J , f I ' 1 I J t'rl J-.; f X if t: : i f' i -1 t i t - i v, '4 i i PUELISHEO BY - - T! 3 Vi Itcr-Press Company Dally, Except Sunday, A Consolidation of th Visitor, Ka tablUhad 1878, and the Freo, Eetab. tahediao. '" Otflce la the Fallen Building corner FayettevOIe and Parte Street. t ; baum aaa jtamacor. , " JAnPIUt N. MoRAJtYj . , . ' gollottlaa Agoat,1 ' j -,I UB80BIFTNMt PRICK. , Ikna venr aa.00 One month. . . . . . . . M i Jifamd m gums' Clam Xm9 JfmtUr. : Convention. Louis, too,' is making effort! for it, Saa Fraaoisoo it objected to m too far away. The hotel facilities of Pittsburg are hardly regarded aa a affluent St. ' Louis has soma friends. New York ' city Is ' not mentioned. Chicago Is altrt and salfnfldonCslaoexperienoed.' It is charged against both Chicago and Pittsburg that the local sentiment is strongly for MoKlnley, and that Cincinnati raight M well be chosen. It the friends of the others oocnbin against these' towns they may suc ceed in taming them down." Wash ington haa also pat la a bid for the EVERYTHING NEW. Our $5 Line in Laced Shoes and Qaiters. French Cordevan Calf Lined. French Calf, Calf Lined, with Cork Soloa. ... . , Patent Leather Calf. . - French Calf, Ca't Lined. Double Sole. , . . Cordovan and Kangaroo, j : , Enamfled Calf, warranted not crack Wua. . . The Leading 4 Afternoon Paper In the 5tate. . , The Fress-Ylsltor publishes all the aawi war dar and hai double tha etr nulatlon of any daily erer published In ; KaiMga, . . ,- Bucklna Arnica ' Salv. ' m. l i- v. tA t bMtaaa, aoraa, alaara, aalt rhaaai, fa. rar aoraa, tattar, ahapped haoda, abU blalna, aoraa and all skin arapttooa. and positively aaraa pllaa, or m pay mjwiWt; m gwanMit-VH iw a1TV I parfaot aatlafaatlon or aaoaay fafund ad. Prloa M eente par poa. for tale Dyjona a TkLEPBOMS, .108 IC05DAT. DXCBMBKB 9. IMS. It is wiokedly Intimated that Lord Salisbury's reply to Mr OIney on ' the Veoezaelan .qaeetlon bad the affeot of aendin Preaident deva. land off on that gunning trip in the I ' Eutern swamps of this State, Lord Salisbory in his reply dlsonotly and emphatically announce that ' Eng- bind has nothing to arbitrate. It is' ' stated that ha plainly intimates that tha boundary dispute is' none of oar I baslness, and that the United States would do well to attend to its own affairs. Of coarse, this plain talk Is phrased in diplomatic language, bat Its substance has the ring of defiance. BaBBBaaBBaBaBBaaaBaajaaaaanasaaSBnaan. Not many people realize that the United States is spending lO.OOo.OW a year for the diffusion of literature. yet snob is the fact The post master general reports that two-thirds of all the weight of matter carried in the mails consists not of letters, but of j "seoond-olsss matter" books, mtga sines and newspapers -and that the transportation of this seoond-olsss matter oosts about $18,600,000 more than the amTfirnmf ot a turn .it A a .1- K nurrr? GigahetteG iyJBUIIt"!lUiaV ( ar wnwrarna u.a. i x Ylol Kid Calf Lined. I..",, n ; ' FrwchTldKld. 1 ? Our $3.00. Une of Oentlemen's Fine Shoes Cannot be equalled Lsibe State. " - j , Ladies Comfort Toilet Clippers Old Ladle' Btr, $1.00. LadUa" Moss Tslfat, 1 8S. Udla' Boby - TsUst.ll.S6. Ladlst' For Trimmed Meltoa, tl.78."' - Infants Kid Button, 8 hoes Soft solsala Bios, wWU aad Taa. ' ' ' -Bablss Laosd Kid BooUtass. WhIU sad Tan, Babias' WhIU aad Tea Chamois Moeeasina. A. B. Stronach, Dry Goods, Notloan, Shoes KTsrytblag fiieept High Prises. ' .... GO TO A. Williams & Qx Booksellers and Stationers. - . rOBYOTJB- ; : ' xOTATIOrJERY FOB TOUR . SCHOOL DOOKO FOBTOUB- ' . - ' . - BOOK and; STATIONERY Xmas Prestsnts. i 1 '.. C J . -. -. , T everyone. 