. J. FENCE, - City Editor. FKIDAT. NOVEMBER 15. 1895. Iadex to New AdTertlsemente. J. N. Holding Notioe of sale. H K. Par-ham & Co. Dissolution. - Amnan Wontier. Special DOticee. , Dr. Harvey Upohurob.. Notice. n.. v ientoo. special notices. : Thoma9 A Maxwell. Specials. M. C. Winston. Speoial notioe. a t) . Montague Hale of land. - W. A. Betts & Co. New factory. WEATHER FORECAST. , 1 1 I Forecast flr North Carolina I FIR Saarday Liocal ahowera fol- I lowed oy wr, cooler. . I . ,,i ,1 Votl Forecast for Raleigh and vietnUy Satavdey 'ir, ' , ' Friday, November 15th Local data for 24 hoars ending at , ft a. m. today M axtaaasa tempera- tare, s nmiaaa temperatare, aa; Rain-tall. 0.01. PERSONAL. Mr. C. A, Petty, of Charlotte, is here. Kiss De Vane, the Park. of Goldsboro, is at - Mr. aad Mrs. J. A. Green, of Loala-1 barg, are la the elty. We art pleased to annoonse that Marshal 0. J. Carroll's condition is Inv proved. Mrs. H. W. J. Nelson, kbs Miss Alice Ones is visiting Mrs. W. P. Whitaker. Mrs. T. B. Jones aad her mother Mrs. Davis left for Washington, D. C yesterday morning. Wants to Know the Reason Why. In regard to the statement that the Raleigh and Gaston Road is in excellent oonditlon, the Wilmington Messenger says: This la good news to many women and children and other stockholders all along the ninety-eight miles, who have not received a cent in dividends in nearly threelong years. That road is indeed an excellent one, with the best of warehouses and a ballasted road, and heavy iron rails, and it never fails to make an excel lent showing in earnings. Its main fanlt Is it makes no dividends with its fine showing and large net earn ings. Why? Many much interest ed people would like to "know the reason why?" Visit "Denton's." a cood Hire dbss. In friendship meet and enjoy a social glass. Superior wines and choice old liquors too. imported anddomestlc "JSd keeps for you The best place in Balelgh, bear in mind. Denton's Vuropean House yon will find Elegant Bestaurant in connection, too, none-excelled meals "lid" serves to you. Tourists, residents and stranners. all On "Kd' at 311 Fayetteville st should call Hlgnt or day to "Denton s,' a visit pay, See his place while in town today. Please yon certainly ''Denton" always can, a is nonse is ran on tne miropean piai When feeling hungry, tired or dry Sd V. Denton all wishes can supply. Grand Matinee Tomorrow. There will' be a special school chil- areas matinee tomorrow afternoon at 119 Fayetteville street to seethe Afri can wonder, the largest serpent ever captured and other trained animals and talking birds. The African wonder will give to each child a nice present free. Admission only five cents, and as it is for the benefit of the St. Paul church, everybody should attend; for it is instructive and very interesting. Dr. Harvey C. Upohuroh, Has begun the practice of medicine and surgery in this city and offers his services to the citizens of Raleigh and vicinity, umce at no. uawson street. A LI Ting Cariosity. Only two davs more to see the Afri can wonder, the greatest living curios ity id tne worm. For Bale. On easy terms my residence, No. 487 Halifax street; contains eight rooms, with hot and cold water; kitohen and servants' room. Good stable and car riage house. Possession given January Dlaaolation of Copartnership. The arm of Barbae A Thompson is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Alt A Thompson retiring. The business will be continued by Mr. . a. Mar oee. (Signed) E.B.BABBEE, ALF A. THOMPSON. Baleigb, Jf . C, Oct 30, 1806. Under the advice of my physician I have concluded to retire temporarily uuiu u ubui cm ana oeg to coraiaiiy commend Mr. E. tt. Barbee. who con tinues the business of Barnes A Thompson, to the patrons of the old firm. My connection with Mr. Barbee is severed with sincere regret Hot only as partners, but friends, our relations have been, without exception, thor oughly cordial. With every facility for conducting the business, an entire knowledge of the wants of the trade, and a fixed intention to give value re- tniveiL were is every reason to assure uiuee u. teres ea uataealines with Mr. .oaruew wiupe entirely satisfactory, $ " iKs' Aur A, Thokpsoh. - I desire to thank our patrons for past favors and solicit a continuance or tne same witn the assuranoe that I : J www wu ytBi3 Itlieiil. .. ' . .