. 4 I V a a. CityEiltor, lades to HtwiunnlMaMMi Tucker I Announcements, r- tie of Laud-lev e & juaynard. tor bent U. W. blacknaiL -v. PERSONAIi. ,." i i v . ; Mr. B. K. Lumsdea kaa gra la At- laata. . v , , , Mr. Gasto Imfm, or Aek.v 111, la la city today., - ; , J j J" : '"' """i P :V "S ?J" ' V-V-. Upward Hay wood, h lu baaa alck, are (lad to "sea able" to' be outagaia". ' Br, Fleming, of Wimitoi, waa la : tbetty today d paid 0overojr Carr ..ortfl.lt, r , , ' It la said that thtre arc nor eases ia the present term of the Federal Coart thaa for aaj Coart for Sweaty are. ' S-: :"' .--J;- Bar. i. L. Fester retaraed this week from tke Bastera Sorta, Caroliaa Chrtstlaa Coafereaee, Bad will occupy kle pulpit to-morrow at 11 a. Bad 7 JO p. at. ' It ia reported here to-dav that there vaa a big Ira at Saow BUI Thursday algkt. Jilcyole tor Bale. A Rambler of "M. Good as new. for sale cheap. Apply at thia oaioa. Mrs. Rolvn ami Wim. - tone first ciwa dre-m.,kinf, at their noma. KiiT KnrtH u. !.;... - r Perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. wmw aim . , graphed ai vara b armed particular. Motto to City Taxpayer.' ' The city tax list for 1895 hare been placed In my hands for collection. I will be In my ottio for that purpose every day from a . m. to " " , " , f P- - Ail taxes not paid by Mr. Cowpcr'ssgaat there tola. I December lat are subject to a penalty AND- that several balldlags Thar are ao fart bar For Set.-j of 1 per cent and an additional l per cent on the first day of each month W tf: ttrrrnrjtvna '.; I Not SOI ... City Tax Coliectoc. Strength . Come with the BftTonl,' ; Pabst -Malt Extract. II MV I..HIHH-I WW AHA UUUI tMUM wit J. vtAP ailMtriA HKfca aiwl veryeoBTenienoe. - Pretaoh'a tjnekera are bettor than anr : Oepartaaeaa ef Vmmor Warea. tJDaa. oar aeeand floor la a bum . . I dtanlaT of Finn Wirx i Ihii hnlL lfi.;W. Raraaa lafa for Wilaoa 1 iTrr: JTTf - j "TITI, i jiwwniiwuai bik) bwuib; wua . . ....... I L. J V. t .1 aia- 'oraiaff aere aa goea to tmh i rAutuikiuu. w taealak aaleae v! Be. T. L. Qrlaaoaa. af tke Ckrlttlaa Adtoeota, aa la tke elty today and tare aa a pleaaaat ealL" ' Jlrl Jeka WUbor Jaaklsa, of tke ''Sw aad Obaerrer. kaa retaraetl front - Ike etreete of Cairo aad elaeakere. W. H. B. a. Tooua 0q, . F; , " . in 1 1) li-iaaaa, ,,1 ,r. , , .1 HOMftkRBte ar va avwaa WHua W 1MI liaamn y ajaw I tylf AkAA AM U.TUaMll a.i- biivuvw a amvwvwiat aa v7Va vovwww klorgaa and Hargett Poaaeaalot. giren jueca . it. r. tuat coioe to thia market; and nia wholeaale baaineea, hioh ahowa that uuvvuuuo appremacea woe importanee wi iwmvHiniiig a wurcuv nofnfl iiianHLrv. You alwaya get the beat at JBreUcfa'a, ' wa ara now malrifiv la miaH vwavti. Hon the original Peanut) Brittle and Batter Cape. wua outer Wa invite comparison THBBB IS 8UBSTARCB TO IT. ITlSUfB-GiriNC.. ? viTurura. s : 0ITB8 TIM AND B0U5CI. ! ITBEACKS. W. II. KING & CO., rayetUrUle Street.; . Ifadaaa Beaaoa deatrea to eaU the at- i of fail and winter MUlinerr tor ladiea. ana onuaren. ininntr cape, v ocuti WrxuAMMW. aaoqitaa, notiona etc v iMspeaatre Vaaoy Thlars, Wa have apeotal tablaa of fancy an ipneeai 7- ThUbtkeTratli, .Bar. W. H. D..1. of Wak. o,e.t I UcTe: iZrJLrJZ I "AtoJ. thrashing old