BLEEDING THE PEOPLE. 'The Leaders lir'the Cuban War Mak- tag Many Exactions, Br Telegaoh to ths Paasa-Vibitob, Madrid Not: 11 A Havanne Dis patch ssys tbtt Insurgent leader Gomel baa sent cirenlars to all Insur gents leader directing' them to de - etroy all property of peraoni who do not eoutribote to 'rebellion funds. Haeeo is raid to bo exacting enormous sums from' landed propr IHori of Coba under threat of destroying their plantations. Insurgents ere reported to hare disappeared from the provinoe of Ha?sna. It is admitted that the rebellion is gaining In the prorlnea of S matensaav "? ' 1 ,.' ' 4 ' General Jordan Dying. ' BTTeMcrapatothePaass-TlsiTOn. - Nsw Yon. Nor. 11 The Ooafeder ate General Thomas Jordan, of Beanre- - gards staff and room mate with Gen. ' Shrrnfka at" West Point, is dying. ' Or. Daniel In the Preebyterlan. The North Carolina Presbyterian , this week poblUhed the portrait tnd two eolomn sketch of Rev. Dr. Eugene Daniel, pastor of the First Presbyterian Chnroh.; It says "the year or two In which h ha been la our Synod has not given opportunity for him to be some anlTersally known, bnt .the Synod already attests its appreelation of his merits by sailing him to the Moderatorshlp. r Albemarle . Preeby :v teryregards him as one of her wisest and moat inllaentlal Presbyterians." Dr, Daniel was bora jn Albania, and earns to Raleigh in 1809 He Is a man of broad Intellestaal parts and I uni versally esteemed by people of all de ' nominations; ! ."-',.. ' - - f- Marvelous Results..- - From a Utter written by Ber. 3. . Gonderman, of Dimondale, Mich., -we are permitted to make this extraoti "1 hare no hesitation in 'recommending Dr. King's New Disoorery, as the re sults were always marvelous In the ease of my wife. While I was pastor of the BaptlntehorhatRles Junction she. area brought dowa with pneamonia aooeeedlng la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of eonghlng would last hoars with little Interroptlou nod It seemed as If she eonld not sorvire them, :;A friend recommended Dr, King's'New Discovery j it was quick in Its work and highly satisfactory in - results." Trial bottles free at John Y. MaeRee's drug . store. Regular site 60s and 11.00.., ', f v- -. - - ;.;ipj . . ! - - t " ' Harvard defeated Mlehlgan Univer sity Satorday 4 to 0 , HOW JO PREVENT CROUP SOU! BBABiae) THaT WIU PtOVS UTU- - saTIHO-TO xousa OTHlEfl HOW TO QDABD AOAlsTBT THB PlBSaSS. - Croup is a terror to young' mothers : and to post them concerning the came, flrst symptoms and treatment is the object of , this iUm. . The origin of sroap "Is eommon sold.' Children who are subject to It take sold very easily and eroop is almost surs to fol- low The first symptom la hoarseness this Is soon followed by peooliar rjngh eongbr which Is easily reeog alsed end will never be forgotten by one who has heard it. The time to act Is when the child first becomes ' hoaise.' If V Chamberlain's Coogh ; Remedy Is freely given .all tendency to croop will soon disappear. Even after the eroupy coogh has developed It will prevent the attack. There Is no danger in giving this remedy, for it contains nothing injurious. .For sale by J Hal Bobbitt. Druggist. - I : 3 WI Barylng a fat man is a great under- t taking - ' , s . ' ! . The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of ' East Brimfleld, Mass., had been suf fsring from ssnralgia for two days, ' not being able to sleep or hardly keep - still, when Mr Holden, the merchant there, sent her a bottle of Chamber. Iain's Pain Balm,' nnd asked that she ' give It a thorough trial. On meeting ' - Mr. Walla the aett da hs was told lbat aha wis all right, the pain had f left her within two hours, and that the bottle of Pain Balm was worth $5 00 If It could not be had for lees. ' For sale at 50 cents per bottle by I. ' Hal Bobbitt, druggist. :, .. Cuba mast have autonomy or bleach- - ed bone. - " F.heumatlsm, neuralgia, pains In the back or side, stiff asek, sors throat, tonsilitia, diphtheria, camps and colic -v ssUntlr relieved by Johnson's Mag- . actio Oil. Large boUIea, S5 and 601 . cents. . For sal by