'J THE FRE BB'lSEEOifei: 5T.JT. ' lQT?lf -v ? ' . t v ? ' f V " Toaewriow-. W.k.r. ."I Tomorrow 'a Weather.. For North Caroline Falr, warmer. :- lIARs Ttaletirh tat: vlnlall. VOL. XXXIV; NO. 89. RALEIGH, N: C., VFRIIAY EVENING, DECEMBER. 6,-1895. 5.. $3.00 per year; 1 I v f 1, Goes Up Nine Points Today u in New.Ycrk. WHEAT ALSO STRONG ' Belter Cotton Trade la Manobeeter lilberal. ' Bv Telearaph to Ui raass-Visnon. Niw YDBtV Deoi i 6 IJwrpool ' t opend 1 1 aVM own, bat Improved, 1 dosing tsry steady ft 1-B-M above last Bight. Spot sale 11,000 bal, of whisk U.000 wr"Am'rlcB 10,000 bales for opoft aid speculstion, -1 New York opened 5 poUU up. gala .Jng ( mora point. "AfUrwarda the s market loit the Impressment. Towards , the dose the market rallied, oloslag Anally 0 poInU ahov . laet Bight, - stsady. There to a beUer feeling la the mirhet. Llrerpool aewe i V- mere frrorabU-thaav wae eipeeted UnaehesUr to doleg a better trade, .soot talei eoatlBoe rerr liberal," and . -the abeeaee of eelltsg ordera eaaael a better aadertoa. ShorU - ere eorer- - lag." ; ' ' ' " - Betlmatod reeeiptt 45,000 baler, i" aglni4 79 000 bale lael yar The ' InUrlof receipts Bra f ery small, aboot ' - half as compared with last year and smaller thsa la the small crop year. u. s , Options closed as followsi'; t December,. to jaBaary, 8.14 to 8.1S Vebraary, 8.10 to 8.10 1 ' ' Hareh, 8.85 to AprU, 8.80 to 8J1 1 Hay, 8.M to 8.85 1 June, 8.88 to 8.40, Jaly, 8.40 to 8.41 1 Adgs.t, 8.49 - 'to iMyi. Steady. ' Hubbard Bros. Oo.a Cotton Eietter. 0peetlto lbs Frete-VUIar. Nbw Tobb, Dee. 6. , Aa Improvement la Liverpool sur- - prissd the tradd this moralag. as It had beea thought ths weakness la ths Amtrlcsa markets "would cause an easier market abroad, sndws promptly advanosd some 10 points from the doting g pf ices ; of j yesterdsy. ; Ths ' largsst portloa of this gala was lost oa . ths posting of ths receipts at ths ia :' terlor tewas, which showed an incrcass over last week, and another addltloa o the already lsrge stocks of some 98 000 bales, i Ths nneipeeted rally la Liverpool under ths'ismaad from Manchester, Ihss had ths effect 'of whanging to some f stent, the temper of the local traders, work on ths short , " Bids i fsss of ths setlve demand from Manchester, and the disposition el the Sonth to hold sottoa. ' Thr appsarf - to be so active speculative demsad, as " onUlds interssU seem nwre disposed to Invest in sottoa aadsr siictlag cos ditioas la Borops. Thns ths market , at ths moment seems left to ths trade, . who having bought freely during the past wssk, sts disposed to look for - another Improvement. . . Hubbabb Bkob. h Co. ' ChlOBgo Grain Btarket, woaoo, De. . Orala iuoUUobs slosed Udsy as follows - ' 1 Wheat December, 58 1-8 817-8, " - ';o ; r " ' Cora December, 88 1-9 1 98 1-8 to 89 1-4. Msy. Msy, j. 1 v Operators Skipped. XyTetcsraphtomanecs-Vlattor. ' . . , OBaKa, Hsb., Dss.,8.-Flra broks " out on ths third loor of the Natlossl " hank blosk this morning. The opers. '' tors of the Western Union Telegraph Company, oa tha lop 8bor, were com pelled to desert their poets. .Theirs vss very threatening at Brut, bat wss soon nsder sontrol. , ' v' - . '. - : ' ; L Town Bnrned. , ? , ; -8r Cable tetliePteaa-Vlattor. . ( . CorBBBAoait, Dee. 8.The towa ot '- MariesUd was nearly . wiped oat by 8re, Which wss uncontrollable for two "days. , . - - (Merge Bain DvhBT- cable te the Preee-yislter. . Loidor, Dec. 8. George Aagnstas Sals, the famous