0 nr :!: fn 310 I'. i .. i .. , i ' m . For eiok- n t i a''Inoll's. iMillljNO A, j loiepUoue lwj. t in i t It Tray be put (low I I 3 l -I 1. I ( ii'i e U I i 1 . HI- I ' I 1 I IS U ' VI -1 I 11 ( 1 1 V I I I' 1 1 tl i t ... iui,l i A Vim . V I i ou mwas g.t tue btot a t t! at 1 . i H"? , . I 1 iH i 1 I a I iinixious i . s lliat ii i i dnce Mrs. Bolyn ami rr, to do firRt e!s ! home, 6 1 iNorth , l'erfeot tit aud Sa,.:-i i u i, octi& 1m i nil" i, h luwers I hurN 'ay, November 14th I.ocfel " 1 r V I hours ending at H a. m. I lidxiiiiiiia tempera ture, i; I in 'iuia teuipmturtt, 41; .Uaiii-tml. 0.ua PKItSOXAU Prof Metre left for Suffolk this morning on professional basineee. Mayor Russ has gone on a visit to Lynchburg, Ya. Mr. Joha B. Kenoey returned this morning from the AtUnta Exposition. Messrs. D. G. Cooper and J. B. BriJgers, of Henderson, arrived in the eity today. '; Mrs, B. C. Bogers left ths morning la answer to a telegram announcing the sever illness of her grandmother who Uvea in Oak Forest, Va. -y Captain Thos. Ward, a brother of Mr. Frank Ward, and a captain of an ocean steamer plying between San . Franeisso and Japan, is In the city visiting his mother. ,. Mr. Charles Ward, a brother of Mr. Fronk T. Ward,1 ta here from Denver on a visit. Ha la engaged in the drag business in Denver, where he is doing well and has many friends here who extended him a eordlal wel come to the city. . ' v Comparisons of Football Boores. The University of Virginia Tues ' day defeated Richmond College at football by a score of COtoO. One half was thirty minutes; the other, eight. The gam is of local Interest because U. N. C. has played the same team, defeating it, after forty minutes of play by a score of 86 to 0. '. , Comparisons ' in football, however, are of little importanee. For in- stanee: Harvard beat Cornell SS to Oj Princeton defeated Harvard 10 to a; , then Cornell held Princeton down to a 0 to 0 soon. Bichmond College had played a hard Stama with T. X. L the day before h met Virginia, Caip Slew HI Broth. Governor Caii today offered r , ward of $100 for the capture of M. C. Cain, who on the seventh day of last Amtust murdered his brother, W. F. Cain in Davie oounty. . The name would seem to indicate that the slayer wag one of the de scendants of the Biblical fratricide. Bad the slain brother been named AbeL for once might history have repeated itself. .' . ; V" i. Now Mr. Cain la very likely in hiding, Waiting to surrender himself at the prooer time to his friends and use the hundred so kindly (riven by the State to wrest his release from the stern old common-wealth. $17,60O REFUSED. It Is Bald This Offer was Refaaed for Patchen, the Pacing; Stallion. Since Joe Patchen placed his vain able hoofs on North Carolina soil, covetous eyes have turned towards the pacing " phenom." ; 1 ? Brood Rock stated that Mr. L Banks Holt was negotiating for Patchen and would in all probability secure him. Today it was stated that Mr. W. Reynolds, the big tobacco manufacturer, had offered $17,600 for the animal, but that the proffer was refused. It was also stated that 120,. 000 was the price set for the horse by the owners. w'.v.'