0 Qp - PtllLlSHED BY , , ' . The Visitor-Press Company Daily, Except Sunday, A Consolidation of the Visitor, Ea tabliehed 1878, and the Press, Eatab- Office in the Pullea Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. r - ' Editor aad Xii(Ki . - BoUolUna; Agemt, SUBSCRIPTION PRICK, One year, i . : One month, t ; ts.oo Tns estimated apple crop for this year ia 66,256,000 barrels, against 57, 627,000 last year. The crop in the New England States is bat little over half that of last year, and in New York and Pennsylvania a third larger. The Ohio crop is two and quarter times as large, and in Michi gan a third less. The largest gains are shown Id indiana, Illinois and Missouri. The present crop of 66, 256,000 'barrels would give about a barrel per capita In this country. With such an apple crop there ought to be cider enough to go around. ": Vaa.MaMti . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. CHE M 2L ABED ' The Leading Afternoon Paper in the State. 1. "i - i ii '. . . " .' - The Press-Visitor publishes all the news every day and has double the cir- eolation of any daily ever published in ' TELEPHONE, .' - - - 168 , THURSDAY, NOVBMBBX 7, 1895. Ths great pacers, Patoben and Gentry were booked for a race at Riohmond today. Tk- ku . I.. I ftU. .u i . - braises, aorea, ulcers, salt rheum, fe blalna. corns and all akli ana positively Hired. It A. B. STROUAGII. EVERYTHING NEW.' Cold Weather. ... Comforts. x J.s.;' ': COTTON COMFOHT8, Double Faced ITull size, 75c. worth a.ioa - - Cotton Comforts, extra quality, 1.00, worth tLSO. . . , . , ftatlna nnmrnwl fVfA ' r-... full size. LA worth $1.60. , , : Extra quality double faced Satine Covered Comforts. 1.50, worth a 00 Tow ' IAhO Thmx fa akin arnDtlona euraa Dllea. or no nav IV4UJIVU. IB KUWIUMHI 19 B I f . John T VuRu ' I . w down Quilts. Itchins-. barnino-. saalv and ernstv (kin scalps of infants cleansed aad healed and quiet sleep restored by .lonnsons oriental Boap, medicinal I , and toilet, twn larva 1m M t DOHtliern WfWil KlanlrfttjJ if or sale br John Y. Macjiae. All diseases of the skin eared and ' White and colored 10-4, ioo to $1.M per pair. (he best complexion restored br John-1 Thttm A n TJV1 son's Oriental Soap, perfumed sad V CLUd O UU1 highly medieated. Two eakes in each I TJ ) iror sale by Joha LUiaUAOlPe package, 25 cents T. MaeBae We have a new Falrbai.k's Store Wagon Peals in good order. .V V ' We have constantly si work from two to six men unloading and scream ing Coal, and from Bve to fifteen teams hauling - - , ,.'. V-i; . ii ; . !, .-VJ .:i;5,;- :,' Coal, Wood, Feed, Shingles. We try to deliver promptly, but prefer to nave orders as far in advance as poa sible, as we wish to guard the. Interact of each purchaser and make of each friend who will "call strata" or write to JONES & POWELL, RALEiOH. N. G. Tin Eleventh Annual Horse Show will be held in New York city November 11th to 16tb, inclusive. This is New York's 400 great event and every one of note in society will attend. nincp Cigarettes Ths street railway mail service baa passed the experimental stage, according to Second Assistant Post master General Nellson, who states in his report that it has proved its usefulness and economy and ought to be extended and perfected as rap idly as possible. He recommends an i appropriation of $200,000 for the ser vice, authority for the Postmaster General to adjust the compensation of the lines, the oonstruotion of street railway mail cars, and a plan for op erating them. Fob some time operations