eorrespoadcBt, to 111 at Brlghtoa. ; He has beea slok for many wseks and to bow nnooueelous. Death le only a queetloa of a few hoars. J TrarellagMenlnSeanloa. - , am T.wrtna t Tan mwss Tisrron. , - WoiCBSTBBr- Mass De. 0. The wecond snnual meeting of the WoreeB. Ut County Traveling Msb'b Assosib- -tu. .ill be h.ld at the Bay State Home this sveaing. The annual elec ' tioa of offleeis will be followed with B WASHINGTON NKW8. Iteae mmA Ooeelp From the National Capital. Special to UM rrau-VUttor. ' , VaSHiHQToB, Dee. The Bepabll eaos 1b Congress will probsbly hare 4a early opportunity to show how sincere their reeeat shouting for the Monroe doctrine has been. England' reply to the demand of this gorern meal for a speciSa answer ss to whether its demands for ths territory claimed by Venezuela would be sub mit Ud to arbitration . b bow ob Its way to Washiagtoa. Should It be rafasal to arbitrate, as It to said to be. President Cleveland wilt at ones send special message to Congrats, and the Eepubllcans will; hare B shsnee to show what they are' willing to do for the maintenance of ths Monroe doc trias. i-WA:- i;l ' M. It ssems that ' at Ust President Cleveland has succeeded la nomlsat lag a maa for a seat oa the bsneh of the V. 8. Snpreme Court who Is satlsr faatorr to ; STsrrbody and whose aomlnatloa will bs nnaoimousiy son- flrmed by ths SenaU The laeky maa Judge Bufus W. Pcekbsm, bow member af the Appellate Court of New York, a lisfsloag democrat, ,aad brother of VT. H. Peekham, whos aomlnatloa to be loetiee of the Bu- premc Cosrt ' by Preeldent Clerelaad was rsjseUd by ths SsasU beeanss of the oDDositioB of Ssaators Hill sad Karphy. , V -i r I.. Cleveland Ooea BantlnK. Bv Telecresb to the Pnus-Vnrron. " ' Norfolk Vbu Deo. 6 -rresiaent CleTeUiuLU expected to Brrivebere today to take the lighthouse tender, Vto'et for North Carolina daoklnt; grounds. The party expeoU to reach Cape Hattera Sunday. Blinds have) been placed in the channel, where the Preeldent will epend three or four daye shooting. ' , . Ex-Senator Dead. Br Telesraph to the Fnass-Tmraoa. - Dbb Moikbs, Ia Dee. 8. General Edward Wright, who formerly rtjp re lented Iowa 1b the United States Sn- ate, died thto morning. Be served with dlstinetioa daring ths war, sad was a promiaent Bgnre in politics after tha BdmtosloB of his StaU I a to ths Ualoa. 5. ' ,. Italy Sending Ships. v Br Cable to the Preie-Vltltoc. - 1 Bomb, Dee. Trabnna pubiisnes Information from Naples that a sqosd roa of Ive lUllsa mea-of-war to sn- shored at OoeU, nsder orders to be la readiaess to proceed to Turkish waters. Gladstone's Sharp Speech., 1 . . -. ,SBWnsnsa f A , k Bv Cable to tbe rress-Ylsltov. ' - . Losdob, 1 Des.J 8. laaswa,Bas rlttea a letter to the Seotetery of the Armenia relief aasoslaUoB as followsi "I still hops U the IndUpeeKton .of tha pewsrs to make themselves atterly rldiealoas bsfors the world."'"i-" Gold Going Again. By Teletrapk te the frees-VUl tor. " Nbw Tobi, Dee. 8 Two ata a nan llllons of gold was withdraws wlthta tha I ret hslf-hout of business from the sBb.tr issary, for export Spain Seadlnst Belnforoements. By Telegraph to the Prees-VltKor. ; i ; Haviii, Caba, Dse. 8 The stsmsr Leoa Treoe hss arrivsd at Gunntanmo with ths bsUllloas of Prlaeipe ds To ledo and Satruetekul. Bad ths 'steamer Buenos Ayres has arrivsd at Csyo Prances, with the Cargosa Saboya and Psvls CaUlong baUlllons, aumberlog 8000 men. Campos hss arrivsa acre and reports a good