- 7 r' A Novel M ari-iue. ,4ir. Ltiiu lenuett thl Hist TZ'Ait llelinelt wore married on mountain path, high up on the old Eauratown, at points between the Caeca 3d, Hng iug Rock, Tor Een and Euaker Cap, on Sunday evening, November Sith, by the light of the mood, ssyi the Danbory Reporter. It seems that Mr. Bennett's wife had died and wae buried on Wednesday before, when the epry yoang widower, knowing that a wife wae a good thing to hare and not to be dona without, la, or Mis ElUi, one or the other, proposed, laid plans, proenredjlieanae, and Luther Toangi Eta, met them as above and made them one. v?,'-,:;lJ,"J:3,':'-:'..- S It is said he the young lady's daddy foond the gal' gone he mads tblnga so lively around the old home the withered lea Tea felt from the trees and rocks rolled from; their places down the mountain aide. ; ..'. ' ' The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. G.Caillooette, drugglst.Beavers ville, 111., aays: "To Dr. ;Klng's New Discovery i owe my me. - was taken " with la grippe and tried all the physi cian! for miles about, but to ao avail and was given np and told I eould not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for bottle and be gan its use and from th first dose ' began to get better, and' after using three bottles was op and about again. ' It is worth its weight in gold. We .won't keep store or house without it." .. Get a free trial bottle at John Y Mae - Bae'a drng atore. - -. - 1 Don't serve breakfast on any bat a fresh tablecloth...., . . .'' , v i X , . . . - -- ... ... . ." f. .' How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar : ward for any case of Catarrh that ean not bs cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J Cheny A Co., Props., Toledo, O, We, the undersigned, have known -F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, aad -. believe him perfectly honorable In all bnslaess transactions, and financially . . able to earry out any obligations made - - by their firm. , Wst & TaoA-V Wholesale Druggists, . Tolede, O. - , - . " , ' Waldibo, Kibtax ft Mabvis, Whole 1 Druggist, Toledo, Ohio. - .. . Hall' Catarrh Cure ie Uken intern. 4 ally, acting directly upon the blood and mneoas surfaces of tbe system. Price 75o. per bottle. Bold by all drag ;.' gists. Testimonials free. " ' . - Hall's Family fills are the best.- , ' :C Don't serve oatmeal 865 days In a ' " W' ( ' " v '' , - fill weeks ago I suffered with a very severe cold j was almost unable to speak, My friends all advised me to consult a physician. Noticing Chamberlan'e - Cough Remedy advised la the Bt Paul .-. ?olka Zettung, I procured a bottle. ' and after Uklng It a abort while wae v. entirely well. I now most- heartily "... recommend this remedy totjyone suf- feriug with a cold. Wm. Keil, 878 8elby Ave,, St. Pant. Minn. For sale '. by J. Hal Bobbitt. druggist. 1 . , . Don't comment on the bill yon rt- - ceive fn the morning mall. -. - " . Vhow TO PREVENT CROUP f FKMB Buinaa THAT wiu. ?ovb ISTUB- B8TIHU 10 Y0U5Q MOTHSBft HOW TO " UABD AOATBS? TBI DISBABB. . - Croup Is a terror to yoang mother . and to post them concerning the cause, v first symptoms and treatment is the , object or this item. . The origin of eroop is a common cold ' Children who arc subject to it take cold very easily aad eroop Is almost ears to fol low. The first symptom Is hoarsenewj this la soon followed by a peculiar r.ugh cough, which is easily reoog " niaed and will never be forgotten by . one who baa heard it. The time to ' act ie when the Child Brat becomes hoaiae. If Chamberlain's -Coagh 1 Bemedyls freely given all tendency - to croup "will soon disappear. ; Keen after the eroupy cough baa developed it will prevent the attack. There Is no danger In giving this remedy, for .' it eonUins nothing Injurious. For - sale by J.