v;:iTon.i Tiios. J. PENCE. - - City Editor. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1805. Iadex to New Advertisements. The African Wonder. . Tnckers bpocial . ; Smoke the Best The Ad Valorem, Bargains Continue at Thomas Maxwell's. WEATHER FORECAST. ' i Foncul for North Carolin ' I WARtl I "nuredaj 'air, warmer I "H I western port to Ibim I n I morning. - 1 r Local Forecast for Raleigh mad vicinity ; Thnraday Fair , and v . Wednesday, November 18th tiooal data for 24 hoar ending at a. m. today Maxlmnm tempera cure, ; ninimut temperature, 4 PERSONAJU Mr. G, 27, Walton and wife gone to the Atlanta Biposleion. hv k United State District Attorney SoL C. Weill, of Wilmington, la In the city today. lira. A. L. Bailey, who bat been visiting relative and friend la Vir glala and Washington, D. C, return d home today. ' Mia Kary Lnoa, of Newbera, and Jf iM Lllli J add, of Henderson, who hare bee visiting Miss Loalse Hodge, hare returned home. CITY IN BRIEF. MoRary Bros.' United Show will give their first performance tomorrow night. Austin, uovernor Uarr a body ser vant and high mnck-a-mnek of the Eieentive office, has returned from Atlanta with many "impression, Austin says that North Carolina is the plaee for the negro. The breaks of tobacco at the various warehouses yesterday were the largest of the season. The damp, cool day was an ideal one for tobaesonists, and the farmers took advantage of the . weather to bring in their tobacco, Price were good and all hands happy, A petition was received several days ago by the railroad commission from the eitixena of Bobersoaville asking that the Wilmington A Weldon rail road be required established a freight and passenger depot at that point, The petition was granted by the board The Governor has ordered a change of courts between Judge Soke and Bobinson. The former will hold the two week' term of Buncombe county Superior Court j the latter will be the Judge at the one week term of Rich moad and the one week term of Moore Superior Courts, held in December. University student have arranged for a special train from Chapel Hill to Richmond and return, on Thanksgiv ing day, to enable students and others who may wish to go a ehance of ing the big Southern championship football game.' The fare will be very low, less than five dollars. To Cure Hiccoughs. Several gentlemen were standing, the other day, in the postoffioe. Mod. keying; around the brass bar in front of the delivery window waj a small and very black pick-a ninny. Abont very other seoond he hiocooghed loudly. Suddenly one of the gentle men stepped forward, stamped his foot angrily and exclaimed to the boy: "Do that again, sir I Do you bear? Do it again, I say." "Do-do what, sir?" asked the lit. tie fellow, frightened tears coming in his eyes. "Hiccough!" replied the gentle man. And then, while the crowd laughed the little black fellow screwed up his face, gasped two or three times, and with awe written all over his faoe, said, tremblingly: "Ioa-ean't.air!" Smoke the Beet. If yoo the finest cigar on earth desire. For Ad Valorem you had best Inquire, Unrivalled it stanas, wiwoui a par, The Ad Valorem 6c Cigar. Of choice Havana Ad Valorem is made. A Raleigh product of the highest grade; Jtlt ror a ronee. a a aooo or to ouao, The Ad Valorem 5c Cigar. Tn all leading resorts. lwar In mind. Wnrvnnd'B Ad Valorem tou will find. for Boqoet and Aroma, known near and rar, - ,. . The Ad Valorem Be Cigar. Ask for "Ad Valorem" whet ere yon go Its fine flavor win piease you wen, l know: -. . .- . - - No drags or chemicals your nerves to -. Jar In Ad Valorem 6o Cigar, ; - To "J. 1L Norwood, Baleigh. 2. your or- oerssenu. On quality you always can depend; . Order by the thousand, case or ear, The Ad Valorem be Cinx. All puDiio exanimauun yesieraay afternoon by some of Baleiph s learned doctor, they pronounced L S. Monroe, the African wonder, who is now on ex hibition tll Fayetteviiie street under t: p sunpioei of the bt. I'aul church, od of t e iuost remks'ile perso-s they bl ever seen. l. its 4$ year old, we -.