... . y . TKOd. J. PENCK, - - - City Editor. TUi-dDAlf. NOVEMBER 12, 1885. Index to New Advertisemeata. Tuckers Specials. " " - Jxxtt Twenty-dollar Bill. Notice of Seizure (V M. Simmons. The Afriean Wonder For Kent-J. Hal Bobbltt WEATHER FORECAST. . - 1 1 ' Forecast fbr North Carolina Imn I Wednesday-Fair ,exeepl show iuuuj lriB theeitreiueeamernpor. . I i 1 tion. Warmer in tae interior I Wednesday afternoon. - liooaJ Foreoast for Raleigh and vi cinity Wednesday Clearing - and warmer during the day bat colder Wednesday night, with temperature below freeaing. , Tnesday, November 13th Local data for 84 hoars ending at a. m. today Maxls&aia temper. : nra, svs; aiiimui temperataxe, 1U Haln-fall. OU-. , . , . . , PERSONAJU : fdr. R. K. King, of Greensboro, is in tibeeltj.. ', ;:: Mr. Herbert Norrie, of Apsi, Is km today, Mr. 8am Harpsr left this morning for Henderson. '-4 J! ,; " -' - " v ' Mr. and Mr. Gtsorge W. Thompson retnrasd today from Ptttaboro. Mr. B. W. Ballard, a prominent mer ehoat of Frankliatoa, to in the ity this morning. ' Mr. Sam Heller, Mr. Save Bervea get and Mrs. Rosenthal left yesterday far Atlanta. ' Misse Emma and Daisy Jeffries, of Virginia, are in the eity Tlsiting rfis Minnie Barbee. Mr. W. K. Carr and Miss Lambeth, of Washington,' D. 0., are gueets at the Bxeentive Mansion. 1.. Mrs. J. W. B. Jones, who has been Tlsiting Mr. Alf. Jones, returned to her home la Warren eounty today. Mr. B, E. King, a well-known Greensboro lawyer, is here today in attandanee on the Sopreme Court. BrJndge. W. B. Allen and H. G. Connor, of Qoldsboro and Wilson, are intheeity today, attending Supreme Cont. Mr. 8. W. Terrell, of Bolesville, who has been eritieaUy ill, is now, his friends will be glad to learn, consid ered out of danger. vrrs Vt BRIEF. Hon. Den'l Bnssell. the big mognl from Wilmington is at the Park. Bailey of North Carolina says he is North Carolina's next Governor. Watch oat for the announcement of oar popular druggist, Mr. J. Hal Bob bitt, which will appear in theee col umns tomorrow. It is expected thst that the Chamber of Commerce will tike up the matter of souvenir for he erniser Baleigh tonight and it ie hoped that there will be a good attendance. nr. u. v. jnangam, whose bar was referred to in the Prms-Visitob a day or so ago, says that he runs a bar for the aecommodvtion of "the people;' that hie patrons are of the best. As to Miss Haywood, Mr. Mangum says that it was not his liqnor which ran her tongue into such new and untried paths of profanity. Bridal Gift. Novel little pieces in Sterling Silver and Cat Glass, French China, single r'"" ouu wuik sets, queer snapes in pottery, etc., all appropriate for wed- uiug presents. W. H. & B. 8 Tucker & Ca Lost On Saturday afternoon near Mr. BousbalTe office a 120 bill. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at his office. Also tost on Monday morning gold cross. Finder will please leave and get reward at 228 North McDowell i . The African Wonder.. The Urge building at 1. 1 Fayetteville nr the auspices or the Su Paul' church ana &aoua oe seen by everyone. - For Ben. Two Office rooms, second floor, over urug store. Apply to J. Hal Bobbltt, Pbannasisti - 12 8t Wanted. 100 live sparrows. WiB pay tea cents oyinun iut uiem.- ueiiver to - w. u. weeuake, U Fayetteville street, at vuub. t'-v..-. .x. .- ; .... s i j . Hew Things In : Women's : Winter i Footwear. We are glad to advise our trade that we are showing some distinctly new things in women's winter footwear. First women's button shoes, made of real French calf, with the twentieth ; century toe, price $6.oa : v Second, women's button shoes, made of real French calf. picadUly toe, price Third, women's heavy glove calf but ton shoe, with patent leather tip, price We hope onr people win examine .these new winter shoes. W. H.