J. I City I tor. TUCECDAY. DECEMBE3 5. 1CC5 Index to New Advertisements. Sale of Land W. N. Jones, Att'y. Sale of Land Peele A Maynard. - Notts to Claimants?. M. Simmons. Commissioner's Sal of Land B. U. Ryan. Keys Lost. Tncker'e Speoiale. ' - Thomas A llaiwell Specials. Daghi Specials. I ' Carpenters Wanted Q. Stafford. j Sale of Land Gray aid Battle, i PERSONAL. Mr. L. L. Saisar, of Smithfleld, U fa Mr. A. A. Hlek, of Oiford. Is at tie Ysrboroagh. - Mr. J. P. Arringtos, of Nash County, I le here today. , Llaateaaat Qoveraor H. A. Doogh-1 ,y toe, rf Sparta, la la the elty today. - Mr. J. L. Stone and wife, of Newport ' News, Va., are la the elty visiting relatives. " Mrs. Mar . Sana, of Paleetlae, I Teiaa, to visiting at Rev. Tattle's. She la relative of Mrs. Tattle. Mr. H. H. Granger, of Klaatoa, who haa beea la the elty fur several days, i returned home tods. . Bev, r. Charles, of Marfreesboro, " was here today na his way to the Bap- j tlst Coaveatloa la session at Greens boro. - Col. A. B, Andrews, aeoompaaled by Dr. James MeEeeaad Mr.M.T.Leaob, left for Atlanta yesferdav In the prl-1 i:v.v vate ear,. Agawam. 'W, atr. aad Mra. C. P. Thompson, of I Washington.!). C, are at the Yar- . , ' boreagh. Mrs. Thompson It will bt - numbered, made en ansoaeessf al at- - Umpt to steore snstody of her ehlld, I Bogh D'Aaa. A Straight Tip. Al"io"Ph I am no poet, Can't e a r1' vine. But can t- l you I e truth .; itjud give ma tue Uwe. ' Of pure old corn ' Fust I will sing, - Then to fine ryes I hope you to bring. , I will give yon the best Wiui a straight guarantee. " . . Then if I deceive you t- : Come back on me.. 1 will offer a forfeit For every wrong, Come rouad and see me, " It won't take jou long. ' first I will show yoa Tbe old Rosebud. X " Which I can furnish - ; i la barrels, botUesoc Jugs. jr. f - Then I will give yon v . The old Eagle Creek That will far surpass - That on iiorth Market street '' " I'll also show you 5 s ! The old Golden Crown: An equal to It Can ne'er be found. - Then I will ahow yoa . - Nelson D. C D., ' But will give you cbMoe Or you can tea ve It with me. But the old Hawthorne la as One as silk; : ' The people call for It -. At children do milk. ' , The Toronto Club ' ' ' f Is considered thr best By all who have tried It " Trom the East to the West Our glM are from Holland, The land of their birth. Where people all ose it And overflow with mirth. - Old North Carolina Peach, As yellow as cold, . And as for its merits Can ne'er be told.- v ., And old Apple Jaek, V With a bloom on his face, Is also farorit With the Adamac race. But the old Hock and Rye, It war be out down as a fact that Bretseu's crackers are better than any that come to this market, aud his bread, cakes and coniectiouanes are unexcelled. Be is doing a tremendous whulettnie business, which shows that the duIjUo appreciates the importance Of patronizing a worthy home industry. Yon always get the best at iSretsch's. Bitra large tS.OO Pietorea eaa "now be bought at Thomas & Maxwell's for f 1 00. ,. Asa to see them, Wa are now makinir in I Won tbe original Peani I Butter Cuds. Wa Invite comoariaon with other makes. ROYttTER. tneir Derfec- ortginal Peanut Brittle and This Is the Truth. We do not like to be thrashing old straw, but we are willing to pay for space enough to tell the people of Iial. eigh that we do, can and will sell niore ana oeiier oysters lor tne same amount of money than any dealer in Uttieigh can auora to sell we Keep theia us cold as ice without letting the ice de stroy the natural flavor of the ovatera. Try us and if we do not satisfy you. Gzo. N. Ivis & Co, ,noT25 2w City Market. Starting tomorrow aad eontinning ; every day Ooghl wilt serve oyster roasts. : Something new for Raleigh. fresh aote-of all kinds at Doght's. New ralslaa. 