n m A t crts; i ' f : i Tomorrow's Weather. Tomorrow' Weather. For Worth Carolina Fair; continued cold. C0UJ C3UJ 4 UL. 'Raleig-h and rtnlnity Fair.cuuiiaiird uolil. .LLQ.-iid K T EL VIS y.. VOL. XXXIV. NO. jn il Is What the English Press Thinks Abont It. MONROE DOCTRINE ALIVE em Thnib at. James Gaaette Don't aee the Applleatlon-Speak-'; er Reed Get an Earljr Start, y; TiderrsubtottlSPBBSa-VlSrTOB. .. WismiioToir. D. C. Dm. 4.--Tue President' message la Ukea dem oastrating thai there will be do tariff legislation, probably no financial lee-- Islatioa by thaprsaeBtCoBgress unless it Is eompelled to do w by foreign .nmnllestloUS. It i toBidrd that it practically declares against any Uriff I num. &. " The bond aehcme has abso- ' lately no ehanee in the Senate, even If it could pass tne nouee. - Congressmen who hare Interviewed Reed daring the Uet few day tre of the opinion that the committee liata 1 will be announced on or before the 15th of thta month. The former speakers nave aaldom had the llet mad np be fore ChrUtmaa, bat Beed ha had the advantage, prsotleelly, of a year la which to majie ap hi committee. Ha says he i anxion to have Congreu complete ite work and adjoara. Loitr-cs, Dee 4. Beferrlng to the President's meaeage, the St. Jsma Ga sett thta afternooa, says: "There U : nothing whateaer of jingo in Mr. Clev -land'a meaaage. la apite of all aeser tlon to the contrary, there i aot the leaat poMlbllity that the United State v will pat any obataelea In the way of a : proper aettlemeat with Yeneroeln." The Pall Hall Oaiette sayst "So far a oar relation with America are eon v earned, tha meaaage i not likely to k rale any onpleaeaat questions, but we fall to aee how Mr. Clevelaad'a defini tion of Moaroaiem uppliea to Vena 'laela." . -i ' f V Board or Agnoolturo. The Board of Ag riealtnre met y eater day afternoon and received and ei amtnad tha report, aeml-aaaaal, of JU officer. Mature whleh earn be- - fore it, kpt th body la eesaloa 'Ull qotte a late honr. There waa ao mat. Ur op for diaentoa, . however, : of special bcwsIbcib. v ' Tbla morning the member of th Board visited and went over thoroughly th A. 4 H. College. They expressed themaelues a highly pleated with tha laatitalloa aad ite mansgement. j Labor Backing Phillips, or Penney 1-t- . . vanla, By Telearaph to the Press-VWtor. WAflHiXQTov, D. C, Dee. 4. Labor oragnliattons of th eoontry are task log a concerted effort to eeeure the ap-. pointment of Repreeentatlve Phillip, of Penmylvania, to th halrmanabip of the Houss eommitteeof labor, Phil- - lip i aot Identified with labor organ isations bnt la a large employer. He I endorsed by tha Knight of Labor, .American Federation of Labor aad fif teen other similar organliatioaa. . . v'.-y : ' ej a W ' -v i Senator Fair's Heir Sell Ont. " By Teletraph to the Prete-VUitor. ' Sal Faaaoiwo, Cel., Dee. 4. Tha collateral heir of th esUte of . th tat Senator Fair have sold their la teresU to th children for $400,000 i Br th terms of aalethe heir abandon - all right guaranteed under the trust .elan of the will. The compromise is aaid to be in effect to give the direct i. k.Im imnnrtist advantage In a trial before thi Jury. ' v Three Steamers Overdns. : n Tekwranh to the fnae. Visrroa. i Poet Towasairi), Wash., Do. 4 Much apprehension la felt- for the British steamship, Goraidd, Captaia ' Mead, now out forty-live day from Singapore. This Is the third steamer unaccounted for In th north Pa elfle ooeaa, the other being Bskdale "and Btrathnevie, bound westward. .- ' Kew York Plremen'o Heroic Work. " By Telegraph to the Fress-TWtor. v Haw Yoix, Dec. 4.--A clitory bnilding on Attorney (tract, formerly ; ..nnu h tha Collier PublUhlag iPAttininf. Wall baraed today. Pollce- -mea did heroic work la carrying maay children and alek from tha tenements. ,A Bomber of fireman were frost bittea. . St. Pant Lowere her Record. ; " I 11- n-hl n tlui frMltt-Vtlltor. h , aoiKratHPrnw. Dee. 4. The St. Paul . ...i..l this aoralaa'. lowering her .,..1... nril aisht boor aad tea ".mlaatea.'1,' Strike Ended Now.;;- in. TiAmnii to the rreu-Vlsttor. Nsw Yoaa. Dee. 4-Th bolldlag ' u nrsetloallr ended. Most 'of the men have returned to work The strikera were granted a email la resse of wages. . - Spain to Shoot a Patriot, it . v . , T) 4. Gil Goaialea, the ..nt laeder. has been coavieted of ttklng arma agtlnst th goverameat and sentenced to be (hot, . Bbberg- lVe-Kleoted. r.i.i. tii tbe Prera-Vlsltor. Bkrlis. Dee. 4. At the opening of T?l. htar today Baron voa Buolber enberg was re-elected presldeat. 