V A LIVE Bt A l.uG. i el -athofa I ie Negro The : Child at I in Eluif, J.. C. l'.:'.t Fin IUJ, N. C, a abort die t i from tbe Sou'h Carol'na lit, qalle a reairk,.lle I joc cf a ' ' H fcroci!.'' occurred the othir day. While Marshall Williamson, a negro school teacher, waa absent from home, cue of his children was attacked la hi yard by a hog. One arm and one aide of the child's fare was eaten off by the vicioQ creators before.- the eblld was rescued. There were bo grow people around at the time, and as the child was email, the brat mad a meal of it without moch trouble. The child died last night. At only child ren were present at the time, it la not known whether the child did anything to the hog to cans the attack, or whether the animal attacked without provocation , -., , Fl-fl PIUS. - ' ' fiend your address to H. B. Bncklen ft Co., Chicago, and get a free sample of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince yon : of their, merits. Thuepilleareeiey la stitioa, are par ticularly effective In the on re or Uonatl patioa and Sik Ueadaotr For malarial and liver trooblee they barebeea prov d invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter. lone substance and to. be purely vg table. They do not weakea by their actlua. bat by glvirar tone to atomava and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Rega'ar alia 5 per bos. Sold by John V. MeBae. druggist.' t . " ' ., Cat tar aandwienea, of bread spread with caviare are soma new. , - c r . ' HOW'8 inisr - ' We offer Ona Hundred Dollars ward for any ease of Catarrh that ean 1 not be enred by Hall's Catarrh. Cure. F. J Cheny & Co., Props. , Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for the last 13 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all bualaes transactions and financially . able to carry oat any obligations mad by their firm. '' " , Win & Tsc.j, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. . ; . '.; Waldibo, Kmi A Masvib, Whole sale DraggtsL Toledo, Ohio."" ; -t Hall' a CaUrrh Car is taken Inter. . ally, acting ,direetJx,.apoa th blo and masons surfaeaa . of th system. - Price 7Ss. per bottle. Sold by kit drog. gist. Testimonials free. HaU's Famll Pills ar th bast. . - !' Cneumber. sandwlohes, of, brown bread fend thinly suoea sucumoer ar , Try nice. - , t; , J.. ;, ,J. ;.. t f i Bis weeke ago t suffered ilh a vary aerere cold ; wae almoat nnabl to apeak. My friends all advised m to consnlt a nhallan. ' Notloln - Chamberlaa'a Coogb Remedy advised i4 th 8t Pan) . .Vlka, Zeltnng, I proenred a bottle, and after taking it a short wjilie wtas entirely well. I .now moat , heartily recommend this rtmedy to a J on suf fering with sold. Wm. Kail, 878 flelby Ave,, St. Paul. Minn. For al by J. HaLBobbitt, druggist. , " ? Anchor sandwiches, of thla sliced breed spread Anchovy paaU -ar the try latett. t HOW TO VrTvENT CROUP foaS BIADIJIS THAT WILL MOTS UTBB- .- iaTisa to- Toroo) oihib bow to aCAAo AflAUiet TBI D18IA8B.' . . Croup Is a terror to young mother ml ia nnatthaBonarnnir th eaue. Brat symptoms and treatment Ja th object of thla Item.; Th origin f " aroup Is a common cold. v Children who are subject to it taka old vary easily and erosp la almost aar to fol- " low. Th first symptom la hoar seneesj this la soon followed by a peculiar rogh eoogh, which 1 easily reeog a lied and wilt never b forgotten, by on wno nee nearu i v act la when the child nret besom hoaiaa. If " Chamberlain Cough Iiemedy la freely fivea all i tendency -to croop' will soon dlsuppear. ; Bvaa ; after th oroupy cough baa developed it will prevent lb atlaik. There le - no danger in giving this' remedy, for it erntalne nothing" Irjorlone. - For. sal by f. Hal Bobbitt, Drngglat. j ' Don't forget to damp days. '-.' - wear rubbers os ' The wtf of