1 well aoancy wan'ies" . iVJodler.aite pMces : :JIBeg5a smas buying I SUPPLIES OF ALL j Come or send to us and we will sun. ply your wants st prices to please. ; Very truly yours, " Alfred Williams & Co. PHONE SO SO Mm aos rnosi ABSOLUTELY PURE B EL3T ANTHRAGlii BITUMINOUS.. FREE FROM . WASTE, MASONED 0AKMNE JWXLIHGTH Land tor Sale la New Light Township, Wake County, By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court made In the case of Harrison vs. Harrison, I will, on the 16th day of December, 18S& at IS m. sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court i uuubc uwr oi fr aae county, a tract or i land in New Light township. Wake I county, adJoJnlngJthe lands of Addison I Fiimrf. (1. T. HtrHwin H.iul.1 Jl Pearce and others, containing 88 acres, hAlnv that rajfc fnrmArlw nvmmA k. Oakley Harrison, deceased. Sale is W. 11. & I S. TUCKER & CO. Title good. novistds J. H. Flkmino, Commissioner. Wanted the annual deficit in the entire ser- Tioe is about $10,000,000. It is clear that the government is spending a gocd deal of ' money in giving the pnple oheap reading matter. NACLE'8 Certain Counh Cure Cures Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness I Hick's Fragrant Almonds Cures Chaps, Fever Blisters snd Red- ness. jiaue ana sold dj AT ONCE ! M0 Rooms to paper at S5.C0 a Room S60 Booms at 17.50 a Boom S50 Booms at $10.00 a Boom. Thb next great speotaole which wJt challenge the sttention of the American public, and that of the World as well, will be the great Cen teonial Exposition if Baltimore in 1897. The Baltimoreans who have just visited Atlanta will doubtless go home fired with enthusiasm to make tleir own earning show an overshad owing saooess, and it may be depend ed upon that they will do it. The Baltimore exposition will cost about four and a half million dollars, where as the Atlanta show oost about1 two t id a half million. The Baltimoreans a-ealready thoroughly organised aad have for months been making active aad 'elaborate preparations. ' HICKS k ROGERS, M Prescription Druggists. xw Booms at 15.00 a Room. The above special prices will bold good till the first of January. A large stock of good papers to select from at rara ma U Ul ART STORE. 19-lm Sale of Land Under Motgage Bv virtue f nnaar anntrtrnA nun ais by a ssrtaln mortgage, exeonted I bv John H. Smith. . kuh uM gags is duty recorded la Registry of Wsks county la book No. M, psga887 I ill offer for sale to the highest bid der for eash la the eonrt hoase door la tbs sity of Baleigb, N. C, oa Hon dav. Deoenbsr 16. 1808. at 19 m . thu I lead deerlbed la amid norfsin. ). j joining the leads of ?. C 8 Lomsden, I F. Ooodvln aad nthara. luurlnnlnir t I a Stake and nointara la T.nmulan'. S1A tneaes aortn a degrees 118 4-6, east I nolaa la a ataka la Oiwuiala'a I thaasa aorth 88 eWraaa. aaal R9 nnlaa to s staks aad pointers, thsaee sonth 68 degrees east'89 poles to the begin alng.eoatainlag SS seres 91 polss mors or lose la Hoase'a Creak tovnahln. uM leoantyaad state. B. g. BORTAaCB, . Unrfaama Baleigb, K. 0., Not. 18th, 1895. NOTICE OF SALE. , ASK FOR Fim CANDIES IN SEALED PAGKAGSS ,AT . MacRae's Branch Pharmacy, (Next to Postoffioe.) : Oor. Fayettevilleand