a. I. the alty today o. ttM TOS3 Dia. -kere ke U1 pr-.k tomorrow UBwfa A Bk Tinker iktw 1"&J" will U more Dtaakereke will preach tomorrow Goreraor Carr retaraetl to tke alty yaatarday from a a rtalt to Tarboro, aattwaa hard at work ia tke Bzeea flee tkla moralBg . '., . is - ' ' . '.i ... Boa. B. J. To rear, Coagreaaaiaa troat Qeorgla aad a brother of Br. T. ' X. Tamer, of thia elty. la' bare fro Waaklagto rbltlaf tke latter, '.v: Mr. Hardy T. firegorr.Poatoflisa I Uoart. ral aaaaa. ' Mr. Grewory la one of the yoaagaat taapeetoni la the aerriee. Ooreraor Carr, Coi. fred. Ai Olda aad Mr. T, K. Braaer leave Moaday for Soathport aad Tleiaity, where they will apead aeraral days oa a pleaaaat oatlag. Col. Olda, whore taleat for' atory WUiag ia kaowa over the SUte, haa beea elected blatorlaa by the party W. H. 4s B. & Tucker A Co. J ItUBeaatlfalt That pare, fresh candy, roar children cheen. adnli l( la inlurloua. Just reoelrad n croi the TtA twit Ailwa aauraratea eanay. Wa trv tn InMri ' - T uazoee ft iope. and better oysters (or the same amount or moBinr thai, .m iaiAn 1m n.uuL eaa afford to sell We keep them aa com as loe without letting the Ice de stroy tha tiatnrm.1 Almp tJT tha imm 7 m wa oo not satisfy you. ymj r waa you get. ubj. n. irxa vo , no88 3w ; city Market. : Frank. Stronach's CarriagtHaVriess KEPOSITOHV HORSE air. naray i. uregory, roatomce it uuiuuir uiad wooia pieaae yo aapet,r. la-are tt4,"' M,r' W.TilThe" ?ti Joart. la wkiek ke la a witaeet la aero apromiae to pick the riht thing, to WlfaocDaavatotDiwea. A new ahlpaaent of nandaotna drew geat nothing that would pieaae your ruot Bwire inaa a Drenr Ml too. GO TO SPENCE'S NEW STORE foreheapCailna, Crockery, Qlaas and -4w ISA East kfartln street EMIOH.llJVI. Nob. sis, 821 and S2S .Wilmington St., AUCTION w know W. H. B. a Tucker A Co. Dr. Harvey tt Vpoftavoh, befroB tha practice of medicine inrery ia uus cltv and orrra hla a tA uta ettiMina n R anH TlcUUty. Offloe at No. l South Sfo- Baa and aerrioea Dowell street. CITY IM BBIEF. alS-lal Oar Blanket Bales. Think of it, as many aa 600 pairs of flue ww prwea aowef aaaa yon wira m anvwa. ' . W. B B. 8. TvoKat A Co. Many pli TaUca at Sale. ,Y. f ! ,u,'i w nut or xMoemDar, I w wwi Hum, wui UVUPJ doorln BaJeigh, N. 0, we wUl aeUat twuus umiuouie traoi ox iana Known toy W. j. w. Crowder tract; lying about I l-l mliaa south want of Kii-h en both aldea of toe Ayent ferry , ana ounuuning aoout s acres. Terms of sale. cash. . B. H. BATTUE, .' B. T. Obat, Com. of Trustera Bex Hospital. Commission .Merchant. Manufacturer and i maler in Buggies Carriagea, Bond Carta, Farm r -t ? and Spring Wagons. - HOUSES BOUGHT "t SOLD ' Drop ia aad sae ktaaars. BellerBros. "Beverse Battoa Flj" aad "Vlel.1 Tbey are tke latest. Be. Come We aw prepared to furnish the nicest U,U Jn ty. in Ubt Uyery. Also Can furnish COOd Aaddia Hontna. z on ean hnv awwvi Ham a at pabllo or prirate nle at mj atoblea. w auaoenn, . ... ... ' . . I " n. onuui, aaa Mm, swoeantn-1 Joseph Potto will preach at the eatea of abareaof tha eaDtuTatlr First BapUatCharek tomorrow la tke Tb 85? fL0!?01" KA AND UoVu FRANK 8TH0NACH BULES For -T7iater and Spring BLOOMING. sntSlnakawa-a mwA Vaefaa T Iifaaa TTwre.AfT.ikai vviuvov auu ,aoM uiuco. ujaaVtuMjai BraWyauiaaaa XlAM.uana I)ol.n. Ifaa-ai and oUir planU for room deoorabing. Out Flowers Boquets " - "v -dun- - r KVAfsmUiTl. aVfAirnnllalM m-ld Khmal ! II IL ..STEINZIETZ, ' Florist North Halifax (Street, near Peace In. ..J. A 111-. ..A . awwiia. ruvus tia, -, - . 