V .They Learned Hotter. It is raaordad tbat the first Ural miners were much diHgusted with plati num and did not know what to dowitb the hard, dirty-looking metal, say London contemporary. They thought they had solred the problem of sno oftssfal utilization when the had mad ballets of it for their sporting muskets. Home Foduot are Unappreciated. It Is an interesting fact that whll the mw Rhode Island State Capitol in ProTldenoe is to be built of Qeorgli , marble, the Georgia State house , built of Indiana marble. . . t .Buay Hatmakera. y 0 1 r ' ii ii i - 1 By the use of meehanloal device now , :; employed it la said that a workman - ean make the "bodies" of 400 hats day. By the old process ha eonld only . ' make fonr or live. Anetrallan Sheep Farming. Sheep farming la an Industry of . gret Importance fa Australia. Is Vie. .toria alone there is pasturage for some- ' thing like 85.000,000 sheep. - -- Mure Women than Men. The population of the world averages 100 women to every 100 men. ' Eight . ninths of the sudden death are those of males. -, CureforHoadaohe. ' ' As a remedy for all forms of head ;x aobe Eleetrle Bitters has proved to be the very best, it eneets a permanent enre aod the most dreaded habitual . sick headabbes yield to its Influence, v We nrjre all who are enlisted to pro ; enre a bottle, and' irlve this remedy a fair trial. 10 ease of naoltpal eonstl j nation Kleotrlo Bitters eore or kit , ioff the needed tone to the bowels. and few eases Ions; resist the use of ' this medicine. Try it at ooee Iiaro-e - bottles only 60a at John Y MacRae's drnps'ore. Couldn't Bee Anything Else. S, jenkiags I paid $1 60 to sea your wife's tat last night. ,t Smith What are you taking about? Jenkins Fact f sat right behind . her at the theatre.-1. ' HOW TO PREVENT CROUP - SOUS EKADIBO THAT WILL PSOVS 1KTSB. ' senna to Tousa mothibs how to quabd AOAiBsT ran Dismiss. ' -' Croup Is a terror to young mother - . and to post them eoDoernlngtn cause, first symptoms and treatment Is the vObj'ot of this item. The origin of croup Is a common cold Children . who are subject to it take sold very easily and eroup is almost sure to fol- . low The first symptom I Goaisenessi ;thls is soon followed by a peculiar oagh cough," which is easily recog nixed and will never be forgotten by one who has heard It. The time to ' - sot Is when the -oblld first becomes hoarse. - If Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy is freely given -all tendency ' to croop 'wlll soon disappear. Bven after the oroapy ooogh has developed . , it will prevent the. attack. There la no danger In giving this remedy, for it contains nothing injurious. For .ale by 3. Hal Bobbitt, Druggist.. . -" If there was an election In New r i Jersey, the Democrats were not noti ... fled to attend. , A vlear, soft, rosy complexion Is the ' desire of every lady. Why not give ., Johnson' Oriental Soap 4 trial. There .' is nothing to compare with it a .. akin beantifler. Two cakes la a pack age, 96 sent. For sale' by John 7. - MaoBae, druggist, -, , , , ...I , v .1 iiin.i,,.'.. r;r I don't see that this election calls " for any comment from me.--d. Cleve land. . , ""' The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells of Bast Brimfleld, Mass., had besn suf- fering from neuralgia for two days, not being able to sleep or hardly keep ' still, when Mr Holden, the merchant there, sent, her a bottle of Chamber y Iain's Pain Balm, and asked that she give it a thoraugh trial. Oa meeting Mr. Wells the next day he was told that she was ill right, the pain had -left her within two hours, and that the bottle of Pain Balm wa worth $5.00 if it could not b had for less. : For sale at 60 cent per bottle by J. . Hal Bobbitt, druggist. ' Itching, burning, scaly and crusty skin scalps of infant cleansed and healed and quiet sleep restored by ' Johnson' Oriental Soap, medioinal and toilet, two large cakes 86 eta. For sale by John T. MaeBae. ' . Mr. Briee ha at least the satisfac tion of knowing it was loaded. ' - Rheumatism, neuralgia, pains in the back or side, stiff neck, sore throat, tonsilitis, diphtheria, oamps and colic sstantly relieved by, Johnson's