m. irnnTK'O". IP TOU WANT iD READ THE HEWS TAKE THE PRK88 VISITOR, IT GIVES IT. '. AUVEKTISK IS THE FRKS8 IBITOK TO REACH EVERY FAMILY IS RALEIGH. Jill . -LL.U. rTWJTTTT' VOL. XXXIV.-KO. i: lls.uLL Horrible Massacre '-by Mas sulmans at Klarput EIGHT HUNDRED KILLED And America Mlsalon House ' - Burned The Missionaries . ' VHtugaltoGMtpc'r-, Bt C&bla to tlx Press-Visitor, X Costastiom,bV Not. 18. About -1V. J 1 ok-.. ' aacred by Mussulman at Kharput - The report io far reeivd bring in Wlliirenoe of th moat rul and ntro j ' & 1 fln.. ....i 1 lrtAM Indulged la all soft of crimes tad ' murdered and. robbed everyone . on whom they eould telie. . . ' Bight, out of twelve buildings be longing to the Anwrlesn mission wen burned to the ground. The mission aria effected their osps. -: (; -t. It la believe that thia laat patbreak will bring about decUIve steps, other than mar demand, by the power. Th United State may be drawn in at laat to protect her mUniontrie. . . LoBDoSj Nov. 18.-Lord Salisbury presided at a eabiaet meeting at noon. The Turkish situation waa discussed at length. , " CoitTASTiBOPia, Nov.- 10. United State Minister Terrell ha notified th Port that he wonld hold it responsi ble for the live and property of Amari. oaa sateaionarie. " ' - '.'. Bonn, Italy. lfov,l W.A dtapaUh from Norther Syria eajsthdmaeeacr of Chrlatlan occurred la th vicinity of thai town in th preseoee of 800 sol dier, who did Wot rsndsr any aif an.; Th European resident t Alei andria are In danger. ' ;ai DAUGHTER TO THE CZAR, -y : T Km m-t.K nf a' Hunt Ran And the) lesue of a Publlo Manifesto. . Bv Cablet the rreM-VtaiMrrr - St. Prni8B0Ba, iC'ii.--Aa lav perlal manifesto waa leaned today an aounciug th birth of a daughter, sub. equently to b named Olge, to Cxer nd Curia, aying:" Inasmuch a w regard thia aeeesaloa to th imperial bona aa a token of blessing vouchsafed to nor hons and empire, we notify th joyful event to all our faithful subject and join' thm . la '. offering fervent prayer to th Almighty that th newly born prlneeea may grow np in happi ness end strength. 1 The mother and child are doing well." , ,." . ,1 ' . . - Yale to Unoertaln. " 9f Telegraph te a Prsss-VWtor, . Niw Yoa, Nov. 18. There ia per fect weather for th Yale-Orange nth ltl elub football gam at Manhattan Bald thl afternoon. Both team are in good condition. Tor th flrst time ine th team nav playtd, Orang 1 thought to have a good bane of TBuinr. - Rattinv favor th latter. J :r ' mtm -.,, Happy Heir Now, . Bj Tetoaraph to tbe Pais-Tisrron. 8a FKanoiBoo, Cel., Nov. 18. Th Sharon trat expired by limitation to day. . Tha heir of th th lata , W1U liam Sharon will now com into pos session of their share of the large state. Under th will trait wa created for tea yr. th tat, how ver, not to be divided bat managed together for th benefit of th legatee. . Smith will Oome at Crisp By TeleaTaph to th Fress-Yultor. WasaniiToa, D.' C, Nov. 18. Sec retary Hoke Smith ha accepted an invitation from th Georgia legisla tare to add res that body on the Usuee -of today, and will leave for Atlanta Tneadayiwlll ttk a pronounced (tend agalnat free silvr, advoeatlngth sin gle gold atandard. ' 'f V: , . Not a Hold wp. They Bny. . Bv Teleiraph to me rusa-Viarron. .w; Nbw Yokk, Nov. 10. Pennajl- vania officials deny that a freight train waa held np joat over the river and the express oar robbed. They olaim that only a oar of oyster was entered asd oysters and oiKars taken by tramps. ' Five Failure In London. Ri ruble to the Preee-Vlsltor. London, Nov. 10 Five failures were annodnoed on the stock ex change today, the chief being Camp hnll & Campbell and. Fhilllps & Liown. , - - ' ; - Bfg Hotel Burned. By Telegrsvh to In PMse-Vlsnon. Am8terda, N. T Nov. 18. The msgniSeent hotel, Werner, eaughtflre and burned thl morning. . 