... -.A- : 1 v: l: I A Coiisun-itioa oftbe Visitor, Ka-tabh-1 t J lhis, and the Prena, Kxtab- iHhed 1 !. ViM;o in Hie ruliea Building: corner Fayet-ueville and Davie Streets. - - Editor and Un(r, JASPER N. McBARY, 5 ' Soliciting Acent. BCIJSCKHTION PRICE. One year, . ; . . . , . One month, . . . , . . . $8.00 fawad Second CI MM Matter J port The ta ;:ror of China has recently ttiveu L;a consent to a joint proposition of tie Viceroy Chang, of Nanking, and Gov. Choo, of Soo cbow, to connect it with Shanghia by railroads, "But," says Mr. JeroW gan, "Chinese railway schemes have been heard of frequently, and , forigners da sot place much faith in ; each schemes until the lines are laid and the rolling stock is on the metals.? Sha-Shi is little known to the maritime world, but it is a popu lous -center of trade. It is on the line of steamers between Hongkow I and Iohang, and it is said to have ten times the trade of the latter town. " - ' Mr. Jernigan has received many compliments from both the domeslio and foreign press upon . bis Intelii VMS-. - U EVERYTHING NEW. NEW AND ATCRACTIVE GOODS At Attractive Prices-Just 'Opened Up. SCOTCH CHEVIOTS ' .i'-.'. -' ' - , . - Iphan'lsome wnavea, 8 1-Sc a jerd, worth M l-Se. ? .' LA. BELLE CKkl'ONS - 'New 'styles, exriiMtv patterns for Waist and Dresses, IS -2c worth 15c : J1"1 weights, extra values, only 19c . . ; ., JACK b1 2 " ' (; ... , . . In blue and black cloth, latest style, extra good values, 13 00, worth 5.00, SHOES- - . V : ,...-.; - - 8oaooLsuoi5S'"'"Id.81",?,'?p"'tt- . ' ' Extra rood values In Mbuwa and Children's Muint Rhone. Wear. Onnltf and price guaranteed. , r;i - ; - - - - , - , O v' l t f ;i " The Leading Afternoon (wot and abi discharge of his official COM E AND LO 0 K, Paper In the State, duUe8 nChiD The Press-Visitor publishes all the news every day and has double the cir- :r eolation of any daily ever published in Raleigh. .s , v- 1 Morocco has always been the "land of I the Moors. . ' ,'."'' -i-!t Those Who come to lnnk at. tn hn. likewise. ' Those who buy send others to do TELEPHONE, - 108 THTJBSDAY, SOTKMBBB 14, 1808. -.. Ths movement la favor of a short national campaign grows in favor. Chairman W. K. Harrity bow an nounces that he fc in favor of it , Bucklen's Arnica Salve.' The beat salve In the world for eats. braises, mum, uloers, salt rheum, fe I ver sores, tetter, snapped Hand, enll-1 Mains, eorna laud au skin eruptions, and positively cares piles, or do pay required. It Is gnarantesd to give I perfect satisraetfoD or moav rerand- e-. Prie 95 ernts per pox. for W i hv John J VuRu. A: B. Strdnach, Dry Goods, Notioas, Shoes Krarythtnf ; Except High PrioM. PJJDNE SO fOJZ , , Tkb Savannah Ne we ventures the 1 opinioa that it is to be presumed that j the new Duohessof Marlborough will be a leader of "Jooiety" on the other side. ' ' - Cigarettes Z7 BEST FLCUR. Ti.3 l'ir::t Tittsr azi th3l:;t COFFEE that money will buy at W.C.Stronach"&SoBS Ttia la 1 j i a n i goods and prieos r r'glt plots I.ut-B. We Dame e ' .j dcrsftment to Eon8ske,per, ji 7 I Bi.t b:wa bsttfr vsloes or m r Lt i . ve . i-a : IT Ei-ii-.h st Li, C3iai.h t "o. C3-ln h at 40o. Clinch t ;0. . . sa. A A A nTr r- " i O AW X - . 13x33 inches, 13a. 3i4I lucbe. ! rr.::.r d (Tiod ffii.s.) EiiS lucboe, ! AND 6s. Fras Hooh Lis was in Wash- Ington a day or two ago and in an in terview said that he had no fear that the sweep of Republicanism would I include the Old Dominion State and declares that the 8Ute will be Dem ocratic in the presidential campaign, r Jakes B. Campbell, the defeated Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio, eaya that in the defeat thei e was really a victory, as the Demo crats showed an increased vote, and that by next year they will be in po aition to wipe but the Republican ma jority entirely. 