Martin Streets. It is said that Washington is rapidly beooming the eddy of Re'pnb lioan Presidential booms andlbbom lets. A Washington special says: The Kettt boom we have had with as and likewise the Allison 'boom. Now the McKluley boom fa here. It oame into town qaietly by nigbr, - bat, lo i the next day it was voctfer- oosly yawped from the honsetops The Morton boom keeps itself mod- estty IS the baokgroond, w hile the Harrison boom is In '' retirement and . Iadlana. :? et there are shrewd1 poll tioiane : who think the man ! from Hoosierdom will floallj capture the (littering prit and . eertatnly the weather is favorable. Besides these Z (t Dig booms, fttre are the boomleta of .-.s- Collonu Davis aod Robert Lmeoln. . ' It b the gathering of tbe elans for tne ptehminsry skirmish of ths eampaign. . Urxi 1 ' ,-s : Ths Bepoblican NsUooal Com- t alttee will meet la Washington to- - morrow for the pdrpose of determia V log where to' bold; ibe nominating ; ; - Oooveotioo. Chicago, as usual, fa in - the race. National conventions Ire - good 'things and' tha Cbtoagne-iH . ; want all t&e good things the r o n f an rr.-iiCUco snd PitUturg t-a r-T candi dates for conventional kasc;j, Pfcna1o!ftIa also Is easting alcut in its deliberate fabioi to m if it cannot piack the plum St STATIOflEftV CO. BLANK BOOKS, OVFICB aad SCHOOL 8UPPUKS. TIPK WBITKB SDPPLIBa of all KIND8. CEDRIC LINEN PAPER "" '"" sse pound. ; '; Hinen BnvelopeH : lbe Package.''-' ' W. G. SEPARK; nun lit, vo w uihjt u out j ueoay. uodk omore tuey uecay, now ever, they will show the neglect they suffer and reflect no credit unon their nnnaraanr xace care or and preserve your teetn Simpson's Dental Fluid, JwKlnh vrlll wKlfsawa wkahfauaf U VmIm. alaaa ww uivh w aa w as WU WIU IrXVaas. alSUUOV bUV I gums and at the same time impart a delightful odor to the breath. ; One truu wiu onnvince you or ice snpe- riniritv Avar all Attiavllnnfol lAnHfriAa WILLIAH SIMPSON Simpson's Pharmacy (Pullen Bulldliig) OSB SIMPSON'S LITER PILLS sa KCZKMA OINTMENT. Rale of Land la Wake. County , On Mnndav tha Oii h !,, r.4 VL. bar, m at tbe Court House door in m"'"i i win sou t puDiic auction, DV Vlltua oT tha authnril v mnrl i. tbe deed of mortgage, exeeuted to Gen B. Moore by W. J Hollemsn and wife iiKMiDwi uuiro iw nme county, Book M. page 888) the following de scribed parcels of land in Wake county: iiu in vary town- iidl anitiinma' tna laniia at frAMA.i.t H H. Tuna- tha. Iu.lra . u.. ini' llama Dawn I'n iw, l.i,,v i . . " n 'wvm 1 . V. UJDI I J I u)u front O. P. Alston to said W.J Holle man in book so. page 416, In said office aitA alaA SW 1 SB a. K Holleman, book S6 pae 64 U In mid A containing lis acres, more or less. u. jT r- r, ' iu jipvx, aajomiDg the ootnai vii vo, n, w. ah avn. wianeirfor a. rfinss snd others. Pf ttcularly deecribed in a deed from F Williams Bui in book SS, page 623. in said office. - aa a mi sit amv il. lands of Jeremiah ilrUliams. H. CL Bt virtue ctf anthnrlt annfamtA HIVW MA h two fudgmenli of Wate Snyaxior Oonrt rendoitxl at February aod October tenu, lm. la aa ae- ia woereia w. v. upennrea was plain US aad W. C Mayaanl aad eUien were def eadants, I wiu mii at poDiu oatoiy to tbe Mcnest bidder, far aaah, at tbe court house door ol Wakeeountr, on Moadar. tbe eth dav at Jannar. lima. tne hoar of U e'eloek, bl. a tnet of land slta. atod U uid eooDtr at Wake, adjoining the Uodi of a V. Carpenter, A, 9. ioam, Nathanlal