10, IS aad 90 cents et I Dnghi's.J Our Butter Cups, lVanut Brittle, Cream Almonds and Taffy are the beat, zoo a pouna, , . -lw , : Barbee & Pope. Madam Wesson dMlres to nail t.ha af- tentlonof the public to her new stock oi fail ana winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children. Infants caps, sacques. notions etc ' octlti There la acarcelv anv tain nn nl i Inura uu eaeia now at X nomas A Maxwell's. Don't f ail to get one. ; Freeh new dates, tea letDoghr. cents a poand Extra lanre hiirh hack fannv Rattan I Rocker for UQ at Thomas 4 Max. wen a. vi.;--:;.-. Out and Pressed Glass . BOTTLES, PRETTY SHAPES aad good COLOGNE to go in them. - Pall liae Perfamery andSoeps. Jas. HcKimmon & Co. PIIARMACISm 188 FayetsevIHe St., " Raleigh. N.C.' ; ' Coeoaanta at Dnghi's, ' Uaaae Chickens Of the War Horse strain. The hand. somestk the largest and the ganiest Single cock i $2 00. One cock and two nensiorss. o. Apply to B. P. nov30 Williamson. This you all know Isasnio V Com aalaa loners Adjonra. Thrfmatterof adding the laerease valaatioa of totes, amounting to t2,. UWk whiah waa referred to the Ity I aad eoaaty attorneys, was not aeted opoa by the Coaaty Vommiesloaers. Sif Lfi.mm.. I. r ,L1. t after a three days seeslca. School matlers oeeapled the atteatloa of the I Commissloaers most of the time. pprbam Man Killed bj a Train. A man by the earns of John SUaly fas ran oyer by a traia la East Dnr hans this morning aad almost lastaatly killed. Stanly waa a errpeater aad It it stated that he was aader the la- flaeaee of liquor. No farther Meniere were obtainable. fee and aa sweet , - J And as pure aa the snow But the Iredell water Is cheap, as you know, Yoa can get it in corn , .Just so below. - Old Crow and McBrayer. Oscar Pepper and L Hes A We put on onr shelves And call it the best. See onr large dodgers. In red all the way. You can tell by them . We have eoma here to slay. . Though bitter the tears, V And long be the years. We will take our medicine ' Without any fears. - All this yoa will And With a written guarantee, At tbe wholesale house Of Lambeth & Co. - Now, these goods are here; If you wish to Invest You can buy them for half What yoa pay to the rest. Yours fraternally, aMiisru. Mrs. Bolva ami Warran in to do first class dressmaking at their uuiuo, out norm Wilmington street. Perfect lit and satisfaction guaranteed. NotloetoClty Taxpayera. -The CitV tax lists for IRflS hava hnan placed In my bands for collection. I will be In my otBco for that purpose every day from S a m. to IB D. m.- All caxaa nnt nafd hi i Deoember 1st are subject to a penalty of 1 percent and an additional 1 per xju uu tue unit uay ot eaco. montn thereafter until nald. , W.B.HUTCHINGS, N0T28 80 J City Tax Collector. $3.00 a. Buys a pur of Dr. Harvey C. Vpubarch, Uaa beenn the nrantlni of mnlinina ana surgery in this city and offers bis services to ut oiuzens oi lljleigb and vicinity, Dowel! street. Office at No, a 10 South lie , nl5-lml THE ENID" Just like the cut.. Eight medium but tons, reverse button fly, needle v toe, pointed patent tip. HELLER OROO. ' 'Shoeists.. O. A. LAM par- I Not being able to give all of oar many custome s a Christ Keys lest. Three keys and a private office key uu m uuro euue ring, prooaoiy near (oe pueioiuca. i inaex wui piease return to mis emoe and be rewarded. Malaga grapes at Ought's, A Great Blanket Bale. . We have began a great sale of blan. , sets Five hundred pairs of white wool blankets, 10-4. 