Mag netic Oil. Large bottles, 35 and 60 cents. For sale by John Y. ? MoBae, druggist . . The Democrats appear to have kick ed a goat in Mississippi. Johnson's Kidney ana Liver Begu lator invigorates the liver, regulates the bowels, cures dyspepsia, bllous ness, indigestion, sour stomach and makes your head as elesr as a bell 86 and 60 cents. For sale by John Y. MaoBae Will Kentucky move that it be made unanimous? ' 8. F. Yinger, Dewart, Pa., writes: Mr. Hsringof this plaee has need your remedy for the Piles and reoom mends it very highly. He gave me your address. I would like to know on what terms and price you sell to dealers. Let me hear from yon and oblige. Sold by John Y, MaoBae.. , When Jack Proposed. ' I meant to keep quite calm and cool, And not bhve just like a fooi, When Jack proposed Intended to be dignified. And ay, "Perhaps I'll be your bride it 1 m disposed. In spite' of all I thought to do. . My plans, so cherished n'er cams true, When jack proposed. -I laid my head against fats breast, . And Jack can tell you all the rest, If he's disposed. , - Two Lives Saved. - Mrs. Phoebe Thorns, of Junction Oitv 111., was told bv her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope tor her, oui iwo Domes or ur. King's Mew Discova completely cured her aad she save it savi her life. Mr. Thoa. Emrera. 13& Florida fit. San Francisoo, suffered from a dreadful cold, approachina: consumption, tried with out result everything else jthev bought one uoiuc o' m, A.mg a new discovery ana in two weeks was cured. UeisnaturallTthana rui. it la suoti results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine In cough and colds, free trial oouie at John i. MaoUae'a drugstore rummer sue roc and si. . A Doubtful Compliment.'' - Mary and John sitting on the sofa Mary Cease yonr flatterings or I will put my hands over my ears. Joha (wishing to be complimentary) An, y our lovely hands are too Small. . iM ' I i. I 1 II , Six weeks ago I suffered itb very severe colas was almost unable to speak My friends all advised me to consult a physician, ' Noticing & Qhaasyrlaa's Cough Bemedy advised in the St Paul Volks Zeltung, I proonred a bottle, and after taking it a short while was entirely well. I now -most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone suf fering with a eold, Wm. Kail. 878 Selby Ave,, St. Paul, Minn. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt, druggist. " . .-","-.. fl, . . . ii ! 'i - in igi r ii I .The. residents of-Vienna last year ate 18,307 horses. - L . , Good advice: Never leaveJiom on a journey without a bottle of Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Sale by J. Hal. Bobbitt, druggist. - i t - A seeond crop of strawberries is be ing gathered In some places in Bug. land. ' " t A Household, Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Cana joharie, N. Y says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the bouse and his family has always found that the very beat results .follow its user that he would not be without' it, if procurable. u A. xiyKeman. drneetst. Cataklll. a. Y., says that Dr. King' New Discov ery -: la undoubtedly the best cough remedy that he has need it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that 1 claimed for it. Why not try remedy so hjng tried and tested. Trial bottles free at John MoBae's drug store. - Begular site 50c and Jl 00. If Ccoylete , t Aim , ' Hew to Attala Ii." A Wonderfnl Now Hedkwl Book.wrltten for Men Only. One -copy may be had free on application. . ERIE MEDICAL CO. wrnio, ).. . Sale of Valuable Real Estate.., hr virtue of a mortgMe deed (riven by Hardy Baswell and Adelaide Bairwell. hla wife, to Catharine Boylan, dated January II, iws and registered In the office of the Beiclster ot Deeds for Wake eonnty. In Book lot, page MO, I will, IHI IMJ W. 1IWU, L IIVUIIHil, at tlie Court Bouse door In Raleigh, Wake vuuuiy, mu, t puuuo auouon. to uie nigiiept bidder for cash, the follnwlnir dmnrlhAd ra&l estate to-wlt: A certain tract of land situate In Wake county. Bt Mary'f Township, adjoin ing the lands ol Samuel Watts, Allen Bturdivant. J. O. Dupree, Bedle Bmlth and others, and more fully