- Bakbk. , Dissolution of Copartnership. ' will nn tnv km, ,a . .1 Tkeflnaof B.B. Parh&m' Co., it dissolved by atutoal raaeat Mr. Taneey will ontinoe the earriaee biulnM at Harr' hta ntaiul M, Farnam will eontnio the nrery business at Tucker's HUbles (Lee's old stand). . All those tDdnbted to B. B. Parham ft Co.. wm settle with T. B. Yancey and lie will any an In-1 dbteIness the said firm of B. K. Parti am a Oo. B. X. PABHA.M. T. B. IANCBT. Kovenilr: 4,1(98. ..... I 'J rMTfl i Tbomas & Maxwell invite yon at their J'ICllUti.v. store to eall, . - noueui kuuus iuu iuw pnces toey oner - all. ' .. ,. Original novelties in furniture, bear la mind, Marvels of beauty at their store you'll , find. . A parlor, bedroom, or a kitchen ... set. ' Shades, lamberqains and curtains yon , here can get. Artistie designs in rockers of highest - grade, . : - New styles by leading manufacturers .. made. . 1 Don't make a mistake,' to Thomas & jKaxweu s go. . . Money on furniture they can save, I . Know At their mammoth, store bo sore to nalL - f i X pensive and cheap goods they have rorau. Wake county leaden they are, it's true. Everything for a home they have for vou. ' Xiiok where you will, go where you mav. Leaders in Raleigh, Thomas Max well are today. io-w. Mearloe Watte, Barber. Has removed from his old stand to 218 Fayetteville street (Oak City Steam Lanndry building ) row attention and firstrlass service secured to all customers. 14 St Nice butter 90c per pound; fresh eggs, fat chickens and turkeys, nr. a. auKen,. 143t No. li Exchange. i mav be put down as a fact that Bretsch'a crackers are better than anv that come to this market, and his bread, cakes and confectioneries are unexcelled. He is doing a tremendous wholesale business, which shows that the public appreciates the Importance or patronising a wormy nome industry, l ou always get me pest at .Bremen Foand To be a fact that Johnson & Smith can make photographs that are unsurpass ed oy any artist in tne proiession, races reasonable. ... Our Butter Cups. Peanut Brittle. Cream Almonds and Taffy are the best. e a pound. 4-iw ijarpee a rope. Agents Wanted Everywhere. sSa day. Marion Har- land s .New book. "Home oi tne uioie. Over 8,000 new photos; nearly 600 extra large pages. Just the book for the fall i holiday canvass. ho experience needed. For particulars address His torical ruD. u ., rmiaaeipoia, jra. uct 10 SI Lost Baas: Stock. RAXXIOH. N. C July 23. 1896. The undersisned hereby irives notice that she has lost, or her late husband, W. . Jd. tsmltn. nas lost, two oertin- cates of shares of the capita stock of The Citizens' Bank of Norfolk. Va. numbered 40 and 83 respectively, the farmer for three shares and the latter for twentv-two shares of said stock. and wishes them returned to her if found. Mbs. Mabt O. Smith, Executrix of W. :N. H. Smith. oct!9 am Deceased, Baleigb, N. C Madam Besson desires to call the at tention of the public to her new stock of fall and winter Millinery for ladies. misses and children. Infants' cans. sacques, notions, etc. ootid For Rent. Two office rooms, second floor, over drag store. Apply to J. uai aobbitt. r-narmasist, is St Five Room Cottage for Rent. On McDowell street between Honran and Hargett. Possession can be bad immediately. Apply to B. P. William- son. novu-tt We are now making-in their nerfee tlon the original Peanut Brittle and Butter Cuds. We Invite comparison with other makes. BOYSTEB. No Hands No Hsnds Have been busier than ours have of late. And what dolngf Closing oat the business of D. T. Swindell, de ceased. Sad