... ' f ti 1 Uitor. .6. 1- -xtoewA ; fei-iiaemeata. ' i r ' - i c-stf" in b. P. Williamson. i ( . iY. U. Simmons. U. y i e & tops. I 1, f i. .to. . - PERSONAL. W. L. Praden, Kq, of Edentoa, i tt. June McKee bas retaraad frost , . .... .. i$ .v- m ,. The Hoarable WilHamA. aatbrle, af JDarkam, I la tke eity. : v;--' " : Mr. fc.N. Priuttd, of chp.i mi ia Iff tbe eity today.S ; atr. J. A. Lewta. of tke N. 0. Gao-I logical Survey, U kere.',;?"; Mr. Jama A. Bart, of tkia eity, kaa had a stroke of paralysis. V ' , . i t teeretary el State, Ckas. MV Cooke left today for kla koaio at Loslsbarf. '"t aTassrs. I. 7. Ppaiahoar, of Morgaa. : toa aad 1- W. Bowmaa, of Basker fill, ara atWadtag Sapnae Coart. ' Mr. tixirga Tkompsoa,' Sr., er- rived from PltUboro today to visit kla oas Messrs. George W. aad A. A. Tkompsoa. , ' - ' Mr. Cyras 0. Babh, of tka D. 8. Qa eloaical Server, located at Waahlag- Ua. ia la Ralela-h today oa kneiaees aoaaaetad Uh kla depart BtraLa '1 Tba Jail Orartowlo. . There are 67 prlsonera la Wak ooonty Jall. Capt. Brooks aays thia la three mora than war ever la tb jail at cn previous time. . . Tin lad It 'tanning over with , prisoner. There waa many of them that it be came neoeaeary to pat the female prisoners in room onts'd of tb alia. H y ' Ran a Still oa Saadajr. Jamaa H. Baaa, of Nash aoaaty via gW, kaarlag kafor Called StaUa Cbaaiasioaar Tirtrat iaa Boy, tar today Iror'aorkiag a aToverameat till oa Saaday. Oa tka erideaee p rod ae Coamialonr Boyatar foiad Baaa guilty aad sommitted klm to jaUL I Baaa kaa already baaa foaad guilty of tka akargo of kaepiag ao raoorda of kla atill at tka praseat tana of eoart. "f - f t i Woa Tkelr Caaa. -i-1 Maars. W. W. Barber aad fi B. Gleaa bate baaa to Colombia, & C, appear for J. L. Wblttlagtoa, of Wilkes. . About two years ago Mr. Wkittlagtoa sold tba DUpeaaary Coat mission of South Carolina several kun. dred galtoaaof wklaksy, aad kaa tt reaeked tkat state H as seised by the foTerasMBt for alleged Irregularities, aad tka ease has beea ia court siaee tkat tim . gilug Mr. Wkittlagtoa aad. lees trouble. The rereaoera seised It ia tkia State semetime before it was sold for tka Us, Mr. Wkittlagtoa be ing ike parehaeer. The ease was fla- any disposed of iaat week aad the whiskey eaatas back to IU origlaal ewaar at the eipeaaa of tke govera-ateat,- wkiek will alao kata to foot ap tke eoataia tke Tka Back Stave Ooalest Decided. Alt tkia week a eoateet kaa beea to la g oa at Boy all a Bordea'e betweea a crowd of tke little girls of tke eity, aask eooklag biseaits for tbe Bask Jr. range prise. Yesterday afteraooa tfcere were aearly aeraaty-fve little glrla praasat, aad tke eoatast was . . . , ... , . 1 brought to a alote. aad tbe Judge V,H BDHUH VU I t awaraea tae prwe to iiui miss Lela i Ltsrlter. The Paaes-Tianoa vaster. a.- v I day afteraooa h J a most plaaaaat vwwniN 01 waai tae laawasi Bask stove eaa do It waa aotkiag at. - la f . . " "" was a moat emptiag laaah,' laaladlag a dallalous 1 16o broiled bird, a pot of eoffae aad de-M00 igktf.l bteBiu. ail prepared o. tt. Bosk, store at Royal! "d Bordaa'a store.' 