0 To morrow ' Weather. For North Carolina No received. I Jvwrwrue ' rather, ( RMlh and rinlnltT Lid- lL'-jraujjj ill 'Warm, te, . moralnr: la. urrnunK oinnoin -1- VOL. XXX1V.-N0. 90. RAUEIGH. N. C, SATURhAY EVENING, DECEMBER 895.. $ rat; year. . 1 . . - :' I I . II t I J:-I I .ill I "kK ' i. ;lf ; j ",r Vrer I 1 1 L I I ; I I I ' l I ' I I 1 1 II ' .""..-- ' ' . tJiO tifSl ",S '9(i 1.1,1 I I ,i' ' i..,i-i.i. ii - i. . ' - 1 .77 i UCISaiB SENTENCE Prisoners Passed in Reyiew BeTore Jade 'Seymour SPECIAL TEEM OF COURT j tin - i' . -K." Ia January ft Trial of JIll Cases- Court Adjourn tTntll Monday r , ' s r a Lorain at 10 O'clock, ' I:'- i Federal eourt adjourned this after ' '. BooB to meet again Monday morning at " '-" 10 o'clock. It was decided lest Bight by tba soart to sold a special term, be ' ginning January lath, for tha trial of ' ( civil cass. Next week-oil tha arimi- V Ml docket will be tooonea. , , ,-."' A number of easea were disposed of , today, the great majority reioltlag ia terdleta of guilty, . ' At 8 p. m. Marshall CarroU tent hli , deputies to the Jail to marsh np those v - prleoneri who had been found g outy. ., , l - for aenUBee to be paatad upon uiem ' ' - ' The nrltoaeri aatet4 ht UoKl f room with tha eekeat f etpreeaioaa ; , : on their eoanteaaaeea with trembling , - tad fear, for their f ntnra atate war at 0 - u ' stake,' One by one, thay. were tailed to sUad before the ndge to hear the penalty Impoeed oi them. . W. B.Daniel of ChthBwug1en .,7 thwiai'ilMr3!W'i,ta ' . -' prisoaeMat. Daniel aUiaed that he 1 J.'-' stopped at a still about Sminotee and ' ' , eomplylng with prpprletor'f ;rq,srt poured a few bneketa of basf i the - . Alfred Watsom and M.. Vase, of " Chatham, were erttenoed to Jail for 0 . yt sad laed 100 eaeh for retailing . ' Sherman Jones. M)f Vake, aad Wm: Andrews, of Chatham, wars glren the ama. Wesley Jordan, of Btohmond, . aad , L. Saunders, wf QranTille, era , . . ' also glren SO days and Band $UX. ' ' " -F. B. Borers, f . Chatham, on eharge of distilling was sentenced to 1 4monthilnJaUaadfla.d$100. K4. Bead, a stout, red-headed, aa arehlet looking young mt, appeared ;.'Mforw-4he Jadja- Bia,. lawyer .began a",;t' to plead far himi told of, hi' porerty -s vl ; kad weakness, hot ndge Beymoor . interopted him before be got far by , r staUog that he looked ' like an old , ' hand ' at distilling. The lawyer " grinned ) and Beasley i prewsd his - ' ' Jaws nlostr together. f ' 4 ' 1 Kastoa Glenn, "- aa old Urn negro with na antiquated ailk bearer aad fur trimmed eoat stirred beer la a still eaLaid oe know. , wha U fas.' The Judge gave him 80 days aad flOO Bao A German Urk Wrecked. " Br CW to tbe I"rt-yWtor. . . v Atwbp, Deo. 7. A number of ahlpa are aahore off the Dutoh ooaat Tho Gorman tatk, Llbertas, from Kotka, was wwoked near Ntoubc dlep. Tvoof tbooro werauTwd. ' Four bodies hT washed aahore "' - .Hoarr Woatfce Off England. ! if . it Oaoto"Wfteie-Vkaor. ' i'. Lootok, Deo. 7. The exoeptlon - ally hoary weather, whloh hat been preraillng the .past wewt ia unuau ; Isles, oontinnes. A large number of mall wrecks hate been reported and considerable damage done. The ' liRht-ship and crew at Fire Wouth, on the rlrer Dee, was blown away today. The Rale ta violent orer the North Sea. ' It la feared the number ; of wrecks will be large. - . ' " To" Fight me Wblakey Trwet... ;t 'r-'--S't f---" ' r:T ''T""'; 'ewwbnmnm -:i ( 'Si n v v ? ' w . By Telegrapn to aielwei-TUitof. Omaha." Dee. 7-The aetloa of tho whiskey trust In shuttlag up Nebraska dlstUleriea, thereby foreing