f labor, oil, and interest, of not more than one dollar a day. " v ; A A. D. o y sJ u J a y v. BY TL3 Vi "tor-Press Company t&iiy,K;ept Sunday, A liunoiUaUua of itie Visitor, Es tablished 1878, and the Press, Eatab- txheil lsia. '.'- Uilice in the Fullea Building, corner FayettevLUe and Davie Streets. OklilillO. ANDREW., . -. ... - ' Etlltor and Manager. JASPER N. SfoRABY, - . - Solieltiag Aa-enl. " subscription prior ; V U One year, ... . . , . , tt.00 One month. . ; . ; .25 . JCnUni a Stemi CUm Mafl MatUr. UN The Leading Afternoon , ;; Paper In the State. The Prees-Viaitor publishes all the news every day aiidlus double the elr ' eolation of any daily ever pobluhed in Baleigh. , . TELEPHONE, - 188 TUKSDAT.N0TBMBBBU.189a . THE SITUATION IN COTTON. .v ... " The Mew Orleans Picayune in the coarse of a very aenaibl eand conser vative editorial upon the ootton sit uation aaya : ' The future of prioee has narrowed . dowa to a teat of endurance between the ootton ooneumer in this country and Europe on the one hand, and their representatives on the other. On the surface, Manchester trade appears bad; but the offloial British Board of Trade returns toll a differ ent story, so that it may safely be aooepted as a fact that Manchester is doing a much better business than appears upon the surface. The activity among the American mills is too apparent to be doubted for a moment It may, therefore, be as sumed that, notwithstanding the figures of the visible supply, the present consumption of ootton is ao live and that the invisible stocks are being eaten into to a very liberal ex. tent Despite the apparent holding back of ootton at the interior towns, there is a growing belief that the crop Is very nearly as short as the "offloial estimators" have predioted. If the planters and merchants in the Interior, who are in a better position to be fully oonversant with these tual facta, did not believe that the crop was , very short they would never hold with the confidence that - they are now showing. All things considered, the Pioayune believes that there will soon be a consider-, able revival of the demand for actual ootton, as at the prios which the market has now Tua plowman who directed the tired horse through the narrow fur rows is a figure that disappeared on the large farms in the West some time ago, the steam plow having oome largely into use. The change was an improvement, and the work was done tar more qulokly, yet it was recognized that the steam plow was a cumbersome machine and there was found not a little difficulty in operating it on account of the neces sity of fuel and steam 'supplies for the engine. Now oomes the el ec trio plow, which has just been introduced In Germany, and, aooording to re port, works admirably. A motor Is connected with it, working by wires attached to a dynamo, and the ma chinery Is a little complicated, but the general result is satisfactory, and upon farms of great size the new in vention to expected to do an Immense amount of work at a great saving of money, t. This system, if widely em ployed, will take away from the horse another of his old-time duties, and leads to fresh wonder as to what will beoeme of him when machinery is substituted for his services alto gether. ' Bucklen's Arnica Salve The best salve la the world for eats braises, son, nJcers, s't rheom, fe ver sores, tetter, ebapped bauds, chil blains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively earss piles, or bo pi required. It is guaranteed to give perieet saturation or money refund ed. Price SS eents per pox. For sal by John T VasRa EVERYTHING' NEW. NEW- - AND ATTRACTIVE - - GOODS ; At Attractive Prices--Just Opened Up. . SCOTCH CHEVIOTS ' " , i .' l. ' In handsome new weaves, 8 l-8c a yard, worth IS l-3c - - LA BELLE CKKPON8-r- 7 . , , ? LADIES' SstTXKSTtma Wl8t' DT9mtt " wortn l5-; JACts.ex1ia valuer only le. . ' . In blue and black cloth," latest style, extra good values, $s 00, worth 15.0a SHOES- ;V ' , . . 