more and The "1 i r . : 1 it 1 -. - v in- Tt3 .:3 . Ccnvzs IL'r. Except Sunday, A l- .JfliM of (he Visitor, Es tablished 181S,aadUePree,Eaal - tahed 18M. .- r gtiica in the Fuliea Building; cornet Fayetteville and Davie Streets, f OREUK. O. ANDBUWB, v Kdatow ui MaT.f .- JASPKB N. McHABYJ ; Soliciting AcMki tvca U ILL ODvered ii L -n! y m imlr , a '.is Us Inolu-eg lisLcf time necesal.: ei by a slow no through the city limit. SUBSCRIPTION riUCE. One year, --, One month. too Buckian's Arnica Salve. Ths best salvs ia the world tot an ta. Itrnlses, sores, nleers, seat rlieom, 1e ver tore, tetter, ebepeu nanaa, cull blalna, enrna aadaJ aMe ere ...una, awl peel Lively euree puss, or no pay reqnirea. ii u guaranteed to perfeet atifaeiIoa or money refaed ad. I'rioe M sent par pes. far Sale by John X kiaa aee. , ., , Johasoa's Kidaay aae IJer Bge lator Invigorates the liver, regslstes (Mawi aml Cl- JTa !TYer j i I mm, tndigetUoa, soar atesaselv Aad sukes 7001 head w elear aa a. hell SB sad 60 Mat. , For aala by Joan T. asanas t - EVERYTHING SB) a NEW ' f3 s Our $5 Lisa ia Laced fifcocs and ' aaiters.' French Cordovan Calf Lined. SJ Calf Lined,; with Cork Patent Leather Calf. ,'. .J' FieniA Calf. Cu .Lined,' Double The '' Leading Afternoon I Paper In the State.! The FiMa-Tialtor pobUibea all the newaevery day and baa double the elr. culatioa of any dally are publuhed la BaletKb. .: f", DUIIE j TTGu TELEPHONE, 1881 8ATtKDaT. DKCKMBXfi 7. UM, It it estimated, that lnce thel pence ition of the Armenian begut by the Torka oret 40,000 people hare been killed and 150,000,000 worth cf property destroyed. Sbmatob Cbxkouc baa btrodnaed a bill ia Gongreaj proridiog for the anil ml ted oilnaxi of both aUver and Kotdataratioof 151-Jtol He baa thoa none the other free-ooinag;e ad ocatea one-half better, and iome people do not feel altogether ooofl- dent about Mr. Chandler's ingenn-l oasoesa. J 1 giGmtfTEs: j ABSOLUTELY rURt! St. Louis U hostlimi to seoare the noldinx of the National Bepablloan Cravention in that city. The first j meeting held was snoeeasfoL Sit' orlbers were both naaeroni nod lit eral, and the result of the assemblage Wai a guarantee of f 28 000. The work will be e jntlnned until the nec essary amount, 170,000, Is raised. Mas. Hon Sxrni, wife of the secretary of the interior, does not take kindly to the new woman. She said the other day : "I do not ad mire the girl in bloomers on a bicy cle. Having taken her place in the business world as a man, in all the j privileges of that term, she has no right to expeoi men to ahow her any more consideration than they show each other." NACLE'O Certain Couch Cure dues Coughs, Golds and Hoarseness Hick's Fragrant Almonds Cures Chape, Fever Blisters and Bed ness. Made and sold by HICKS & ROGERS, Prescription DrugKit . Cordovan and Kangaroo, Snsmeled Calf, warranted not crack Viol Kid Calf Lined. -iTerebYlcikld. , ;. Our $3.00 Une of Gentlemen's