0CU1 ', Vv CDiiaCGuw ci djori - 14 EAOT ..2Yi;j OT. N . v A. G. BAUER, . ; ARCHITECT, The Great Question, ; Every faoe at home and every glance Into our inviting windows sug (recta the question, "What shall I get or glte for Xmttt" The answer to the flret depends upon the love ana liberality of your friends; the aeoond upon your own means nod generosity. Let fate hod friends look after the get yon look after the give that part .most blteied. Remember that a little given with love Is more than muoh given because yon can. Onr store Is just now bnddlng with Its wreath of solidified happiness. Tomor- . RALEIGH, K. 0. vuinMMwa auuciiieu.. ,1. row it will burst Into glorious bloom. - : ., y SELECT YOUR ; PRESENTS" NOW; ODIinectiCllt ' Mutual Tov.,Tova.;Dolla. Ta niw AfT.plnfA In.iiMn ft.. .Ar. haf (nrmi .f lm..n.n k. u kl www .umiu. V . IU.4U.UVQ MMII I written, proyidinr as they do both pro. taction and lnvesfment upon the est auu luwon, pesaiDie terms. Attention is reapeeuuiiy called to Its Doll's Head?; laL0W RATE ENDOWMENTS" With all tke pirspbernslla pertaining to i;oiiaota. JV - i Grand display of Toys and Dolls la every department. i, j - Bvery k Ind of toy a-Maglo La o tares, Doiaiara- nniia. uraiaa. Tool i naata. at 09, 06. 70 and with Ossh Surrender I Tsapias, Toy Dlskas, Pistes, Toy Fur Values in la 16, etc.. years, the beet I altars. Show " Aalmala . , Irna Tan. Traias, Boggles, dames of allsorts. TOYO TOY0 I abseaee of tke pastor. Mr. Joaea, of Caldwell eooaty was kere agaia today, aad saw tke Oorer aor ia behalf of the old eoaviot White, who was BMBtloaed ia Thursday's pa- Judge L..L, Graea waeiakaasiek la Waabtagtoa, a. C. Wedaeaday aight aad eoart had lobe adjoaraed for tke teraa. i' Tke Bath eoaspiraey wa ap for trial. numbered 40 and 8S res pectiyely. the wr twwniy-iwo anarea or aaia atock. ana wisnes mem returned to her found. MS. lteBT O. 8KITB, RxMlntriT nt W; V n B!tk ! ct 18 am , DvmmX. BaJeUh. Kl d Wlita Olovea. Winter gltrres for ladiea awntlemea and little hiMmn Virt mim. t. 11, I u warn ana dots, uar rioraatnrir for enlil WAath.r .n1 Vm. . . W.H. 4B.S. lacker Co Examine Tha handsomest Steel i Range S. D. WAIT Itia1 THE JEWEL." ECONOMY I l?tn:ri.Dtt u ! notdeeirable to practice I It in the purchaee of food, which la life, pelow oerin standard food imper I fectlv nouriahM: nn tA th.t ...X leoata a ratMnahi. nriA. u. lrs lirrn a ai inram.i..iM.. want more thiaTreanlWnri- B'llll W lOurUnweiifAL. c - - rrr? ?rT?",!."iTrlr ;'"?fJ"10? and moat desirable Kndowment Insur- anos wver usuea. ure ana umltee Life Policies also contain large Cash policies and forming a part of the eon- LI BUST. . , , -r, ... , Tf. tntllnf attnai aa k!sfsaaw aranlaaiA A I wwaaeaewsaaap WW MlKUUl niNaUUMU W I wv I'siaa as tuiyi vjw uj sau j vuuezt Company or any State Department In fhlai .W I ssas KawrlmaB laa. OOA kJHBAl jauaap w vuuui, Alea tug ui A COD TUIUU ItMlIJ adopted a 1 3 Per Cent