-V,i , It will be remembered that a re ported offer of $20,000 for Gentry was refused. '". ,;;-. :" Just whose property the noble Patchen Is, is not exactly known, but it would seem that he is very likely to come into possession of a North Carolinian. . ' . Federal Court Two Weeks Off. Mr. Clifford Carroll, chief clerk of the marshal's office and Chief Deputy Hannah returned from Wilmington to day, where they have been, at the Fed eral term of court. Both of them are op to their eyes in work, bat they will be up to date when Federal oourt convenes here two weeks hence. The docket is a heavy one. ":.'." "i 1 - r i i V.3, with P-iors. or .OiJSUill, i J i 3 licnimmon & Co. A Living Curiosity. in v Found To be a fact trot Jnimwn & Smith can make photora: stnat are unfmrpasa e.l by any an at in the protesaion. Prices reasonable. . n Our Butter Cups, Peanut Brittle, Cream Almonds aud Taffy are the best, mo a pound. 4-iw BarbeeA Pope. -" Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Barbae & Thompson is tins day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Alt A. Thompson retiring. The business will b continued by Mr. K. U. Barbae. ., (Signed) E. B.BAR BEE, -ALF A. THOMPSON. Baleigh, N. C, Oct. no, 1895. Under the advice of my physician I have oucluded to retire temporarily from business ana Deg to coraiaiiy commend Mr. E. B. Barbee. who con tinues the butjiness of Barbee Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. barbae is severed with sincere regret. Not only as partners, but friends, our relations have been, without exception, thor oighly cordial. With every facility for conducting the business, an entire knowledge of toe wants of uie trace. and a fixed intention to give value re ceived, there is every reason to assure those iriteres'ea mat dealings wan Mr. Barbee win be entirely satisfactory. Aur A. Thompson. I desire to thank our patrons for pat favors and solicit a continuance of the same with the assurance that 1 will do my best to please them. E. B. Barbxx. "-' :V: i .: Agenu Wanted Everywhere. $6 a day. Marion Bar- land's New Book. "Home of the Bible. Over 2,000 new photos; nearly fiOO extra large pages. Just the book for the fall and holiday canvass. No experience needed. For particulars address His torical fuo. u H fnuaaeipoia, ra. OctlOtf lioat Bank Stock. . - Ealkigh. N. 0.. July S3. 1805. The nndersitrned hereby gives notice that sue has lost, or her late nusoani. tv.X4.ii. bmitn. nas lost, iwo cerun cites of shares of the capital stock of The Citizens' Back of Norfolk. Va.. numbered 40 and 8a respectively, the farmer for three shares and the latter for twentv-two shares of said stock. and wishes them returned to her if found. Mrs. Mart U. Smith, Executrix of Wi VI. H. Kmith. octlB am . . Deceased, Baleigh, N. C Madam Besson desires to call the at tention of the public to her new stock of fall and winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children. - Infants' caps, sacques, notions, etc ctltf On Satnrtlav - afternoon near Mr, BoushaU'a otlice a b. The finder will be rewarded by leavintt it at bis oMice. Also lost on Monday morning a gold cross. Finder will please leave and set reward at 228 North McDowell street. . , u-it For Beat. : . Two office rooms, second floor, over drag store. Apply to J. juai