Al stoa, and otben. eootalninr ss urea and s nolaa. and bounded at followt: Begtsnuif at a stake m nauaniai auhhi'I unavmnitnerjee sontti 1 14 degreai west M poles to Ins eestre at tnerlHs Bor road: tbeaoe eastwardlT with aald mad mi aotos i ttnnes north m degrees east at pole to a nan ana pointers; tbeaoe south M M degrees west iM Botes to the beginning; lame being tha laadaoMeyed to sarin A. Haynard by Allen Mayaard and wife, bv deed, mnrdiid la ta agister's offles of Wake county, In Book u, at page (IT. ' ; . -r V -. J. X. HOLDING , COMMISSIONBIt. Thb. NoreffiberlS.lMS. Noam Cabousa, I Is the So Wake County. parlor Court Miry S. Speight, Bv H. " Battle and neory a. nrysa (exer store-; plain. tiffs VS. Aldridffa af.'Jnnaa nil ooerB,aeieaasnts-. - By virtae of a deerea in tha aWa entitled eitil aatlon jraadarail aa tha October Term. 180S of WakaRn Cuart, I will os Monday, the Otb day or saasry, jtwo, expose for sale to the highest bidder for : Man. at vnhlla oatery at ths eonrt home door in tbe eity of Baleigb; H. C, at 19 o'clock an uas traet or parcel or land la Wske eoantV. North Carolina la WM. die Creek towsshlp, adjoining ; the lanua oi n ilium Holland, the late O. H. Alford. A. Johnaun. H. J. flnni.. Bad ; Martha C. . Jnnaa. ..-X anntalnlna- 225 1-8 aeres, mora or less, kaown as ins aower isad of : Mary Asa Jones, Widow cf Alvla Joaea. and ainra latala owned tad oeeopled by Aldrldgs M, jobs, aaa more folly described in the complaint.- ' , ' , W. J. Pbbls, Comm'r. . Peal & Mtynard, Att'ys. ' di-80d Goods in Season. t Valuable City .Keal Sale- Estate for RnlF.ralafnff anA '. inlH ' DiuVmIimI I . Flour, Grahams Flour, Rolled Oats, , la pursuance of the4 nownra trinm' Shreded Ooats., Oat yiakes and Oat undera cerSn mortRaromaulF "NTw Shore Mackerel. Family ;B fi2 U, J Pfrt?, Jiffy 8lMd Pokaire oty re. Book 97. page 4, to tbe oflice of t. Mullet lios.fioe, Pickled tigs Begister oFvi&i Tof Wakeeountv Feet, Honeycomb Tripe and Brawn, i North Carolina, I will offeVforsaJe at ", m u.wuaaa juvuuay, auuary Otn, 16WL at O Clock '-b i i i. .iT 1 "UUM uoor in i avy jueana, Split Peas, White Peas, Black eyed Peas, Head Rice, Imported x-vutHma, inooages ana uranoerries. y ,7 . , . r'. wuw uuur iu uie citv of Baleigb, the real estate conveyed in said nnrtnM . , loU of tanTmBuiu Md iin, 7rTt r mm viHimiim i iuib w uui aituate ana Dalna' In tha Nelson's, Gelatine. Cox's Gelatine. 1 city of Raleigh, eatd county aid Stif. eystone Gelatine, the last named at and described as ifollwss? to a IMU-Jram. la wai-ranrad aa xwwT aa . Vimf I u . . tTAvatn 10c a package, is warranted as good ss r First Lot-Begin; tbebest - . . ..north side ofde - r"-K oj.uin lanua New Orleans and Ponce Po; ssoiasses mina at a nnlnt n ,rtottlP0 r.l r1; running east 87 1-i " NeyEoglish Watauts. rexasPecu. IWlTfit to Halii affltkTrS. Brajdfa and; Almond Five Crown south along Halifax rtrletlo tert to r'Ltatro.ndon W. W, Vas nortbTrestner? theno. i owm y aaa--tine oo feet to his " AornAF- thanaa Mhlk ua..l . hS?2inR' TOntauing little , KigJ, Nectarines. Anrlcota. Heedleaa northeast Kaislnn anrl . rnrnnl. IPAMim, bM.l Ia Ik. DompAMn HriaH RVt,lla .Imported and California Fruits Snd Veiretables in tin and glass. - i v mFatTuke Ducks. Chickens and Biros. . ,? . , r. , Rollrnhamrnn ITiniirlatiaai,l. ' r v u . BUV OTU.VDOIfc i mwwixTn aiu Brrunfreat r lour maae. I Our Special Blend Coffee cannot be caiiaiiea. n