TUOS. J. PENCE, . - - City Editor. THURSDAY.' NOTBMBER 7. 1885. Index to New Advertisements. ' Thomas A Maxwell's Great Bargains. . WEATHER FORECAST. - 'I Forecast for North Carolina ' I oai I Friday Not Received. I mn I Ixxl Koreoaw for Raleigh j I i ... land vicinity Friday Ocean-1 " " tonal snowera, cooler, ' .' New Rail. . ' The Southern Railway ia getting in new rail for the North Carolina Division, preparing for the opening of the Norfolk line on January 1st of next year, says the Greensboro Reo ord. The weight of the new rails to be pat down is 70 pounds. The new rail will be pnt down on the North Carolina road from Greensboro to Selina. ,. - v , To be a fact that Johnson & Smith can make photographs that are unsurpass ed oy any artist in we profession. woes reasonaoie. . . . :. Wanted. An honest; active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable established house. Salary $780, payable 15 weekly and ex peases. Situation permanent Refer ences. Enclose self-adUressed stamped envelope. - The Dominion Company, 316 Omaha Building, Chicago, nol-lm For choice meats go to Thomas Don aldson's. Stall No. , Market house. Telephone 180. .... ?-; octSOSw. Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first olass dressmaking at their Dome, our MOixn Wilmington street. Perfect Ut and satisfaction guaranteed. .' Thursday, November Ttb ' Iioosl data for 84 hours ending at a. m. today flftaxlmnm tempera-; tare, 70; Minimum temperature, ou; . Main-rail, trace. - . PERSON Alt. - Hr. Wsj. Tneker went North on the Seaboard train this morning. " Ketsrs. R. 0. Bnrtoa and J. B. Betehelor took the 8. A. L train for ' Weldoa. ' ' Mrs. H. H. Helper is at the Park Hotel visiting her brotber-in-law, Cant. 8. D. Waltt. Mr. J. HL Winder, of the Seaboard Air Line, passed through the city to day en loot to Atlanta. Hr. listener Ramsey, a popular traveling man. representing Giles A Kualls, of Baltimore, is in the sity. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grimes who have been laths eity for some days re turned this morning to Grlmesland. Mrs. Ingram, of Atlanta, who has been in the eity for several days, turned this morning to Atlanta. Mrs. F. S. Sprnill and children, who have been visiting in Chspel Hill were here today en route to Louisburg. Mrs. J. D. Hollister, of Winston, who has been in the eity on a visit to friends and relatives, retnrned to her home this evening. Mr. Robt. Page returned this morn ins from his home near Morrisvllle. He had just returned there f romGreens- boro, where he went to bring home his sister. Mist Daisy Page, who is qnite sick of fever. Miss Page has been at tending the Normal School and was taken sick there. ' Have yon had Johnson & Smith to make von half dozen of their card photos? It only costs yon 11.60. . They guarantee to sausiy you, -r ;' & a SEAWELL. Jr.. Engineer and surveyor- jjeveung a specialty, wore done with accuracy and dispatch. 566 East Hargett street 4-4t Our Batter Cuds. Peanut Brittle.: Cream Almonds and Taffy are the best aw a pouna, . s -iw isarDeea rope. Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Barbee & Thompson Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. ah A. mompson retiring, ine business will ba continued bv Mr. . B. Barbee. (Signed) E. B. BARBEE, ALT A. THOMPSON. Raleigh, N. C, Oct 80. 1895. Under the advice of mv nhvsieian I have coucluded to retire temporarily from business and beg to cordially I commend Mr. E. U. Barbee, who oon-1 tinues ine Dusiness or isaroee Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. Barbee is severed with sincere regret Not only as partners, but friends, our relations have been, without exception, thor oughly cordial. With everv facility for conducting the business, an entire Knowledge or tne wants oi ine traae. and a fixed intention to give value re-1 cetvea, mere is every reason to assure toose in teres' eu tnatneaiinara witn Mr. Barbee will be entirely satisfactory. ALT A. THOMPSON. I desire to thank our natrons for past favors and solicit a continuance ol tne same with the assurance that 1 will do my best to please them. it. a. XSABBKJt We are now making in their perfec tion the original .Peanut Brittle and Butter Cups. We invite comparison with other makes. ROYSTER, 'fXQi'- Wanted.