'T' 1 i - r r t f V f . ' ' ' "1 - -.. FCIiLlSUEO BT. Dally, Except Sudtf, A Consolidation of the VUttor, Ee- tablUned 1878, and the Proas, Eatab. IsnedlSOA. Office in the Pulleo Building, corner ' FayettevlUe and Davie Streets. UHUEJt O. ANDREWS, - Editor d Hufr. if A8PKA H. HoRAAYtl v eolloltiag Ageat. : SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Um year, . One month. 100 ( galenaf at ImI CtsM Jfefl JTatttr. it. .-. The - Leading Afternoon , .. Paper In the State. : The Press-Visitor publishes all the nswssvery dAy sad ha double the cir r eolation of any daily ever published in Ralelgb.. ' T&LXPBONE. 108 FRIDAY. DECBMBKB . IBM. EDITOR WATTKRSON TURKS UPON CLKTKIiAND. In 2 tha first aeaaion of tha" nreoenkl Congress. In all the contests there is bat one in which a colored man is a contestant Tula U the case of Hurray vs. Elliott, Iron tha Char leston (3. CO district II array was tha only colored member of tha hut Congress, and ha hopes to be able to unseat Representative Elliott In hit pending contest Many of the con testants make tha fight for tha (2,900 expenses allowed to contestants, pro Tiding they are onsnooessfal, and It so me time oooors that the expenses of a oontast are not half that amount, bat the contestant is thrifty enough to pat In a bin for the entire amount. A. o1 EVERYTHING NEW. i x " Oar $5 Line in Laced Shoes and Gaiters. French Oordevan Calf Lined. , Trench Calf. Calf Lined, with Cork Soles." .? , i Patent Leather Calf. -S .... i. ; '- eWJBVajewaB) . - r; A; Calf. Ca-'f Lined," Double Freneh Bole. . Cordevaa and Kangaroo. Enameled Calf, warranted not crack or ores. s - t , f . Editor Watterson, of theLooU vilie Coorier-JoornaJ, whose match less pea baa been trenchantly wield - Tea Son there Railway Company has contributed 12,000 to the fond for rebuilding the UniTersity of Vir.1 ginia. , The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company recently contrib uted f 1,000 to the same f and. It can not be said these corporations have I no souls. . i Bucklen'a Arnica, 8aivev . The best salve la the worid for seta, braises, sore, a loan, salt rbenm, fa. I ver Km, utter. nappM Banna, enu blalna. aoraa and ail akin raptlooa. aad poalUvaly earaa pllaa, or ao pay taqalMd. It is gaaranUad to give I perfaet aatlafaetioai or moair reruoV I ad. rneo so eaota pet pox. rot sale by J aba f MaeRa - Yicl Ed Calf IJneaV frerch Vlci KM. ; Our $3.00 line of Qentlemes pne Shoes . Cannot be equalled In the State. . v Sj,k Ladles Comfort Toilet Clippers 1 Old Ladlae Baavar, $1.00. Ladlea Mom Yalfat. 1 85. tail.' Baby VaUat, tX 8. ladiee' For Trimmed If eltoa, fl.75. . . Infants Kid Button Qhoes fWt solas la Blaa. whlU end Taa. , ' . . .- ",,f . BabW Lastd KM Beototaat. White sad Ta. ..: 'X-,. Sabloe WhlU sad Tan ChamoU M oeoMias, B. Stronach, GO TO A. Williams &-Ca Eocksellers and Stationers, FOR YOUH ' CTATIOrJCRY SCHOOL DOOKG , . " : i FOB YOUB- , ;-. BOOK and STATIONERY SUPPLIE3 OP v . KINDS.' - - a r, foe A- wah w Cj.'