TKOS. J. PENCE, - City Editor. SATCKDAY. NOVBMBKK 8. lfc5 Index to New Advertisement. , , Sale of Land- W, D. Buffalo. T acker's Speeials. . '" No Brag--C. A. Sherwood Co. Oak City Steam Laundry fine Laundering. . - Thomai A Maxwell's Speeials. i PEHBONAIi. 'H;J' . Mr. T. M. Pitman, of Henderson,' la ,in the elty. , l' 1 J , - i. ' ' . " - 5 Tb Governor Is expected baok Iron ' Atlanta today. ' , ' Vtt . E.Everitt returned from At , last this morning. I, '., " Dr.' James MoKee and family left for Goldnboro this morning. !'.Mr. Cr. C Scarlott of the Seaboard has gone to Rockingham. ' Mr." Wade Baw&toa is U hia horns on West Hoi gaa street, - "Mrs. T. W Nicholson'; of Halifax, ia viBiUng her mother, Mrs. A. M. Clark. Dr. Meadows Is In Chatham in the Interest of the Baleigh tobaeoo market, ' Mis Sallie flilyeu is on visit to ier. brother Capt, H. P. Bilyea In Southern Pines. ' " . Mr. T. S. Armistead, well known eitisen of Plymouth,, is in the city, the guest of Mr, J. B. Hill. Mrs. Julia Smith and Miss Julia Alexander, of Charlotte, are visiting at Col. A. J Qolladay'a. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Woolloott will return from their bridal tour on tne Atlanta Speoial in the morning. Dr. H. H. Lewis has returned from the meeting of the State Board of Health at Washington, N. C Col. A. B. Andrews, who has been making tour of the Southern States, turned to the city last evening. Mr. Thos. Heartt accompanied him. Mr. Charles Park's of the Atlanta Journal, who is responsible for a large share of the popularity of that live paper, is here today. The Journal has a large ebculatioa in Raleign and is much liked. It may be put down as a fact that Brotscli s crackers are bolter than anv tti at come to this market, and his bread, cukes, and conrecUonaries are unexcelled. He is douf a tremendous wholesale business, which shows that the Dublin appreciates the importance of patronizing a worthy home industry. You always get the best, at Rretach'a. Combined book esses and writing desks, worth $18 .CO now Tf-ly tH.OO at Thomas and Maxwell's. ' " Foand - To be a fact that Johnson A Smith can make photographs that are unsurpass ed by any artist in the profession. Prices reasonable. - , Boekers of all styles and descrip tions from' $100 up at Thomas and Maxwell's. .' . .' 1B. 6KAWELL, jr., Engineer and ourreyur jjeveiing a Bpecuuty. wore and dlspatci done with accuracy East Hargett street ch. Ladies' faner writing desks worth $7.00 now going for only flOO at Thomas & Maxwell's. Wanted. An honest, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable entallinhed house Salary $780, payable 15 weekly and ex penses. Situation permanent. Refer ences. Enclose self-add result! stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, 816 Omaha Building Chicago, nol-lm For choice meats go to Thomas Don aldson's. Stall No. a. Market house. Telephone 180. oct 80 8w. Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dremmakinK at their home, 607 North Wilmington street. Perfect lit and satisfaction guaranteed. octlSlm I,,.4"" 1 ; Wanted. . A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established house. Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady. - References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. H. E. iLEtid, President Chicago. tf Our Butter Cuds. Peanut Brittle. Cream Almonds and Taffy are the best, SOeapound. w -lw Barbee ft Pope. Coaches front $4.00 up at Thomas ft Maxwell's. Dissolution of Copartnership! The firm of RartMn Jk Thnmnum 1 I this day dissolved by mutual oonseUt 1 Mr. Alt A. Thompson retiring. The I Duniness wiu o oontir-uea by Mr. is. (Signed) E.B. BARBEE, ALF A. THOMPSON. Raleigh, N.COot 30, 1896. 