87. TODAY'S MARKETS. Cotton Goes Off, bnt Cloees Two Points Up. BrTalemDhtotheFaBSS-TlsiTOB. Niw ' Yobk. Dee. 4 Liverpool opened about 4-61 lower aad lost 9-04 more, closing steady at pottom price. Good spot demaadi (alee, 13,000 bales, of which 10,000 bales American and 1,000 balea for export and speculation; middling. 4 9 -18. week. . ' New York opened 8 point lower, steady at the decline, loat another point, but gradually improved and re gaining all the loss, eloaed steady 9 Dolnta hlffher than last night Receipts arc estimated for today 88.000 balea, against 48,000 last year, Tomorrow we shall have to compare with 47,000 bales, and oa Friday wltb 79,000 bales last year, Receipts in India are smaller thaa expected, beaia are covering, and the report that Weill la going- to reduee , bis estimate is maintained. Cjs &',"-V: .'-?'' Options cloced as follows! -s :, y.v De-ember, 8.18 to 8 15 1 Janaary, 8.17 to 8.18 1 February, 8.S3 to 8.34 1 March. 8.38 to 8.39 1 . April, 8 83 to 8.S4 1 May, 8.87 to 8.88 1 June, 8.41 to 8.43 i July, 8.43 to 8.44) Aogo.t, 8 48 to 8.48 1 October, 1898, 7.88 to 8 00., Habbard Bros. Co.' Cotton Letter.' tcclattotarra-TBm f' " - -. - Naw Yobk, Dee. 4. a Liverpool opeaed with a weak spot market. Sales, 13,000 bales; middling, 4 9-16. Future were easy at 8 to 4-84 : decline, v Manchester ' quoted yarns.la buyer' favor t oloth quiet. Our market opened witu aaiea oi March 8 19 to 90. advanced to 8 38, aad after selling at 8 18, ruled at 8 24 at 1 p. m. The decline In Liverpool was rather startling to th trade this morning, but there is no disposition to anticipate a further dicllne, and th local tradera ware large buyers during the forenoon. Oa eah - decline at one time the aemi-weekly receipt, eetimated at 67.000 bales.' against 78,000 bales laat week, had tha effect of shaking tha confidence of buyers, but this loss was quickly recovered. It la s-eaarally thought that ao seri ous decline ean ocear from the present prioes. except through either an in-; crease la the movement or heavy re ceipts aad ahlpmeate from India." C-: blec from Liverpool report the feeling in Manchester to be decidedly Quiusn, and while the market there ic lower, : the undertone Ic steady and a reaction is expected from tbe liquidation of to day. It would seem, therefore, that the situation will be governed by the offerings of cotton from the South, v " Chicago Grain Market. " Chioaoo, Dee, 4 Grain quotations closed today as followai .- Wheat December, 66; Hay, W 9-0-Cora December, 38 . 8-4 1 May, 88b- " ' i i 1 1 ' - - PRETTY tlOiMNO WEDDING. Nnptlala of Mr- William Bailey and MUs Adelaide Stllh This Morulas;. At the Cathedral Chnroh of the Good 8hepherd this morning waa Bolt)tnDlz'.d tbe ceremony of a very pretty wedding, wben Miss Aaeiaiae Stitb became tbe wife, of Mr. Wil liam Bailey. ' Tbe alUr, beaalirallv decorated with bntce olustera of Marshall Neil and Bride's Koses, and lighted with numerous oandelabitB made an at tractive bower for - the ceremony, which was perlormea oy uey. i MoK. Pittenger in an impressive mannsr. '' - . The bride, dressed la a brown go ing away gown, trimmed wun ior and Persian bracade, entered and was met at tbe altar Dy tne groom, who came from tbe vestry room with Major Alfred . Williams,' his beBt Tbe bride was given away oy ner brother in-law. Mr. S. P. Child. The Maid of Honor was Miss Margarett 8titb, slater of tbe triae. i nenaners were Messrs. F. P.Haywood, Jr., H W. MUler, Ur. J. M. Aver, ana George M. Graham, of Hiliabora Tbere were no bride's maids. - At the organ- uus uomen pre sided artistically. As the bridal party entered tbe wedding nurch of Lobengrien was played; daring tbe cermony Toeti's "Beauty's Eves" was played soitiy; ana as vno nn was made tbe triumphant notes of Mecdlesohn's famous march rolled OUtv J vft,.