-: n u. .... t : r a i i bf ' . ALL' ' Come or send to as and we will sup. ply yonr wants at prices to please, - 'Yry truly yonrs, r Alfred Williams & Oo. y: oeics para I.;' Dry fi Qooda. Kotioas. ghoa-Bfarthiag Kie.pt Higfc Prioat.., All dlMaaas of Ue skia enrad ad tha beat aomplexloa rastored by John aoa'e Orlaatal Soap, part aaiad and 1 from time to time in defense of ". To aakaela aah PJiaNE SO SOJt T. MaaBao DUKE ClGAnETTEGI Mr. Cleveland, Has at last rebelled and refasee to take his medicine. In a two colamn doable-leaded editori al in the GMrier-Jonrnal he figura tively 1 reuds from the "Veiled Prophet" bis vei', and than poors npon him vitriolio vials of scathing acorn. After saying in aabstanoe that Mr. Cleveland is a fraud and a humbufr, that he has been a wofnl soonrge to the Democratic, party, and - that he possesses no original opinions upon any economic subject, getting every thing at second hand by absorption, he continues with these remarks : "But why cry over milk that is spilled f What boots It now what were Mr. Cleveland's ulterior par poses ? If he meditated the disrup tion of both the republican and democratic parties and the oonstrao tion of a Cleveland party, as his enemies allege, be perpetrated a aT4wmniaolcalaUoa. The party wMob thrjoe. honored-IMW iar nominations and twice elected him president is left with the bag to hold. and a very empty bag it is. He has J fJjQ .EJJ renown; to his party full of disaster. rpWniri Pmiffrl PlTTYS W. a . am v I II ; II - i II J Ml , ' am am 11 11 p4i;"n,". j-; VyiUAKLllLi SamOC.T OUHHAK. w.a. u.a. 1- BEST: BITVWN0W. Land for Sale ia New- Light HTewnshii. Wake County. ' By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court made in the case of Harrison vs. Harrison, I will, on the lath day of December. 1896. at Is m sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court nouae aoor or ware county, a tract of land In New Light township, Wake county, adjoining the lands of Addison Lowery. 0. T. Harrison, Sandal O. Pearae and others, containing 68 acres, being the tract formerly owned by Oakley Harrison, deceased. Sale is made for division amongst the heirs. Title good. J. U. Fleming, novl3tds ' - Commissioner? wj..&.r:s. tocker&co. -fi St ,8' t S V ! jt -If .J - siaoc raoa ABSOLUTELY PUstk Wanted AT ONCE I S00 Booms to )iaprr at g&co a Roone SS0 Rooms at S7.G0 a Boom Oures Congbs, Colds and Horsenssa. Presently he will go oat of place and power, carrying with him the canes of sodm, the adulation of others, and I Bi&'l Fragrant Almonds the average opinion that he was an Cares Chaps,' Fever Blisters and Bed- average president who, if hs did so aess. Made and sold by great good, did no great harni Hir.KS Ar PflfiFPC; making time as it were, and leav fng the public servios very much as be found it albeit, for the time be ing wrecking the cause which the pple fsnoied to be embodidd in his person. The image which the people have exMtraoted oat of their own gener ous and eonflding beliefs, setting it upon a pedestal, labeling it "Cleve land" and extolling its virtues, has never bad any actual existence bat in its stead a doll, plodding bank president aospioioas aod grudging. destitute alike of imagination and sympathy, and far, very far, from a hero of any kind." This from Mr. WaUersoa who baa been the administration's strong ally and under whose lash the Kentucky Democratic convention endorsed the administration, oomes