50 750 M Dr. Bradley Last Steal eg. At tka Good flhepkerd last evaatag aaolkar most graUryisg alsaioa ear viae was , aoadaettd by Bar. Dr. Bradley. ' Every seat ia tke rkarak waa piled with tkoea wk had some to lUtaa to wkat is proaouaeed by good jadg'B to ksve beea tka laeat sarsaoa ever preaekad hare.; Tke test was 75s 360 60s 8a :- '.Vow we rea throagk a glass darkly 1 . bat tkaa faea to faaa." Tka eabjaet of the diseoaree Baa odi-ra aktptlaiam sad aabellef. Tbe saiiavat dlviae treated kia test ia strrfuT Biaaaar. Large la form sal mlad aad kaart. Dr. Bradley Is Sa iatarpreter or tka Bible, whom avary persoa ta tkia olty skoald kaar bafora tba mlaaioa sloeaa ea tke avaa of Dreadbar 13tk. r 4 Aa AaaiatanS Postaiaater la Troable. James T. Pool, assistant poetmaa-1 tr at Archer Ltdsa, Johnston cxiufy, ' 1 t ,oa arrested and was 1 Utoa Commifaioner en? -ton a cLarrs of , 1 r, -A's t ' a r.::-aa ii -na over to iu.a t...u$ Kn'.lti Templara. At a rf rular oonclaTe of Ralelxb Ccznnianularj teli last 'niLt the fol low!.",'? c.-xrg were elected tot tile ensuing year: Z. P.Emilb, r.'aent Commandar; W. E, SmI'Ji, 'J iBaiiao; R. B. Da Vault, CapUia Gen. eral; B. R. Lacy, Prelate; William Simpson, Treasurer; W. A;7ith era, Reoorder; U. Bo wee Senior Warden ; W. R. Blak Junior War. den. , . ? A vonnt maa who baa two or three I years expennee la a Job offioe. Ap- piy at uua oiuoe. .5 if;l- ;; Ptoaty of BUakeU.7 We hare already on band plenty of hlto wool biankeu tur una eoia weather and eaa aupply any quantity oa to 600 pain. Come and see what we will do for yon In our b blanket sale, W. H. B. 8. Tucker 4 Co. &iiL Hoiu . .;V',' ;," Four room cottage with pantry and kttcben oa McDoweU atreet, between Morgan and Hargett, Posaeaaioa firen immediately. Apply to s Dec - . B. P. WnxuMsoH. ItUBeaallfBlf:"" That pare, freah candy. Do not give your children cheap, adulterated sandy. It ia Injurious. Just receired new crop ants aac ralains We try to keep esfc - . uaroee a i-ope.. Dr. Harvey U. Upeharok, . . Has begun the practice of medicine and sunrerr in this citr and offers bis services to the citizens of Bjletgh and vtcuiitv. vmoe at Mo. bouta ate. Dowe roll street. tala-tai Moaey Bared oa Magaalaea for ISM We hare soma snectal mdncementa to offer you on subscriptions to all the popular magazines for 18M. No one eise in Baleigb ean do as well for yon. Come ia and talk with us about It. It will pay yon wolL. Don't delay.. . Tours truly, - Korth Carolina Book Company. Iioal Baak Btook. ' Ralhgh. ft. d. Jnijfsi'iaws." The nnderslgned hereby give notice that she has lost; or her hue hnsban4, W. M. H. Smith, has lost, two certifl cates of shares of the capita, stock of Tb Citizens'. Bank of Norfolk, V, numbered o and 8 respectively, the fanner for three shares aad the latter for twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her it found, kin. hUnr Cv Burnt, . Ezsoutrtz of W: N. H. Smith, oetl tm s . Deoaassd. BaleUn, S. Xt Chrlstaaas Opeatas Look oat for our Christmas opening oa Wednesday. December 4th. We have a handsome line of holiday books. unnsunas earaa, etc,, eie ana 1 I will b I sore to please you. - North Carolina Book Company. S-5 ' f't to Ijoa. ,;. ,Y A black and white-setter do, collar on neck with my name oa lb about 8 1 veers old. jUDerai reward wiu oepaid for his return to residence of V. B. I Moore. ALMOoaa. . uecstr For Beat,-. . Two nice, well furnished rooms la a aeairaoie part ot to city, 100 yard I imm vapuoi. Agreeaoie Moauon. Terms easy. For further notice ap. I iuj w a. 0. jtoaaxT. AFaliatock. Mr. H. & Lowry havlngporchaaed ue oar ana rrocerv or h. k. Farhan 1 at S35 South Wilmington street, has I bow a eompieia swee c everyuung was a man neeos 