Mr. Leonard Welle, of East Brimfield, Uses., had bees sol frlna from leuralffl for two data, ot bains? able to sleep or hardly keep still, hen Mr. Holdea, th merchant there, seat her bottle of Chamber laln'e Pain Balm, and asked that she give it a thoroaah trial. : Oa meeting Mr Welle the next day h was told that ah wis all right, th paia had left her within two houra, and that the bottle of Pain Balm waa worth fS.Qifit could not be had for lees. . For sale at 60 eenta per botU by i Hal Bobbitt, druggist. - ' l X JC-' ' ' " ' " ' Don't fail miles a da. ' to walk thro or four . . -1 r -.v - - Th way to reaen eaUrrh la through the blood. Johnson's GarsaparilU and f!lerv treats this diaease eueeessf ully Try it and you wil) not ba dleappoln- k,1. Price, larff ooiue. oy now. ior ealeby John Y. MacRae, drug- glat-; : -f.'. ';".-' :. . s IP Tlnir. Dewart. Pa., wrltea !,. Hartnirof thla plae has used tout remedy for th Pile and reeom mends it very highly. H gav m vour address. 1 would lik to kaow on what terma and pric you sell to rialra . Let me hear from you aad oblige. Bold by John T. alaolla. Fnr Insomnia. BleepleesneBS, - nerv. c a ifa, hysteria . and all form of , nervoua eihauMlioa and debility, there id 1 i.t on retn-'.r, Jobne-n' Tarav jarilia and-Celery directly nnon the nerve centers and aever fails to cure. Larsre bottlesBJ ents, S it i ale by JoLa )T. lUcIia. Timet; Warning. That thin. Icy craat which jast now ovr tie six Inches of snow in north ern Aroostook la a regnlar burglar alarm for the deer. Lewistowa Joor- i All Free. Those who hart need Dr KJnt's New Dis covery know its value, end those who have not, bare now the opportunity to try it free. Call on Die advertmed droririat and ftt a tri al bottle, free. Bend your name and address to H J iu-ilen ft Co, Vhnnvo, end rH a HiiiT.inboiLe Dr Kid; s iw Luel-illa tr- . t wl n a oony ol Uuuit to iJ'-sltb. and i, oum-ueid Instructor, free All of wuich ie eiiarauieed to do ou good and ooete you . L : . T - . T. It I 1 . Dwuiua at rfunn warm, e aruff hot. Don't lot eight of the fact that cool heads and warm feet form very hy glenlo combination. ' - ' Rheumatism, neuralgia, paina la the haes or aide, ettrr neck, core throat. onsllltls, diphtheria, camps and eolls nsrantiy relieved by Johnson's Mag. aeti OH. JLarge bottles, SB and 60 teats. Kor aala by inuu T. MeBae. dragglata . . , Don't eat heartily Immediately be for beginning any brain work. u ' ) I J I U- J. -1. -r w r Gooiadvtovt Nerer leav bom ra a Journey without a bottle of Chamber Iain's Coll. Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemd. For Sal by I. Hal, Bobbitt. araggiat - ... - H Vi. How to AttsJi IL" A Wondeffol New Medina Book, written far Alan Only. On copy may be aad fra OoapplloaUon. ERIE KCoicALCO. . umto.aj.T. v Valuable City Real Estate for - , V - -Sale. " In Dunrutnoa of - tba Dowers oHti under a certain mortgage from Paul F. Faiaon and wife, AnDie H. Fa'son, to Eliza Donaldson, trustee, rfriatored In Book 97, page w, In tbe odice of the fiKster of reeds of Wake ooanty. North Carolina, I wUl offer for sale at public suction to the blithest bidder on Monday, January fltb, 1800, at is o'clock m. at the oourt house door in the eitv of fi sleigh, ths real estate conveyed in said mortgage, to-wit: Two certain lots of land situate and being In tbe city of Batelgb, said county sad State, and described as follows: First Lot Beginning at a point on north side of Eden ton street eo feet from corner of intersection of Edenton and Halifax streets, running east 87 1-1 feet , to lot of H. B. Battle, formerly Thomas Badger, thence north along H. a Battle's line iuo reet, tnenoe west 167 1-2 feet to Halifax street thence south along Halifax street 10 feet to W. W. Vass' northwest oorner, thence east