Reserve land numit t&liuhl mm. Affmnvl All policies are by their terms non- juiioiMmuiu auiAv twv wr uiree pay menta, not even requiring surrender in eaae or lanae. and aunh illnia nart.i. pate in annual dividends. The Cash i Burrenaer ana raid - up Values are 1 avoiding all misunderstanding or dis appointment The agents of the Com. Mmmm. mi.. I full, ulli J r Awjmmujjj mnwm ouiitbiuuu- ence with anyone desiring further in formation. Good, conservative agents wanieu in eaon oouniv. BOOK8 600 bound Books, lOj, worth B0. ? All kinds Of Hooka for tha hnwk u!) girls from Ss ap. . , ; .-"t.1- .r. ......... , ... .7' fr. Tea and Chamber Sets for th doll bouse. Boll foraitura. .. Kltehsa, Tia and Graailewsre at low prices. , . ' j, jtr k , ' Japanese Goods.-A 4 sadlest variety aad very cheap. t-. ' Crockery Glassware and Brle-a-Brae. , . - . ' Tea SaU, 44 places, from M.OS a setup. ' - - - . Chamber Seta, 10 plaaei, from (3.08 k set up. i , f .- BatUrcake Plates from 70e each Dp. Glass Table Sets, 4 pieces, from 40 ecnUeachep . . Goblet and Tamblers from Ss eseh. Caps sad Ssueers, Plates and Steak ,, yases aad oraameata. . r.lllllnerv Gooda 700 UdUa' aad mlaa.a .u tr.l. .. Bedaaad frnm K1 i ..J ai' 'V- v Blbboas for the holiday trade. ' k- ' Wool Blaakek from I a pair. Bed Comfort from 75e eaek. CLOAKS aad rpfel w. i... greatly reduced Ike price of all oar large stock of Capes aad Cloaks. W06LLC01T. & SON. V" General Agent. HaleUk. IT Sea onr new Bissell Grates A hlfv.lr anil mrhtte mtttm Anm .nil.. . I " " VVAAmH I air. a. u. urea will ' preach at the on nec with my nasae on It, about 8 BaptUt T.b.r.a.1. tomorrow moralag IZZV$ We ha aad evcalag. Br. Cree to a youag Baptiat divlae of great power. He Is a reeeat graduate ef Wak Foraa College. ' 5 Uonra i DeeStf B M. MOORS. RAPID SALES .',!... j. .'..t .. -S ' ttlm fttlP AllttAIMAea f-f. i. ol 1 I iXi mtm7rm a wa new fcmp any. nat,SitM W",rofl''-t ( brina o waaltb. Write JOHN WKDlMtlt. BUKNA 00., Patent AtKmn Waahioatca. a0.fortlajpriM0aarri eS CHOICE GROCERIES Faaoy Uaeaa 8 Dedal Drenaratiana for Xnu. slain Judglag from the haadaomely wot- 717"'?? ""i-T reaeonaoie pneea, - m ' . .. .. . I. " " '"ty mmr, easy ono. it. o. lit On easy term W.H. A icker ft Co. A Fall Stock. LIIZ jnrehaasd 'TlOB. tha har and amwara n T T Pk... at S31, fiontS Wliminvfcnn mtrmmt. K.. ISW a eomnlata tyw.k' m .. .. I that a man needs in tha mmn 5 .. i-i it . . : ' . i AJm-M. ml m M nr luinfin JIMM ..n mmn... w w iuuuu m we caiv ana STuarantee Prices to salt his trad. t-tf tea-ap aad engrated lavitatloBa, the iaaagoratioa of Goveraor-elcct Brad ley at Praakfort, Keataeky, oa the toath, will be a grad- eesaaloa. Goreraor Carr today received his in. vitBUoa to be preaeat. r We regret to aote that Mr. W.l B. Laaeaeter' valaable family horse, MJaa-beg," got a bad kick last algkt, preaaiag oae of at niaa lege ahd to-1 tfultm aad Ooeaftorta. , . I iuui uwin as 83.90 jranev mat aad was greatly prised by Mr (aitialin and satteen eovered eomfetts W.B. X. 8. Tooxu ft Co. Goverapr.Carr today offend a: re- ' ' ward ef oae haadred aad fifty dollars "PP Xaaaa. , for the sapiure sad ae.vUtlo. of th. ra&So A? the BBkaowa parsoa or persoar who All kin Ja of slippers for botiday ptes- oaraea sae store, bara aad dwelllag . . of W, L. Brysa. at Boo.e, W.Uug. W. H. ft B. & fucker ft Co. eoasty. The anon was doae ea July COLD WINTER HAS COME 5th last.