALES." We have but one prtoe at ail times and that's the lowest.' Our slock is now complete In all lines of goods. No such stock of Fancy Rockers, Tables, Conohev Lounges, Medicine Cabinets, Desks, Book Cases and Combination Cases . ....... .... y Wa are a little early, bat oar 189(1 a glance at them will convince yoa that line of Carriages in Raleigh. Ws have the finest - ' When yon are on the market store is the leader of low prices. Do not take oar wcrd bat simply call and be convinced. OPEN AT NIGHT. PlOYALL XTiVLIZIO II, DUIIIIAM, OOLiDJjDOriO C ON. i Ik 414 that wears ths people to boy of, All on goods are marked la plain figures and sold WOOLLCOTT & SON. & Borden Dont9 fc it- . " , 1 . j .. " . . . ... . . ..- .. . designs in Carriages are here. Only they are the bestN and cheapest them from the 13.00 Carriage to - either to bay or price, remember oar BOBDEN,.

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