as something of a bomb-sbelL With the paling of the ' Star-eyed Goddess of Dcmc oyn will not the glow of third term promise loose a little more of . its roseate glamour t , Prescription DnigRiata, SCO Rooms at $10.00 a Boom. 160 Booms at tl( 00 a Room. The above special prices will bold good till ths Orst of January. A large stock of good pa pais to select from at FHED WAT&W: ART STORE. IMm' ' Sale of Land Under Motgage By vlrtsa of power aoafcrrad opoo , etaeatad I said mort- Beglgtry of 94, page 867 1 higbatt bid- honse door ia the oltr of Balelsb. H. O.. oa Mon day, DeeeCTber 10, 1605, at 13 si . tha 1 i j j.. . i . . . i uia anruni n wis anniui, u- an.., , , jolalsg the leads of J. 0. S Lnmedan, ' giaojor every family who tees this toroall on me for any ; r.ueMwiBaaaotastK'-ftsfiaaiag at thing in the Drug Line at either of my Stores. aiUkatndpoInUrtlo Lameden'i eor.l - ura""u,P',ll t tit than 4h a saABwIa . O Atmm IIO A K-d ...a I i it i " , :h ?h Press-yisitor claims to go to every family in ilalelgbV Well, I'm i jUdtoknowttandthst'swbV'r V" ' Ti ' ' " r -m- i Si rf h I n rA tbeoea north S degrees 118 45, east poles to a stake ia Goodwin's corner. thesae north 88 degrees, wast 89 poles to a stake na poiotert, tbeaea sooth I degrees east 89 poles to the besrln- ning.eoatalnicgSS aeresi 81 poles more I ot less ia Home's Creek township, said eoaatyana state. . . . B. F. MOlTTAOtlS. Mortgagee. uaielga, 0. v., Hot. isth. 1895. K0T1CE OF SALE, v 5 R. s. v; p. MacRae, John ; -T. Corner Wilmington and Martin StreeU and FeyetteviUe and Martin. Byvtrtueot autborU eoolerred apoamebr twojostmeaiiol WakeBsperkrOeartnaderad at February and October term, ltw, in aaae- RALEIGH; " STflTIONERY CO. BLABI BOOKS, OFFICI aad SCHOOL 8TJPFLIKS. ; TTPB wlUTKB 8UPPUXS of all -y.iiF..n i u Must have care or they'll surelv deeav. Long before thev decay, now- mmr, mftT vui mow r.ne nrsipct in Buffer and reflect no credit uDon Um DOeeeseer. - I W. C SlmMu athen awa ktfaa.nta ' Take ears of and preserve your teeth win ecu at pnbue eutorj ta me aigneat under, by using - , , 1 (oreuh. at U coort boum oor o Wke ooonty. oa Moaday, the th day of Jammry, Mel, at Rimnaftn's TlAnts.1 VlniA ' f I 0Br a v a traet el Uos sita OimpSOS 8 Leniai JrlUia, uedtaaldeomityof Wake,adoiauftbelaodi ot a. a. oaqMBter, A. G. Jones. Nathaniel aj- whlnh will aihtfm rl.atMth th. ". wainuif ajacreeantti poMe, dellghtfol Odor to the bmath )n m namnM Alston ttao, nun thnce Kwth l u rloritv over all other llnnlrf dantif riiSi I bore roadj tbenee outwardly with said road 1ST Prepared only DV. , I poKrf; Uieaee north 44 degree ea M poie. to a I west 134 eolnt to the belniiiDir: same beinc the landeaBTeyed to Sarah A. Mayaard by Allen Hayaard and wife, by deed, recorded ta the aesutersoneeet Wake eoaaty. Id Book s, at " - J. N. HOLDING " " COKlflSSXONIH. ; Tbfe, Noremberis at'.ti ,. LAND 8ALK. uoa whenia w. o. upehoreh was piainus and I By authority of a mortgage from 1 1 J. f iKhton and wife, recorded ) . . I In It') on. . m ' USEPUIi iHRISTHAS WILUAT1 SIMPSON Simpson's Pharmacy (PuUen Building) i " OSBSIKPSPH'B wtbb; PILli sa VCZBHA OIHTMBITT. , In Bonk 11S. naa 9fW. rmnrAa nffln. Register of Deeds for Wake county, wm on monaav, etn a ay of Jan- zr uwy, 1896, at 12 o'olook m i at the II "I Court Honse door or Wakeeonnty. lU1 Raleigb. N. C sell in tha hirhMr. bidder for cash, two iraoU of land In' ; -wf rriRriKriorn Mark'a Creek townshin. W.k. , ' iDlOnLnirf S0 "5"bed as fo'lowe! i . . 