impaealea of the soaditioa of affairs in Ssata Claiw. .. Board of Agrionltnre Kills A. and M- --- Foothall, 1 - It la oartloalarly bard on the stu dents of the A. and II. College, who hv BBTeral tear of oonsoientlons tralntog and bard work had finally built no a sacoesfiil f lotball team, have the restate of. tnetr utoor tnrn bwbt in a minute's time by the tesolnUon adopted by the Board if AgTloulture. It does not iook well for men who In their day risked malmlDg In the game c f shinny, to thns tabboo a game ri wnton tney know nothing, bat which yery many nniiora allnmnl cf recent yettrs eon sider to be a soienoe produotive of great good In the development ox both bodr and Intellect. The Mtcemed members oi me Rmrdof Aerloulture may rest anrod that the oolleze youth will be aare to find both excitement ana emimement: and they will discover that there are many so-called' amuse moots" more vicious than tne game of the gridiron, which at least makes its devotees, physically, men. a THE NAVAL RESERVES. The Sailor Boys and Ofloern Stopped Over Laet Evening. J - The second division of specials from Portsmouth, carrying the, Marylaad militia to ths Atlanta Eiposltloa did not begin to arrive in the city until 8:80 yesterday afternoon. , Ths first three sections carrying tbe Fourth and and Firth Regiments of - Jtaryland troops cams la quick sucssssioB and sash stopped about ten minutes at Johnson strsst dspot.' . i The fourth sestloB with CommsBder Bmf rson, ths Naval Bcsstves, Adjutant Osaeral Stnart Browa and ths Veterans FlremsnS' Assoclstlon arrivsd ; about 7 p.. ; nM'h.4'K-, i ' A large delegation, many of whom were ladies wrs B' ths Union sutloa to greet, the sailor boys. Mayor. Buss, John T. MasBas and a few others had been Invited by telegrsm from" Mr. ImsrsoB daring the day to meet them at ths depot., Mr. Emerson to a hand some soldier and H wss a plsssure to his old friends to be with hinv Ths train had a stop ef forty mln ntss here, and ths Bsssrvss wsrs soon off the trala snd msrohlsg np Martin street to ths beautiful and Inspiring tuns of "Maryland, ay Maryland Ths Bsserves numbering bont 190, and a hsndsome set they -were, dined ia ths main dining room of ths Psrk, Proprietor Crawford arranged aa at tractive dining hall. In the reading room, where the officers and gueete nambering about thirty, dined. ' 0 Mis BmarroB, the setompllshed wife of Commander Emerson, wss in tha party. Mrs. J. Newton Holding, dates of Mrs . Emerson, hoarded the train for Atlanta on Its departure. The boys marched bssk to the trala snd left amid much hand-clapping snd waving of hendkervhiefs. , Proprietor Crawford served aa elabo rate bill of fare, which delighted his gaests. The Seaboard handled the large number of specials in aa efflcieat man ner, One of their representatives hsd sbsrgs of sash section. EIGHTT PER CENT. GUILTY. This la the Record of Cases Tried in Federal Oenrt Sentence Given, s InHhe XThited States court tbie morning Jude Seymour sentenced the following persons, each to pay ft fine of il0 and thirty days In 111 In tarioos ooonties : John L. Cox, J P. Roeser. London Walker, J. W. Hr ris, Sam Davhi, 8ilas Worthy, in Chatham ooanty' jil Rafas Weath ers.ln Durham oounty jail; Anthony Lyon, In Granville oounty jail Jndg-1 ment wai sospended as to Dempsey Wateon and Curtis Yates. : During the morning tbe grand jury returned seven true bills, and three i hoo true buto.;;-iv John Hopkins was ciUed; theeourt was