r FORT IIALEIGH. Work to Benin or Restoring This Fortification. ( Work is to bgln immediately on Roaook Island of the restoration and preservation of fort Raleigh. bieh was built there by Sir Walter Ral eigh's eoloolst. It ! on of the most historic epots In the United States. The fort snd the sorroand- logs have been earefollr surveyed. It is shown to have been laid off by "skilled engineers. : It is 1M lest from one bastion to another. A part of it yet remains. In the restoration, per manent materials will be used and the . fort will be need and the fort will pre sent as nearly as possible the appear ance it presented over three eentorles ago. Coqoine or shell mek is to be the material used, and this, will be taken from : Ne wbern. ' The fort is . within a qosrter tf a mils of Roanoke sjond asd within two miles' of Alb. msrle sonnd. The work of restoration ' will be done by an association whose ' members are mainly of North - Oaro. line and Maryland,' sad of whieh Sfl. ham Davis,, of Newbern, Is President Roanoke Island l la Dare eoaoty, which the Legislature some years ago reaUd and named after Virginia Dare, the first white ehild bora oa American . solU The association will - also 'erect oa the Jsland. aeaf Fort Balelgh, a memorhtl out of-the ballast thrown overboard by the Aaadas and the Barlow in 1584. ' Dr. Daniel. x j ' " The Be. Dr," Eugene Daniel, of Balelgh, delighted three' congrega tions id Wilmington, says the Messen ger." He preached the morning ser in on at ' First Presbyterian church, and at night at 8t! Andrews Presbyte rian ehnreh. At o eloek p. m, he spoke to a large number of men at the Young Men's Christian Addi tion, his subject being Son..Bemem ber.". Large congregations attended at the services, and the diseoarsc are spoken of, as eloquent in delivery and strong in all particulars'. ' Dr. Daniel is an able minister and made a splen did impression on odr people A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Cana joharl. N. Y. says that he always keeps Dr. King's . New Discovery in the honse and his family has always fonnU that the very beet resnlta follow- its'utei that he ' would not be without it, if proeorable. G. A. Dykeman, drngglst, CatakllLN. : T., says that Pr. King's New. Discov ery is . undoubtedly the best eough remedy! that Jie has need It In his family for eight years, and ithaa never failed to do all that Is claimed for It. Why not try a remedy so long tried . and tested. Trial boHlet free at John V. MeBae'a drug store. Begolar site 60s and li.OO. ; t. ; , i i rs 1 It is thought' the Colorado Springs ' express robbers are A. J. Gray and J. X. Btuart, notorious crooks and jail breakers. Sii weeks ago t suffered with a very severe cold; was almost unable to speak. My friends all advlaed me to eonsnlt a physician." Noticing Chambrrlan's Cough Remedy advised la the St Paul Tolka Zeltung, I procured a bottle, and eftor taking it a short while wss entirely went I now most heartily recommend this remedy "to anyone suf fering with a eold. Wm. Keil, 878 Selby Ave,; St. Paul. Minn. For sal by J Hal Bobbitt, druggist; " On the ground that he' could not drees well enough on 1800, Bev, Joe, Speers, of Brentwood, L. I., resigned his pastorate. ' ' i . ' " - - mil Liu i ")' V ' '"' ' Itching, burning, asaiy and vasty skin scalps of Infants cleanKi and healed' sad quiet sleep restored- by Johnson's Oriental ' Soap, medicinal and toilet, two large eakeaSSeta For sale by John Y MacRas. By a collision of freight trains at Warwick, O., conductor Charles Srst and brakeman John Davis were hilled " The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of Bast Brlmfleld, Mass., hsd been suf fering fjrom isurslgia for two daya, aot being able to sleep or hardly keep - still, .when Mr Holden, the merchant ' there, sent her a bottle of I'hsmber laln's Pain Balm, and asked that she gits It a thorough trial. Oil meeting Mr- Wells the next day be was told that she wts all right." the paia had left her withia two hours, and that the bottle of Pain Balm waa worth Iff. 00 If It sould not be had for lees. For . sale at SO cents per bottle by J, Hal Bobbitt, druggist. . , , '" A delogs of rain broke the long ''drought in New Mexioo. , HOW TO PREVENT CROUP (OHIBSAOlRaTUAT WUX P10V1 1BTU v XSTISa TO TOUBO MOTHSM HOW TO QUABn AsailST THB DISBA8I. ' Croup Is a terror to young mother and to post them concerning the cause, Irst symptoms and treatment