Occonneechee and Fox River Cream err Butter are good as the churns will siiora. t W.GStronaciiSocs s Grooers MAAAGBiV 8ale sf Land Under Deed of Trust. f i , i..:-. yfrfV 1.;. - - By virtue of power conferred apon me by a certain deed f truat, emcoted v " r7mm maa wire ana Maoey A. Britt, which said deed is duly re- xiBgimry ot yyaae county, tn Book 87 at Page 610. I wiU offer for Sale at tha MHIlt haraa Ham I. t. for eash on Monday, lceiiiber IS. IHfiA at 19 Vi-Irw-fc n. Ik. l. J -- - mu. w w. w iauu described In said deed, lying; in said m oi-aiw aoa isnuit-r Krsncn Part.irL t. I w.,tim . i l. rr - . . - - -' v. .... wiitiffa and bounded as follows; Bvmninfat m .iw, uu ijiiu jrea, uwnce north 4 demme east 4 chain end ii Jinks to a townee sontn 87 dcPTfa eit 14 chains sod 44 links to a acjike; tuirjoe Pr h dfera west 48 ctiaios to a r e oa juniper lncb: t.ince down t .e branch to Li. ,e 1 rtn, tiionos w " win w uie D'nnine, OOUlaiQ. ing 101 1-i acres, mors or k. , .B. F. jVi tNTAoup, Trnriee. Raleigh, K. (X. hov. 13. 'W6. 16-td ' It la But Trail nawM aa Santa manaa to tell people where to go. as I have to tats an tne uame if tbe little folks are not pleased on- Christmas morning. KlAW HIV hHilnn.HaH ... m UiM.... Toy Store, where the prices are lowest, goods beet and the largest stock, and LhfrV A&niw All thai Avlava aa aa they get them, and if vm want to get I tfci haa avi tA a ami.. II b.bm'm wj aw, .UU buy et tuanufacturers' prices that is Ififiriraa't. Tor Store. : 1SJ FAYETTE V1LLE ST. .'ir? '7 Markham and otliera. iwucuwiy Doecnoen in a ueea from I H. a Olive lo said Holleman in book 'SI MI. Hit I. ,.UI)l.i..'..a r m " iivk,bwi a units. ISm a ..a M : r- . I a .wv v. r.in, w j bioj, car.ll. I v FxeutorofGeo R. Moore. - . RalA ah M 1 Km AO M tA. ' . Sale ef Valuable Let of Land. Administrator's Notice. SB -a- " BBfmaawa)fw VI. SS... a. n S 111. a m . . . - , . . - alio wvaasaasn iwi ibi jm ki 1 1 a t-iiii tsm. oraaei, late of Y ake count?, thiais to j mix irisuua i.aviug ciai ma agaiosf " aum tiiw to li raw lit inem to the unueraituwl on or rmrnra tha infK Aa- of Oct-iber, 1894, or this notice will be pia-w hi w m, uueir recovery. Adm'reatateof Miss MoUie A. HilL i R. T ti RAY, Attorney.. . (TflaBihailsla'a Wnra aas srkiw Bh la onaqnaDed for Fxmna, Tetter, Salt- Rhana. HraM Haarf Sna N';nnL ! ; Hawk ItcLing piles, Bana, front Ritas, Pes aaJa by dmggiats at SS cents par box. to HOBaTowma ' Far potting a hnrm In a fine healthy eoo fitioa try hr. Cadr's Coruiition Powders ""hey tooa bp t!ie irstem, aid digestion, core e of erpetit, reL-Ta eonstipauon, correct tiling," Sdorders and destroy worma, g'yine lew U.e to an old or over-vorked hon. list woatrsvrjaukaga. r m wu bj rat&A I By virtue of the powers contained in a mrwtaaaa .tmhiIaiI tA ana An Ik. 101k of Decamber, 18X4, by Austin Moss, iv. ix'iueu in iua uuicw ill i no aegiSier Of veeasoi msRecnunty. n.u ,m MookBS. page 60, 1 will effer for sale to tbe high aA UiJl A l l : a .n . Do. iNuunr au punnc xicaion tor oMn. mt lha awnnrt. kkiiiam Hnnr in wtiAk t. tAI w..v wMw.-w uwa aaa urj Vfi,w grs. ghja iKn. r. -j., on i u8aaT. w lutn day ui jfrwiu'ier. iowj, b iow or mod d orilird in Mid mortimarw aa fojiowa, IviniF aVnii (T-niney In whaa titw va TJalmf.K J -wa waua u bhuw raw awSwlVJISf, 11, said county of Wake, and known an 1 described as follows, viz: the lot lately occupied by Woe. Aley Moss eu tbe wmtsileor i'.loodworfh st'aetandad- joininfr the lots of Wm Owen and othrrs and the same that was conveyed to said Ansun Hwi by Martha A. iMareop lTd-d dHtel November Vt ls.a rwoiiioH in hnrk m naaa en In ih. Register's miice for Wake cnintv. ur I. 1 1 . .. . t. nuinui atoruragee Novembers. 