72. WORKMAN POPPED A MATCH. Thl wa in a Match Factory and Coat Three Live and $50,000, By Telearaph to the Itess-VUItor. ' JDrraoiT, Mich., Nov. 10. Th fac tory of the Imperial Mth Company w boraed oat at S o'clock thia morn ing. Thr person were barned to death, Besbea Davis, flremaa. Thorns Wagner, watchman, Agne Getke, m ploree. ; The fsotory ws lojated at the corner of Pellevu avenue and Frederick atreet, and waa working a day and nightshift. Twenty-live per one, mostly Tgirl. wr in th build ing when flr brok oatj and there were many narrow eeespea. The Ore originated by an employe (topping on a match. The loe 1 150,000. Disheartening Outlook for itafftela- Bj TeleaTaph to the fiess Visitor. - f .' Dbtboit, Mloh .Nov 10. Senator Barrows-left for Washington today, saying that the outlook for legisla tion of a general character was not flattering. He expeots to seethe ap propriation bills passed, bat beyond that there will not be mnoh work of general nature. Much time will be riven the flnanoial question, the present condition of the treasury and providing measares of relief. He favors the return of a protective tarriff and tbe abolition of the prao tioe of oolleotlng' duties b . ad valorem.'." i . . . Harlborough and Bride to Ball. ; . By Telegraph to the Tnaaa-VisiTon, HoBOKtN, Nov. 18 The uuKeana Duohess of ; Marborougb who will sail on the North German Lloyd steamship, Fulda, aooompanied by Mrs. Vanderbilt," William K, Jr., and their maid and valet arrived at the pierat 10 o'olook. The Duohess was attired in plain blue serge travelling suit, and ths Daks,: also, wore dark blue. Both looked slightly aded, as if they have found that so cial festivities have begun to telLTea policemen were at the pier to pre serve order. ' ,'. V M ., Queeu Victoria Not Superstlt Iowa. ---'.' .f.- "" V-'"""- Br Oabta to lb Press-Visitor. London. Nov. 18. In drflanoe Of 1U luck it is said that oompanjr ot thirtann. with Oaaen Victoria, ar rived at Windsor today from Baimo rail, on a speoial train Of thirteen oars. There was one handsome sa loon ca.' tor the queen ; others used suite ears, and the servants used bag gage ooaohes. r. -, . - A Maryland Appoint). - By teleaaaa to the Pasat-Vmrron. - WisBUOToir, 0. 0., Nov, 10. W. W. Busseli, of Mary lead has been appoint ed Secretary -. of th Legation ; at Veneiaela, igiX "fl! 1 1 en ' i "'I' h ; yi. Steamship Solaed at Charleeton. By Teleiraph to tbePress-VWtor. ; Washington, D.U JNov.i1, oeo. reUry Carlisle has seized. the steam ship Laurada at Charleston (or hav ing taken a filibustering expedition to Cuba. J . - i. Spain Benda War Ship. ! ByOaoltomrT-Vlsltr.N -v. Madbtd. Nov. 15. The Spanish Cruiser. Knseneda and several gun' boats left the Canary Islands today for Cuba. . " i - ' - A FORGER CAUGHT. He Signed Check Promiscuously ;- and Used no Cunning. '-.. V tesUrdsy ia Durham a well dressed man giving hi nam a. Mattacks wa arreti for forging sheckson tobacco man. : It i reaaoaably rtata that he is th cam man who forged check In thU city oa Thursday on the J S. Mead ows warehouse. : Not only ths h for gery of check been don in Ealelgh and Durham, bat also In Bendsrson and possibly ia other town. ' Thursday daring the day several partlee who created suspicion hong aronnd the Meadow warehouse on th corner of Davie and BlcAint." When th elo- of buelne came, several cheeks from the cheek-book, all being nambered, were missing. On of the cheek waa pasted oa th Citisen Na tional Bank. Another wa passed on Mr. A B. Stronaeh. ' The oheck war signed: " J. 8. Meadows per WU lUnw." " Th crude forger slipped out ot town Thursday night. . The police were en to him yesterday, but h was caught at his own gam in Durham.' It is likely that h will be tried in Durham. Sev ral of Mr." Meadow' blank cheek war found on hi pereoa.. ' : - Maure. Rnrall A Borden are now offering great bargain in handsome furniture. Call and ee what they are ahowiag. .' RALEIGH,- N. C. SATURPAY EVENING. FUNERAL OF J)R. DURHAM. LeadinsT BaptlsU were . Present ; Boay