dowa the price of graia.'haa resnlted la a more, mant to ereet two new dietllUrlee.whleh wlU be free from the truet". ', ! ; AdraaS oa Coal Ratea. - Br MairaBir te the masa-Visnoa. Nw Yoe, Deo. 7. Aothraoite coal rates from tbe mines to Chicago and other western points hare been - ordered advanced nlty cents on the EnK8b and Germaae to Attend. , ' ph ta the treae-Vlirttor. - . y Paris, Deo. 7. The International Bimetalllo League has recolred an ' ' Intimc-on that Erif;l and German -' - f -3 will attend t'ae Bimetallic . cember lOlh, Uth and 12lh. 1', Xexaa Trial Trip. Br TetearH te C-e rretoVwttor. . NiwTofk, Deo. 7. The United E'-itVtf'-' Vi Tviai passed out from r - 'j II t-:-y oa her trial L'.p. ! 2 1 -a rap! J progress over isc.i sea. ' : '. t V;; :. TODAT'S HARKET8. Cotton Gains a LtMle and Cloecs One i Point Up. By Teleirapli to the FaaM-Vurroa. ' Nw Yobk, Dee. 7. Lit erpool qpeaed about nachaaged aad elose 1-W lower, quiet and steady. '. , Fair spot boslaess) sales, 10,000 bales,' of which 9,000 were Americas (1,000 bales for exoort and seeeolstloa. New Tore opened 1 to t pointe lower, - . . but regained tbe loss, closing Busily 1 point higher than last night. Sales, 70,000 bales, . Receipts are estimated for today 85,000 bales, against 47,000 bales last year." ,j ? ' j Neit week we shall hare to eompsro with the following receipts laat year Mondsy, 83.000 bates Tuesday, 67.000 bales , Wednesdsy, , 60,000 1 balea Thursday, 47,000 bales t Friday, 73,- 000 bales f Saturday, 60,000 bales.; The, market Is gelet bat steady. Krerybody la waiting for something to tura up. The spot demand In Llrer- pool eoatinues vary liberal. Options efossd as follows: " Deoember, 8.U to 1.14 1 January, 8.18 to 8.18 1 February, 8 90 to 8.81 March, 8.M to 8.97) April, 8 81 to 8.88 1 May, 8.85 to 8.80 1 June, 8 88 to 8 41 1 July, 8.40 to 8.43 Augu.t, 8 41 to 8.48 1 September, 8.18 to 8.15. - Hnbbard Bros. Oo.'e Cotton tetter. apeeltptrenVVtottar. NBW TOM, Dee. 7. " Llrer pool opened with a fair boat- iss doing la spot cotton. Bales 10,000, bales i mlddlingr 4 8-10 j laat year 7-8. Fotnree were steady, partially 1-04 advance, and eloeed quiet aad steady ( pao point decline. Deoember aad January 4.80 1-8 seller, last year 03. Oar market opened with sales of starch 8.83 to 84 (closed 8.94), aad advanced to 8.88, aad closed at 87. Although the arrlral market ia Liter pool eloeed slightly lower thaa yeeter- day, it did sot affect the local temper of the market, which haa become In. alined to the bull side la eonsequeneo of the falling off la the risible supply as compared with 1883.. The opening decline wee" quickly recovered under loesl.., boylag ;. for both aacouats. There ) ao pressure of cotton from any aonroe, aad theefleetftf the ab sence of any selling otders ia to saaso the local operators to regard the sltua tloa as offering a tempting opportuni ty to advaace paleec. It Is eetlmatad that tho receipts this week will reaeb 935,000 , bales, of ; which amoaat. New Orleans wilt receive some 80,000 bales. - Tbia change of soBtlment among tha local operators has. beoa BotlceabU for several days, aad the grinual ehangs from tho bear to the bul) side has been tha reason for the continued strength of the market la the face of aa Increase of 78,000 bales la tho amount coming Into sight this week over last week. A better Liver- pool market Is expected t on Monday, unless the political aituatloa la the Btst becomes serious. , ' - -'. j " ".'. Hdbbabb Baos. Co. , ! ChloKDOnii Market. 