-ti. Tbe benediction was pronoanoed by Bishop Cheshire. ' . , " The bride carried a bfqnet of Lines of the Valley and Bride's Rosea. Tbe maid of Donor carried a nanajoroe boquet of Menaet roses. Tbe ushers wore handsome scarf-pins, the pr& ank nf tha imnm. Mr and Mrs. ifaiiey leu onine North bound train lor a trip worm. The Ambassadors at a Ijoss. Bneelal to the Press-Visitor. - ' CoasTavTiHoPLn, Pec. 4. Armenians residing in Constantinople have pre- nared a oetltioa to the powers, whlcn they propose presenting to ths various Mftnnintl tnroUffB : tn Austrian mhaaaador. Tha dlplomata hsvs exbausted an means of setioa la the matter of ths nance of firmans by the forte, per mlttlne- ths presence la the Boephoras nfaeeond ffuardshlps, under instruc tions received from their respective rnvernmeate. They have now asked their cabinets for fresh orders. Mr. Shute, representing Bbute 4 La- moot, of Liverpool, la kere toaay air, Shnte has beea In Texas for soma weeks, aad says that the crop there is aot over 45 per cent or last ysar. Editor J. W. Bailey left today for Greensboro 1o attend the Baptist ton veatloa. RALEIGH." N. Cm The Supply : and ' Discussed. Demand ESTIMATES OF TlfE CROP Interesting Statlatloa Ppon the Yield end Consumption Facta ; .1 and t'lgnres. - .. ' We hare been famished eith the following extremely interesting nrtlele upon tbe condition of the eottoa erop and consumption, prepared especially for the Fbess-tisitob by one or tbe best posted students of the subject: The present state of the future mar ket is featureless. v. The small receipts would have at a ay other time caused a considerable advance. At present ther are Ignored. Bo. rope buys very Invle, export are far behind as compared, with previous years.-' Northern spinners have bees taking lets cotton than last year, only Southern spinners have increased their taklnga. - Evidently they , did rigkt. Sentiment has to do a lot,, but In tha Ions run faota will be triumphant. A great mistake has been the advance daring the last uotoDer, . to marsat advsnred too rapidly. Most of the speoalatorc, but chiefly outsiders, were bullish aad , dreaming oi tea cents for January. , Bears idled the balls up with cotton and made thea a most successful attack. Thea tne po litieal complications In Europe 'pre vented the; market Jtom Improving, Msnehester, whi was buying largrir during the laat fes weeks, reports bow a alower business. , ! i Oontlnentsl spinners are, as it seems, disposed to use their laet bale before they bay again In . America. No doubt they had filled up their ware houses with 8 cent cotton laat year. ;i : Every bearish point is brought to tha sorfaoe at present. ' Let us have a look, over the statistical position of cotton. ' Neill estimates the crop 6,o00,000, the Einakcial Chronicle 7,000,000. Let ns say the crop will turn out 0,750, (XX) btles. Bo- rar aaa been marketed 8,550,000, Taking the average percentage of the. crop mar keted up to November 80, daring the laet . twelve year the present crop would be 6.800,000. A leading hoose tn New York claima that a much greater percentage of the current crop hat been marketed than tha average amount of tha eropc for the laat ten fears up to thi date. .. Meiir estimate for eacn otate is as follows I Alabama,. Arkansas, -Florida, - -Georgia, i v : Louialaaa, ' Mlsaiasippl, North Carolina, -Sooth Carolina. Tenners e, ., -Texas, , . ' Total, . Latham, Alexander tt 800,000 - 660,000 60,000 050.000 V" 875,000 . 850000 850.000 - 800,000 835,000 1,750,000 6,600.000 Co. estimate 670.000 - 570.000 , 51,000 . 040,000 878,000 ' ... 864,000 - 807,000 . 603,000 853,000 1,803,000 the crop: Alabama, . Arkansas, Florida, , -Georgia, - -Louisiana,- - -Mississippi, . North Caroliaa, South Caroliaa, Tennessee, Texas, . ' l Totel,- 8.435,000 ToUl visible sopply i 8 877,800, sgalnst 8.960,707 ia 1894, 8.805,346 in 1898 and 8,088.807 la leva. . Xmortii 1.406 833. asalnst 8.3S4.' 