THE COTTON CROP. r I Norember Report of the department of Agriculture, r ! Cotton returns to thsDspartmaat of Agrionlture for tbe month of Novem ber show aoyera, yield per ira for the entire, oioa belt of 155 0 ,.nd, distributed byStates followa: Vir ginia, 109; North Carolina. 168: Sooth Caroline. 141) Georgia, 152i Florida, 148; Alabama, 135; Miavlaaippi, 100; Louisiana, 177; Teias, 151; Arkanata, 183; Tennesses, 181; ell other Statea and Tarrltoriea, 907 , A large majority of the correspond nta of the Department complain of ahort. yield,, many reporting "half erop," tba poorest In many yeara , or something almilar. Tba dry weather, whlob baa principally destroyed the top erop in many localities and Injured it svarywbers, baa been favorable for ploklng, so that the libra ia generally reported alean and In good eondltion The damage from drought la not eon- fined to partloular States, none being free from It. ' : t. ' SMAIili FIGHTS IN CUBA. - ' The Spaniards Can't Advanoeon Ao- -. oonat of the Bad Weather. - Not. IS TThs sovarn- meat aothorltles at Madrid 'ofBolaUy confirm the reported minor engage 1 meat la Cuba laat week and the resent eetivlty of the lnsurganta,dos to their effort tO cripple the sugar-industry. The Spanish authorities are atlll prevented from making deoieiva for ward movements by the condition of the weather. r - . ' ' ' Allen' O. ImprolBg.,- ; Y ' , By Telefrrapfi to the rresa-VUltor. ' " 1 ' : Columbus, Nov, 18. Thorman Is bet ter and the doctors now say he will r sover. - How's This? ' ' We offer One Hundred Dollars' Be 1 ward for any rase of Catarrh that ean aot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. 4 T 1 Cheny ft Co., Props r Toledo, O. - We.' the undersigned, hate knows : V. J. Cheney for the laat 15 yeara, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bualaeas . transactions and financially able to earry out any obligations made by their flm r Win ft Tbuax, Wholesale Droggtsts, Toledo, 0. - ' ' Waldiho. Kima ft Mabti, Whole sale Drugs lit, Tolsdo, Ohio. , Hall's Catarrh Care ia taken Intern ally, acting directly npoa the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all drag .' gists. Testimonials free. - HaU'a Family are the beet v . 'Arabia was so sailed irom Its in habitants the Arabs. j i- , m e ". ".; Sis weeks ago I suffered I tb a vary ' severe cold; waa almost unable to apeak. My friends all advised me to consult s : physlelan. . Noticing Cbamberlan'a ; Cough Remedy advlaed la the St Pto Volke Zeltnng, I procured a bottle, and after Uking It a ahort while waa entirely well. I now most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone suf fering with a cold. Wm. Kell, 878 Selby Ave,, St. Paul. Minn. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt, druggist. - Colombia was thus sailed ia honor of Columbus. -Sj-j I P.heumatism, neuralgia, paina in the back or side, stiff neck, sore throat, tonallitia, diphtheria, samps and soils nstantly relieved by Johnson's Mag netic Oil. Large bottles, 85 and 50 eenta. For tale bv John T. McBae, druggists HOW TO PREVENT CROUP , s i r, OMl MADIHO THAT W11X MOVB I5TBB- . .. iffiui iv mv v - " - -OUABD AOAISat TBI DISBASB. Croip Is a terror to young mothers and to post them concerning the sanss. Brat njmptoma and treatment is the object of this Item. The origin of ' croup is -a common : cold. Children who are subject to it take sold very essily and eroup ia almost sors to fol- " low. The first symptom ii boareeaess; this is soon followed by a peculiar . rugh cough, which ia easily recog nised and will never be forgotten by one who baa heard it, The time to aot ia when the child first becomes . hoarse. T' If , Chamberlaia'S Cough Bemady la freely given all tendency - to croup will soon disappear. Bvea after the eroupy cough has developed i. i. , V. . k no danger in giving thla remedy, for It contains nothing Injurious. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt, Druggist. , . Moldavia took lu same from ths river Moldao. ' " -. , Marvelous Results. From a latter written by Bev. 3. Ganderman, of Dimondale, Mich., We are permitted to make this extract! "1 have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King'n New Disoovery, as the re sults were always marvelous tn the ease of ary wife. While I was pastor . of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia Ia vvtiin,. - , Tftrrlble paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption ana seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King'n New Discovery; It waa quick in it work and highly aatlsfactory in result." Trial bottles free at Joha t, -MacRae'a drug atom. Begular ait 60o and $1.00. Bolivia waa thus called la honor of Simon Bolivia. . . Good advic: Never leave home on a ii)nntK hot tla of Chamber- Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lUmedy. For Bale by J. Hal. Bobbitt, An Old New Plan. Sinee it eosts an awful effort For the prwir, lorasiek yonng man fo loa.aMssrlrl. beaaya "Good night" On the installment plan. Electric Bitters. Eleetrlo Bittera la a medicine suited fcr any season, bdt perhaps more gen erally needed when the languid ex hausted feeling prevails, whn the liver la torpid and sluggish and the the need of a tonic and alterative ia felt. A prompt use of thla medicine has oftea averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers , No one medicine will aet more sorely, la eounteraotiug and freeing the system from the mat larlal poison Headache, Indigestion eonatlpttioa. Dizziness yield to Bias trie Bitter. 50a and 91 00 pe bot. tla at John X. McKaa' drug store. '. Java is the Malay word for "land of nutmegs'" '"'. Johnson's Kidney ana Liver Regu lator invigoratea the . liver, regulates the bowels, sores dyspepsia, biloaa aeas, indigestion, sour stomach and makes your bead as clear aa a bell: S5 and eOsente. For sals by John Y. MaeBaa -v. . .:. The Transvaal ia the eouatry be yond th Vaal, . . - ,t - t i'-, All diseases of - ths skin eared and the beet complexion restored by John, nn'a Oriental Rnan. Berfnmed and highly medicated. .Two cakes la eaoh package, 95 seats; For sale by John I. MacBa ' ' s Peru waa named from the rlvsr Psro, The wife of Mr: Leonard Wells, of East Brlmfleld, Mass.,; had been suf fering from searalgla' for two days, aot being able to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr ' Holden, the merchant there, sent her a bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Balm, and naked that she give it a tborDueh trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the aext day he waa told that aha waa all right, the pain had left her within r.o hours, and that the bottle of Pin Balm waa worth $5 00 if it could not be had for lees. For sale at 60 cents per bottle by J. Hal Bobbitt, druggist, , - - .Zululand la the land of the Zulus. Itching, burning, sea iy and trusty skin scalps of infants ele&no4 snd healed and aulct sleep restorrd by Johnson'a Oriental Soap,' medicinal and toilet, - two large j eakea 86 ots For sals br John T. MauHae. Sumatra means the "happy land", For Insomnia-, sleeplessness, nerv ousness, hysteria and -all - forms of nervous exhaustion and debility, there is bat one remedy, Johnson's 8arss parllla and Celery, worka . directly upon the nerve centers and never fails to sure. Large bottles 50 cents. P sals br John J. MaeKae. . Th Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. G.Caillouettei druggist, Beavers- Ule, in., sayst "To-Dr, King's New Discovery I owe . my life. Was taken With la grippe and tried all the physi