Informed that be was sentenced to the work house and had escaped. Ilia case was not pressed.: The law apparently seems rather severe on ignorant negroes who are employed at stills,, A back woods darkey, who had neither connsel or money stated as soon as he was called that he was employed at a stUL A verdict of guilty . was re oorded sgalnBt the darkey who doubtless had . so knowledge of yiolating the law, 4i . w,- The eases against the defendants are rather strong. . A veraiot oi guilty has been, returned In eight tenths of tbe oases tried. This is a big percentage. . ' - One old darkey was asked this morning, by Attorney Ayoook if a certain defendant did not have a rep utation in his section for being a big distiller.': " That's the recommenda tion they give him," replied the wit.. nee..-'.-'.. .; , j. ' v.fi "r- One of the interesting features of this court was the charge against Lelilia Thomas, of Moore oxtnty, for distilling. She Is 79 years old and a doctors statement was produoed stat ing that she was unable to be present on account of old age and Infirmity. ' t Almoet Froaen. Lastevealag a young eouatrymsa wss foasd oa South Faysttevllls street lying flat ob hla f ass with outstretched hands la a ditch. The mss waaSnmb and stiff and could aot'mov at all. This morning after waking sober and penitent, he gave his Barns aa Page and stated that he waa from thto sounty . '.q r "l ? J- ;.;' 4- The hoy was druak aad had fallen la ths ditch - Bsd some ose aot some ae rose Page he would eerttlsly have froaen, ss the alght was bitter aad plnjhlng cold. n C. K. Tavlor and Prof. J. B. Carlyl left oa the mowing trala for n h.. i. .ii. .4 tua B.nti.kSt.L. CoBvBtl.a'. - ' Pressing - State ; Mattew at Capital, but Groyer Busy DESTB0Y1N6 DtJCKr?. HI. ianket at Tfils Time Ellclte Btncb pntioUitt-Honee to Ad 'journ Till Honday.' ' '. bj c(ipa.iouinwyuHor.., o. WAJBHIBOIOK, OV O.t-MUCB Srltl clem about ths President's dock shoot' lug sipsdltioa ia ths waters sbont the Dismal Swamp bt? North Carolina when Salisbury's answer to Olney Is etpected todaw, while the chief eseeo- tlvc 9 futof resell. of mall in wire. is being indnfgsd Jn.? It IS eipseted thst ths House will adjoora today an til Monday, when both House and Senate w'll be reedy to receive a mes sage from the President. . i.i ieee Possible Complication. M "4 -" ''f' Bv bsWe'to taw rreas-Vlsiter.:' H if' London. Deo. 6. It to stated today thatlf It to troe that Wlostoo Ledb ar4 fyhurohlll, son cf the Lite Lvi Randolph Churohill, has shared with the Spanish troops in Cuba In tha fight agalnstt the rebels, it inay lead to' embarrassment, ; a' hel holds "a potntalssion in the British army. He oDcaineu leavaof absence la Ujtober and started to spehd the holidays taorkift the Went Indies. Rebellion n China, By Caole to the Freas-VUttor. ,, Paais, Dec. 0 A dispatch from St. Petersburg to Belalr ststes tha l is reported tnere thst China haS asked Bussla whether the Busslsa tovern meot would be willing, if requested to do eo, to send BS army corps to help suppress the rebellion In North Chins. It is' reported thst the rebellion is spreading. Ths rebels have overrun the province of Kan Sa and captured Its capital. Las Cha Pa baslsken two thonasnd prisoners, selling thirty guns, together Witt a large qusntity of provisions nd antmaaitionV uarmon w anis utw unangefr. By telegraph te the Frees-VHttor. Washikgtos, D. C Deo 8 -!