878 In 1804. 1.770.605 in 1893, and 1,608,661 in 1803. i Laat rear after December ' 1.1 ..m. lB.lrrht. 4.000.000 Visible supply oa November 80. 1884. I,nu,iw 8,870,000 This year there will come in sight,- (crop v satimattd 8.750,000), 3.J00 0O0 Visible snpply on November 80,1805, 8,677.000 , 6.877.000 Let us add to this Bgore 603,000 balva Increase ia Iadiaa aad Kgyptiaa eottoa, aad spinners will bars from now a aapply of 7.S70.0UO, agataat 8,870 000 last year. Besldea it must be borne in mind that European and New England aplnnera have prsoti cally no stork on hand, whilst laat rear they had : plenty of stock, so called Invisible supply. Atf Ea recum. I wish to point oat mat the visible supply at ths end of ths seaaoawlll be about 1.500,000 bales less thaa last year, if ths crop does sot exceed 6.7SO.000. Oa August 8L last year the -visible supply amounted' to, . 8,805.000 Deduct, . ", .1.600,000 L-avec, 'v 805.000 to provids'splaaera for two month aad to cover ths sales la futures la all the leading cotton markets with vary small stocks In spinner haada. . Aaother example: Last aeaaoa th total exports from Europe amounted to a 700.000 bales, or about ths sett mats of this year's crop. Calculating that this seaaon the exports will be re- 9 A B. A fW iWs kl J 7Tafl . 000. thi wonld leave for the American WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4.1895. spinners only 8,050.000 bales, whilst li.it year they need B.OUO.UUU bales It is estimated that America will nta 8,000,000 bales sgala. This means. that onlr 8.700.000 balea could be si ported, Ther has aster beea a de crease of 48 per seat ia the exports Cotton will be exported, be it oa direct orders from European apinners, be it as hedges aa-ainstsalea ia futures. Should tha srop not cteeed tne ngur of 8.750,000, (for which there are ao indications) there wilt be a- very keea cOmpctltloa between- exporter aad domestic spinnsrs for th last 1,000,000 of this crop. ;v .'v It I quite natural that splaaera are keeping aloof from the market wbea tha pries is above 8 cents, they will us all their atocks ap to make tha bolder of eottoa weak, butoaaliy taey will be eompelled to boy aad if the holder is la a position to wait, thaa he will be able to dictate th prloe. . The iadlcatioac are that the demand will iacreaae after aextr year. It la good that at preeent thi pries does not advaao eonslderabjy, otherwise the farmer would rush fihelr last bale to market and we would ae a collapse a oa October 81st.' W need 8 gradual steady improvement,' ao boom, the outsider will lway pay th bill la a loaa aad th speculator puts Ms money in his pocket. j. v'- Another noteworthy matter is tbe following: North Carolina will pro duce thla saasoa about 838,000 (average of the two estimates, Lsthm,Aleisader Co. and Nelll), The mllla la this State will use about 375,030 bales. Thla would leave 50,000 for export. North Carolina,: however.; "exports at least 135,000 bales, flach a 8nrc would leave the State silaners 75,000 bales short, and they wil be compelled to boy their cotton elsewhere. , K. DEATH OF MR. JOHfl BOYSTER. Oanght, Between Tw Cars In At lanta and Killed Instantly. Tbe sad Intellleence of the death of Mr. John H. Boyater, which occurred is Atlanta yeaterday, was received here by his brocber, Hn, Virtruvlot Boys- ter, yesterdsy afternooa. Mr. Boyster was porformiaf hia duties tn the Fsd eral court and the brief ntws waa quits shock to him.! The flrst mesesge came from Et. Governor Northern, of Georgia, in thjse employ Mr. Royster was en gaged as Secretary. : Later it was learned that Mr. Boys ter was run over by a train on WLItball street and instantly killed. It seem that the track wa completely blocked with a freight train and that Mr. Boys ter, who wss in quite a! hurry attemp ted to pass uhdern4th the train, be tween' carl. The engine lurched for ward suddenly I seems, catching him under th wheels t-' Mr. John Boykter is a native of Hal elgh and lived here most or his Ufa. He wss a man of excellent ap pearance and kind-hearted with all. Ha has