4 Under the advice of my physician 1 1 iMve cjutuuueu to retire temporarily from business and beg to cordially commend Mr. E. B. Barbee, who con tinues the business of Barbee & Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. Barbee is severed with sincere regret Not only as partners, bat friends, oar relations have been, without exception, thor- OOffhlV cordial. With tnn AutiHtrv for conducting the business, an entire knowledge of the wants of the trade, and a fixed Intention to give value re- wuvmL uivtv in every reason to assure muse iKferesrea mat dealings with Mr. wui iw entirely satisfactory. Aif A. Thompson. 1 desire to thank our patrem for past favors and soliult anntinnuiM of the same with the assurance that I will '1 . I . . 1 . . . - I "uiuu uiy uwii to piease mem. E. B. Basbkx, White enambled easels for $1:00 at i nomas ft Maxwell's. Come AND Examine The handsomest Steel iBange made. It is ' TIIB JEWEL." C ' 4 IE II " , ."7 See onr new Bisscll Grates We hav 3 Bicycles ' On easy terns T Baby Carriages At a eat prloe. STOP THE CRACKS Around your windows and dwrs by using , BOSLEY'S FELT . WEATHER , STRIP; Gives perfect satisfaction. No rub ber to cum or to harden, la always soft and pliable.- Kept in stock in two sites. Narrow strips for the small cracks, wide strips for the large cracks. ' " t'i1 - "AU'EighV.1 CookVstoves. i J- .' - -t- ,, Eemington Typewriters, , r . ! " , ' - " ' :' JULIUS LEWIS : HARDWARE COMPANY. Nov 4 ly - - OUR SPEClAllTIES r Tios. H. Brlggs & Sons, Rauioh, N C sept ffl-lv. Big Seizure at Greensboro. Deputy Collectors Davis reports a big seizure of whiskey yesterday in the depot of the Southern Railway at Greensboro. There were eight barrels of whiskey and other pack ages whioh were seized for irregu laxities in violation of section 3333of the Revenue law s. Two barrels were consigned to Adams fc Harris, "Raw ley, N. a BlcBary Brotbers' United Show. Buffalo Bill and Sells Bros, have come and gone, and now the MoKary Brothers' United Newsboy's Show follows close behind. This ia not ."the greatest show on earth," but a very oollossal organization and the only one of its kind on earth. Mo Rary Brothers have an all-star or ganization of artists, some of them having been imported from foreign countries. The menagerie is said to be a feature The boys have a good show. They will give their first per. forman ce Monday night on the va cant lot near the Southern Railway depot Watch for the big show. AgeuU Wanted Everywhere, to a day. Marion Har land's New Book, "Home of the Bible.' Over 3,000 new photos; nearly 600 extra large pages. Just the book for the fall and holiday eanvass, So experience needed. For particulars address His torical rwu, rnuaaeipnia. la. OctlOtf Langwisch's Fatpowder PINK, BBUNBTTK WH1TB. Magnificent dumber salts, with mirror 88 by 43 inches in the dfttcis, and 90 by SO In the wash stands, that wonia oe eneap at 100,00, eaa now be bought at Thomas ft Maxwell's for only 940-00 Lost Bank Stock. Balkigh, N. C July 28, 1896. The andersigned hereby gives notice " bus una wait ur uer late nuSDani, W. N. H. Smith, has lost, twn MrHH cates of shares of the capitai stock of iu uiuzenr nans or Norfolk, va., uuiumni w wiu oa (especuveiy, tne fermer for three shares and t.ha attt.r for twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her if luuno. mart u. smith, Executrix of W; 'if. H. Smith. OctlOSm Deceased, Baleigh, N. O. Parlor snits from tlS.00 up at x nomas a maxwell's. It is the OnW mwmAf.ln f hot Imtnrfa I to the skin the everlasting "bloom of t iuuj. - ii so eioseiy and invisibly ad- wtm w wie Bam uiat ltoonsututes A Genuine Toilet Secret Ladles are always delighted to pro cure Langwisch's Powder. . Jas. McKimmon & Co PHARMACISTS, 188 Fayettevllle St., Raleigh, N. C. The Whitest, Sweetest, and Strongest . FLOUR. The JTinest Butter and the Best V COFFEE that money will bay