.- 1' ft A I i.t t utu J r the C.'n -liter Fund rjr I . : says II 1 uoa has ao- .'on cf e:oror (or t,r t' ? : i cf .'.AT' . J 1....S i, .d c , 1 t'-e r raLi.'z ty ; fund to btt CatJ to pur. nioijiiilfortecru!.. rT. ;h,nansed In honor of our cat.I;...l clly. Other States have given tandiome presents to the ves?e!s named In honor of them or their e' .iea and North Cftrc liua BLu'uld i t La a SatLia respect. Miss Henderson made a par tial canvass yesterday and received a neat sum for the fund. There are probably others who would litre to contribute, and she request them to send their donations to her. Any amount sent her will be appreciated, " '-r '-: ' Did You ever Try Electric Bitter aa a remedy for yoor troubles If not, get a bottle sow ' and get relief. . This medicine baa been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and core of all female complaints, alerting a wondsrf nl di rect Influence In giving strength and tone to the organ. - If yon bare lota of appetite, constipation.' lieadach. : fainting epella.or are aerrous, sleep. - tea, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dixxy . spells. Bleetrle Bitters In the medicine yoo need. Health and ' strength are guaranteed by Ita.ae. Fifty eenta and and tl.00 at John T. r MeKae's drag store.- .; ""-:::'.&f 1 . How's This? ';:!ifj? -' We offer One Hundred Dollars Be , ward for any ease of Catarrh that eaa - not be cured by Hairs Catarrh Core. F. J. Cheay & Co., Prop , Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, hare known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 year, and belter him perfectly honorable la all basin trancaetion and flnanelally - able to carry ontaajr obligation made by their Aim. . - Wist ft Tsuai, Wholesale Druggists, ; Toledo, O. i " Walciho, EiaiAR Y Uaavut, Whola- sale Drugglet, Toledo, Ohio. ' - Hall' Catarrh Car i take inter b C ally,; acting directly npoa tb blood - aad mueon surface of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all drag gist. Teatlmoalal trfav .- Hall' Family Pill are the beat Don't aak the mn of the hooee what - Wwill like for dlnnerrT " .-.-: MvaiMMw4iB' )''' . 81a week ago I (aland a 1th a vary ever cold; waa almost unabl to apeak. My friend all advised me to eoaaaU a ; pnyelelan. . Noticing , Chaasbcrlaa' Cough Bemedy adrled la th St Paul Volke Zeitnng, I procured a bottle, - aad after taking It a abort while was entirely well. -, I now moat heartily , recommend this remedy toaayoaccuf. r.rlng with a cold. Wan Kail, 679 Belby Are,, SU Paul, Minn. J For aal : by J. Hal Bobbltt.' druggist." - . Don't tell th children "to hurry - ap or they will be tool'. foreenQol." flat breakfast early. k'&MZf. "HOW TO PREVENT CROUP aaa aaasiaa ihat wk rov 1 ibts. aswita to tousq mothib Bow to fiVULD 4UAUBT THB BlSUaa. , , ."J j Croup is a terror to young mother aad to poet them eoeernlag the cane, first cjssptoms aad treatment I th : object of thl Item. " Th origin, of croup 1 ft eommoa cold. Children who are eubjeet to it take . cold very 'easily and eroop Is almost cur to fol . low. 