Enterred In Oakwood. The funeral servlosa of the late Dr. C. Dor ham ooourrrd from tbe First Baptist Church this afternoon. The large seating capacity of the church was taxed by the many peo ple who went to do reverence to the lamented Baptist 1 Part of the oon execration was oomposed of ; Wake Forest people and there were others present from surrounding towns. The muBio was simple and Im pressive.' lr. J, w. uarter, pastor of the church was the oflBolating minister. He was assisted . by. Dr. Simms And - others, frayer was offered bj the Rev. Dr. Thos. X. 8klnner. , ' . . r - Dr. Gwaltney- of i Wake Forest spoke of Dr. Durham's relation to Wake Forest College. - Dr. Haff- ham spoke of Dr. Durham's great labor for state missions. ' . , Funeral exercises were oonduoted at the grave In Oakwood Cemetery. The pall-bearers were Messrs. C. J. Hunter, H. L. Watson, J. D Bou shalL J. H. Alford, J, 8. Allen, J. T. Pollen. D. H. Young, and J. B. Brewer. Dr. C. E. Taylor, President of Wake Forest College, regretted very much that he oould not remain in the olty to attend the funeral, but he left for New York on the morning train to fill an engagement made two weeks ago, - , ' Among the Baptist ministers who were here to attend the funeral were Dr. Huffham, of Shelbys Dr. ttwalt ney, Dr. Prltohard, Rev. T. Hart well Edwards, Rev. J. BLHowell. Others were expected on the afternoon trains ' orrv IN BRIEF. Dr. 0. B. Taylor, President of Wake Forest College delivered a lecture lsst night oa manhood and womanhood to th students of Shaw Unlvrity. On mor poor, sad-eyed eonvlat cam slonohlng along in th rear of a sheriff to the penitentiary today. H, howvr. wa on to whom the horror of aovelty had worn off in the matter of iron bars, Mr. George FrrUt of th Agricul tural Department, Is making np th mailing lift of th next Bulletin. The task ia a long one, ae th heavy mail ing machine mast be thumped down 10,000 time. .S':S Mrs, W, H. J. Nelm. who. aa Mia Alls Gum, was known a one of the State's most accomplished and popular young ladies, ia in -the city, th guest of Mr. W, P. Whiuker on V ayatt. villa etreet. - . "v';-. " Th University of North Carolina football team plays Blaeksborg College aondlas Virginia lvn to day. The Tar Heels hope and confi dently axpeat to ran np a big score. Jo WhiUker ; it now, permanently located a fall-back of th 'Varsity, t John Willtamaonod Bev. B H. W. Leak spent aeveral of the on warmed morning hoar against a telegraph pole In front of the Citlien' bank. Politic and of dark hue wa their thsm, bat a pal faoed reporter eould atah nothing. of thi latest plot cov ered with a cloud of mystery aa dark as It author's face. 1 Announcement ia mad ia aothr column that Dr. Harvey Upchnreh ill locate in Rakish in the praotle of medicine. Dr. Upohnroh I a young geatlemaa of Bn qualitie and is in vary Way folly qualified and equipped to ptaetieu medicine. He graduated with honor t on of th leading medical institution-nd ha ' inee bean dolfag hospital work, astqulring vsluabl obeervatloa and experience. is with peculiar pleasure that w tnnoun Dr. Upcbarch' intention to praetie medieine in thia eityv : Oil to bcfttold by th Pound. The Standard Oil Company has out a new wrinkle. E rer sinoe oil has been used people have been bur ing it by the gallon, half gallon and quart, as other liquids are sold, but now oil will be Bold by the pound, The Salisbury Herald ; wants to know whether or not the tnff will be cut off In blooks or siloes, like meat and cheese, or whether it will be furnished in pound cakes, like butter. ; . -1 Governor Can today received from prominent oltlzen of Norfolk, but a former North Carolinian and Raletithlte. a letter enclosing a dls- natch from Texas to the effect that Governor Culberson bad appointed a committee from the State at-Iarge to desizn clans through which to so. onre funds for an appropriate testl- ; monial to the ship named after that SUte.' - COTTON UPAGA1N ATLAST The Staple Advances Nine Points Today. SPOT BUSINESS GOOD Manchester Spinner are Bald to " Be Bare of. Raw ' Material.' '-f Bp Mel to th Press-Visitor. . f - x:z ... ; . Naw Tou, Nov. 19. J, T th tarprle of th trade. Lives- pool opened 1-8 4. lower and tar1 mediately Improved nnder an aettv demand for ootton . by M anchef tei spinners, closing tedy at 1 to 8-84 d. higher than yesterdsy. 