clana for miles about, but to no avail and waa given np and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's NswDisoovery in my store I sent for a buttle and be gan its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after nalng three bottles was up and about again. It Is worth its weight In gold. We won't keep store or house without It." Get a free trial bottle at John T. Uae Bas'a drug store. , - "piste AS Htw to Attala It" A Wonderful New HedtoalBooMrrlttaa for Men Onlr. On ' eonr mar be had tree oaaptHlostion, . '-: ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUrTALO, W.Y. ' Sale of Valuable Real Estate. v vfrtnA f k mrtnn deed elves bv Haniv B. Bagwell and Adelaide Bagwell, his wife, to Catharine Bovlan, dated January K. It and registered In the office of the Begtster of Deeds lor Wake county, in Book 104. page est, I will, on the into day of November, 181-6. at 11 o'clock, at the Court Bouse door tn Balelgh. Wake eonnty, sell, at public auction, to the highest Didoer i or am. uis rouu,ui uawuwu im, estate to-wlt: A Certain tract of land situate tn Wake county. 8t. Mary's Township, adjoin tag the lands oIBamuel Watts. Allen sturdlvant J. G. Dupree, Bedle Smith and others, and moreTUliy aescnoea as iouvwb: dukiiiuiu m nnlntfini on the Hmlthfleld and Raleixh Boad. John Parker's (now Samuel Watts) comer near Watts, thence with bis Hue South two degrees went ess ensnis v a suuie. uiinoe aouui n uo grees west chains to the Wilmington Boad, thence with said road to a pine. Allen Bturdt vaut'a corner, thence with Bis line south at de grees west (.41 chains to a stake. Sturdivant's comer, thence with his line north I degrees east seven chains to a rock, Sturdivant's corner; thence with bis line south sa degrees west 40.80 chains to a stake ur Jack Dupree's line, thence north two degrees east 80.80 chains to a llghtwood stump, I J. Weather's oorner, thence with his line south r degrees east north 8 degrees east 6.6 chains to the Bmith teld Boad, thence with said road to a black Jack, Wm. Sturdivant's comer, thence with his line north I degree cast t.Ti chains to a black lack. Bedle Smith's comer, thence south St de grees east 1 chain to a rock in the old road, thence as the said road south ti degree east m in haina tn the Bmithfleld Boad. thenee with .h.ini tn a racK. wflauierv corner, uienov the aald road to the beginning, containing tot l-l acres more or tew. , , , Tnia WW Car OX uvufunr, irm 1 w. a BOYLAS, , - ,. Bxecutor of Oatharln Bovlan. Sale of Valuable Lot of Land. Rv virtue of the Dowers (wntalned In a mortgage executed to. me on the 18th nv itannmixtr. 1884. bv Austin Moss, re corded in tlie office of the Register of Deeds of Wake county, N.O .in Book 83; pape 60l I will offer for sale to the higb ettt bidder at public auotion for cash, at the court Douse aoor in ue city ui xuu eigh, M. C, on Tuesday, the 10th day of December, ibho, a 101 oi tana De scribed in said mortgage as follows, iinw anrl hAintr in the citv of Baleieh. kid nountr of Wake, and known and deacribed aa followSr the lot lately occupied by Wm. A ley Moss on the west side of Blood wor' h street and ad joining the lots of Wm. Gooch and others and the same that was conveyed to said Austin Moss by Martha A. ixnnnp hvdtwrl dated Kovemlwr 25th. 1884. recorded in book & pave 8 n the Kealster's oillca for Wake county. : W. D. Buffalo, Mortgagee. VJhat io I , , vvvWwrvWA V VVVVXVX1 'alf WV! e4viTirta Oaatori la Dr. Bamnel Pitcbera freiwriptloa for Infanta ; and Children.' It contalna neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotle aubstauee. It la a harnUeaa aubstitate for Paregoric, Drops, Soothlus; Sxraiwi, and Castor Oil. , It la Pleasants Its gnarantoe la thirty yeara oae by " Millions of Mother. Castorla deatroya