4vX Cuoaoo, Dee. 7. Grain quotations closed today aa follows; . . ''- Wheat December, 67 7-8 May, 0i5i8. V"",, L7 Corn December,. 90 1-4 ' May, 981-8. - 1 '?rSOW VOB DBLUGE1 - , Ixrd BallabwiT's Keply Hao Arrived . Washington. "', Washisqto. Dec. 7. Lrd 8lle. bury's reply , is la the bancs of too British Ambassador aad will almost certainly ba delivered to the Stats dr. partmeat before the day' is Over. It Is anderatood that It la a direct reply to Secretary Olney.hot a letter to the Am. beseador, dlraotlng him to convey eertlala tatimatloaa to the Secretary. The difference this makes Is that the Ambassador will aot have to study over tho document so as to separate his private instructions from the cob. staaca. of the reply. - There need. therefore, be no delay ia heading It over to tha Bute department. Enough Is kaowa already of its contents to make It eertela that it will take several daya to give It the a' tea tioa its Importance demaado. Fled la Night Clotbea. " , , By Telegraph te tan ranss-Vurroa, Khiohtbtowm, Ind Deo. 7. Fire broke out in the City Hotel at three o'clock this morning. The guests be came ranlo stricken and escape I In their ii!ht clothes. Cal.Thayer and one Cretr an are missing. Tbe Are is 1 rpreang. dianapolia. A.w w .. " . -:vr Mlaa Evangeline Botte, daoght.r t Hob. Dink BotU, of pel, is hero, visiting Mrs. Csrdoia, ;vt5'; - THE "BIG HTJNT1SO." Goveraor Can Secretary Brnnor.Dr. Battle and OoL Olds, tho Nlmroda, In the Governor's offioe. Secretary isroners offioe r and the strange- smelling surroundings of State Chemist Battle,tbe air is surcharged with something of exhillarating ex oltement about matters not oonnect- el in the least with pardons or pta- nut-growing or water disease germs. From one offioe : to the other fills CoL Olds, asking news and giving advloe. 1 -; r" ' ? For next Monday these fonr repre sentative men are going to oast aside affairs of State and the saving of tbe gold bug religion and hie them away to Eastern North Carolina, where under the expetienoed guidance of Col. Fred Olds they are to shoot all manner of big and little game, When the party returns, yon may watch for big returns of slaughter; CoL Olds wUl attend to the matter of hunt incident narration.;, There may be some in the State who have as true an eye and as keen aa insight into the habits of bird and beast, but the other three members of the party declare that for keeping a strict and truthful account of game bagged, as well as that whioh was shot and lost, the CoL oinnot bs surpassed. Governor Can worried over official duties this morning, bnt in the Agrl cultural station the hunt was already being hunted. Secretary Brnner wag crimping shells and Dr. Battle stood at ease with a far-away look la thi eye that suggested theewampforestg and the grain' 11 jldi axd the waters around South port. And as every fin ished shell dropped in Seoretary Ben: nere box you imagined he saw the rigid point of tie dog and bard the whirr of many bird?, fated to death. i V Oh, we are going to kill duok, and birds and swans,' said the Seort try. Tea going to give the Gov ernor; a flay cxra hunt," said the Colonel. Dr.: Battle smiled and was satisfied'.;. :,.7t. T"h lt$ only thirty-jix hour till Mon- dayy:; "'" ,: ' North Carolina Grocery Company. The North Carolina Grocery Com piny has been incorporated in the Clerk of the Superior Court's offioe wilhiftetoikeriaj sjoBed gentlemen aa incorporators: Joseph G. Brown. C. McDonatd and E! ffrris. The capital stock, according to tha Incorporation, shall not exceed 850,. 