18W5. Notice to Claimants 1 r- tiro li hrrebv irlyea of tliaaai- f tbd follnwinir dMprihail 1 ... fre.vwaai t rtip-rtv fr lotion nf tha lat-.a.l Reveaae Laws: . , November 11th. from A. 1). Paaila two kegs eontslnlng aboatolosfsllona. noemDr aum. irout aTsrshall Par. tin ose raak aboat forty gsllcns apple braady. J.-':i's-:!'5v!----';-:;'j'i., J Norember Slut, from Eooeb Free si a a, oae sssk, aboat 15 galloas spple braady.- r:- ', sRetember 81st,'. w" B. Trogdeo, one esek, sbont fifty aalloBS sdiU braar1w - November 23d, . from James Bono, two e.mks eonUlainv shnnt lwr.nl gallon each sddIs brsndri li fnrtr. gall' a still, ssb sod aormi ana Sftr. gslloa eopper still, cap aad worm. . st. einaoas, uoiieetor. re 6-gCd Frank' StronacB'si Capriage-Harness HEPOSITORT; ;H(iisb; , i3ivii?oii.iuiti:. 1 ct Nos SIB, 821 snd S3S Wilmington Sr.; j AUCTION -Commission Jliercliant. Manufacturer and Dealer in Buggies - Carriages, Road Carta, Farm .'' and 8pring Waxons. M j I I will sell on Thursday and Friday, lath and 13th of December. 1E0 head of nurses ana vuies. tnis stocg is an young, sound and good workers. Every Hnru anI Vlnla in I. i - ...la .in L. sold under GUARANTEE, and MU8T r& no itftraasr.,. t en, or MUjxUX p p gTTM nirn iii ,nLa each day at U O'ciock-KAIN OR SHINE. ' , Over one half of aa ama -8S8nd T h of Isnd lying on Halifax street, between Edenton aid rl?."6! i.t.eets' J.b?'nnln8' TO feet from lnteraecUon of Edenton and Halifax !jreel,iJ5nntog-worth along Halifax H.m. tSwSe 106 feet to EU B. BatUes, formerly Thomas tt adder's ? fee,, thel taining oneeventhof alaem C' frty can be obtained from a U. 11 us- uaa. . aerms ox sale. cash. - , . UZAD0SALDS0N, : - .oHKPnaBp V Busbkx, Attorneys. "frank stronach - ' Manager and Auctioneer Novll , ' , " AG. BAUER, -AnCHITECT, v X RALEIGH. N. C. : - Remodeling old bu ladings a sieclalty'. Coirepondunce solltiusd. ' ; Nobtr O&soLisa, . WakaCooaly. ' ; 1 -i f it. n , ir at w - DaP"l0' Uourt. H. It. Farnsworth vs. Faaaie i. Kleh. J...OO, abbisv ia. jjo.d aad others. , Proeeadlsgs to sail Isnd for parti. tlUS. ' , J : . Bv vlrf aa nf a itaa J dered fa the .bore entitled speelal Proeesdlnra : aaA r aa : . - m n pP,Btd by the eonrt, I will ' i h ,17' aF Jaaoary A. D, 1896 expose for sale at pnblis -outery st tke court hoose door la Bal elgb,lJ C..io lbs highest bidder for eash. all that lot or parcel of laad la North Carollaa. W.ki .1 eorporste limits of ths slty of Rsleigb. ' ; 7" " airees, beginning at a point OB thaar.nth lla. r ..... trset 80 feet f 1.. i seeUoa with the east Has of MeDowell straat, eoBtsiniag 4.650 squire fast ore or less, sad mora folly deseribed la a deed from Msnha B. Hsrris to Mary B H. Boyd aad Bdwsrd N. Jones, reeorded la Book No. 78 at PSge 6d la tha nfflaa Af i .. d . De-d, for Wsks eoaaty, jtnd also la the petitionla ..Id proeaeding, .hi.h are herewith referred to for more per. feet deaerintlnn v.l.vi. t,r sad improtaments oa sold Isad Bow u K .7 1 som Jobnsoa aad Henrietta 8trBef . f wv - . j:W J, Pkilb, Com'r. .Peels A Masard, Attorneys. SALESMEN M rr. PAiiLt,l,i8- """ wt.' ...u: 5.

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