-Hal Bobbitt, Druggist, , v - 'Don't become so engrossed U a new paper that you ssn't address a remaik to nyon.;-t'-Whrf " The wife of Mr. Leonard Wella, of " Bast Brlmfleld, Mass., had been anf ' 'ferlagfrom teurelgla for two days, not being able to sleep or hardly keep ntill, when Mr Holden, the merchant there, sent her a bottle of Chamber Iain's Pain Balm, nd asked that she .... I .. - it & ttinwtfivll trial. On meetinB1 en " ----- - - , Mr. Well the nest day he was told that she ws all right, the pain had left her within two hours, and that ' the bottle of Pain Balm we worth - f 5.00 If U eould not be had for les. -For sal at 60 cent per pome py . Hat Bobbitt, druggist. " Don't eipect fresh eoffc If yon are hslf tn hour late. A clear, soft, rosy complexion ia the . desire of every lady. Why not, give Jonneon a wrieuv t s nothing to compare with It as a skin neanuuer. age, 25 eents. For sale by - Joha X. MseRae, Urnggisfc r . Pnr,. Leo wrote I la will in Latin many year aff-The dlipoeltion of bia large eeUte Is a proroonq ecre., Cur) for Headache- . i - . . 1I tfirma tit VtAed. AS I r . 1 1 r ' j - . , . 1 PIlt.nhuDroVtatOM Ue ver'v lifft. U effefU permanent rure en ! he most areaaea u-.uuui r; k ln'KilKfhM yleia 10 us muoeuoc , e or " l uo are aunciea to i .. . . .nil oivm thl remed v I , . , i. 1 i of babitoal eonstl ." I,, r . tit i liters enrei by giv ! . . iBl tnn to the bowels. . n,r ' s rii-t the use of lr ., , : 'i iy it. et once. IJirpe 1. -sou yt s at Jotiu Y kachae'a Urn J Store. BolihSniry to Olney. Bjr Coble to (he l'lcsj-Vtollor. '.V' .' ' LcsDoy, De. 4. f alibba'ry's note lo Oluey on the Venezuelan qaestion la due on the Britannia Friday.. His re. ply is lengthy, the essence of which Lngland refuses to submit to arbitra tion of any territory within tteSchom borgh line. A, J. Balfour, tbe eminent govern ment leader of the Hoors of Commons, is addicted to bleyole riding",. r Johnson's Emulsion of Cod Live- Oil is invaluable In all pulmonary af fections and consumption. It enrich. ss the blood, restores lost tissuesr builds up the appetite makes sound flesh. Pint nettle 1.00. For sale by John T. MaeBae, druggist. Men are more susceptile to flattery than women, because they know they are less deserving." - .!--,.., 1 ; Ifor Insomnia, sleeplessness, nerv oneness, hysteria . and ; all "forms of nervous exhaustion and debility, there ia but one remedy, Johnson' Sarsa parilla" and - Celery works directly upon the nerve centers and never fail to cure. Large bottles 50 cents F r sale bv John Y, MaoBa. What a maa wants in a woman la not brains, but a blind obedience to h' slightest wish. . " - -'r 1 Itching, burning, seaiy and vasty skin scalps of infant eleansarj and healed and quiet sleep . restored by Johnson's Oriental. Soap, medicinal and toilet, two large . eakea 25 cts For sale br John Y. MaeBae. Z.B. F. Tinger.f Dawart, Pa., 'writes Mr. Haring of this place ha use your remedy for the Pile and recom mends it very -highly. He gave me your address. I would like to know on what terms and price 70a sell to dealers. Let me hear from you and oblige. Bold by John T. MaeBae, - - - . ! v. ' - I. m m -m m ' ' ' '' The way tot reach catarrh is through the blood.. Johnson's Sarsaparilla and Celery treats this disesse successfully. Try it sad you- will not be disappoint, ted. Price, large bottles. 60 cents. For sale by John f. MaeBae, drug gist. . ! - ;t'"r'.' How to Attain It," A Wonderful New Medical Book.wrltten -tor Men Only. - One cepT may be bad fro on application. - ERIE MEDICAL CO. UMTAtO.SJ.T. Valuable City Real 1 Estate for -.. . Sale. In Daranano.it of the. Bowers iriven under certain mortgage from Paul F. raison and write, Annie n. twson. 