msny friends ia tnis city wno moora hia suddea demise. It was twelve months ago when Mr. Boyster left Btleigh. Since that time he has married. A young wife and an Infant son are left behind. The bod waa eiDceted to ariive ia ths city from Atlanta on the train due here at 8:10.p. m. FUHERAL OF MB. JNO. H. R0TSTXB. The remains of the late Jno. U. RoTster. are exoected to arrive here tonight by the Atlanta Special, and tbe funeral services will be neia to morrow morning at 11 o'elok at Eden ton Street Methodist Church. If the hour and place should be changed ths aams will be announced in the morn lug paper. IN THE FEDERAL COUItT. Jap Johnson Found -GuiltyCourt Will Continue Two Wee as. Bverv train brlnsu new recruiU to ths Federal Court, the like of which was never eeen before. Thecora-laden, amher-effervesaing offenders or the In. tarnal revenue laws swarm the eorrl dors and approaehca in ths Postoffice building. In the court room they are wedred la co tight that it is a very cm flcnlt matter to pass through the room, A great deal of ths work of ths court f alia on Clerk Blddiek la Mr Boyster' abaenee. but he is standing It well. Marshal Carroll aad bis. deputies have their hands full. The testimony of a moonsntnsr is quite Interesting. : Some of the defen danta would have put Baron Munehau un nr Ananias, to shame. One busby. headed Individual teatinsa yeeieraay, in trying to explain his pressnce at a till hete tha dcDuttea raa upon him, that he was out squirrel hunting and it was saeh cold weather that be oullt a fire upon running aerose tea atatu lory. Thla atetemeat caused the old ms mnanahlners to smile T., tha notorious Jsp Jonnsoo who aaa defied ths law aad terrified officers, was placed oa trial for dlatil line- Illicitly. Messrs. A. Jones and H.rhert Norri anpeired for Johnson, but he made ao defense. The Jury fonnd him n-allty aad Johasoa was re msaded to jail, iodg Seymour re- aerved h's aeateaes aa he has la every aaa ao far. The penalty for distilling ia a term of years In ths penitentiary or a fine. Johnson will likely be given tha limit. . ' Other cases tried today were Fletcher Austin, retailing! guilty. ' Joha Wllkins, retelling i aot guilty - J. a? Cat. reUllloei Bnilty The esse of Jamee M. Terry, fordis. tilling, la being tried this afternooa. Terry denied, oa tha stand, any knowl edge i t ths preeeaee of a still in the house In which he lived. Tha seaaion of eourt will tun two None of the miaor weeks or mors, 1 caaea have beea tekea up co f sr. s Capitalists to Start a Bleach ery at Fayetteville. ' "v RESULT WILL BE A BOOM Messrs. Holt Havo Already Begun Work oa a Qnarter-Mllllon Fss; tor Railroad Bound There, V Today a reporter happened aer tss Bx-juatieo James 6. MaeKaa, -who had rsssatly ret a rued from bis homo In Fayettevill. Ths Jadgs had "boom" aews from his town, aad he lost no time la telling it. In fact, one could see that th telling gave ths patriotic Fayette villlte a dsal of aatlsfaetloa. Ton may eay that Farettollle ia prospering now and tha prospects arc that the town will ia ths aot distant future be enjoying a "boom," which will not be a "boom" in the aoo-pted cease, because It Is going to laat ' "There Is, I hear, a movemeat nn foot to ssUbllsh at Fayetteville aa lm. mensc bleaehery, th constrectloa of which will coat a million dollars. 1 It asemi It must first be known whether or not ths water ia sufflelsntly pars for that purpose (aad we have ths purest water la the world.) A specimen ha be a aent on for aaalysls, aad if it ia found to be pure, aork oa the bleaeh ery will at once commence. It ia aaid that behind the scheme are th Holt, th Duke and other North Caroliaa capitalists. I do aot kaow much about bieaeheries, but if this, ons Is estab lished, it will cause many factories to spring ap around It.' 