.ww" tlwl I Ulli TLa Yi Itcr-Fress , -Compan, Daily, Except Sunday, A (Jofuxjiidatlnn of the Visitor, Es tablished 1878, apd the Preaa, Kutab- lehed 1894. - Office in the Fullea Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. Kdltor ud Manager. JASPER N. MoRABY, Soliciting Agent, v SUBSCRIPTION PRIOBL - One year, . a .. . . lt.00 One month, " ' . SS balms' aa gewas Clam MM Uatttr.) The Leading Afternoon Paper In the State. .- The Presa-Viaitor publishes all the . news every day and bw doable the dr dilation of any daily ever published in Raleigh. TELEPHONE. 168 WEDNESDAY, K9WBMBBS 1, IBOS, MR. SPENCER AND THE SOUTH President Spenoer of the Soathern Railway made a speeoh at the At .. lanta Ei position a few days ago in which he gave expression to the following very sensible and sound remarks: "What is needed now is inoreased capital, inoreased population. They are the same thing. It is useless to look for one without the other. While immigration is important to yon, while every effort that is put forth to secure it should be aided to the largest extent possible by every, body who can help you, (he founds, tion of immigration is in the pros perity of your existing institutions. jfo matter , bow small they are, no ... matter how great they may become, iney at toast are yoar Mat advertise mens, x on may sonoit, you may advertise, you may beseech people to oome and take part with you in the progress of your country, but the first Question that they ask is 'Are the institutions which are al ready there prosperous?' If the an swer to that is 'Yes,' yon will find plenty of people, yankees and all, to oome and divide them with yon. If they are not prosperous, the immi gration oolumn will be a slow and halting one, no matter what induce ments yon may offer," Mr. Spenoer is a Southern man, a native of Georgia thoroughly im bued with the great possibilities of the South and president of the most extensive railroad system of the South. He wishes to see the South prosper, and he points out the way clearly and effectively. We must first help ourselves before we can ask others to assist us. and a salutary lesson for the demo crats. That firm and able states man now in the White House has done more than any other man to save his party from disastrous blun ders and the oountry from the con sequences of those blunders, and if the republicans win next year it will be because the democrats have not taken wise counsel and. followed the sagacious lead of Mr. Cleveland." -We take it from the above that the Herald is an enemy of the Demo cratic party. There are many rea sons why the Democratic ; party should not nominate Mr. Cleveland again and the fact that the Herald Is for him Is" one of the strongest arguments against his nomination. If the Demooraoy ' of this oountry wish to see the last vestage of the Democratic "organization annihilated and wiped from the face of the earth, they have only to take the Herald's advioe and nominate Mr. Cleveland for a third term. A. D. EVERYTHING NEW. NEW - AND- ATTRACTIVE . GOODS At Attractive Prices-Just Opened Up. SCOTCH CHEVIOTS -i " ' V In handsome new weaves, 8 1-So a yard, worth IS 1-ScC LA. BELLE CRKPON8 . - - - New styles, exclusive patterns for Waists and Dresses, 13 -So worth 16c LADIES' KNIT VESTS- , ..Winter weights, extra values) only 19a --.,. JACKETS - " In blue and black cloth, latest style, extra good values, IS 00, worth $6.00. SHOES- . , . . ' ' ' , " Special values m Ladles' Shoes at tt.B0 per pair. ' t 8CHOOL SHOES k Extra rood values in Ulmm and rhfldren'e fichunl Rhone. Wear. Onallt ami price guaranteed. , . , COME