10 sne grocery or wbiakev Una He baa the lanrest and best stock of Honors, beers anil wines to ne louna in tne city and guarantees pnoeB w auu aia traaa. -.. s-u GO TO 8PKNCBTS NEW STORE for cheap China, Crockery,' Glass and xinwara. ( . - -lw 12 East kfartin atreet TBE TIME HAS COME THE TIMS HAS COME Whan vrul arUI h.v. tr ,lin elf alone-. That ia If von wbh in I oe ia at ue nnun, tor lastas snr a ow fail this morning Jasi " t - . . . I aura win inn score :oa Ja jary M MVE V fP. agaia.Bnr: th name 01 Bwinoeii, aaa not a IX) 1. LAR'S WORTlf wUI go at aoctkiC ... r - Tb Prioos Now Ladle Black Ho, now v 160 lOol 7e 07 I A . ' . .. . .. -' . 'T'oo Ladle. Blank II 00 Ladies Taa Gloves, now 670 I S53 Man's Cotton Vesta, now , ateo' wool vasts, bow :a. now . . fiO I iaiea' -ueii" ruutora, now 84o Ladies Pelt Shane, noa 71 Child' Velvet Cap, now J 1 d -n Safety Pins, now 1 dozen 8afetv Pins, now ' S4o 4o 83 1 w aoy biik tjapa, bow : 15 . Carta' a Scrim, bow -13 Curtain Sorim, now -v lOo :nrtatn Scrim, now 80 Cortain Sorim, now - - ' $1 00 Men's Alpine Hat, now 10a 80 i 60 650 1 nese pnoes win bold good a ia; aa toe goods last. i . MRS. EMMA E. SWINDELL, ' , "' Executrix Call oa Daghl far Itaaalad Cystara. 1 t Av-itfrs at r. i . avnatl ba, la fniut of awl ft r ii'i !f filojrola fur Bale. A Rambler ef 'W. Good as new, for aale cheap. Apply at Uiisoitloe. Vn. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do firt c! 'a dr-'iiakiD? at their bome, M isorth VyiimiDgun street. t eri ect ht and satisfacuon guaranteed. octlSln , Motloe.to City Taxpayers. . -The eJty tax lists for 1803 have been plKoed in my bands for collection. I will be In my oiiioe for that purpose erary day from V a. m. to p. aa. AJl taxes not paid by Deoember 1st are subject to a penalty of 1 per cent and aa additional 1 per sent on the first day of each month thereafter untUpaidT , . W.B.hUTCHINGS, . NovttSOJ City Tax Collector. . It" may be put down as a fact that Bretscb's erackers are better than any that eome to this market, and his bread, cakes and confectioneries are unexcelled. ' Be Is doing a tremendous wholesale business, which shows that the nubiie appreciates the Importance of patronizing a worthy home industry. You always got the best at JB re lech's. ' ' ' We are now making la their perfec tion the original Peanut BrltUe and Butter Cup. W Invite comparison with other makes, , BOYbXKB. Madam Beatoa desires to call the at tention of the public to her new stock of fail and winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children, infants' caps, aaoquea. notion ate. ; - octllf VhlslstheTrata. W do aot like to' be thrashing old Straw, but we are willing to pay for space enough to tell the people of Bal eigh that we do, can and will sell more and better oysters for the same amount of money than any dealer in Raleigh eaa afford to sell. We keep them as eoid as ice without letting the ice de stroy the natural flavor of the oysters. Try us and If we do not satisfy you, don't pay for what you get novas w City Market Our Butter Cupa, ivnut Brittle, Cream Almonds aud Taffy sre the beet. sub a pouua. 4-lw - fiarbee & Pope. . , Nolle of Sal. On Friday, th fSth tf Deoember. 