-1, s 67 poiiniis and has moved eo i tt of h a bN'y in sri twm, and for alt -tieistr ' t, yrj ii,; , rant, I i vry i.-n li iuie on 1 , f. i.e is a cunua.'.y tuat auouid be ia ty J. . . , For Vwldlnc Pntrat, ' i We' are constantly eddln new'ar- i tide to our assortment of Fancy Wares appropriate to? Wedding Frea- The last SMpments to arrive nieces in Sterling Silver, article in Brass and Onyx and Old Iron. The line of French China also offers many dainty and unique things. , Rich Cut Glass in all the best shapes and cuttings. ' , W. tt. & B. st Tucker Co.." It may be put down as a fact that Bretsch's crackers are better than any that come to this market, and his bread, cakes and confectionaries are unexoelled. He is doing a tremendous wholesale business, which shows that the public appreciates the importance of patronizing a worthy borne industry. You always get the beet at Bretsoh'a. .. i f ,. : Found - -, To be a fact that Johnson & Smith can make photographs that are unsurpass ed by any artist in the profession. Prices reasonable. - , , Our Butter Cups, Peanut Brittle, Cream Almonds and Taffy are the beet, SOo a pound. , 4-lw .. Barbee APope. . , Dlaaolutlon or Copartnernip. ' The firm of Barbee 4 Thompson is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. All A. Thompson retiring.. The business will be continued by Mr. js. B. Barbee. (Signed) E. B. BARBEE, ALF A. THOMPSON. Baleigh, N, C, Oct. DO, 1896. v Under the advice of my physician I nave eauoiuoea to retire temporarily from business and beg to cordially commend Mr. E. H. Barbee, who con tinues the business of Barbee & Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. . My connection with Mr. Barbee is severed with sincere regret. Not only as partners, but friends, our relations have been, without exeeDtion. thor- oighly cordial. With every facility for conducting the business, an entire knowledge of the wants-of the trade, and a fixed Intention to give value re ceived, there is every reason to assure tnose interested to at dealings witn air. uaroee win ne entirely satisfactory. AJJt A. XHOHPSON. I desire to thank our natrons for east favors and solicit a continuance of the same with the assurance that I will do my best to please them. JU. i. iSAKBXB, Agent Wanted Everywhere. $6 a day. Marion Har- lana sJNewisooK, "Home oi tne Bible. Over 8.000 new photos: nearly 500 extra lane nases. Just the book for the fall and holiday canvass. Ho experience needed. For particulars address His torical run. u ., rniiaaeipuia. ra. OctlOtf The ladies' fancy writing desks for $4 at Thomas & Maxwell's are taking tne oay. Lwt-Bank Stock. Raucioh. N. C July S3. 1806. The undersigned hereby tives notice mat sne nasiost, or ner late nusoani, W.N. H. Smith, has lest twooertifl- ..... . ' . . i r' . eates of shares of the capital stock of The Citizens' Bank of Norfolk. Va.. former for three shares and the latter for twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her if round. Mrs. Mart O. Smith, Executrix of W; N. H. Smith. octlOSm Deceased, Baleigh, N. C People are still being made happy by tne great bargains tney get at mom & Maxwell's. Madam Besson desires to call the at tention of the public to her new stock of fall and winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children. Infants' cans. sacques, notions, etc octltf Whv spend unnecessary time In "looking around" for furniture when vou can find the latest, best, cheanest and moat stylish at hkadqtj asters l nomas a Maxwell's. licet On Saturday afternoon near Mr. Boushall's office a 120 bill. The finder will be rewarded bv leaving it at his office. Also lost on Monday morning a gold cross. Finder will please leave and get reward at 828 North McDowell street. lilt A full line of Bugs at Thomas & Maxwell's. For Bent. Two office rooms, second floor, over drag store. Apply to J. Hal Bobbitt, Pharmasist. 