along aald Vass' line 60 feet to his northeast oorner, thence south 140 feet to the beginning, containing a little oyer one half of an acre ' Second Lot A lot of land lying on Halifax street, between Edenton and Jones streets, beginning 70 feet from Intersection of Edenton and Halifax streets running north along Halifax (tieet 60 fact thence east 106 feet to IL B. Battle's iorserly Thomss Badger's corner, th-noe south 60 feet, thence west lOV.feet to the beginning, cot talking onr-sereath of an acre. Information in regard to said Dron- ertr cxn be obtained from C. at. Hut bee. Terms of ftale, cash , - : i, - - .v Trustee. 8aUPHXBD ft Buss IK, Attorneys. ' . Notice of Sale. - ; 0a Tueedsy, December 17th, 1805, ther will b sold at publl asctloa at 6overnmat baildinr In the city of Raleigh V following described prop erty. tj u-i?-t:'': X-' -''' lessk e talaisg ilga's era blky. M l it '' C. )8 M , , ' ' ' 14 -' ,"aeb 1' F, M. erssoss, Colleeter. Kosth Cahomsa, ' . Wake County. ' la th Superior Court. -' H, M Faraaworth vs. Fannie J. Nich- . olaon, Aanl L. Boyd aad others. Proceedtage to sail land for parti tion. ' ;''ivv-..Vvvvi''.i'-'''""4. By virt u of a deeree of eo art res dered la th - abov entitled epeciel proceeding ' aad - at eommiseioner therein appointed by th court, I will e Tuejday, th 7th day . Of Jannaty D. 1880 eipoa for sale at pa one outcry at th eoart hone door in Eal- igh, 5. O.. to th highest biddes for aab, all that 't ' pare! of lead In North Carolina, Waa aonaty, lOi th corporate limits of ths city of Raleigh, " situated on Lenoir street, beginning at point on the south line of Lenoir street 80 feet from Its point of inter- seetios with th east Iln of MeDewell street, ooaUining 4.BS0 squsr feet, or ov bvaa, aad more folly dewribea In a deed from Martha B. Harrm to Mary B H. Boyd and Edward N. Joaea, recorded in Book No, 78, at nag CO ia th offlc of th RegUter of Deed for Wake eosnty, and also la th petitioa la aald proeeedlsg fhieb ar herewith referred to for more per fect description. Valuable building aad Improvements on said lead, now oeenpied by Ransom JobssoB: and Heailetta Stroud. 4 ss- 0- W. J. PssiSj Co,'r.; Peele & Maynard, Attoraeya. t x New Light Land for Sale- . Py vlri of a decree of the Superior Court of V c-e county, made la tbe cHe of Lo"-Fy, Alminitrtor, ra. Lowry t-t I will -U for cah by H--uii, t t..e emirt bmiie door of V e co' 'y, on toe ltiib dy of De cenilwr, 1 1, at 12 in., the reversionary li..--re"t la t.i dower lun-'s allot d to k ra. hL' F. Lower. .uowof V. T. Lowrr dpc8wl, a.,tiat in ;Wake ci'i--!.y nd In '"W Ll"':t township on t. e'--!8 of U'trspi-n't't, artj"imng t,,' li.nos of J. 11 C'rM'w. i "ipy and 01 !'' beint thebome oe of tie 1: iW.T Lowv, coritiiuiiBgaboutn a e. TiUeuui ;tnd. no iJtis J. U. t LKsusQ, Com'r. If it ir.as:A.w. ym i .. sssjrr- The ln!ies ace copdoaul invited to atitend oar cook iog !estj3M4 on the af tecnoon of December 2d, Sd and 4ili, , ( ' .4 , ' !' : i When w will fhow th famoua Hue of Buck's Stoves and Ranges. 0a th afternoon of December 81 contests for the Bucks' 'Jr., to be given .to ths littl girl under 14 Contest from S to 8 p. m. Back's Jr. ROYAL! AND Sole Agents, ? IIA.LEIGII DURHAM, GOLDSBOROI Trustee's Sale of Bouse aud Lot. l ' By virtu of ; authority conferred upon me by a certain Deed ot Trnst from John W. . Walker and Margaret M. Walker, hi wife, dated November aad, 1887, and recorded In tbsoffl of Register of Deeds for Wsk eoanty. S, O . la Book 7, psg 680, 1 will ea J THUR3DAT. Dee. Ml 1885.4 . sell at public auction to th highest blddsr for eaah th boas and lot sit-1 uated ia th lty of Raleigh, eoanty of j . W ar now showing alt th latest Wake, N. C.,' aad deeortbed as follows: ahd moat desirable thspes aad styles Beginning