000, and the concern can o mtinue for term ol thirty year. ; There are LOOO" shares of stock, each share being of the par value of 850. Tbe odmpany HJ do bntiness in -Raleigh. J J' "Trial of tnearaooo Swlndlere. Col. John W.Hlnsdale and Mr. W. S. Harney left for Jones county todays whsre they appear for the insurance companies In ' the caeca against tho Beaufort iasaraass swindlers. , i j . ' Judge Qraham was oa the train go ing east, j The caiec are Sttraetlsg a great deal of Intereet. - nil mi Cowboys aad Indians Fight. By Telearaph to tbe rraw-Vlaltor. Foar Gbabt, Atfsoaa. A report is received, here that White Mountain Apaehea have been caught la the act of killing tho cattle of aettlera on Clblou Creeki etghteea miles west of Fort Apaehe.v A flght took plaoe be tween tho Indiana and cowboys, ia which one Iodise was killed. Troops aad Indian police from Fort Apache tarted for the scene of trouble at once. , . i..5- . . . , . Is MoBrido a Candidate? By Telegraph te tterree-VUttor , . Chioaoo, Dec 7-InUreet la the convention of the American Federation of Labor, whloh met ta Madlaoa Sqaara Oardea, Hew Tork. has been lncrsed a this elty by tho - report la .labor air- ctea that President John MoBrlde wUl not be a eaadldate for re-eleetloal It U reported that ho will attempt to de teat the candidacy of Gompers by throwing his strength to Preeeott, of tho IaternaUonal Typographical Oatod A fe days ago President IfeBride U an iatervlew, w reported to have said that he would bo a aadi- date. Frioada who have talked with him laUly Say he feels sore of rc-elee- Moa -.'.'' .i ! BtrathaoYM Still Mlealog, Br TeleaTaph to me Paaea-Vnrroa. ? : TACoiu-Waeh,, Dee. 7. Tho North- era Paelffs steamship company has re- stlved a cable dispatch aanoaaelag the arrival at Yokohama of tho stoaav ship Haakow, after oighteea daya pas ease. Oa leaving acre tke offleere were InaUueted to louow ne route oi the mlssiag steamer Stratbaevie aaa search for her. These UstrueUoas j were carried ou Bat ao trats oi aa. T8wtH : ; , , ;' 1 "r" - --: - ;j . I ti.,.J ; , . Monday Morning on Morgan Sfroor RrM(ra ). - r . ! e.. .. -Ml THE CENTENNIAL SCHOOL " , 'i j - e J'''f '"' ' ' it ?f f .sV-T Wants ft.OOOro Water Ooimeetlori Other Improvement All - Have blqaov liloensos. ' " ::. The Board of Aldermen was csllad together by Mayor Kuss with tU fol lowing Alder mej, present: ' S'roneeb Mills, Hi acyJttt, Bverett, Drewry, FerrslI, Boushbll, Boblnsob, Hoover, Baker and Jahbsoa. Aldermjn Drevry gave aasorases that wotk'would begin fft the' forgsl "u MgaaaflBj BavU wat The Light committee, through Mr, BoashalL reported that all llgbU re ferred io the committee hsd been pnt up. Therv ere three of them The Fire eammittee. tfaroush Mr. I Johnson, rpoJcd. l(it-there was ai objection to, Forney roea locating a eiacKsmua snap 5n,uarge:t street. M Jotms. J. B. tWraU Co.f .J. J- Har ris.. 8. V. , Smith. JJ. jr. Smith, Nick DeBoy, Si D. CarrolL B, M. Cheek. LN Whlti, F. I Bally, Mo.e Woodard, J.'flE. Rogert, W ft rpeburcb Jr , C.Wj uoover, Adsma Harris, J. n Ham- lln, JamesHFreman7 M. Rosenthal, Thomas Pescud, L. J. Walker, Potter aV Scott, D. 0", Ifaugum and Limbeth' ft Co j, A petition for the opening of the market at an earlier hoar tban 0 a. tn. was submitted to the Board. On a motloB by Alderman Feirall, the mat ter wae referred to the Market com mittee with power to act. Csptala Ashe aabmltted the repirt of the Board of Bqnalfntlon which was accepted.. Mr. Dref.'y rbairmaa of tbe Build ing eomavftte, etsted that the present plan otfhe CenUttlal School did aot t -the