- . f: " A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established house. Salary $780 payable $15 weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady - References. - Enclose seir-addressed stamped envelope. H, E. HESS, President; Chicago. - : : tf Gome AND Examine The handsomest Steel iRange made. It ia "THE JEWEL." See oar new Bissetl Grates Wehav 3 Bicycles On easy terms' T Baby Carriajyes At out price. CllKDEFJUCO, FANCY GROCERS, 803 JPnvetteville St. Just received a shipment of Soda Crackers, Milk Lunch, Oyster Crack ers and Takes A 1.1, FRbSH ' ' Buckwheat, (latmeal. Oak Fakes, Hominy Flakes, large and small Hom iny. Preserves by the pound or in bot tles at very low prices.-v Fresh Eggs, Chickens and Turkeys always on hand. ARE THE BEST Swift's Orioles Ham and Breakfast Bacon always in stock.' We handle the best brands of Coffee only. Momaja, Mocha and Java, Arbuokle's and Lev ering" s B. I o. are our brand. H. J. HeinaY : Ejweet and Sour Pickels V Always in stock. -. Oar Flours are stricUy the best ?( . ( - ACME, ' '" t ' . DAN VALLEY SUPERLATIVE, NORTH STATE and, , ' DESOTA are the names! Money refunded if any of the above brands do not suit , , Fresh 13ausa.gre ' (All pork) arriving daily. Lowest prices and prompt delivery ia our motto. ; . . Loose Buckwheat ac per pound. Give us a trial. 0. H. AMDEESON tt CO. V V r ON. 14 EAOT r.lARYItJ G7 STOP Hi A rionkey ; j Parrot Time. You know the whole story. There's the mischief to pay. and somebody must foot tne bill. Tue moral oi it is: Buy good furniture such as will stand wear and tear the best for monkey and rarrot are everywhere, in smbs rorm or other. We want to add that furni ture figures as a necessity, a con venience and a luxury. All these nointa are covered handsomely in our stock, which is the largest In the olty. , Don't be side-tracked into any v way- side station ;but f ' COME DIRECTLY TO HEAD-j QUARTERS . , if "yon want the best goods for the least money. , , , , Gliomas & naxwell.' Nov71w Grestorovds are visiting our departments these fins dsys sdmlrlng the bssutifal fabrics sad xqnlsite garments and purchasing snpplies for fal snd winter. All effort of the past, great as thay were, have been far sur passed by us this season, ' Abundant evidence of this is shows on every side, snd in all onr departments our polioy la the best qualities at the lowest prices. Millinery Department - ' ' (SECOND FLOOR.)" 1 Stylish Millinery. Jo nr sty llsh Hats gain new admirers, every day. : finch another rich snd rare collection of Trimmed Millinery Is not to be fonnd in town. Onr prices are the lowest. You should bny your Hats of ns. We have the most complete stock of Sailors la the eity. , . THE CRACKS Around yonr windows juid doors by using r BOSLEY'S Vhos. H. Briggs & Sons, FELT WEATHER STRIP. fUuuaH, N C. sept gt-lv. Mr. Keeler Wedded. Mr. I. M. Keeler, superintendent of the Raleigh Eleotrio Company, re tnrned yesterday from a trip North. He had been gone for several weeks, bat none knew his object in going. It was only when he returned, that the friends of the Superintendent learned that he had joined the army of Benedicts ; on October 29th be was wedded to Miss Leavitt, a young lady of Mr. Heeler's old New Jersey home. Mrs. Keeler did not return here with her husband Those who know say that the Su perintendent had such a vast num ber of strong-armed, straight-eyed friends that he was compelled to make an exit through a rear window in order to escape the shoes and rice which were hurled at him, with much good will, but likewise much force. Heavy Passenger Traffic. The trains that pass through Ral eigh are heavily loaded these days. The travel to Atlanta is in s large measure the cause of this. The Sea board trains are well filled and gen erally extra sleepers sre attaohed. The very low rates are also going into effect snd this, no doubt, catches a great many people. A noticeable fact is that bridal conples seem to form the largest per cent of any one class. A conductor remarked that he .hadn't missed a couple for some time. You I can always tell them. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Ma day. Marion Har land's New Book. "Home of the Bible.' Over 8,000 new photos; nearly 500 extra large pages. Just the book for the fall and holiday canvass. Bo experience needed. For particulars address His. torical Fub. C ., Philadelphia, Pa. OctlOtf Gives perfect satisfaction. No rub ber to gum or to harden. Is always soft and pliabla Kept in stock in two sites. Narrow strips for the small cracks, wide strips for the large cracks. DYE -Yonr pid Clothes with- :f ; DIAMOND DYEJ Ribbed Underwear . (FIRST FLOOR) ljDOO Ladies' Ribbed VesU, wool. 80c, worth 75. 