of the Leather Trust have resulted In a constantly upward tendency of all kinds of footwear, and it is announced 13 GARETTFS iL, gay DUWHAM.N.S. U.a. W I 1 mi ny II J I 2.' White with colored bordors, 10-4, $2.25 per pair. .. WHITH T.I. Won?. ur kvnrwa 10-4, $160 to $3.00 per pair. Three Special Values In Wxtra Onalitv Pnrs Wnnl Ri.r kets, 10-4, 11-4, J 2-4, $4 $5, $8 per pair. Crib Blankets Carriage and Buggy liooea. and Hemmed, $1 to $2. stitched, $3, actual value, $3.50. THE LARGEST Furniture Dealers In the South. BUSINESS ; SUITS " J " tumn activity. No clothing suits bast new at all unless it fits neatly and per fecciy. No garment fits properly unless It's m ft1 A fj trHAfl Thtaf'ei htk A-f vawa. M. ueW e vaav U1SV axiom or dress, and it doesn't need rOVinff. . It' U nls1n u th tnnL JnllnaHnn toVvl f Ka- A mail .fiv-wvn ua - vui iunuviu oraer suiu are unequalled in town. Department Freeb, new stock and plenty of It. No advanpe in prices. Always something to interest a close shoe buyer. This week we name eii lines. Y0UEECOQNIZE THAT Every time you which are exactly in every rarticular. Is unanswerable. mil HAnmAf rtntmlfi wnat tiey suouid be ine logie oi laca G. WALTERS , Try Walters' Paramount System of cetatf Sheet and Pillow Cases Tato 1V flVVI Piaailw wnnA and bem-stitcbed. heaper than you can ouy toe cloth and make them. High Greda tob::i ikii ABSOLUTELY PURE A. B. STRONACH, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. Everything, Except High Prices ton Times that the gigantic organi zation has shutdown all of the 100 tanneries under its control, that not a hide will be taken from them -for two months, and that at least 15,000 employes will be foroed into a con dition of idleness. Of coarse, all this is for the purpose of advancing the price of footwear to a still higher figure, just as the winter season is setting in. Sheets -'Writing Paper WEIKEL ATIV . ' v. bviu. AUU UU HUE ! Wa bava alan fha the best anld. As for Pens, there is none to com- orrect ink," only TAILOR. THOMAS & MAXWELL HAVB ,UST SXCKIVKO- A Car Load of Furniture -oonsisHno of- 37 of the 'Finest Oak Suits That have ever been shown In the city. Established 1886. H. J. BROWN COFFIN HOUSE ' RAIiEIGH.. N. C. Eeepe the Urgent, finest and best ee leoted stoek of Coffins and Caskets in Cloth Wood and Metal. Bnrlal Robes. Wrappers, Slippers for Ladies, Oenta and Chlldreni also . Burglar Proof Grave1 Vaults JOHN BROWN, Prop'r, Funeral Director and Embalm er 8ep80-lm Come and examine for yourself; Children's School Schools. two grades, price SLO0 and $1 8S. , Children's Dress Shoes. Ki. Goodyear, welt, patent leather np. pointed toes, price a.oo, ., . .; Ladies' Shoes, Plain; kid, opera last, narrow toe. patent leather tip. and common sense, a splendid shoe for the price, i 00. Ladies' Shoes. Bright kid, razor toe, patent leather tip, very stylish, prlos 13 60. Ladies' Shoes. , . . Cloth top, Goodyear welt, narrow toe. patent leather tip, price $160. - Ladies' Shoes, , . Bright kid. Goodyear well; razor toes, patent leather tip, very dressy, price $3.00 , . W; tt & I S. TUCKER & CO. IFor School . Scappllies RALEIGH STATMJERY CO, , - Biw irayettevlUe Btreet, Opposite Postotflca - ' ' .. ' .. .. lT.' X"!... v' W htM ft lima anl aMH. ii . - . .v "hv bhju wuiumu! una i it tPfimanatifn VMAfiAA . moii i and ink Pads and Tablets. 