10 Eliza Donaldson, trustee, registered in Book 87, page 49, In the cfllce of the Register of l'eeds of Wake county. North Carolina. I will offer for sale at public auction to the his best bidder on Mondav, January 6tb, 189c, at 12 o'olo) m. at the court house door in the city of Baleigh, the real estate conveyed in laid mortgage, to-wit: Two certain lot of land situate and being in the city of Halelgb, said county and State, and described as follows: . ,-c .. . 1 , - First Lot Beginning at a point on north aide of Kdenton street, 00 feet from comer of intersection of Bdenton and Halifax streets, running east 87 1-S feet to lot of H. B. Battle, formerly Thomas Badger, thence north along H. a Uattle ' line 10a reel, .mence wrst 157 1-3 feet to Halifax street, thence south along Halifax street 10 feet to W. W. Vasa' northwest corner, thence east along said Vasa line 60 feet to his northeast corner, thence south 140 feet to the beginning, containing a little oyer one half of an acre. , . i, .,., Second Lot & lot or una lying on Halifax street, between Edenton and Jones streets, beginning 70 feet from intersection of Edenton and Halifax streets running north along Halifax street 60 feel thence east 105 feet to H. B. Battle's, formerly '.nomas Badgers corner, thence soutn eu reec, tnence west 10S feet to the beginning, con taining one-seventh of an ten. Information in regard to said prop erty can be obtained from C. 11.. Hus oes, . xenns 01 saie, ciuia. - - . $U& UUJIALDSUJI, Trustee. Sbiphkbd & Btjsb ie, Attorneys. - New Light Land for Sale. Bv virtue of a decree of the Superior Rourt of Wake county, made in the case of Xowery, Administrator, vs. Lowery et ais, 1 win sen ior casa oy auction, at tbe court house door of Wake county, on the 16th day of De cember, 1898, at li m., the reversionary Interest tn the dower lands allotted to Mrs. ii. V, Lowery, widow of- w. T. Lowry deceased, situate - in - Wake county and in New. Light township on the: water of Horse Creek, adjoining the' lands of J. M. Crenshaw, Bailey and others, being the home place of the late w. x i.owery, containing aoout r 1 acre- Title undisputed. - 1 ..-' - v novl3td - J. H. Flkmiko, Com'r. Mortgage Sale of Land By virtue of power conferred on me by a certain morw"ne carvui-u uj au t- . ..1 w 1 fa Q T irdwarda bearing date of February 88 .1888, and duly recorded ia Registry- M Wake county in Book No. 101. psge 60a, March 14. If88, I wi'l, on Monday. De- v.n. it iai a f 1 9 nVltwr m at the court bouse door in the city of Kaleigb, sell to the highest bidder for cash tbe and in said morxgngu uesvuucu, mtu- 7 . , T ittl. TJ i .... TAmt.hin . tVaka lieu m xiiitbio vi,c. county, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning si m blu.b iu 1. a. ,t a u.illutn Priwftlfr'a . -ArnAr. line uu -........ thence nearly east to a stake In J. U. awards line anu inicm n !.... ...1.1 IM-.nla1 linA tiAarlV nnrtii to a stake, John Perry'a corner. thence west to a suite on mo iw thence nearly north along said road to a st.e, Jesse Cuke's line, thence af with -aul Dnkn's line to a a, J. lv. lrimm s imun, wcuv. re irlr south with said Marnams ana ke" line to a stale, Duke' corner Xta the' ' 1 v U'r. 1 y -.- w n F- 1- nnvn tr" thai-iA flAftrtT ftOllIU , . naarlf VeVAar IA tk MarkT 711111. J. B. ' iinat ttha Vxff1nnins. containing eightv-nitie acres, more or IBS. i. Jt. uvs i"J. Attorney. .Tojin M. Chenshaw, Mortgagee. . Kaleii-h N. (X Nov. law. Royall & Borden II t V u.A 1 . .... 'a-. 7l 1 v, 1 The ladies , - '.t 7 -V 4 are co.MliaBIj invited to attend pur cook ing exhibit on the af ter noon of December Qd9 3d and 4th5 - When w will show the famous line of Buck's Stoves and Ranges. On the afternoon of December SJ contests for the to br given to tbe Utile girl under 14 Contest iroin 9 10 5 p m.. Buck's Jr. ROYALL AND . Sole Agents, It A.LEICSH DURHAM, GOIDSBOBO; Hl f! fP W- Troatee'a Sale of House and Lot. By virtu of authority conferred upon me by a certain Deed of Trust from John W. Walker and Margaret Walker, his wife, dated November 22J, 1887, and recorded in th office of Register of Deeds for Wake county, N. 0 , in Book 07, page S09. 