'Th first symptom I hoaiseae; this 1 coca followed by a peculiar rogh eough, which Is easily reoog niacd aad will aeter be forgotten by one who haa heard it. The tim to act I when th child first become ttoaise. If Chamberlain' Cough ' Bemedy I freely glrea all tendency . to eroop will'cooa disappear. Kten after th eroopy ongh haa developed It will prevent th attack. There Is ao danger la giving thl remedy, for It contain nothing Injurion. For al by J. Hal Bobbltt, Druggict. Actor Edward Clifford, who was " hurt la tb Cortland. If. T. rail wreck, died at hi home in ficrallbarg, S. J . The wlf of Mr. Leonard Well, of Eaet BrlmBeld, -Has., had tan of fering from isurelgi for two day, aot being able to deep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holdea, th merchant there, cent her a bottle ' of Chamber lain' Pain Balm, aad asked that ahc glr It a IhorMch trial. Oa meeting Mr. Wall th salt day h waa told that abc wis all right, the pala had left her within two hoar, aad that the bottle of Paia Balm waa worth fS.OO If it could not be had for le. For aale at 60 eats per bottle by J. Hal Bobbltt, druggist. - ? A iJear, oft, roay onmpleiloa la the - desire of erery lady. Why aot glr Johnson' Oriental Soap a trial Thr Is nothing to compare with it a a skin beautifier. Two nakea la a pack age, 35 cent.' For aal by John I. MaeBae, draggwtV; ; , ,: . .;, ! ' " The'aeit Natlocal G. k. B Encamp meat haa baa flied for St. Paul, Sep tember 1 to 4. ' Johnson's Emnlaloa of Cod Lira 'Oil la inralnable ta all pulmonary af fections and consumption. It enrich, m the blood, restores lost tiasneer bnilda up the appetite makes sound . flesh. .Fiat eis ll.CO. ?r ai by John T.MacRa. droggUt. - A Household Treasure.' - D. W. Fuller, of Caaa johcrle, n! t. hti that ha alwar keeps Dr. King's k T)ieoer la tt bouco and his r .mil r kaa alwars foond that tb ery i-t rinlti follow lis ei that he would aot be witbont It, if proenrable . A. Dykemaa, drnggist. CaUklll,N v ..va that Dr. Klea'e Nw Dieesr t is nndoobtedlr th beat eoogh remedy, tbst be ha need it la hi fsmiljr for ei(fht years, and Ithaanerer failed to do all that ia claimed for it. Why not try a remedy o long tried mai teeted. Trial bo'tlee free at Joh "V. JScIlaVs drog store. Bogelar sle Houtheru will Fitter Norfolk Jan. 1st I t. J. Ik. bauson of this city, D -vi .i I rc'.at Ajrenfc cf the Southern Railway was in Norfolk yesterday. Second Vice President Baldwin Jr., C " ral Supt Green, Chief Engineer L :ion and General Forwardinx Agent Lamb of the Southern were also there. These officials were in Norfolk In regard to the Southerns new route. hSrV-v;:. It la learned by the PRisa-ViarroB that the Southern will enter Norfolk by tie Raleigh, 8elma route,. Jan- nary first. ' . , m m ' .1.- P.heamatlsm, neuralgia, pains la the back or aide, stiff Back, sore throat, onailitis, diphtheria, camps aad eolie nstantly relieved by Johnson's Mag actio Oil. Large bottles, 35 and 60 cent. : For tale by John T. HcRae drngglat ,ir '! Entering M. Leviosky's burning sta ble at Brooklyn, U ycar-old Julia fiaoth, rescued sd 'horse single handed. ... , - Johnson's Kidnty ana Liver Bega lator invigorates th liver, regulate the. bowel, cure dyspepsia, bilou aess, indigettioni aour stomach and make your head a clear a a ball-- 85 aad 60 cenU. For aal by John T. MacBa '.'';.:' .i.':. .r-vf- xK Froien stiff Bear Huntlnctoa. W. Ta. John Sharp,- a painter, was ' round dd.-- i:'"i:.M c5V:J( ' . flood ad rice: Nerer leave home rn a Jonraey without a bottle of Chambsr- laia'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy. For Sale by J. HaL Bobbltt, drngglat. ' ..., ., "Ct!3te How to Attala tt." . A Wonderrol New : Medical Book.wrUUn : for Men Onlr. One oopy mar be bad tree ERIE MEDICAL CO. urraLO.N.T. Valuable City Real . Sale. Estate' for In Bursnaoce of tbe bowers srlven under a certain mortgage from Paul F. Faiaan and wife, Annie H. Falaon. to Eliza Donaldson, trustee, registered in Book 97, page in the oflice of the Register of reeds of Wake county, North Carolina, I will offer for aale at ubllo auction to tne nitthest Didder on f onday, January 8 th, 1896, at 13 o'clock a. at toe court noose ooor in ue city of Raleigh, the real estate conveyed in said mortgage, .to-wit: Two certain lots of land situate and being In the elty of Baleigb, said county and State, and described as follows: First liOt isecnnnms at a point on north aide of Eden ton street. 