roqqiremeaf Snd "reeom- meaded ehngeo which would cost ap proilmately i 1 80" : Piof. Howell being preeeet, was ask to apeak to the Botrd about the aeeded ehangea He stated that by .placing ceveral parti tions la a large elsee room, separate rooms eoold be made which would add to tbo eoavenleaen aad comfort of the teachers cd echo lore. ; Prof. ; Howell also ashed that water connection be made at the sokooL "Be stated rhat It would neceraltate an outlay of'l,000 Prof.j Howell did aot ask for an ap- proprlatloa from the AldermcB out- Ight, bat asked tbat tho board en-1 dorse af Bote made by the sehojil bosrd , for thta purpose. , : Alderman Everett thought it war a disgraeo that there wre no water closets In the pnbllc aehools. . Aldermaa Bodehall ataUd that tbe Finance committee Wac opposed to making any approprlatloa 'except where it was abeOlutely uccesstry. He said that the eommitteo waa handl- capped by a big1 deficit aal he' hoped that the Board would act deliberately aad sarefullyn' . dJ ' It. was after warde developed that the School committee had lei out a eoatreet for the making b( tho water eoaneetlons, and that part of the woih ' was already completed. ' ; J j Aldermaa Johnson etated that he thoagbt the School eommltUe was a little, prevaeuc la making a ooatract, and then to ash the city to bear the rsspoaatbllltyt'viCstiJ -ir'";i Mr Bnrtoa Stated to t jo Board that the contract for ; ator oaneetloas would be carried ootwhet her the Board of Aldermea aselatel or aoti that if tho Board did not, the school term woald be shortened.y - Tho eatlro' matUr, py motloa of Aldermaa Xvcrett, was referred to tho Flaaace committee fjri . .Mr. B, T. Oray addreeaed tha Board of Aldermaa. i Ho etated that tho Bes Hospital Board of Troeteee had re- dueated him toaak tho Board of Aide mea to aamoi a-eaeeeeeor to tho late W. O Upehureh, who was a trustee, la order that tho Berne might bo aob mltud to the Supreme Court lp eoa flrmatloa aaOer ; provielona of tho charter of tho hospital. Mr. Drewry moved that tbo matter bo' referred to the Jaaaary meeting.. Carried. i)r. D. Mv Everett, oa motloa ' of Aldermaa Drewry, was made a mem her of tho Ftaaaeo oommittee. . There . ,Bf ,1 vaaaaces oa the eom l j,rk wac laetrutUd to pr4ptr4 a iit of tha racaneiei at the nviag, LiqqOf Becassa: Were granUd (to B, K, Psrhsm,-' tfaJ. jteCluW' 4?8; Lowry M Vlj DeaftnlftwoX J. B. mad wilh.SjiawJtJolteftil v l e eo aoret eedloh 4300, 1 Health: 0atf8'isarle). lesvs of abvtfTffTor sli days to go Atlanta " 1 'f - Aldermaa Drewry aitked that a e0m mlttee of B ebnil l ! appointed- to aseesf properly da m a g-axon tha Uosk gaa Street brrde pr;pvrty AiopteT. -A request from tho street ear WS; rway xapHcaa'pomstiavena o spt trsek r-car tbe Uolou depot oa MartiS Street was laid on the table bra uoani- Aldrymaa Slf uoseb mdea motto wwod was tSrMed t&e-enect uas Oa motl.in of Alderman J boson,' Board adjourned. TRDlAfMU TREES. Street Commissioner Blake Meets With Objection bnt it Doesn't do. Recently Street Comlceioner Blaks has hd a force engaged, ia, trimming trees In tbe city which we a 'menace to life od limp D(t which wre un- sightly,'; Some eUiseaa hate objected tqhe trimming bt trees n 'front Of their places, litre objections woBt count for much ft tSy road tbe law glvea below Commissioner Blake ia doing a good work in removing dead I limbs from large' treeejt which are la Sanger of falling. I Section 85 of the ordluaers of the elty of Balelgh aa: 'TSe Street Commlsaloner shell Boftyfall persons having trees in front of hlr lots