at W.CStronach&Sons Gent's Patent Iieather Shoes. Just placed on sale some very catchy styles in ratent Leather Shoes for young men. W. fl. & B. S Tucker ft Co. Madam Beeson desires to call the at tention or tne pupiic to her new stock ui iau ana winter .Millinery for ladies, misses and children. Infants' cape, sacques, notions, etc. . octltf . All housekeepers know what v-on- i venienee and neeessity good sideboards are. i nomas S"Uaxwell have them to I the latest styles, and have reduced the prices so mack that anybody can afford one. We call m. I attention to our I complete ine of I . inuaies- and Children's Shoes. Misses' Calf Spring Heel, best : shoe made for school, 1 2.28 juibbwi i jiutui, up neeaie xoe, Children's School Shoes. parents should not overlook our lines of Children's School Shoes, sizes e to a. at f i.ou ana per pair. W. H. & K. S. Tucker & Co. Fancy Silks for Waists. We are showing some very nice, two toned fancy silks, suitable for separate waists at 88c and 50c per yard. We would like for our customers to see them. . : W. H. & E. 8. Tucker Co. New Neckwear for Gentlemen. Lately opened new things in Gent's Neckwear tecks, four-in-hands,cravat bows, club and cob ties. . , vr. xt. a a. a. xucser & vo. . Colored Cottons for Fall. In our cotton goods section maybe found several lines of pretty cotton dress stuffs for fall wear at 10 and 12 1-Sc per yard. W. H. ft B. S. TVCKU ft Co. Our Display MT Fancy Wares Appro- ' priate fbr Bridal Olftal In calling the attention of onr trade to our display of fancy Wares suited for Wedding Presents, it is hardly neces sary to state that the range, both as to - kind and price, is so varied that in :: tending purchasers will find little diffi- .. cuitv in macini a selection.-' - artintfn fnrnit.iiifL nrnditahlA imAfflmiuii of pottery, rich cut glass, French China, articles in white metal, brass and old iron. - - - ' - -This department is very accessable (utse eieraiur; anu tne dbss attention i of those in charge will always be given whether the visitor oomes to look or to bnv. . . - t W. H. & E. B. Tucket 4 Co. ' b ' 1 r - t Wo Brag, But a Fact. . We are selling more dollars worth to the square foot of floor space than any ary giHHis noiise m tne city, ana you never did in all vour life bnv rood eoodn clit'Her than you can get them from us ni''.t now. With the cash at tlie end of evi-i y trade it behooves us to do our LEVEiiiKST, and our winning prices clinch the trade every time. Wead- vik, in your own interest, a prompt viint to our e'ore eriy in tne n"rniug. - U. A. buJiwooi & Ca We are now makinc in their nnrfnn tion the original Peanut Brittle and Batter Cups. We invite comparison witn outer diazes. ' UOxSlJUi, Great bargains at Thomas ft Max well's $25 wordrobes redneed to xlB: f au wardroDes to 110. , SELLING O0T SELLING OUT Is a weak way to tell yon what ia go ing pa here. ' Bargains too numerous tn. mention are being- gobbled on here ny anxious Buyers every hoar ia the day. We keep hammering at you- telling yon of the Phenominal Bar gains yon are allowing to slip through I yonr fingers. T Don't Blame tTs ' Don't Blame Us , . if yon do not bay some of onr light snirt waist pruts at a a as per yard. We've told yon now. Our as Outing r . oar Oating . Is good quality, the same that others ask yoa 8e for. Wt only have light snaaes, ont it is eaeap enoagbandl gooa snoogn to wssn oiten. : Oar (S4.BO CosU - - Oar 14.89 CoaU - . for ladiea are beauties. This season's pnrcQ4se and are on to date a-arments in every respect. They were bonght to sen zor X7.VO and ae other hose ia town san offer yon a better on for less, We have to close them eat at ones, so offer yon them at the sseri- flelag priee of $4.69. Ton should see this .coat before baying yoa will be surprisingly pleased. . MBS. EMMA X. SWINDELL, Eieeatrix SDrine HeeL verv stvlish. Mimes Patent tin. Spring, The popular Kid Tip 8 Shoes for Hisses and Chi; following prices: Misses. 