Is the object of this. Item. The origin of eroup is a common oid Children who are subject to it take' sold very easily and eroup ia almost sur to fol low. The first symptom Is hoarseness) this Is . soon followed by a peculiar r ncrn oougb, wbleh Is easily reeog aisd and will never be forgotten by on who has heard it. The time to act is when the ehild flrst becomes hoarse. . If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given all tendency to eroup wm -soon disappear. Bven after the eroupy eough has developed It will prevent the attack. There Is no danger in. giving this remedy, for it contains nothing injurious. For sals by J. Hal Bobbitt, Druggist. ' A Warning. A horseshoe hung over the door for good look fell oa the head of an At ehleon. Mo , girl a few daya ago In juring her very seriously Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a . rnmedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now .and get relief. This medicine has : been found to be peculiarly adapted ! to tne relief and cure of all female j complaints, exerting a wondrfnl di rect influence la giving strength and ton to the orgsns. " If you. have loss of appetite, constipation, headache. fainting spell, or are nervous, sleep less, eioltsbl, melancholy or troubled with dluy spells. Eleetrio Bitters is tl. medicine you need. . Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty sents and and 81.00 at John T. MoKae's drug store. v'':.;;iw:; -- --' ; A joint eonfereaie of 'reform forces' looking to political anion,; has been called for Chicagf , March 1 8. F. Tlng-jr, Dewart, Pa., writes: Mr. Haring of this place has used your remedy for the Piles and recom mend it very highly." He gave me your address. ' I would Ilk to; know on what terms and price yon sell to dealers. , Let me hear from you and oblige. . Sold by John T. MaeBae. ; Trial wss begun at Cerson,' Nsv., of James Heney, accused of stealing $23,. 000 front the United States mint,. r All disease of the akin oared and (he best complexion restored by John son' Oriental Soap, perfumed aad highly medicated., Two eake in each package, 85 cents. For aale by John T. MaeRae - - ..' . t F. M. Hatch, the hew Minister from Hawaii, arrived at San Francisco on hi way to Washington. ; " - Johnson's Kidney ana iiiver Regu lator invigorates. the liver,' regulates the - bowels, cores dyspepsia, bilona nesa, indigestion, sour stomach and make yoar head as clear a a bell SB and 60 sent. For ssle by Jot a T. MaeBae ' - Headcheese caused aa epidemic of poisoning In. Olovervtlle. N. T., and three people wil die For insomnia, sleeplessness, nerv ousness, hysteria and all ' forms of ; nervous sxhanntlon anddebility, there 1. U -. 1 . T 1 a ' parilla and Celery, works directly ofon the nerve center , and never fail' to cure. Large bottles 60 cent P irnalebr John T. MscRso The annual convention of the Fed eration of Labor will be held ia New York December 9, Decamp How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Be- ward for any rase of Catarrh that can aot be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F 4 Cheny 4 Co.. Props, Toledo, 0. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney forlthe last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable In ell business tranaaction and financially able tor carry out any obligation made by their firm.. Wist A Tbdax, "Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. J : WAiDiBQ, Kissas ft Mas vis, whole sale Druggist, Toledo, Ohio. Hall s Catarrh Cure ia taken inters- ally,' astlng directly upon the blood ana maeous arf ace of the system. Prise 7Be. per bottle. Sold by all drug gist. Testimonials free. ' . ,: Hall's Family Fills are the best "Ccoplete How to Attala K." a Wonderfal New t r Medksai Book,wrltten (or Men Only. One ' eopy maybe had free -on application. ; . ERIE MEDICAL COL : BUSTALO.SJ.V. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. , By virtue of a moTtKage deed slven by Hardy n Harwell and Adelaide Barnwell hla wife, to Catharine Borlan, dated January li. Itrs and registered In the office of the Kegtster of Deeds for Wuke county, to Book lot. page eso, I will, on the lsth'daj of November. IKS, at I) o'clock, St the Court Bouse door in Balelgh, Wake S aunty, sell, at public auction, to the highest idder for cash, the following described real estate m-wu: a oenaiu'iraut o ianu situate In Wake county. St, Mary'a Township, adjoin ing the laodiol Samuel Watts Allen Sturdlrant J. Q. Dupree, Bedle Bmitb and others, sod more fully described aa follows: Beginning at Jointers on the Smlthfteld aad Balelgh Koad, oba Parker's (now Samuel Watts) corner near Watts, thenoe with his line South two degrees west S.S& chains to a stake, thenoe south U de grees west tt. to chains to the Wilmington Boad, thence with said road to a pine, Allen Sturat rant's eorner. thenoe with fits line south at de grees west Mt chains to s stake Bturdlrant'e corner, thence with hit line north I degrees east seven enaius to a rocs, BiuruiTaot e corner i thfmoe with hla line south at decrees west 40. so chains to a stake In Jack Dupree's line, thence norm two a agrees east ae.se onains to a Ughtwood stump, L. J. Weathera eorneryl thenoe with his line south ST degree east '..Ml onains to s roca. weauera oorner, tnence north a derrees east B.fls ohalna to the Smith- field Boad. thenoe with said road to a black tack, Wm. Sturdivant's oorner. thence with hla line north's degrees east l.t chains to a black Jack. Bedle Smith's comer, thence south M de- ence aa the said road south s. degrees east 16.10 chains to the Dmllhfleld Boad, thence with the aaid road to the beglnnlns. containing SOI l-i acres more or less. !; xnis twa oaf or votooer. inn. - . W. st. BOTLAN, ' Kxecutor of CaUtarlne BorUa. - Sale of Valnable Lot of Land.' Rv vinos of the powers contained in s mortgage executed to me on tbe 13th of December. 1884, by Austin Moss, re corded in tbe offloe of tbe Register of Deeds of Wake county. N.U ,ln Book 83, Daire 60. 1 will offer for sale to tbe hieb- est bidder at Dublic auction for cash, at the court house door in tbe city of Hsi- eigri, n. v., on l uesasy, toe lutnaay of December, 1896, s lot of land de scribed in said rnortinure as follows. lying snd being in the city of Raleigh. sald county of Wake, snd known and described as follows, viz: the lot lately occupied by Wm. Aley Moss on tbe net aide of Blood worth street and ad- HoinVog the lots of Wm. Gooch snd otner ana tne name tnat was conveyed to s&ia Austia moss oy Manna a. Piersoc bv deed dated November Sfitb, 1884, recorded in Book 82, pave 83 'n the Registers oiuce ror w sue county. W. L).- Buttalo, Mortgagee, Ai h turn MOTemoer , aevo. Uhat io Castoria ia Dr. Samnel Pitcher's rrescriptioa for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, morphine nor otner Kareotle substance. It is n liurmless sabstitnte for Faregoric, Props, Sootuiitjr Syrniis, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant, its jruaranteo is thirty wears' use by miUons of Mother. Castoria destroys Worms and allays . - fererlshness, Castoria prevents vomiting Soar Card, " Care Diarrhoea : and "Wind Colic Castoria relieves) teething troubles, cure constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food regulate the stomach, and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. .." "Osstorfs to snexeauent medietas tor obll . dtes, Mothers have repeatedly toU m at Ms axiodenMvpoatMeUldreB.' . . , - D- 0 tt Oaaooo, tmu" " Osstorla the bwTnnudr far ohndraaef wUeklaaaeqnaiated. I hope the day fardktMtlrfcMmothwewUleoaeVW the real . klmato lhlroiUlna. uul oaa OutorUi U stMd at She Tsriona quack naetrans whleh are eatrayaat loved ones, by fords optius, Borphms, snottiinf ayrup sod oUier hartfol assess aowa thesr ttutMta, Ihnrnliy emffiin Si to pre siii a grawa." . ' -' ' Da. I. F. Sjkobdbuis, ; . . j".. . Ooaway, Ark. The Oeattastr Oesapsuqr, TI,Hurriy aMrevt, Mew Yerk Olty. II 1 W. H.- HOLLOWAY k SOKS. Obamberlaln'a Bye aad Skin Olbtmenl ' Is unequalled for Ectetna, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands. I telling Piles, Burns, frost Bites, Chrooic 8or Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids, Pot sule by druggists at 25 cents per box. ' to mi&Qvnmj. ' For putting a horse in k fine healthy eon lition try I)n 0848 Condition Powders, ley tone up the system, aid digestion, curs ass of appetite, relieve constipation, correct uanev unorders ana aestroy wonss, p vrw life u an old or over-worked horse, ret pidrare by ronibej OU DO NQT REALIZE That you snTln Balelgh unless you are r . : stopping st tne rBpo HOUSE The only Hotel In tbe city convenient" '' ':i w xiusinee. All room On the third floor S2.00 cer days first snd second floors $3.00 snd it&u per aay. .,!:-.:i--r SPECIAL WEEKLY JRATES WVXB BUS AT. ALt TBAIN8. i's? W-J-.y'-v .; -.' Thousands of