'Factories make towns. ., "?'v Another Fayetteville improvmst,t which I already la sight is a Isrg 8300000 cotton factory, work oa whioh baa Just begun The Meeais. Holt are tbe men who are behind this Industry. Th factory is to be situated jost out aide th corporate limlla. The power is to be steam "Jost to keep the ball arolllog, yoa may say that the road from Aberdeen, of which Mr. Blue is president, ia to be extended immediately to Fayettevill. Only twenty miles will now have to be built. This road will give a direct roots to Troy, by connection with tbe Aber deen and West Bad road. ; The eoontry all along through he aindhills Is prospering, and Fayette- tile, the centre or the region and tbe healthiest place in the world, will get the benefits of thi prosperity and ea joy a ne lease of active, commercial life" Sq the reporter left the Judge, think ing more of Fayetteville than he ever did before. If pure water aloue Ic neces sary to Insure Its prosperity, then then Jodga "boom is core to come DURHAM POLICEMAN SUICIDES. William Austin Killed HlmseirTlils Morning Temporary Insanity. News was received here this morning of the sulsideat Durham of policeman, No. 6, William Austin. He shot him self in the bead with a pistol and death was instantaneous. The tragedy occurred at the police- man's home at 7 30 o'clock, ehortly sfter be had finished his breakfaat. The suicide is supposed to have been the resoltof a fitot temporary insanity. Austin as actively on doty aad worked on the day ahiftall yea erday. He had complained of being cligbtly ill. Just as the time came for him to to on dnty tday. he pulled hie pistol snd shot himself before bis wife and little child. Before tbe frightened wife could summon assistance hs waa ad. Hs left a wife and seven call dren. Policeman Suggs, of Durham, who la here a- a witness befors ths Federal Court waa telephoned for this mora ing to come borne, as his services are needed. MISS LI DA CARB TO WED. Will be Harried to Mr. H. O. Flower, of Kanaaa City, on the 15th. Colonel and Mra. Jullta 8 Carr ta vite yon to be preeent at ths marriage of their daughter, tide, to Mr, Henry Corwin Flower, oa Wedneeoay cvea. inir. December ths eighteenth, one thousand sight hundred aad ninety. five, at eight o'clock, somerset vine, Ttnrham. N. C. . l Ths above is the form of the prettily rotten ud invitations which were re ceived by many Ralelghltea thia mora. log. The Occasion will oe on oi toe most aot ible social funetlona of the State for come time. ' ' : ; v-'- M!ia Carr ta well known In this city where she hss of: en visited. All who have met her have beea tharmed with her delightful manner aad beauty She is on of C.roilna s falreat daagh Ura. and hundreds will wish her ttod speed aad a man led life of aaalloyed hanotness. ' "' -i",f- -A Mr, Henry Corals Flower la not so well known la this State 'It was at his Kaasas City horns that be wood aad woa hh bride. Hs la well known there and through the West aa a young taaa of social and buslnes promla-aee. ' J.O.V.A.M. Raleieh CJonnoil Ho. I will meet tonight in Pullen building-, a full at- tendance unesirea. v. - - W. H KsKHrmt Q. 1 It Is ths Rsleigh cotton mill aad ant the Pilot mill, whleh fa ranaiag ' day and night, as wis noted a day or ao sgo. 1 ' . HKV. COLE HONOKKU Resolutions Parsed Eitroxlvo . ,. the Esteem of Bis CbSiMh. of At the last Quarterly mwtingof tne ,; xbiftntnii Btrea; Metluxiist Oburon tbe fallowing eincero reaoiu tiuaa were paed i t e ard to tbe rotii-in ntto , Itov j. m i;oie : WrxBBBAS T'to oar y,-n psux-. steal K-w.-J w. off, ,t Kientou street (Jbatoa. : rUl. igb, has beea Oiiopeted, nud bis term of aeaeion eiDDot under the lawai four church, be extended; and whereas we desire, at this tbe last aenaioa of the Qutr terty Coofertm e of the oborou, to ezprese oar appreoiatioaof faisobria tiao obaraoter and aeryioea; there Jietolttedl That we hereby testi fy to the uuiVHrenal i ive and esteem in whios Ur. Cole ia held by the memberebip of ' Kdenbm Street Charoh nod the paople of tbe city of Ualeigb, tomofiK whom he baa walked kprigutiy, and without criticism or reprnob for fnur eara. An able preacHer a c ireful czpoaoder of tt e soripture', s prudent adviser, an ac tive and ooohOientious pastor, and an e truest and energetio worker in all departme-ita of tbe cburoh, hia oon- neotlon with udentlon street Uharob has been valuable