aooDitt, rnarmasist. , ut Five Boom Cottage for Rent. . Cm McDowell street, between Morgan and Hargett. Foesession can be bad immediately. Apply to B. F. William- son. . novu-M . We are now makinc in their nerfec tion the 'original Feanut Brittle and Butter Cups.' We invite comparison with other makes. BOxBTEB, Smoke the Beet. If you the finest cigar on earth desire. r or AQ vaioiem you naa oest inquire. (jnnvalied it stands, -without a par, 'ine aa valorem oc cigar. Of choice Havana Ad Valorem is made. A RaleiEh product of tlie highest grade: i it lor a jfnnce, a xn aooD or ue anan. XheAd valorem ac cigar. Tn all leadinor resorts, bear in mind. Norwood s Ad v aiorem you wiu nna. For Boquet and Aroma, known near and iar, ' The Ad Valorem 6c Cigar. A sk for "Ad Valorem" wher"ere vou go Its one navor win piease yon wen, i Know: , No drugs or chemicals your nerves to jar In Ad Valorem Co Cigar. To "J. M. Norwood, Baleigh," your or ders send, , On Quality you always can depend: Order by the thousand, case or car, xne aa v aiorem oo cigar. No Hands .No Hands Have been hosier than ours have of late. And what doing? Closing ont the business of D. T. Swindell, de ceased. Sad Work, Indeed, : Sad Work, Indeed, To have to sacrifice this magnificent stock of goods, bat it mast be done and that AT O.N CE. Step in here and participcte in the GEEAT SLAUGH TER. For le One eake of pureeastile soap. which others ask yoerbo for. For 8a Three cakes (one box) Butter milk and Cucumber soap, worth to anyone 15c For 11.25 Mpq's pure gum coats, sizi-s S to 5, all nw and well made. Tlrs coat would be ehi-np at ; ' CD, tot e want to t' i"ll. For 13c Toys' ei'.a lf-y hool or t'-r -lg t r . - I ; -e n 1 h i r i i :. z:-j " Wanted., A reliable, active pi" or I 'y to travel for rmihi j, e- - 1 -t. Salary $7M). py . . v t..id money advanced inr i.i- . , . n tion sitiaiiy. h ihu-ci I.ucite sWf S'1'Sreiid S"um" I enve!i.(e. u. E. Hi.oS, I'resiueut, Chiv..'0. tf c AND The handsomest Steel Range , '.."'.'made. It Is "THE JEWEL." See our new , . Cicccll Grates " We nv ' 3 Bicycles ' On easy terms ; V Baby Carriages At sent price. Xhos. H. Brlss & Sons, . RiXKOB, N C septniv Langwisch's Fatpowder P1ITK, BRUNBTTB Ann WHITE. It is the only cosmetic that imparts to the skin the everlasting "bloom of yonth." It so closely and invisibly ad- neres to ice ssin mat it constitutes A Genuine Toilet Secret. Ladles are always delighted to pro cure Langwisch's Powder. Jas. r.IcKi.HmOn Ci Co , 18S FayetterUle St., . ' '. . ' Raleigh. O. 1 . ' J,v We call vonr attention to our complete 1 neof Misses' and Children's Shoes, v Misses' Calf Spring Heet, best - shoe made for school, . . S.i5 Misses' rtent Tip Needle Toe, Spring Heel, very stvlisn, . s.zo Mixses Patent Tin. Bprinir, 1.50 The nomilsr Kid TlD SrtMDB Heel Shoes for Misses and Children at the following prices: M18IMS, 11 10 . Vl.'lh. r . Cb'ld's, $15 and 1.60l Infant's Soft Sole Button Shoes and Moccasinsy- ; ': 50 vVf fr 134TtTettevilIe Street, J G Five Cent C." , i-. In i lacing t!ie ; Cigir before t ' fee' Its'.'