-The first report of Attorney General Har mon was laid before Congress today. He treats at length the business of the Supreme Court of the United States, and recommends that, . ex- ce pt Li capital ewes, ' appeals in orimlnal matters should not be taken to tbe Sapreme Court Ha recom mends change In the la, f Pyrotechnic Fire. y Tetograph toOw Panae-VnuToa.1 Nsw Tobi, Dee. C Th immense bonded warehouse of Elliott F, Driggs, at South Jefferson and Water: street; was burned this morning. A larce amount' of flreworks, stored! .in the building, made the Are ngly. The loss to a hundred thousand. Sevsrsl per sons wers lightly tnjursd. Mammoth Chloago Cathedral,- By Telegraph te the rress-VUltor. f !j Chicago, Deo. 0 Bishop Nicholas has been Instructed by the Holy Synod of 8t Petersburg to build ft great Cathedral: at Chicago to oost half ft million and cover ft block It will be the home head of tbedeoomi nation of tbe Western world. ,.. - - i m e i i ' i! ..'ii 1 '' New Jersey - Sanitary Association. By Telegraph to the rress-VUltor. -1, ; AnaBTio Crrry N. J.,, Dec, ft The twenty-Brst annual meeting of ' the State' Saaitery Assoclstlon , is being held at the Brighton Caalao todty. Kansaa Kelbras Frees ' Aseoclatlon. By TeleersphtottMrasss-Visrroa. Lawasiios, Ksb., Dee. tTheSute Beform Press Assoeiatloa began its sessions hers todty with sevsaty-flve editors present.. They will be shows over th sity by a, local sommlttee thto afteraooa and tomorrow. : . ( i Ths Stock oTC. O. Ball Sold, ' The stock cf C O. Ball was sold today, the horses and mules being sold at Mr. Frank stronaon's empo rlom and the stock f goods at the atom on Hargett Street There was a Kood crowd, and Mr. Frank Stron acb. the auctioneer, who thoroughly understands tha business, made the bidding lively. .- ; , . " J 'r..w'- Iowa Teacher Meet. , avTelesTSSB'totherress-Vudtor. I BiaaLBan, ioww, vem. 1 aaaaal Jolal meeting or ins teseners la th Mantle la thto seettoa of the . SUUI. being held her todsy. ' ns .itfilR.R?ADEAP wa They SleepSn Stonewall Cetaetery Wlthnnt. HhiIiIiuim f We gladly 'pBbfish ' t&.Wowtaf Mmmaatea)ii ,foB .Rev Kr 4tostt and eordislly- eemmend its inteuts sad Suggestion roW pHtfcU eea iHeritlon of oar readers : Editor Thb'Pbeb-visitor : I may be pardoned if I claim a place in 'your cola ilumas tp nrf ee the great pleasure give's fflVae'in-Tjld Confederate Soldier, t know the fact that at last steps "a re being taken to wipe away from tbe fair brow of oar old mother, North jCerU&js! ll eembUnce of dls grace which msy ,attch to tbe neglect of her Cosf4dr te dead. , There are over fear hnodred North Carolina dea 1 taken from the battle. fields, areond Winoheetcr, Vs t and place With lovingfhanda in "Stone waH Cesietery.'i jhsta a little iecet of that town. These graves aree marked by wooden bead and--foot boards. These noble men who left their home at tne call I their State . . . . - .... to gusra ner Honor sua protect lUeir homes oaght not- to hive been forgot ton so long. And.