in every way and has increased its power and oaefal ness In this city. Prudent in bis walk and oooyeraation, godly in hia life and deportment, cheerful, even tempered and kindly ia blasooial re latioiia. omelderate of . the feelinea and pn-Jddioes of others, be has endeared bimielf to all classes of our people who will witness with regret bis retirement from the pastorate. and hie departure from tbe com munity, v Jietoioea mat we part itn brother Cole and his excellent wife with regret and assure tbem of the deep Interest we feei in their future career and welfare. We cannot oom meMl him too highly or too cordially to tbe authorities of the ohnrob aa ! worthy of any office, or to tbe people whom be be called upon to serve, as wiae. sale and valuable preacher and gentlemen, nor can too much be said in praise of hia wife who is in tbe test and highest sense a worthy helpmeet in all relations " Tbe rrBoto.torjs were signed by all thetffiiial membera present, namely: is u. umvs. a iroy. J w. mq- Qee, A II Mremi, A M. Powell, Garland Jones, E K resoued, wm Uagbea W. J Vounir. J. A. Jones and It T Gray Tbe paxtor. Ray, Jthn N. Co.e. preaeiittd bis report showing the church to be ia most excellent con dition. .-'-- Tbe following were elected Stew ards for the enen'ng yrar: H. J. Young, W. J. Young, G. W. Wjddo, v W. witite. A. n 1'owell, it re-cut. ur. j u Mcuee. uar ltnd'Jonet, J A. J mea, B. Irbv, W. U Hughe. A. it ureeo. li T. Bishop J. G. Brown. 11. j. xoung was elected Keoord- Irg Steward. A. A Jones, iJlstriot steward, Snnday School Superintendent, W. , Yoang. It Is wi h genuine regret that Ral eigh aoopta the fot that she moat part witb Kew. Cole uaringma four years rettidenoe ner- he baa en deared himself to the citizens gener ally, of all denominations. Ilia broad- minnea, liberal ana enariuoie views and conduct has made him popular wi b ar. Tbia city reoo.ratcss tne fitot that it loa a nn; but let the Wish be (XoreHHeil that tDls good man may oome agi-. ON TWELVE TRAINS. The Maryland Celebration Com I nit Throwa-h Tomorrow. Ths Marylaai delegation to Atlanta will paaa thronah Raleigh tomorrow oa twelve apeelal Pullman traina via tbe Seaboard Air Line. The delega tioa la composed of the Fourth and Fifth Harylaad Begimeata or Balti more, ths Naal Reserve of Baltimore, aad a aamber of prominent eitiaeac, and will anmber about 1,900 strong. Thay will pans tbroaah Raleigh to morrow evening on twelve apeelal trains ronniag as aeetioac of the mail, aaa there will be a steady stream of tbsas tralaa from abont I to 8 o'oloek The Seaboard has ths aadertaklag of needling the largest single party whleh has gone to Atlanta aad tney will ao doubt pat the party through all ria-ht. " Back traia will eoaalst of sit Pullmans aad baa-gags ears. at r. Ike Bmersoa, of Baltimore, is Commander T the Kaval Reserves He has made arrangements for tbs Be acres snd maay of th party to stop over and take dinner at ths Park Hotel tomorrow- The troops will appsar ia uniforms. They will probably appear oa tha streets la ranks ' The Fifth Marylard Ri 1 seat, which vialted par city la 'II. will be remem bered with m oca pleasure. Tha Fifth la ons of the srsek military orgaalse tioa of th satire country aad has visited bnt few et ths leading elUea la Its history. Maay people will be at tha depots tomorrow to watch thepeer lag vlaitore. A Centenarian. A nltirn of tbla front, air Dollar, aged 104 years yesterday n.IH eavaann liAarirMof land Mr. boa'er'a relative bare figured him out 108 years old, but be insists that iru vemra ia hia exact aee. Una (if hia neighbors who has na.asfid tha three aoora mark and who haa known Mr. Doc'er for years aays that he thinks that ths sheriff's records are turned around He says that Mr. D tier ia 140 yeara of age and pays taxes on 104 ao ea. Tailsa Msaalui, a daughter of Dr, Joha Meaning of Chapel Hill, lain the ity, vlsiUag Mia Aaala Husoes, $i00 WAX YEAH; Coudcnsciliiil Pat in a IUmiI able Form. FACTS AN! G0SSn. Interestingly Told as Picked n aa the Streets and Various Polms ' Aonnc Tows. Ths Registrars for ths road sledl