dollars recently expended fi,y ; provementa. f - , ' tu T. BBOWM. Prop'r.' ' ECONOMY - May be necessary in man; way when dollars are scarce snd wants many, but it 1 not desirable to prsotioe it In the purchase of food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imper fectly nourishes; up to that standard It costs s reaaonsDie pnoe. w never want more than a reasonable prloe for our Groceries. RAPID SALES - " Give our customers the benefit of close manriDS, We never keep any thing that la not the best rf it kind, snd we only want a fair profit on what we invest In it. CHOICE GROCERIES ' Always In stock and promptly de livered when ordered. ' Castoria. " Oaatorla b so well adapted to ehOdraa ths I noonmund ft as superior prescription knowB to bs." H. A. liom,. 111 So. Oxford St, Braoklya, ST. T. HOor payvMaos la the ehJldrea-s depara sasn beve apokea hlbly of thesr expert ano aa their outside pnatica with Oaatsrla, end although we only ham JDonf our saenioal snppttta what a kaowB as rsgolar produola, jmtwttn frna to confess ttiat the sasrHs of Osstorla has m as so look with savor vpoalt." ' Unrn Hosrtai. a DisnasaBT, Bostoa, Haas. aiunr O. Sum, JVss., & - he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY la tbe best equipped and doe tbe mosv prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in fie city. 8end in your work Phone No 19 Hiss Maggie Beese. Newfllllinery We are now showing all the latest and most desirable shapes and styles In Fall and Winter Millinery. Onr s Tck Is well selected, both as to STYLE and PRICE. 1 There is s great variety in Caps and Sailors for Misses snd Children, All colors snd sixes from 9fis to $S.OO, We-jrill be pleased to have the ladle ; call and look at onr stock. Bvery one will receive prompt aad polite attention. 90S Fhetteviile Street V BULBS Fox Winter and - Spring BIUOOIVIIISG. '"S Chinese snd Easter Lilies, Hyacinths Frees i as. Narctaaua, etc Palms, Fern and other plants for roam decorating. Cut Flowers Boquets Floral Designs. . Evergreen, Magnolias aid Shade Trees. . . . - H. CTEEillETZ, Florist. North Halifax etreeC near. Psaos In- . - sutute. Phone 113. iY ; i oetnia - r n VALUABLE FARMING LANDS FOR SALE. . By virtue of authority conferred by a certain Deed of Trust from H. A. Hodge snd Loretta Hodge, bis wife, dated December 6th, 1890, and recorded In tbe office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, N. C., in Book 118, st page 316, 1 will on THURSDAY. November 14th, 1806, sell st public suction, to the highest bidder for cash, six (0) tracts of land situate in Saint Matthews township, Wake county, N. C, and described ss follows: First Tract containing 221 8 4 acres, more or less, being Lot. No 8 of the tiaston Wilder lands, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of said Bodge on the south, of the late David Hlnton on the east, of tbe said Hodge on tbe north and Neuse river on the west: and bounded as follow: begin ning at a stake and pointers on tbe east bank of Neuse river, about IS link be low the mouth of a gut, the southwest corner of Tract No. 1, bought at the same time and place by Joseph An drews, runs tbence east 295 poles to a stake in the late David Hinton's line; tbence with his line south 84 degrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; tbence west 268 poles to a small birch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse river: thence up the various courses of the river about 128 poles to the begin ning, being same tract conveyed by John B. Williams and. wife to R. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said offloe. In Book 60 at page 645, reference to which Is made. Second Tract, contalaing 199 acres, more or less, being Lot No. 4 of tbe Betsy Hinton farm (formerly Gaston Wilder' s land) and bounded aa follows: Beginning at a small birch and point ers on the bank of Neuse river about six poles below Spring Gut; thence with tbe dividing line east 253 poles to a stake in David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 82 poles to a stake on Mingo creek; thence down tbe creek about 824 poles to where it empties into Neuse river; thenoe up the said river about 195 poles to the beginning; being same tract conveyed by W. R Poole to R. A. Hodge by deed recorded In said office, in Book 59, at page 182, reference to which is made. Third Tract, containing 118 acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the south