7 That demand from spinners eonfirms oar advice of yeeterday. that th Manchester market was ' deddadly mor cheerfoli' and spinners wer dis posed to bay freely. Today oar cablet ay tha ale should hav been 90,000 bale Instead of 14,000 as officially re ported i and that they expected th English aplnnera will continue to be free buyer at present prices.' If the continental demand increases in a (imllar proportion, w may look for npport to prices from a source loSg laeklng. It 1 evident that th decrease in the Visible Supply of eotton aa compared with that of the lsst four seasons at th same time, is causing the spinners to aonsidar whether it might not be well to obtain at least a portion of their supplies when tbe ultimate out turn of th crop la (till Io doubt Th temper of th trade ia, howevar, till bearish, baaed upon tha tdea that the ball speculation for the year ia over, and that it will be found that tbe crop has been largely underesti mated - Calculations of th probabla error ia the burin's figures of yield per sore, as given in the Chronicle thia morning, are the Same aa wa called attention to when the report was published ( Via: that it indicated anything from 0,500,000 bales to 8,000, 000 bale, depending opon the bias of th statistician; We . anticipate . e continued good demand in Liverpool next week, and a higher market. HOSbabd Baoe. & Co. New York and Liverpool Market. Nsw Tobx, i Nov? ;10 In eon sequence or yesterday aeoiine in New York Liverpool futures declined 4-64 at the opening, bat re covered all the loe end closed steady at an sdvane of 1 l-S-04 aa eompared with yesterdsy' a cloae; f; The apot bnai- aess waa very gooat sales, i,uwj bales, of whloh 18,000 balea Amerioan, 1,600 bale for export and speculation) middling, 4 15-83, firm. New York opened 10 points up and alosed about 0 point higher than yterday, .V;;:-: '- Sal 187,700 bals. , Cable from Livrpopl aay that th present cheap prlo for eotton attraete the attention of Manebester spinners who ar aald to be bare of raw material. Th spot aalea in Liverpool during the list week show that Manchester ia baying very freely and continental spinner will not heeitat to follow thai example of Lancashire. - . Should the spot demand in Liver pool contiou on a liberal eale, and the political situation not become more complicated, an improvement In the price of eotton msy De en. JJears are fighting tha advene. Ciold ex- porta, which are predicted for nxt weak, may help th bears to a rtaia extent The export of eotton to tu rop has o far bean very limited, ind the cnpply of eotton bill Is very much felt U Nw Tork. , ' " Estimated receipts, 88,000 bales. 47,000 laat year.-. On Monday we shall hav to compare with 71,000 last yean Tueeday, 70,000 1 Wednesday, 49,0COi Thursday, 41,000 Friday, 00,000. Option closed a follows! November, 8.10 to 8.18 December, 8JU to 8.J8t January, 8.18 to 8.17 1 February, 8.90 to 8.89 1 March, 8.98 to 8.88 1 April, 8.80 to 8.81 May, 8.84 to 8.8S t June, 8.87 to 8.88 July, 8 89 to 8.40i August, 8.40 to 8 48 j Septom- ber, 1898, 8.04 to 8 08 , .- Chioago Oral Market. ;. Chicago, Nov. 18. Grain quotations loaad to-day a follow! - Wheat December, 67 8-8 1 My, 81 8-8. Cora Deembr, 97 8-4 1 May, 808-8, - Raleigh Cotton Market. . Saturday, November lflth Good middling. 