11-4 and 18-4 at special prices. These are being shown irom the original cases, just inside tbe Vayettevilte street door With this cola weather no one should miss such an opportunity to buy Blan kets at these very low prices. r W. H. A B. 8 Tucker A Co. Catawba grapes la Ive pound bas sets at uognrs. - Rich Winner Dress Uaterlala. We have just received a shipment of ricn, warm, winter aressimateriais, the amus augRvsuve or . venemoer ana January wear W. H. & R. & Tucker A Co. itmas nresent. we will sell from now until after Xnpas all fancy Rockers, Brlc-a-tirao, Via turea, Xasela, Music Backs and ail Christmas foods at eost, i. Bespectfully. - thoxsa maxwxum Ohrlstmaa Opealng. Look out for oar Christmas opening nn Wednesday. December 4th. . We have a handsome line of holiday books, Christmas cards, etr etc., ana will be sore to piease you. Yours truly. North Carolina Book Company. , ,. :. Doc Lost. v A black and white setter dog, collar on neek with my name on It, about 8 years old. Liberal reward will be paid for his return to residence of V. B. Moore. B M. Moobx. . Dec8tf ... For Rent. Two nice, well furnished rooms In a desirable part of the city, loo yards rroat capital a greeaoie location. rartner Extraordlnaryjarge stock of Christ mas goous at i nomas a it ax well's; will be Svild to their old patrons with. Terms easy. pir to For i nouee an. t. 0. MOSaXT, Do-yau ever eat Dogbl has got It. gsrlie? If so. " ' Carpenters Waatod. Ten carpenters can obtain' employ meat by applying at onoe to ' i GASTOM STAFFOkDv At Fair Grounds. : 1 j.,.--. -si-"ri"- a4iBBMaaaMaBinws' ' Jt. -."-'-'z JC: t In appreciation of the large trade be st )wed on us in the past we will sell to - any ox our customers ail Christmas J goods at cost. Thomas A Maxwell. - Fresh oysters every day at Doghf'r. Bicycle for Hale. " i- ' A Rambler of '94. Good as new, for I . v sa ecuewn, , ppiy as uus omce. - ; A $9.00 faney RatUa Boeker for 11.00 at Thomas A Maxwell's Money Saved en Magaalaee for 18M 4 . t We have some special Inducements i , to offer you on subscriptions to all tbe , popular marazines lor 1890. No one eise in BaieiRn can do as well for you. , . Come in and talk with us about it. It will pay you won. Don't delay. Yours truly, wortn Carolina Book Company. A Fall Btook. - ' Mr. H. 8. Lowry having purchased tne Dar ana grocery or n. is. .ramam at S35 South Wilmington street haa now a complete stock nf everything that a man .needs in the grocery or wniBseyiioe.' neoas ine largest and best stock of liquors, beers and wines to be found in the city and guarantees prices to suit sua traae. I U Notice of Sale. On Friday, the 13th of nHmhr 1805, at IS o'clock m. at the court house door in Raleigh. N. C, we will sell at puuuc a'lcuon ine iract nr land knnsn astbeW. J. W. Crowder tract, lying buvuh a i-m uiun suiiluwwi. oi naieign, on both Bides of the A vent Ferry Road, and containing about sia acres. auiuaui aaue,casa. - K. II, BATTUt, It. T. Orav Com. of Trustees Bex Hospita', Commissioner's Sale of Land. la pursuance of a jadgment rendnr. ed at October term, 1895, . la the 8a perior Court of Wake eoonty, tB a eaase entitled B- A. Womble, Kim a tor of H. H. Womble, deerased. against vapiMi viv uiaa compaay, I will St IS o'clock m. on MONDAY, 8 h dsy of Jaoasry, 1805, at pnblle anetloa