AND LOOK. Those who eoma to look atav tn bnv. likewise. t Those who boy send others to do OUR SPECIALTIES Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve la the world for eats. braises, tore, ulcers, salt rheum, fe I ver sores, tetter, snapped bands, ebll-1 blalna, eoroe and ma aklnx erapcions, end positively euros piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perieci saiisiaciioo or monir rerana- 1. me so oents per pox. For sale by Joha I aFae. A. B. Stronach, Dr GoodSft - Kotiona. Sho Kwytlillif Bxetpt High Prtee. DUKE Cigarettes J te57W.Dl(eSotltC.T?!S!r( 1 PHONE iSO BEST AHTHRACm BITUMINOUS. FREt FROM WASTE. tZEASONED OAKWINE ANY LENGTH Hie Whitest, Sweetest, and Strongest FLOUR. The Finest Butter and the Best ' COFFEE that money will buy at W.CStranach&Sors Thia is alvayt as loterestlog depaumeat to Hoaaekerpera, provided goods asd priaes are rfght. Wa have sot shovs better valora or more com plete lines. We ame eight attractive Taloest 5 HALF BLEACH . TABLE DAUACX. . ' : 64-laeh at 85. 8-lneh at S5. ' sS-lnoh at iOo. 0S-laeh at 60s. ' HEII-fiTITCnED HITCX T0T7ELS. :. 18xS9 (ashes, ls. HELIIIED HTJCX T0UEL3 :, 18x88 insbes, IBs. . . FRINGED IIUCX T0T7EL3 V 93xiiinshM, 90s. FEUTGED DAZIASS TOWELS. (Tisd fringe) 9SxA8 tnsbss, IBs. Mucker & co; MAOC moM High Grcda Tcb::co ABSOLUTELY PURE Sheets "'Writing Paper Varv more n Drioa iwrhana than any other article sold. You do not nave W) pay lor tne style In our papers. That is without charge. We have also the 'scomKt ink " n? the best sold. As for Fens, there is none to oom ars with "LEON ISAAC'S GLUCE UM PENS." afuat have (decay. Long before tbey decay. ears or they'll turelj now- Ths Chamber of Commerce last night gave to the movement of the ladies of trie State to raise a fund fur a souvenir for the cruiser Raleigh its official endorsement and oo opera tion, and authorized the appointment of a committee to act with the ladies in holding; a grand bazaar here, prob ably on Thanksgiving night, to raise the fund. There has already been raised in the State for this purpose about 1300, and of this amount Ral eigh has contributed about 25 per cent It is proposed to raise at least SS00. Raleigh ought,oertainly,to take the lead in this matter, inasmuch as the whole State is taking a hand at.d the cruiser has been named in honor of this city alone. : We have no doubt that the strong aim of the Chamber of Commeroe, linked with the inspi ration which the ladies will give, will result In a plenitude of the where with to purchase the token 'for the ship. ; Aside from the business feat- - nre of the movement, we almost felt constrained to suggest last night, when the question of the selection of : a present was under discussion, that that prerogative will ultimately be resolved into a question of woman suffrage, inasmuch as the lady p-n-sors of the State have priority, and are Justly entitled to nearly all of the Credit up to date. Ths New York Herald is for Mr. Cleveland , for a third term, That paper-, says: v "From the results of the recent elections it looks as if the republicans may win next year. The Herald Is . not a political organ and does not care forither party.but it is an inde pcadc-nt newspaper which is always for the test men and the beet meas urc3. Y7h0e we do not favor C;e re r i::. .r. 3, wa are inclined to think tlbt if t': 9 republicans should return to rrscr e .'a next year it might '--3f:".