18 St Beautiful fancy centre tables at Thomas & Maxwell's. Price low. Five Boom Cottage for Beat. On McDowell street, between Moi inran and Eargett. immediately. Possession can be had Apply to B P. William-novll-t son. Big bargains In centre tables and rockers at Thomas Sc Maxwell's. We are now making in their nerfee tdon the original Peanut Brittle and Batter Cuds. We invite comparison with other makes. BOTSTEB. KS. EMMA X. SWINDELL'S MBS. EMMA B. SWINDELL'S , Great Millinery sl ' Great Millinery Sal Tomorrow, Nov. 14 - . Tomorrow, Nov. 14 , Everybody should oa to this sale. Nothing cold above cost sad many thing old lea thaa cost. ' Remember This Sal - Bemambar This Sal for ONE day only and that day will be aa Ey-opar -for yo. for w tell yo that yon NET EE HATE or NJBVJCB WILL bay M illiBery o cheap again la your life. V Every Bat . . Every Hat . Bought at this sal will b TRIMMED FBEE. Should th work be too oca for our Milliners oa this day. w will trim thus th following day. Trimmed HU, ';; s'. Datrimmed Hau, ' . . SaUors . Caps,.. s - Veiling, ' . ? J " ;iC:: . ;: -ys Bibboas. Feather,' "'. ;.. ' Plame. . 4 -C; X- . ;; AigreeU. ' la fact vrythlg that goe to mk Bp a fiint-clasa millinery store ill b ia this BELOW COST SALE. MRS. EMMA X. SWINDELL, . - ij Eieeutru- ' - , -' : Wanted. . V - An honest, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable established house. Salary $780, payable $16 weekly and ex penses, Situation permanent Refer ences. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, 316 Omaha Building, Chicago, nol-lm For choice meats go to Thomas Don aldson's. Stall No. , Market bouse. Telephone ISO. oct 30 awy - - Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dresemaking at their home. 607 North Wilmington street. Perfect lit and satisfaction guaranteed. actio lm- W am ted. - A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established house. Salary $780, payable $18 weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. H. E. HESS. President, Chicago. tf AND The handsomest Steel Bang " made, ItU See oar new Bissell Grates 3 Bicycles . On easy terms 7 Baby Carr-iafcres At a out prios. Xhos. tt. Brigg5 & Sons RU1BE,NC sept 17-lv Langwisch's Fatpowder PINK, BRUNETTE and WHITE. It is the only cosmetic that imparts to the skin the everlasting "bloom of ymth," It so closely and invisibly ad- neres to tne scm mat it constitutes A Genuine Toilet Secret Ladies are always delighted to pro cure ijangwison-s rowaer. . - Jas. McKimmon & Co PHARMACISTS, 188 Fayetteviiie St, Baleigh. N. a Again We call your attention to our complete 1 ne of aliases' and Children's Shoes. . Misnw Calf Snrins- Heel."-best shoe made for school, $8.8$ Misses' Patent Tip Needle Toe, Rnrlnir RaaL verv stvlisb. , S.85 Misses Pstent Tin. Sprint 1.50 The nonular Kid Tin Hnnng Heel Shoes for Misses and Children at the following prices: Misses, 11 to i. i.ia. Child's, $16 and $1.60. Infant's Soft Sole Button Shoes and Moccasins, . 50c HI 3 n n -.. rrn rst ' u.ck mos 1M Fayetteviiie Street.- . . - La ; : Garciosa fi-ve Cent Cigrar. In 1 1 wing the above named Clg-tr before the public, we feel J stifled in stating that It is U Verne of Perfection. It wfll s'ldom be equalled and never excelled. Try one. 17. II. & CO., , Sole Agents for Baleigh. Hnyler's Candy fresh every week. Come Examine rf. LOTO OF Satisfaction For very little money is what you get in buying our Clothier. It's the way we buy aud sellthe verr liest for the least money. Those $6 Ulsters and Overpaid were In demand the i a t few dais mining like them , for r anywhere l mr that money in any other house in town. Other qualities at rqua ly 1 w prices $7 50, , $10. $18 50 and upwerds. Underwear of all reliab'e srts here. Natural Wool. Balbrif gan. Jaros Hy rien'C Underwear. Hobet zollun. Scotch Wool and a f nil line of the eel- bntrd Medlicot Underwear. , - , See ; Our Wool Hose at 85c . THE CLOVEO ' At see or any other quality you may want Kid, Dog-skin, Russian Leather, Hootch Wool or Fur Gloves all sorts here for driving, walking or dress. Don't forget the Boys on Suits, Over coats , or - UnderwearComplete line net D. Derwonger. 