&B..B. Tucker ACo. Five Boom Cottage for Rent. f On McDowell street, between Morgan and Hsnrett. Possession can be had immeuiaioly. Apply to B. P. William. on. - - ---v. novll-tt We are now makinar in their perfec ti( n the ongiPHl peannv Brittle and ti'iu-r Chips, Ve invite comBrisoo ..h other makes.; EOloiii. It may be put down as fact that Bretsch's crackers are beitr than any that come to this market, and his bread, cake and confectioneries are unexcelled. He is doing a tremendous wholesale business, which shows that the Dubiio appreciates the importance of patronizing a worthy home industry. You always get the best at Bretsch's. To be s fact that Johnson A Smith can make photographs that are unsurpass ed by any artist la the profession. Prices reasonable. - . ; Our Batter Cuds. Peannt Brittle. Cream Almonds and Taffy are the best, sue a pound. lw ' Barbee & Pope, IHssolation of Copartnership. - The Arm of Barbee A Thompson is this day dissolved by mutual conseut, Mr. Alt A. Thompson retiring. The business will be eontipaed by Mr. B. B. Barbee. (Signed) y E. B.BABBBS, - . : ALF A. THOMPSON. Baleigh, N. C, Oet. vq, 1885. Under the adrioe of my physician I have e included to retire temporarily from business and beg to cordially commend Mr. E. B. Barbee, who oon tinues the business of Barbee A Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. Barbee is severed with sincere regret. Not only as partners, but friends, our relatione oave seen, wunoui exception, wor- oghly cordial. With every facility for conducting the business, an entire nowieage or tne wante 01 me traoe. and a fixed Intention to give value re ceived, there is every reason to assure wow lnceresiea that aeaungs with Mr. jparDee wiu oe entire y satisracwry. Aia A. Thompsok. I desire to thank our patrons for part favor and solicit a continuance of the same with the assurance that will do my best to please them. E.B.BABBKK, '. Agents Wanted . Everywhere, sea day. Marion Har- iand's New Book, "Home of the Bible.' Over 8,000 new photos; nearly 600 extra iarse Danes. Just the hook for the fall and holiday canvass So experience needed. For particulars address His torical ruo. u rnuaaeipQia, ra. Iioet Bank Stook. . Balwgh. N. OL. Julv SS. f8fi&. The underainied herebv rivea notice that sne has lost, or her late husband, W. N. H. Smith, has lost, two eertifl. cates of shares of the capital stock of The Citizens' Bank of Norfolk. Va. numbered 40 and 82 respectively, the former for three shares and the latter for twenty-two shares of said stock. and wishes them returned to her if found. hbs. MA by o. Smth. KxanntiiT of W. V. H Hmlth octl92m Deceased, Baleigh, N. O. Madam Beeson desires to eall the at tention of the public to her new stock of rail and winter Millinery for ladies. misses and children. Infanta csds. sacquee, notions, etc octltz THB GBBAT SALB TOMOBBOW THB GBBAT SALB TOMOBBOW Of Napkins, Table Linen, Table Cot. ers. Towels and Ltee Certains at and below eoit. Thsse goods will be plseed on a table and yon esn take yoar ehoiee. Below are some of the prices. NAPKINS. One dot, with border. flOc, AOs 66c 85 48o 75 46s 88 60s " " Whit- Damask, " " Cheeked, " " Extra quality, " Extra large, . " " Extra fine, TABLE LINEN. 64-inch Damask, 158-inch Damesk, OO-incb Damask, 64-inch Damssk, 64-ineh Turkey Bed, OO-lnoh Turkey Bad, 48-lneh Turkey Bed, TOWELS. 48x94 Towel now 47x98 " " . 60x94 " 60x98 48x99 84x17 " 58x98 " LACB CUBTAINS 81c 68e 11.96 1.60 1.76 tl.00 1.96 75c 60e 00e 00a 60s 40s 20s 60 84 36c 68c 86 96 10c 26c 25 60s 86 19e 17 86e 96 18 .11 7 20 16c 10s 81.00 a pair Lace Curtains, 70 . 