for eath to the high est bidder, at tho eoort house door la the elty of Raleigh, the following de- seriDea real esutei All laat tract or parcel of lasd lying aad being In Wake eooaty, North Caroline, in Hal elgh towaship, aad adjoining the leads of T. U. Bilggs, deeessel, W. C f tronaoh aad others, and more f ol aeeeriDea as ioiiowsi ; iSesrins at a stake la the eastern liae of Fast street, Brsteaded, 467 1-S feet north ef the aorthc act corner of the ssld Bast street, as extended, and north boaadery street, runs thence east wsrdlyia a Has paialiel with north boaadary street 1450 feet to Grassy Breach, thence down said hraaeh mij left io state, corner of a lot bow vwaed by W. C.Stroaach aad others th-aee weetwardi? la a liae parallel lib said north tonndary street, 1,878 f. et to said st street, extended, thetee sooth along the Hoc of the same, J10 feet to tbe hecinolntr, eoatafnfag sis and eighty niith one haadtedibn aere. mr or lrs. S, G. Rrs, tds Commissioner. La Garisiosa Five , Cent' Ci gar Fci tTister and Cprirj T3L.OOIMHVO. Chinese and Easter Lilies, Ilyacfnths FreeKias, MarciaaQs, etc. l'alms, lurns and ouuer plants for room decorating. Cut Flowers Boquets ' v '.-' ' . Floral Designs. t Evenrreen. Maim ol las : aid Shade Trees. -. . ., . . :: DL STEmilETZ, Florist North Halifax ctreet, near react In : sutuw. x'none uu. 0CU7 . c: T 14 12.. 07 ACa". oi r- a j 1 , A. G. BAUER, i ARCHITECT, ' BAIiEIGH, N. C, ' " ; Remodeling old bulldina-s a snmialtv. wuinspuuuence aoucuea. . .. ; The Great Question. . ; Every face at home and every glanoe into our Inviting windows Bug- gecU the question, "What shall I get or give for Xmas?" Tbe answer to tbe first depends upon the love and liberality of your friends; the second upon your own means nnd generosity. Let fate and friends look after the get you look after tbe give that part moat blessed. Remember that a little given with love is more than much given because you can. Our store la just now budding with its wreath of solidified happiness. : Tomor row it will bunt into glorious bloom. , ... SELECT YOUR PRESENTS' NOW. .: .Fix's t loox. ; - f SeooxLd. Floorj the Lonnecticut Mutual Toys.' Toys. ' Dolls. WBTBeitf AM WkBWwrtftlMa aa Iku An. Wk imm f' BBjeS UlOf UfJ WvU UB 1 ' C -' 1 ' ' ' ' . ment nnon the hMtl With all the taracbernalla Dertalnlntt and lowest possible terms. Attention to Dolldom. ' . ' , ., , Grand display of Toys and Dolls la every department, v ' Every kind of toys Magic Lanterns, Soldiers' Salts,. Drams, Tool Cheste, Tenpins, Toy Dishes, Plates, Toy Fur niture, Show- Animals, Iron Toys, Trains,' Baggies, Gsates nf all sorts. .. TOYG TOY0 is respectfully called to Its "LOW; RATS ENDOWMENTS" at 69, 85. TO and 75, with Cash Surrender Values in la 15. etc.. vears. the hmt and most desirable Endowment Insur. ance ever issued. Life and Limited life Policies also contain larva raah Surrender Values, stipulated In the policies and forming a part of the con tract. - - ( It maintains a hither standard of solvency than is employed by any other Company or any State Department Jn this country, having in 1882 voluntarily adopted a . 