1,000 Ladies' Ribbed Teats, cotton, 0s, cheap at 80s. 1,000 Gent's Wool Undershirts, Mo? worth W.00. , ' - -All site for Boys and Misses. Flannels (FIRST FLOOR.) J -l Canton Flannel, very heavr. 8 1-J and 10s yard. , ', , All wool Shaker Flannel, 60s yard. All wool Red Flannel. lo ward. Tf O 1Ve ViaJQI UUAlSJMJf WMUM... I all desirable colors, for yon to select from and book of directions bow to use it - ' -( ,- Wanted An Idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may onng you weaiw. write jonn j Wedderburn A Co , Patent Attorneys. Washington. D. C. for their tl.8001 . - - i prize oner. , jovb Lost Bank Stock. Raucioh, N. C July 23. 1896. The undersigned hereby gives notice i that she has lost, or her late husband, yn.M.a. emitn. nas lost, two oemn- cates of shares of the capital stock of The Citizens' Bank of Norfolk, Va., numbered 40 and 83 respectivelv. the farmer for three shares and the latter for twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her if found. MBS. Mary O. Smith. Executrix of W. -N. H. Smith. ocU92m Deceased, Raleigh. N. C. Madam Besson desires to call the at tention of the public to her new stock I of fall and winter Millinery for ladies. misses ana cniiaren. imants caps, sacques, notions, etc. octltf "All Right" Cook Stoves Remington Typewriters THE WONDERFUL ROCHE'S EMBROCATION -FOB- WHOOPING COUGH. An external remedy, safe, and all right! Home testimonials endorse its I K aw S miu,j. I 1TTT IITD T T3I1TTC1 Jas. McKimmon & Go HARDWARE I COMPANY. PHARMACISTS, Not t-ly 188 Fayetteville St.,: Raleigh. N. 0. The Board of Aldermen Met. The Board of Aldermen, according to agreement at ths last regular meet ing, met last -night at the Mayor's office for the purpose of levying taxes for ths year.. Upon assembling it wss fonnd that ths Board of Equalisa tion, had not completed their work An adjournment was taken until later on in order to give ths Board oppor tanity to complete its work. Bretsch has bum un sucn a trade that he is l asy shipping to points out side the city. His crackers, cakes and mncn mug Discnits are tne nnest to be had. TO BE CONTINUED What? A JEWELRY SALE. Wc will place on special sale tomor row at 0 a. m. every piece of Jewelry that sold for 16, 30, 85, 80 and 85c I apiece for Only 10c Only 10s This special sale will contain: Broeh Pins Brocb Pins Neck Pins Neck Pins Scarf Pins Scarf Piss Again Ws call your attention to onr I complete 1 neof I - Misses- and cniMren's dboes. Misses' Calf Soring Heel, best shoe made for school, $ S.M Misses' Patent Tip Needle Toe, Spring Heel, very stvlisb, 185 Misses Patent Tin. Spring, 1.60 The popular Kid Tip Spring Heel Rhors for Misses and Children at the following prices: MUws, 11 to J. $1.15 ' Child's, lJ5and $150 Infant's Soft Sole Button JShoes and Moccasins, .. . , OUR "SPECIALTIES Laos Pins Laos Pins Editors' Wants and Temptations. Recently Pastor Simmg of the Tab ernacle church invited a certain edi tor in thia city to attend the service for professional men held at the church a few nights ago. "I want you to tell us your wants and your temptations," remarked the pastor. , "Well, brother," remarked the care-worn editor."mywants are that my subscribers should pay up their subsoripuons. My temptations are to cuss those fellows whowon't pay up, ., Will Shoe All the Oovernon.' , ' Mr. Harry j. Mooney, of Brockton, Mass an expert shoemaker, has ar rived here on a very novel tour. Mr. Mooney started from Brockton some time ago to visit every Capital of every State in the Union and to make a pair of shoes for, every Governor. lie has already visited t n C. pitals and encased ten pairs ci Gdrternatorial feet in shoe leath ere ,1tewi;i wait on G:. Carras 8" i f ? ta returns to tae c.y. A'ler c this tour he will goto Hair Pins Hair Pins Brea.t Pins Breast Pins 50 j HELLER Broke Cuff Buttons Cuff Bnttohs Shirt Bnttons . . ' Shirt Buttons J " Collar Buttons I ; f Collar Buttons And many other articles which we I haven't space to meatioa. , . Bring all the Children ' Bring all the Children And buy to yonr heart's content, for I you have never seen sneh a sale, NOT I JKVJffl AT AUCTION. We Have " We Hats A very large stock of Jewelry and it I must be SOLD at once. Corns early I . . . . . ana get tne pick, . MRS. EMMA B. SWINDELL, : Exesutrix. .134 Fsyetteville Street. The Whitest, Sweetest; and Strongest FLOUR. The Jnest Butter and v the Best , - COFFEE that money will buy at WiCStronach.