Work, Indeed, Sad Work, Indeed,, To have to sacrifice this magnificent stock of goods, bat it must be dons and that AT ONCE. Step in here aad participate in the CI BEAT 8LAUGH TEB. For lo One oake of pureeastile soap, which others ask you 6 for. For 8c Three cakes (one box) Batter- milk and Cneumber soap, worth to anyone lfie. For 11.36 Men's pore tram coats. sises 8 to 6. all new and well made. This -coat would be cheap at $3.00, bnt we want to sell them. or lue Boys' extra heavy school or bicycle hose, doable kne and high spliced heel. They would be sheap at 86c. For 10c Jewelry of all kind! that sold for SO, 35, 80, 85 aad 50c: call buttons, scarf pins, stud buttons, ; ear -drops, breast pins aad many others. r ail for lOs. ' . . , - -MRS. EMMA K. SWINDELL, : Executrix. NOTICE OF SALE. Byvirtneof authority conferred upon me by twottgBMOtsot Wake Superior Court rendered at lehrnary aad October terns, use. la aa ao tk whereui W. O. TJpcharea was plain tlS and W. a Maynard and others were defendants, I wm sell at public outcry to the highest Mdder, tor cash, at uecoort sense doerof Wake county, on If today, the ssth day of December, lass, at the boor oT U o'clock, hl, a tract at land sttn- ated la said county of Wake, adjoining the buds of B V. Carpenter, A. O. Jonas, Nathaniel al stosuaadothen containing S3 acres and I poles, and bounded as follows t Beginning at a stake in Nathaniel Alston's line nine tbenee aontb 1 1-1 degrees west M.poies to the centre of tbeRtta boro road ; thence eastwardly with said road 1ST poles; thence anrtk 44 degrees east at pole to a take and point era; thence sooth SS IS degrees west 3t poles to tae beginning; name being the land conveyed to Sarah a. Maynard by AUea aynard and wife, by deed, recorded In the Begirt! efflee of Wake comity, tn Book SO, at pageMl.;:f:;;Vi'i .;-- --'V'.'- "-s ::,v;?i.;y. n. holding A: ..i;4t'-'... Comkismobxb. This, November 1KB. '-' -' O". " WArJTED-A!! IDEAoTioMS t x yoa wertlh- )rVrita Joii WmiIm- ii i:i , T TO.. r'Hrjnt AttIFnBVIL WsaSUiiIaaVtaaal. D, U tot liuur fUtWO jkrua our t. Wanted. . An honest, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable established house. Salary 1780, payable $16 weekly and ex penses. Situation permanent. Refer ences. Enclose aeli-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, 316 Omaha Building, Chicago, nol-lm For choice meats go to Thomas Don aldson's. Stall No S, Market house. Telephone 180. . ,.- oct30aw. Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dressmaking at their home, 607 North Wilmington street. Perfect tit and satisfaction guaranteed. ocu ID Wanted. A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established house. Salary 1780, payable $16 weekly and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. H, JS. HKtitt. Jfresldent, Chicago, Come AND Examine The handsomest Steel Bang made. It is' " "THE JEWEL." - -.- .... . .. . , ..... , . . See our new - Bissell Grates "Wehav . i 3 Bicycles On easy terms " T Baby Oarriafires At a out prion. - X'hos. ii. Briggs & Sons, RaXxieBtN C sept S7-lv CROWN LAVENDER POCKET SALTS, With or without the KID PURSES. LaVBWDKB, CRAB-AFPLn Matsckita. ODOBS : Blossom. Violkttk and Lilac. Jas. r.lcKimmon & Co IIIAt,lVIACISTS, 189 FayattevlUe St., Balelgh. N. a 1 La Garciosa Five Gent Clfirar. In pi icing the above named CSgar before the-public, we feel j istifled in stating that it latins Acme of Perfection. It will seldom be equalled and never excelled. Try one. fi IV. II. KIKG & C0., Sole Agents for Raleigh. - H , Bnyler's Candy fresh every week. 9 NEEDLE TOE 7 9 OPATENT LEATHER TIP6 I BUTTON SH0ES.I Q 8TYLISH AND D0BABLB. O 9 ONLY 9 V 62.25 0 A APAI&. I 9 HELLER BROS. 9 6 RBGULAB 8H0B STOBB. O NEW CANDY .FACTORY Where ere manufacture d the very latest Candies Bock ' '' WALNUT HUGAT, -. - ?KCA5 NUOAT . - - " CALIFORNIA BOSS CBBW1NQ CANDIES ; - - "' These goods are made satirely of " Sweet TVTil ,Tc;'- Also PBANHT BKITTLB. . . To be soaviaeed, give a a trial. All of oqraendfoiearaSOeperpoBad i Reapretfnlly, v , ' w.A.BEnsaco. j H Hargett Street 15-Iw - ' ' .