Pine Shoes . ' , Cannot be equalled In the Btate, Ladies Comfort Toilet Clippers r 7el?e,aj8. Ltdlea' far Trimmed Keltoa. $1.75. , " Infants lUd Button 0 hoes ' Sott solas UBlna. white sad Taa. ' s BaUee Laeed Kid Booteteas. Waits aad Taa Babies White aa Taa Chamois Moeeeslas. ' ' A": B. Stronach, Baby v 4- t i: GO TO L Williams &. Co! FOBTOUR-lT5 kJWvubI9( f t f OTATlOrJCnY CCIIOOL DOOItO FOB TOUR " ' ' -' ' . BOOK and STATIONERY ALIf 3D8LltS. ovo c Tin Ok ...a BUPPLLE3 OF KINDS. r. 1 t 2a Pry Qoeds, KeUoas Bhoes-Bferylhlag Bxeept High Prlees' BEST bituminous; s rRtt FROM WASTE tZlASCHED XmtPINE Gome or send to us and we win aim. . . .. ... i piy your wanu at prices to please v Very truly yours, . ' ' i . . Alfred Miliums & Co.' mm Land for Sale is : Mew Light ; Township, Wake County, i Byvirtue of a decree of the Superior " ""uo ui uie oaae 01 11 arriBon vs. Harrison, I will, on the 10th day of DlBhest bidder fnv Mah of tKs, .. uuunauor nr iw Arm nnnt a taai i (land In New Light township, Wake j ouuui,7, aujmnineuie lanaa or Addison I "n"f7. u. r. iiamson, Kandal G. rwue ana outer s, containing eg aores, Deinc the tract formai-lv nnrnsH k Oakley Harrison, deceased Sale U Kir w"on amoDst the heirs. noviatos ; ; - . Commissioner. Sale ef Land Under tf otgage Br firtae of power eonferted u'pos worn WW 1,17 Wanted That railroad speed is, gradually being worked along to a higber point is demonstrated by some mtereeting facts published by the Baltimore News. A remarkable run has just been made bj a special train over j the Like Shore from Chicago to I New Yoik, a distance of 08 mile, which averaged for the entire die tanoeover nftj-fle miles an hour List Monday the Empire 8tate ex press, operated over the New Fork Genual, attempted, to oover a dis tance of 440 miles in 468 minutes The train did not finish npon the schedule time laid out for It owing to an accident, but showed oonorasl vely that flfty-threa and'' third miles an hour cm be mads and maintained. This is about two miles an hour faster than the Ing iisa rival. Allowing a loss of twenty. six mtautee due to u aoai dmt to t"i . enrini, the raj from New York to Buffalo, a d!- Unoe of 440 miles, Including three stops and ixalosive of delay, was male in 431 minutes.' This Is a world beater, but it nearly eeualed by the Royal Bins train which oper at tver the Baltiaiore and Ohio ttetween Washington and New Tork Allowing for the loss of time doe to the slow, conning of trains In th) D strict of Colambls, the City of Baltimore and through Philadelphia ' and stops, this train averatces nearly " fifty ' miles aa hour, and hss kepi, this record up fur years.-' This road holds now and haa neld for several years the reoord for a milev'the die ' tance having been covered in 84 eoonds. The Pennsyiranisj also has a reoord, Lut eom-neroneof .