-1 tl:. .j f,r the country SIGNS OF COLO WEATHER must be heeded, and eo&l orduad fee a Orop In the mercurv. Bayers always eome again whea they're satisfled. All of oar former customers are ordering again, being WELL SATISFIED with what we've done for them In the past. They think oar coal for 16.18 a ton good enough for them. It Is the best and Its the cheapest -, we carry eoal for all pur poses, good eoal sold at fall weight and THE LOWEST PRICES and all orders are delivered promplr. Quality, prlee, weight and delivery are ear black quartere, and there's glad mule tn It for all coal burners. JONES & POWELL, RALEIGH. N. C. IEW IS prance WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Pens in Raleigh. Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES is not equalled in the city. Alfred Williams & Co. Onouaaad Trad.Markm obtamad ml n ana mmaam oooa acted tor MoDtntin rrra. ow Omci m owiii u. a. rmaromN Bv wi owKon nwf n. Bi JBB1 HIM Vwm M from Waluntak daa. W ftcriM- U aumubim xot. Iraa mt 1 exurf ism ia aoc ana nil pacaat tv eoS of nr.ntka V. S. and fai(a c.A.srjow&co. I o. Utiht Orr-e. wa mmerea. S. O. Accident The bast 83.00 Men's Shoes oo the market Made from tannery caltskki, doneola tops, all leather trimmed, solid leather sues with Lewis' Cork filled Boles. - ' Uneaoaled f ov baantv. ship, and wtjarmg qoaUtiea. Toureboioe of all tbe popular toes, lasts and fasten, mgs. . r . Every pair contains a paid-op Aost dent Tnanranos Policy for $100, good lot - "wear T " - "- 1 h i Shoes, and go Irared frse , , . SOLD BT Wliitlziqr Bros aver, they will show the neglect tbey suffer and reflect no credit upon their possessor; Take care of and preserve your teeth oy using Simpson's Dental Fluid, Which Will wb'ten thetMth. harden tha gums and at ths same time Impart a aeugnaui oaor to tbe breath. One trial will ennvinoe you of Its supe. I nontv vvrr a i outer noma aennn-inm. i xreparea oniy oy WILLIATI SIMPSON y hen AUTUMN COMES "'-'READY 'FOB THE FALL' 'CAMPAIGN:- With everything decreed by the world's dictators of Fashion for tbe eom Ing season, sad governed by tbe moderate pries system which has boilt opoo vast aoastttaeaey, sad keeps increasing it ia gratifying volume seasoa after YOUR MONEY S FULL VALUE Is considered fair and sprlght dealing everywhere bat we sre never sstisfled Ism we can go this accepted msreantile trolsm one better to oat-do the-bes -values of onr oomp-tltors and to Improve upon oor owa. Tour Inspection of prises will, we think make evident the success with which we have applied the above principle or rstberour Improvement upon it. - As stylish, handsome sad aew as H Is noaslbla to maka th.m .1 t..i... ). I tbao most bona ask for 1M season's earrled-over stock, -i " GENTS' FURNISHINGS -AND. SHOES," No pains have bsea spared to make each deDartmeat In iU llaa ..mLi. all the fsshionabls santres having bsea esrefolly examined with ths result tha ' we saa show yon up-to-date stuff ss worn by the fashionable people of today ' ' We Invite you criticism. v mww Simpson's Pharmacy, X Unenan. ; uiu Kavettovlilo street. (Pullen Building.) New styles eome with 11 and every man In Raleigh with any idea of dress. comes to ns for styles, as a matter of course. The best ready-made suit is only a travesty or correccn&s. It isn't even a clever masquerade. Banish all ready-made misfits from your wardrobe and get something stylish and band some, produced to order and faultless in fit and correct in every detail of workmanship. We fit our customers. That's our rule and it stands, like rock bottom. The belated summer suit has no place in the wear of ths gentleman or. scyi ior the USB SIMPSON'S LIVKB TILLS asd KCZEMA OINTMENT. Mortgage Sale;' Bv authority vuuam style, who, If not already provided i in theftOl. makes no delay. HYouget