Worms and allays fereiiahneaa. Castorla prevente vomiting g0ur Card, enres Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. I Castorla rellevea .teething' tronblea, enres constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach "and bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. Cas r tori Is the Children's Panaeeav-tae Mother's Friend. . ' ; Castorla. ... ' "OssSm Ii h aa emrtlent merMolne far cbfl wl Hothera here npoklodlr toM bm of Us aertMaTthearcUUrraa. - - : J . Da. a. O. Oeaoon, Osatcria hi the Uwt rmsir tar chlldrM of which I am acquainted. I hops the day to no far distant when mothers will constdet the rati i mural at their ohlldren, ud oee UutorU im atead of ttTrlouaqnaok acetrumawhloh are dcsii "j hit; than- loredjsnea, ay forcing opttun, morphia, amrttiltig rrrup and other hartful agents down their ttuoata, thereby saadtng tnam te pismsluie grrree." . Pa. J. ?. rrjKsraua, ' Ooawajr, Ark. ; - Ike OaattMtr Osanpaaiy, TT W. H. HOLLO OluunteUln9 Sy mnd BUb OS&tmanl Ii nnequalJcd Tor JUrCezna. louer, ait- Rhetun. Hoald Head. Wore XMpplea, cimppea IT.. J- "Xl.l T3S f a 1H . t?4 -Dfen. fTAaUKlsV -KbVUlUg M.UK9f AfUftUSa aVD itv, Chronic Son Eye ud Granulnted Eye Lick a? 1- I J ! ,u .4 OK M. Law ngf IStilO UJ Ul Uuus) nt aw wuie oa arw to H0B8B owmsas. For nuttlni a bora in a fine healthy con It, Inn trv III: HnrliT'e fnnrlirlnn Powders. niiA Iatui rm K avfttam. Airl rlieroiitlnn. Olira ' Sidney disorders and destroy worms, giving AM Ul .liuvuw, IWICTB iMmiinuuu, wiiiu Mw life to sn old or iver-worked bona. 86 we re pacsaga r oi eaia by rogglsts rOU DO NOT REALIZE That you are In Balelgh artless you are stopping ai we VflSBO$0 HOUSE The only Hotel In tbe city oonvbnlent ( All mnmh on tbe third floor 12 00 Der day: first and second floors $3.00 and axooperaay. SPECIAL WEEKLY. RATES PBBB BUS AT ALL TRAINS. Thousands of dollars recently expended , provements.--U T. BEOWN. Prop-r. ECONOMY Mav be necessary In many ways wben dollars are scaroa and wants many, but it ia not desirable to practios it in the purchase of food, which is Ufa ijeiow a oeixain staDaara ioou unpnr fectly nourishes; np to that standard it eosts a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. RAPID SALES Give onr customers the benefit of close margins, We never keep any thing that is not the best ef its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we Invest In It CHOICE GROCERIES Always in stock and promptly do- UTerea wnen oraerea. . . .tt- a kvvTr- '- U C f M CastorltL ' -. i : Osstnrts aewll adapted techflaren that Bassapsriavtoaeypreaortptfaa - H. A. Aesna.lL Bu 111 Bo. Oxford 81, Brooklyn, . T. "Oar paysleians ia th children' depart aasnS bar apokaa highly of thenr azpsrl eao tharr cnWde prutlce with Outorlt, end although we only nan among our BMdloal anppnaa what Is known a regular prodnoto, yet we are free to coatees that the merits of Oastoria baa woa as to look with moutt." tfcrma, Hnatmii Ana DiswjraBT, BoaOB,Maaa, Bfuray Street, JTersr Trk City, I Avff I - ' .Ullillfl I , L .x4 v I I '7f . . . I it 'C w; I s. : t .till I 7 'sStl lllllll I, steam LAUNDRY is the best equipped and does the most, prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send In your work Pbone No 19 WAY h. SONS. Hiss Maggie Beese. Newflillinery Ws sre now showing all the latest and most desirable shapes and style ia Fall and Winter Millinery. Oar stock Is well selected, both as to STYLE and PRICE. There Ib a great variety in Caps and Sailors for Misses and -Children, All colors and slits front SSe to $3.00. ' ' - ' y&o. cil ' "! We will be pleased te have th ladles sail and look at oar stock. Bvsry one will receive prompt aad polite attention. f.IissJVlQggieeesc ,i 900 Ffcettevllle Street. , BULBS .--''".ff i-;.