7 7-8 to 8. ' Btriet middling, 7 8-4 to 7 7-8. V NOVEMBER 16, 1895. . THE KINO'S DATJGHTKB8 "i : Held Their Annual Meeting Teeter-day-rReport and Election of Offl- . oera. ' .The annual meeting of the King's Daughters was held yesterday after noon at the Sunday School rooms of Edenton Street Methodist Churoh. Mrs. Hayes presided at the meet ing in the absence of the president, Mrs. Kendriok. v Tbe annual address by Mrs. Hayes was flrst read, giving l detailed so- eonnt of the work of the order for the past year. Mrs- Hayes' report gave some inter. esung statistics. During tbe year she made 1,000 visits; bine hundred needy persons were assisted. An es pecial effort has been made during thftyeSr to obtain homes and em. ployment for persons out of work; and in food, wood, clothing, medi cine, burial for the dead, nurses for the sick, and In majiy ways tbe worthy noor have been assisted by these noble women. The ladies desire to return thanks to those who have helped them dur ing the year in monthly pledges. The reports of the different circles for the year were read. They showed that the members had been active and had done a great work for the order. After the reading of these reports, the following officers were elected for the ensuing yesr : . Mrs. W. B Eendriok, president. Miss MoVea and Mrs. J. W. Car ter, vice presidents. Miss Annie Hill, treasurer. Mrs. W. S. Primrose was unani mously elected to succeed Miss Eliza Moore, resigned, as secretary. Capt. C B. Denson made an excel lent talk, and called speoial attention to the work of Mrs. Hayes. , Tbe audienoe repaired to the Mis sion rooms where a reception was tendered them. Tbe evening was pleasantly spent Those Storm Doors at the Poetoffloe. There is a complaint which every citisen in Baleigb has against the United States government, and it re remain with th postoffiee authorities to remedy the cause. It i those storm doors at th main entrant of th postofnoe,, which cause so muob troabl and vexation of spirit. A par son cannot enter the postoffiee without an over-shadow Ing fear that one of thoae large doors will be pushed or swung against him. Usually th door hit th head in preference to other part of th body. According to tha present arrange mnt th door are a nuisance. Glass panels with wire protection eould be pat in the top pannel of the doora at a very email eost. It is to be hoped that some action will be taken. On the Rialto. The Virginia towns are turning out small houses to theatrical attractions and as a lesult some of them are shy of the South. One company tele graphed Manager Mears to oancel the date here Richard's and Pringle's minstrels which has the great Billy Eersands as an attraction is in this section and Manager Meares is trying to get them here. Gorton's Minstrels will be here next month. Agnes Villa is the next attraction. Raleigh people are hungry for ao at traotion and will doubtless be out in full foroe. Gorman Waa a Plenty for Him. News A Observer. ' John B. Morris, tbe non-delegate to the Drummers' Congress at Atlanta, passed through yesterday afternoon Senator Butler arrived on the same train. "Tea, Marlon Butler waa on this train." seld tha bright traveler and writer, "bat I want you to under stand that I didn't ehaperone him.',' 1 Tabernacle Service. . Dr. J. D. Huffham, of Shelby, for merly f Tarboro, will preaoh for fac tor Slmms at th Tabarnacl tomorrow. Dr. Huffham waa th. first . pastor th Taberhaelehad and his colaborers and friend will be glad to see and hear him again. Th public I Invited. . . - Masonic . Hiram Lodge No. 40 A. F. & A. M. will meet in regular communica tion Monday evening November 18th at 7:1 9 o'olook. Visiting breth ren are oordially invited. By order of W, W. WniSON, W, M. ; E. B. Thomas, Beo. . vis the Hows SaTe." This is tha subject for discussion at at th T. M. C. A. room tomorrow -at 4 o'clock. Every man in town I ia vlted to hear th topic Good muie. T. H. Brlgg. pakw. - - Wagon ar moving fallen from th Cjpitol gronnds today, leaVea IN THE MAYOR'S COURT. Yeeterday waa a Bad Day with How. land George Oroa