to have them pre&rfraiSe If the owner or occupaat refoa?. or, delay eompliaocc more tban Jjfl..da,ya, the trees still be frhnmed fonder he SaperinUndeiee the . fitiWet Com- miesioner, and the owner (bull to Bned Are dollars. . Service for Men. Rev Dr. Brsdley will bald a rpeelal ssrvioe tomorrow afternoon at the Cat tbedrsl of the Good Shepherd for men. The services are o begin st 4 o'clotk arid a special invitation is eitended to all men ' - Other services st the Cathedral of tbe Wood Shepherd tomorrow will be: Holy Commoaion at7t30 a. in , morn ing service end sermon at 11 a. a., mission service and rertnon at 9 p. m. .,. Men's Meeting. Tbe meeting for mjin tomorrow at the Y. MO. A . will i held at 3 o'clock instead ifi m tb it ; those wht wish can attend tbe servioe at the Cathedral, lie v. Dr. Daniel will give the first address' of tbe series of Rooks in tha lives of young men and his tnp!o will be'KookSin Home L'fa." All men we'CDme. A Uemocratlc King. By Cable to the Press-Visiter. London, Dm. 7.-Tlie great attrao tions of tbe week in royal oirolej have been the goins and com'pgi ot Sing Leopold, of Balffium, and his o&irm ing daughter, Prinoesi Clementine, aged 82. Leopold is popular here on sooount of bis demooralta hubitj. tie was net gt CUArin Cross railroad station by a number of offloials and royal earriagf S pUcxi at his disxal to ooavef him to his destination. The King acknowledged tbe cour tesy, but cald Ae preferred walking, so strolled across to bis apartmsnto. Later be took in the siRbt of Lon don. Toe King and Princess wlU proceed to SandriBgham to wiait the Prince of Wales It ia state! tbat the objart of the King' vMt is con nected with the financial sfltlrsof tbe Congo Free State. .i ) V -eeei TEKIUFiC SITItO KXPIXJSIOJI. ' A Torpedo'XJompany'e Plant Blown fjp With Mach Boise. TdMnnbi ta tbe Press-Ytstfc)ri ' - Ji 5. w FiNDLfT.unm.ueo. 7. . storage houe belonging td"flfe Ohio and in diana Torpedo Company, two miles northwest of Bowling reeu,'1lew np with temflVloroe last night The balldlngoonUined 860 qnartsof nltro gljoerine and Ws lopatedln forest and adjaoent farm; houses were badly wrecked r r.'d some luhabiunte JO Jured pearly tvery'pUte grass on one side ot the street of Bowling Green was broken. . Tbe enockT waa felt for ftrtrwHee131 1 '" r; " . - ' mtm t ' ,' j ; . ... : . .. y... . 1 : . v ' Robbers Mill Btattoa Agoat, , . - -- - . 1 , . 1 .- XtesawATpBta,, Ks n.Kr Des. f.A Bueyras Btatlos, oa the Missouri Pa- oiBc. thlrtyight miles sonua or abb aaa City two masked 'mea' attempted to rob tho railroad Statloa last eight W, A. Oilmen, thaageet, offered -ro- the street csr rompaoy be ordered tf a Monjiniegtsl asaocUtion; Bl tatlber tJdon D. ao..a etreef HghS NC J U&UV rmotio1i't,derm.ai Ferr.il ' t,i.i S M PpVy'd ?e.f(,Afyiafofore wlA wfth viceedlng' pleaeote, the card of WtoterAtfass.esrr4j ; tllUaiiitrArirtf, In thai ietaaee aad was moiUlly shot 'Tba J atsmbcrs of thi larpeatoisj aad wood-, the. blood robbers thee Bsd.., . worklag trades,; r;i j UWh'"?r! JXUt JflRSI CTj.VKBOTtoXi ' MN'tt ;3artn atakao Oeaerdne f" J Vtt1ow W the HBtuawwaUf elxt tvlt glreeiliva.Paass-tViairoa; plegfrore to aoteJhatJhcjef OoWv taiMirard to taa'atonewall Cemvjary" grave have edb0B,to;rfrolrlllbliiil wnvwi v. fciWWii toe, r eeatrtbatorf ia tbeiliberal.iamooaj of fiti, Vpd7 weafO ptessed to pabliabitbe following Tetter, wblcfc seeompaaied blf-'" girt,. , , r LTBtair.Uew .',-1895. Mrs. Atmistfid! JoneKl Preeidtnt Wo AenocUUon; Kl Wljleb he atatefther plaa to be organ Uei, bj bUh;fusdS,ma7, be