1 will on ' THUBSDAr. Dec 19.1685. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the house and lot sit uated in the elty of Baleigh, county of Wake, N. 0., and described ss follows; Beginning at a stake and fence In Hawklaa and Aadrewa' line oa t, Person street 900 . feet r fro the intersection of Person and Folk streets, running' thence northwardly along seld street 60 feet to the south east corner or tne Murpney uraaea school property, thene westwardly along the line of said school property, 183 feet to the eastern edge of a 12 foot alley, thence southwardly along said edge of the alley 60 feet 0 Inches to a stake and fence, cad Hawkins aad Ankrews' corner, thene esrstwardly along their Mne 183 feet to the place of beginning. VV W -Vi Place of sale County. court House door In Baleigh, N. C. Time of sale . 13 m. v.' MaaaADuis J. Hawiiks, .'' Nov18tb, 1895, (tda.) . Trustee. 8ALE OP LAND. . . . Tinder and bv virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage from Mar mi Hill. Hillv HilL bis wife, and An drew Hill to William Watts, dated tbe J7th day of FeDruary, inn. ana regis- tryt In book 113. 619 Of the ouice of the Beglster of Deeds for Wake county, N. C , I will sell on Monday, January eth .806. at tbe court noue door in Baleigh, N. O.at publio ont- civ tothe nigiiest Diaaer, iuji pan or Earcel of laud situated in at. Mary's wnshtp,county foreaaid.ad joining tbe lands of Dr. J. B. Bobbitt, Mrs. James Creech and otners and Dounaea as toi- lows: lifglnning at a stake on Big Branch, theoce Sooth 178 3 4 pole to a Stake and pointers, mence west e.i poies to Creech's spring branch, thence with said.spnnj Drancn to urrs mm nranco Bji notes, thenre with Ort'l mill branch to the beginning, containing 100 acres and being the same land that was con veyed to Marcus H.111 dv v;ainanne roui h rieed recorded in book No. 44. psge 242, liegUter of Deeds efficsfor Wake county. Time of sale, W en. Terms of sal, cash. alex. stkonach, . Deo. 8td 1805 - , Atty A PCXTTC Wanted everywhere for AAjLVIN 13 Marion HaTland's new Holiday Book, "Home of the Bible, .k.nu in take Chtistmss orne. Be quick I H18TOK 1CAL rUBLISH- 1NU COMFAN ii i.'Uiladeiptiia, i"a. ' ' .- J V'v 'T "Of, 11 if 1; - '''' a.:&. r.. ' . -ir-r-. - 1 of CSaleih yearn old baking the b. st pan of biscuit Bsnge ean be seen at our s'ore. BORDEN, Miis -'Maggie Ktera Newflillinery W are now showing all the latest styles "Our and most desirable shapes and in Fall and Winter Millinery, stock Is well selected, both as to STYLE and PRICE. There' Is s great variety in Caps aad Saflora for Misses and Children. All color aad slses from Sfie to $3.00. Wa will be nlessed to have the ladle call and look at our . stock. Every one will receive prompt end polite attention. ,. ' 909 oVrVtteviU Street.:,.' fOU DO NOT REALIZE That yoo are in Raleigh un'.ea you are . . stopping a. H1B..V -. u -'r YflfiBOSO HOUSE The only Hot. In tbe city ecnvenlcnt All rooms on the third floor 1100 per day; first and second floor saw ana fcLSO per day. ... . v, ... , , . SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES FRKK BUS AT ALL TBAISS. , --" Thousands of dollars rccent'y expended . provementa. ; U . BBOWN, Prop's1. SA17ESMEN Wantod tor Mer eliaiit Trade. A a dv. 8mpla tree. Ko Celivr1ea or eollt-o- tkiaa. llneor eMinmve. iurei-A?u- FACTUBKHa. Sail Miuket sireel. ruiua. OKLTBL. aortood ECONOMY ' ' - May be necessary In many ways when dollars - are scarce and wanta many, but it is notdesirable to practice it in to purctias 01 