-. the regular passenger trains on this -f road made the ran from Baltimore ' to Washington at the rate of 105 miles an hour. This road is now f quipping an engine at its shops at Altoona, Fa., which Is estimated to average a mile a minute. Certainly no other road in the world exceeds the regular schedule time of the FJi!aioreaad Ohio between Calti- '' RALEIGH STATIONERY CO. ' BLA5K BOOKS, OFFICE sad SCHOOL BtTPPLIKS. TTPB. I WKTTKB SUFFLTSS of i all Et5D8. J CEDRIC LINEN PAPER Kesoond. Hinen Envelopes locraetsge. AT ONCE ! SCO Booms to paper at (.ce a Boom Booms at $7.60 a Boom ISO Booms at 110.00 a Boom. 0 Booms at Its 00 a Boom. The above special prices wiD bo?d good UU the flrit of January. A large stork of good papers to select from at . 'FiEIMTiei'i ART STORE; - ia Uts sitv of Balala-h. N. n . ma.. day, peeenber 10, 1886, at U m , the lead dearibad ia said mortgage, sd Joialsg the lands of J. C."B Lnmsdea, g. Ooodwls snd others, beginning at steks snd pointers la Lumsdaa's tor. tbeaes north I degress US 4-5, east poise w a suae in Qoodwla's earner, theses north 68 decrees, west 83 onU. toastakesadpolsters, tbeeee sonth 88 degrees sast S3 poles to the begin nlag,eoataln!ng SS seres; 81 polti more or less ia House's Creek township, ssld eonaty aad state.:- i--n-.mL, . h " B. F, HoKTAaoa. 1 E.UIgh. Jfi a. Rot, 18th, ISBoT every copoPciGntf. ;;eg5a.:iimaQ. bnyflag V ;ask;: wliwYoRit FINE! CANDIES IN SEALED PACKAGES MacRae Must have ears nr thnv'Il inml. NOTICE OF SALE.' Sr. y- (Next to Partcfflcs) , Cor. Fsyettevilleand Martin 8treets. - r , ' BrttotBSot authority osof errna npon 6f j STtaifaffflS .2? 25S& --- Wrtasaptor oSte w and reflect no credit upon' their tkm Land sale. ' suffer and reflect no credit upon' their Take care of and preserve yonr teeth by usmg j v Hff i;. Simpson's Dental Fluid, B ly authority of a mortgage from . AA -J A T C; H. HauKhton and wife, rfc-mled T I la l J reanan and Oetolxr tarau. uwi 0oa whmia W. D. rplnmh was plaintiff aad w. w. ujaara ana etMrs were detendaota, I wiBaeUatsnbUaoaterrlenia klgbaM Wder, aa.altlie court boom door ef Waka ooaniy, oa Moadar. the eth ear ol Janoary, at taa hoar of U Veiaek, bl, a tract ot lama ilto ated la aaM eonnt t w. .ii.i..v. ... i J ? 1 Ot a M. OaiMBtar. a. o J. . . Which Will whiten t)a tMta. hl. h. I stoa.aBdetlMB, eoBUlolna aoraa and nriM I bidder for eub. two I rita nf lanit In Ignis sad at the. same time impart a "'ondi tonowo: Begianint at s etake I Mark's Cretk township, .Wake nrPn.. "i"" oreaxn, j une I " ua. nun meaoe seats its I vuuu.j. tieeonoeu as 10 lOWff ' wWenoyince yon of itS'supe. sTweatMpotoatothaeeBireof tteHtta.!: irt TrackBeirlns at anoint n ioMinwDeee.titodlywlttaldioadlrt1Mar A. T. Mial's liaev. in Book 113, pas;e 20fl. reoords efflae' itegster of Deeds Tor Wake county. ' I will on Mondav, 6th day ot J nary, 1890, at 12 o'clonk: m at the Court House door of Wake count v. 5 Ksieigb, N.V sell to the t YOUR FAVORITE 5iiuff 19-lm W. ft SEPARK, HA&AGEH. Notice ef Execution