-::';:;, -'v.'." - :. --''ii :''- Fot Winter and Spring , " BLOOMING. , Chinese and Easter Lilies, Hyacinths Frees! as. Narotr-sos, etc Palms, Ferns and other plants for room decorating. Out Flowers Boqtiets Floral IDesig-ns. Erergreen, Magnolias aid Shade Trees.' -. -. -.- . -.' .'( . It, , CTEIIJTICTZ, Florist. North Halifax etreet, near. Faace Ia . aututo. Jfhona 113. ocUTla VALUABLE FARMING LANDS FOR SALE. By virtue of authority conferred by a certain Deed of Trust from B A. Bodge and Loretta Hodge, his wife, dated December 5th, 1890, and recorded in the office of the Begister of Deeds for Wake county, N. U, in Book 113, at page 316; I will on THUBSDAY, November Hth, 1898, sell at public auotion, to tbe highest bidder for cash, six (6) tracts of land situate in Saint Matthews township, Wakeoounty, N. C, and described as follows: - ... FntsT Tract eontaining 32114 acres, more or less, being . Lot. No 8 of the Oaston Wilder lands, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of said Bodge on the south, of the late David H In ton on the east, of the said Hodsre on tba north and Mouse river on the weft; and bounded as follows: begin ning at a stake and pointers on tbe east bank of Neuse river, about IS links be low the mouth of a gut the south wet t corner of Tract No. L bought at tbe same time and place Dy Joseph An drews, runs thence east 295 poles to a stake In the late David Hinton's line; thence with his line south 84 degrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west 258 poles to a small birch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse river: thence up the various courses of the river about 128 poles to the begin ning, being same tract conveyed by John B. Williams and wife to B. A. Bodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 60 at page 546, reference to whichismade. Second Tract, contacting 198 acres, more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the Betsy Hinton farm (formerly Gaston Wilder's land) and bounded as follows: Beginning at a small birch and point era on the bank of Neuse river about six poles below Spring Out; thence with tbe dividing line east 258 poles to a stake In David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 82 Doles to a stake on Mingo creek; thence down the oreek about 824 poies to wnere it empties into XJn..nA l nnv. ihanM nr. Ik. n.U about 196 poles to the beginning: being same tract conveyed by w. B Poole to B. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 182, reference to which is made. Third Tract, containing 118 acres. more or less, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the south side of theTarborougb road W. B. Pool's corner rur s south 1-2 degree west 45 pole to a stake and pointers in the head of a small branch; thence with said branch 89 poles to a Dice on the east side of the branch; thence south 24 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and pointers; thence east -108 1-2 poles to a stake; thence north 6 1-4 degrees east 214 poles to the larborougb road; thence with said road 96 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed by Jennie Hinton to B. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in sa'd office in Book 106, at paae 651, reference to which is made. -Fourth Tbact, containing 79 8-4 ao es, more or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast corner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence east witn rooie s tine m l-a poies to a scaae and pointers on a branch ; thence nearly south down tbe various courses of the branch 83 Doles to a lane Dine on the east side of tba same David Hinton's comer thence with his line south 24 degrees west 89 1-8 poles to a stake and pointers, the corner of the dividing line between this lojt, or parcel, and that purchased by- G. H. Williams, at same sale; thence west 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road; thence north ward along sam roaa lis i-s poies to tne beeinnlntt. beine same tract conveved by Sarah K. Wilder, commissioner, to B. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 146, reference to which is made. Fifth Tract, containing; twentv-nve acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Buffln Williams, B. P Williamson, William Smith and Joseph J. Andrews, and on the east side of Neuse river, be ing a part of the Betsv Hinton tract bought by aaid Andrews at the G. B. Wilder estate sale, being the southwest oorner of said tract according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river, below spring gut, at a willow; thence up said river to above the falls at a twin red-oak; thenoe east to a stob and Sine; thenoe to a stob in the branch; jence south to B. Williams' land, a lightwood knot; thenoe west to the be ginning, and being the same tract con veyed by Joseph J. Andrews and others to B. A. Hodge, by deed recorded In said office, in Book 56, at page 807, ref erence to which is made. Mixth Tract, containing: eisht acres and twenty-flve perch, more or less, ad joining the lands of W. B, Poole, Jesse Watkms, deceased, and others, and Dounaea as xotiows: Beginning a stake in centre af Hodge road in Poole's line; thenoe with said road south 8 1-2 degrees east 26poles to a stake in centre of the same; thence west 50 1-4 poles to a stake; thence north 26 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; thence with the same east;48 3-4 poles to tbe beginning; and being same conveyed by James A. Williams and wife to said H. A. Bodge, hv deed recorded In said office, in Book 82 at page 90, reference to which is maae. . Flacx of Sals County Court House door, In Raleigh, N. O. Tims or Sals -12 o'clock m ERNEST HAYWOOD, Trubtm. October 12 1896. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. , Under and by virtu or power con tained to a mortgage executed to me by Robert A. Potter and his wife Sldonia Potter, on the 7th day of October, A. P. isaa which aaid morteas is reoorded in the office of the Begister of Deeds for Wake county, in Book 114, on ( age 105, I will sell by request at tbe Court House In Wake county, at public auction, for cash, to ths highest Didder, the tract of land particularly described in aaid mort gage, which is bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in Wake county, North Carolina, In Saint Mary's township, and beginning at a white-oak, John Elliir (deceased) corner, and runs thenoe south 232 poles to a red-oak in 111 n.-JI. I 1 1 n . . I. n n. wlfK VV Oi. UU1U V1U lUWi IODUVI OTB, WlIM said Band's line to the mill-path stake and pointers: thenoe north with said mill-path to stake and pointers; thence east to a pine, corner of John Hitchen er's line; thenoe north to a red-oak: thenoe east 20 poles to a stake and pointers; thenoe north 14 poles to a tAka in the line formerlv owned by P. H. Oower: thenoe with said line west 20 poles to t black-jack; thenoe south to a rin in P. H. (lower's old oorner: thence west to the beginning, oqntalning 80 acres, more or lees, ana adjoining we Wm. Bryant being tbe tract of land eonveyea by J. P. Gully, commissioner in special proceedings, entitled J. P. fin II i. administrator of J. O. Donna. drwased, vs. H. Dupree and others, in Wake Superior Court, to Robert A. PpU Time of sale. 12 o'clock, m, on the 18th ot JNovemoer, ltwo, v , . W. X. HOWLE, ' v MOBTOASU. October 12,1890. Royall & Borden Are not Selling Out at Cost, Bat their prioes are much lower than THOSE SO-CALLED C08T SALES. We have bat one prioe at all times and that's the lowest Our" slock is. now complete in all lines