-'- r , ' CHILDREN 'LOVE RICCAN'S 'TOY,. They ro in smilinar. tro out amilins? and even Dasa the door, look in and smile. Because there is where Santa Clause gets his things. Because it is the best and cheapest place. Get the most for the least money 188 FAYETTEVILLE 8T. OTTER IS HERE! And people begin to realise-the importanee of oar mammoth stoek aad are. drawing thrir supplies liberally therefrom. . Bsylog la made easy here so - over-eharges, ao . shoddy analltles, ao half-way assortment aad everything marked in plain figures . (and us lowest) to sll Honey back on the slightest proToratlon. Consnlt out stock of - ... - L OTBBCOATS- to 90. SUITS All the latest shapes at oar ' : prises, not as diststed by : others, sad aa invariable savtng of at leastll. - . UNDKBWBAB Many attractive ' prises oa weighty Under - wear. Complete stoek from ' the smallest to the largest. NBCKWBAB Beet SSe sad 60s Neekwesr la the Bute. O. & D. Berwanger. Miftm ihttiit? t?! hi fi IMPORTED - O n O o 0) 0 I AND- : KEY WEST, CIGARS p : ( . r i 1 f . I carry ia stoek the followlag eelebrated f and popular brands i - I MANUEL GARCIA (Imported) - ' - ELIPRINCIPE DK GALES (3 sites.) LA MARGANA. FLOR DE MADRID. . . Y LA PATRICIA. ' . HEM AN CORTEZ, - - 1UKKISH CIGARETTES, (Casioo Sapcrlor.) ; . ' STRAIGHT CUT CIGARETTES:" B F.GRAVELET'fl SUPERIOR (POUND8) TOBACCO. ' STJRBRUG'S GOLDEST SCEPTRE . (Mixture) Smoking Tobaooo. la short, I res supply the ssoat fastid-. , tone eoasamerof Tobaeeo, in any form. (0 at o 09 e B 0 E'9 . ei g S J. HAL BOBBITT, ' PHARMACIST. . . Hi rrnuiUMjiuiuiuiuiuiiiMiiuiiiru V k..l,,,,,t,.i l.iiailail.i t , ,.. ncITmn, IT. 0., Kov. 11, 1C5. Julius ; Lewis Hardware . Co., Ealeigh, N. 0. Gentlemen: Send quick a "King Heater," small size, with pipe. Send small est heater , you have, bu quick; we are freezing. ' (SIGNED) ' ' ' This Is a copy of an order we received this rooming. Everybody knows that with a "Bagey King Heater" there no freezing. MUCH HEAT LITTLE WOOD" JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE ; COMPANY. OT 4 u . t ' , - - do you; y; :s see clearly? If not come and examine oar stock of Eye Glasses and Spectacles. We have just added this line and have some very attractive prices about half what yon nave paid neretoiore. COMB AND EXAMINE THEM. HiCKS - St 'SOGERS, - prescription OraeRlsta. THE Connecticut Mutual 'Is now offering to insurers the very best forms of insurance that can be written, providing as they do both pro tection and investment ODon the and lowest peaslble terms. Attention Is respectfully called to its . ; "LOW : BATE ENDOWMENTS at eft. 66. TO and 76. with Cash Surrender Values in 10, 16, etc., years, the best and most desirable Endowment Insur ance ever issued. Life and Limited Life Policies also contain large Cash Surrender Values, stipulated in the policies and forming a part of the eon It maintains a higher 'standard of solvency than is employed by any other company or. any aiaie ueparunem in this country, having in 1882 voluntarily suupiflu a . - , t - 3 Per Cent Reserve thus making Its contracts the safest and most valuable ever offered. All policies are by their, terms non- rorreiUDie aner two or wree pa merits, not even reauirinsr surrender i mm of Ibdsa. and suah colicies Dartiol pate in annual dividends. The Cash Surrender and Paid Up' values are plainly stated In each policy, thus avoiding all misunderstanding or dis appointment The agents of the Com pany respectfully solicit- correspond enoe with anyone desiring further in formation. Good, conservative ageots wanted in each county. - a , " 5.. D. WAIT, - s . Geaeral Agents lalelgh. Sale ef Land Under Deed of Trust Rvvii me by a certain deed of trust, executed by John W. Kyals and wife and Nancy A. Britt, which said deed is duly re corded in Begistry of