Again. " B. H. How-land, a timid oountry sport with a sad eyed expression was in tbe Mayor's Court today, Howland awoke this morning from a weary Jag with two charges pre ferred against him in tbe Court Several witnesses testified that he was drink yesterday at the depot and was also indecently exposed Howland said the 16th of November was an entire blank in his mind. Mayor Buss taxed him 86 and oosts as an admonition to keep his wits together in the future. Howland had an ugly razor and a big ball dog pistol on his person when arrested, so the charge of C. C. W stared him in the face. In his failure to thoroughly satisfy the Court that be had a good reason for oarrying the implements of war, he was sent on to Court under a 826 bond. Mayor Russ asked Howland what brand of liquor be had been drink, ing. "Corn" said the prisoner. '"The wonder is that you did not do worse" responded his honor. George Cross is something of a juggler. He touched a Wilmington street habitue for a shirt and a bot tle which oontained a quart of liquor. Now George is in jail awaiting Court. His bond Is 850. The Next Attraction at the Academy Is "Agnes Wallace Villa, in Frank Harvey's tear drawing, heart-ren dering melodrama of English country and oity life. The World Against Her' is tbe attraction at the Academy next Friday night and as the play is one of that olass which appeals to the feminine heart, a large audienoe will doubtless be recorded. The World Against Her is vastly differ ent from the average emotional melodrama of the present day. Tbe story of a wife placed in a question able light, through no fault of her own; the indignation of her husband, who oasts her off; her lonely strug gle for existence and battle to prove her innocenoe, and the final triumph of right and justice over vlllanlry, has been told over and over again in many different ways, and the play Is only one version of this story. It is played by a strong oast, the mem bers of which as a rule, do effective work." Taxation or Churches In Raleigh. Bev. D. H. Tattle, pastor of Central Methodist church, writes as follows in this wsek'a Christian Advocate: 'The last Legislature pat the fol lowing clause in Baleigh's new oharter That all real and personal property, whether held and owned by churches, religious organisations or societies, shall be taxed ' This shows which way ths wind is blowing. What good can resultr Will not valuation of shureh property be nearer eorreot? Will not oar disposition to boast bs frost-bitten? Will not thia result in less dependence on wealth, and yield plainer preaching of the goepv). See at once Bx. 91:8, and Deut 16:19. Do we not need something to bring us back to the aavlng simplicity of apos tolic times Bom. 8:88." Football this Afternoon. The football teams of the University of North Carolina and the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College, will meet in Charlotte this afternoon. Both teams are unusually strong and have been playing exceedingly well thia aeason. The Virginivboys have defeated every team met this season, excepting that of the Univenity of Virginia. The Tar Heels bsve not met a tingle defrat and only one team to far haw been able to score against them. In on game,, at Sewanee, Ten., the result was a tie, 0 to 0, but tha regular University players were laid up from bruiaea. Will Wynne on HI Bike. Will Wynne was to have rode a bi- cyole down one of the chutes at ths Atlanta Exposition yesterday after noon. . Th Constitution say: "it 9 o'clock Friday a daring race will be witnessed at th chutes. Wil liam A. Wynne, th champion trick bteyelht, will deaeend th ehntea In race with one of the boeta It will he a seane of thrilling excitement. The feat ha Barer been accomplished. Mr. Wynn arrived in th city last night." v Sportsmen report that bird-shooting Is better now than Was th ease at the opening of tha Mason. Bird ar ap parently a anmaroa, and