- It I thoaeht that tea m. , COLD WIKTKR llAHmuv ward will aeear the gaUt partW I And with It the need of goo i shoes, arrest, k ,- s I W seldom talk to yoa aboot ahnea. I twetv mJ a (AT Al il a . T Haby Oarrlasres At a cut price. Ilivered Always tn stock and wbanordereu. . Tliil0S.:iPES(B8Ji. 4 - -' ' Wanted , I" An honest, active gentleman or lady tJh t.raWsal 4nr vallaiK'a. aaiwsaKIUktvl K.&n. ww viwiva a.wa swiHiv.v VWIMIUIIIJUVJU UUUaB, Salary $780. payable $16 weekly and ex. pense. Situation permanent. .Meter. encee. Knelose atXtAtmautA atamniwi vu.v.wmrv .uw wumamamvu VVIU-WJ. 418 Omaha Buildinc CUcago, nol-lm A rail. HI. .Mltf. MuHAm.. a. !! , " v ...u, vwa.w K.-.n ill... in lmH! mi uavoi iw rauiuir, eeraousoea n Mlse Salary $780. payable $l weekly and money advanced for expenses. Sltua Hon steady. References. Enclose seir-saaressea stamped envelope. H. JC Bl&sS. President, Chicago. it U. Brisks & Sons, I , Mr. J. f HKakelL ticket Sraat of the Soethera railway,, ashedaled to Ware foe the Atlaata BiposiU.-a to- bntNOWw ara folT trf rtotiuK vva-aavv ptaosa on a Btue 190x30 190x30 . When told by The. Hearti. I . Men ' Bali sni Conrreas that P.pu, th mlrww ., had S?.!?!!." shoes. are . UUU lamirsl aUlU a.aaa t avaawaaaw rm mm m. IIM a fallen tkroagh a glaea wiadow. aad tweak In eome of thmj Tuey oostl - mot appear ia several wests, I M hwwj iiuh , , .- .f raak had not fally detcrmlaed a toll - 13.00 to $3 00 JUino. N C , , eotxllv - t - , Out aaid Pressed Glass BOTTLES," PRETTY SHAPES aad good CO LOGS, to go ia tke. Pall liae Perfumery aad SVape. ' ' .V'-V I'. " . - ' " " : !. ' : '. . ; . 4 ias. r.!c!(iinmon & Co. piunwuiciisTs, ';.-'- Ml Fayetievllto at ; Batolgh, H. C J. G.Bali, , RETAIL FANCY GROCERIES. : ' W will try to make It pleasant for yon " to trade with us : rr v. I ' - I zrj la. aw I . . i-iDnrTirn . i e - i . mirunibu Td PAY CASH and get bottom Prices; Such as Sher. .GOOD VALUES and SMALL PROFITS kI'J." bn8in. Sleeps us busy .0 baying and selling, toiling i s fr9ni elflsfi' tiStives to -;!t -ill no .p,eaw the oaprloe " j;. auBo we oner , nvtage nowhere else to be DARING CUr l IN PRICES I , The net spot cash Jastiflesthe tJiicee .Co to bo per cent, . iSlf 00 " Clrwks In 6ur store tbsn at the CREDIT 8T0KK8 where they sell goods all aorte oi ways , ; . Some for CA8H, ; . - ; Some for nil ETERNITY". t thatanrtnf 7.. aM it,, l ... . -- w wi farmer, r Alecbanio and Laborer who planks alongside oeople who take their time to oar. ; The lnin.tin. may De srAUPJtu OUT by the people throwing their ru ' ronaw and endotsementa in the way of oar NET SPOT XA811 S YmVi?m and the olaoa where von am hrW K.nir .nJlfLi ?Vi.r,B.H.Blf 81iL ,n, -mnn.. : ' uuu s sun you and C. A. Sherwood & Co. ' j ' ' A 1 i rf 1 J) . ' J, the time ef hi tUpartara. Mr. Kite ball 100 to $3.00 . FW 1f.,UWW,.J . h had hi ticket eoaaterlgd byl Bat wa want to' close them out Col. T.Speae.i" Heart, .kick fact K?2 Lto0..?..TTJt givcw hi. rlgkt..f-..y o. tke Midway p, 2f "U 760 and iik : V ' The.ra.lal re.la.eac. of th.cooa of a. T thiaseetloahsemethiag ta defy th i??Lla?t?.,b7t to.DC!t on'' shleel of tk lapidary.