4 ; ." " Xu1lUvJ U 0 First Traok-Begins at a point on, ""' 3 " "UU-faUU U V Mark'a Creek, A- T. MiaPs line. " c , - , - " thence least with said Mial'a line to . ' - , " . It Medlln s line, thenrui nnthan. rious courses of Gin KmnrhhiWI'.1 ' i -T , i - V - v liana Vlarshburn's Isnv tbenoewest ' wito nis line ana the line of the late N. Prioe to the hieb wabnr mark- nf mars, s ureef, tnenoe Sale of Land in Wake County. awitharanl down various oo arses of said creek to the beginning, containing? eon acres, mora nr m. I Worth CASousa, I In the Bq- 1 ireoond Tract Bound on the north waae uoonty. I parlor Coart ?T lanas oi J. W. ralr, on the east f sry 8. Speight. ' B. H. Battle aad 1 laa ! I" yeonarn, on the south "i Haary &. Brraa feiacotors) olaln. " . unrnu ana B. Brown, tiffs vs.: Aldridge M. JiH T.nd V":!?""? .Wro road and others. fcfeaaaatt.u.iv:: . "P0 " By virtos of a deeraa in the abo.e ' "'""V STV . If yon want a present for a gen i, tleman, a lady, a boy or a glil, and you want to give them . something that will be of some' , service to them, call and select bom the nice line of ' EE3ULAE ; O00D3 . that we can show you. Goods ths best-prices the lowest ' n Monday, the SOth day of Dceem- Oetobar Term, 1805, of Wake Superior I Sae 0f Land tinder iWd at Trant ' , A " ." Ccurt House door in Coort, I will oa Moaday, tha 0th dsy V under need of Trust. v , -r, C r .. puuiHj auction, oi nnqsry ivito, emoae for sale to -'i, . . ttiulno"lconfeirt'" tbe highest blorforb!atblk By vlrtueof power conferred upon the deed of mortgage, executed to Gea. i-t. atil. a J ? !v cwtain aeed of tfu eiecutod (tegister's office for Wake nnnt. '"y of Raleigh. at It o'clock A. Britt which said dol ia n.ii.r I Book It ia aaid that ia view i of the an - usually Urge number of contested r election cases to be psseed npon "by 4 the House of Representatives, Speak "l er Reed baa decided to appoint two o immittees to consider thenv Tbie ia the flrst time in the history of Congress that the number of eon : tMte reached the remarkably high figure of thirty-two. In the last Cot ' grass thre were somewhat mire than a dcten, and some of them were not disposed of until near the dose - of the Congress. The Committee on Elections will be among the Bretap- " pointed, ar4 will be instructed to go to work sod bring in their reports wll-out delay. It is tLa intention to tave all tLeoontasts deposed of dur. CEORIC LINEN PAPER JLtlnen dnveloptiss r G. MAAAOEIL. 44i?i'5'' man ia book W page 416, In said office nd also from F. P. Brewer to Martha iituieman, ooo m paga 041, in said ofHoe, containing 119 acres, more or less, ad. A ikt in apex, adjoining the auus m iMitineit Uiive. rv w ill . son, ths heirs of A Jinks and others. particularly doicritxdin a deed from f Williame and mitm in aad Hnll..w in bock sa, page 62 in said office. ' 8d A lot In am. alntnin. 