1.95 a pair " " 90s 1.75 a pair " 1 95 9.75 a pair " 9 00 8.95 a pair " 9.96 We advise you to eall early. . MBS. EMMA B. SWINDELL, ' . Executrix. Come and Examine The handsomest Steel Bange j made. It to "THE JEWEIs." ' See onr new Bisscll Grates Wehav 3 Bicycles . , On easy terms - - A " awawawawaati 1 "'" ' v V Baby Carxia.gr At a cut price. '"hos. H. Brl2g5 & Sons, ept si-lv ( ' .. 1 4Mnt Atur"-M4. W ,OniuT tlMMT SOUU ACUte , . Wanted. . An nonftft, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable eMtthlitthed house Salary $780. payable 115 weekly and expenses.- Situation permanent. Uefer enoee. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Tbe Dominion Company, 316 Omaha Building, Chicago, nol-lm For choice meats go to Tbomas Don aldson's. Stall No. 2, Market bouse. Telephone 180. oct90 2w. Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do- first class dreftamaking at their home, 607 North Wilmington street. Perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. , oeiio ins . - , lr",TV .Wanted. A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established hjuse. Salary 8780. payable $15 weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped enveloee. H E. HESS. President, Chicago. tf Langwisch's Fatpowder PINE, BBUNBTTB n WHlTsT It Is the only eosmetle that lmnarts to tbe skin the everlasting "bloom of youth." n ao closely and invisibly herea to the skin that it constitute Genuine Toilet Secret. Ladles are always delighted to pro. cure ukDRwisco rowaer. . . Jas. LlcKimmon & Co PHAR M AGISTS, v ' I US FaysctevHIe St., Baleigh, N. a Again We call yoi Mention tooi J complete l'ne of .-i. Misses and Children's Shoes. MImm Calf Snrtnff HeeL best shoe made for school, - $2.26 Misses Patent Tip Needle Toe, Spring Heel, very stvlish, 2.26 Misses Patent Tin Spring, J 60 The popular Kid Tip Spring Heel Shoes for Misses and Children at the following prices; y Misses, 11 to 2. tf.76. Child's, 81 JB and $1.60. Infant's Soft Sole Button Shoes and Moccasins, k50c ILL EE Bwd. 134 Favetteville Street Five Cent Olgrar. In placing the above named cigar before tbe public, we feel justified in stating that it is tbe Aeme of Perfection. It will seldom Toe eqatlled and never excelled. Try one. , W. H. KING & CO., Sole Agents (or Baleigh, ' Holer's Candy fresh every week. Frank ;: Stronach's Carriage-Harness KEPOSITORY , 2ros.8ia, 821 and 828 Wilmington St, AUCTION ' ! , -Aa-n- " ' Commission Merchant. - Manufacturer and Dealer In Buggies, CarTMgs, Boad Carts, Farm , ' and Spring Wagons. ,. HORSES BOUGHT SOLD We are prppsred to furnish the nicest turnouts fa the Ciiylin Lie' t Livery. Altwran furnish R(km1 t-aiine Horses. Yon can bnv a enoti Horse or Mule at puoli 1 or private sale at my stables. rp 1 ' ru.iiiiv GTROrJACH. Kovll mi Garciosa if & ' Let he You, Furniture nowadays isn't what It need to be. There's been a vast improve ment in my time, and the change has been as much for increased comfort as for greater style in designs and ele gance in upholstering. Oroent changes are manifest improvements, of which fact we claim that our exhibit is the demonstration. We carry a come re hensive stock iccludtnc all lines, and invite attention to our prices . We have bo leader; every article we offer leads in both quality and price. Every thing is marked to Insure a ready sale. Come and see for yourself and we feel sure yon will Join the multitude in saying that our stores are headquarters for the LATEST. BEST and MOST STYLISH GOODS .and for LOW P BICES - Thomas & Jlaxwell. ; So7 12w ' (Hum AUTUMN COMES New styles come with It, and every man in Baleigh with any idea of dress. comes to ns for styles, as a matter of course. Tbe best ready-made suit to only a travesty of correctness. It isn't even a clever masquerade. Banish all ready-made misfits from your wardrobe and get something ttyllsh and hand some, produced to order and faultless in fit and correct In every detail of workmanship. We fit our customers. That's our rule and it stands, like rock bottom. The belated summer suit has no place in tbe wear of the gentleman Qf style, who, if not already provided for the fail, makes no delay. You get the latest and the most stylish made at O. "ji. WALTERS. jANCY GROCERS ' 803 JPavettevlUe St. Just received a shinment of Soda Crackers, Milk Lunch, Oyster Crack ers and Cakes ALL. FB&SH. - . . Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Oak Flakes, Hominy Flakes, large and small Hom iny. Preserves by the pound or In bot tles at very low prices. . Fresh Eggs. Chickens and Torkevs always on hand. ' ODE MEATS ARE THE BEST Swift's Orioles Ham and Breakfast Bacon always In stock. - We handle the best brands of Coffee only. Momaja, Mocha and Java. Arbnckle'a and Lev. ering's E. L. C. are our brands ? H. J. Heinz's Sweet and 'Sour Pickels . Alwavs in stock. ! Onr Flours are strictly the best - , ACME. ' DAN VALLEY SUPEBLATrVE, NORTH STATE and DESOTA are the names. Money refunded if any of the above brands do not suit ' . . ' Fresh. rSatuuae'e . ; - (AU pork) arriving daily. -Lowest prices and prompt delivery to our motto. ' .,v -i Loose Buckwheat 6c ner nound. . ; Oiveus atrial. . .. , , O. ' H. ANDERSON & CO. rr . s tf ' Tell WHEN DROP IN if" At Babbitt's Where Ton will ROYSTER'S FRESH ; BON RONS AND CHOCOLATES. The equal of any candy. on sealed packatrs. ranginar from one - PKICE OOc a u I a J iicr n, 1:. a, Hot. 11, Julias Lewis LTardware Co Ealeish, N, 0. a "King Heater snail size, with pipe. Csscl small est heater you have, but quick; we are freezing. , (SIGNED) , ' This is a copy of an order we received this morning. Everybody knows that with a 'Hagey King Heater" thereto no freezing.- ; - MUCH HE AT LITTLE WOOD" JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE :. COMPANY. . hot 4 ly r. - IX) you;. ::; SEE CLEARLY ?. 'If not come and examine our stock of Eye Glasses and Spectacles. We have Just added this line and have some very attractive prices about half what yon have paid heretofore. , - - , , COMB AND BiAMINB THEM.' ,. HiCKS.i ROGERS .' PrescrlDtlon Sramrists. . , THE - Connecticut Mutual - Is now offering to insurers the very best forms cf insurance that can be written, providing as they do both pro tection and investment unon the best and lowest possible terms. Attention is respectfully called to its r , x, "LOW RATE ENDOWMENTS' at 00, 86,10 and 15, with Cash Surrender Values in 10, 15, eto , years, the best and most Qesiraoie Jtndowment insur ance ever issued. Lite; and mnitea Lire Policies also contain large Cash Surrender Values, stipulated in the policies and forming a part ol tne con track It maintains a ' higher standard of solvency than to employed by any other Company or any State Department In this country, having in 1862-voiuntarily aaopieaa. . , , , t f,3 Per Cent Reserve thus making Its contracts the safest and most valuable ever offered, i All Dolldes are bv their terms non forfeitable after two or three pay ments, not even reauirlng surrender In case or lapse, ana suon policies paruci pate in annual dividends. The Cash Surrender and Paid Up values are plainly stated in each policy, thus avoiding ail misunderstanding or dis appointment The agents of the Com. pany respectfully solicit correspond ence with anyone desiring further in formation. Good, conservative agents wanted in each county, - S. D. WAIT,--: , f v . -' Oeneral Agent, lalslgh. Notice of Selzare Notice to hereby given of the seizure of the following personal property for violation oi . uie Laws: July 19, 1886, one cask containing eleven gallons corn whiskey. : August 8, 18e from Yelvlngton k Dickens, one cask, twenty gallons, corn wnissey. October 8, 1896, from Yelvlngton A Dickens, one cask, eighteen gallons. corn wnissey. - , October 8. 