at a stak sad fene'in Fall-and Winter' Millinery. Par h Hawkiss'-r and Andrwa's -line on Person street - 900 t,tt4fto th Interseotlou of Parses and Polk streets, running thane northwardly along said atreet 00 feet to the Booth east corner of th Murphey Graded school property, ' then . westwardty aloag th line of aald school property, 188 feet (o th eastern dg of. a U foot alley, theace southwardly aloag aald edge of the alley So feet 6 Inch te a stake aad fence, saia uawjtina ana Ankrews' corner, thence ecrstwardly along their line 188 ft vo the place of beginning. ;r,v-'""'SJ if jftU. Place of aale Conaty court houe door in Raleigh, N. C. Tim of sale 1J mi MasjiABtm J, Hawma, , Nov. 18th. 1885. (Ids.) . Trnst, ; :A f r 8ALK OF LAND. ' ' 1 Under and try yirtoe of a power of sale contained in s mortgage from kf ar- II i 11 UiM. Hill Kl mriA miA n. drew Hill to Wil liana Watts, dated tbe iUh day of February, 1891, and regis tered in book 113, page 619 of ths office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county. N. C. I will sell, on Monday. January 6th 1699. at tbe court borne door In Raleigh, N. C , at public out cry to the nigtiest Didder, inat pare or naroei 01 miiu eiiuatoa ia bu iuarv s township, county foreid,adoinlng the lands ot l)r. J. B, Bobbitt, i. ra. James Creech and others snd Don ruled as fol lows: Beginning at a suite on Big Branch, thence South 178 8 4 poles to a (take arid po'ntern, thence went 87 pole to Creech's sprint Dranon, tnenoe who nld, sprint branch toOrr's nunl branch 85 poles, thence with Orr's mill branch to the beginning, containing ino acres and beina tbe same lnnil that was con ye ved to Mrcns Hill by C-e barine l ool by d-ed record -1 in book ho. 44, rr 842,Kegistr of Dewia Oiiicefor Waae oounty. Time of sale. 1i m. Terms of sale, cash. Aui. Stbonach, Dec. Sd 189 I Atty. A r CXTTC! anted everywhere for AuliiN lO Marion Harland's new Holiday Book, "Home of tbe Kihle." liinn-hanni tn tBke "hl iBtm on'ers. pequickl IIITuPICAL 1'UBLIaH- LNUCO.I7A&). 1 Laaueipma, is. TIEL r of. Raleigh year eld baking the best pan of biscuit Range can be seen at our s'or. BORDEN, ft Newflillinery Stock Is well selected, hoth as to ., STYLE and - PRICE. Thar ia a great variety fa Caps aad Sailer for Mte aa4 Children. All colore and slit from SSs to M OP. v-: T W will b pleased- to hav the ladlea call Every on and look at . our stock. will reeelv prompt aad polite attentloa. 900 Fwyettevlli 8trt. YOU DO 1OT REALIZE That yon are In Raleigh nnles you are , stopping wi 5"- VAtBOno HOUSE The only Hotel In the city r-rjysnlent 1 ', v r t ' an mmmmi th third, floor SI 00 tier day; first and second doors fa.00 and i.50 per day.. - t x , SPECIAL WEEKLYRATES FEES BU8 AT ALL TBAI56V' ; TbOQsandsof dollars recently expanded - , provementa. v -r U T. BROWN. rhfpV. SALESMEN Ver ilant Tra-te. til dee. No deuverte r eoiio- ncor exeni.tTe. w I " ' t liU BuvTeud i)"" ''mmW YALUABLE FARHINfit USDS x By virtue of authority ccnterred tj-i ceruira iseea or' Tnw - rr m n a. Hodge and Loretta Hodjffi bto wife. dated December Bth. tfio.1 and rerordi eo in the offloe of the Register IoV for vv aae county. N , v ,- in rtooK-rs, a page S18, I will on ; . THURSDAY, Toveiuberth, 1895, ' sell at public auction, to "l'h highest bidder for cash, alt (6) tracts Of land Situate In Saint Matthews lbwDahin. Wake oounty, N. snd described f follows: 1 , - f . -.. Ja'J , FiB8TTKlCrconUlning'2ai8 'aCTre, more or less, being Lot. NoSoftie Uaston Wilder land, and derlbed as follows: Adjoining tae lands of said Hodge on the south,' of the late David H in ton on the east of the aald Hodee on the north and- lueuse river on the west: and bonndeeVaa- fetlewa. brwin.! sing at a stake and pointer on the rest bank of Sense river, aboat la linka