SSt sfflta?. latest and the most stylish made at Rorodoo?of W. C ' lSl . IA n T aT IS to CT ! WKhest bidder f or cash, a tract of land . jt. ; YtH.ll 1 JCftO. j situated In Cary township, Wake of a mortiram from I i'lnmmer ann Sua P nmnuw nia wue. recoraea in riook 128 at page 896, Register of Deeds office for Wake Monday, November I Clock m.. atthaOnnrt I vaseoounty, seu to the eoanty, containing one acre, l less, described as follows: Be vanuic lasaUwHliwril. IwtnM te , Mortgage Sale) of Land. Bv virtue of nnwar ivuifamul nn m by a certain mortgage, executed by M. Xj. Edwards and wife. R. T. IMeurii bearing date of February tt. 1888, and duly recorded In Registry of wake county in Book No. 101. page OOSL March 14, IfSS, I wi'l, on Monday, De cember . 1895. at 13 o'clock m. at tha oourt house door in the city of Baleigb, sell to the highest bidder for ruh t ha land In said mortgage described, situ ated in Little. River Township, Wake county, and bounded ss follows, to wit: Beginning at a stake in J. B. F aeon's line and Madison Frivett's corner, obbtij es w a nut in J. U. Edwards' line and Privett's earner, thence along said Edwards' line nearly norui ya a siaae, joon ferrys corner, thence west to a stake on the load, thence nearly norti along said road to Binie, jegse vuie i nne, inence nearly west with said Duke's line to a pine, J. R. Barham's corner, thence nearly south with said Barham's and Duke s line to a stake, Duke's corner thence nearly west to a black gum, 3. B. i ason's comer, thence nearly south with ssudFason'siinetotlie beginning, containing eightv-nme arres, more or less. , B. F. iloTAour, Attorney. Jofn M. Crembhaw, V irtgagee. Ealuifh H. O. Aov. loa. I i Notice of ISxeciatlon Sale. KOKTH ClKOLntA, ' . WAKCouirrf.. Bv virtue of an fxeentlon diraoted tn me from tbe Superior Court of said county on a judgment in favor of A. L Strauss, plaintiff, and against Ed M. Bledsoe, defendant. I wilL at is o'clock noon of Monday, December 8, 1805. at tbe court bouse door of aaid county tn Raleigh, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right title and interest which the said Ed M. Bledsoe had when said Judgment was docketed or has since acqni ed in and to that certain lot or oarcel of land lust south of the corporate limits of the ci'T of Raleigh aforesaid and with in jlMieign townsiup, bounded and de sorihfd as follows, to-wit: On the north by the north line of the partition deed o( Mary 8. Hunter to slartha i and Mofes A. Bledsofl, recorded in the Reel tT'a office of V ake county afore said in book 18 on p?e 62; on the eost by the west line of t? e ded of Sim. mons 3. Baker to L "i A. Biedsoe, recorded In suid Rt-s.-iuwr's oilioe in booklOonpsffe 4"7; on the south by the north line of the to dndg of Mosps A. and i.arti.a t. EIisoeto Gieorve T. Cooke, recorded in snij Reeixter's office in boi 2ijoo r?o 6-4 and T73 reffiec iv. , a" 4 on t. e wet by the Fayei "' t r"-1, cmiUi'ning about eight at- ' 1. 1, rore or U T. AG , Sherti November 1, j. j iai I m-fcH Sogers I - . - more or tAfHnninff bM ui niun n mnnnr una thenos south 8 S-4 nolea tn a tko thence east 19 14 poles to a stake: I North 0 3-4 Doles to a ataka in JnnJ Una.. West IS 1-a tmlaa tn tha hrln I -i ti it - , -I . . . : . "ais- uuik, unuiH uie iiiiui lanaaennMi nv n. . .11 . . n J - V "live ana wue. o. K...U lve. to wil. nam Mavneid on tha with h ueoemuer. ibhh. rerernnna iimii. hara uy v aaiu ueeu woicn is made to Wil- RALEIGH STflTIOflERY COa BLASK BOOKS. OFFICE asd SCHOOL SUPPLIES.. TYPE WRIT BR SUPPLIES of all KINDS. ' oararroma or portion of tha