4 Frank Staach's '. . Carriage-Harness REPOSITORY ANT- ; HORSE emporium:. ; No. 818, 821 and 828 Wilmington SU " AUCTION - - ? -Ann-Commission Merchant. Manufacturer and Dealer in Buggies, Carriages,' Road Carts, Farm h . and Spring Wagons. HORSES BOUGHT n SOLD We are prepared to furnish the nioest turnouts In the City in Ught uvery. Also can furnish good Saddle Horses. Tou can buy a good Horse or Mule at publio or private sale at my stables. FRANK STRONACH. Novll C. I. FAHCr GROCERS, 203 Faretteville St; Just received a thlDmentf Soda Crackers. Milk Lunch. Ovster Crack ers ana aes &lu jrtr.eti. Buckwheat Oatmeal, Oak Flakes, Hominy Flakes, laree and small Hom iny. Preserves by the pound or In bot- ues as very low pnoe. - - Fresh Egg. Chickens and Turkeys atwaj son nana , ; OUR MEATS ARE THE BEST itwiffa Oriole Ham and Breakfast Bacon always in stock. - We handle the best brands of Coffee only. Momaja, Mocha and Java. Arbuckle's and lev ering' i K. L. C. are our brands. , ' H. J. Heinz's Sweet and Sour Pickels Alwavs in stock.. Our 'Honrs are strictly the best , ACME, DANV ALLEY SrjPEBLATIYE, NORTH 8TATB and. , -DBSOTA are the names.- Money refunded If any of the above brands do not suit. - - ' Fresh Sausage "(AU pork) arriving daily." ' - " Lowest prices and prompt delivery is our motto. . Loose Buckwheat Sc per pound. tiive u a trial. 0. H. ANDERSON & CO. ami immmmmmmmmmmmHiK B3. IMPORTED. ft, i.W M AHD- - rr - a KEY WEST CIGARS .-i carry la tok tk following e)ebrted - and popalar brand t . ; , r. .MANUEL GARCIA (Imported) ' . EL PRINCIPE DK GALES (3 sites) ,f LA MAROANA. 1 ' .' -t . FLORDE MADRID. ; LA PATRICIA. " " EEUAN CORTEZ. , " Also- .-', ' . TURKISH CIGARETTES, : , (Casino Superior.) STRAIGHT CUT CIGARETTES. B F. GRAVELtiyS 8UPFUIOR (1'OUNDS) TOBACCO. SURBRUO'S GOLDEN PCFPTRE (Mixture) Smoking Tobacco. . ' ' ',; Ia short, I can inpply th most fastid- ' io aonsnnier of Tobaeeo, in any form. at B CO e n a H cs 9 J.-HAL BOBBITT, o ' PHARMACIST. lUMHiiUllllllHUM j LToSsan, II. C, tMr '- - Not. 11, 18C5. Julius; Lewis Hardware Co., Baleigh, IT, 0. -. . Gentleniea: Eend quick a "Kingf Heater," small size, with pipe. , Eend small est heater you have, bu' quick; we are freezing. ; (sioned) Tbis Is a copy of an order w received this morning. Everybody knows that with a "Bagoy King Heater" there 1 no freezing. . MUCH HEAT LITTLK WOOD" JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE COMPANY. Nov -ly .. . ' ? ' DO YOU. ' SEE CLEARLY,?, If not come and examine nur stock of Eye Glasses and Spectacles. We have just added this line and have some very attractive prices about half what you have paid heretofore. COMB AND BXAMINB THEM. HICKS -"4 EOGEES, Prescrtptlon DrngKlsts.' THE yV; Connecticut" .; Mutua Is now offering to insurers the very best forms cf insurance that can be written, providing as they do both pro tection and investment unon the besl and lowest possible terms. Attention is respectfully called to its -. -LOW BATE ENDOWMENTS at 60, 66, 70 and 7b, with Cash Surrender Values in 10, la, etc , years, the best and most desirable Kndowment Insur ance ever issued, ure ana umitM Life Policies also contain large Cash Surrender Values, atloulated in the policies and forming a part of the eon- It maintains a higher standard of solvency than is employed by any other Company or any State Department in this country, having in 1888 voluntarily anoptea a '3 Per Cent Reserve thus making Its contracts the safest and most valuable ever offered. ' All policies are by their terms non- lorreitaoie arter two or mree pay ments, not even requiring surrender in case of lapse, and such policies partici- Sate In annual dividends. The Cash urrender and l'aid Up Values are plainly stated in each policy, thus avoiding