John I. McRae, I - druggists - . ' The quarrel over Alaska seals seems . to be a regular skin game. .V v ' Johnson's Kidney ana Liver Regn lator Invigorates the liver, regulates ths bowels, cures dyspepsia, biloas Bess, indigestion, sour stomach and makes your head as clear as a bell - 85 and 50 cents. For sal by John Y. MacBae. . ... ..f ., - Thaaksgivlng day Is for those who x have turkey and work ia ths sustom house. " i: -' ' ' Johnson's Emulsion of Cod Live Oil is invaluable la all pulmonary af fections and consumption. It enrich; s the blood, restores lost tlssuesr builds up ths appetite makes sound flesh. Pint buttles $1-00. r For sale by John T. MaeRae, druggist. Wild ducks are moving south. Good sdvlcsi Never leave homa on a Inornev without a bottle of Chamber laln'e Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. For Sale by J. HaL Bobbitt, An Unusual Occurrence. Pat "A very sad accident occurred dowa on my street the other night." HikeWhat was it Another big ex- plot Ion?" ' r Pat '-No; something very different, A : young lady laughed herself to death." y'MSij: ;lt May Do as Much for You. ; Mr Fred stiller, of Irving, 111, writes that ue naa a severe uaoey iron Die ror many yean, with seven veins in his back ana also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called kidney cures bat without any good leealt. About a year aaro he began Use of Eleotrin Bitten and found relief at onoe.' Electrv Bitten is especially adapted to cure of all kidney and, liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statemert Price only SO for large Doiuee at jonn x ataoisae's aruipnore. Birds are plentiful this season In ail parts of the country. ' Sli weeks ago I suffered a 1th very severs soldi was almost unable to speak My friends nil advlssd me to sonsult a physleiau. : Noticing Chamberlan's Cough Remedy advised In ths St Paul voiks Zeitung, I procured a bottle. Bad after taking It a short while was entirely well. I now most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone suf fering with a cold. Wm. Kell, 878 Selby Ave,, St. Paul. Minn; For sale by I, Hal Bobbitt, druggist. ' The national sonveaiions will be held late next fear. ':.".;"." - All diseases of ths skin cured and the best completion restored by John son's Oriental Soap, perfumed and highly medicated. . Two cakes in each package, 86 cents. For sale by John X. MaeRao Alabama Democrats are split oa liver.,' ' ; . A .lesr, soft, rosy complexion Is the desire, of every lady. Why not give Johnson's Oriental Soap a trial. There Is nothing to compare with it as a skin beautlfler. Two cakes in a pack age, fl6 cents. For sale by John T. tfacRae, druggtst.v ' . . Will Kentucky move thst it be made unanimous N Old People. ' 1 Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and - kidneys will And the true remedy in Kleotrio Bit- ters. This medicine does not stimu. 1st and contains no whiskey or other intoiicant, but nets as a tonic and alterative. It acta mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tons to the organs, thereby aiding nature in the performance of the functions. Electrio Bitters is an excellent appetiser and aids digestion. Old people find It just exactly what they need. - Price fifty cents per bot tle at John T. ataoKae's dru store. .. "Ccnplefe 4 How to Attala It" A Wonderful New Medical Book.writ ten Jor lien Only, One copy may be had free on application. , - ERIE MEolcALCO. BUFFALO, .T. Bale of Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of a mortgage deed riven by Hardy B. Bagwell and Adelaide BagweU. his wUe, to Catharine Bovlao, dated January U, Wt and reglatered In the office of the Beglater of Deeds Inr Wake eountv In Book MM. Due M. I will. on the lath day of November, ters, at IS o'clock, at the Court Bouse door In Balelgh, Wake eounty, feu, ai puDiio auction. v ine wenew bidder lor oath, the following described real estate to-wlt: A certain tract of land altnate MugloeianaaoiBaniuei nana, auwi nuroinnt more rally described as follows: Beginning at Eters on the Bmlthfleld and Balelgh Boad. i Parker's (now Samuel