60 feet from corner of intersection of Edenton and Halifax streets, running east 87 1-3 fret to lot or u. . name, lorraerij r homes Badirer. tnenoe nortn along tt. B Battlealine 105 feet, thence wst 157 1-3 feet to Halifax street, thence south along Halifax street 10 feet to W. W. vasr nonowesi corner, inenoe east along said vaas' line 00 feet to bia northeast corner, thence south 140 feet to the beginning, containing a little over one half of an acre : . Second uath. lot or land lying on Halifax atreeK between Edenton and Jones streets, beginning 70 feet from intnraMtion of Edenton and Halifax streets running north along Halifax street 60 feet thenoe tast 106 feet to H. B. Battle's formerly xnomas ranger a corner. - inenoe soum eu ieet, toenow west 10V feet to the beginning, tok talning one-seventh of an sore. - Information in regard to said prop erty can be obtained from Q. M. Bus bee. Terms of sale, cash. - " Trustee. r dnKTUXBD A Busbbi, Attorney. .. Notice ef Sale, r Oa Tnesdar. Deoember 17th, 1805, there will be cold at public motion at Government building la th city of Raleigh tb following described prop erty, to-wlt: - 1 sack containing 11 gals, sera whisky. 4. t 5 14 "." Hrach F. H. 8imsosb, ' Collector. To THE PISO COMPANY, WARREN. PA.- Gentlemen - - , With: delight I.; 9 recommend ). your 1 110 f gc::!u:.:?tio:i toothers;. for it alone : saved my life. . ADOLPH Z1MMER, 1 Bellwood,NebnApr.l3,l895. m IS Eoytill' . & A. y"w w w - 1 ykyrQ-drj.i- Max OTIse iailSesi aie cordially invited to attend w - . -'.-j-.- ' - iag '.esb3Mt on the af ternoon of Deeei 2d, 3d and 4th9 When we will show the famooe line of Back's Store and Ranges. to be given lo the little girl under 14 Contest from 9 to 5 p. m. Buck's Jr. MALL and BORDEN, Sole Agents, JR A.LEIGH DURHAM. G OLDSBORO v. mmii Trustee's Sale of House and Lot By, virtu of authority aonferred npoa ma by a ecrtala Deed ot Trust from John W. Walker and Margaret Walker, his wife. daUd Norember 83d. 1887, and recorded ta the office N, 0 . la Book 87, page 699, 1 will oa TH0B8DAT. Dec. 18, 1895. t ell at publi anctloa to th highest bidder for cash the hoose and lot alt-1 oated ia the elty of Baleigb-, county of , Wake, N. C, aad described followai J Beginning at - a tk and fence ! la HawkW ' and Andrews' line on Person etreet - 800 feet from tb intersection of Persoa and Polk streets, running thence northwardly along id street 80 feet to'the aoath east corner of th Murphey .Graded school - property, . thenoe westwardly along th Dna of aaid aehool property, 183 feet to the eaatern edge of a IS tool alley, thence aoothwardly aloag aid edge of tb lly 86 feet 8 inehee to atake aad fence, said Hawkins and Ankrews' corner, thenee earstwardly long their line 188 feet to th plaeeof beginning. - V-tfi, ' J'ik: Place of sale County court house door ia Baleigb, N. C. - Time of aale 18 m. MaaaanDta I, Hawxibb, - .. No. 18thr 1885. (tds.) 44 i Trsste M SALE OF LAND. " Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage from Mar cus Bill. MUly Hill, his wife, and An drew Bill to William Watts, dated the 7to day ot