-?.. I iu t 1st: e A " i.f . -;li s-!' it i - r t '. i 1 ', V. 9 t it . It : s I Let r:i Tell Vou, ' Furniture rm ' i ' ' S isn't what it iv i to be. Ihi si n a vast l" - nient in niv t . and the ch Jl t been as inn. i i r increased c.i. t as lor grew! r i in designs mi - ftHllce ill Hi 1 lilllt. ReCeUt :!:! ' aieniHii.i .mvmeuts, ft v, n fm t we c i i.--it our exbnut is tiie drnionstn n. vve carry a comme. bensive sht. including all lines, end invie attention to our- prices Wr have no leader; every ertlcla we rffer leads in both q lalitv and price. Every tiling is marked to insure a ready Bale. Come and see for yourself and we feel sure you will join the multitude in saying that our s'ores " heaiinmn-t""! for the LATJiT. Bi-.vr and . ,o -r STYLISH COOPS . aud lor LOW PItlCKS . . . Thomas 5c flaxwell. ' 5ov7-l2w -. ;' ) v- : '. ',,"'. Frank Stretch's Carriagc-llr.r ncss , REPOSITORY ' -AMD- ' ': - .;'.;" IIORCI3 , EMPORIUM. -No. S19, 821 and 823 Wilmington SU, "t AUCTION Commission Merchant. Manufacturer and Sealer in Buggies, Carriages, Road Carta, Farm . and Spring Wagons. HORSES COUGHTf SOLD i We are prepared to fuminh the nicest turnouts in tn e City in I.'i ' t Livery. Also can furnish good hail i.e liorses. You can buv a gtmd horse or Mule at public or private sale at my stables. FRANK STR0::CH. Novll C'H. II X UVij , FANCY GROCERS, v 5203 ITsaveiteville Gt. Just received a shipment, of Soda Cracters. Mux Lunch, Oyster Crack ers and ( 'ak.es ALL FBfcMi- Uuckwleat, Oatmeal, Oak F'nkes, Hounny I lakes, lam-e and small Lum iny. 1'reserves 1 v t a pound or in but tles at very low t-rnvs. Fresh Lpcrs. Cuickens and Turkeys always on baud. OUR MEATS ARE THE EEST Ewlft's Oriolos ITam and Ilre:Vfist Paoon always in x h Ic Webenu.e n.e best brands of co. es only. in" "a, Mocha and Java, Arbuckle's aud Ltsv erlng's J&.L.Q. are our brands. II. J. Eein's - Sweet zz.1 Zz'zt rickeb Always in si oik. -Our Flours a s strictly the best ' v. ACME, DAN VAIXFY SUPEBLATIVJI, NORTH fei A1E and OESOTA are the names. Money refunded if any of Uie above brands uo not suit. Fresli f Jaueace (All pork) arriving daily. 1 lowest Drices and Dromut deliverv is our mot.t Loose Buckw 7 Uive us a tc.ai. t 5c per pound. . junmnif hi m : . u O if -i t i V r- trf " p -a::d- v r r m m t r- r a i ....... J I I J . .. . i . I r!i ' y iii u l ,.s following cii.i .' ' I So 1 l . - ! ' " ' r ' i . :, : 1 i.(ia.i'.-.rii)' ' . .:gai.i:h-- u) I ' " A. : ( This is a copy of arvor Jer we receive i fiis mori icg. Everybody knows that with a "Ilagey King Heater" there is no f reezing. ' MUCH HEAT-LITTLE WOOD" JULIUS LEVIS HARDWARE C0"P.:.Y. Not 4-ly ... - DO YOlfe SEE CLEARLY ? If not come and ex amine our stock of Eye Glasses and fjieci wift; We have jum auuea tins line mm imv" some vei y attractive prices about bait what you have paid heretofore. COME AKP EXAMINE T1IEM. HICKS, & ROGERS, " Prescrtotlon DrugKlsta. TII13 Connecticut;.; Mutual Is now offering to Insurers the very best forms cf insurance tliat can be written, providing as they do botn pro tection and iuveM. ment uion the best and lowest possiiile twins. AtUintion is respectfully caiied to its "LOW RATE ENDOWMENTS" at 69, 65, 70 and 75, wit h Cash Surrender Va'ues in 10, 15, etc, years, the l-it and most desirable Kii'lowo nt Insur ance ever issueit. Lne and Lmni-4 Life Foliciea also contain 1; i ;;6 1 h u Surrender Values, stipulated in tne policies and forming a part of tbe con- tract. - ' It maintains a higher standard of solvency than is employed by any other Company or any state Jei artinent in this ouutry, having in lti-i voluntarily adopted a . - ... . 