4k. lands of Jeremiah Williams, H. a Olive. Msrv E. Markham .nri partioularly described in a deed from H. C. Olive to said Holleman in Knot ft pags HI, ia said Restaur's otfice, Time of sale. 18 u Terms cash. ni. -1 - j i ... . i .:' -. r.. , - tL. tL. ri ATTr.ir . ; ' Now my headquarters are at Btgsan's V ui c;toI ' u.' i Toy Store, where the Drier are lowest. lgn, N. C, aov. S9, 85tdB , ; i goods best snd the lanmst stoe, and 1 "' " " 1 " they cannot Mil thlr ordera an fast an j. K. i. f. !..,. i. , . , ' tbey gt tbem, and if want to gei ;w the boat SO to a reen'ar tnv nlnroaiul ; . boy at manufscturers' prices thst is . i ny vinue oi tne powers contained in HMctrantt Tov 4f r- a irt-(m executed to me oo lie 13 b ;1,"H " T BIorc of lecmier, 1.-4. by Austin Mnaa. re- m or tne rieiristeror "See!": It la Bf bnainnna aa Hantm ntm. to tell people where to go, as I have to, take all tba blame if tha ntue folks are ' 6S. Dace 6SS tha fnlinwlnw H&ll ., all that iraet or nart.l nt 1.. I. awwa paxoeisoi ulo in Wake county: I wsse eoaaty, Worth Carolina ia , ii I . . j-----. i.Z2f,'uau " Hollaod. the lata O tieorn t'Areer rrm-iuv u- Aifora, A. JobasoB. B. H. Qaoter. ... ' " . " " ' J BW1JU I J a,. . . ytoers particolarly ds cribrd in a deed uirnu. r. Aitiion w said W.J Hoi If. id Is I corded in Kegistry of Wake county, in Mid- B?lk I Pg I will offer for - th. I at tne urt bouse door in the city of Baleith. N. C, to the highest bidder iur can on Moouay, tvember Id, IHQt .1 14 .'.lank n k. - . , 1 -j u .u . . 7 . . li . f wcmwivi nun .na. v, pnee, aontaioing l aescriueu in aaia aeed, lying in said 825 1-S seres, mors or less, kaowa as I county snd State and Paniber Branch ths dower land of Msry Abb Jones. 1 Townshln. adjoining the lands of Geo. widow cfAlrln JoBeS. and store Intel l J' Weathers and others owned ind k. im.u.. u M innows: inning at Jobm end Bor folly described In the 1 4 degrees east 4 chain, snd 22 links to a somplslBt. ':;:.--;., c . i stake; thence south 87 degrees eaut 14 W. J. Pbelk. rjnmm'i- M Chains and 44 links to a stake: P-ele Meyaard, Att'ys. d4-80dlB.orth 83 west 49 chains to a the branch to Ijttin t ur th.n down same to tha twirlii ug ivt i-s cr-n. more or loss. ' . . "i,' aloNTAoiiis. Trustee, Baleigh. K. C Kov. 13. 'i4. lft-tds Disaelatroa ef Copartaershtp TkeSrainf B. B. Fnrhame 0&, to SI imiiiS by antanl easaeat. Mr. Taaeey win eontlnae the earrtace bnelneai at Harp'a eM ataad. Br. Parhain wiU amtniae toe Urery bualneai at Tiber's Stabtee Lee old nuid. all tboee Indebted toB-K. farham a Co.. will settle with I. B. Tanoer and he will fj an bv ebtedneaa of the sntd Sr at a. a. rarhaaa a s ..-,,'";- aS-FABBAM. ' T. B. TSNOT. H e - e ,4 .i , ., 1M FATTT VI LLE 3T. I 0aJBAarialar8 Zya n4 Skia Ol&tnans b waeqnai)e(i for Ewm, Tetter, fjalt. Pheam. tsiid Sore J .pniW Ikn.i liaode, itcliine 1 ..r. riums. imt l.,it ChrOAic8ore h,ee aiU CT.nuUaed tye Lkk ee aula by druLjita at crate per box. T9EC;.a4 0WIIES, Fk- pottin a In.rw in a fine health rmi t'riun try hr. t'miv's tn,jitioa FowJer hey tnie nri ite -. Menv aid dimxtiun; dire of arrvtila, rt.iee const ipejiim, enrrpd tidiie, diMWuV-ni simJ dvMni. womia, J;rii. Jaw Ine to an old or jee-ork,l hon yji rsorned In the o Iieexinof w'eciin'T. N.CT.In Hook 83, pairefrl, I wul frl,.rsi!eto theh'gb ext bi(itlr nt imHicauction foreaeh. at the court tmi.