food, wiiicii is me. Below a certain atandara food Imper fectly nourishes; up to that standard it cost a reasonable price. He never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. - - rt BAPID SALES ' Give our customeis tbe i rnrQt of close margins. We never keep any thing that is not the best rf it kind, and we only watt a fair proilt on what we Invest in It. n CHOICE GROCERIES " Always in stock and promtlr da. urerea wnen oraereo , VALUABLE FARMING LANDS FOR SALE., By vittneof authority conferred bv a certain jiweu or rrusE rrom tt. A. Hodge and Loretta Hodge: his wife, dated December 5th. 1890. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, N. C-, in Book 114 at page xiflt x win on .. ; ; THUBSDAY. November Hthi 1885, sell at publio auction, to the highest Diaaer jor casn, six.(oi tracts or tana situate in Saint Matthews township, Wake county, N. C, and described aa fo'lows: First tract containing 231 & 4 acres. more or less, being Lot. No Sot the Oaston Wilder lands, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of said Hodge on the south, of the late David H In ton on the eat, of tbe said Hodge on the north and fteuse river on tne wett; and bounded as follow; begin ning at a stake and pointers on the east bank of Neuse river, about 12 links be low the mouth of a cut. the southwest corner of Tract No. 1. bought at the same time and place by Joseph An drews, runs thence eaat 295 poles to a stake in the late David Hlnton's line; thence with bis line south 84 degree, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west 53 poles to a small birch tree and pointers on tbe bank of Neuse river; thence up the various course of the river about 128 poles to the begin ning, holnar same tract conveved bv John K. Williams and wife to R. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 60 at psge 645, reference to which is made. Skcond Tract, containing 199 acres. more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the Betsy Hlnton farm (formerly Gaston Wilder's land) and bounded a follows: Beeinnlnir at a small birch and DOint- ers on the bank of Neuse river about six poles below Spring Out; thence with tbe dividing line east 3 poles to a stake in David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 82 poles to a stake on Mingo creek: thence down tbe Creek about 324 poles to where it empties into Van., rina,. IK..,, tlia m.M t4m ncuira 1 1 1 1 1 . buouM, up ituc win ttm about 105 poles to the beginning; being same tract conveyed by W. it Poole to R. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said offlc?, iu Book 66, at page 182, reference to which is made. TniRD Tract, containing 118 acres. more or less, and bounded as follows: Heetnninff at a stake on tbe south side of the Tartiorougb road--w. R. Pool's comer rut s south 1-2 degree west 46 nolw to a stake and pointers in the head of a small branch: thence with snid branch 80 poles to a pice on the east side of the branch; thence south 24 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and toliitert; thence east 108 1-2 poles toastaRe: tnence norm o 1-4 degree east 214 "Miles to the larborougb road; thence with said road 98 poles to the oeeinninir. twine same tract conveyed bv Jet n'e ilinwn to R. a Hodge, by deed recorded in sa'd office In Book 105, at naze 551, reference to which is made. Fourth Tract, containing 79 8-4 ac es, mo-re or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in tne centre or the Hodge road, and in J, H. Poole's line, being the northeast corner of tbe lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence eaat wltb pooie's line 122 1-2 poieatoa staae and pointers on a branch; thence nearly soutn down tne various courses 01 tne branch S3 poles to a large pine on the east side of tbe sameDavid Hi ton's corner thence with his line south 24 degrees west 89 1-8 polfs to a stake and pointers, the corner of the dividing line between this lot, or parcel, and that purchased by G. H. Williams, at same sale; thence west 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road; thence north ward along said road 118 1-3 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed by Sarah . Wilder, commissionei, to B. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 146, reference to which Is made. Fifth Tract, containing twenty-flv acres, more or less, adjoining the land of Benin Williams. B. P Williamson, William fmtth and Joseph J. Andrews, and on the east aide of Neuse river, be ing a part of tbe Betsy Hlnton tract bought by said Andrews at the G. H. Wilder estate sale, being tbe southwest corner of said tract according to a chop tied line Mimmenclnc at the said river. below spring gut, at a willow; thenoe ud said river ti above the falls at a twin red .oak: thence east to a stob and pine; thenoe to a stob In the branch; thence south to R. Williams' land, a llghtwood knot; thence west to the be ginning, and being the same tract con veyed by Joseph J. Andrews and others a D A IJ mi Ktf rioait rfAT(1twl lfl aid office, in Book 56, at page 307, ref erence to which ia made. Sixth Tract, containing eight acre and twenty-five perch, moreorleaa, ad joining the lands of W. R. Poole, Jesae Watkins, deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in centre of Hodge toad in Poole's Una- Minima with Raid road south S 1-S degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centra. 01 tne same; tnence west 00 1- uura w a stake; thence north 26 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole' line; thence with the same east48 S-4 Dole to the beginning; and being sau co.Tryed by Jame A. bv deed reeordel in said officA in Book w 11 Mama ann with ui aaiu Ik. a. awimk m at nave 90. reference to wbloa U placx ot Sals County Court Hons door, in Kaieign, . v. - fj.. , KBNBSX HAYWOOD. The foregoing aale la postponed un til Tuesday, December 17, ltwn, Ban pUce, hour and term or eaie. . -v Ernest Haywood. Tmstee. PIGEON .1 tarcT DISCOVERY Ot SX m Onr in 1 to 4 daya, Im mil U "ite UuBmIbV pnckH,all oomplete iaoae aiwlT oaokuae. boat br mad, prapaid, plua taokas. aa reeeii ef uioa. It fat H For ale by John t. KeBae, drag gUl , W OTHER 4 -j All Work 13- WK ONLY ASK FOR A flOBSE; AND There Is no better' on the market. Rage and flarshall Cross Si Linehan. The life of business show In busy atore. Empty aisle deserted' corner, lonely buyers, are not seen with ns. All Is life and buttle and business. Why not, when we give such extraordinary bargains. The all at sorbing question of the hour to the man is where to And the finest fabric tn Fall Clothing at fair prices the ever present and engrossing question and what to v.'ear and where to buy it How much w have simplified tbe labors of selection, and lowered price to fit all purses, can be seen by a personal in spection only. Picture to yourself a store heaped with tbe latest and Bneat ideas of borne and foreign looms, and at prices apace with modern times, and you will understand why we do tbe business. Compare Qualities. Varieties, Prices ai?d ietbodso The more VOU know of merchanfliae gathering of goods we have made, and at pick of them. It is time vou replaced that ol.t nr A styles and prices. W H. HOLLO THE LATEST CUT 1 Is the swell Idea In clothing. You al ways get it at our nigu-cinsa uhiwiuk. . sstabl sbment. Tbe tailor can no more t. hanlahMl from nlothinff than the cook from the kitchen. To buy ready- made atttre is realty aa aosura a tmng a. a y. - t miiU Ka a Kuwr f rm a. aron. Ml UU W 1 nVUlU W W MUi a,a.vaM w a,vu eral food factory Instead of making spe cial dishes in tbe kitchen. People could eat rrom a rougn ana reaay ewsuiritiuouii of food made for nobodv in particular, just as men do wear misfit clothing, but whv this when rood tailor!' K ia within easy reach ? It s much better while on esrth to look alive and solid in perfectly fitting, well made and stylish clothes such as we're producing to order in the . . i . 