18KL at 18 o'clock m. at the court honaa door ia Balelgh. M. C, we will sell at public auction the tract of bad known as the W. i. W. Crowder tract, lying about S 1-S miles southwest of Baleigb, on both . aides of the A vent Ferry noao, ana containing aoout vt aorea. aanns 01 aaie, easn. ' . . U. H. BATTUE, S. T. GnAT. , Com. of Trustees Rex Hospital. Come AND Examine The bandaomeat Steel .Range ,1- It is "THE JEWEL." See oar new Bisseir Gpates Web Bicycles On easy terms . V. Daby Carriages . At B eutjprior. - Xhos. H. Brirs & Sons. RAUDaR,MO Ont And PrAilitiMl fl1aj BOTTLES, PRETTY SHAPES aad good CO LOG SB to ge la ikeai. r . Fall Ilea Farfamry aad S-apa. ; jas. r.!cKimmSn.&co. PHARMACISTS, - IBS Fayottevllle "c. ' w 'Ealeih.N.C. Boys a pair of THE EL'ID" Juvt Ilka tbe cut. Eieht medium bat- tons, reverse button fly, needle tee, pointed patent tip. uLtui, k. , w J a Mealth AND Strength ; Come with th "Brat Tonic." Pabst Half Extract. ' t aaaaaaaBaaaaa ' ." THBBB 19 8UB8TANCK TO IT. -ITISLlFB-GlVINa. . - , TITIfTISQ. ,j. t -' GIVES VIM AND B0UNCK. . t . IT BBACBS. ' , ' r ' , f.Foa Sal Br 17. H; KING & CO., VayetUvllla Street. Frank StronachY Carriage-Harness IEIOSITOIl.Y -ASD- HORSE 'O . EMPORIUM. ' Nos, 319. 21 and 32 Wilmington St. , AUCriON Commission Merchant " - .j 1 . Manufacturer and, Dealer In Buggies Carriages, Boad Carts, Para and Spring Wagons. HORSES BOUGHT S SOLD We are prepared to furnish the nint turnouts fn the City in Light Livery. am wi huuwi guuu oauuie rxorses. I ' Toucan buv a rood Horaa nr Unle at public or private sale at my stables. FRANK STRONACH Novll mm v' kfav 'bfl lllWMir, in m.n. when dbnara -are scarce and wants many. bu it 1 not desirable to practice it to the purchase of food, which Is life, Below a certain standard food imper- fectll nourishes: dd to that ilanH.Al I cost a reasonable price. We never wan t more than a reasonable price for oar.Orooeriea. , v - RAPID SALES Give our cnfltymr thai hswnoRf I 1 . . . wwv -jwaawaa) VI 12. 7iml3.m' . " never Keep an thing that is not the best cf its klD I wCuJ usnt ' fair prollt m "' CHOICE GROCERIES . u AJJ.wm7 ln "tck and prompt! r de liver A when ordereu. ' T PESO far O ptjiniinimniiuiniiiiimimnniiii IMPORTED KEY VEST CIGARS " . t carry la atoek tba following e.Ubraled ssd popular breads 1 - v ' MAN (JEL GARCIA (Imported). EL PRINCIPE DE GALES (.1 kIz ) ' LA M&RGANA. - FLOR DE MADRID. ; LA PATRICIA. ' , "l "'. UEnANCORTEZ. , Also - TURKISU CIGARETTES, (Casino Superior.) - STRAIGriTCTJT CIGARKTTE3. . B. P. GRAVELIY'S PUPrIOfl (POUNDS) TO uACUO. SURBUnO'SCOLPEMFC: "TRS' (ilixture) fcmokiii 1'obacoo. - la abort, I eaa snpply tba mot faitid hos aooaanier of Tobacco, ia any form. J. HAL BOBBITT, " 11 z ii Tn4r.'.rAC3T. - DUL3G For VTiater and Cprirj BLOOMING. Chinese snd Easter Lilies, Hyacinths Frees iaa, Zsarcii-sus, eto. l'alms, If eras and ouier plants lor room decorating. Cut Flowers Boquets Flora.! Desigrns, Evergreen, Magnolias aid Shade Trees. ; : ., . H. BTEEHIETZ, Florist North Halifax Street, near Peace In- eutute. f bone Hi. . ocU7 A. G. BAUKR, ARCHITECT, RAIiEIOH, N. O. Ilemodellnr old buildlnra a anenialtv. I uurrespouuence swiciiea. i ..- . ! .1. ... .. 