81ate Strata "EC.V p-n. SSSa".'; inss. wmposiuon Books, Black-board Erasefs? Tabletl atT SCHOOL BAGS, Of every description at prices that can't be'beaten; They have haa three clerks marking uown me price of goods on hand in order to sell them out to mat We Are Known -as;- Headquarter teousattoStion sid wegoantesoarS.m!? Pptand wu ! wted. sSpeoiS ptoM wd a. re? RALEIGH QTATIOrJERY CO., ' W G. 8EPARK, Manager. . FayettevUle Street Pbinck Itdbbidb, of Mexioo, a resi dent of Washington for many years, has been challenged to mortal oom bat, if report be true, by Robert Nev ille, a well known club man of Wash ington. The prince has accepted the challenge, according to the story, and seoonds have been chosen. The principals are members of the Met ropolitan Club, and it was there, it is said, that the insult which led to the challenge was given. Neville and Itorbide were sitting, with sev oral others,disou8sing horsemanship. Iturbide declared that as a horseman he was more than the equal of the best vaquero of the broad plateaus of old Mexico. He told of feats that he oould do that Wm. F. Cody's most fearless riders do not undertake and so these two will probable try their prowess at arms to prove their prow ess at horsemanship. - Is now ready to make up Suits for Fall and Winter. He has a fine selec tion of Suitings and Trouserings, Call at 134 Fayetteville street, up stairs. sep 8 8m Must have care or they'll surely ever, tney will show the neglect they I ouuui u miiKi uw cieoit noon ineir I - i decay IVotice of" Exfecutlon Sale. Nosth Carolina, . Wak Countt. Kt virtue of an mmHm iKhmii nie from tbe Superior Court of said I ouuiiky uu a judgment ui lavor or A. I Strauss, plaintiff, and against Ed M. Bledsoe, defendant, 1 will, at 13 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS SFS? 5o?oft-S v"JA,J" I COUntv in BaleiffC. sell at nuhHa ann. I tion to tb highest bidder for cash, to' For these Fens In Baleigb. Our line of satisfy said execution, all the right. I I title and interest whlnh ih. ,.M I JaCSSrs. Thomaa Uitii I mwaui. abled to sell goods as cheaply as they u Tftk,e cw of nd preserve your teeth uo, ana increase the numhar nr th, I salesmen and the volume nt thir k.. -i nest because thev are tha i. .j wealthiest furniture dealers to the wh,oh V;1 whiten the teeth, harden the ooum. ,ah idea of the ertmtt t th.i. 5".rAi"i "". e impart a 'Simpson's Dental Fluid, biismessin.Ti rn;.::-:.r-D" Wypaot to tbe breath. - One , r. - v ui wiiow-i wuii wm convince you or its Bupe- noniy oyer ail otner liquid dentifrices. Ga. mi list 01 Ianra Snnthorn .ih which they .have branch bouses: THOMAS MAXWELL , ' ' " - " Cnarlton, s.a voiumbla, " Savannah. " " Augusta.. " Atlanta,- " Maoon. "" " Columbus, - " Americu. s P " . ., charlotte, N. 0. " . " " Baleigb. -'." V " Richmond. Va. And other stores that we have not space to mention, but will do so later. Ths Washington Post comes to the defence of the South and her ad vantages to immigration. It says : Everybody knows that there are tracts of almost worthless land In tbe South. . The same is true of the ' North, the East and the West But there are millions of acres of good land in the South that can be bought : at very low figures.. Vne South has , almost every variety of eoiL Every edible thing that can be produced on .farms in the North grows luxurJ- . antly in the South, Jf properly eared , for. This fact, considered, in con nection with ths important products that are peculiar to the South, for ' oibly attests the agircultural superi- oirity of that section. The notion that only cotton will grow in the cotton States is nonsensical. ; Form erly, many of the ootton planters found it