a which oeeura oa- Jaauary 14.tb hsve received their eommlcaloaa, .. '' Baptist are passing throsah ia large numbers to their ennveatloa hleh asssmble In Greensboro. . Mayor Fisbblate ff WilmloKtna. haa resigned. Mr. W. If. Harris, a city alderman, wss elected bis saa eessor. Yeaterday every copy of ths Pbbss- Vibitob waa qaiekly , disposed f. though an extra number were prleted Tbe President's meacsa-s was read with much Interest." Mayor Ruse yesterday did a good t Mag In requiring Annie Harria, a aotorlona colored woman to leave tbs county We gave her until 11 o'clock today to de camp oa penalty of being aent to that hated 3t women "Bill" Allen. Rev. O. 8. Williams, formerly f tbe Baptisi Tabernacle of this . city, bnt now of Bristol, Vs., haa been called to the pastorate of tbe Metropolitan Bap tist Church, of Washington, D. 0 . to succeed the late Bev. Grses Clsy Smith The Wilmington and W-ldos Rail road has Inereased their reward .f $100 to a00 for tha arrest of the party who attempted to wreck the Coaat Line mall Friday eight. Wayne county haa offered a $50 additional reward. George Castelln, of Norfolk, Ya , oae of the well known Castello Broth ers, fell from a ear ia Chttaa; last night, killing himself. The elr cue elnsed the eeasoa at Cedartowa, Ua , and has gone into winter qnar-' ter. Mr. J H. Miller, a leading iaauranee from New York elty, Ic in the city returning from Atlanta. Mr. Mil ler ia tbe kind-hearted gentleman van took a llkiag to Oertardo Eaklua sa l aow Oertardo will too take a respon sible position ia New York. Mr. U. C. Baker, of Baltimore, who represents on of th largest firm la that elty, will maka Raleigh hia buwi Mr. Baker la aa exeeediagly elever gentleman and enjoys aa txtenime trade ia the Southern States ir. Baker and children and her eieier, alls Carrie Buskey, have arrived ia the city. Ia the Mayor's court ao lees thaw aixteea drunkc were disposed of yes terday. The trouble waa, as uiiht havs beea aupposed, na account of tb- erowd attendant oa Federal eonit At o'clock yesterday afternooa eWl.t of thee gentlemen were still ia the Mo tion house, too drunk to come to ral The Board of Direetoraof 'he Ni.r h Carolina I a use Asylum are ia sei.m here today. No buainesa of Imports nee ia expected to come up. The work ia strict! r routine, thla being tbe Boird's ancual meeting. The president of the Board is 1aJ J. B. H oadfoi t, of Fay etteville. A colored maa named Jordan wss brought here yeaterday by aa officer from House's Creek aad glvea a trial before Justice J C Mareom for eva der. The victim of hia toagae sa a white womaa, ao the Jaetiee sent )t dan promptly to jail to await the neit term of Criminal Court. The Beelville Herald of Tetae frets out a 80.000 edition of Walter H-ary'a sttsci upon Oeneral Raacom and the Demoerstic psrty. Editor Hal Aver aays the people down in Tela sr making a bigger to do nooat ti insa they did here, all of which reminds aa that there is ao accounting lor t-Me. Ia th Revenue 1 Departure' Ike offices of Jcdg Womack, Colle tr Blmmoaa and the Clerka are eep.rud from the crowd of moonshlotr raeti iiy that usually swarm in. Aa " aa eendc tbe the north steps of the pt-. offlee, he runs agaiast aa Impn va-d fence across th seeoad Boor hall, wia a guard oa dnty at tbs a.irrow dr . No on with sa siageratea oreaia sora can pass thereby. " In ths Mayor's Court thi morning aa oat-of towa aearra, aatalwartwhi' , toothed fellow, waa ap for disorderly soadact ia cora'ag aad waatiag t Ight with three white mea. : Hia same la Kd. Harris aad, a hs came f rum the eon a try. the Mayor aimply Sad a m five dollars and coat. ' A maa hfvne l Uaderw ,od waa likewle fined five a I tare for tbesams offeacs. .... Attention ia aalled to the eltneilve aew aaaoaaeeavat of Messrs. Wiull ott A Bos, today of preaeats for the holiday aessoa : Their epaeloae tii.re ia crowded to ite ntmoet isparl'y nh beaatifol tbiog aad the prices will surprise yoa. The most woadetful bargala Is their eoilextloa of books at 19 a ate, bound I cloth, aad inelaillag maay of th standard worka. Callsud e them. , - .