8CH(K)LSHolal,,a,I,Ue'8h0e,rt$t80pW,lr Extra good values la Misses' and Children's School Shoes. Wear, Quality and price guaranteed. . , , , ,7. COME AND LOOK, ... Those who oome to look stay to buy. likewise. --' Those who buy send others to do OUR SPECIALTIES A. B. Stronach, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes BTsrythiag Bxeepl High Prims. PHDNE SO SO Johnson's Kidney sua jjiver Keg a istor Invigorates the liver, regulates toe bowels, sores dyspepsia, bilons ness, indigestion, sonr stomach and makes your head as elesr as a bell SS and SO eents. For sals by John T. MseBae BEST ANTHRACm AMD BITUMINOUS. FREZ FROM f WASTf. REASONED OAKWINE .aANY. LENGTH The Whitest, Sweetest, and Strongest FLOUR. The finest Butter and the Best COFFEE that money k will buy at . W.CStronach&SoDs LIN3i T This to always en interesting deptrtment to Housekeepers, provided goods and priees are right. We hats not shown better al sea or more eoa pleU lines. Ws asms sight attrseUrs Values i " HALF BLEACH TABLE DAMASK; S-lneh atSSs. ' " 88-laeh at Sos. . - SS-ineht0s. t. : , , 4 es-lneh at 80s. ',. ' TOO HEJLSTITCnED HUC2 TOWELS. : ldxSS iaehss, lSe. " HEIHIED HUCX T0T7EL3 ::t 18x88 inches, IBs. ' FBnraia) nucs towels S9x4 Inehss, 90s. FEINQED DAMASK TOWELS. . v (Tied fringe) SSxiB Uehes, SSs. Wr II. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. CROSS DUKE Cigarettes k THE LARGEST (IS) Furniture , Dealers n IGARETTES fTnauu mew toucm W MAOK FROM Mr, ?J J High Grcda lebzzsa ABSOLUTELY PURK Sheets -'Writing Paper Vs MAM KaoA .ol. XI staple cannot nil to prove attractive igont chart. p8pei We have also the "correct Ink," only tbe way of a brisk demand now is I At for Pens, there is nnm. the war scare In Europe, and. as EJxr?!? 6LUCE!. soon as that passes away, as it doubt less will in a few days, we are likely to witness a very brisk demand for j ootton. A urop anywhere in the neighborhood of 7,000,000 bales, and the trade generally puts the figures much lower than that, should sell readily at about present prioes. The weak long interest which has re mained over sinoe the panic has now been about liquidated, and the only . pressure the market has to meet is the manipulation being engineered from New" York, a factor likely to reoeive serious discouragement from tbe light movement which the next I few weeks will develop. SIGNS COLO WEATHER most be heeded, and eosi ordered loir a I drop In the mercury. Buyers always oome I again wben tbeyre satisfied. All of oar former easterners are ordering again, being WELL SATISFIED with what we've done for them in the nast. Tney tnink our eoal for 15.23 a ton good enoogntortbem.' It is the best and its the cheapest; we carry -coal for all pur poses, good eoal sold at fall weight and THE LOWEST PRICES snd all orders are delivered proBPlv. Quality, price, weight snd delivery are our black quartette, snd there's glad music In it for all coal banters. JONES & POWELL, RALBIGH. N. O. In the South. THOMAS & MAXWELL HAT JUST XXCKIVSV- ' A Car load of Fornitore ,- ; .j; " '; -X)NSI8TINO Or- 37 of the Finest Oak Suits That have ever ben shown in the city. Most have care or the v' 11 aurelv decay. Long before they decay, how ever, they will show tbe neglect they suffer and reflect no credit upon their possessor. . Take ears of and preserve your teeth VJ USUI . ,;. . . Simpson's Dental Fluid, which will wh'ten the teeth, harden the rt a One von of its - anna. riunty over an ouier uqoia aenaxnoBs. rrepnrea oniy oy I rums and at the same time impart delightful odor to tbe breath. Oi trial will convince yon of its snp WILLI AH SIMPSON Simpson's Pharmacy, . . (Pullen Baildlug. ' ! USB SIKP80IT8 LIVEB PILLS sad f KCZEKA OIBTMKKT. v Mortgage Sale. orteHfre from iue Flui IEWIS :.rn( Accidenu":, ;ir-f dt autnontv or mm vuuam i'lummer ana sue I'lumaier, nis wue, recorded in Book 128 at page SOS, Register of Deeds office for Wake They have nad three elerks marking sJiXJSF!l&Si "" uu w mace room I mgnesc ntaaer ror cash, a tract of land lor the immense stock which is belnc I situated in Cary township, Wake - ' , ;." I 1 rloamniuul m. A1I. T. 1 t m duuq in own eimmons line, thenee toath 9M poles to a stake, thenoe cast 10 1-4 poles to s stake: sassi w aWiawpil mjwe, till- 1 1 ina Waaarr I A 1. A waAlABB a Ka Ia. The beat 83.00 Men's Shoes en the market Made from tannery ealfsUn, doagola men, solid - A complete and immediate revolu tion of transportation methods, in volving redaction ; of ) freight charges on grain