profitable to buy their corn from the North, but in recent years U. J have varied ttt.r crops, and are now raising all the cereals. M. Bledsoe had when said judgment was docketed or has since acquired in uu w wMnruug rot or parcel or land juow duuui n iun wrfgriie 11 alts or the CitV Of Baleiffh arnraaaM anil arifh in Raleigh township, bounded and de- ao wuuwa to-wit: un Ult norsn oy ie north line of thepartition deeJ of Mary 8. Hunter to Martha O and Mofes A Bledsoe, recorded In tbe BegUter's office of Wake county afore- u io uu page otss; on ins esst by the west line of ti e deed of Sim- uuua liMci mi jioses a. iiieasoe. recorded in said Register's offlosin book IB on mum JOT. m tha .th k- the north line of the two deeds of nuavs a. ana Martha u. Bledsoe to ueorse r. ixwKe, recorded in said Refflntar'a nffim In hnnk on nam. aaj " Wl sell to toe hirtert hw3r TF fB respecuve y. nd on the" west I J jm V . . . wwwwi UT U1B mTAirAVIlIA roOil Mnreinin SCHOOL SUPPLIES is not equalled In the city. Alfred Williams & Co. Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of power conferred on me by a certain mortgage, executed by 14. U Edwards and wife, 8. T. Edwards, bearing date of February 28, 1888, and duly recorded In Registry of Wake county in Book No. . 101. page S0SL March 14. itaa T hu An liJZtZZ KT , na-ag VU JUVIIUNJ, JW court house door in tbe city of Ealeiirh. wu w me mgnest Wdder for cash tbe iJ i rtR8ge aescribed, sita- .v.v m.mm Aviruouil' TV sULQ county, and bounded is follows, to wit: yu,"f i m J- jb. jrsson's line and Madison Privett'a corner, thence nearly east to a stake In J. O thence along said Edwards' line nearly north tn a otjika Jnhn p.'. thence west to a stake on the road, thence nearly north along said road to - v wwbiw jLuaes nne, tnence nearly west with said Duke's line to a pine, J. R. Barnaul's corner, thence nearly south with said Barbam's and- "u wt a siase, nuke s corner Uience nearly west to a biack gum, J. U. Fason corner, thence nearly south With said Faann'a Una 1 1 fK. K.lni . . .v w wuv utjtiuuuii. containing eighty-nine acres, more or I "f ' " Attorney., Johw M. Ciucnshaw, Mortgagee. Raleigh N. C Not s "iswi 7 Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Miss Mollis A. HiU, de ceased, lata of Wake county, this lis to notify all persona bavin claims against uieimtu rtiiituj w present mem to the DnriftrsiornAd nn nr f .-a imk a I viobu in mur ox uieir recovery. ' J. C. MAhOOM. adm'r estate of iMigs Mollie A, Hili R. T. GRAY, Attorney. Oct. s It w- w out eight acres of land, more or less. November 1, 1806 Wailaarwajafcit. Mam I "'osliavaiaObas.sbaaMSvaMta Tours for honest goods and low prices, THOMAS :& MAXffFII. With Avurrtlilnfw A at- .... . . . 1 ,.vw,:rv. . vast eonstitoeaer. and k.i i. f." "ff?" "h'hss ballt ap oar I season. : r ' gratifying volants season after .YOUR MONEYS FULL VALUE Is considered fai mA .i-i.. j..,,: ' N, - tt. Simpson's Pharmacy, p?-winr,r:S!f r , ' pnrts will, ws think make evid.ai ifc. .! "?1B ?" ow."-. r" '"peeUoa of sbovs prlnslpl, or rstber oar ImproveenTc, it. " pUtd As stylish, hsadsoms sod sew ss it Is nnahu i. i . "... w .A t., IM 1SSK w V " ' GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND sW? AO mini Ka.. j" a. .; .. .''v;v a..,. .,-. .u ti. fs.hi;B;bi;ieVtrr.;,TngK ' pi . ess show you np-td.ts atnff !" I'l!. with th. mH Prepared only by WILLIATl SIMPSON (Pullen Building.) USB SIMPSON'S LITER PILLS sad I ECZEMA QISTMEBfT. C, ' Mortgage Sale. By authority of a oiortgage from William Pnmma. nnj rR.. his wife, recorded in Book 128 at pass 895, Eegister of Deeds office for Wake Mnnt T will as- Bfl W. Uvit. yoo'r .rhT .' " WOr' ty th ,Mh,""- - tod.; Gross & Unehan. -- Favettevillo Ctreet. 