raised With Which ioareeii eoltebU head and t"MitotC&$?aQ0 Ooajfedorato gravea;';. iw v unmarked' in 'Stonewall Cemetery, T at MsncheUr, Ta. I re joice at this jjiotle step, sad tlsnk Go that wo have aueh .Boble kmen in llorth Carollaa', wbokaow ao failure, to pa.ab. forward this noble enterprise,' aad tt6ak; Him' stiU more that I am permitted to thus sld you, by encloc iag youlny eheek for 25 as my eoa tribution te thrs grand and noble work, and I d hope that your energy, so in- domitbieT sod your unprecedented devotion! to the memory of our depart td.hsroeaf may be appreciated ta that extent that the neeeesery f nad may be at once placed at your disposal in order thst these noble men, who thus atbrlSaed their litec for their State's honor, and tbe protection of their homes that were eo dear to them, I ahould not longer be forgotten - Again invoking Gud'e blessings on you anoTrbur most worthy aad noble efforts, I beg'to subscribe mytrelf, my dear madam, Tours most respectfully, O. J. Caeboil The ladies return many, very many thank to Mr. O. J. Carroll, fur bis kind words and liberal donation. So far no organisation haa been perfected. The executive committee of the North Carolina Monumental Association has donated to tha Utt. Mr. Avirett tbe sum of t09, tha remalcder they btve ia band, to be devoted to tbia sacred purpose. A CITY PHYSICIAN. Tbe Special Committee or the Board . : ReoOanaiends Reform. Atjhe last meeting of tbn Board of Alermanja-wommitteewaa appointed by Mayor Rosa at the instance of the Board WlnyeatlgaU tluuloethod sad manner of dUpeBsinggxeevjdruga to ohrit!T The report s glvea belowi " BALBiaiiivC.i, Dee.' 0. 1895. nrgB floHagABLB oib or Aldbb-, asit, -"Cltf Balelgb? J 6 sot Alius r Tour committee ap pointed to look into the matter of charity medasiaes, cabmit the follow ing report: ' " " ' ' They haveaaref ully examined into the matter and. Bad abutiea that can only be remedied by a radical change, they therefore recommend 1st Tbe abolition of tbe preseat ayt- tcm. - gad., The. ebotiou of a oity physi- claB who shall furnish and dispense his own medicine at a cost not to exceed 800 per year. The adoption of this recommenda tion will, In Our -opinion., not only in ure to the benefit of the poor of th city by securing better and more thor ough attention, but to the tax-payers of the elty in the caving of more than 88 lis per eent of the present ost. There should be exaettd of tne puy- aieiaa certain, requirements, soen as a monthly report to the Board of Alder meaof thenumberof rl its msde, lum ber" ot pstlent treated, number die- eharred, aamber of new patlenU re ceived,. ordinances eopceroiag which can' be-OBMtod ot the Jaa nary meeting. TJb,l,!e believe, will eonds.ee to the prtveaUcn of Inattention or aegleot tb aayoBoM'., . ';;;7 ; ,: i U '.(-! Beepectfally submitted, . V '- L. H Wbb , i( . D. B,'.BVBBBTT. ' t ; JoH 0. Driwri. if Alderstaa ; ferrall at i ted 'hat i would like for "tha report to lay over BaUl the aeat meeliBg,,, 'J i v Aldermaa ' Drewr atated that he thought It weald he' pradebt for tha rcpoK to be glvea full cenelderatloa before action. So the matter was de ferred aatil the Beit moetlag v 1 I -i'M . M M ... ... 1 .'. ' .