1 , - II Ml TIIES Connecticut . Mutual . Is now offerins-to insurers the verv I best forms cf insurance that can be I written, providing aa the; do both pro tection and investment npon the best ; nai Attention la respectfully called to its "LOW RATE ENDOWMENTS" at 6fl, 88, 70 and W, with Cash Surrender values in 1U la. etc.. veara. the best ana most aesiranie endowment insur ance ever issued. Life and Limited Ufe Follcies also contain larae Cash Surrender Values, stipulated in the policies and forming a part of the con tract It maintains a nislier standard of solvency than Is employed by any other Company or any State Department in this CMiDtry, having in 1882 voluntarily auupuKi a ! ; 3 Per Cent Reserve thus making its contracts the safest and most valuable ever offered. All policies are by their terms non forfeitable i after two or three par. menu, not even requiring surrender in ease of lapse, and auob policies partici pate -In annual dividends. The Cash Surrender and l'aid Up Values are plainly stated In each policy, thus avoiding all misunderstanding or dis appointment The agents of the Com pany respectfully solicit correspond ence w'.tn anvone aeainng inrtner in. formation, Good, conservative agents I wanton in eacn oouniv. . -v - GenaraT Agent. HaUUrb. WANTED-AM IDEAw52S.ffi vnnatopMBiKr rrwamyqqriQeaa: irwymay Dnii m waaiio. writ junxi diuu bUtOT OO., Patent Atlorara, Wasluogi U O. fo Uwlr Mu0 Prix ufler. ' . Wanted. ' : Aa honest, active gentleman or lady to travel lor reuao:e eetaDusnea nouse. 8alarv ST80. pavab'a 16 weeklv and ex penses. Situation permanent refer ences. Enclose self -addressed stamped envelooe. Tbe Dominion Companv. 81 Omaha Buildln, Chicago, aol-lm i i.- - Wan tea. " ! A reliable, active aentleman or ladv to travel for reliable, established h use Salary f 780, payable 15 weekly and money aovanoca lor espenses. rutua lion steady References. Enclose self -ad dressed stamped envelope.- H. JS. fiESS. President Chicago. . . . U J.Q. Ball, FANCY GROCERIES. We will try to make ft pleasant for you tr-de with us . , , - - - -3 1 O Z - I CQ I 6 :s a CQ ZZZ A ' n " oj o ce i w o - e IT ' M .n E- u ) r- a-a. ,J , (J . u .) . ! O - r , . . V M. J W 14 EAC Tlie Great Question. Every face at bome and every gUnoa into oar Inviting windows suf- Kesbs ihe qneetlon, "Whatehall Igetor s;lve for Xmasf ". The answer to the first depend npon the love and upon your own means and fteneroaity. Let fate and friends look after tb get yon look after the give that little given with love Is" more than' store ia jast now bofidlng with its wreath of solidified happtnes. Tomor row it will burst into glorious bloom., ,'. O!."','" ' ' '" r SELECT YOURPRESENTSO.'-: v Tv8. ,,tov8. . Doits. Doll's Head?. With all the psrapheraalla perUlalog I to Dolldom. . , ,. t . , Qraad display of Toys and Dolls in every department: : fX',' - Svary kind of tovs Ksglc Lin tar as. Soldiers' Suits, Drums, Tool Cbestr, Tsnplas, Toy Diihra, Plates, Toy Fur niture, Show Aaiaals." Iroa Tovs, Trains, Bnggits, Gsmss of all sorts. ; TOYC TOYQ DOOKC 60Q boasd Books, " 10 wortk 80l -All klsds of Books for tbe bote sad girls from 5s a p. , ... , - .-.. .v ... ... . .... r .i .it 1 . ..r..-.. .m- tfrw Tea asd Chamber Sata for tka dnll boose. - Doll Furniture.- KltebsB. Tia aad , GraBlta'aira at ,1 i . , ! i low prleas. To PAY UASH and get Bottom Prices; Bnch &s eher- ;: tr wood a -M 5 W A alooKside peop who take their Use to pay. . The injat!e of t is system ' " may be STAMPED OUT-by tbe paoplali r throwing V . r i- " 'I ronaee and endoismenta in the waa nf nnr nkt KPO'i' n t , .vutl-i ' and the place where von oin brinsr hank anvthinar thatdnn't V t nn an . getyourmoney. : C. A; Sherwood Ci Co. : faoods in Seascn. .... ; ; : Relf-raislnor and nlain . TliilrBhaat Flour. Graham Flnnr Rnllrt . kta Sbreded