11 to 2, 11.75 1 Child's, 1J5 and tl AO ' Infant's Soft Sole Button and Moccasins, S.25 1.60 1 ring Heel j at tne Shoes! 50c y. J M RALEIGH , STflTIOJSlERY CO. BLABS BOOKS. OFFICE and ' SCHOOL SUPPLIES. TYPE-, - WBIT2TJ SUPPLIES of aU KI5D8. i CEDRIC LINEN PAPER 25o pound. ' Xiuen. Envelopes ,10c Package. 134 Favettevllle Street. W: G.SEPARK, MANAGER. A flpnkey tA and; VK; Parrot Time. Too know the whole storv. There'i the misohief to pay, and somebody must foot the bill the moral of it is: Buy good furniture such as will stand wear and tear the best for monkey and Loaxrot are everywhere, in some form or other, we want to add mat xurni ture figures as a necessity, a con venience i and a luxury. All these noints are covered handsomely in our stock, which is the largest in the city, ... Dont be side-tracked into any way- Side station; put COME DIRECTLY TO HEAD- ;;v QUARTERS , if you want the best goods for the least money. -. , , , - y Thomas & riaxwell. fifov7 in r ' ' DYE -Tour Old Clothes with- DIAMOND. DYE: We have ONE HUNDRED DOZEN, directions how to all desirable colors, for you to select DOOK 01 from and use it. HICKS .4 ROGERS, -" PrescnpUOQ BragRlsts. " THE C0NNECTIC0T MUTUAL Life Insurance Comp y Sells plain-life insurance, as pro- teetioa to the family- creditors or one's old age, and asks a oarefal e amlnation of. its clear - and equitable eontrasts, with their unequaled guar. aatees In flgores on the polley, giving true urs insurance at its ' , Lowest possible Cost -Wltn Perfect. Heearlty, Tbu om- pany has been doing basiness in this Stats over twenty-eight years, and its policy holders are Its BEST V&IKNDS. Tne tionneetieat ; mutual Has : ae speenlative feature, extension forfei tures or -. Intricate . plans, contrived for the company's advantage. nor the inoonteetabla elsase, admit ting raseals at the expense of its hon est members, bat If any nappen to get In, It gives them their money back. an stated ia tne contract, -me - 3 Per Cent Reserve has become aa .important factor is life Insurance. All will he gladly ex plained by S D. WAIT, , General Agent. Haleigh. Sale of Valuable Lot of Land. -. By virtue of the powers contained In a mortgage executed to me on the 13th of December. 1884. by Austin Moss. re. corded in the office of tbe Register of ueeaa or waxe countv. nook ssl page 60, 1 will offer for sale to the high est bidder at public auction for cash, at tne court nouse aoor in use city or nai- n, 0. u., on xuesaay, tne lutn day jLreueuiuer. itswo. a lot or iana ae- scribed in said morttraire aa follows. lying and being in the city of Baleigh said countv of Wake, and known and descrioea a roiiows, vis: the lot lately occupied by Wm Aley Moss on the west siae or uiooawortn street and ad ioinins' tbe lots' of Wm. Gnoch and others and the same that was conveyed w aaiu ausuu moss oy Manna a. Piersoc by deed dated November 25th. 1884. recorded in Book 82. nave 83 in the neKisiar ouiue jut nase county. - . . - w. u. nvriA), Mortgagee. 14 EA0T.nAR7in.07 OUR SALES LAST-MONTH WERE AHEAD OF LAST YEAR. WE ARE THE ; BUSIEST STORE IN THE CITY, : But we want a still greater patronage, and with this object In view and with onr increased facilities in baying sod selling goods, ' " WE ARE' NOWTHE TALK OF - THE TOWN. - S0MHL0F OUR BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK i - . Come Curtnin Talk tot No. 1, S yards long. '7 a pair. Lot No. S, 8 yards long, fl 00 pair. Lot No. 8, 8 1-S yds long, tl 50 p'r. , Lot No. 4, 8 1- yds long, $.198 p'r. Lot No. 8, 4 yards long, $3 75 pair. One lot of Chenille Curtaini, 3.88. Window Ghados. - 900 Window Shades, spring rollers, 85s. - ok- ',,. 