all misunderstanding or dis appointment. The agents of the Com. oanv resnectfullv solicit correspond ence with anyone desiring further in formation. Good, conservative agents wanted la each county. " 5. d: WAIT, :- -Oaaaral Agent, RaUlgh. Notice by Executrix. Saving Qualified as the Exeontrix of the last Will and Testament or jj. t. Swindell, deceased, late of Wake County, North . Carolina, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said Swindell to present the same to me on or before October 9SA lsoA. or this notice will be nlead in oar or weir recovery- iu u auw ui notify all persons indebted to said Es tate to make prompt payment to me. I'his octoDer ltstn, ibwo. t - EMMA E. SWINDELL. Executrix of the last Will and Testa ment of v. T. ttwinaen, Lwceasea, Ernkst Haywood, Attorney. octmtwew -v WANTED-AN IDEA? Wboe think aim pie thin to patent Prrt vtjOTldeai: thermar brinS TOBwialth.- Write JOHN WKUUKH BUiiN CO., Patnt Attormiva, WaaUlagtoa, U. U, lor wa aww pnie uu.nr. 3 3 i. ?3 CO CO a 3 ? HI , : 0 ' 01 O r I MUM iniiiimiti! j I T IW W-.. aJ I la OUR SALES LAST MONTH WKitK AHEAD -;OF LAST YEAR. AYE ARE THE BUSIEST STORE IN THE CITY, ".:.""' - . ; Bat ve want a tr!l greater patronage, and with this object in view and 1th oar iaereased ftnllltie ia baying ssd Mllisg good. y WE ME NOW THE TALK OF THE TOWN. SOME OF OUR BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK i ; , Como Curtain Talk Lot No. 1,.S yard log, 7 a pair. Lot No. S, S yard long; tl 00 pair. Lot No S, 8 1-9 yd long, 1 60 p'r. Lot No. 4, g l- vds long, $.108 p'r. Lo No. 5, 4 yard long, )9 78 pair. On lot of rhanilla Curtains, 9.88. Window Chados. ' 900 Window Shad, spring rollers, 96 - 900 Window Shad, spring rollers, 60. v Blanket Gale v. .1 10-4 whit Blanket, $1 00 a pair. 10 4 whit BUnkata, $1 ISO. v - 10-4 whit Blanket. $3 96. -1 10-4 Whit Blaakato, $8 50. .10-4 eolored BlankeU, 00. , OilkjVelvet AU ahsde, $1 a yard, worth 81 60. Jardiniers A larg msnofietarer has t a a lot to be sold They ar vary hap. Bay on before th aortnnt is brokea. .'-,,. 500 doses Ladies' three for ent. Handkerohlefa FineHillicery, Goods ' 100 dosen 8allors, 10, 90, 25, 85, 60, 75 aeh. . . , -, 60 LiUlaa Easwll Sailors. Frenth If yon want a Bait of Clothe sted in first-! style look a oar stoek ' of Salting. W b save yoa 95 per sent, aad glv yon a flrst elan lit.; A ll kind of repairing aad cleaning don at short notlo. - - ) , OAK CITY STEALI LADIJDRY 216 F AYETTEVILLB Street. , : ' ;;"':- f A SPECIALTY. , . We do the Best Work and have the twnt rtAllmrv fll n. a 'i.i . guarantee to please. , , , , , . , : PAGE SPECIAL HORSE We are selling the best Howe and Cow Feed lo be had. . We do our own 2ktMtfiE$S: WyATT8 FOBMULA. .Weuse Bothlog Wa also grind Corn, Peas and Oats at 10 oents per hundred. ' ' Page and CAN .it be TRUE! Tbe Press-Visitor claims to go to glad to know It, and that's wby I Want to Say Riffht Here That I will be glad for every family who sees' this to call oa me for any thlDg in the Drug Line at either of my Stores. ' ' - R. S. Jolin Corner Wila.lrg'.on zi t'artin Etreeta and Faye'.ievLIe and ILis LI Zu m belt, IJ. worth $1.50. - -100 piese Bibboa, 10s yd, worth 18 100 blaek Pinnies, 60s, worth 75. Aa elegant variety of Cap for girl and boy, from 95 op. ; , . Muslin Underwear Department, - , 900 ladies white Aprons. 95s each. - 800 ladies Night Bob from 85a up. Ribbed Underwear , Ladiea' Ribbed Vest, 90s, worth 80e - Ladle' wool Bibbed Vt 50u, worth 75. Oant' woaj Bibbed . Vert, 60s, worth 75. , - . Dress Goods ' Abont Drea Good w say that on r stock I flrst-las asd a hap'a th heapest. Cloaks and, Capes On these goods w faav had large ale, beaa we sell them thsaper thaa any other boss la town. Crockery Dep't 95 Tollat Sat, tea worth $4.60. pleees, $9 98 W00LLC0TT & SON. ' ' &: MARSHALL ppop ;;;1 AND COW FEED flarshall every family in Raleigh. . Well, I'm - V. P. n rr juiiao-

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