3 Per Cent Reserved thus making its contracts the safest and most valuable ever oh ered. All policies are by their terms non forfeitable after two or three pay ments, not even requiring surrender in case of lapse, and Bunh policies partici pate in annual dividends. The Cunh burreuder and 1'aid Up Values are plainly stated in each policy, thus avoiiiii'i? ad m',"indei'nlanci!i'g or dis- anmiiiii.i.ieut. '1 ue a"is 01 we un- pi,ny r- . ectfully Sin '-it correinond- j ence u anyone T t utin r in. forms i n. Good, couseivauve B iis wautisd in each county. S. D. VAIT, General Agent, Haleigh. Notice Ly Executrix. rTaviv onaliPr'i as the Pxeev'-'x of t'iel. t Millard 'i neiit ot . T. ,.i i . 1, ri - i e ot e (..iin'y, Koi.ii t i""n. si-, I 1 "V i ' v nil v "H 9 ' v ." - i 1 e i i.l uie oi i- ,lt ' t l j i t t (..". to l on or I Tt c i I, l i, or inis noi ice i l-e j i i i l-.'rut i "ir r"i'i'V!- y. 'i - n n to in. y .i mm.- s !! . I to Mud I. t, i ii pio l' i' i.ttoli'e. 'It H -M , i xecut;-it n . . 1 8"d 'l- - n i-i. t ' i 1'. i . I, 1-' . fT 1ia .;ao, Attoi. iy. 0' ' - icuvV , tt ."M i. V.. in m ni iimkh in .rrzD ' r lv A . kL( il)ll I 1 4 ii i t : .. l, :. l t ' . r. s i i Let i :,3i Lot . . , 3 1 . t 1 Lo ; . r , 4 t 1 1 i! One bit (ft. E.3 V lorn .! ' i, i. ri i',8. - J WiuJow i La jes, sr 6 -o. . 10-4 while F.'ai,ketM, CO a pair. 10-4 white I-Wokels, 51 r. X 10-4 white I'.laukets, 3 i't. 10-4 white 1'liiBkets, iif .). 10-4 eolortsd l,;ackel, Jl-00. All sliailes, U a yard, worth JI.53. vt4i, . A lare manufacturer has sect ns a lot to be sold- They are very ehtap. Boy one before the assortment is broken. 600 down Ladies' Handkerchiefs three for 6 cents. ' , Fine Millirery Goods 100 down Sailors, 10, 20, 25, 85, 60, 75o each. . 50 Lillian Eassell Bailors. Frenoh f W y want a Suit of Clothes mads in flrHt-olaae style look at onr stock of Suitings. We can save yon 5 per eent. and pive you a Brat c'shb fit. A II kinds of repairing and cleaning dune at short nouee. i i W. .- 4,4 U 4 V nn - Ti ' : "- t- . ..5j?!,?.t,,?T V.'o.k i. i lve 1 PAGE a $vi:v:. vrih:) cow rr.!) . ' i i 4. i - . -i Mi.i i, v ('i or n f ' ' ' ' U j iiiii. j !, . i ii e ii i ' i. i, j I. , a . i K .i.a ti'.ii, i , i ( ) at ; i :.i i r l Fiil. (J 4 i xl'klt : ? in .i (i .r. --, 1 ' yJ, hi; , V 1 '. ... .J. , i f t',, .s ..r fe. ii Is up. V::dm Ur.J:r;rir L U 1 4 u '. i i- ' j' v '. - riu , C"o eaoh. J la 1 i.Li. i.ubfr tiiilO I "0 Dp. I.s -Vi-s' K:ibd Vrht, : woita f !e L.ii-s' wool r.:tlied VhhH COe, wor U V-o. , ' t's wool Fobbed Vents, E3o, ir: j ,: i'.. ' f , f , . ... .... '. ..i t 0res Goods we s.y thai onr sto k is f !it.o!s and as eLu.ip as the eLeaneit, C' - n r --I On theue goods we have had Urge sales, because we sell them cheaper than any other house la tows. 5 Toilet Sots, tea pieces, 3.C3 worth ll.CJ. WOOIiLCO'tT & SOU. t .A is s iVii. ,t,i i , el. t. J 'Ivcry. Give us a tilitl an 1 we MARSHALL, rro

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