described as follows: Beginning at oiiibons on uie einiuiueia ana juueign Aoaa. oho Parker's (now Samuel Watts) oorner near Watts, theiief with his line South two degrees west . chains to a stake, thence south de grees west .80 chains to the Wilmington Road, thence with said road to a pine, Alien Bturdt vant's corner, thence with his line south 86 de grees west S.4T ehalns to a stake, Bturdlvant's eomerthence with his line wirth degrees east seven chains to a rock,-Bturdlvant's corner; thence with bis line south n degrees west 40.80 chains to a stake In Jack Dupree's line, thence north two degrees east 80.80 chains to a lltrhtwood sttimn. L. J. Weather's corner. thence with his line south ST degrees east tt.es ennuis hi m roca, weauienr corner, uitmoe north 8 dosrees east iff.es clinlns to the Hmlth- fleld Boad, tlienee with said road to a black lack, Wm. Bturdlvant's corner, thence with his line north S deirreea east T.7I ehaiiM to a hlAok jack, Bedie Smith's corner, thence south 87 de- :rees east i cnain to a roc in tne oia roaa. hence as the said mad south as desrees east 15.10 chains to the Smithseld Road, thence with the said road to tlH neirinniiia. eontainhis aoi l-i acres more or less. , - , this iimi aay of uctoDor. itss. , W. M. BOYLAN, ; " . i ueeutor oi uauiaruw dotuul ' K Notice to Defendants. In the VS. S. Circuit Court for the Kastern Uistriotof North Carolnia. Buifalo City Mills, Limited, vs. W. w.ArcniDaia ana May w Aronibsia, It is ordered that said W. W. Ar chibald and May G. Archibald be re quired to appear aud plead, answer or demur at the offloe of the Clerk of the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of North Caro lina, in the city of Raleigh, on or be fore November 11th, 1896, and that a copy of this order together with a copy of the bill of oamplaint and sub poena herein shall be served upon the defendants in the Southern Dis trict of New York, the Eastern Die trict of 1 Virginia, or in such other District as the defendant may be found. It is further ordered that servioe be made by publication onoe a week for six weeks in the Pbess VisrroB, a newspaper published in the city of Raleigh. N. J. RIDDICK, . Seot. U, 1895. - - Clxbx.- Administrator's Notice. " Having quad Lied as administrator of the estbUi of M'M Mollie A. HilL de ceased, late of Vvake county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to prettent thein to the undersigned on or Wore the 10th day of October, 18ft), or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. J. C. MAUCOM, Adm'r estate of IMisa Mollie A. Hill. B. T. GBAY, Attorney. Oct MtMf UJhat is CtMtorta la Dr. Samnel Pitcher iirescription for Infants smd Cnildvetu it oontaina neither Opium, Morphine jnor : other Kareotlo eubstaneok It Is a liarmles rabstitate 4 ; for Paregoric, Drops, gootli tag Syrups, and Castor OH. ' It Is Pleasant. It guarantee Is thirty Tears ttse by . Bullions of Mothers. Castorla destroy Worms and allays ! feverlahness.:; Caotorla , prevents vomiting Soar Card, i cares Diarrhoea and Wind Colle, Castorla relieves . teething troubles, cores constipation and flatulency. ;i Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach ' and bowels, giving Wealthy and natrxral sleep. Cas toria la the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. V "Oasacria is aa eneUent medicine far chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly toMaMaC ha food ttnt upoa tbr ahil&nm." 4 Da. a. a Osoeen, ' ' ImbU, Mass. f '" Oastcrla la the beat renwdy far ehfldren ot which I am aeqnalnted. X hope the dAy Is not tar distant when mothers will consider the real, toterest of their children, and ace Caatoria In stead ot the various quack nostrums which are dertroytng Um4t lored ones, by forotag oyium, morphine, soothing- syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sendug them to premahirs graves." ' Da. J. t. KnaaniUM, ' Oonwagr, Ark. : Tme .Oaaatasur O apamy, Ti W. H. HOLLO 0hamberlalns Bye and Skin Ointment Is nneaualled for Eczema. Tetter. Salt- Rheum, Scald Hefcd, Sore Hippies, Chapped Bands. ItobinB Piles. Burns. Frost Bites. Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Ere Lids. " or sue dj arugguta as so cen per noz. TO HOBBB OWSBM. - For DuttimT a horse in a fine healthy coa lition by 0r. Cody's Condition Powders., rher tone up the system, aid digestion, core mm of armetite. relieve oonsti nation, correct UdneV dieorders and destroy worms, giving lew life to an old or ver-worKed horse. o aoi res packe Foiaato byrandsts. 0U DO NOT REALIZE That you are in Raleigh unless you are , . stopping at uie YHSBOHO HOUSE The only Hotel in the city convenient , -- . , -to juusiness. i 4, . ' ! t t j i J 1 All rooms on the third floor sa.00 oer day; first and second floors 13.00 and 92.60 per day. , SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES PBJEB BUS AT ALL TRAINS. Thoosands ot dollars recently fixpended-' . . proTemenis." Ii. T. BROWN." Prop'r. .. ECONOMY; Ma tie nneivmarw in manv wavs when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imner- fectly nourishes; up to that standard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable nrios for our Groceries. ,- - . RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit ot eiose manriDs. We never keen anv- thing that is not the best of its kind, ana we oniy wane a rair proun on wnai we invest in it. CHOICE GROCERIES . Always in stock and promptly de livered when ordered. 'fHiUiiJ' '''"jiii1'' minimi!, V rm;tiW 3?- .-: Castorla. '. 1 i ; 1 . in i Ii .- : ' -w- "Oastorla la so well adapted to chOdroa that rnoommead tt sssnpnrlcirttisiij iin ilSHi knowa So aa," , ' H. A. Aaona, X. D., - Ill So, Oxford 9t Brookhrm, F. T. "Otsr plnnBelans la the ehlldrcn'S depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence at their outside praetioe with Oaatoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what la known aa regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merlte of Castorla has won as to look with favor npon It. , rarrao Hoarrui. in Dimmtn, I Aiunr a Sana, iVw., klamv Bwrewt, Hew TerfcCUy. he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY Is the best equipped and does the most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send in your work Phone No 19. WAY k SONS. Hiss Maggie Beese. Newflillinery We are now showing all the latest and most desirable shapes and styles In Fall and Winter Millinery. Oar stoak is well selected, both as to ' ' 5TYLE and PRICE. There Is a great variety in Cap and Sailors for Misses and Children. All colors and sixes from 86 to $3.00. We will be pleased to have the ladies sail and look at oar stock. Bvery one will receive prompt aad polite attention. flissfflaggieHeese ; 900 Fayetteville Street. . BULBS For Winter and Spring BLOOMING. ' Chinese and Easter Lilies, Hyacinths Freesiast Naroiesos, eto. I'alnrs, Ferns and other plants tor room decorating. Cut Flowers Dpqtiets t - t s , -Jii-.- l Evenrreen, - Magnolias aid Shade Tree. . JL &TEC7IIETZ, Florist. North Halifax Street, near Peace ln . sututs. 1'honelis. octlTln - VALUABLE FARMING LANDS :: FOR SALE.. " By virtue of authority conferred by a certain Deed of Trust from li, A. Hodge and Loretta Hodge, his wife, dated December 6th, 1800, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county. N. C. in Book 113. at page 818, 1 will on . n THUUSDAY, November Wtb, 1895, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, sis (6) tracts of land situate in Saint Matthews township, Wake county, N. 0., and described as follows: . - First Tbact containing 221 8-4 acres, more or less, being Lot. No 8 of the Gaston Wilder lands, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of said Hodee on the south, of the lata David Hintbn on the east, of the said Hodge on the north and Meuse river on the west: and bounded as follows: bmrin. ning at a stake and pointers on the east Dane or JMeuse river, arjout m links tm. low the mouth of a grit, the southwest corner of Tract No. 1, bought at the same time ana Diaoe dv Joaenti An. drews, runs thence east 295 poles to a stake in the late David Hinton's line; thence with his line south 24 degrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west 868 poles to a small birch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse the river about 128 poles to the begin ning, being same tract conveyed by John B. Williams and wife to K. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 60 at page 546, reference to wnion is maae. Hecond Tract. contaJjlns log acres. more or less,' being Lot No. 4 of the Betsy Hinton farm (formerly Gaston Wilder's land) and bounded as follows: Beelnninir at a small birch andnoint- ers on the bank of Neuse river about six poles below Spring Gut; thence with the dividing line east 268 poles to a stake in David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 82 poles to a stake on Mingo creek: thence down the creek about 824 poles to where it empties into Neuse river: thence up the said river about 196 poles to the beginning; being same tract conveyed by w. K Poole to R. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 50, at page 182, reference to which is made. Third Trct. containing 118 acres. more or less, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the south side of the Tarborough road W. R. Pool's corner runs south 1-2 degree west 46 golet to a stake and pointers in the ead of a small branch: thence with Baid branch 80 poles to a pice on the east side of the branch ; thence south 24 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake ana pointers; tnence east ius 1-2 poles to a stake; thence north 6 1-4 degrees east 214 poles to the Tarborough road: thence with said road 98 poles to the beginning, oemg same tract conveyed bv Jennie Hinton to it. A. Hodee. bv deed recorded in sa'd office in Book 105, at page 561, reference to which is made. jrorjBTH tract, containing TO 8-4 ac es, more or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast corner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence east witn i'ooie's line 122 1-2 notes to a stase and pointers on a branch ; thence nearly south down the various courses of the branch 83 Doles to a lar&re tune on the east side of the same David Hinton's corner thence with bis line south 24 degrees west 89 1-3 soles to a stake and pointers, the corner of the dividing line between this lot, or parcel, and that purchased by G. H. Williams, at same saie; tnence west 104 poies to a staxem the centre of Hodge road ; thence north ward along said road 118 1-8 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed bv Sarah . Wilder, commissioner, to B. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 68, at page 146, reference to which is made. Fifth Tract, containimr twentv-flve acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Ruffin Williams, B. P. Williamson, William Hmitn ana joseon J. anarews. and on the east side of Neuse river, be ing a part of the Betsy .Hinton tract bought by said Andrews at the 6. H. Wilder-estate sale, beine the southwest corner of said tract according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river, below soring gut. at a willow; tnence ?ip said river to above the falls at a win red-oak; thence east to a stob and Sine; thence to a stob in the branch; lence south to B. Williams' land, a lightwood knot; thence west to the be ginning, and being the same tract con veyed by Joseph J7 Andrews and others to R. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 807, ref erence to which is made. Hixth Tract, eontainine eight acres and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad- nlnlno tha lonrla nt W TL PnnlA. TAJUtA Watkuis, deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in centre of Hodge road in Poole's line; thence with said road south 3 1-8 degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centre of the same; thence west 50 '1-4 poles to a stake; thenfie north 26 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; thence with the ameeast:48 8-4 poles to the beginning; ana oemg same oonveyeu uy rfuwew a. Williams and wife to said R. A. Hodge, he deed recorded in said office, in Book 82 at page 90, reference to which is made. Place of Sale County Court House door, in Raleigh, N. C Time of Salb-12 o'clock m ERNEST HAYWOoD, Trustee. October 12. 1896. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. finder and bv virtue 01 cower con tained in a mortgage executed to me by Robert A. potter ana ms wire euaonia Potter, on the 7th day ot October, A. D. I860, which said moitgage is recorded in the offioe of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, in Book 114, on page 105, I will sell by request at the Court House in Wake county, at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the tract of land particularly described in said mort gage, which is bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in Wake county, North Carolina, in Saint Mary's township,and beginning at a white-oak, John Ellis' (deceased) corner, and runs thence south 832 poles to a red-oak in Wm. Rand's old line: thence east with said Rand's line to the mill-path stake and pointers; thence north with said mill-path to stake and pointers; thence east to a pine, corner of John Mitohen er's line; thence north to a red-oak: thence east 80 poles to a stake and pointers; thence north 74 poles to a stake in the line formerly owned by P. H. Gower. thence with said line west 80 poles to a black-ack; thence south to a pine in P. H. Gower"s old corner; thence west to the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or less, and adjoining the lands of Geo, Mitchener, M. W. Britt Wm. Bryant, being the tract of land conveyed by J. P. Gully, commissioner In special proceedings: entitled J. P. Gully, administrator of J. G. Dupree, deceased, vs. H. Dupree and others. In Wake Superior Court, to Robert A. Pot ter. Time of sale, 18 o'clock, ecu, on the 18th ot November, 1895. W. T. HOWUS, . - MoKTOAajat . October IS, IBM. . Royall & Borden Are not Selling tiPutf at Cost, But their prices are much lower than THOSE SO-CALLED COST SALES. We have but one prioe at all times and that's the lowest. Onr stock is now complete in all lines of goods. No such stock of Fancy Rockers, Tables, Couches, Lounges, Medicine Cabinets. Desks, Book Cases and Combination Cases Ever $hown Mere We are a little early, but our 1896 designs in Carriages are here. Only a glance at them will convince you that line of Carriages in Raleigh. We have them from the $3.00 Carriage to the finest. When you are on the market either to buy or price, remember oar store is the leader of low prices. Do not take our word but simply call and be convinced. OPEN AT NIGHT. MALL aitd BORDEN, I? A.LEIGH, IUItIIA.VI, GOLD8BORO YES, ITS A FACT I have opened a branch Drug Store on the corner of FAYETTEYILLE and HARTIH Streets (NEXT TO POSTOFFICK.) WILL BE GLAD TO SEE John Y. C, H. ANDERSON k FANCY GROCERS, S503 JFavetteville St, Just received a shipment ot Soda Crackers, Milk Lunch, Oyster Crack ers and Cakes ALL FRESH. Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Oak Flakes, Hominy Flakes, large and small Hom iny. Preserves by the pound or in bot tles at very low prices. Fresh Eros, Chickens and Turkeys always on hand. , OUR MEATS ARE THE BEST 8wlff s Orioles Ham and Breakfast Bacon always In stock. ' We handle the best brands of Coffee only. Momaja, Mocha and Java, Arbuckle's and Lev ering . L. C are our brands. h. jr. Heinz's, Sweet and Sour Pickels wavs Our Flours are strictly the best- DAN ALLEY 8UraBLTlVB, NORTH STATS and DESOTA are the names. " Money refunded if any of the above brands do not suit. : , . Fresh Sausage (All pork) arriving daily. -. Lowest prices and prompt delivery is our motto. 1 ' - Loose Buckwheat fie per pound. ' .(Jive us trial. 0. H. AHDIZXOa & CO. they are the best and cheapest YOU AT ALL TIMES. MacRae. IT'S A BIG SIGN, But it lepresents something biRffer stilL Real estate in Kaleigh is a Iarse . fact and will richly repay the careful attention of all investors. If you pur-! chase property in this town, you put ' money where you can't lose it, and where it's as certain a sunrise tomor row to pay you a handsome return. Tjand namm-a in a.lva t.ha anlM man in the community. In a wide-awake town like Raleigh, a handsome ad. vanosot real estate values is assured. It you buy property now you secure your share of this advance. Come to ' us for choice properties , w - On Easy Terms. . 1 Several large, convenient, houses for rent. Apply to , . . . Wynne,"EiliDgtoD.& Co.; .'. - : v - I . ..... - ' ' Novl lm