1 J v. it Cigarettes , A' nf uumsontkci A WBITiJM)N0J$. . J FREt FRCfA WAST?; itlASCUED' 0AKWNE AAHY LIHGTH J&iNsaHUJaHNswt aJiiYEmYiusn. ham rnoM ABSOLUTELY PURE ATOUMoladyof Millansuedaman, Qhoafc.rl'mvinn Ponoi.1 j I wiiwww as i itiiitj apgi a perfect stranger, for having kissed her on the street When the case - was called, the young lady entered the witness, box to give her test! many, and the judge at once dismis sed the defendant, declaring that she was so pretty that no man oould be blamed for kissing her; The plaintiff was very much pleased with the rul ing. , '- " - " - - " " ' (r or '-" i 1 " ' ' - - SIGNS jst COLO i WEATHER Varr more n any other article 'Correct Ink," only We have also ths the best sold. As for mis, there is none to com pare with "LEON ISAAC'S QLUCE. Sum pens." . t" The South Carolina Constitutional Convention has adopted a provision giving employes of railroads the same rights as passengers to recover damages when injured in the service of railroads through the negligence of the company or their fellow em ployes. By another section all rail- mads operating in that State are re quired to secure charters from the State, although they are chartered in other States. ' drop In ths mercar7.3uyeri always eome agaia when theye utlsfttd. AU of our former customers are ordering again, being WELL SATISFIED J with what we've done for them in the past They think oar eoal for 15.23 a ton good enough forth era. It Is the best and Its the cheapest; we earry eoal for all par- posst, gooa eoal sold at full weight and THE LOWEST - PRICES and all . orders are delivered pronply. Quality, prlee, weight and delivery are our black quartette, and there's glad auula In It for all coal burners. - JONES & POWELL, - RAIiEIOH. M. C. :r?XXb The Boston Herald is not too bide bound to express itself in favor of a . Southern man for Vloe President, and says "The proposition to put! . Governor-elect Bradley upon the Re publican ticket for Yioe-President is . a good one. General Bradley is un : questionably an able man, and theie would be no risk to the country with him in the presidency should the un- , fortunate experienoe of other years be repeated. He has fought a good , fight and has deserved well of his party. He Is very sound on the cur rency question, having made bi . campaign on au out and out advo cacy of a gold standard for the coun try. It la time that the South was considered in the presidential ticket. The war of the rebellion is thirty years over, and a new generation has eome up in that section of country. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS these Pens In Baleigh, Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES; la not equalled in the eity. f . , Alfred Williams & Co. ;7r-f ni t -i r i r-i i v I J t r. I iCmm. and Tnde-Marki obtained aad aU Pat-1 f ant dihiiw onranctaa wr Monraan nia. OimOmeraewaiTiU, a. pamrromet iandwacaaMcure Dauat u kaa tiaM thaa lata fiMau fmm Waahmrtaa. f Sead modeL drawing or Bbota wltk Saaaia-J f ooa. w acviaa, u patentama c bos a-ea m Cchaxga. Oar fea not due till faatcnt i. aat an. d. I a PaMPMLCT. How to Obtaia Patanta," wltfc ionat of auie m the U. & and iomgn sac (eat ma. Aaaraa, c.A.cno7(aco. oa. Pattwt Omcc. wmmiiM, O. C. IEWIS' Accident! Tb. best 13.00 Meni gboes'on the arkat. - Made frao taamery eallgkin, dongohv tops, all leather trimmed, folid leathet 1 Sues with Lewis' Cork filled golea. . -f Uneqnaled for beauty, fun workman ship, and wearing qualities. Tour choice of all the popular toea, huts and faaten Inga Every pair contain a patd-up AecJ dent Insurance Folicy for 1 100, good for 80 days.. Wear Lewis Aoddent Tl ism Shoes, and go insured free-, -: . ' ' BOLD BT WliitintT Bros WHEN; - "AUTUMN COMES New strlee come with it. and every man in rvaieigo wun any idea or aress, comes to ns for styles, as a matter of eoarse. The best ready-made suit Is only a travesty of oorreo mesa. It isn't 1 eveD a clever masquerade. Banish all ready-made misfits from your wardrobe uu gob wHiieuiiiiB rcytisu hdu oana some. produced to order and faultier In fit and correct In every detail of wursmansuip. we nt our cuntomers. That's our ruls and it stands, like rock bottom... The belated summer suit has no piwe in ine wear or the gentleman of style, who, if not already provided for the fiul, makes no delay. Yon get ue lauwii auu uie most siyii&a made at G. Jl. WflliTEH V. r . v- ' Wm note that the Bute Depart ment at Washington has received from Consul General Jernighan, at Shanghai, an interesting acoount of the four new treaty ports of China, which the Japanese have opened ' to the outside world. These ports are Chungking, Hangchow, Soo uhow, and Sha tszeor Sha-SbJ. Mr, Jernigan points out the superior ad vantages of Chungking, but shows how difficult of access it is in the present slow methods of travel in China. Of Hangcbow he says that tl.9 extension to that place of the r ...re! which runs from ELanf-hai t.) T , '.