be low the mouth of a sut.,ttifmahMi t. oorner or xrsot A ov bongat M the aame- um .ana place- Dy Jousfik A.D- arvjvn stake thence with his line aoulh ii des-mea. west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west 153 soles to a small birch tree and pointers on tbe bank of Noose river: thence up the various courses -of the river about 128 poles to the begin ning, uuuipr nut tract conveyea py John B. Williams and wife to H. A. Hodge by deed- recorded in said office, in Book M at page MA, reference) to wnicn is maae. - - . ,. .. u :K,, ... Sicoitd TbaCT. contaLiine 100 acna more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the Betsy Hinton farm (fonnerly -Gaston Wilder' land) and bounded ss follows! Beginning at a small birch and Doint. era on the bank of Neuse" river about six poles below Spring Out; tbenc eiui bu uiviuiug uuerast zo puiee 10 a stake in David Bin ton's linej thence with the same about 83 Doles to a atake on Mingo creek; thence down the creek aoout km poles to where it emptiea into rteoae nveri uence up tne said river about lOfi Dolea to the hfunnnlnir! hoin same tract conveyed by W. R Poole to xl. A. uodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 58, at page 18a, reference to which Is made. Thibd Tract, containing 118 acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: Beainntnar at a stake on the smith aide of the Tarborougb read W. R. Pool's corner rati s south 1-2 degree wesi 45 pole to a stake and pointers In the bead of a small branch; thenoe with said branch 89 Doles to a nice on the east side of tbe branch ; thenoa- aouth 84 S-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and pointers; thence east 108 1-3 polas to a stake; thence north (1-4 degrees east 814 poles to the Tarborougb road; thence with said road 98 poles - to the beginning, being aame tract, conveyed by Jennie Hinton to R. A. Hodare. bv deed recorded in said office in Book 10S at pace 561, reference to which Is made, , Fodbth Tkact, containing 79 8-4 aces, more or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake In the centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast corner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence east with Poole's line 122 1-2 poles to a stake and pointers on a branch; thenoe nearly south down the various courses of the branch 83 poles to a large pine on the east side of the same David Hinton's oorner thence with his line sooth 24 degrees west 89 1-8 poles to a stake and pointers, tne oorner or tne dividing line between this lot, or parcel, and that Durchased bv O. H. Williams, at same sale; thence west 104 poles to a stake in tne centre or xioage roaa: wenc nortu ward along said road 118 1-8 poles to the beginning, being same tract conveyed by 8arah E. Wilder, commissioner, to R. A. Hod ire. bv deed recorded in said olBce. in Book 56, at page 146, reference to which s made. ' :' i Firm Tract, containing1 1 went v-five acres, more or leas, adjoining tbe lands Of Rcfflo Williams. B. P Williamson, wisilam tnith and Jusppb J. Andrews, and on the east side oi Sense river, be ing a part, of tbe Hetsv Hinton tract bought by said Ar drews at the O. H. W:lder eetatr sale. t u.e tbe southwest oorner pf aaid tra t aoooidii,g to a chop ped line commencing at tbe said river, below spring gut, at a willow; thence no said river to above the faVs at a twin red-oak; thence east to a stob and pine; thence to a stob in tbe branch; ; thence son th to B. Williams' land, a ligfatwood knot; thenca west to tne be ginning, and being th same tract con veyed by Joseph J. Andrews and others ' i. A. iiodge, Dy aeea recoraeoin I office. In Book 59. at page 307. ref erence to which is made, Sixth Tbact, containing eignt acres and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad joining the lands of W. R. Poole, Jesse Watkina, deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in centre of Hodge road in Poole's line; thenoe with said road south 8 1-8 degrees east 86 poles to a stake in centre of the same; thence west 50 1-4 poles to a stale; tnence nortn so s-t poies to stake in Poole's line; thence with tbe same easC48 S-4 poies to tbe beginning; and being same conveyed by Jamee A. Will lams ana wire to earn a. a.awim bv deed recordel in said offlc. in Book fia at nan SO. reference to which is msoe, .' j -, , Pr.int or fiALK-Countv Court House door, in Raleigh. N. C., ., 1 1 'AXalS OF BALK-in O ClOCS m - ' ERNEST HAYWOoD. i- i i i ' .JTbottxe. October 12 1895. ' The foregoing saM IS postponed un til Tuesday, December IT, 1895, same place, hoar snd terms 01 saie. Ernest Hav wood. Trustee. , . 4 a ' Commissioner's ale of Land, -- Ia pareoanee. of a judgment render ed at October term, 1895, In th fin. parlor Court of. liWak onnty In a cause entitled fi- A. Womble, Kieeutor of B. HL. Womble, .deceased, against Capital ' City Land ' Company, I : win at 13 e'elock in. 6S ; H05DAT. Sth day of January, at nnklla anetloa for eaah'to the high i KMia. at tho eonrt bona dodT hj th ity of Balelgb, the following erfbd real sute AIT that traot or paroel of Uad Jylng, and belar l Wake county. North tro'ln, la Kal- alffh lownahlB. aad adlolntBaj th landa of TH. Btlgg. deceased, W, 0. ftronaoh and others, and mor fully deeeribed as follows!? Bsgtns fa ' stake, ie tba aUr lis -of st street, a extended, 407 1-8 reet Bonn of th north a- eorerlor tne aaia Kaat atrt- aa extended, aed north boundary aireet, t,sn thencw at wardly la a line pallel wHh nrth boandary atreet ,fet to Oressy Rrneh. ihener-down - said braaeh hunt 910 feet to a state, toraer of lot now weedby W. 43. 6troaah aad other, thfne vestwrdly, la si, lie narallel with- said - aorth boundary atreet. I.S78 tt to- sid.jast street. aitendad. ihene sosth along th line of the eame, 810 feet to the beginning, eonUlning alx and eighty sixth l-6U- bandredths aeree, more or lee.; ,r Da vjr, Avi Ida- r. ." iiiaior,. i & f JJJJgr j AllWWCuaranteed; ry WE ONLY ASK FPBjA l-rH0PSE:"ANPjC0W-KKKn: rH-W-xi U- . j r ,'. t - J, U-mv:l : ' Therein m better on B market. Gross & ' Tbe life of hnalneas shows in busy stores Empty aisles deserted; corners, lonely buyers, are not seen with us All is life and bu itle and busines. Wny not, when we oive such extraordinary bargains. --. ,. - The all atsirbtag question of the bour to the man is where to find the finest fabrics in Call Clothing at fair prices 4 he ever present and engr iesing question snd what to wear ana v. here to buy it. How much we have almplified the labor of selection, and lowered prices to fit all purses, can be seen by a personal In spection only' Picture to yourself a store heaped with the latest and flnest ideas of home and foreign looms, and at prices apace with modern times, and yon will understand why we do the business. Conrjp&re Qualities? Varieties, Prices aoi dfcbosjls. i The more you know of merchandise gathering of goods we have made, and at pick of them. , , It Is time vou replaced that old ore styles and prices. w H: HOLLO THE LATEST CUT Ta that aornll Mn in clothine. Tou al ways get It at our high class tailoring aai ahi7ahmenr Th tailor can no more ha hanlahMt fmm clothinn than the cook from the kitchen. To buy ready. made attire is really as sDsuru a toing to dn an It wonld be to buy from a gen eral food factory Instead of making spe cial dishes In the kitchen. People could eat from a rough and ready assortment if fnrai mail for nohodv in narticular lust ss men do wear Bauni cioimng, ouv why this when good taiiorl- g is within easy teach . It s much better while on