-eVery' true - North Carolinian win sadly Welcome the hoar, close V-'haj.d nqjl, when s de lelegsvlon of Jftorth Carolinians wilt gt Onto tb Shenandoah-Valley and lake part in unveiling s Southern cross, hewn oqtrnf. ganile from our" own mountains In tbe "cf nter of our State lot In this latifsadttsVere; A large block of etone' for thiajpur. pose has bel given to Hr Aimiltead Jones of ths city. President of the Wjcasn's BtouotnentalAiSociaUon iy whose wonderful energy and inheritsd devotion, asieted by a noble bsnd tf Carolina daughters, the beautifnl StouameBt $hieiijnandf lnur Capitttl grounds has been flniehed and eong erated to its high mission of perpetti; sting the fame of those men of onr State,' who ' carried-'the honor of the State in their hearts from Bethel to Appomattox These 400 gravee of th men, who are burled ia the Stonewall Cemetery, are to be marked with enduring stone; head and .foot. Tour retders will be very ifld . to row that the women of KMgh,r speaking aad anting for their aljiterl throughout the State, will at onee-dep- utite a eompetent pvrsn 0 Winchester, Vs., and aseertaln defin itely, the exact cost of tbe noble and patriotic enterprise snd report in writing so that prompt actios msy be taken to completer the woik ll has been thought by persons eompetent tb ' judge, thst the cost will not exceed f8 per capita or grave The Bishop of North Carolina hasaapgeeted an easy mode of raising the necessary1 amoant ill be for all Individuals who loV the fsir fame of our State, etch to take a grave to mark tnd that he will only be too glad to mark one grave bim-elf. The ingenuity of wotnan'a love, which nbrhHng'hts aver bsffld or boatrn, will devise the wsys snd msss to, perform this nobis duty. It is by just each sots of tender de votion to our ,nble dead that we cer tify to. the world that e are not ashamed of, or forgetful of tb civil isation of th South, which produced such prlvstc as by their courage made ths hlb fams of.a. North Carolina Qenerale, Uoke, Branch, Pender, Daniels Pettigrew. Hill. Orimes, Bamaeor and others, upon whose honored shoulders were li'ted up to the sdmlratioa Of all Christendom our. mktehleas Jackson hud immortal Lee, In these dsys .or- asngerous aauimoe with the peny tleiit force of Puritan matcrialiam ooi bono philosophy wesre lBlmmioent peril of being swept away from the stsndsrd of duty and of compromising our jclaim te a lineage which HortB Carolina, Unloosen' me sisterhood of the Ststes in the prouder and purer daya of tbe Bspublic, hss lven o sash sidtoverj one of her true native Dorn sons ana "naugu tern. JamiS BaTTLB AVIBBTT, Chaplain In the late C'S A. . '-.i St. Paal's Rectory, touiaburg, V. C, Dec. , ISf 5. - Btr. T. & Inge 1 Apparntetl Master . ..... - mw.:,-. UechantOJ' ! ' Mr. T, 8. In,of this sity, and for mtay yesrs aa employs of .th South srn Betlrosd.ias beep prsmoud to-the responsible posKloB of muster mechan ic, with; headquartera at Burlington H, Ci,Hs will have jnrlsdletloa?ver th line from Greensbord to tabids- boro,- B)ma V4' Norfolk; J)Brhm to Ksysrtllr, Oxford to' Henderson, aad Uaivsrsity to Chspal Hill. This ap polatmsnt went Into effect: oa Decern bcr laU- ' The Methodist Conference meets at Blisibeth City seat Wednesdsy. 0 l!OORFORATE WHH A8 VLU M Xbat .waa f ho -Menee, pr jh Grand uuuare, wnic-n met tast mvernug. The Grand Lidge of. Masms met pere in speoUl ,esion Jast evening for the purpose of taking such step atfVou'd' nfrtife to' the 'Oyphaft Asylum, at Ox'ord, thetaqiiuiit if I26.00O kft U la Mioueavlis rot estate y-ih UU Mr. Bradley, of California. Oa the suggoitioii of the order's attorney,, F, II, Bnsben, Siq oi ltaiein,, too Urpnanaxe was ordered incorporated; tbe board of directors are to be nominated by the the Masons and appoinud by the Goversorwi This arrane(kieot lea ves tne Masons practically ia control, as before tbe incorporation. Some of the member cant here thinking that a provision in Mr Brd!eyB will mde the