from the West to Mew York of from 60 to 60 per cent. is what Is predioted in the Kovem- ber Cosmopolitan. ;Thr plan pro-1 ' poses using light and inexpensive ! oorro gated iron cylinders, hung on I WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Fens in Baleigh. Our line of I 'Virilit:iXlT IilTOS SCHOOL SUPPLIES tops, aU leather soles with UmW Cork Filled Solas. Uneqnaled for beaoty, fine workman ship, and woaring qualities. Your choice of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten ings. ; . Every pair contains a paid-op Aeek dent Insurance Policy for 100, good for 80 days. Wear Lewis' Accident Shoes, and go Insured free. . SOLD Bi le not equalled In the city. v'-M- - Alfred Williams St Co. Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of power conferred on me by a certain mortgage, execntod by M. U Edwards and wife, 8. T. Edwards, bearing date of February 88, 1888, and duly recorded in Registry of Wake county in jjook Mo. 101. psge 60i. Notice of Execution Sale. ' KOBTH CAKOLnra, - Wars Oodhtt. Bv virtue of an execution directed tn me from the Superior Court of said eonnty on a judgment in favor of A. L. Ktranss. plaintiff, and aimlnnt VA M. Bledsoe, defendant, I will at IS o'clock noon of Monday, December 1895, at the court house door of said eonnty tn Kaieigc, sen at public auo- uuh w seu gooas as cheaply as they nlng, being tbe let of land deeded by II. V. wive ana wixe. D. h. unve. to WU. do and infiraaaa tha nnmKu a , . llam T, "B,.r "umeoi weir Dual-1 rw,embe; 188a. referee, ia ma i.TTT-T; Jargesx anal by to said deed which is made to Wit aii i.uiuiiure aeaieni in t ha i uain jrtummer nom uavwood namh R. Mayfleid on tbe 36th day of here- Soath. An idea of the extent of their cosiness may be formed by the follow, lag list of large Southern cities In which they have branch houses: THOMAS & M AX WILL " - Charleston, 8. a ... Colassbia, ' " ,."-"" Savannah, Ga. " " ' - " Augusts, . " " , , Atlanta, , - -" , ' r H Macon, ' , " " Columbus, n ' ; " " . America ii, . . - v - . ' Charlotte, H, a - , Baleigh, t- . .. ; B'chmond, Va. And other stores that we have not space to mention, but will do so later. Tours for boo est goods and low prioes, THOMAS & MAXWELL Oct 81, tds Johb L. Goodwin. Mongagee C. WEIKEL, ... - . I " , "J wm. iv MXf VJMf I Willi b J IU UMQtu, Klf VUUUO SUO a slight rail supported on poles from 1 March 14, 1888. I will, on Monday, JDe-1 tion to the highest bidder for cash, to aemes-arm tha whnl- .t i I eembw 9. 1895, at 13 o'clock m, at the I satisfy said execution, all the right a cross-arm me wnole system lo-1 eonrt house door in the citv of Raleigh, tlUe and Interest which the said Ed rolving an expense of not more than fifteen hundred dollars a mile for construction. The rolling stock is equally simple and comparatively Inexpensive, Continuous lines of cylinders, moving with no Interval to speak of, would carry more grain In a day than a quadruple track rail way. This would constitute a sort cf grain-pipe line. The Cosmopoli t a a!.;o points out the probable s' .;u cf streetcars before the c tDr.:o:s carriage, wb'-b i ! 3 r: c:;v'.,ji ty a bey on a:;l..:t; 3 at a total exr?ciE8 for sell to the hishest bidder for ruh tnm land in said mortgage described, situ ated in Little River Township, Wake county, and bounded ss follows, to wit: Beginning at a stake in J. B. Fason's line and Madison Frivett's corner, thence nearly east to a stake in J. a. Edwards' line and Privett's corner, thence along said Edwards' line nearly north to a stake, John Ferry's corner, thenoe went to a Slake on the load, thence nearly norfl along said road to a stake, Jesse Duke's line; thence nearly went with said Duke's line to a pine, J. B. Barham's corner, thence urnny Bourn wiin said Marhfini's and Duke's line to a stake. Duke's corner thenoe nearly west to a bia k gum, J. B. i ason's corner, thence nearly south with said Fason's line to the beirinninir. eimtauiing eightv-nine stps, more or leas. B. F. Motouf,i AUj.rney. Joim JT. Chenbhaw, J'ortuagee. Ealoiirh iV. C Aov. S lc-o. M. Bledsoe had when said iadtrment was aorsecea or nas since acqul ed in snd to that certain lot or parcel of land lust south of the corporate limits of the city of uaieigh