-jw will trir-2 it wilMo f r' 1 .--s C l ' Too - ' , r v f.: y- ; i : : i :i Notice of Exfccntion Sale. . ' North Carolha, Waks 0:T7irrT. By virtue of an execution directed to me from the Superior Court of said county on a Judgment in favor of A. 1 fcf rauss, plaintiiT, and sinut d II. Bledsoe, defnndwit, I at 13 o'clock noon of Monday, Decemlmr a. If at the court house door of said county in Kalmsrh, sell at public auc tion to t.'ie bigliebt bidder for cash, to "ibiy said execution, all the r t t ue nd internet which the siu 1.3 hi. ElKtoe bad when said judgment was do kptrtl or I us since anml e in a ted in Little River Township, Wake rand to t' at cr' ain lot or parcfi of land county, and bounded ssfwiowa, to wit: HimtBouui of t ie comor litniis of Mortgage Sale of Land. . Bv virtue of rower conferred on me Dy a certain mortgage, executed by M. la, Edwards and wife. 8. T. Edwards. bearinc date of Februarv 28. 188a. and duly recorded in Registry of Wake county in Book No. 101, pape March 14, 1888; I wi'l, on Monday, De cember 0. -1895. at 13 o'clock m. at the court bouse door in the city of Raleiph, sell to the highest bidder for cash tie land In said mortgage described, situ- S aaad ask. .. ... ill, Pirr::::,:' L I ftttVIl, Ct-o a .-a t p"-, ibaod. Corea wi . .rrr.a letkiii, v M, ,, tUthaaWla(romaa"r or h r f. eaaaaa - r, tilta of oaanrorlr. vrrv, a. aka. - -Miato, tana and oht -.a toeaAtv,, or portion of tlta cv- v. l. lantt wlyaean frotn AJJ nuaoi o praiaa oa t .im, ir. "r' w aooaat. b Li t too ouia -Btof pnre, (nan,,, .. IPAiit in . ,-Dox. Fnonai.flO. b ixw- h. .m a wm nuitaatontluud mon-v i, ..oumi ' John Y. McBae, Draggiat, Italelgh. Land for Sale in New Light TAUrnuriln W aba Pam.,- ' By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court made in tha case of Harrison vs. narrison, i win, on the 10th day of December, lues, at 18 m, sell to the highest bidder for rash, at the court bouse door of Wake county, a trot of land in New Light township. Wake county, adjoining the lands of Addison Lowery, O. T. Harrison, Sandal O Pearce and Others, containing 68 acres, being the tract - formerly owi ed by Oakley Harrison, deceased Sale is made fur division amongst the heirs. Title good. J..H. Fluhno, -novi3td Commissioner. r Kew Light Land for Sale. " ; By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, made in the case of Lowery, Administrator, vs Lowery et als, I. will sell for cash by auction, at the court house door of Wake county, on the 10th day of De- ceruurr, iiwou ai ii m , the l versionary interest, in the dower lands allotted to Mrs M. r. Lowerv, widow of W. T. Lowry dceascd, situate in Wake county and In .Yew Light township on the wat-rs of H ru t rek, adjoining aad others, being the home place of the late w. T Lowery, containing about 7 wn r ibia UUUIHIIIIUU. novlotdj : J. H. Fijcansto. Com'r CROS .BEADY,-MB TI33 With everything decreed by the world's diotators of Fashion for tha coin- log season, sad gorerned by ths moderate prios system which has bnllt op on i vast eonetitoenoy, and keeps lnereasing it la gratifying volume season afi-T sasa,.),'.ii; .r"-r-. i-. vtour r.:o::EY G full value . Is eoasidered fair and aprigbt dealing every where bat we are sever tatlellcd unless we can go this aoeeptod mercantile truism one better) to oot-do the bes values of oar oomp-titors and to improve apoa onr own. Your Inspection of prioea will, we think make evident the sncaess with wbleh we bsva applied the above principle or rather oar Improvement apoa It, Sale of City Property Under Deed J - of Trustv , Bv anthorlt v of a AeeA nt trnit ln Peter Jeff revs and wife and nt.hara ra. cuniea in kooc wd at nan si K u vi vvua omce ior wake county, 1 will on Monday, December 18, leas, at IS acioca m , at the Court House door of wake county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, a lot of land in the city of Raleigh. N. C. honndwl aa fYiUnva B'ginnintr at a nointon f ha muMi airiu ui nest csoum sueec wm. Kniuin 'a wwner, toenoe soutn 160 feet thence " Mil. thence N. to aalil at. . 