side of the Tarborough road W. R. Pool's corner rub s south 1-2 degree west 45 Sole to a stake and pointers in the ead of a small branch; thence with said branch 89 poles to a pine on the east side of the branch; thence south 24 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and pointers; tbence east 108 1-2 pols to a stake; thence north 5 1-4 degrees east 214 poles to the larborougb road; tbence with said road 98 poles to the beginning, beiui; same tract conveyed by Jeiinie Hinton to R. a. Hodge, by deed recorded in sa d office in Book 105, at pane 551, reference to which is made. Fourth Tract, containing 79' 8-4 so es, rnire or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast corner of tbe lot purchaied by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs tbence east with Poole's line 122 1-2 poles to a stake and pointers on a branch; tbence nearly south down the various courses of the branch 33 poles to a large pine on the east side or tbe same-David Hi"ton's co-ner thence with his line south 24 degrees west 89 1-8 poles to a stake and pointers, tbe corner of the dividing line between this lot, or parcel, and that purchased bv G. H. VMlliaiua, at same sale; tbence west 104 poles to a stake in me centre or noage roao; tnence norm ward along said road 118 1-8 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed by Sarah . Wilder, commissioner, to R. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56. at usee 146. reference to which is made. Fifth Tract, containing twenty-live acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Ruffln Williams. B. P Williamson, William Smith and Joseph J. Andrews, and on the east side of Neuse river, be ing a part-of the Betsy Hinton tract bought by said Andrews at the G. H. Wilder estate sale, being tbe southwest corner of said tract according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river, below spring gut, at a willow: thence up said river to above the falls at a twin red-oak; thence east to a stob and Sine; thence to a stob in the branch; lence south to B. Williams'' land, a lightwood kBot; thence west to the be ginning, and being the same tract con veyed by Joseph J. Andrews and others to R. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 307, ref erence to which is made. Sixth Tract, containing eight acres and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad joining the lands of W. R. Poole, Jesse Watkina, deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in centre of Hodge road in Poole's line: thence with said road south 8 1-2 degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centre ol tne same; tnence wesi ou i- poies w a stake; thence north 26 3-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; thence with tbe same est;48 3-4 poles to the beginning; and being same conveyed by James A. Williams and wife to said R. A. Hodge, bv deed recorded in said office, in Book 82 at page 90, reference to wbich is mane. Pi.Afnc of Salb Countv Court House door, in Raleigh. N. 0. X1MB OF BALK -12 O'OIOCK m ERNEST HAYWOoD. Trustee. October 12 1895. The foresoinir sale is postponed un til Tue day, December 17, 1895, same nlice, hour and terms of sale. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue or power con tained in a mortgage executed to me by Kobert A. Potter and his wife Sidonia Potter, on tbe 7th day of October, A. P. 1890, which said mortgage is recorded In the office of tbe Register of Teeds for Wake county, In book 114, oMag 105, Lwill sell by request at tbe Cvnrt House iWake county, at public suction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the tract of land particularly described in aaid mort gage, which is bounded snd described as follows: Lying and being in Wake county. North Carolina, In saint Mary's township, and beginning at s whitfroak, John Ellis- (deceased) oorner, and runs thenoe south 232 poles to s red-oak In Wm. Band's old line: thence east with said Band's line to the mill-path stake and pointers; thenoe north with aaid mill-path to stake and pointers; thence east to a pine, corner of John Mitchen er's line; thenoe north to a red-oak: thence east 20 poles to a stake and pointers; tbence north 74 poles to a stake in the line formerly owned by P. H. Gower: thenoe with said line west 20 poles to a black-jack; thenoe south to a pine in P. H. Gower s old oorner; thenoe west to the beginning, containing 80 sores, more or less, and