1 I . t. a m.1iat I CUOICOT WUOieiiS IU VUD uiwmou. G. li. WAliTESS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TJavlnv nnalifled as administrator of tne) estate 01 jonn naam. orwn, late of Wake county, this u to notify .. . . . . 1 . 1 j .t au person naving eiaim agaiDt we said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the Slst day of August 1896, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all person woeotea to tne aaia eauu wui Dieaae maao im onw v vmj un - Argo A Snow, Atty 'a Autustao. 1896. Mortgage Sale. ay Tlrtne ef satbornyeenterred la a eertala iaortcage exeented by H. Mattliews and wUe and reeoroeataeooa No. lit, at page TS, la metbter ot Deeds' oalee ol Wake eeeaty, M. C we wm an Monday, tk itrd dayotDeeem ber, a. D. 19. at U e'eloek at, at the Court Boos aoor la U elty el Baleigh; sen te the hlrteat bkMtr, lor eaao. tliat tract o laudTrtat and tltoatea hi Wklte Oak townsMlp, Wake eoaaty. H: ft. adjolalaa the laads of 1. H. atatthews, Jacob alorlnt and others. eon Uln to ri acres, awre or less. nL a afATaaart, 1. j-. , Atteraejs for Mortgagee, .v. This Ustoayol November. . OVERCOATS WOBDS- J 'J. - Guaranteed. TRIAL""1" 'w.' f ' COW. KKKD., We grind aad mli onme It . v the mnm vnil'll vnntlAP at I ha irtaa t tbe little money needed to give you the wit li nt-tur nna Wa haoa i ham sail he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY Is the best equipped and doe tbe most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send in your work. Phone No lit. WAY & SONS. PEERLESS POTATOES I BY CAIt-I.OAI Fom Northwestern New York. The LARGE8T, FINEST. HEAPE8T Irish Potatoes ever offered here, lut up in strong bags of ISO pounds each. Tbe most economical and wholesome food to be bad. Call early and get a supply for the winter of ! TONES & I'OWEM. 1,000 tons on yard and on cra. em bracing a varie'y in sizes and kinds of the best Goals In America at rock bot tom cash prices. 800 cords seasoned pine and ak wood cut any length 100,000 Shingles sawed-cypress and pine, for sale by JONES & POWELL, 1 RALEIGH, N. C. . Phones iU 718. 146. NOTICE OF SALE. Under tho powers contained in a deed ot trust executed to me Ir Turner B. Jones and wife oa the Id day of February, 1191, and recorded la book 113, page 40 Beguter of Deeds office fur Wake county. I will at 11 o'dok K. oa MON DAY, tbe SM dtr ef Deermber, IKS, expose lo sale at public auction at the Court Boose door In Baleigh. N. C, tbe real estate therein de scribed, being a tract or panel of land lying and being In the oounty of Wake said Stale ad joining the tends ef (formerly) Turner B. Jones, Beverly ghort, W tlllaa Tbompaoa, aad others aad bounded and described aa follows! Br a line beginning at the a B. corner ef a lot for merly belonging to said T. B. Jones and Beverly Short on aa un-named street leading South from Martin street, extended east of the corporate - limits of Baleigh, i feet and s rochet front Martin street and SO feet and Inches from the 8. B. corner ot Julia Lane's lot running thene . South Ot feet and t tncbea te William Thomp son's (formerly w. n. n. amna's) tat, thene - West 10S feet to Gatllur lot, thenee North e feet, Inches te the 8. W. earner of asM Jonas, - and gbort't let, tnence Bast us leet toih be ' ginning being the' lot conveyed toiaWT. B Jones by deed dated January M UM. .. ' , . Terms of tale CASH. - B. 1. OKAY, Tmstee. Nov. tt, m. ? wx ZJV Y. a 1 xN -H v; -V

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