inoorpora tloti necessarrr' tnl-that when in- oorporatod,.' the ' loHtitution wnu'd pass from. Maeouio ooatr il. The love for the Orphanage of the Ma sons of this State was well shown by therdtelaratkw ef tbise men that they would vote gaiast ino lrpor tion, it the bequest, under snob con ditions, was a hundred thousand dollars. The will of Mr Bradley is bain ; , fonght by his heirs I q California anl Minniapolis, they claiming that he was notJa. sound .mind when th will was wads- Tbl jPittter wQl.be deoided witb- uitbsnexi several mantbs h: mahl.br 6a That Will he the Name of Italelgh'a New Jewetr Plrm. Heears. Loots and Fred Mahler are to aeoWcd'thelr laU father, Mr.. U. stabler, rhis Jewelry basioees here and will ooBdaet the business, with the asms chaagd to H Mahler Bona. A reporter lesrns thst the establlab- ment Badar lta new management is to be conducted with, great enterprlee. Tb store Is to be completely remoi I)ed Snd made one of tbe haodHomeat n the'South. Ad expert is to srrive here in a few dsys to superintend the refitting of the etore. Raleigh people will b glad to learn haft tbe buainess la to be continued nd -conducted ijon each progreseive lints. t Both the meinberH of the firm are well known and popular young i -Thevbave nothing before them but success. " The D'Ana-Thompson Case. The case of Prof. D' A oa, of Ken- tuoky, vetsur Mrs Tbompsoo, of Washington City, wbioh was deoided In favor of Prof. D'Ana and which waa appealed from by Mrs. Tdomp- 893, was argued before the Supreme Court today. Tbe obiid to at present in ousted y of Prof. D'Aoa., Counsel in the case for Prof D' Ata it Mr. TooujM Uafnam, of Hickory; for Mrs. Thompson, Messrs Irving and McCorkle fc Son are attorneys. The story of Mr. Thompson tak ing her child from the sohool in Hickory, where I'rof. D'Ana plaoed him is fresh in the public mind. Agrrlonltural Board Adjourned. The Board of Agriculture compl-ted their work yesterday and adjourned. The Board paaaed a recolutlun to the effect that the students should not en gage in gatnee of football outaide the college grounds. "This is practically a death blow at the game at the eol- Resolution' were pissed thanking the Executive Board snd. Lleutensnt Bsndersta for services. ; Lieutenant Barnes, successor, to Lieutenant Hen derson received endorsement from tbe Boird:5'- sThe work of Commiaalonr Patterson In conducting Farmers Institutes so soeeeeef ally met. with -the approbation of th Ttosra. So much pleased wars they that provialoa was made to eon tinue tha work during January and February. A speelsl vote of tbsnks wss tend- ere 1 the Sesbosrd for valuable assist- snce, aleo for enaouraging emigre tion. busiaay ' Vreln-ht ' Tralaa Unlawful. Aa Ahville maa charged the South- n Railway with running a freight trala oa Sunday aad severs! of Its em ployes with werklsg oa the same day. The traiamaater aad agent were had up la a maglstrstee's court and a de cision was rendered against the eom- osnr, A demurrer was Bled but was hv'er.raW. The defendants were placed Badar tl.000 bond The defendsuts appcatod.!