-HOT. it. H. lUKie will: pswaw.aw! V. 1. n. TttHia will preeou' w-- Morrow morning ,e special eernjoa , to),The greatest aueeece ao far haa beea "A OAT Condfti'lndiPat iii'ii Rend- FACTS ANIKGUSSIP. Iter?,nogly Totaae-Ttckea wp on . the Htreote antf VaHoneJKolurs . - -HH!idJee wlU be. cheaper aeat summerj apojther Jce. maker i ia towa. T6ree dranka waa all that Mayor Rust had to ont-nd with this mornina?. No flnea' were imposed, as'nb damage reaolted from tbe " jgc' Messrs. WVH. King ft Co sbbohuco that they have come of the aider of life 4a tht-rego v sating . majt extract which they are offering. See their ad. Yesterday afternoon there waa car ried to h's hosv ia Norfolk Mr, B W. Harris, who was . seriously Injured while coupling ear at Henderson. His right arm was caught between tb couplings and badly crushed. The) arm may have to smputated. Is front of be Tarboroogh tb'e morning the passerby trod carefully. Some one had throwa water la'' front of the door on the pavement and tbo nip of winter bad glas-d the stonee with s thla aad very slippery coating Of lee. , .j-. There Is no dowolna; the Caoeeaiaa force. In addition to tbat laugh of a gay, free maid, Mr. H w. Butler, brother ' to Marion, has developed such a a eye for artiatic effeeta that ho lc now styled Modiste Worth aad ad dressed a "Madame." Colonel Alston Grime, t the Sea board Air Lino offloe in Portamouth, who has been ill with typhoid fever for two or three mon'ha, ban eo far recovered to make It asf- to move him. and a special train conveyed him and his friend to this city yeeterday. It was way baek yonder in the spring that, a young man named Murphy, a former Rslelghite, airted oa tbe eharge of robbing a mallear. His ease bss been three time called in tb Fed eral Cuort and postponed on eeeh oc casion. Wit b eseh postponement cornea the oerleas payment of a elond of it- aesoes. Feeding the cot tbrsefc!" waa the remark mad-4 by' a gnlmaa thta morn ng a Clerk Carroll tifood la the Chit ns'-banh drawlor tb moaww K0arjr for the carrying oat of Fed era I Court today. He drew two thus sanl dollars, en much of which waa ailver that the big bag had to be shouldered Ail tbi moaey Wee' used In tbe psyment of wltneB ' Irarlng the Week Bve thousand dollar hate been expended by the rnVernment Tbe editor of tbe Charlotte Obnervr sntstokqow wha'-h'sa b-come of ibe old fool custom nf demanding tbata mil itary compaay going from one Stole through anotberohall have permissioa from (be Governor nf , tbe Utter? Nothing baa been bard of It alnra the Atlanta Exposition began. Caa It be that tbe dignity of North Carolina hae been trodden under foot pre'ty well every week for the past two month without anybody knowing K Tbe following have passed the civil service examination f r the revenue service and are placed oa tbe eligible list: A clerks, K. A. Womb's, Wil liam H. Bragg, William P. Jjove, C. H. Hughes. Thomas P. Wood, Thomaa C. Harris and Cbaa. C. Kooocei as Storekeepers qd gangers, Abaer Nash, William D Wlat and James G, Bteed. . " The Auditor s making out the aa- . anal pension money for the old vote raos and dependent members of their families. V They will be sent out Mon day, ten days earlier tarn year thaa laat. The pensions this year emonated 1106,000. Pensioner will not receive al t .getter as large prmeutaj this year aa, last, owing to. the fact that tha Bomber of pensioners haa Increased ; AtCemmiseloaer iLssy's residence oa North Bloaat street last rvrslag theio was, blood and laughter aad sobs aad songs la a juvenile melodrama la which aome of the Commissi. ner'e children took lesdia i parts.-'- The young actors ' of that neighborhood kava bets play lag to crowded boas, aad the trsge . i , j i.. ..... k. . . . a uiee equ wiie w vuuiionea. blood-eardllag presenUtion of nghood.' ' iff .-"''...ii)-'; if. : V 1-

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