Sale. - Nostra Canoi.r)rX ZLHl "? Mtetlon directed e me ftnnv the finparior Court of aaM ""' j u jiuraHir, in favor or a. f'1". plajnuff. and smloat IX M. Kledsne, defendasL 1 wilj. at IS p ekttk noon of Mondav. Dehav 1 tswv, at the emirt boose door of said in cuuaiirii, aril at penile aoe ttjj to ttiehieet bidder for easb, to . mmiv uraoura. au me riiht -'..van,. irzA24j i i i au uuiw wjuia uenumces. irrepared only by : - , WI 1 1 lAn cimd ew- r " s. au ayitlll aVl W Simj)son's"Pharm Pnllea BuiUing ) -I j polei ttteaea aofth 4 oegieat east M soles re taaeaadpalatem UwDosaoatk H M degnee , e Mginaias) aaaw belni tho Staraaird aad wtta,- by deed, seeorded ia the egieter'a effle ot Wake eoantr. la Book to. at I BUM alV ." : X . . . Tkb.iroreiaberlS.ista J.N. HOLDiNO.' t-CtahaiiBBtosnE.t a Jhenoeeast with said Miai's line to mFT " '1. " ' " a Mtdun's line, thencs up the va- Why, Parson' Celebrated J-ious eoursei of Glo Brae oh to Wl'- c K -J, , nam narsuenrn s i'n tnenoswest 5!isi ?KETOa K3TCS SW,- iaB v-iBoa, inenoe southward TITT'"! a i-ttti down various enuraM nt ,k-, MlvoJH , 4 . - w uie oeKinniDir. au, more or less D8B S1HFS02T8 LTTEB FILLS an. BCZKMA HHTMENT. j 8sle ef Land ffWeie1fMtw. ; floars (Jatousa, 1 la the 8 ;1 f f -Vske Cosaty. f perlor "Court W B IH. Battle and . Hasry B. Braa (eracaton) piala- ' -sidridge . JL Jones ssd v ethers, 4efeadaBU',,;i,'.: . nv rlrtoe of a dsoraa In thi .K eatitled elril aetica .rendered at tka containing ,-200 ; It is the purest and bast, manufao by 7. - i the west br Tarboro mad r3 - wai your on L. acre. tds ondaof nwe or the authority conferred in ,fc- m eed of morUsgR eximleJ ttfle" hl oore be W J iloii.n. -j . , . I eaterr the west by Tarboro road and TY " a1" " ' Branson's land. 'wsntoJpJni 77 ,d' Wrwe--rw, more or 1ms. ''- w nr. a. Att'y. J Sale of Land Under Deed of Trust ' " " On Ifonda. taa naienn. 1 wilt cell at fmhlia .n.t- I rr oar.i t,rfjj-. r " - a ' i , K"wr conrerrea upon the deed a Moore of al,lgh, K. that treat or a a. . J " waw vvuuir, i vw msrsj ennntv NAsrh SBmavJl EFSaTt nW lurwf As. a I ' " "VI w was .VStruilBel D Mlnm 1 r-i-i . . . T vlitj wi shirs a7l rfulcVthTunrt." VAT,v Creek towsshlp.' adiol.i.a- th. 2LiS"" ?? 5ltbest bidder aP.TJckliikri.a V,V.' Issdsof William nn.-j k. it. KS.fK."!'. ay. uecember if ii . . -. . . nwer nu.iM . .Mw ioiu 11 unrjr m thtr...i nthm j J ; anu m. "", a., d.viiw, gmuiwn in aaia oeeil. Iv nr In bhIiI man in bnAk m n i u . awaaora or jest. Knows so I L tne urnas 01 Ueo. Mdsf01 ta5? dower .,d of Muy A,0 JoD ' W-WtbarSMd others Holleman. bonk M nacre ui ,in .m Idow f Atrln more l.ttw JCLr Banning at atRrS? Mt 4chaln and 22 links to a EGERTON S"2?!y " TuWe auctlonT of i. "." rSwT". " aLlrfl 5! -e. "wortt, conferred la S "wrJZ?aIiTi .'T"' ' 0?."" .l0 me by a certaln'deed of trnat .'I SallirLaTSiTel Vaaan!si- Sa. I W'BNSSt HIUUBr IOf flmJITl. Si rtlftlfa I tew TaI.. 1ST Ik 1 - a pareel of tend In ?k.,?1. at K8 H I will offer for Csrollas la Hid. J"? the city isg the I for cash on Mood late O 1 1885, at IS o'clock m otcOTtatemitliSacre inoteor'les by Aldrldge U st3h f ' We t . j . . -v.: ". ' 1 Jtln HZ Santa' Clausf; 6J. si J?v.?l?, A I Time ef Uke all the blame If the little folks are . , 7 : Sd. A blot la ..Anr ulnini I ioara. aait r.ii- j cil .. 