3 Per Cent Reserve thus making Its contracts the safest and most valuable ever offered. All DOlIclea are bv their terms non. roneitaoie axter two or tnree pay ments, not even requiring surrender in ease of lapse, and such policies partici pate in annual dividends. The Cash surrender and raid up Values are Dlalnlv stated in each nolinv. thna avoiding all misunderstanding or dis-1 appointment, xne agents of tne Com. I panv resnectiuiiv solicit correspond ence with anyone desiring further in-1 formation. Good, conservative agents I wanteu in eaoa oountv. S. DWAIT, General Agent. HaleUrh. booicc; " 600 boaad Books,; lflj( worth 60a.' - All ktads of Books for the boys and girls from Sa ap. '. : ' . Tea and Chamber 8ets for th doll honse. Doll Farnltare. - - Klthen Tin low prices, .. v v '. end, Granllewire at ; Japanese Goods. An endless variety and very eheap, . Crockery, Glassware sad Brie-a-Brae. Tea Sets,' 44 pieces, from M.88 a set np. v Chamber Seta. 10 pleee , front fa 98 a set np. - Battereake Plates from 76a esek a p. Glass Table Sets, 4 pieces, from 40 eents each np. . Goblets and Tamble'rs fiom 6s etch. ' Caps aad Saneers, Plates and Steak Dishes.,, : Vases and ornaments. T.lilllnerv Goods v - 700 ladles' and misses' Felt Hats at fLlOe, ." ..,.-.s- Bedaeed from 60, 75 and $1 a yard Blbbons for the holiday trade. Wool Blanket from fl a pair. Bed Comforts from 75a each. CLOAKS and CAPES We hat. greatly reduced the prlee of all oar large stoek of Capes aad Cloaks. W00LLC0TT & :S0N. -IT PAYS WANTED-AN IDWSfionS To PAYCASH nnd iret Unit Pwi. a.v.: ot.' wood , Gives. In placing' tbe above' named v : Cigar before, the pubUe, we : v 'feel Justifled in sUtlng that It Is the Acm of Perfection.. It will seldom be equalled and never excelled. Try one. n - W. H. KING & CO. Sole Agents for Balelgh. , wawaaasBaaBX m -.j. :i'(f Huyler's Candy fresh every week. uunctepaie.tr rroteotfonrldeujtbevmar bring tm wealth. Writ JOHN wKDDBH BOHN OO- Patent Attoneya, Waaukngtoa, An honest, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable established house. Salary $780. payable 16 weekly and ex penses, Situation permanent. Refer ences. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Tbe Dominion Company, S16 Omaha Building. Chicago, nol-lm GOOD VALUES . . .,, and SMALL PE0FIT3 Makes business, keeps as bosy " baying; and selling, tolling in earnest, from selfish motives to "ra1tlf.,and P,ettM the) caprloea and. wblm8 of a Kenerons public- generous to tie, because we offer advantages nowhere else to be i' found. DARING CUl' IN PRICES I Tbe net. spot cash jastlfles the ' ct. Oar pi Ices 20 to 26 per oent, lesaon all tbe Uloeks In our store luao at ine -vnnuiT BTOKK3 Wnere thev sell arnrda all aWf al a - w.w aw tan ; of ways . . Some for CASH, ' Seme on TIME, " ' Soma for all ETERNITY, presumably on tbe "ONE PRICK PLAN TO ALL." No justice in that tort of way to the Farmer, v MecbsDio and Laborer who planks dewu bis bard-earned dollars - oav. The Inirnt.lna nf t.hla in.m may be STAMPED OUT by tbe people by throwing their iDflaenoe. mt- W f ,7 to make It pleasant for you and tbe place where you on brlna; baok anything that don't suit you and ' to trade with us , I get vonr monnv: , ' y 'Wanted, v-;.;,--.;; A reliable, active gentleman ot ladv to travel for reliable, established h luaa. . Salary $780. payable 15 weekly and j money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady. References. Enclose ' self -addressed stamped enve'ope. H. : . BBSS. President, Chicago. tf J.Q. Ball, IlETAIL. FANCY GROCERIES A - alongside people who take tbelr time to i ra Urge Rattan Arm Boeker for ' rbomss A hfsiwell'e. GO TO SPENCITS NEW STORE for eheap China, Crockery, Glass and i in ware. .