February, 1601, and regis tered in book 113. natre 618 of the office of the Beglster of Deeds for Wk eountv. N. C . I will sell on Mondav. Januarr 6th j89d- at the court hou door in Raleigh, N. C.at publlo out cry to tne nignest moaer, idai pan or arcel of land Bituatod In Sk Mary's land of Or. J. B. Bobbitt, Mra Jame UUVJ SUIVDB)iu,nlVllUUtI NJV Creech and other and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stake on Big Branch, thence South 178 8 4 poles to a stake and po'nters, thence west 87 poles to ureecn's spring orancD, tnence witn said,sprin branch toOrr's mill branch 8& Doles, thence with Orr's mill branch to the beginning, containing 100 acres and being ins same tana mat was con veyed to Marcus Hill bv Catharine Pool bv deed recorded in book No. 41, page 242, Beglster of Deeds oflice for Wake county. Tim of aale, li m. Term of sal cash. Alxx. Btkonacb, - Dec fd 189S ; ; .. - Atty. A PtJWTV; 'anted everywhere for VILH kJ Marion uariana new Holiday Book, "Home of tb Bible." Barechanoeto Uke Chiistma ordeee, Bemiichl HISTOBICAli PUBLISH hu COMPANY. Philadelphia, Pa. Eorden of CSaleish our eoolii !.'' r .;. .j -si1 ,'r-N' ; 1.-. iber years old baking the bist pan of biscuit Range can be aeen at oar sore. Miss Maggie F eese. Newflilliillry We are aow showing all th latest aid moat dnslrtble shapes and etylee ia Fall ad Winter Millinery. Oar Stock is well selected, both M to STYLE and PRICE. There is a great rarfety ia Cars aad Sailors for Hisses and Children. All color aad sis from 85 to $8.00. . : J..-.V ' ot "'" - ' ' ' ' K ". "j.'"- ' ' yft will' b' pleaaed to. harat the Lladles call and look at our stock. Jtrery one win recer? ' prompt .ana polite attention. V - ! 900 Ft,ytUYiU Btrwt rOD DO NOT REALIZE That you are In Raleigh unless yon tee h,. .. , -stopping at tn . -t.-j Vfl!?B0?p HOUSE The only Hotel In the tity convenient '' -''' !' ?'J--i -y-'S,"? f ? - ATI rnnmi on the third floor tioD MT day: first and second loors 1190 and tXfiQ per. day, . .1 -J SPECIAL WEEKlY; RATES , .;.FBKB BUS AT Att, TRAIS8," - a: -c . Thousands or dollar recently expanded -iM -v -.? provementa. ; - U V. BBOWW, hvpr.-.' SALESMEN . rhaiit Trade, Mer- a Say. .Samples tree. No deliveries or collec tions. BMe llneorexelusrte. Address NAN tl KAOTUBKB8 SMI Market etreet. FH1L4- DKLPBl. s. 5 ; i j 1 1 1 t aetreo Valuable IWbmisgTunds - FOR SALE. ? By vutueof anthoiity conferred by a cwruun- ueea or Trust, mm tt A. Hodge and Loretta Hodge, bis wife. ' dated December Bth. lfiiKl and teennlAd in the oflioe ot 1 be Begister 01 Deeds tor naao county, j. 10 JiooK lis, at page S18, 1 will ont, , THURSDAY, November Mtli1605. sell at public auetton, toih;tji(?het bidder lot cash, si (8) traets of land situate In Saint Matthews township, Wake county, Hi tVnd deecntwd a follows: :-t ' i -ia at w ( ' - Fiest Tract containing 281 1 4 acres; more er less, being Low No a of the Uaaton Wilder lands, and described a follows: Adjoining tie lands of said Hodge on the outh, of toe late David Hinton on the oast. f the anid Harlan on the north and (use river on th weet; and bounded as follows, begin ning at a stake and pointers on the east bank of Neuse river, about U links be low tb mouth of a irut the south wait vuruer tit tract jMO.il.