's beat 100 Men's Shoes on ft, lM"dnom oal&kin. donirola tope, all leather trimmed, aoUd leaSS soles with Lewis Cork Filled SoJesT ; j . Demm7 Une workman- I n ship and woartag quaUtiea, Your choice J m"l vi Saaa MUSI IM HWIULT KAbIbI tmmm .J E . I Lucy niKhest bidder for cash, a tract of land m - vary townsnip, wake county, containing ons inm mom nr less, described as follows: Beglnninx ohiu oiuiiounr line. wuuu o-i iiuiea to a StaaSL thence east 18 14 poles to a stake North 8-4 poles to atake ii Jones' Une.. Westie 1-4 poles to the begin- p.OUyearid wlfe,a B. Olive, to Wll. liam Msyneld on the sath day of Decern her. iaka n.(mmMi.n.i; hv tn aairi Huu1 tKiK i. ..... ham Plummer from Haywood Sogers : Johk L. Goodwin, bct5i,td. 1 Mort TLe.De wilder; n in - Z"1" wwb, also BMiae .TKXlifO g1 "lyna IllXatod Monthl. aw.cach amaoBUinina a Pmo r Hunie. Vnnl Sale of Land Under Mortgage. PMOMF SO C ana wearing qualities. Tour choice Of all tha nnrwila. t- ... . Inga. T -- auu laeun. ftllY n&ll sVwifttlw.a a. ' . . Wda"1"1?06 PoUcy f Kpod for - Wmp Taatat laJJ a Shoes, and go issued free. SOLD BT Whitin.gr H3roo y virtue of power conferred upon Muncriim tevMnft a..; a ,J UUI UTH1WP IB BC3T": ANTHRhClTZ- J re ft fifnfj ivinf ' S. Jaa fSEASC.'JTO OAKmNE ; .ANY LIHGIH A'1) j ..ytwui. wuifl4 DA IU II auiy recorded In Kegistry of Vr'skel wl,l nfTr fnr ..l. tT- A?-. 1 7i -::-: v""" wii iu lue I I " 7"""" ",1 iu., mo iana as- i j i '? morrgase, sdjoinr-g the x.nena sua otners, lyina in Barton-s Creek township, said coun; tV eMd fllATA and WirtM SAnatAl. J. scribed in said mortgage, which for de scription etc , is made a Dart hnnr baid trsct of land contains J20 acres mors or less. B. Montagus, Sept 23 '85.' Atty. Mortagee. Continued to October 80th. ' i 1 j , (JOLLECTOB'S OFTrCaV ' KAXE1GH, N. C, Nnt.fOA IB hnrnnv rinn n9 KA --j of one barrel of corn whiskey at 8milh. ubiu, . irom i eivington and Dick ens nn Auo-nat a live boxes of Tuani) factored tobacco August .10, ,15, sliiptd by T. .8. Dale a, ka) , la'iKin l oin .a, . (J. rnr.rT!.?0.,,,i? .Mwie, Vol Drmiti ttte New. Bod Portmtta of Pretw AotnamZ Mou.hold, Toilet h! FnoT Work HlntTSTfJ SaantnliBBU far younwlf. UB RJBW IDKA CO.. - - 1441 Broadway. IwwYoHiCui.. IB hwkm. usoai IWibniiMat uunkiBl and fuhloa IroriMl la wiooTer,continitic froin ta to lw-ln piroM SLTS T awwunwntal inito, bc.l. rlr or b U JBM-, $1.60, auupk, copy, JO M. auunB ; ,"' " CWCal ECHO CO iwbj- ineatr BnUdins, Hew To ubbtbi Aog e. ATC9T Or Anv rwratn rluimiMi. a n o into.. t ISBid articles above rtfscribfd will file wnh me clnira in tmrtv davs as prr MV'fd in SfM-!iiin Snil li. S . or'nnn i. ! " s I si 'coverv w ,J I THKAGC. - mi rWM'fC I Wiil be forfeited. "M ia 1 tn 4 ri.n Tm uate in i.r; o nik t- t.n tmK i Vl-,t ; Mil n.bi, : - j . f-ut t n.sil, . ,.. !, j ,, raceii of Dnu. &i ... For sale by John T. a m"k. " x v . .. ITS; A BIG SIGN, not it . fact and will Viki. ""'"'K" 8 a larirs .rof'Ute frj chane property In this town. voE P1 rnat A "rise wmor- i'ZJL. 7-U bsdm e r,turn. in tk. r2r " 'w,,ys the n ul mpn tow.mT'!ni,yt- In,f wiks . vuuivo pruperues On Easy Terms. Several larro" . . rent. Apply to' WUTOU,BUt aon7 'or Eilisglca & Co. loct4 SCd iBsurance and Ueal Estate Agt. gtat. 7 . . Jsovi ia

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