aartu ro 100K alive ana sona in oerieuuv fitting, well made and stylish clothes such as w're producing to order in the choicest wo jiens in tne market. ADMINISTRATOR'S ., S0TTCK. liatnai tjuahaed as aciraia strat' r of tne etat oi Jorm naaer, oeoeaseu, ate or wan county, teia n cenouiy all neraons bavins elaima against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the Slat day of August.' lewo, or ton wun wiu uc plead in bar Of tbelr recovery, and all persons Indebted to the said estate will Please mase unmeuwe unyujruu VT?,-5-4 J-Oi MARCO II, Adm r, Ario'mSnoWi Attj's. ' . AWRUSiau. lew , -' t r MortmireSal.' Ere9X?iC y Vlrtae at antheclty eeelerred In a 'eartal ertcac eeote4 ky B. B. alatthews and WUe ajereeorSeninooK Bo. 15. at page. na. SesMter tf Deeds' enwe wkeeenaiy, M. C, w vrOl oa SfonSay,; See vara ay oIDeeem- tier, A- 'D. ISM, at eloek .Bk, t trie Court Boom deer la the atty (,Salelgn, eU to the k! sheet bldderi tot eaah, that tract ot lanS lylnf and situated ta Vlblte 'Oak township, Wake eoetuy. S. C, aaiololn the landa. ol J. Matthews, Jaeoh Vorlng and others, eontalnlng n aerea, aww at kaa. ; sbls A MTAn,, ',:. y-'A!.J Attenientatg.,:' - Thla ttat dar ef SToveaibn. '-: OVERCOATS. CROSS LJNEHJW 1-' p' THIS IS COMFORT. Wi 3 ,t3foTHKa woBriii 1 0 1 4 C C 2 1 S J I f i TRIAL W grind and mit oaraelve v Linehan. the more you'll wonder at the great the little money needed to give you tbe with a new one. We have ilmall he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY la the best equipped and doe th most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send in your work Phone No 19. WAY & SONS. Such is Santa Clause's opinion of a coal fire. He has a cold job an his hands, and appreciates a blazing Br on that, account, f oal beats everything for heat. The best coal to give a bouse a holiday warmth and cheerfulness i our ooaL It's all coal, n t . a mixtnre of dirt, cosl and clinker, and so nnms clean and throws oh a wonderful mount of heat . A scuttle ut it will keep a stove going all day and make santa uiause want to enryns war - in . JONES & POWELL, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones 41. 718. 146. NOTICE OF SALE. Under the power contained In a deed uf trust exeonted te me by Turner B. Jonea and wife ou the td day of February, 1(91, and recorded In book 1U, page H Beglster ef Deeds office for Wake county, I will at IS tfclok u. ea MON DAY, the 13d day of December, lies, expose to aale at pabKe auction, a in Ceurt Home door In KUelgh, N. 0., tie real estate therein d seribed, being a tract or parcel of land lying aodbekni In the eooatjr eCBrake tatd State ad lehuaeaieleodaaf (fanratlT) Tnrner K Jones. Beverly Short, WUltam Thampeon, and otliert. and bounded and described as foHewi: Br a ItMbeenntagat wm & K. earner -el lot for merly belonging to aald T. B, Jonea and Beverly Short on an an-named atree leading Sooth tn Martin street, extended tut of 1M corporate limit of Raleigh, lie feet aad laehea from Martin atreet and ( feet, aady Inches from tbe 8. K. corner ot Julia lanel lot rnnnlng tnenee fMatt SI feel aad bicbea t WlUUm-Thotar- i'i (formerly. W. W.H. SmlttJ'ai Jot tnenee West 103 feet to Sail lng't lot, tnenee North te fet, tnche to the S. W. Carats 4 wld Jsn, . and Short's lot, Ihene gaat let feet to the be rtmilnt; betng toe' lot cBvee lotaMT.B Jonea by Seed January H,UM i ' Trms of .aale fASH-iJt: i-V.'-i . - taU;wato,r;A ?tft3 i'e.MftWrvr Cr I,, 1 t.. 1 ,tnia In Bwliaie i Wean nmok t eure. uin t carried 111 raac Docket, all etiolate la ua. emaU pauaaao. Baut paaaaa. Haut br mail, prauaid. plain . oaaaa, on neelp of pnoe. St nc kns, For sale' by ioh 1 UtHt. drag . gtt i'if : ko. ''n 'iMsV! f v? t a... ..i'-'- -

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