adjoining ths lands of Geo, Mitcbener, M W. Britt Wm. Bryant, being the trsct of land conveyed by J. P. Gully, commissioner (n special proceedings, entitled J. P. Unliv administrator of J. G. Dupree. deceased, vs. K. Dupree snd others. In Wake Superior Court, to Robert A. Pot ter. Time of sals 12 o'clock, rw on ths 18th or aovemDer, iw. W. X. HOWLS, t MOBTwASXX October 12, 1896. Roy all & Borden Are not Selling Uut at Cost, But tbelr prices are much lower than THOSE SO-CALLED COST SALES. We have but one price at all times and that's the lowest Our stock is now oomplete in all lined of goods. No suoh stock of Fancy Rockers, Tables, Couches, Lounges, Medicine Cabinets. Desks, Book Cases atid Combination Cases Ever Fihown Here. -We are a little early, but our 1806 designs in Carriages are here. Only a glance at them will convince you that they are the best and cheapest line of Carriages in Raleigh. We have them from the 83.00 Carriage to the finest. When you are on the market either to buy or price, remember our store is the leader of low prices. Do not take our word but simply call and be convinced. OPEN AT NIGHT. MALL a BORDEN, R A.LEIGH, DURHAM. GQLD8B9BO SELLING IS STRICTLY BUSINESS. WE SHADE THE PRICE OF ALL OTHERS IN OUR LINE. Fpolar Qdf at Fopolar Pricss POPULAR GOODS are the styles and kinds that please. POPULAR PRICES are cash prices, which means most goods for least money. Our Trade was Never Larger, Our Stock was Never vlore Inviting. Our Prices were Never so Low. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, COATS and CAPES. WORTH brands our goods "HONEST QUALITY." FASHION pi onounces them the " O lis EOT STYLES." ECONOMY recommends our EXTRA VALUES. ,$7,500 WORTH OF DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Specialties in Black Dress Goods at 39c All-wool Dress Fabrics, yard wide, 25c. Fifty-inch Fine Wale Serges, blue and black, 48c. Habit Clothes for Capes, exclusively our own, 68c. Shirt Waist Silks, 18, 25, 80, 86 and 50c up. J4.306 WORTH COATS. CAPES and J A CKETS the latest, fala In a.11 thnlr loveliness, STYLE and BEAUTY. Prices 2.5u, 8.50, 5.00, 6 00, 7.60, 9 00. 10.00 nn. (4,700 WORTH STAPLE and DOMESlii, GOOD We are selling today Bleached Domestics, Brown Sheetings, Southern Silks, Homespun Plaids and i araleigh Ginghams at the MILL PRICES. Get our quotations before you spend a cent. It may save you dollars. b,ooo in jriH n auvns to select rrom. heguiar lines from reputable manu facturers. The cleanest, slickest, smoothest and best wearing Shoes on this market. Every pair warranted to us and by us to you. C. A. Sherwood & Co. Let He Tell You, Furniture nowadays Isn't what it need to be. - There's been a vast improve ment in my time, and the change has been as much for increased comfort as for greater style la designs and ele gance in upholstering. Recent changes are manifest improvements, of which fact we claim that our exhibit is the demonstration. We carry a compre hensive stock Including all lines, snd invite attention to our prices. We bsve no leader; every article 'we offer leads in both quality and price. Every thing is marked to insures ready sale. Come and see for yourself and we feel sure vou will loin the multitude in saying that our stores are headquarters for the LATEST. BEST and MOST STYLISH GOODS and .for low PRICES. Thomas & Taxwell. . ; Novilw for CASH C. I. FANCY GROCERS, S03"F"avetteville St. Just received a shipment of Soda Crackers, Milk Lunch, Oyster Crack ers and ( akea ALL FBaSH. Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Oak Flakes, Hominy Flakes, large and small Hom iny. Preserves by the pound or in bot tles at very low prices. Fresh Eggs, Chickens and Turkeys always on hand. OUR MEATS ARE THE BEST Swift's Orioles Ham and Breakfast Bacon always In stock. W handle tbe best brands of Coffee only, Momaja, Mocba and Java. Arbnckle's snd Lev crings E. L. C. are Qur brands, H. J. Heinx's Sweet and Sour Pickela Always la stock: strictly the best Our Flours an ACME, ' DANT ALLEY SUPERLATIVE, .. NORTH STATE and DEsOTA are ths names. Money refunded it any of the above brands do not suit, v . t ... - j - -, ' , Fresh Sansaig-e " ! (AU pork) arriving dallv. .V-PV. - Lowest prices and prompt delivery Is -our motto. - Loose Buckwheat Be per pound, ' t bive us a trial. - ? 0. H. ANDEHSOU & CO. 4 T; V ' 'l . ! t f- i i 1 I i i, iS '.I i i i Jt

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