Wake county, in Book 97 at Page 510, 1 will offer for sale at the court house door in the city of Ettleith, M. C, to the highest bidder lor easa on ssunuay, iwceuiuer xo, 1805, at 12 o'clock m- the tract of land descrlDed in aaiu oeeo, lying in aaia county and State and Panther Branch Townahin. adioinins tbe lands of Geo. Parti u. L. J. Weathers and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on Little Creek, thence north 4 degrees east 4 chains and 8S links to a stake; thence south 87 degrees east 14 chains and 44 links to a stake; thence north 88 degrees west 49 chains to a stake on Juniper Branch; tbeu?edown the hranch to Little I WK: thence down same tt the beginning, contain? log 101 1-S acres, more or less, - n e. BUHiAuua irustcw. i Baleigb. K. C, Kov. 18, '&. l8-s m mn? nminHt? S3 US eMsaaW IS S2 ti ZZm PS 0 or" in 1 14 E.G7 r.lARYi:: CT OUR SALES LAST MONTH WERE AHEAD : OF LAST YEAR. WE ARE THE BUSIEST STORE IN THE CITY, Bat we want a still greater patronage, and with this objeit In view and with our increased facilities ia baying and selling goods, ' WE ARE NOW THE TALK OF THE TOWN. J i SOME OP OUR BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK s ' ...... V,',:: . '' ......,.-..- Como Curtain Talk - Lot No. 1. S yards long, 7o a pair. . Lot No. ft. S yards long, 1 00 pair. .. Lot No. $. 1-S yds long, (1 60 p'r. Lot No. . B 1-S yds long, $.108 p'r. : Lot No. S, 4 yards long, $3 78 pslr. One lot of Chenille Cnrtalos, a.S8. Window Ghados. ' 900 Window Shades, spring rollers, Sfie, . SCO Window Shades, spring rollers, 60s. - ' , Blanket Gale? . 10-4 white BlankeU, 1 00 a pair. 10-4 white Blsnleta, 1 50. .-, - ' .10-4 whlU Blankets, $3 95. s ' i " '10-4 white Blankets, $S 50. ' . . ' ; 10-4 eolored Blankets. $100. - " Oilk Velvet., " r i u 6 - All shades, (1 a yard, worth tl 60. Jardiniero A largs msnufsotnrer has sent as a lot to be sold- They art very ehtap. Boy ' one before the assortment ' Is broken. - 600 dosen Ladies' three for 6 cents-. , Bsndkerehlefs Fine Millinery Goos 100 dosea Bailors, ia 90. 86. 85. 60. 75e eseh. ' , - 50 Lillian Baseeil Sailors. Frenea II yon want a Bait Of Clothes made of Saltings. We ean save yoa 85 per kladsof rspairing aad eleaalag doae OAK CITY STEAEI LADDDRY ' .216 FAYETTEVILLE StrcstY .Cuffs'. A SPECIALTY. We do the Best Work and nave thuWt nii.rv flfvA nm m trial nA ma : imaMnlaa fn .1--. , ' T page & SPECIAL HORSE AND COW FEED. : We are selllns the beat fTonw anrl flmar VmA Ia ha ho nr. An grinding and. mixing, using L. B. WrATTs FOBMULA. We use nothins- out ine nest Material. l"rv it we also grind Corn, Peas and Oats at . TJESmwTS Page aiid CAN .lt be TRUE! Tbe Prwa-Visitor claims to go tw glad to know It, atd that" a wby I Want to Say Right Here That I will be glad for every family who sees this to call oa me for any thing io the Drug Line at either of my Stores. . R. S. John Comer W iioaingioa and Martin Streets and FayelUivLIe acd Lartlo. belt. $1, worth $1.60. 100 piejes Bibboa, lOi yd, worth 10s .100 blsek Plumes, 60s, worth 75e. Aa elegsat vsriety of Csps for girls , aad boys, from S5 np. ' Muslin Underwear Department : , 900 ladies' white Aprons, SSe esob. , 800 ladles' Night Bobes from 86e np. nibbed Underwear - Ladles' Bibbsd Vest, SOs, worth 80c ., Lsdies' wool Bibbed Testi 60s, ' worth 76s. - . " - Gent's wool. Bibbed Vests, 60a' worth 75s. - . - - , Dross Goods : About Dress Goods we ssy that oar stoek is Brst-slsss and as ebeap as tbe ' eheapest. r , r . Cloaks and Capes Oa these goods we hare had large sales, because we sell them cheaper . ths.n any other house ia town, Crockery Dep't ; ; 95 Toilet worth 94.60. Sets, tea pieees, $9.98 - -t in fl rat-alma afVIa InA n i .b,,V eons, and give yoa a first eUse St. ' A II '' at short notice. ' - - ' v WO0LL0OTT & SON. " "eT ' ' w , wew. ws MUM MJU wIO Marshall; Prop's 10 cents per hundred. 4 Y k- - GASH. Y . flarshall every family in tlaleigh. Welt, Fm --'."' V. P. MaoE