1 1, .- ewt to the begirining, atve and except m euiu iruu wo arovs uescriDea lot, 18x60 feet Said lot known aa tha raall dence of said Peter Jeffreys, a more ac curate descript on. of which ma ha rouna m ssia aeea oi trust . v vLMontaotjk. Trustee. Baleigh, N. C, Nov. 18, 1806 T,;t CTCST discovery Of THE AGE. rl Tf On In 1 to t da, Im. I i in '""t; amok tu 1 - 1 Onr. b oarnMl tn VONt I,,, i -a a run r. nt, ojl oumi'iHia in ona saaaa, oa reouyt of pt.ua. ai far tax. For sale by Joha T. MeRse. drncf C. VEIKEL, li on. Beginning at a stake in J. B. Fason's line and Madison Privett's corner. thence nearly east to a stake in J. U. Edwards' line and Privett's corner, thence along said f IwaHs" line aeariy north to a stitke, John l erry's corner, thence wet to a f ,tt oa the m1, thence nearly nor' i along said r'v l to a stake, Jesp DuVe's line, t!"-n'e nearly west with siiul Du1,h s l;Mt )a pine, j. 14. b.ii 'nm s r Tl'- ' -f sou! n wua s he s line to a c rlv wefct to "i n corr.f-r, t I I at" u B ii i tae Ci'v cf in Bali-igii to scruwri as iui,i nonh 1-y tde pu j B- i of Mary 8. i ld HofrS A 1 ' t-r"s o. -e ' SH..1 in book 18 on r by the t 1 '. Ti.ons J. 1 . r,-,-,.".ini in ( t lit on e norm 1 ,'S,s A i " 't r. i h a, -rosrtid snd m-ith, p, bounIei end de- s to-wit: On the j i ( ( liiepar -'Jon . -li -"r to tt -..-.a U , re.'ordwi in t e t coin ': on t ! tl -J ( A. J i s I t F v a Is now re a Fall ard Wi, tion of 'y to make up Suits for '-r. He has a fine Si :;o- f a Call at stairs. Z r-i Trcu::::r-3. 1 t r .:;-( lleviHe s'.rect, up a p 6 f n Ad: Ik . Sale of Land Under Motgage. , By virtue of power eonferred anoa roe by a eertsin mortgage, executed by John M. Smith, which said mort. gage t duly reoorded ta Begistry of Wake scanty in book No. 04, psge367 I will offer for sale to the hleheat hid- der for essh in the eoort hooee door la the elty of Baleigh. N. C. on Mon. da;, December 10, 1895, at 19 m , the laad drsribed la said mortgage, ad joining tbe leads of J. C. S Lnmsdea, v. Goodwin and others, beginning at a stake and pointers la Lamsdeo's eor. inenes sorts a degrees 118 4 5, east poles to a stas In Goodwin's eornar. thenoe north 88 degrees, west S3 nolrs hi a aiaae SBd pointers, theses aonth B3 degrees stg3 poles to the b g a ning.eootsiniLtr 23 seres; 91 p l. more or lees in uoosrt Creek township, said ouuuiy ana scats. , ; , - B F- Montaods, -" Mortgagee. Bslel.h, 5, 0 , Nov 18th, 18uS. CL-OTHIITCOt - As stylish, handsome snd new as It Is possible in make then tbaa most booaas ask for last season's esrrled-over stock. . at prioea or GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND SHOES. No psins hava beea spared to make each depsrtuent la its line eomplrte all ths fashionable sen tree having beea earefally examined with tbe result ths we esn show yon np-to-date staff ss wore by ths fashionable people of today We invite yoor criticism. Cross iUIiilalLUiili, L"' c 1 in "V 1" O-LCYv v . ' a ' '.I a IT'S A BIG SIGN, if r-it it i. i ' 't ?" 1 1 ! . ,i,n c.f nil , ' t li- j i,i 'cy . t w ui-re Ifa a 9 c- rew to r'.v t i id t tow rl 1 i , l t f - HALEIOII STATIOHEnV CO. BLANK BOOKS. OFFICE and BCHOOL SUPPLIES. TYPE, J WBKEH SUPPLIES of all KINDS. ia THE ad J s i PLACE - : TO J3TJ"V -ALL KISOS OF- - TOYS s CANDY I CHEAPEST. Ec:t Cao03 fcr Least ZZzzzj. CEDRIC UNEfl PAPER . - 25o pound. Xainen Envelopes lOo rackane. I.!;; Tcy m FayettevUIe St. a i v f sria t G. , SEPARK, MAN AG Kit rjir . i. . t. ve -"1 rkr t' .'testy. ! i. I 1 ,. by u, Mut have care or ty'll s V. Long bffore t'ir-y ,;, j they will show tK tit -v , , t --r and reih'ct no credit urnsi i '"Hit. . n io oi am preserve ret I K 1 :p::n'a D:-J , which will ' F",v,s p- 1 t, t t r 1 1 1 1 r . r . r U. "A ;. u

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