'I Piriy'disa J:P.L..ConVar 4 A?S. mS'indwlTJ I to s.V'SolKSa? t.HMesrttAtt-n..;tea0d bVcr'rUUleCVr,l,,,d0,rU unnsimas mornins: Mow my headquarters are at Kitrsan's Joy store, where the nrino an ITOTds beet n4 the lanreet stocs, anj tbey earjnot till their orders ss fast as JKVmTin William 1 . . 1 . iiui iZZr , -,T """" nd others, IwrtieularlydercTioed in a deed f mm 4 U. U Uhve to said Holleman In hook ih aatu uesucers OffiCB. - am t a u - j erms caatt. ' v- R. H. Rai-rr. . ? , eutorof Geo JB. Moore. Baleigh, n. o , Kov. sa, -fls-ids - ; unSS?1 '"terfst which the said id I ""w. nl if T-u want to get M. KlaMlsailBB heaji miKa; ak.. I . I tht hMt (VA ik SB aaaintaa MW a a WMdorkertMor hnn ainr SUallirsaaw f !!i !?J?fSrrU1 lo Pare of land ins neat go to a regu'ar toy store and I vj ax luaiiBuciarerr pnoeauat ia Jiiet ermth of the. cortorte liite cf IIlli7trnnM uul lk . . ' T I. ti?ViT.S'?,eilrh, fo'w'1 and with. InJtaJelgh townan'p, boanded and de- v? l ollow,s towit: : On the 3 1 . 1'.. uorl;l ne or the partition af M7r- Hooter to srtheO and Mofea A Bledsoe, nmrtil H ih. "Trsoif'C-rf WakeecuntT afore, aid In book 18 on pspe &o; on t e et ny the wt Una ( tie dml r f f.o, mnns J. Kiikftr trt l.,uium a , l ... frnrdd m said R,fi,r'l tKxik 19 on pee 437. on (j,. bT t ie north line nt the two i-is of ? ' nd Msrtha i. 1 aoeto t .l i-00 r' '"" in said Iv rs ef ia bou i joo Te e4 sr.u 7.3 f'wWf, and 00 t;.e west ty tiie rvci.eviiio ro L rr ,hAnt .'1.1 1 . . ' w iiii(i pi' of iMa. NnamKs 1 Sojt ve s atS FATCTTE VILLE STV , 1 Sals ef Valuable Let ef Land. 2 By virtue of the powers contained In niungaew Mecuteu to me en the litb of leeemberr 18K by Austin Uoes. re 2!j ,J,.!n moe ot ,he Besisterof a-xwiajai na.eeounTy.H.o m iiook 83, f-io ", a wiii i'iirriorsaieio IDW htrh est bidder at public suction for cash, at the entire hua Him, in th. .n m -. COiaa.barlala's Syv ad Bkia OtbtBeea N u' 09 .Tw'y. tb loth day rribHl m said mortgaw ss f .Hows. IVlnw anl ,halK I. tL.. m . . l?,d ?w nd known aad """""i IOIIOWS, VIZ inrcupii-u OT w m Aify wi-.eiieor flloodwf.r joirlng the loU of anraBalM tnr Vm t, g.i. Kkenaa. beakl Head, Sore NimiW Clitpoei Haada-IlcLing PUea, I'-arro, irost liitea. S "IT" j - v isdu tixi ty Lm m-uapM ai j kdw par box. .' ' to hobsj cwrae. - " ' ' . fev paninir a horse in a fine hooltlir torn mum try Dr. Cady'a Con iiiion Povdera. ay op the arstem, aid diloa. eure om of appetite, relieve const ipaiioe, eorrect Oiiot disorders and dtru worma rrin ww bio 10 aa old ot ar-vorkad hotw si paciajra F br -rDrlwts the lot lxtBlr hfoss on tiie h Street and ad. othr sod thesare that wa conveyed tjl il ItlaH. 