1806, from E M. Talton, about forty-eight galluns, corn whiskey. October 6. U96. from Berrv Goodwin. one cask, about twenty-three gallon, corn wuissey. - - October 18. 1806 from L. Dawklns. one cask, about fourteen gallons, corn whiskey. October." 1895. from J B. oTey. one cask, about fourteen gallons, apple oranoy. i October. 1895, from J. H. Lewis, one cask, about thirty gallons.1 corn wnirxey. Anv person claiming any Interest in tbe abjve spirits will make claim as provided in tKscUo 8440, R. H , within ) oajs or property wui oe iorieiiea. JT. M. BiMMOKS. Collector. novusod Always Find. the market; artistically put op half to fire pouu.ls. per Pound. I OUR SALES LAST MONTH WERE AHEAD OF LAST YEAR. VE ARE THE BUSIEST STORE IN THE CITY, i Bnt w want a still greater patronage, and with this object in view and with our Increased fsnilltle In buying and selling goods, ' WE ARE NOW. THE TALK OF. THE TOWN, SOME OP 0JR BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK : Como Curtnin Talk Lot No. 1, S yards long, 7o a pair. Lot No. ?, 8 yards long, fl 00 pair. Lot No 1,1 1-9 yds long, (1 60 p'r. Lot No. 4, S 1-8 yds long, $.188 p'r. i. Lot No, 5, 4 yaids long, 19 76 pair. On lot of Chenille Curtains, 3.88. Window Chcdcs.. 900 Window Shades, spring rollers, 95e. ' " 900 Window Sbsdes, spring rollers, 60. , T " Hlonket Calc? - 10-4 white BlankeU, tl 00 a pair. . 10 4 white BUnkets, $1 AO. 10-4 white Blanketa. $9 85. . i . 10-4 White Blankets, S 60. v 10-4 colored BlankeU, $100. ' Cilk Velvet ; - AU shades, $1 a yard, worth $1 60. Jardiniero . .. : A large maanfaaturer has sent as a lot to bs sold- They are very cheap. Buy oae before the assortment is broken. - 600 dosea Ladles' three for 6 eeat. ; ; Handkerchief Fine Millicery Goods 100 dosen Sailors',' 10, 90,96, 85, 60, 76e each. -, 50 LiUian Bnssell Sailors. Frensh It roe WSBt a Suit of Clothes nada of Suitings. We eaa save you 95 per kinds of repairing and cleaning done OAE CITY STEAL! LADDDBY . ras as aw Maw wsM w shaWMafa.! WbAWwba ' A SPECIALTY. We do the Best Work and have tha hsat TWiiivnnr ma .. - guarantee to please. ' . SPECIAL HORSE AND COW FEED v- We are selling the best Horse and Cow Feed Jo be had. We do onr own K?Uh.gr4etMa WYATTSEMULA. We m nothing - - We also grind Corn, Peas and Oats at 10 cents per hundred, ' ' . . . - ,; .CTEBlCS GASH. , , - Pare -arid riavshcll CAN, jl be. TRUE! The Presa-Vlaitor claims to go to glad to know It, and that's wby I Want to Say Riffht Hero That I will be g!ad for every family who sees this to call oo me for any. thing; in the Drag Line at either of my Stores. s. r 1T1 Corner , . i r f as - i belt $1, worth $1.50. -4 100 pie see Ribbon, lOj yd, worth 16 100 blaek Plom, 60s, worth 75e. ' An elegant variety of Caps for girls and boys, fromSS up. " Muslin Urderyear; ' Department - 900 ladies' white A prone,' 95e eaeb. 800 ladie' Night Bobe from 85e op. MiDDca unacrwear Ledlea Bibbed Vest, 90s, worth 80c Ladles' wool Bibbed Vest 50a, worth 75e. , : Gent's wool Bibbed Vests, 60, worth 75e. Dreso Goods About Dress Goods w say thai our stock is flrst-elass sod as cheap as the heapaat. Cloaks and Capes . : , On theee geod we hare bad large sales, because ' we sell them cheaper than any other hone In town. " - - vr Crockery Dcp't - 95 Toilet Setsi tea pl'eees, worth $4.50. , $9 08,, in flrat.aaa !' lnV . .t.b ' cent, and give yon 6 ret eiss fit. All i at short notice. ',',. - W00LLC0TT & SON. : J 7, . PAGE .MARSHALL, .3. 'J every family in llalelgh.' Well, Pin V. P. a Cireeta and Fay.'.Uv'.l'.ak; I