ar aow mack bettor grown. Mr. Charles Hla ton, ot th Executive offle. who I a crack shot, went ont yesterday and to day brought Ms Excellency a beautiful feathered preaent. saooPER year: NEWSGATHEREDINADAY Condensed and Pat in a Bead able Form. . FACTS AND GOSSIP. Interestingly Told a Ploked wp on the Street and Various Point A Dour Town. Mr. Grossman ha the thank of th T. M. C. A. for hla donation of a game of dominoes. The ladies' mission circle of th King' Daughter gve an Informal reception yesterday at th minion room of th order, which was largely attended. City Clerk Smith and the Board of Equalisation, composed of Messrs. W. JT. Hicks. C. B. Boot and CaDt. Ashe. were oat riding yesterday aftesnoon looking after the eity'a affairs. The Bev. Mr. Poffenberger Sector of Calvary Church, Tarboro, will preaeh at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd tomorrow night. Service commences at 7:80 o'clock. - The burdensome state license tax of two hundred and fifty dollars per annum imposed by the last legisla ture npon music dealers has sauced several houses whloh had branches in this Stat to close them op. Two expert billiardiat are said to have made the champion record of the South last night. Between 900 and on thousand point dropped from the cues of these two crack shot In three hours. Another change in Seaboard man agement at the Johnson street depot is the shifting of Mr. Clee Lee to a position not so good as the one for merly held by him. Teaterday's rail road artlole raised a healthr atir among railroad men. Mr. Commissioner Laey's homa on Blount street waa tamed laat evening Into an improvised theatre. And aeve ral future commissioners, with their wee sisters, trod the boards to the immense delight of a choice audience of their small friends and schoolmates. A small wreck of n- practical 1m- poitanoe occurred at Henderson on the Seaboard Air Line last night. Though there were no accident and no serious damage, trains were greatly delayed. Nnbers 91 and 408 due at 6:80 and 9:10 o'clock were s-reatlv overdue today. The revival services at Central Meth odist churoh steadily inorease in in terest. There were saven or more peni tents at the altar laat night, all but two of whom were adalta. Servioea to night at 7:80 o'clock. Tomorrow at 7 a. m. there will be a sunrise praysr service. Preaching by the pastor at the usual hours tomorrow. As announced elsewhere the firm of Taneey & Parham has been dissolved end Mr. Taney will continue the car riage business at Harp's old stand. where he will be pleased to see his many old friends. Mr. Parham will continue the livery basiaesa at Lee's old stsnd. We oordially commend them both to the public. Mention was made that execution was taken against Register of Deeds Rovers for the realisation of judgement ob tained foj $900. Clerk of the Court Young granted a stay of execution be cause Mr. Sogers had taken' an ap peal to the Superior Court. Mr. Roger gave notioe of appeal to Jostle Bar be when judgment wa rendered again him. H paid for tha appeal at the time. Mr. H. S. Leard ha returned from Atlanta, where he accompanied th personally conducted party of 180 person from thl eit7 vr th Sea board. - Sereral of the party hav re turned and they express themselves aa highly pleased with th trip and also th treatment from th Seaboard employ. Thair every convenience was looked after and they received th beat of attention. Our popular and progressive book seller : and stationer. Mr. W. - O. Separk, has handed a a eopy of the "Lift of Gen. B. E. Lee," by Mrs. M. L. Willlamaoa. It ia beautifully Illus trated in aolor and is printed la larg and attractive - type, especially for young people. Mr. - Separk always has th latest and moat attractive things eat and a fall 11b of all kinds of stationers', supplies is always to be fonad at his wll-tokd (tor, v - '

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