of goods. No snoh stock of Fancy Hookers, Tables, Coaches, Lounges, Medicine Cabinets. Desks, Book Cases and Combination Cases Ever Fihown Mere. We are a little early, bat our 1896 designs in Carriages are bare. Only i ' - a glance at them will convince you that they are tbe best and oheapest line of Carriages in Raleigh- We have them from the 13 00 Carriage to the finest Wben you are on the market either to bay or prioe, remember oar store is tbe leader of low prioes. Do not take oar word bat simply call andbeconvinoed. OPEN AT NIGHT. MALL a BORDEN, Si A.LEIGH, DURHAM, GOLD8BORO UJNG ! STRICTLY BUSINESS. WB SHADE TBE PBICE OF ALL OTHEBS IN OUR LINE. POPULAR GOODS arelthe styles and kinds that please. POPULAR PRICES are cash .prices, which means most goods for least money. Our Trade was Never Larger, Our Stockwaa Never More Inviting. Our Prices were Never so Low. DRI UOODS, NOTIONS, SB0ES, HATS, COATS and CAPES. WORTH brands our goods "HONEST QUALITY." FASHION pionounces them the O HEOT STYLES." ECONOMY recommends our EXTRA VALUES. $7,600 WORTH OF DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Specialties in Black Dress Goods at 30c All-wool Dress Fabrics, yard wide, 26c. Fifty-inch Fine Wale Serges, blue and black, 48c. Habit Clothes for Capes, exclusively our own, 68o. Shirt Waist Silks, 18, 25, 80, 85 and 60c up. 12.300 WORTH COATS. CAPES and JACKETS tbe latest fads in all their loveliness, STYLE and BEAUTY. Prices 2 50, 8.50, 6.00, 6 00, 7.50, 9 00, 10 00-up. H,lw nuain siariiii snu uunaaii' . uuvm we are selling (Oaay Rlnachnd Domestics. Brown Sheetlnas. Southern Silks. HomesDun Plafrla anrl Caraleigh Ginghams at the MILL PRICES. Get our quotations before you spend a cent. It may save you dollars. $6,000 in FINE SHOES to select from Begular lines from reputable manu facturers. The cleanest, slickest, smoothest and best wearing Shoes on this market, .fcvery pair warranted 10 us C. A. Sherwood & Co. WHAT'S OVR FAVORITE Snuff Why. Parson's Celebrated BECAUSE It Is the purest and best, manufac tured out of select Virginia Leaf To bacoo. The Manufacturer selects the choicest trades of Tobacco and we guarantee if yon give it a trial your good Judgment will approve 41 EGERTON ' And la future you. will net no other brand. Pat up In any alas pack age to salt the trada' . ;V- 5oI4 Dy All Dealers. J.1I. PABSONS, llan'facVr ' Xsw Brans wick. N. J. for C Af H ana Dy us 10 you. Notice of Seizure Notice is hereby given of the seizure of tbe following personal property for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws: July 19. 1866, one cask eontaining eleven gallons corn whiskey. August 8, 1805, from Yelvington & Dickens, one cask, twenty gallons, corn whiskey. Octobers, 1896, from Yelvington & Dickens, one eask, eighteen gallons, corn whiskey. Octobers, 1896, from E. M. Taltoa, about forty-eight gallons, corn whiskey. October 6, 1896, from Berry Goodwin, one cask, about twenty-three gallons, corn wmaaey. ucioDer ia, rrom l uawsins, one cask, about fourteen gallons, oorn wbitkey. October, 1895, from J. B, Coley, one cask, about fourteen gallons, apple brandy. October, 1893, from J. H. Lewis, one cask, about ; thirty gallons. corn whiskey. ... , ' Anv Mrson claiming anv interest in the above spirits will maae claim aa Srovidad In Section 8400, B. 8 , within 1 daya or property will be forfeited. ' r. aa. euxMOMs, ioiiector. , novlisod - On A BalcsBMB waniart s.aitwliero for qP?U MAKlON HARLArlD'S MEW BOOK, ' Uome at tba BIMa." Over SOS Hsw Photos. Pleasoa. Sells Past. Pays Bin. K siperlrnea needed. One sold si In 20 boars. Illustrated Clrculnrs Free, Aifor.MaIAM,jrACH.iriKivrl' aooit OO Pfciladelpaia, , aorruti 'r-n tin i -t Ir4 ho. i vrv.ii'iii'P i wbi- h i H J Ang 0. druggist,. j''' :. Norember 9. itwa.