-rt . .xir In ttie City of Ital- ei(ii. n. t.;, on i negUHy. tiie Kith day of levmir. 1 , a lot of land da. acribtd in I at"taurtt s follows, Uintr ar l t in the CUT of Kaleirh. aaid roui.ly or VvaKe. and known mil decril.d n f ?iz: the lot Intel i Ah fu)M on the "In" ! t et snd ad. i of V ni (I mi a t d v e t ' 't " i eo'vyed ' " v i A. - I - Vfl rwviuiil 1 a ? wwt Rt le of f Joit'lp? t' " I thr gilt a a I A' i l'ir, : I 1-i4. r . l..-j, H' i r V. .-..st ' n t e KH9- - Administrator's Notice. ..Having quail Bed as administrator of the estate of Mia htoiii a. hiii Aa. ceased, late of n ake county, this is to nouf j all persons having clai ms agaiost .umu m nui mi present mem to tne ondersirned on or hf.m h. irah of October, 1H90, or this notice will be iis.u m uar or toeir recovery. Adm'r estate of Miss Mollis -A. Bill. iv t. mta,x. Attornev. , ... Notice to Claimants : N.tlee U hereby giea of theaeliar. of, the,, fnllowioii deerribed pereoasl pt -peity for violations of tba Xaterntl neteaae tawet s.t ... JNovrmber 11th, from A. D. PaW, too kege eonts iniog about aloe gallouH. . otDber 90th. from Msmball Par- tia one isnk about forty gallta apple uraouy. . V . . - t. - i, .. .' T. ... .'vnmiwr iiwf trom ikooen rree- BJan, one edsk, shoat 8S gallons apple brandy. Kotember 21a, W K. Trogdo. one e.k, sboot Bftf gallons sppla brandy November EiJ, from Jamea Bunn, to evk ei.Dtaiuing about t.rnly galleon c, h arr'e b'andvi ne f.-rt. ftlii o atill, ep tsd crnij one tlfiy. gallon copper t,i!, tap and worm V. M. flMdu.v. Collrrlor. " I d-c 5-30J . .Execution Sale-'. By vlitae of eieentlos l.i nr hnnda Issoed by tha Clerk of tha 8 linerlnv Coart of Wake county, npoa the Jodg. meats of K. B. Harbee snd others, against C. O. Ball, I will sell at Dablie anctlon, foreaeb, at the store house oi tne said v. o - Ball, No's. 8 sad 10 Hargett street, in the cit. of Ral.l.h N.C.on tba 6 b dar of Dwnnh., J895, all theatoek of goods, wares sad merchandise, store fiitnrea, fnrniture, ete.,6 mnlps. 4'borwa. 1 eolt, a lot of euro, rodder, ahucks and a lot. of woo j eorded In the woode, th- property of the eafd C O. Ball, to satinfr tbea.i t eiecDtlooaia my bands. . at. W. Paii. flh.rllT This Nov. 83th, 1SC5. - 'narw JULIUS LEWIS 1 ' f HARDVARE COMPANY. ' ! . Novs-ir ; - 1 - , '.' JT , - j- ' T" - ' ' " .,,i,- I ' ' t t:.:'j,C r-:::::'j L.::::l r f T" ' "tr.enMw.mwr,. . ?. ' " 1 - t I tn. t"n aTISU""tM tsB "- J i. t .j i r WHStav rKaimal. , l-VitlfK . e .. " ' .tinv.iisfMm earif of -(y at, ' . . ' lit irTHTWor k. wrry, -..., . 5k ' '" - "i" '. t'r,iHj ..wnn,u ... . ' f wOW- ro- - ft lHU'D0f tttftlx r1- i - rtrt' -' y n (rm . m-ML (v, A .ah. S Hl4n pfM..aHi j r. , i . & : booHrr'-' ' p..- - -t. t ,, Lw n . rv , a., ,l,oeW lv retiuHi log Use) Owniuaaea, L-r74AAAhra A i wbj. Tte: Den Ife. I 1 ... ,. , t-r.. r- i I . I A.iW!.;-l ' t - . ..... . - . V t ... . I - TI- "A t X, I d P f - li-.'f- j j Discovery c . ij I I 1HE AGE. . f " in I t d.., J..4 iti'.i a.p ii, .. v., . . ,', t . I M, t. . .. . -.J ' d -.. . , ,. F-vr Ml by J.,h. v rlit., d Xovt;,.,Ltr 9. 1 gls rr i it-.

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