Ooata, Oat Flakes and Oat Meal. ..ii -. . .. New Shore Mackerel, Family llie Ucrrina In anv sized nuAtaimnrlKM. tail, M ullet Hoe. bhae Uoe, 1'iokled Pigs iouthainptan flams, i'erria Dumn, "estDhalia ilHtn Ilonalo:. liroui. f-.f Mavy Brans, Fplttres', White Peas, Blaok e?rd Ivhs. f, eiA uf in.r, .rtM,i PotBtx-s, Cai lite s aud Crsiit- i. Neisou's bttiHtine. Cox's O. ue, Keystone Gnlaima. the last 1 gt 103 a packairn. is warrnte,l aa 0 ,t a the best Map'eSap Syrup, Vanilla frip?vnip. New Orleans anl Ponce Porta bicca Molasses Mince Meat in wood and e1a anl by retail. jsew tr.irMsU walnuts, rrxts Pi-nns, Fruztis and At"oin!. Iiv I .,)wn CniMtwr b , a ( r 1 1 I ..,..n Payed In.- i i 0 1 r tIT KccUMtHH-K, A.,Kt , i' s Rumins si 1 ii "!' 4, furet'i as. J Lcines'ic 1 i 1 I r . . ImiKir . j i,(i Cn,...rnia Fruit an.l Vr"-i! ft in tin ami ghr-x. ... iHtluikeia. Lucks t lifrltr-r.s and Birds. hm'fr Clmmpion Flour 1st' e v VtxtX Onr ."-iitciul Liend Cu..r8 v . -not be ex "f. mi. 0-"'ineefbeeand Fox '. r('-'-m. 'v r ii.nr sre g xid sa the tinh-s ;.l ! - i. 1 f UiN r r)' aa a I " 1 liberality of your friends; the aeoond part moat blcsied. Remember that a- much given' because yoq can. Oat SeOOXLd. 3Tl0O3?rf - Japaaase Ooxv Aa sadless variety aad vary ehssp, X -. . W . Crockery, Glassware and Brio-- Brae., . . '. , Tea Sals, 44 pleeat, from M.S a sat up. , Chsmbtr Satsj 10 pleea?. from 19.93 ' a set up. l . Battareaka flates from 78oeaek ap -r Glass Tabls SeU, 4 plesss, from 40 1 seats ssekap, GobUts and Tumblers from Sa atek! " ' Cups snd Saucers, Plates aad Strsk Dishes. .. Vases sad orsamanta. " ' r.ailJIncrv Goods - 700 itdlas and misses' Fait Hste at 19s, ,1 t- j Radasad from 60, 75 aad 11 Blbboas for tbe kolldsy tnda. Wool BlaakaU from fl a pair. B4 Comforts from 75 sfak. " CLOAKS aad CAPBS - We have greatly redaeed tke price or all our large stock of Capss Sad Cloaks. " WOOLLCOTT & SON. liives. - i . : . GOOD VALUES ,Make bnsiDeea, keeps 11 busy bnyinr and selling, toiling in earnest', from selfish motives to gratify and pleas tb caprloe . and whims of a generous publio . generous to na, Decease we offer advantage nowhere else to b found. DARING CUT IN PRICES I The net snot eaah 1natlflih , tut. uur pi ices w to m per cent ess on all the Cloaks in our store than at tha CREDIT STOKES ' wher tbey sell roc ds all sort of way Bome for CASH, : " - Som on TIME, , ' : - J Some for all ETERNITF, 1 pmnmsbly on tbe "ONE PRICE - , PLAN TO ALL." No J "itic iD . that sort of way to tha f armer. . " aleobanioandLabcrerwhoplank -down hi hatd-earnel dollar ' . ,". Yesterday , v 'And a day before were two of the best Overcct t dnys we've had this sea son, espiviHiiy 11 o'T (1 to 115 grades. No troiui e to 1 1 1 we ate savins' 1 . . .. ..... ... uu t uuiu jt ij ; 1 1 r ens -on every one of 'em; I i to 1 1 11 it you save here a hi-a y..u 1 h y r -vcont. bfTg' ov 1 out double qnu:ti-!io.. 1! 4 iM.,,t i.- -xilar ' l's of SLj.tf i... j money j 60 to C;-3 f; Rp'uf 1 V CP' 8 to I f 1 n more lots of Bojs' yon rd 'p'u on our i 3 frcuoii-e.- ' 1 Lll. TWt-T ll-1'l LI-1 C 1 7.-fl leaf mm h, Urn acre 1 . uIj " ymi suits tuat t. ut acre . Jcr:-7 T f vf rfl. Cardlpna .1 aud aooieug for 1 c t 1 1 f. V.r-t f ffiTi) our SX'V. f r t i ... t nmi.t y, as .ii. ' npn to enoin. i now t-il air. 1 - - f . 1 ? Y.CStror.:: rtt i bnra la ImutolaHil ( "Choelsts." . in mu " im nun muh in in iin miu Min . m nice