Watta) comer near ta, thence with bis line South two degrees west S.S6 chains to a atake. tlience south f de- vnM west e west st.w enoins to the wumUKton noao, enee with aald road to a pine, Allen Sturdl- Oienee with said ruad to a Dtfte. A Tint's corner, thence with his line south St de grees west S.T chains to a stake. Sturdlvant's corner, thence with his line north I degrees east sevea chains to a rock, Bturdlrant's comer; thenee with bis line south 8) degrees west to.80 ehalns to a stake in Jack Pupree's line, tbenee aorth two degrees east 30.30 ehalns to a llgbtwood stump, I J. Weather's oomer, thence with his line south ST degrees eaat chains to a rooa, weatnera- corner, snence north S degrees east 'A.fts chains to the Smith- Held Boad, tbenee with said road to a black lack. Wm. ttturdlrant'a corner, tlience with his line norths degrees east t.f ehalns to a black Jack. Bedie Smith's comer, thence south SI de grees east i enain w m ruca lu uie nu ivau. thence as the said road south t degrees east la. IS ehalns to the Bmithfteld Boad. thence with the said road to the beguuilng, contalniug Ml l- acres more or less. - xnis inn oay oc uctooer, use. W. M. BOTLA1T, , .... Bxeoutor of fiatharlns Bovlsn. . . Notlc to Defendants. Id the TJ. 8. Circuit Cocirt for the Eastern District of North fjarolnia. Buffalo City Mills, Limited, vs. W. W. Archibald and May ti Archibald. It U ordered that said W. W. Ar. ebibald and May O. Archibald be re quired to appear ana pieaa, answer or demur at the office of the Clerk ot the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of North Caro lina, Id the oity of Raleigh, on or be fore JNoveraDer inn, ltsao, ana mat a copy ot this order together with a copy of the bill of oamplaint and sub poBoa herein shall be served upon the defendants in the Southern Dis trict of New York", the Eastern Dis trict of .Virginia, or in suoh other Distriot as the defendant may be fonnd. It is further ordered that aervioe be made by publication onoe a week for six weeks in the Pbbss- VisrroB, a newspaper puDiisDea in the oity of Raleigh. N. J. RLUDICK, Sent iX 1896. - Clxbx. Administrator's Notice. Having quaii Bed as administrator of the eeUte of MiM Mollie A. HilL de eeaxed, late of Wake county, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to preeent them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of October, 1HU6, or this notice will be plead in bar oi ueir recovery. - J. C. MAKt'OM, Adm'r esUU of iMiss Mollie A. HilL B. T. GRAY, Attorney. -Oel-Uw-w Uhat io Caatoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's iiresc-iiptlon for Infants And Children. It cont4ilris neither Opiitin, Morphlnejior other Karootlo stibtnce. It Is a liarmlesa fmbatltote ' tor Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It la Pleasant. Ita gn&t-antoe U thirty years' use by v : -UUlions of Mothers. Castor la destroys 'Worms and allays feverlshjoeaa. : Castoria prevents vomiting; Soar Card. cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colie. Castoria reUevea - teething' troubles, cores constipation and flatulency. - Caatoria assimilates the food, regiilates the stomaca - and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas the ChUdren.'s Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. 'Oastnria Is aa eaoatlut medlrina for onD aa. Mothers lum rapeatsdlr said me of Its -fe.. Da. 0. O. OwnooB, ': .. . Iowell, Haas. - OsstorU Is tba beat remed for eblldna ot vhloh 1 am aoquaintod. I Aopa the day la DOS ; far daCant when motharswUlooaakbir the real fcirerrat at their chlldrea, and a Caatoria In- I of mvailoosqiiaok aostrams which ara dr toved pass, by foredng opium. . sasephlaa, snotfalag syrnp and other hurtful aetata down their throats, thereby eandmc to premature stts." ' Pa, i. F. Unws law, "'. . OoBwaf, Ark. : The Owaisvu Oeaapsuay, TI Bf W.'E HOLLO Ohamberlala'a Bra and Bttn Oi&tment Ia nneaualled for Euzema. Tetter. Salt- Rhanm. Rrailil HnaH. Sore Niorjlea. Chanoed Hands, Itching Piles, Borns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore 701 and Gaanulated Eye lida ot sue by druggists