- oougnt at tne same time' and place by Josepb An. drews, runs thence east 29S poles to a swse in toe late uavia mnton's line; uisuw wiui uia nuts soutn JA uegree. west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thenoe west 353 Doles to a small hirch tree and pointers on the bank of Nense iMM .tlABWU. HK 1. . t . . toe river noont 128 poles to the begin- nlna. beinaT' same trunk eanmvnl b uuu a. nuuiuns ana wue to tt. A Hodge by deed recorded in said office. in door eo at page Mtv reference to WfUWU IB U1BU0, 1 -, SICOND TBACT.Contal.ilnff 190 (tcrwi more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the oeury h in ton rarm (rormeriy (Gaston Wllder's land) andtxiunded as follows: Besrinninir at a small birch; and wint ers on the bank, of Keuse river about Six Doles below Snrlno nSit- thanrat with the dividing ltne east 3 pole to J a stake In David Hinton's line; thence wiui uia name sldoue x-a m m ti a arum on Mingo creek; thence down the creek about 324 poles to where it empties into Neuse river: tbence up the said river about 106 poles to the beginning; being same tract conveyed by W. It Poole to R. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said offloe, in Book 56, at page 182, reference to which is made. THIRD TRACT. conUinfnc 11 ur more or less, and bounded as follows: eeonnninsr at a stake on tha aonth i d of the Tarborougb road W. Ii. Pool's corner rues south 1-2 degree west 45 polet to a stake and pointers in the head of a small, branch; thence with said branch 89 poles to a pice on the east side of the branch: thenoe south 24 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and pointers; thence east 108 1-2 poles to a stake: thenoe north Bl-4deraea east 214 poles to the Tarborougb road; kucuuu wiui sum rutui vs poies to ma beginning, being same tract conveyed bv Jennie Hinton to FL A. Hods-a. bv deed recorded in said office in Book 106, at pace 561, reference to which is made. FOURTH iract. containmir 78 S-4 ac es, mure or less, and bounded as fol lows: Serins at a stake in tha exmtm of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast corner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence east with Poole's line 122 1-3 do lee, to a stake and pointers on a branch ; thenee nearly south down the various courses of the branch 88 poles to a iarsre nine on tha east side of the same David Hinton' corner thence with his line south 24 degrees west 88 1-8 poles to a stake and pointers, the corner of the dividing line between this lot. or. uarceL and that purchased by G. H. Williams, at same sale; tbence est 104 pole to a stake ia the centre of Hodge road; tbence nortu. waro aiong said road lis l-s poles to tne beginning, being same tract conveyed by Sarah . Wilder, commissions, to R. A. Hodge, bv deed 1 corded iu said oQlce. in Book 56. at osee 148. reference to which -suiade. , n '- r iFTTi 1 it act. conta'nine twentv-nve acres, more or less, ndioliiing the lands of Ri filn Williams; if p Williamson, will-am mith mid Joseph J. Andrews. and on the east side ot Neus river. Do ing a pait of the Hetev II in ton tract bought, by said A- drr at the O. H. WHder estate sal-, h irg the southwest corner of aaid tra-1 according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river, below spring gut, at a willow: tbence up said river t above the falls at a twin red-oak; thenoe east to a stob and f ine: thence, to a stob in the branch; hence south to Jt.' Williams' ' land, a lightwood knot; thence weet to the be-1 ginn'ng. and being th' same tract con veyed by Joseph J. Andrews and others ' to R. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 307, ref erence to which is made. Sixth T&act, containing eight acre and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad joining the lands of W. R. Poole, Jesse Watkins, deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in centre of Hodge road in Poole's line; thenoe with said road south 8 1-2 degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centre of the same; thence west 50 1-4 poles to a stake; thenoe north 28 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; tnence with the same easg48 8-4 poles to the beginning; and being same conveyed bv Jame A. Williams and wife to said K. A. Hodge, bv deed recorded in said offic, in Book 82 at page 80, reference to which is made. ' Plack or SALS-County Court House door, in Raleigh. N. O Tricx of 8 alb -U o'clock m ERNEST HAYWOOD. Trustek. October 12 1885. The foregoing sale is postponed un til Tue'day, December 17, 1885, same pljce, hoar and terms of sale. r Ernest Havwood. Trustee. Comiulsaioner's Sale of Land. Ia pursuance of a jodgmeot render ed at Ostober term. 1686, in the Su perior Court of Wake connty, ia a esnsc entitled E- A. Womble, Sieentor of B, H. Womb'e, deceased, agalnat Capital City Ltnd Company, I will at 13 o'clock m. on ? . MONDAY, 9th dsy of jjsnasry, 1885, st pablie saetijB .'or ofcsh to th high est bidder, at tho court ho'oae dtor ia tb city of Baleigb, the following de scribed real estate: -All that traetor parcel of laid lying "and being in Wake eoontr. North CSro'iaa, ta Ral- et a lownahip, and adiolsinf th lands or T. tt. Btigg". aere7, w. C, Ftronseh aad others, and snore folly described follows; " Begin at a take . in : thaJ eaatern t line of East treet, ss eiteaded, 487 1-9 feet north of the orthtat corner of th said East street, as eitended, and awth boundary alreet,- mac thenee t wsrdly ia a Una patallel with north bonadarv atreet 450 feet to ttraasy Braasb. thenee down said branch boat i 10 feet to a atel.e.6nier of lot ae ewaed by W3 Pi SVroaaeh aad others, then weatwardly in a line parallel with ." said worth boundary etreet, 1,878 fret to ld t atreet, eitended, these couth slosg tha Use of the asms, 110 feet tothe besinniag. eoataiains sit aad eighty aUta oae- haadredtba aree-mor 6w lea, . . 'f't .', 8 tf.-Baa(-'-.ii, - A tds :i "i" '' Comisioar.'- IN OTHER Vr if All , Work hvl?v MM-i ;Gr ,WK ONLY ASK FOR A HORSE AND i5-' ' -4--f ).--r - ;:(.- i ' -' j- i. Ther is mj butter oo fh markW Page, arid Cross & The life of business shows in busy stores Empty aisles deserted; corner, lonely buyers, are not seen with us Alt is life and bustle and business, Why pot, when we give such extraordinary bargains. . The all arsnrbiog question of the hour to the man is where to find the floest fabrics in Fall Clothing at fair pr'cer the ever present and engrossing question and wbat to wear and where to buy it How much we have simplified ta labors of selection, and lowered prices to fit alt purses, can be aeen - by a personal in spection only. Picture to yourself a store heaped with the latest and finest ideas of home and foreign looms, and at prices apace with modern times, and you will understand why we do the business. Compare Qualities? Varieties, Prices aod ietbodi?. The more you know of merchandise gathering of goods we have made, and at It is time you replaced that old or styles and prices. Vjt W H. HOLLO THE LATEST CUT Is the swell Idea in clothing. Tou al ways get it at our high class tailoring eslabrsbmeut. Tbe tailor can no more be banished from clothing than tbe cook from the kitchen. To buy ready. made attir is really aa absurd a thing to do as It would be to buy from a gen eral food factory instead of making spe-1 eat from a roush and readv assortment , of food mad. for nooodv in particuUr why this when good taUori g is w thin easy reach? It s much better while on nh im wrVra nmHnrlns tA nrder in the cnoicest woolen in tne maraet. G. fl. WALTERS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havine aualiflad as administrator cf the ertate of John Baker, deceased, btt of Wake county, this ii to notify all persons having claims against te said estate to present them to the un dersigned en or before the 8let day of August, ltsvo. or tuis notice win ic plead in bar ot their recovery, and all persona indebted to the said estate will please snaae immwiiii-w imymrut - J. C MAHCOM, Adm'r. i Argo Snow. Atty's. rAusnstao, 1885. A . Mortgage Sale. f ' -r? v - - ' virtue o antlieHty eowierred la a certain mckftg exeewte by E. H. afattlMwa and wile en recorded to book Ho. m. at pas 47. ni gelster Peeds' esse ot Wakeoowutjr, N. C, wa wfll ea afomtay, th r of Oeeeav ker,' A. D. 1st, at H e'deck. SL. at the Ooort Bouse 4oor la the ettjr at KaMsh. aea t the lilghst bidder, toe euh. wtat bwet ot land jnt aad sitaate ks wttte Oak twwnahlp, Wake coawW. M. O, adlBC tfce lands of J. M. Matthews, Jacob atacteg aad ethera. eontalaint tl aerec, waora er leas. Pbblb ft aUvwamo, ---. . AUeraeys ax atorta(ee. TktoBaaarelgoi OVERCOATS. I J f. WOBDS- Cusrantoed ' ;.tfit t . 5rt 14 TRIAL C0VV -'')?K1F . '- ,(.' W g rivd aad mis oomaliriNi. I , flarshall Linehan. the more you'll wonder at the great the little money needed to give ynu the with a new one. We bay t hem all he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY Is the best equipped and doe the most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Hand In your work Phone No 19. WAY & SONS. PEERLESS POTATOES BY CAK-IjOAO 1 Prrm Northwestern New York The LARGEST, FINEST. !H EAPE8T Irish Potatoes ever offered here. Put no in strong bags of ISO pounds each. The most economical and wholesome food to be had. Call early arid gt a supply for the winter of TONES POWBI.1. 1.000 tons on vard and on cars, em I itest 0sln, America at rk Sot , bracing a varie'y in sizes and kirn's of Sord? sLned pine snd oak wood ' t . rth , PIUB B'"D "3 JONES & POWELL, RALKIOH. N. C. Phones 41. 718. 148. NOTICE OF SAl.K. Under Uie powers contained in a deed ot trust executed to me by Turner B. Jones and wife on the id day of February. MM, and recorded In book lis. page 4e Segtater ot Deeds oawe air Wake county. I will at 11 o'elok M. on StON- DA. the Ud dsj of December. 1:1 S, expose to sale at public auction at the Court Bowse door In Raleigh. M- 0., the real estate therein de scribed, being a tract or pared of hud lylag an being la tbe eountjr of Wake aaM Stale ad joining the lands ot (formerly) Turner K. Jones Eeverly Short, UUea Tbonpsoa. aa otkere ad Bounded snd deserllwd ae follows: By a -Hne beginning at the S. K. comer of a 1st for merly bekwguui lo sal T. B. Jeaea and Beverly Short on aa an-nasseil street leading South fcoaa . Martin street ntende east et the eersorato - limits of Rajetgh, is teat and inches froaa : Martin street aadca .feet and bMbes the a. C cameras Julia Lane's lot ranalng tkeaea . South tee Cad Inches to Wluiaa Tbossk- son's (formerly W. M. H. Bailtkai let ttwoee Weet IM teat to Qatthuye tat, tbence Wank te . feet, c fesebca to the a. W. eetnar ef said Jones, ' end Short's lot, thence last He feet telaeb ginning being the lot conveyed totaM T. at Jowes 05 deed d&ted Jasusr; M K9C - Tetmsef alCAaa. . ;is,v.t'A."'?-i . ' - " a.T.GaAI,IrUite. NoT.tt, 1STS. .-4' .f. ii IJC and 11.00.