900 Window Shades,' spring rollers, 60s. r - , - - , , Dlanket Galea ') 10-a white blankets, $1 00 a pair. 10 4 white BlsnkeU, 1 50. ' 10-4 white Blankets, $3 SB. ' 10-4 White BlsnkeU. S.fiO. . 10-4 colored Blankets, $100.. Oilk Velvet All shades, $1 a yard, worth tl 60. Jardiniers A large manufacturer has sent as a lot to be sold- They are very ehsap. Buy one before the aaaortment la broken. . , . 500 dosen Ladies' three for 5 seats. - Handkerchiefs Fine Goods 100 dotes Sailors,. 10. SO. 25. 85. 60. 75o each.. . -- i ' w SOLIUlan Bnssell Sailors. Prenoh belt. 81, worth $1.60. ' 100 pieaes Ribbon, 10a yd, worthies 100 biaek Plumes, 80e, worth 75e. Aa elegsnt variety of Caps for girls and boys, from 35e up. Muslin Underwear." Department ; ; 900 ladies' white Aprons 35e each. 900 ladies' Night Robes ttoxa 65s np. Ribbed Underwear . Ladies' Bibbed Vest, 90s, worth 80s Lsdles' wool Bibbed Vest 50o. worth 75a. 1 , ; ' Gent's wool Bibbed sets. B0. worth 75e. - -w .""- ," , ;i,i,. Dress Goods J; About Dress Goods we stoek is llrst-elasa sod as cheap as the heapest. ..-.. Cloaks and Capes ? On these goods we have had larm, sales, ' because : we sell them cheaper than any other house In towaT . ..- Crockery Dep't Sets, ten pieees, 89.08, 95 Toilet worth 84.50. If YOB want a Salt of Clnthee mill In fl, .1.1. I 'v' .. of Baitings. - We ean save you 95 per sent, and give yon a first lass flt. All kinds of repairing and cleaning done at short notice. ' , WOOLLOOTT & SON. OAK CITY STEAE3 LADDDSY; 216. PAYETTE VILLB StrosV '. ; ! Shirts; . Quff:Jm)4 'Collars A SPECIALTY We do the Best Work and have the heat Ttniivavv fflMlPBniAa fn nlanoA ';!-..;. ki - . ,. Give as trial and we PAGES" MARSHALL, Prop's. La Garciosa Five Cent Cigar. ? In placing the above named ,, Ogr before the public, we . feel justified in stating that $ title Aeme of Perfection. It will seldom be equalled and never excelled. Try one. ; DROP IN Bobbift's ' Where Yoa win Always Find- . . ROYSTER'S FRESH BON BONS AND CHOCOLATES. . The equal sealed packaoa. Tea Bets, 49 pieees, worth 87 00 are npw going for only S3. 50 at Thomas ana juaiweirs. iv. ii. ki::3 g .co., b-l I JTIIU WBultfc Vrrit . V v I .j - LtJMJ CO.. Pr' kt At.liirn-va. VI '....-...m. I -" '' ftUiXurtuuralMiuueow, . I Euyler's Candy fresh ever? week. " n of any candyn the market; artistically put op rar-injr from one-half to Are pounds 1MJ.ICI3 GOo per Pound. 5 a k i SPECIAL HORSE AND COW- FEED ig the best Horse and Cow Feed to be had. We ' do our own ' teriaf: TTit ?-:W3rA1T8H"UUL W use nothing ' We are sellini iding and ml ut the Hest Materi We also grind Corn, peas and Oats at 10 cents per hundred. Pe arid Ilarshall GjorCAJH LY BUSINESS.'.' WB BHADB THB PBICB OF ALUOTHBRS IN OUR LINB. rOPULAB GOODS are the styles and kinds that, please. POPULAR PRICES are cash prices, which means most goods for least money. '.-'-'j ' :':uur Trade was Never Larger. - Our tjtock whs Never More Inviting. t Our Prices were Never to Low.. DB G00D8,' N0TI0N8, 8UOE8, HATS, COATS and CAPES. . WORTH brands onr goods "HONEST QUALITY." FAIf nO-NfjiionouiiceS tliera the 'TOSH E'!T STYLES." - . COnOMY recoinmentis our JKXTRA VALUL3. $7,600 WORTH OF DRESS GOODS AND TRIMKING3. Specialties In T' AU-W(m1 !.. j lOVf' Pifv-i' Fh.. t( iMiirt 1 i 1 . k Di-pis Goods at S9o. i 1 1, yard wiile, i-'e. , e c.i,.,'f'a, blue and biaek, 4Sn r l t-xi-iii-iivc y our own, L ', 1 ' , 8' .") cid s, ii- n. ! -i, 1 l -i e-t Ja ' : i I" l ( lr . f 1 I AUli' 1 fcl'Al Lji I I en, i ..ruwn t St t I I 1, -' s 1 ' t f '8 in s'l t o'r " ' ), 1 M, 8 ' , 1 I i J ' 9 B 8 ' (F I u i , h i uur i'u. si, 3 j j ia FI-s ( ." a. The cii -(MC-.L, ic(. Zvery w;t " - ' rI;--.9 f 1. l 1 t ! i i y us lo you. i r : 0.1 c. r w .i

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