&Sons HICKS .ROGERS, Prescription DrugKlsta. Blankets and Bed Comforts , 1 (SECOND FLOOR.) ' 'Comforts from 75s each np. :.5 Blankets from 1 a pairnp.' THE CONNECTICUT jfUTUAL Life Insurance Comp'y Bells plain Ufa Insurance, as pro tection to ths . family, ' creditors or one's oil age, and asks a careful ex amination of Its slsar and equitable oontraets, with thslr nnequaled gnar antees In fignres on the policy, giving true lifs Insurance at its Lowest possible Cost -V. With Perfect Security. This com pany has been doing business ia this I Stats over twenty-eight years, and Its policy holders sre its BUST ITiUJtW 118. Tbs Connecticut . Mutual . has ao speculative feature, extension forfcl-l tares or Intricate plans, ,- contrived for the ' company's advantage, nor the incontestable , clause, admit- ting rascals st the expense of Its hon est members, bat if any happen to get in, it gives them their money back, all stated la the contrast. . Ths 3 Per Cent Reserve has besoms aa important factor In lifs insurance. All will he gladly ex plained by i , '",'. - S. D. WAIT, V General Agent, talclgh. Crockery Dep't - v (SECOND FLOOR.) A lot of decorsted Milk Pitchers. 10c, worth 90s. Thla department la fall of staple and faaey goods and all are sold at a small profit. , ' , . Choo Dep't Here yoa can select from a $10,000 stock. All new-goods, bought before the great advance In leather and sold at old prices. 1,000 psirs Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes, $1 50 a pair) sold elsewhere at $3 00 a pair.- Call and see them. Cloak Department ' - (SBCOND FLOOR.) - 1 , CAPRS-800 stylish , Cspes from tJ 50 to $10.00. . JACKKT8 850 Beav.r, Cbsvlotaad Bouele Jackets, new style, mandolin sleeves, from $3.50 to $13.50. Bach one is a great bargain and you should not buy a Wrap nntil yon have seen ours. rj . . a. , . , (FIRST FLOOR.) . , ' All sues Ladies,' Misses andMenV very cheap., - , A largs sssortment of Towels and Towelling. . . . wur i.iercnant Tailoring Dep't . , . ' We esn save yoq 35 par sent if you UI lt as make yoa a ; suit. Fit guaranteed." - . t A largs 1 t of Wrappsrs from Oft. sschap. ' 9 rJ BE CONVINCED for CASH. - was ws are us people to bay of,. All out goods are marked In plain figures and sold ; . ... W00LLC0TT & SON. -if " Notice by Executrix. Havini Qualified as the Executrix of I the last Will ana .testament or u. t. Swindell, deceased, late of Wake Countv. North Carolina. I heieby notify all persons having claims against the iLStaw of said Swindell to present the same to me on or oetore uctooer , ssd, 1690, or this notioe will be plead in I bar of their recovery. Tbia is also to notify ail persons indebted to said Es tate to make prompt payment to me. : ri' ... . . mtnliA. 1U,h 1UUK EMMAE. SWINDELL. Kxecutrix of the last Will and Testa-i ment of v. T. Swindell, leceased. Erkmt Hatwood, Attorney, octl8 ltwflw , ,. i . , I -' v,;-f.i? e. -.w , " ft. Rojall & Borden La-Garciosa JFt ve Cent Cigar. DROP IN At Bobbitt's . Where Yo will Always Find "; " vit (Dost btf But' their prices are much lower than THOSE SO-CALLED COST SALES. We have but one price at all times and that's the lowest Our slock is now complete in all lines of goods. No each stock of Fancy Rockers, Tables, Coaches, Lounges, Medioine Cabinets. "Desks, Book Casei and Combination Cases . : ? v 7 , von tZioxvri 171 ol: - - " i . la pl4ciog' the above named : Cigar before the public, we feel j tstified in stating that It is the Acme of Perfection. It will s ldom be , equalled and never excelled. Try one. ROYSTERS FRESETBON BONS ,:'.: i. . ' - 1 ... . .. 1. . " ,v , t and chocolates; - . The equal of any candy sa the marketj artistically put np sealed packages, ranging from one-half to five pounds. Pi:iCE OOc per round. We are a little early, bnt our 1806 designs in Carriages are here. Only a glance at them will convince yoa that they are the test and cheapest line of Carriages in Kalefsh. We have them from the 13.00 Carr; s to the finest. ' ' ' -' j - When you are on the market either to bay or price, remember our 8toreisti;eI viorcf lowrr'ces;, Do not take our word but simply call ,Jte -li orLN AT NIGHT. , ii. ki;:3 J U tu,, 8ole Agents for IUga. - i r ItOYlLL p mm, Huyler's Candy freah every week. a a i . , .

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