at to cents per dox. XO HOBSB OWSBBS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy coa lition try Br. Cadya Condition Powders, ' bey tone op aa system, aia aigesuon, care . ui of appetite; relieve constipation, correct ' kidney oiaoraers ana aesaoy worms, gr ui life to an old or JTer-worked horse. ... , . ... - - wr ret peckara F01 sals by 'hndjfiats r0U DO NOT REALIZE That you are in Balelgh unless you are stopping at me YA$B0t0 HOUSE The only Hotel In the "city convenient - Business. All rooms on the third floor S2.00 ner day; first and second floors la. 00 and 8a,ouperaay. v--.i,;:v SPECIAL WEEKLY, RATES FEES BUS AT ALL TRAINS. - Thousands of dollars recently expended i , M provements. ? , i, . W ti. T. BROWN. Prop. ECONOMY ' Mar be neoessarv in manv wars when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imper fectly nourishes; np to that standard it costs a- reasonable price, we never want more than a reasonable price for onr Orooeries. . RAPID SALES Give onr customers the benefit ot close martrioa. We never keep any. thing that is not the best of Ita kind, ana we oniy wans a lair prom on wnat we invest in it, CHOICE GROCERIES Always in stock and promptly de livered wnen oraereo. .: If II ' I s 4 MM 11 r m x 'l If J CastorioV . "Oaasoria a M-nll adapted todifldraa that I Mooaamsad tt as superior to aay pnearlptiaB knowBtome." H. A. Aaoeaa, K. 111 So, Oatord St., Brooklra, H. T, "0 phjslotans la the children's depart ment have spoken highly ot their expert enoa ht their outsHs praetlos with Osetorla, aad althoagh we oalr have among- our medical snppUae what to kaowa as regalar prudaota, yt w ere free to eoafeai that the aMrttsot OastorU baa won aa to look with ntvor upon tt." Umras Boarrrali AMD DtsreaaaBT, Boston, Mass, Allbbi a Bam, Aes., amy Stismt, Hew Years: Ctcy. he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY is tbe best equipped and does the most prompt snd ' SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send in your work. I'hone No 19. WAY -4 SONS. Miss Maggie Reese. New flillinery We are now showing all the latest and most desirable shapes and k'vles In Fall and Winter Millinery. Onr stock is well selected, both as to STYLE and PRICE. There is a jrreat variety in Caps and Sailors for Misses and Children. All colors and sisea from S6e to (8.00. Wa will be pleased to bars the ladles call - and look at onr stock. Bvery on will receive prompt aad polite attention. ' : .IissVlQggieccsc 909 Fsyetterllle Street, . BULBS For Winter and Spring ' BLOOMING. ' Chinese and Easter Lilies, Hyacinths Freesiaa. Narcivsus, etc. Palms, Ferns and other plants for room decorating. Cixt Flowers Boquets 7 v.. , -aJTD- r , ' , Floral JesigTi8. . Ererjrreen, Magnolias , aid Shade Trees. H. BTEnniETZ, Florist. North Halifax Street, near Peace In- stitute, I'hone US. - , octnim : VALUABLE FARMING LANDS v FOR SALE. By virtue of authority conferred by a certain Deed of Trust from K A. Hodge and Loretta Hodge, his wife, dated December 6th, 189 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, M. C., in Book 118, at page S18, 1 will on THURSDAY, November 14th, 1896, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, six (6) tracts of land situate In 8aint Matthews township, Wake county, N. and described as follows: Fibst Tract containing 221 8-4 acres, more or less, being Lot. No 8 of the Uaston Wilder lands, and -described as follows: Adjoining the lands of said Hodge on the south, of the late David iiinton on ine east, 01 tne saut Jtlodge oa the north and Meuse river on the west; and bounded as follows: begin ning at a stake and pointers on the east bank of Reuse river, about IS links be low the month of s gut the southwest corner of Tract No. 1, bought at the same time and place oy Joseph An drews, runs thence east 295 poles to a stake in the late David Hlnton's line; thence with his line south 84 degrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west i53 poles to a small birch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse river: thence np the various courses of the river about 128 poles to the begin ning, being same tract conveyed by John B. Williams and wife to R. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 60 at page 646, reference to which is made. Second Tract, containing 199 acres, more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the Betsy Hinton farm (formerly Gaston Wilder's land) and bounded as follows: Beginning at a small birch and point ers on the bank of Neuse river about six poles below Spring Out; thence with the dividing line east 268 poles to a stake in David Hlnton's line; thence with the same about 82 poles to a stake on Mingo creek; thence down the creek about 824 poles to where it empties into Neuse river: thence up the said river about 196 poles to the beginning: being same tract conveyed by W. R Poole to B. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 182, reference to which is made. Third Tract, containing 118 acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the south side oKhe Tarborough road W. B. Pool's comer ruts south 1-2 degree west 46 polef to a stake and pointers in the head of a small branch; thence with said branch 89 poles to a pine on the east side of the branch; thence south 24 8-4 degrees west SB poles to a stake and pointers; thence east 108 1-2 poles to a stake; thence north 6 1-4 degrees eaat 214 poles to the Tarborougb road; thence with said road 98 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed by Jennie Hinton to R. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in sa d office in Book 106, at page 661, reference to which is made. .Fourth Tract, containing 79 8-4 ac es, mure or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast corner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence east with Poole's line 122 1-2 poles to a stake and pointers on a branch; thence nearly south down the various courses of the branch 88 poles to a large pine on the east side of the same David Hinton's corner thence with his line south 24 degrees west 89 1-8 poles to a stake and pointers, the corner of the dividing line between this lot, or parcel, and that purchased by G. H. Williams, at same sale; thence west 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road; thence north ward along said road 118 1-8 poles to the beginning, heing same tract conveyed by Sarah E. Wilder, commissioner, to K. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 146, reference to which is made. Fifth Tract, containing twenty-five acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Ruflra Williams, B. p. Williamson, William Smith and Joseph J. Andrews, and on the east side of Neuse river, be ing a part of the Betsy Hinton tract bought by said Andrews at the G, H. Wilder estate sale, being the southwest corner of said tract according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river, below spring gut, at a willow: thence np said river to above the falls at a twin red-oak; thence east to a stob and Sine; thence to a stob In the branch; ence south to K. Williams' land, a lightwood knot; thence west to the be ginning, and being the same tract con veyed by Joseph i. Andrews and others to R, A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 807, ref erence to which is made. Sixth Tract, containing eight acres and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad joining the lands of W. B. Poole, Jesse Watkfns, deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake In centre of Hodge road in Poole's line; thence with said road south 8 1-8 degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centre of the same; thence west 60 1-4 poles to a stakt; thence north 26 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; thence with the same east!48 8-4 poles to the beginning; and being same conveyed by James A. Williams and wife to said K. A. Hodge, bv deed recorded in said office, in Book 82 at page 90, reference to which is made. Place of Sals County Court House door, in Raleigh, N. a Tims or Sals -12 o'clock m ERNEST HAY WOOD. Tbtjstkx. . October 12. 1895. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue or power con tained in a mortgage executed to me by Robert A. Potter and his wife Sidonia Potter, on the 7th day of October, A. V. 1890, which said mortgage is recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, in Book 114, on page 106, I will sell by request at the Court House InWake county, at publio auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the tract of land particularly described In said mort gage, which ia bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in Wake county, North Carolina, in Saint Mary's township, and beginning at a white-oak, John Elliir (deceased) corner, and runs thence south 232 poles to a red-oak in Wm. Rand's old line: thence east with said Rand's line to the mill-path stake and pointers: thenee north with said mill-path to stake and pointers; thenoe east to a pine, corner of John Miteheu ers line; thence north to red-oak: thence east 80 poles to a stake and pointers; thence north 74 poles to a stake in the line formerly owned by P. H. Gower: thence with said line west 80 poles to a black-jack; thenoe south to a nine in P. H. Gower's old corner: thenee west to the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or less, ana eajoining me lands of Geo. Mitchenery M. W. Britt Wm. Brvant being the tract of land conveyed by J. P. Gully, commissioner in special proceedings, enuuea J. tr, ftullv. administrator of J. G. Daurea. deceased, vs. H. Dupree and others, in Wake Superior Court, to Robert A. Pot ter. Time of sale, 18 o'clock, m, on the Mth of November, itft - , , W. X. HOWLS, - -: - v N.- aCOBTSAaXX. October 18, 1896. - . , .' . l . . - 1 .mil Royall & Borden Are not elliiig UtIt at Cost, Bat their prices are much lower than THOSE SO-CALLED COST SALES. We have but one price at all times and that's the lowest Our stock is now complete in all lines of goods. No such stock of Fancy Rockers, Tables, Couches, Lounges, Medicine Cabinets. Desks, Book Cases and Combination Cases Ever thown Mere. We are a little early, bat oar 1896 designs in Carriages are here. Only a glance at them will ooDvinoe you that they are the best and cheapest line of Carriages in Raleigh We have them from the $3. 00 Carriage to the finest. When you are on the market either to bay or price, remember oar store is the leader of low prices. Do not take our word bat simply call and be oonvinoed. OPEN AT NIGHT. MALL aitd BORDEN, Ft ALEIGH, DTJXtlliVJVI. GOLDSBORO YES, IT'S A FACT I have opened a on the FAYETTEVILLE and HARTIH Streets (NEXT TO POSTOFFICK.) WILL BE GLAD TO SEE T0U AT ALL TIMES. John Y. MacRae. LUNG IS STRICTLY WB SHADS THB PRICK OF POPULAR GOODS are the styles and kinds that please. POPULAR PRICES are cash prices, which means most goods for least money. Our Trade was Never Larger, Our Stock was Never Hon Inviting. Our Prices were Never so Low.. DRY WOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, COATS and CAPES. WORTH brands onr goods "HONEST QUALtTT." FASHION ptonounoes them the TOttBECT 8TYLES." ECONOMSreoommends our EXTRA VALUES. 17,600 WORTH OF DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. - ,. ' Specialties in Black Dress Goods at 8S0. . - - -l , All-wool Dress Fabrics, yard wide, 860. . ,. 3 Fifty-inch Fine Wale Serges, blue and black, 48c i ,;, . , , ' Habit Clothes for Capes, exclusively our own, 680. , c Shirt Waist Silks, 18, V, 80, 86 and 600 up. -A- '- 1 2.8CO WORTH COATS, CAPES and JACKETS the latest fads In all their ' -loveliness, STYLE and BEAUTY. Prices S2.50, 8, SO, 6.00, 00, 7 60, ft.00, 10 00 up. : 94,700 WORTH STAPLE and DOMESTIC GOODS We are selling today Bleached Domestics, Brown Sheeting. Southern Silks, Homespnn Plaids and --v Caraleigh Ginghams at the MILL PRICES. Get our quotations before yon spend a cent. It may save you dollars. ; - 6,000 in FINE SHOES to select from. Regular Unas from reputable mann. faeturers. The cleanest; slickest, smoothest and best wearing Shoes on this -market. Every pair warranted to as and by us to you. ' - , C. A.' Sherwood & Co. branch Drug Store corner of for C A? H US ALL OTHEBS IN OTJB LINE. V 1 1 o ? 1 '1 U f - 1 i? v - , .V ' a, V drogglat. ,