- . - 8-1 w ' im Bast Martin street ' THE TIME HAS COME THE TIME HAS COME r When you will have to shove your self along. That is if you wish to I do in at tne nnisn. for jast as sore as tbe aoow fell thia morning just so sure will this store o!ose January 1st never to open again under the name oi Bwinaeii, and not a DOi LAR'S WORTH will go at auction. '. The Prices Now Tho Prices Nov 35a Ladies Black Hnee, now 16o 153 - . . , 10o iuo " " 7c IOj Men's - " :.' 6o II 00 Ladies Black Glovee, 67c Sl 00 Ladies Tan Gloves, now 67o ouo men's tjotton vests, now 85 s I Men's Wool Vests, now ; 50j I Come AND mm rH o Examine i 1 The n -3 handsomest Steel iRange is THE JEWEL." OB immmmmmmmmmiiiMUHB get your money: C. A. Sherwood & Co. See onr new 132ssell Gfates We ha l ost Bank Stock. ist.N.C, junnw. , or li . l -i 1 i f i e ( t 1 't ice "', I. of 76c 76c 25c 60o 80 6j Ladies' "Bell" .Sailors, now S4c i t l , r Ladies' Felt ttiRDW. now 7a Cbild'e Velvet t:ap, now , 84o 1 dozen Safety Piiih, now ' 4o I aozen a!tT 1'ins. now 3o fl 00 Baby giik Cape, now 60o 153 cartHin Porim, now lOo Vl-3 t'urusiu csrim, now ' 8c 1)3 Curtain orim, now 63 -1 . 'irr-.m icrim, now 60 i l TO I. n s Alpine llnta, now 65o 1, i f "- wi'l bold good as to! tt-j 1 3 p xmi last lth. r,::.iA e. swinbull, ' - E1ecut.I1 - 3 Bicycles IrE On easy terms ...... V Baby CarrlaeH At a eut price. n 'tsoi. H. Crl 5 & Sons, Utr IUliiqh. N O i IMPORTED ... . -A5D- KEY WEST CIGARS I carry la stoek ths following celebrate! and popolar brands 1 -;. MANUEL GARCIA (Imported) - : EL PRINCIPE DEGALEi (3 Kites) ' LA M4.RQANA , FLO 11 DE MADRID LA PATRICIA. - , . UEMAN CORTEZ. ; ; . ' . Also " " ... . .' : . TURKISH CIGARKTi EV ' - (Jnii.o Superior.) 8 TUAIGnT CUT CIGARETTES. '. B. F.GRAVELKY'S SUPERIOn (POUNDS) TOBACCO. SURBRnO'S GOLDES SCEPTRE (Mixtnrf) Smoking Tobacco. In short, I ean supply, the nsol fastid looe ennsamer of Tobacco, la any form. zz: Goods in Season, o o ZZi w b2 e a ca 3 - S ; ci m il r. n u - . sept 27 Iv 0 ' ,J. HAL BOBBITT, niAUM ACI3T. IMjlUKMI )' MUM )" 1MJM HI )MMI HUM P4 1 Self-raising and plain Buckwheat Flour. Graham Flour. Rolled (lata. hnreded Ooata. Oat . Flakes and Oat ileal. ,. - : New snore Mackerel, Family Roe Herring in any sized packsire or by re- tan. Mullet Uoe. Shne Hoe, I'ickled I'igs roci, nuuojnjmo inpe ana Drawn. Southampton Hams, Ferris llama, Westphalia Hams. Konele s break f axI Strip. 4 - . Navy Bng, Split Peas, White Peas. Black eyed Peas, Hed Hice, Imported Potatoes, Cabb?.s and Cranberries. 1 eison's GelHLinn. Cox's (.nlHtina Keysuine Gelatine, the tart named at loc a package, is warranted as good as the best. . Map'eSap Syrup, Vanilla Drip Syrup, Kew Orleans anl Ponce Porto Kicca hiolasaes. Iklmce Meat In wood and glass and by retail. - . Aewi,i,t;iisli vtalniits, rfxisPrcans, IthziIs and Ali'innitu, . l ive Crown ( lnsur Kaminf. '1 lirt-e ( rown In(lm f.nvtd Ramus, Ixio.'e Miifcatels, Inyer t ' M''t amies, Apricots, ,SeeUiFS I-.. .-.ins i l iirrants, I'ureiKn and L'!iihs Ic I r.e-l i'ii!.s. 1 " ' ! ami California Fruits and USEFUL CNRDSTHIAS . . , -PBEiTS "s in tin and ii, timkejf, ljucka, CUckens and iTClsnmpion Flour istlie whitest, e " -n a'ui Brronffti r tour matie, r .foiul Lu nd Coiiee cannot be f 1. i ,.rp... j pp ftT,d Fox River Cream p i iacr are g KiU as tlie clmrus will 1. . : i. .. Y.CStrorachdrSoDS (irooei'H. If jou want a present for a gen tleman, a lady, a boy or a gill, and yoa want to give them something that will be of some service to them, call and select fiom the nice line of - CT-tTtr a t o rrv - that we can show you. Goods the beet prices the lowest. JULIUS LEWIS C HARDWARE Nov 4 lv J.

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