- To-day a log, for here yoa oan bay th sslaaUy ruBaway male team pa Wiltnlagtoa oelebrated . . , , street ctraok aad a pert a wsgoa aad - Krippendorf, DUtmann ft Ca'e tare a aegre- iy eat, aliasing him I t Lrippenaori, u..tmnD A Uv'i about f - f.ai. El head atra.fe Itsdles' Fine Ehoeeat th fnllnwln- 1 th rock yafameat with a base calcu lated to wale tke slaepara, aad the sptctators thought thars -c a case of fraetar or cobcdssIob, bat tke coos bolbei p ecraaely and walked oJ 5 io vi pr-ioaa: i re'r 1,1 u inu -annwfJ25; tbmr I i 75 shofee ars ror ii C.c, thir il 60 shoes are row i 1 f T; t vr t i C3 s'jot s are now f 1 0 -11- rini are nowii.?5 It yci aoa't LU1...V your size .J baeoiJ. Beyerce -Button 'fly. 'IIGET MXDIDM BUTTONS. 7 Soft : "ViciV Kid, ' Theee Shoes we carry In C, 1) and B naa S ' 1 , KEY -VEST CIGARS t carry la stock tke following talt-brab-d, , aad popalar breads i 1 -v j ' v ' ft ; MANUEL GARCIA (fjioortert) ' EL PRINCIPE DE GALE 4 . LA MARGANA. ' l A FLOR DE MADRID. , f , LA PATRICIA. , v' ' UEMAN CORTEZ. '.r 'h ' Atso - , , t . : .. . TURKISH CIGARETTES, 1 ; . - tCaaiuo auprrior.) STRAIGHT CUT CIGARETTES. . B. F. GRAVELKY'S SUPERIOR " : . ; . j : (POUNDS) TOBACCO. , SURBUUfl'S GOLDE5T SCEPTRE : ' . (Mixture) Smoking Tobacco. ta short. I eaa copply the memt fastld ioae eoe.aaier of Tobseeo, la Say form. :' J. HAL BOBBITT, .... PHARMACIST. a- o -3J e. CD m 2 Goods Mir Season; J -. vr CHRI8iW:. RAlP.rilUlris astlw ' tnlolaa, ' D.U.. a. ?v!ouJ' f?" lou5 K114 Oats, Shreded Ooat Oat Flake and Oat jural. ... . i i .. . Mew Shore Mackerel, Family Boe nfrrfnij in any mytA nAflVm......u aiuue iioe, wise Koe, I'ickled Pigs V pt, """W rerris uaras, :ast 3 O "3 - rl 4 O o Westphalia Hams, Boneless Breakf Ktrirv. . Nut Rmiii Snllr P...' EtTKIt t) Bhck eyed Peas, Head Bic Importei v.biob?ps ana urantwrries. xeions Uelmme. Cox'e Uulatine, Keystone Gelatine, the last named at 10a a package, ia warranted as good as lug urnn . - . tffln'flKan fivrtin VmtnfTT.'nr. a..... New Orleans and Ponce Porto Bice Molasses v.,.. , Mince Meat in wood and glass ind by retail. . j JNewiioeiish Walnuts, TexasPecans. Cluster Eaisinr, Three 'Crown London j-ayeu 1 .ultima, loocu Muicatels, Layer tiRs, Nectarines,- Apricot. Seeding nilOrlf1 anit Califnmla y?ml,a mtmJi Ve" tab:es in tin and gltti. ' Pir.T. v-f vAuatu, IUU Holler Chamninn Flnnr la f .it. sweetest and srtinpKst Hour mnde. OurKntniul l.;..i,,l r',,.. ,:. k. txeellea. 1 nm)nr,ArTi,A anil Ta flirA, Tmam ery iiutter are good as the churns wiil aflord. ... .1. ' War J ' . " '" ' ' i t v " w"" present for a gen tleman, a lady, a )y or a giil, ? and yoa want to giy them " ontettlng that will be of some awvlce to them, call and select from the nice line of ' EEauLAn cccra that we can show you. Goods . the best-prices the lowest. JULIUS LEW IS hard, 'are. . co::?r r iumjb, , - BJCLUSVKLT B30E3. w' a grin.. a dida't gat ao mack es a i.r, . t:rs. EauA e. swctdll, Ezecntrig i. h -iiuMHijiuiuruuiun)n)!i)iiiiuuiiii V,-. a.k....a.vW.C..W. Wwfc4e,wma,.rfiw.0 W.C Etronscii'Sons Nov 4-ty urocei'N,.

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