- 1 Mr. If. S.J Leard, aceompsaled tbe eeond section of th Fifth Maryland Reglmeat 10 Atlaat yee'erday. Mr. Chsrlee J. Voorhees was with the Foorth section whUb carried th Na val Reserves. H NWSCATHER1JS A DAY : 1st. -Vulltt ' Coudelisedaiid Pat in a Reaif- aoie orin. FACTS AlVD '"OftsSIP. lutermtlns;lyTwrd as Picked an tm the Htreeta and Varioae folate '' The eberlff isf Wayne sent ths Trsss- urer s IS.000 cheek for payment oa ' ttses. ;"' 1 '' Bight prieloaere- made aa sff -etaal attempt to break jail la Dorhsm ree- ' "'dir. , .... Souss'sBaadoa its return trip from AMots, will appear ft Charlotte Tues day night. . The Agrieolturar d -part ment offices have ben fitted up with tb bright Ineandeecente of the Raleigh eleetrle company. i . Rid liquor snd losf sugar Is loo great s lemptatfoa for the 'averaae moonshiner. Heae-the Mayor'seoart's enlarged reeorda. . The North Carallea School Supe.-ia-teodente' Assoelatiun meet, here oa the 29.h of December. Mr C, W. Tome, of Durham, te President. There is nothing aieer for a holiday pr.aentthan a nice box of Teaney's candy, which yon can Hud at John V. MacKae'e drog at-. re. Watch bis new ad tomorrow. Foarteen yoang men stood the ex amlnation before the Pharmaceutical Board a few days ago. Preaideat Zoella carried tbe papera home with hlro. The boys will nnt knew their fatee for averal days. There was s eerlou wreck on ths Southern Railway jut below Charlotto. reuniting from s head a eolliaion yee terday morning. ' Bogineere Link aad Hammond were iojoied as waa also a conductor and both firemen. Thirty convicte left yrateday for tha Penitentiary farma near Welda. They tll work job th- i . . All the nrigpeers ere reeene-aeta) , Thejr , wore new nnlfbrms,"had henvy. blan kets, but could not enjoy tbe luxury of an overi-oat. The contractor of the Sesbosrd Air Line to put up tbe bridge over Mor gan etreet wss here lodsy. His asm is Gwaltney. He Informed Cbal-aaan Drewry that the engineer hsd tnasW his plsns and wuifc woald be coca meoeeirtoraorrnw. anal aua-d The directora of th aeytam for ths luaase have adjourned after traaeact ing the usual' rootlne ;: bnslnees Superintendent Qeorge L Kirby eub mlttid his report. . This excellent ins titution was found to be in spendid order. Carda are out announcing- the mar riage of Dr. ( harles T. Hsrper, of tbe Maryland Univereity Hoepital, of Bal timore, formerly of Wilmlnarton, N. C, to Mies Jeaeie Olenora 2immermaa, at Biltimore on Wedneeday, December 18th at 0 30 o'clock p. an. st Fulton Avenue Presbyt-rlsn Church. Ooe of the Baltimore delegation preaented Mayor Roes last evmmg with a ns'qoe button of pretty dslga n old gold snd blsnk colore with the ettere "B. C. B. 7." The let.l-rs atand for the Baltimore Centennial EiL?sitiou which wiil be held In 97 and biota promiaes t' oe a greater abow than any yet h-ld Proprietor Brown received a tle gram from tb F- urth Maryland Ki-gi- ment y-atrrly a 8 o" clock p. m ask log him if he could feed 400 men at S . m. Mr. Bron replied promptly, 'yes." Te telegrams were delayed and ao mu-b time wss bmt that It wss. impossible to mike tbe rrangemals -ia so short a lime. . ExJsattee Jsme B. Shepherd aad Charles M. Baa bee. Kq . have r turned from Washiagtoa where they went to srsne ths famous ease of Ba li ter vs. Taka before Ike United States Supreas Court. V'The ss" did not com op, however, sb4 baa beea pt- eoard. Th oohrt f ss a reason (he fret t'aat the eaee was one lavol.lng grave constltutionsl points 4 should be argued befors 4 full bench. Chief Justice Fuller waa ilck.ene JaalUe was absent snd. there wsa e-n vseaaey. making only' sli member out of the nine present. Th ess has beea st for JaSosry Slat, whea It will ba'led prorsmptorlly. tiaaquet. - , .-t'.- .c: - '.?.-.,-'V-'-i-,W!-6 Li-, f'.-- V

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