1 L . . . J . Li t j "! " warm A. rtewoc br d i.i Kiimh cw.ii. I8, recorued in x-k 2. pae 83 in the Ufgiater's office for Wake eounty. Xorembef 0, 1806. 7 H&VSBSF AnAliHsa4 asi nHnnnUtH. .1 tte of Idiss Uoilie A. HilLde eeased, late cf t ake county, thisis to ' ""Jua carinr claims agtunst thessid s. ate to present them to the wuurjiaik-utw on aw amntw iha . ak of Oetobw. im or.Uiia notes will be pied In bar of their recovery. ' " ' 5 A O M AlCOM ' r Notice .to Claimants : ? , V' tiiw I. krreby gives ef tha seliare 4 lelluiBgde-rribad serannal t-mperty .ioJains of the Iateroal Beraaae Lava: V-.-:. aoveaiBer iltb. frem A. D. Peader, twehegseoBtSiBlagtboatsieegallnaa s Noteaabar 80th, rom Marahall pir lis sse isk sboot forty gillccs rpe braady. 'Herembeir- Slat.- Tims Baoeo ana, ona eaak. aboot SS aratloi. brsadyv v r. : " J".T Aot ember 81s. W. E. Trcs-d: n. eaak, about II fty gatloni arple brandy floremb-rr 83d, from James Bona. two e-aks eoataloing about Urut. galloai aarb spple traoJr: . f,,ri. gallra atill, cap aad acrm; ose tUj. galloa eopper still, cap aod wnroi . M. Simmoss, Collector. ' dee 5-80d if. r . MnKTllIt nMmiKO a. U,. 0V, Ii. '05. 4 15-tilt And in future Von ariii na ether brand, Put np in any size pack, ajre to suit the trade. , r 5If,' Dy. Mr Dealers. J.II. PAnc:r3, Llan'fact'r :, New Frtmswick, N. j Mortgage Sale of Land. r::::jlC:.u,7,Pcr:::::'jjE-;:r:i, iw-ni .i i ,irnrM-.N,e par M,. or I.,- Bv virtim nt - - vvuiniini UU III, u7 .cniirtm exrcuf-d hy l U EdwBKissnd wiln, S. T. J . ,r . bearinrox of Febniarv i-4 l kj duiy lecotucd In I.i-Kistry' cf k, .... e county in lx)k No. nil. v- p ' jaT'1 J Jf I i I, on ifonuay. Iel emir at li o'cIiK'k in. at the court house door in theeitvof HnMrh sell toUiehifrhest W ldpr for cash trie -and in smd nmrtiTHge draci iiied, situ. at(d In Lu laver Township IV ake county, and bounded rs foliowa. to wit eKiDtiingatB gtlie in J. H. fascns Ime snd '!um Iiivtfa eoner ' "irnrnnyp. U1 8 SUl J Jq J. G I j' i- 1 -!arijV ll .H H i lYIVKtCa MMn S.r, 1 1" a - , J....i, l errj-a eorner. . "Ti- ' ' n OJ the ;oad, 1 i ' aaiu rn:a W . -i rO-'e's line, thence AawssaA -",v ' h.M,.! DiiV,-, linetta "'th w-th r4 t .! i, I - s ri'rir Hi f mi J I1"" ' o iif r y ,. ) j i run',1, iineti! 1. a win', ;.... .... . ""i' . r- " a r r. r n ,ne ur . . ii. i ) t.c.u', ; John M CnrvmAw, X, ..ulrt'iltfc Bait itrh N. C. iNor. 8 lo tor, ,.. or () M irr i. Hni'.liliTf ..,,!, "rwirt wnrr. aiKma. - """".mm onx. lamias U mrn.4 ii. V, 7 aiaraottro. a, C . UDn mu. ... . i - TLc.Dcu Hc;x.'. TOti Li- . . , " '. Aa Is, t a i , thei fo Birlv aoi-t lo it ! ( a ilh n onna less. ' tt '.l trt rie. . v i itaauvan. J! ''I-EAcaL. ' 11 Broadway. K York CTy. lAerai eonuniaetoa paid. f ? a t j r ! n.. ... , .. Il,,....(. 1... . j, Breadway Thaatra a. "-i Fa . v. I ' II. aaara wasted. 1 1.