body. Imnraaa. nmatbeSntbox. laooa. Urn ma SaBolihox. PriMaimsbaa.SIUia.wnL wntua traerantae to rafaad Boner if notaanA andaotlatMn Daoamad letMnofpraiaeoa Slain ooxonioa. Cei ad in Teat ppokat. Bant by mail te aa John 7. McRae, Druggist. Baleigb, Oct SI, Ms Johm L- Goodwin.. aiortgagee PtGEON TrlC&vTgaV DiaCOVEftV o THI AOK. 1 to 4 daia. lm eixaot ( qoiok au 1 be earned in vest I aonnlato In am I twokaaajea teeeipt pnoa. Si par boa. I rorsale by Jobs T.UeRaa. drna- Suw. , PII P Oneala ssTBsUl Issaokaaitav tlsati K CEDRIC LINEN PAPER 25c pound. t . i' Hainen 2nvelopetj ", 10c Package. . - .-TOY- IS THE TO' BUY -u. usDa or- TOYS fi .CANDY CHEAPEST. Best Goods for Least Money . ' V RigganV Toy Store, 18Iayettevllle8t. aepil W. G. SBI'ARK, MAAAOBR. c' weikel; irs A-BiG sign, !5feS TAILOR. Is now ready to make up Suits for Tan ard Wlntrv He has a One selec tion of .siting and Trouserings. 01 choice properues Call at stairs. But ft tenrwmnta aomethTnv Mn still. Real estate in Raleigh i8 a lanre lauk auu win ricniv recav tna eamrni attention of all investors. ' If you pur chase property in this town, you put money where you can't lose it, snd where It's as certain, as sunrise tomor row to pay you a handsome return. Land owners are alwava tha anlM man In tbe community. In a wide awake own use Kaieign, a handsome ad vance or real estate values is auu red. ii you ouy property now you secure your share of this advance. Corns to P1" of your own, aim Sanaa moiiira. to rrmxn rood uttf ruu kk. . u . . you think of a&oolumaIiluM.ni MxnUny fa. jr,:iiwooulaiimMta Pwnaof hme. VonaJ Or IlutrurHLl- l.u.. v. Draiiitwi..wBaiKll'rtiiao( Fnt i Actmeva. BuiuetwuLliMlMtajul i.a.u.v vl l...... ... ..T S5 oanta a Tar. noHLtiri ... i . tone, but we siva you ewti, w..-u weaaTeruae. Bane eeua aud saa tut ourami. TUB KXW IDEA. CO., ' Il Broadway. New York CStn Aseata waotad. Lml oommiosion p-ij .' 1 m Fayetteville street, up I 0n Ea8y Terms. p 6 lot Administrator's Notice. Havln(fqnali"!'!l m 1mlnistr8ror of the estate of fi i Moine K. Hill, dv eaedf late of . k countv, Ihia is to notifj all persons I nvinrcla msajrninBt tle said e'tue to r"-init them to Uie onriVrmpned on or 1 .re tre 10th dsy of October, 1- . or i is not ce will be plead in bar of lm-:r r-nverv. I fi PfAKt OM. Adm'f estate of II... a i.j.ae A. liilL B.T.lHAr, Atlon.ey. Oct B It w-fl w . Several lanre. convenient honses for Irene Apply to r Insurancc'and Real Estate Agts. Novl lm mtVnfl-w inmiml axil f"..M Vrnrnul la anvni..i. ... ,...,,.(, ..... .-,- hwwt. aia a..Mr. h r. nt tfi u twi,a pwom oc wi or i. j i ..i. bw f.ir or lur huaytMup. vi-'"i. a.... . cootr. 10 01 inniaai ae I twtu MUM CO.. Broadway Theaua BulidtaoT. York. asBnafwaaiea. Ubam a T 1 ' TETJ "mt.-rt for ".I 'Ini.e. r-r- bea sanjr we act. we save ear Caatorla, ate was a CbJM. ana sned for Owroria, wmaneoaoameas,at)ee-..' gtoi ' - s. aBBanaaavESUreiS.ettiaai '..-a I t Let He Tell Vou, Furniture nowadays Isn't what It used to lie. There's been a vast Improve ment In my time, and the rhai e hs been ss much for increased co cf .rt ps for greater style in d-iu-ns dee ganre in niihoLnnrinir. Km ,-nt ciidn-.-s eren)nifHt iip"-ovemfuta. of which fact we c .im fit our exhibit is the 1" a ivuiitiQ. iet.sivef.HK inclndina- all lines, and liviie o a to our rrlceg. Vva 1 1 I ..A rt 1 . ' " W 1 ) 1 iMii fi anafit.v and urn . 4 - ; . 1 . . . 1 .1 i IB l".iKea IO minima r.. vi.mio auu see ior Vonr-.f at. o.i'i yiu win join tne I ' ' 1 LAI j I HI on or l.vtry. 'v e e. ; 1 I we Imd t'liimtinin in .irP 'o beadfHHrae, i L .... l1 and 1. 1 P Ouui,3 aud-ior lii 1 homes & Haxwcll. Uov7-Uw