aforesaid and with in Raleigh township, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: On the norm oy uie norm line or toe partition aeea or Mary H. Hunter to Martha O snd i! ores A. Bledsoo, recorded in the weeibiers office or vv ake eounty afore said in book 18 on pace 6rf; on the east by the west line of tbe deed of Sim mons J. Baker to Moses A. I edsoe; recorded in said ReiriBter's oi:ne in book 19 on psire 37; on the south by the north line of the two deeds of Moses A. and Martha u. I isoeto (roorire T. Cooker recorded in said Re?iter's office in book 20 on p -s e4 snd 773 reopective'v, end on t"e went by the Payettevij e rof- 1, conu'iiing about eight acres of 1. i, roi e or M W. i'Auii, bUeriX Kovember 1, l&tt. TAILOR. irS'AlBIG SIGN, But It lepresenta something bigger still. Real estate tn Raleigh Is a large fact and will richly repay the earrftd attention of all investors. If you pur- cnase property in this town, you put money where you can't lose rt, and where it's as certain as sunrise tomor row to pay you a handsome return. Land owners are always the solid men in the community. In a wideawake town like Kaleitrh. a handsnma A. vanoe of-real estate values is assured, i ji you Day property now yon secure your share of this ad vanoe. Come to us ror cnoice properties - : .. i-Jj ''ytjlg deerwd by tbe world's dU.ttrs of Fashion for the eom YOUR MONEY'S FULL VALUE . . fJr and apright dsaling evsrywhere but we are never sstisfled unless we ean go this eeeeptad rn.re.nti). troi.m one botten to oqMo the bis va nw of car sompetitors and to improve apoa o.ro. 7o.r 1S..1' prieM .UL w. think make evident the snesL wltt Xh wV IW. VpSS h. above prlaeiple or rather our improvement npon it. PP sa 22 ,,"d0",; M PM mske them at price, lo. thaa most bonss ask for Uat season's earrlsdvsr stock. . GENTS FURNISHINGS AND SHOES Cross & Linehan. , 210 Favcttovillo Ctroet. STATIOflEftV CO. BLANK BOOKS. OFFICB and SCHOOL SrPPLIBS. - TIPS- WBITBB SUPPLIES of all KINDS, . . CEDRIC LINEN PAPER 25o pound. Iinen Knvelopeai lOe Package. W. G. SEPARK, .MA&AOER. Tte Dew Hei. Aim mi mA ' - KTZjrJ? " TOVr 1" H)Uf H srann tnoA h am. )-. mi-i u .... i jrao liiko( M oolunul LluurmMd Monthly Pa. , o tameoauuuiiHt a pnoa of M in. Vocal orl lutnHMatal, LMt FmIhom. (lood Storing Urmmtic t.w. nd Portrait of Vnt I v AcCrmM, Twml tiuwr Work HinM. all f.ir S!1lwiiTo''artlT whiu wouraniM. mas m oantaaad mm tut yuurauC S TUB SEW IDEA CO., '"" . Broadwar. Kv Tot r. AsaaWwaatod. liberal eommMfca paid. L li i. ' L . 1 TOY S 11 yE ' IS THE s ., JPJUA.CE , . axi. sun or- . , ; TOYS s CANDY - OHBAPBST. ' Best Crooas for Least Honey. 1 " 4 r . - - " RiggarTs Toy Storey . . lSsHayettevflleSt. ' - " senli bnnr, n i. , Aog 6. Is now ready to make up Suits for Tall and Winter. Be has s Sne'seleo-I tlon of " . ' - 4 1 ' Soitkss and Trouseris!. I - . w - 1S4 Fayette ville street, up sap 6 Irs Call at stairs. P.heamatism, ssurslcria. paios in tha Dek or side, stiff Deck, sora throat, toDflilitia, diphtheria, samps snd eoliel nstsntly relieved by Johnson's Har. netieUil ijarge bottles, SS snd 6Ji eents. For sale by John T. MoRae, arcggists On Easy Terms. Several large, convenient houses for rent. Appiy to lip, Eilisgtca & Co. lDsurancend Real Estate Agts. Novi lm SAM'' 5 I r -Mt Tra-ie. 1 ; dt.uv.-' or e ;,.r pi. .v, ..iraa a.-,i -ti.ut autH.1, I t nuTlSMi f. f a Lir::.u::::::LE: 1 of voonl or hminiiwMMi n- '-. i. to, f. ir or -rorw nf f'iUUl'liHoa bjt lUIKtf, ti.Wl,.,,. mc. . , IDC, f 1 1 MM Ike if lost ki 1 aU atuO CO- Brodwy TboMn BolMInf, Hew Tork. utxral WBaa Uany was ttek. w gave Sat Caaorla, was a OhM, aba cried (or Caaorta. ')Ma axaeoune Him, an etong te Ctoris. Vasanasaat OAtraa. ek. tbaaCsav TH CXVATEST DISCOVERY OK THB AUK. 1.1. 1 ' "" Onborri3i- ,For..l. by John T. MeRas, droJT COLLICTOB'S OFFrct KAI.FIOH, N. C, Nol.herobyg.vVnors'sr. field" V mm vniWihitey ,4 Pmi"2 neia, from 1 elvington and Liiik ens on Auirust 8, lm .l'ive boo s of maniwtarod to ao In raurrwd dprot at Vvext M w r Au-ust .),), i, Bhippi by x. sTi)i?a & to, Ya-ikin Coi A N. O. ny lrwo. Clalllli, :I nn lntn. saui art.ci.-s above ,i. -,,1 V- r. 1L Ely voys. If I Ci.oi;wr, a oct4 sod

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